Decision-Analytical Modelling in Health-Care Economic Evaluations

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Decision-analytical modelling in health-care economic evaluations

Article  in  The European Journal of Health Economics · November 2007

DOI: 10.1007/s10198-007-0078-x · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Xin Sun Thomas Faunce

Sichuan University Australian National University


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Eur J Health Econ
DOI 10.1007/s10198-007-0078-x


Decision-analytical modelling in health-care economic evaluations

Xin Sun Æ Thomas Faunce

Received: 10 July 2006 / Accepted: 12 September 2007

 Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract Keywords Decision analysis  Markov model 

Objective Decision-analytical modelling is widely used Economic evaluation  Cost-effectiveness analysis
in health-care economic evaluations, especially in situa-
tions where evaluators lack clinical trial data, and in
circumstances where such evaluations factor into reim- Introduction
bursement pricing decisions. This paper aims to improve
the understanding and use of modelling techniques in this Several research designs usually underpin economic (or
context, with particular emphasis on Markov modelling. cost-effectiveness) evaluations in health-care regulatory
Methods We provide an overview, in this paper, of the systems, for example, for assessing the community value of
principles and methodological details of decision-analyti- alleged innovation in new pharmaceuticals and medical
cal modelling. We propose a common route for practicing devices. These evaluations may rely on clinical trial-based
modelling that accommodates any type of decision- studies, cohort studies, database studies and decision-
analytical modelling techniques. We use the treatment of analytical modelling [1]. Trial-based cost-effectiveness
chronic hepatitis B as an example to indicate the process evaluation is becoming increasingly emphasised as a pri-
of development, presentation and analysis of the Markov oritised precondition (after safety, quality and efficacy
model, and discuss the strengths, weaknesses and pitfalls of evaluation) for central government drug reimbursement
different approaches. programs in Australia and veterans affairs and other
Conclusions Good practice of modelling requires careful specialised agency programs in the United States [2–4].
planning, conduct and analysis of the model, and needs Database analysis may be used to rapidly inform policy
input from modellers and users. making if its scope is adequate, but it usually presents
methodological concerns with low robustness of results. It
is less commonly used in health-care cost-effectiveness
Decision-analytical modelling has been widely used for
expert investigation of the cost-effectiveness (or economic)
X. Sun (&)
Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, profiles of health-care programs. However, concerns have
McMaster University, 1200 Main Street West, HSC 2C7, been raised that such models are low in validity due to
L8N 3Z5 Hamilton, ON, Canada limited capacity for simulating the manifold complexities
of the ‘real world’. However, modelling remains an
X. Sun important and essential aspect of economic evaluation and
Chinese Evidence-Based Medicine Center, is likely, we argue, to grow in significance as more gov-
West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China ernments commence to link cost-effectiveness evaluations
with central government price negotiations [5, 6]. The
T. Faunce
College of Law and Medical School, ongoing value of modelling, in this context, is recognised
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia in the following aspects:


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X. Sun, T. Faunce

• Extending the results of a clinical trial. Clinical trials use of cost-effectiveness evaluation of health-care technol-
are usually too short in length of follow-up to capture ogies, with particular emphasis on Markov modelling.
economically important outcomes. Modelling can help
cost-effectiveness evaluators in this situation to extend
the short-term data into the future, including extend- Decision-analytical model in economic evaluations:
ing the outcomes and costs, and translating efficacy key issues
outcomes into health economic outcomes.
• Extrapolating intermediate clinical endpoints to final Steps in decision-analysis modelling
outcomes. In some diseases, clinical trials can be only
useful to report intermediate endpoints, while physi- There is a common route of modelling practice in eco-
cians and health economists are interested in clinically nomic evaluations (Fig. 1). In relation to the research
and economically relevant endpoints. However, the question, the model structure, to which both health out-
relation between intermediate outcomes and long-term comes and cost data are attached, is developed and
prognoses is unlikely to be linear, and costs due to long- validated, expected costs and health outcomes are calcu-
term consequences are not accounted for in the clinical lated, the robustness of results is examined, and the
trials. In this case, modelling is useful in extrapolating implications of results are interpreted.
the results of trials to long-term consequences.
Identifying the objectives and developing the model
• Combining evidence into head-to-head comparisons. It
structure The research objectives are specifically defined
is common for medicines to be compared with placebos
at the beginning of modelling, following which the
within trials for the purpose of safety, quality and
research question is developed. The research question
efficacy registration, while policy makers and regula-
should clearly state the competing interventions, target
tors assessing the community value of medicines are
population and outcome measures. The perspective of the
more interested in their comparative efficiency with
study and the length of follow-up should also be specifi-
existing effective medicines in the same therapeutic
cally defined. The structure of the model is developed on
class. In such cases, head-to-head comparisons need to
the basis of an understanding of the nature of disease
be artificially synthesised by modelling.
progression, required exactness of results and the user’s
• Modelling before clinical trials are available. Sculpher
perspective. However, with restricted availability of data,
et al. [7] reviewed the use of modelling in development
compromises need to be made when developing the model
of health technologies, and indicated its value in four
structure. As the model is a process of simulating disease
different stages of technology development. Modelling
progression, it is extremely important that the model
was recognised to fulfil three aspects prior to clinical
structure be validated to meet the quality criteria.
trials: generating hypotheses that could be tested by
trials, identifying key variables, and analysing the value Assigning probabilities The probabilities are assigned
of trials. Although these studies are not routinely used to the model after the model is validated. Sources of
and reported in medical literature, the industry and probabilities include medical literature (for example,
government authorities show great interest in their
potential, especially given increasing industry pressure
for ‘conditional’ approval [8].
Identifying the research objectivesand questions
Several decision-analytical models are widely used in
economic evaluations, including the decision tree and Developing the modelstructure
Markov models, discrete event simulation [9] and mathe-
matical modelling [10]. Among these, the decision tree and Assignment of probabilities to the model
Markov models are the most frequently used. As the
simplest form of modelling technique, decision-tree anal- Assignment of utilities (and costs)
Modelling refinement
ysis has been well developed for economic evaluation
[11, 12]. However, it is limited when addressing compli- Calculation of health outcomes and costs and
incremental analyses
cated conditions of disease management. The Markov
model involves a sophisticated process of simulating Sensitivity analysis
progressive and recursive disease, empowering it to address
more challenging problems. This paper aims to provide
Presentation and interpretation of results
an overview of the state-of-the-art decision-analytical
modelling techniques to facilitate the understanding and Fig. 1 The flow chart for developing a decision-analytical model


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Decision-analytical modelling in health-care economic evaluations

meta-analyses, clinical trials, observational studies), math- calculated separately by a process referred to as ‘folding
ematical models, and expert opinions. The practical back’. The folding-back process usually involves a great
difficulties in assigning probabilities are either that the data deal of multiplication and addition and is difficult to deal
on probabilities can not be obtained from the medical liter- with by hand. Software such as DATA, and its later ver-
ature, or that those available could not be used in the patients sion, TreeAge, is available for calculation of expected
of interest because of differences in patient characteristics. In results. Such folding back may be processed in a simple
such cases, models or expert opinions are generally applied decision tree. The expected health outcomes of the chance
to obtain the probabilities. Some techniques have been used node are the sum of the products of health utilities in each
to obtain probabilities in mathematical models, including branch multiplied by the probabilities of that branch. The
survival models, multivariate logistic regression analysis expected outcomes of the decision node are equal to
(for individualized probabilities), Bayesian analysis [13], the node with the highest branch. Incremental analyses
and neural networks [14]. Expert opinions are collected and need to be performed for health outcomes and costs, and
analysed to obtain the probabilities by Delphi or modified incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) should be
Delphi methods [15, 16]. calculated.
With the burgeoning of evidence-based medicine in
Sensitivity analysis The expected results from such
medical research, hierarchical evidence has been proposed
models, referred to as base-case results, are usually
for use in determining the effects of health-care interven-
obtained from average estimates of inputs (including
tions, that is, those studies with stronger validity should be
probabilities, utilities, and costs). Sensitivity analysis is
prioritised in assessing the effects. Randomised trials and
conducted to examine the robustness of results. If the result
overviews of randomised trials appear to be the best
is sensitive to a variable, the magnitude of its effect on the
evidence to assess the effects of health-care interventions,
results is investigated, and, if necessary, revisions are made
while observational studies, studies without controls and
to estimates of the appropriateness of the model structure.
expert opinions are prone to produce biased estimates of
Briggs et al. [19] identified a few approaches to sensitivity
effects. Accordingly, the estimates from overviews of
analysis that can be classified as deterministic and
randomised trials and individual trials are prioritised to use
stochastic in nature. In deterministic analysis, simple sen-
for probabilities, with observational studies following.
sitivity analysis, extreme analysis and threshold analysis
Modelled probabilities and expert opinions usually suffer
point estimates or range estimates are applied to assess the
from the low validity.
effect of variables on results. Brennan et al. [6] proposed an
Assigning utilities and costs The final step of developing analysis of effects of model structure on the results.
the model is to assign a value to the relevant health states. Probabilistic analysis (Monte Carlo simulation) incorpo-
The assignment of health utilities and costs is performed rates the probability distribution of key variables to
separately. The utility, ranging from 0 to 1, is multiplied produce the distribution of expected results [20, 21].
with the natural unit of measure (e.g., life-years gained) to
produce the quality-adjusted life expectancy resulting from
the investigated health-care intervention or product. Three
Practice of decision-analytical modelling: guidelines
major techniques are used to measure the utility: visual
and critical appraisal checklist
analogue scale (VAS), standard gamble (SG) and time
trade-off (TTO) [17]. These are supplemented by less used
The practice of decision-analytical modelling has received
techniques such as magnitude estimation (ME) and person
markedly increased interest in the medical literature in
trade-off (PTO). In an overview of the health-state mea-
recent years, leading to academic and bureaucratic con-
sures, Brazier [18] argued that, although outcomes for
cerns and scrutiny about its wide application in health-care
health states were not diffentiated by using different tech-
evaluations for innovative medicines and medical devices.
niques, SG and TTO should be used for their theoretical
This is particularly true where government regulators
validity. Costs must also be assigned to each state of the
making cost-effectiveness reimbursement decisions worth
model. Costs of different states usually vary, depending on
millions of dollars have to make decisions in the absence of
the resource use and unit prices. Costs can be input either
good head-to-head clinical trial data. Thus, there is a need
in weighted form or as single costs. The use of a weighted
for modellers to ensure/guide the good practice of model-
form enables adjustment and has the advantage of detailed,
ling, and for model users to critically appraise the quality
and thus more transparent reporting, although it requires
of practice.
intensive documentation and calculation.
Philips et al. [22] reviewed 15 existing guidelines on
Calculating health outcomes and costs and incremental good practice of analytical modelling published in medi-
analysis Both expected health outcomes and costs are cal journals. They summarised the quality of the items

X. Sun, T. Faunce

proposed, and developed and synthesised a practice Clearly, such a recursive process would require inten-
guideline. It was found that the existing guidelines reported sive decision-tree modelling, and the nodes and branches of
attributes differently, some items being consistent across the decision trees would increase exponentially over the
guidelines, while the other items conflicted. Philips et al. follow-up. Thus it is nearly impossible to use the simple
further synthesised a current best practice guideline from tree to simulate the process, especially when the time
the existing examples. Their guideline contains three horizon is long and the tree involves multiple health states.
domains (structure, data, consistency), covering 21 attri- Therefore, a more complex model than a recursive process
butes. For reasons of space, we do not go into detail about of clinical prognosis is needed. The Markov model is an
these. ideal modelling technique to achieve this purpose [23].

Markov modelling in economic evaluation The conceptual framework of Markov model

The Markov model overcoming ‘surrogate’ outcome Markov model and Markov states
data: an example
Previous publications [23, 24] described the Markov model
To give an example of the value of Markov modelling in from a variety of disparate political, sociological and
health-technology assessment, consider the hypothetical economic perspectives. Here, we provide an overview of
treatment of chronic hepatitis B (CHB). An idea that the Markov modelling technique by emphasising the rele-
immediately arises to a cost-effectiveness assessor is that vant policy issues and, where necessary, using the practical
CHB is a chronic disease, which requires long-term follow- examples relevant to health-technology assessors.
up. The relevant clinical and economic endpoints of most Markov modelling is a technique that allows presenta-
policy interest are life-years gained and quality-adjusted tion and analysis of random processes over time. It is
life years (QALY), while the measures in clinical trials are usually used to simulate disease progression in a defined
clearance of HBeAg and HBeAg seroconversion that are period of time, and is particularly suitable for diseases that
obtained at 1 year of follow-up (Fig. 2). These ‘surrogate’ are chronic and recursive in nature. The principle of
measures, though indicating prognosis of CHB, may not Markov modelling is that the disease of interest is divided
equate with the long-term outcomes as effectively as into discrete states of progression, in a stochastic manner,
QALY. Therefore, the surrogate results need to be further over a certain defined time interval (termed ‘Markov
extrapolated by assessors. cycle’). The length of the time interval is called the cycle
To extrapolate the 1-year results, each health state at the length. Through the defined time horizon, the health utili-
end of 1 year will be further progressed to its possible ties and costs, which are attached to each discrete state, are
consequences. At the end of a second year, the possibility accumulated. An example of a Markov modelling process
of patients being in different health states will be calculated is depicted in Fig. 3.
in the same way. In this manner, the results of the third In the Markov model, each possible health condition is
year and so on are obtained until the end of the follow-up. termed a ‘Markov state’. During the modelling process,

0.905 HbeAg+
HBeAg+ #
# cirrhosis
HBeAg+ CHB 0.75
regular care
0.896 HbeAg+
HBeAg+ #
# cirrhosis

Fig. 2 A hypothetical decision tree for HBeAg-positive (HBeAg+) HBeAg are assumed not to develop cirrhosis, thus no choice node is
chronic hepatitis B. This decision tree assesses the effects of developed at the state of HBeAg–. CHB Chronic hepatitis B, HBeAg
treatment on clearance of HBeAg in patients with HBeAg+ chronic hepatitis B e antigen
hepatitis B, with 1-year follow-up. Patients who achieve clearance of

Decision-analytical modelling in health-care economic evaluations

has no intrinsic property that memorizes the history of

HBeAg- previous events to determine transitions. This feature of the
model is called ‘memorylessness’ and is also termed
the ‘Markovian assumption’. This is a major limitation of
HBeAg+ the Markov model, as the disease prognosis for each patient
usually depends on the previous history of diseases.
Modellers should be aware of such limitations during
Cirrhosis Death modelling, and justify whether such a limitation would
significantly affect the validity of the model in the context
Fig. 3 The Markov modelling process of treatment arm for chronic of their evaluation. However, solutions may be found to
hepatitis B. With a cycle of 1 year, the initial patients who have avoid such limitations. These may include a combination
HBeAg+ chronic hepatitis B (grey oval) might have different of more complex states to model the disease history, and
prognostic outcomes at the end of 1-year. Some may stay in the the use of time-dependent probabilities.
same health state, while others may experience clearance of HBeAg
(HBeAg– CHB), or progress to cirrhosis and even death. The
proportion of patients progressing to different states depends on the
probabilities. For the next round, those patients who have been in Transition probabilities
different states may experience similar changes, based on the disease
progression routes (indicated by arrows) and the probabilities. In this
pattern, the patients in different states would be re-distributed at the As previously mentioned, in the Markov model, patients
end of each cycle until the end of the follow-up transit between the states according to the predefined path
in each cycle. The chance that the patients move between
states within a cycle is termed ‘transition probability’.
patients may stay at the same state, or transit to another at Theoretically, if the model has n states, there would be
the end of a cycle. In some cases, patients may transit n · n possible transition probabilities between states,
interchangeably between states within a cycle. Such tran- yielding an n · n transition matrix. However, many of
sition of states depends on the clinical prognosis (or natural these probabilities are set to zero, since there would be no
history) of the disease. All the above states can be grouped transition between the states.
into transition states. However, the Markov process ulti- In the Markov model, multiple cycles are employed to
mately needs to posit a state that patients cannot leave. model the disease prognosis. Two sets of transition prob-
Such a state is called the ‘absorbing state’. After a number abilities are used to characterise the type of Markov
of cycles, patients would enter this state. modelling in this respect. A Markov model that assumes
In addition to the routinely defined states, the Markov the transition probabilities are constant over time is called a
model also uses another two less applied but useful states: Markov chain model. Mathematically, this assumption has
temporary and tunnel states. Temporary states are used the advantage that outcomes can be calculated by using
when the event has short but important effects, and when simple matrix algebra.
the patients can only stay at the state, at most, for one However, transition probabilities (for example, that of
cycle. The use of temporary states enables assessors to mortality) change with age, sex, and other relevant patient
assign state-specific transition probabilities and adjust characteristics. The more commonly used transition prob-
utilities and costs. One example of using such a temporary abilities in the health-care system tend to be time-
state is modelling of a stroke event, which could initially dependent, which takes into consideration the disease
require hospitalisation and intensive care, thus leading to progression in the real world. The advantages of time-
significant impact on costs and prognosis. The tunnel state, dependent transition probabilities include that they can get
in which patients can only transit in a fixed sequence, is around the Markovian assumption, and reduce the chance
appropriately analogous (given the nature of life-threaten- of over- and underestimation of results. A comparison of
ing disease) to passing through a tunnel, and would be used the use of constant probabilities with time-dependent
when a temporary state would last more than one cycle. probabilities in the Markov model is examined by using
The Markov states should represent the clinically and different probabilities for the transition of HBeAg-positive
economically important events that occur to patients over CHB to cirrhosis over 40 years. As a result, there is a 10%
time. Another equally important factor that needs to be difference in mortality rates between the models using
carefully defined is cycle length. Usually, the cycle length constant and time-dependent probabilities.
should be short enough to consider the changes of clinical One practical problem in practicing Markov modelling
effects and resource use in patients between the cycles. is identification and application of transition probabilities.
The transition between states in the Markov model The transition probabilities are obtained from published
depends only on their definition in that cycle. The model medical literature. However, the estimates of rates of

X. Sun, T. Faunce

events for a period of observation may not be equal to Initial stage HBeAg - HBeAg + Cirrhosis Death
Cycle 0 (n=0) (n =1000) (n = 0) (n = 0)
transition probabilities needed for each cycle. Therefore, it Cycle total utility: 0.95 utility: 0.90 utility: 0.75 utility: 0.00
is wrong to simply copy and apply data (for example rate of (utility/costs) costs:€ 100 costs:€ 500 costs:€ 900 costs: € 50
Incremental HBeAg - HBeAg + Cirrhosis Death
events) from the medical literature. Modellers should judge Cycle 1 (n = 230) (n = 710) (n = 60) (n = 0)
that the length defined is equal to the defined cycle length U = 451 QALYs
C =€ 216×10 3
230× 0.95
230×€ 100
710× 0.90
710×€ 500
60 × 0.75
60×€ 900
0 × 0.00
0× € 50
in the model. Otherwise, a formula can be employed to Incremental HBeAg - HBeAg + Cirrhosis Death
Cycle 2 (n = 282) (n = 580) (n = 129) (n = 9)
translate the rate of events to transition probability. U = 887 QALYs 282× 0.95 580× 0.90 129× 0.75 9 ×0.00
C =€ 434 ×10 3 282×€100 580×€ 500 129×€ 900 9×€ 50

p ¼ 1  expðrtÞ Incremental HBeAg - HBeAg+ Cirrhosis Death

Cycle 40 (n = 198) (n = 56) (n = 51) (n = 695)
where p is wanted transition probability and r is the overall U = 284 QALYs
C = € 130 ×10
198× 0.95
198×€ 100
56× 0.90
56 × € 500
51× 0.75
51× € 900
695 × 0.00
695 × € 50
rate over the time of t.
Fig. 4 An illustrative example of a Markov cohort simulation. This
example is also adopted from the CHB model, which runs for 40
cycles to calculate the distribution of patients in different states. The
Presentation of the Markov model numbers in brackets are the number of patients in different states of
each cycle. The patients moving to the state of death increases over
Three possible methods are available to present the Markov time. This figure will be further discussed in the section ‘‘Attaching
process. These are the matrix algebra solution, cohort utilities and costs to the model’’ about the cost and outcomes
evaluation (as shown in grey boxes)
simulation and Monte Carlo simulation. The matrix algebra
solution, although mathematically appealing, is not able to
handle time-dependent transition probabilities, which exist cycle, the bigger the effect that the correction has on the
widely in medical fields. Practically speaking, the matrix total estimates. However, Briggs et al. [24] argued that
algebra solution is too complex for routine use by non- such a correction might not be so important in economic
mathematicians. evaluations, since calculation of incremental costs and
benefits would not be affected.

Markov cohort simulation

Markov Monte Carlo simulation
Cohort simulation is the most straightforward for present-
ing Markov process and is easily appreciated by health- An alternative simulation method is Monte Carlo simula-
care modellers, assessors and policy makers. Starting this tion, or so-called individual simulation. It is assumed that a
simulation, a hypothetical cohort of patients (e.g., 1,000 large number of patients enter the model individually, and
people), who are preliminarily distributed in different go through the states in a random manner. After repeating
states, transit from one state to another each cycle, and many cycles of this behaviour, the overall results are
form a re-distributed cohort of patients in different states at obtained by summing the outcomes for all patients who go
the end of each cycle. During each cycle, the data on how through the model. An example is shown below to indicate
many patients have stayed in different states are recorded. the processes of Monte Carlo simulation (Fig. 5). It is clear
These processes are repeated for a number of cycles to that most patients will be absorbed when they go through
obtain summary results on patients time spent in different the model. However, in this simulation, it is not necessary
states. An illustrative example is presented in Fig. 4. The that all patients ultimately go into the absorbing state after
number of patients in each state is divided by the total to the defined number of cycles.
calculate the probabilities of patients being in the states at a The differences between cohort simulation and Monte
given time. Carlo simulation are (1) patients in cohort simulation move in
In the Markov cohort, it is assumed that transitions a given path through the model, while individual patients in
happen at the end of each cycle. However, in reality, Monte Carlo simulation transit stochastically, and (2) calcu-
patients’ transition is a continuous process, which may lation methods for expected outcomes are different between
occur during any time of the cycle. To address this, a half- these two approaches, which will be discussed further in the
cycle correction is used, which assumes that state transi- section ‘‘Markov modelling in economic evaluation’’.
tions occur, on average, half-way through the cycle. This As the Monte Carlo simulation enables the patients to
approach is analogous to the estimation of survival in the transit through the model randomly, it has the advantage of
survival curves. This correction approach is important to producing ‘distribution profiles’ of patients with random
evaluate health outcomes, particularly when the cycle deviation. The uncertainty of the model can be presented
length is very long. Usually, the longer the length of the with such a ‘distribution profile’.

Decision-analytical modelling in health-care economic evaluations

Cycle 0 HBeAg - HBeAg + Cirrhosis Death where ns and us are number of patients and utilities of a
patient A
certain health state in cycle i and s is the number of
Cycle 1 HBeAg - HBeAg + Cirrhosis Death states within the cycle. This also applies to the cost
•••••• estimation.
Cycle 20 HBeAg - HBeAg + Cirrhosis Death In the Monte Carlo simulation, the total health outcomes
and costs of an individual are the sum of consequences and
Cycle 30 HBeAg - HBeAg + Cirrhosis Death
costs of states that the individual experiences transiting
through the model. For example, in Fig. 5, the formula for
Cycle 40 HBeAg - HBeAg + Cirrhosis Death
health outcomes of patient A is:
Fig. 5 An illustrative example of a Monte Carlo simulation. Again X X
adopted from the hepatitis B model, this simulation process simulates Un ¼ ui ¼ 0:95ðcycle 1Þ þ    þ 0:95ðcycle 20Þ
the patients’ clinical pathways in a random manner. Each patient who
enters the model will have random disease progression. In the þ    þ 0:75ðcycle 30Þ þ 0:00ðcycle 40Þ
example, three patients have different prognoses in the model
(symbolised by three different lines). After many cycles, these where Un is expected health outcomes of patient n
patients have different outcomes (expressed here as QALY, as the cycle length is 1 year),
ui is the utility in cycle i (the utilities here are adopted from
Fig. 4). Such a calculation method can be also applied to
Markov modelling in economic evaluation costs. After repeating this behaviour a defined number of
times, total health outcomes and costs can be obtained by
The Markov model is widely used in economic evaluation summing the health outcomes and costs of all patients. This
to estimate costs and health outcomes of health-care can be expressed as the following formula:
interventions, particularly for those diseases of chronic and X X X
recursive nature [25, 26]. Utotal ¼ m  Un ¼ m  ui

where Utotal is the overall health outcome of all patients

who go through the model and m is the number of patients
Attaching utilities and costs to the models who entered the model.

In economic evaluation, utilities and costs are attached

separately to the model, and the methods of attaching Comparison of results from two simulation approaches
values are the same. However, the methods for attaching
values differ in Markov cohort simulation and Monte Carlo Although the methods for estimating costs and health
simulation. outcomes are different, the results from these two
In the cohort simulation, the patients stay at the different approaches are similar. We performed the Markov cohort
health states through a cycle, and their health outcomes and and Monte Carlo simulations using a hypothetical model of
costs are calculated separately for the states in that cycle. treatment for chronic hepatitis B. The results are presented
The total values for that cycle are thus obtained by sum- in Table 1.
ming the health outcomes and costs in different health
states. An example is shown to illustrate the process
(Fig. 4). Health utilities and costs are calculated indepen- Table 1 Comparison of results from two approaches to a hypothet-
dently for each cycle, and the accumulated health utilities ical model
and costs are calculated by summing the cycle totals. The
Approach Costs (€) QALYs ICERs (€/QALY)
formula for calculating health outcomes (or costs) in cohort
simulation can also be expressed mathematically. If m is Cohort simulation
the number of cycles, and Ui is the total health outcome in Treatment 9,070 19.90
cycle i, then the overall health outcomes (Utotal) can be Regular care 7,508 18.02
calculated by formula (1): Difference 1,562 1.88 830.85
Monte Carlo simulation
Utotal ¼ m  Ui : ð1Þ Treatment 8,253 ± 5,249 19.57 ± 12.95
Regular care 6,737 ± 5,028 17.74 ± 13.24
Further, Ui can be calculated by using Eq. (2): Difference 1,516 1.83 828.42
X X QALYs Quality-adjusted life years, ICERs incremental cost-effec-
Ui ¼ ðns  us Þ ð2Þ tiveness ratios

X. Sun, T. Faunce

Clearly, the absolute values for costs and QALYs pro- cost-effectiveness results. A distinctive example was the
duced by the two approaches are somewhat different, but intervention of statins on patients with different cholesterol
the differences in costs and QALYs are nearly the same, levels [30], in which incremental cost-effectiveness ratios
thus so are the ICERs. Also, Monte Carlo simulation pro- (ICERs) were separately reported in relation to the cho-
duced the deviation of the average of costs and QALYs, lesterol levels. The stratified analysis found that the ICERs
reflecting the uncertainty of the estimated results. How- differed substantially in patient groups. In fact, the causes
ever, such uncertainty is just a representation of the random for the differences are easily understood, since the dis-
nature of the model structure. tinctions in crucial confounding factors not only affect the
patient prognosis, and thus the health outcomes, but also
the resource use. However, such variability in patient
Dealing with uncertainty in Markov modelling characteristics is not exactly a matter of uncertainty. It
relates more to the specification of patients at the stage of
Types of uncertainty design. Modellers should be aware of the confounding
factors, and specify the patient populations, and pre-specify
Markov modelling is a process that combines multiple the analysis at the design stage.
sources of evidence into a pre-specified structure, to per- Last, but most commonly discussed, is ‘‘parameter’’
form analysis by using a variety of analytical methods. It uncertainty. Generally, parameters are obtained from
is an unavoidable fact that Markov modelling always the sampling patients. The estimates and variances (for
involves uncertainty. Generally, four types of uncertainty example, standard errors) of the parameters are usually
can be identified in Markov modelling: produced to represent the uncertainty. When the sampling
estimates are not available, expert opinions and literature
• Parameter uncertainty—the data on probabilities, health
review of published studies are used. To deal with
consequences (e.g., utility weights), and resource use
uncertainty, point- and range-sensitivity analyses are
(sometimes, unit prices).
routinely used [31]. Point-sensitivity analysis measures
• Analytical uncertainty—the choice of time frame, the
the responsiveness of the outcomes to the input value at a
costing methods, outcome valuation methods, and
fixed point, and range-sensitivity analysis evaluates the
inclusion of indirect costs.
difference in outcome when an input value is varied
• Generalisability of results—questions raised by the
within its range. Brennan et al. [6] also explained the
inclusion of patients with differing characteristics or
point- and range-sensitivity analyses from another per-
from different clinical settings.
spective. Such routinely used methods have been well
• Structural uncertainty—whether the developed struc-
established. However, these approaches have inherent
ture can simulate the disease progression and the
disadvantages. Even though the key variables are readily
possible outcomes.
identified through the analysis, we are not certain how
To examine the robustness of results when these four confidently we could say that the key variables change
aspects are varied, sensitivity analyses are always used in the cost-effectiveness frontier. As the estimates for the
Markov models. For analytical uncertainty, a ‘reference parameters are obtained from the samples, the random
case’ on methodology handling is usually applied, partic- deviations of the estimates of results (e.g., ICERs) could
ularly in guides and recommendations [27, 28], to also be projected during modelling. More recently, an
minimize the methodological variability. For structural approach has been used that employs the simulation to
uncertainty, sensitivity analysis can be performed to yield the distribution of estimates to represent the variance
modify the structure of the model to identify possible of results. This process is Stermed probabilistic sensitivity
structural factors that affect the robustness of results. analysis [32, 33].
However, less attention is usually paid to this in published
modelling studies. It has been argued that such uncertainty
should also be considered during sensitivity analysis. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis
Another type of uncertainty is generalisability, which
has important implications when the models include Two distinct methods are available in probabilistic sensi-
patients with different confounding factors (e.g., ages, sex, tivity analysis: first-order simulation and second-order
risk factors), or when the modelling is performed based on simulation. They differ in their approaches to performing
data from various settings (e.g., multinational resource-use simulation. In first-order simulation, an individual patient
data) [29]. Briggs [20] reported the effects of patient transits through the model, which is repeated a finite
characteristics on cost-effectiveness results intensively. It number of times to yield the distribution of estimates. This
was found that some patient parameters were crucial to the is very similar to first-order uncertainty. In a second-order

Decision-analytical modelling in health-care economic evaluations

simulation, different values of parameters are used to Discussion

project the distributions during the analytical process. The
concept of first-order simulation is separate from second- Decision-analytical modelling is an unavoidable and most
order simulation, as the latter does not mean performing useful technique in health economic evaluations. This is
the sensitivity analysis on the basis of the first-order particularly true where expert cost-effectiveness assessors
uncertainty. Rather, it mainly reflects the random feature of must make fiscally expensive government reimbursement
the parameters, and thus the estimates (for example, ICER decisions in the frequent absence of good head-to-head
statistics). clinical trial comparisons.
The first-order simulation can only represent the However, it must be recognised that the validity of
inherent uncertainty of the model, rather than the modelling is always facing challenges over a few major
parameters’ randomness. Therefore, it would not be suit- practical difficulties, including structure variability and
able to address the uncertainty raised by the parameters. multiplicity of data for probabilities, health utilities and
In addition, Briggs [20] furthers the issue on the inter- costs. The development of model structure is a compre-
pretation of results from the first-order simulation. hensive reflection of the current status of understanding of
Although the average value of the estimates from different the nature of disease, data quality and availability, users’
numbers of simulations (e.g., 1,000 vs. 10,000 simula- perspectives and requirement for exactness of results, of
tions) is nearly the same, the variance of the estimates which the first two are the essential elements. Theoreti-
may vary greatly based on the sampling size. This is a cally, the modelling should be performed to simulate the
practical problem that confronts health-care assessors and disease progression and relevant outcomes as closely
modellers. as possible. However, this would make modelling an
In second-order simulation, the parameters are assumed unmanageable practice due to excessive technical com-
to have specific probability distributions. During sensitivity plexity, causing a large number of technical problems and
analysis, the values of parameters are drawn on the basis of costing unnecessary effort. More practically, the develop-
the distributions to calculate the estimates. The 95% con- ment of the model structure needs to balance the
fidence interval of estimates is represented by the 2.5 and complexity of the nature of the disease and the sophisti-
97.5 percentile values. The standard error can also be catedness of the analysis. Modellers should reduce the
calculated by the following formula: tediousness of the model, where possible, to accommodate
decision-making in an environment of best available evi-
SE ¼ ðupper limit  lower limitÞ=2  1:96:
dence. In order to achieve this, the model structure needs to
For different parameters, the distributions differ depending be validated by incorporating efforts from multiple sources.
on the nature of the data. However, for reasons of spaces, Efforts will at least need to be made by modellers, users
this will not be explained in detail. Readers with interest and clinicians, so that the model can meet the clinical and
may refer to the publication by Brigg and Gray in this methodological criteria and have relevance for policy
regard [34]. making.
Interpretation of results from the probabilistic sensi- The availability and quality of data are the other
tivity analysis might be a problem, in particular, when the essential elements limiting the validity of modelling. It
estimates intervals cross more than one quadrant of the would be extremely difficult to develop a robust model
cost-effectiveness plane. In this case, negative estimates without sufficient data. The unavailability or low validity
would be negative; however, this result can be obtained of data is most likely to cause significant deviations of
from either a case in which the intervention of interest estimates from truth. Gathering sufficient, high-quality data
dominates the control (positive effect difference vs. neg- is technically difficult, but might be unavoidable. Dis-
ative cost difference), or in which the intervention was crepancies also exist on how to deal with the unavailability
dominated (negative effect difference vs. positive cost of data; one side favours the use of assumed/modelled data,
difference). In addition, it still remains difficult for health- whereas the other prefers to disregard the condition. No
care policy makers to make a decision when ICERs are conclusions have been made to address which is more
presented. Although net-benefit analysis might help to appropriate.
address the problem [35], it may be arbitrary to set a The development of models is tricky work and requires
willingness-to-pay ratio, an approach which has received modellers equipped with sufficient experience. However,
criticism [36]. A better vehicle to interpret the ICER even the most experienced modeller may not develop a
statistic and the policy making is the acceptability curve model that adequately addresses the cost-effectiveness of
[37, 38], which is used to inform users of the probability health-care interventions of interest. As a more appropriate
that the intervention is affordably within a range of health vehicle to assess cost-effectiveness, clinical trials enable
budgetary constraints [39]. more accurate estimates of health-care interventions to be

X. Sun, T. Faunce

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