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Magnetic Therapy Information


Products About Magnotherapy

Bioflow for people
Explained by Dr Oliver Walkinton BVSc
Bioflow for animals
Fuel Saving General comments
Water Conditioning The healing properties of magnets have been known for hundreds of
Information years, but what is new is the technology being applied through a better
understanding of science
Business Opportunity
The medical profession has accepted the use of electrically generated
About Magnotherapy
pulsed magnetic fields to help relieve pain.
Guarantee Policy
Magnotherapy supports the maintenance of the body’s basic functions of
About Us
communication and transportation
Most of the conditions that magnets have helped are as a result of a
Commercial & healthy pH balance, which is triggered by magnetic energy.
Paper: Enhancing fuel The only way a magnet can have an effect on any matter is via a
efficiency with transfer of energy, this is achieved by the effect of the magnetic field on
magnetic ionisation the electrons.

Magnetic energy
The only way a magnetic field can have any
effect on unconnected matter is by having a
direct effect on the electrons of atoms within
the matter.
The introduction of a new magnetic field to an
atom can result in the electron’s orbit being
altered and it is this that encourages maximum
efficiency in molecular bonding.
Without the movement of electrons, and therefore a transfer of energy, changes in matter such as
water, blood and fuel can’t occur.
Basically, for any chemical or biological reaction to occur between two molecules they must be
brought sufficiently close for their outer shell electrons to interact. In fact they must collide and
overcome the repelling forces between the electrons surrounding the nuclei. The amount of energy
necessary for a successful collision is called the activation energy’. In many cases, warming up the
things that are going to react provides this energy. When the molecules start to react, one of two
things happen. Most reactions are exothermic which means that energy is released. They get hot
and this provides more energy to activate more molecules. The reaction becomes self-sustaining
until one of the reactants is all gone.
With an endothermic reaction, on the other hand, energy is taken in instead of being given out. In
order for the reaction to continue it has to be continually supplied with more energy.
Magnetic energy plays a very important role in the following ways. It provides a source of
activation energy in exothermic energy release, a source of activation in endothermic energy
absorption, and most importantly it acts as a catalyst of ionisation processes.

Central Reverse Polarity

To ensure maximum influence on electrons, Ecoflow has
developed a circular magnetic module known as Central Reverse
Polarity designed specifically to help move electrons.
It is essentially a static magnet that changes its polarity within
its own length, and this means that any matter that passes
through its field is subjected to additional agitation. This CRP is
designed to mimic the electrically generated pulsed magnetic
fields that are used in hospitals and by physiotherapists.
All matter that passes through a CRP field is subjected to the
additional ‘kick’ of three opposed directional forces. This action
provides a better environment for molecular change by the alignment of electrons. In other words,
molecules that exit a CRP field are more efficient.

The use of a Central Reverse Polarity magnetic field therefore has a three-fold effect on the body’s
energy levels (talking at a molecular level);

It activates the release of energy

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Magnetic Therapy Information

It boosts the volume of stored energy

It acts as a catalyst by providing energy to increase the rate of chemical reactions.

What is pH and why is it so important?

The pH is a measure of acidity and alkalinity in the body, and the
scale is from 1-14. An acid is a substance that produces hydrogen
ions (H+) in solution and an alkali is something that produces
hydroxyl ions (OH-).
In neutral solution (pure water) the concentrations of hydrogen
and hydroxyl ions are equal and the pH is 7.0. If the concentration
of hydrogen ions (acidity) increases, the pH moves to lower
numbers. If on the other hand, the concentration of hydroxyl ions
(alkalinity) increases, the pH moves to higher numbers.
An acid (low pH) has a positive charge and an alkali (high pH) has
a negative.
These charges can be altered only by the transfer of electrons.
The smallest changes in hydrogen concentration (H+), and
therefore pH, are of great importance to living cells. In the human
body the blood plasma has a normal pH of 7.4. If the pH should fall
below 7.0 or rise above 7.8 the results would be fatal.
The buffer systems in the blood are very effective in preventing
this fluid from experiencing large changes in pH. When present in
solution, buffers resist sudden changes in pH especially when acids and bases are added. (More
about buffers later)
The following represent some of the many conditions that are, at least partly, a result of excessive
lactic acid production and that have, in many cases, been relieved by magnotherapy

Sports injuries, after sport stiffness and recovery

Muscle spasms and soft tissue injury
Poor cell reproduction
Poor circulation
Travel sickness and vertigo
Fatigue syndrome
Skin complaints and ulcers
Poor sleeping
Blood pressure problems.

Key functions of pH are to control the amount of oxygen carried in the blood by haemoglobin, and
to control blood circulation through interaction with the capillaries. It is also known as the
information base of pain whilst the distribution of pain is through the capillaries
In order to understand pH we need to know something of the nature of electrolytes, both in
general, and the ones that are responsible for many of the processes in the body.

Electrolytes and their role

When materials dissolve in water they do so in one of two ways. They either keep the same
composition as they had when they were solid, or they ‘dissociate’ to form charged particles called
From the point of this topic, the ones that do not change are the uninteresting ones. Sugar is a
good example of a substance that will dissolve readily enough in water but does not dissociate.
Solutions of such substances will not conduct electricity and they are known as non-electrolytes.
Their uses lie elsewhere.
Materials that do dissociate when they dissolve are known as electrolytes
Electrolytes, especially Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K+) and Chloride (Cl-) ions, are the bodies’
primary buffers because they are able to accept or donate electrons in a water solution. An acidic
solution may be neutralized by accepting electrons and a basic (alkaline) solution neutralized by
donating electrons. It is in this role that electrolytes are able to control and balance pH.
The other key role of electrolytes is to carry charge and therefore information from one cell to
another around the body.
In every cell of both human and animal bodies, the successful transmission of electrical charges is
essential to all bodily functions. However the transmission of electrical charges can only take place
in the presence of electrolytes, mostly Na+, K+ and Cl-.
These electrolytes enhance this conductivity in all living organisms with a variety of benefits.

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Magnetic Therapy Information

Numerous research projects worldwide have proven the importance of maintaining proper electro-
conductivity across the body’s cells. There is also overwhelming evidence showing that an
imbalance in this electro-conductivity has been present in people with a variety of conditions.
Magnetic energy acts as a catalyst for “ionisation” which means there are more electrolytes
available to perform these vital tasks.

The vascular system

Two of the most important areas where pH control is relevant to
pain are with regards to haemoglobin and the capillaries.
Haemoglobin s the blood’s bus service for oxygen. It transports
oxygen, from the lungs, to all cells and the doors are controlled
by pH. Too much acid and the doors start closing limiting the
amount of oxygen to be delivered. Restore the pH balance and
the doors open, allowing maximum oxygen supply.
By treating the water component of our blood using
magnotherapy we improve the bonding of oxygen to the iron of
haemoglobin and this in turn helps treat the whole body.
Although the veins and arteries are the motorways for blood
distribution, it is the capillaries that are used as the final route for
delivering the oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Capillaries also
remove waste including carbon dioxide and lactic acid, from
these cells. The cell walls and the capillary beds are pH sensitive
and this results in the blood flow being restricted when the pH
levels change.
Controlling the pH therefore improves the blood distribution and also ‘oxygen carrying capacity’
which allows the cells building supply and waste disposal system to work more efficiently
Within minutes of applying a magnetic field, increases in blood flow of up to 300% have been
measured in some extreme cases of poor distribution. This is a direct result of the blood pH
returning to normal.

Lactic Acid
Glucose and fat are the two main energy sources vital to all human and animal bodies. They
provide energy for all living cells, which can be divided into two groups;

Fat Dependent tissue- includes the kidney, liver and muscle

Glucose dependent tissue- includes the brain, red blood cells and the central nervous

The majority of tissues in mammals primarily use fat as a fuel. For the purposes of this discussion,
however, the most important area is the glucose dependent tissue because this involves the central
nervous system. These tissues are dependent on glucose as a fuel and cannot use fat or other
substances in major quantities.
The brain, which contains no storehouse of glucose, depends completely on glucose in the blood for
its supply of energy. It is for this reason that the glucose level in, and pH of, blood is critical to
brain function.
The metabolism, or breakdown, of glucose can be divided into two processes, the anaerobic
process and the aerobic process. An adult human will recycle 85% by the anaerobic metabolism
and 15% is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. Basically, if there is sufficient oxygen (aerobic
process) available during the stages of glucose metabolism then there is little or no lactic acid
However in an anaerobic process glucose is converted to lactic acid in the form of the negative
lactate ion. This is an emergency energy producing process that allows cells to remain viable for at
least a short time.
Whenever lactic acid is formed, it must be removed from the body by conversion to pyruvic acid.
This can occur either in the cells themselves or within the liver after removal from the cells. A
normal lactate-pyruvate balance is essential for all body functions. Stress and fatigue situations
result in the over production of lactic acid. This occurs through the anaerobic process of breakdown
of glucose, which results in lactic acid accumulation. Too much acid in the cells can eventually lead
to a serious deterioration of health.
Once the oxygen supply has become sufficient, lactic acid has to be eliminated by oxidation
(removal of electrons) to form pyruvic acid. The oxidation of lactic acid to pyruvic acid has many
crucial functions;

Pyruvic acid can be used more easily by the body and therefore stops the saturation of lactic
Most importantly, the pH levels return to normal because pyruvic acid is a weaker acid than
lactic acid. In this way the body doesn’t become too acidic and the pH stays within the
normal range.

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Magnetic Therapy Information

Reducing the concentration of lactic acid promotes the correct environment for the aerobic
processes within cells to occur.
Pyruvic acid acts as a buffer. This prevents the depletion of one of the important
electrolytes, potassium

Because the oxidation of lactic acid to form pyruvic acid requires the removal of hydrogen atoms
and particularly electrons, the use of a Central Reverse Polarity magnetic field enhances this
natural process.
Almost all pain in soft tissues is caused by an increase in lactic acid. Continued muscle use
produces lactic acid and with regards to the body this concentrated lactic acid means pain

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