Cluster Actions - What Are The Most Important Cluster Actions?

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Waste management

On the waste management initiative, we have been trying to establish a collection mechanism from the
MSME textile and garment. ETUR already collects from the bigger companies either by their own
collectors or from other collectors. They still could not satisfy their need with this input. That’s why they
want to get the wastes from the MSME companies.

The problem that holds them from engaging in this area is the quantity supplied from each company is
very small. We have tried to identify SME companies capable of supplying waste for ETUR. We have
visited two sheds around Jackros and Addisu Gebeya. From a total of 13 companies visited none of them
could provide the minimum order quantity of ETUR which is about 3000 kg. For SME company to
produce this much amount of waste, it will take months if not more than a year. Besides the quantity of
waste, most of the companies are producing polyester fabric which can not be recycled at ETUR. ETUR
can only recycle cotton because the crushing machine will create fire if polyester is crushed. We have
also tried to get information from other companies through phone call. Their waste was not significant
enough for minimum order quantity even if they have cotton waste which most don’t.

Another problem was the separation requirement od the

Cluster Actions - What are the most important cluster actions?

What are the key action initiatives of each cluster?

Kindly send basic information about the most important initiative(s) of your clusters. 

Probably you have something already written that you can send immediately.  Then send me ASAP more
information to complete the following initiative profile.  Thanks!   

1. Name of the initiative 

2. Brief description of the Initiative 


What is the initiative about?  Brief overall description (in 2-3 sentences) 


What is the problem (binding constraint) that the initiative is aiming to solve? 


What is the solution? 


Why is this initiative important?


What are the expected results of the initiative (GEM benefits: such as energy and/or resource savings,
lower wastes, use of sustainable inputs, etc.) 

3. Initiative actions 


What has already been done?  Action + date completed 


What are planned actions?   Action + proposed completion date 

4. Resources 


What resources are needed, and what are possible sources? 

5. Leadership group of the initiative 


Names and contact info of key leaders, companies 


Companies/institutions that are part of the initiative 

6. How will this initiative benefit the cluster? 

Let me know if you are available today (Thursday) in the afternoon for a quick chat (or Friday).

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