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1. What is ultraviolet light?

Ultraviolet light means that the wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum is from 10 nm to 400 nm and
cannot be perceived by the naked eye. According to the band, UV is divided into three categories: UV-A, UV-
B and UV-C:

UV-A is a long-wave UV-transparent, wavelength 315 nm - 400 nm, which can make the skin elastic and
collagen fibers, can make the skin tan.

UV-B is a medium-wave ultraviolet ray with erythema effect to promote mineral metabolism and vitamin D
formation in the body, the wavelength is 280 nm - 320 nm, but long-term exposure is not recommended,
because it will tan the skin caused by erythema peeling.

UV-C is a short-wave ultraviolet ray that has a bactericidal effect. The wavelength is 200 nm – 280 nm.
The UV-C wavelength is very harmful to the human body. Short-term exposure can burn the skin. If it is
exposed for a long time, it will cause skin cancer.

Ultraviolet rays are often used in our lives. UV-C is often used in hospital germicidal lamps. UV-B is often
used in health care physiotherapy lamps. UV-A is often used in curing lamps in the curing industry. Generally,
the intensity and energy of ultraviolet light are detected. It is recommended to use an ultraviolet radiation
meter (UV meter) such as the UV lamp intensity meter LS126C for professional detection of UVC wavelength
or the multi-probe UV lamp intensity meter LS125 for detecting the UV light intensity of UV-B,UV-
A and UV-C.

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