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AU J.T. 11(4): 209-214 (Apr.


Experiment on Triangular Copper-Strip as Impedance Matching for

2.4-GHz Helical Antenna
Virach Wongpaibool
Faculty of Engineering, Assumption University
Bangkok, Thailand
Email: <>

Performance of a helical antenna designed for 2.4-GHz WLAN is experimentally
investigated in terms of impedance matching. A section of the helical wire near the
antenna feed point is replaced by a simple triangular copper strip. By deploying such
technique, impedance matching can be achieved. Overall return loss is below −14 dB
across entire WLAN frequency range. Moreover, overall return loss does not strongly
depend on strip length around its optimum, allowing 15 mm of strip-length variation
around the optimum of 50 mm. Adding the triangular impedance-matching strip causes
the characteristic of the helical antenna to be similar to a parallel resonant RLC circuit,
resulting in frequency dependence of return loss for a given length of triangular
impedance-matching strip.
Keywords: Helix, transformer, WLAN antenna, resonant RLC circuit, portable
computer, axial-mode helical antenna.

possible to extend the connection range

Introduction between a WLAN-equipped computer and an
access point by utilizing high-directivity (high
In the past, computers were connected gain) antennas either at one end or both. There
together by using wireline techniques, such as are many types of antenna, which exhibits high
local area network (LAN). This seemed to be gains, and are suitable for 2.4-GHz WLAN.
inconvenient in some situations since The one that is of our interest is an axial-mode
computers must be within the range of cables. helical antenna (gain is highest along the axis
As the network technology progresses, it is of the antenna) (Kraus 2003; Balanis 1997;
possible for computers to connect together ARRL2007; Bart 2003; and Weeratumanoon
wirelessly. For example, at the present time, we 2000). The picture of a helical antenna is as
can use our computers to connect to the shown in Fig. 1.
internet by using wireless LAN (WLAN),
operating at 2.4-GHz frequency range (WLAN
2008). Nowadays the use of the Internet is
inevitable in our everyday lives. With portable
computers, and WLAN, the internet can be
accessed anywhere provided that it is within
the coverage area of a WLAN access point.
The range of 802.11g WLAN is typically at the
order of 100 m (WLAN 2008).
One of the most important parts of
WLAN is an antenna. The antenna functions as
a transducer, which converts electrical signal to
electromagnetic wave, and vice versa.
Generally, antennas, deployed in WLAN, are
low-gain omni-directional. However, it is Fig. 1. Helical antenna.

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Practically, in order to utilize an antenna especially when the helical wire size is small.
efficiently, the input impedance of the antenna For the helical antenna used in the experiment,
itself must be matched to the characteristic the wire, having the diameter of 1.0 mm, is
impedance of the transmission line, used to supported on a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tube
connect the antenna to a transmitter or a to strengthen the antenna structure. The
receiver. Unfortunately, this is not the case for selected PVC tube has the outer diameter of 42
a helical antenna. Emphasis in this paper is the mm, which corresponds to Cλ of 1.074. The
experimental impedance matching of a helical pitch angle is selected to be 12.41° to make
antenna by using a simple triangular copper S = 2.90 cm for ease of construction. The total
strip, which was demonstrated by Hecker number of turns for this antenna is 16, and the
(2007) and Besten (2007). The main objective reflector has the diameter of 18 cm. The helical
is to experimentally investigate the length wire is peripherally fed at the base by using
tolerance of a triangular copper strip, deployed Type-N female connector. The constructed
for impedance matching, under the condition helical antenna is shown in Fig. 1.
that the return loss of the helical antenna is Due to the physical geometry of the
approximately below −14 dB, which helical antenna, it is extremely difficult to
corresponds to standing-wave ratio (SWR) of mathematically analyze the radiation
1.5. In addition, the characteristic of the helical properties, such as gain, and input impedance.
antenna, utilizing the triangular copper strip as Therefore, the investigation of radiation
impedance matching, is studied by means of an properties is generally accomplished by
equivalent parallel RLC circuit. experiments, analytical approximations, and
numerical analyses. For a peripherally-fed
Helical Antenna helical antenna, the empirical formula for the
input impedance is (Kraus 2003; and Balanis
In general, a helical antenna can be 1997):
physically described by its circumference C , 150
spacing between turns S (or pitch angle α ), R = (Ω). (4)

and the total number of turns N . The first two
parameters, C and S , are usually normalized For the helical antenna used in the
by the carrier wavelength λ , and they become experiment, Eq. (4) yields R ≈ 140 Ω . The
Cλ , and Sλ , respectively. Since there are 13 standard coaxial cables deployed for WLAN
installation have nominal characteristic
channels, whose carrier frequencies range from
impedance of 50 Ω, thus, there is the mismatch
2.412 GHz to 2.472 GHz (European Standard)
between the antenna input impedance, and the
(WLAN 2008), the carrier frequency of 2.442
coaxial-cable impedance. Several techniques
GHz is selected as a nominal carrier frequency
have been proposed to lessen that impedance
since this frequency is at the middle of
mismatch. Tapering the last several helical
operating band for 2.4-GHz WLAN. This
turns has been shown to help reduce the
corresponds to λc = 12.29 cm. For a helical
impedance mismatch over a wide frequency
antenna to be in axial mode with optimum band (Wong and King 1979). Gradually
performance in terms of gain, bandwidth, and tapering helical windings at both ends, and
an axial ratio, the following conditions must be deploying a cone reflector could alter the input
met (Balanis 1997; Kraus 2003; and impedance as desired (Angelakos and Kajfez
Weeratumanoon 2000): 1967). Alternative approach to solve the
0.8 ≤ Cλ ≤ 1.2 , (1) impedance mismatch was to deploy a short
length of tapered transmission line between a
12o ≤ α ≤ 14o , (2) helical-antenna feed point and the main coaxial
N ≥ 4. (3) cable (Bart 2003; Manthur and Sinha 1988; and
Theoretically, the core of a helical Tsandoulas 1967). Similarly, gradually flatten-
antenna is an air. However, an air-core helical ing the section of a helical wire near the feed
antenna tends not to be durable in practice point also resulted in a smooth transition from

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140-Ω helix input impedance down to 50-Ω return loss is measured, respectively. For this
standard-coaxial-cable impedance at the feed experiment, it is at the antenna feed point. Note
point (Kraus 1997, 2003; and Balanis 1997). that return loss is expressed as negative
It should be noted that these mentioned quantity to conform with the results obtained
techniques are more difficult than the approach from the Hewlett-Packard network analyzer,
demonstrated by Hecker (2007) and Besten but most texts express it as positive. The
(2007). In stead of flattening the helical wire frequency range for return-loss measurement is
near the feed point, that section of helical wire from 2.36 GHz to 2.5 GHz, which covers the
was replaced by a thin triangular copper strip, whole frequency range of WLAN.
having the same length as that of the helical Return loss as a function of frequency is
wire being substituted as shown in Fig. 2. plotted in Fig. 3 at different strip lengths. In the
However, no details were provided for the ideal case at which the input impedance of an
effect of change in strip length on the antenna matches with the impedance of the
impedance mismatch. This is the main transmission line, incident power is totally
objective of this paper, which is discussed in absorbed by the antenna, thus, no reflected
the next sections. power, and return loss being equal to −∞ dB.
However, it can be seen from Fig. 3 that
without any kinds of impedance matching,
return loss is very poor, and relatively flat
across the measured frequency band. At the
frequency around 2.48 GHz, return loss is as
poor as −7 dB. This corresponds to only 80 %
of incident power being absorbed by the

Fig. 2. Impedance matching by replacing

section of helical wire near feed point by thin
triangular copper strip.

Experimental Results
The experiment was conducted by using
the helical antenna, constructed with geometry
described in the previous section. The height of
the 0.1-mm-thick triangular strip was
arbitrarily fixed to 15 mm, and the length of the Fig. 3. Return loss as a function of frequency
strip was varied from 30 mm to 70 mm with at different strip lengths.
the increment of 5 mm. In order to quantify the
impedance mismatch, a measurable parameter Replacing a short section (30 mm) of
related to impedance mismatch is required. helical wire at the feed point by a triangular
That parameter is the return loss (dB) defined copper strip having the same length does not
as yield significant improvement in terms of
return loss. This implies that short length of
⎛P ⎞
Return Loss (dB) = 10 log ⎜ r ⎟ , (5) triangular copper strip as impedance matching
⎜ Pf ⎟
⎝ ⎠ is not effective. However, as the length of the
where Pr and Pf are reflected power and copper strip is increased, return loss is
improved (lower).
forward or incident power at the point where

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It can be seen from Fig. 3 that at the

length of around 50 mm, return loss is
approximately below −15 dB across the whole
WLAN frequency band (2.410 GHz to 2.475
GHz). This value of return loss corresponds to
97% of incident power being absorbed by the
antenna. If the antenna ohmic loss is negligible,
97% of total electrical power fed to the antenna
would be converted to the power of radiated
electromagnetic wave. Only a small fraction of
power incident to the antenna is reflected back.
Moreover, at the frequency around 2.448 GHz,
return loss is as low as −36 dB, which
corresponds to 99.97% of power absorption. Fig. 4. Return losses at different WLAN
That is, the input impedance of the helical channels as a function of strip length.
antenna is extremely close to 50 Ω at that
frequency. mm. It is clearly seen that all the curves look
However, when the copper strip is too nearly identical. This implies that moderate
long (70 mm for example), return loss becomes variation of strip length around the optimum
poorer, compared with that of 50-mm copper does not strongly affect the return loss in terms
strip. This suggests that there exists the of the worst-channel return loss. That is, the
optimum length of triangular copper strip, length of triangular copper strip, used as
which performs impedance transformation. At impedance transformer, is not critical as long
the short length of triangular copper strip, the as it does not overly differ from the optimum.
impedance transformer is not effective. On the
other hand, the antenna input impedance is
overly transformed when the triangular copper
strip is excessively long.
In order to thoroughly investigate the
length tolerance of impedance matching
obtained from this technique, return loss as a
function of strip length is plotted in Fig. 4 at
three different WLAN channels (2.412, 2,442,
and 2.472 GHz). For the strip length ranging
from 45 to 60 mm, return losses for all three
channels are in the region below −14 dB. In
terms of the worst-channel return loss, the
optimum performance is found to be at the strip
length of 50 mm. At 50-mm strip length, return Fig. 5. Return loss as a function of WLAN
losses for all 3 channels considered are below frequency range at different strip lengths
−15 dB. around the optimum.

Discussions When all the plots in Fig. 5 are carefully

examined, it can be seen that for a given length
With the purpose of gaining more of triangular strip, the return loss is not
understanding on how the strip length affects relatively flat across the entire frequency range
impedance matching, return loss as a function considered, and has a deep dip at a certain
of frequency is plotted in Fig. 5 at different frequency. This implies that return loss is
strip lengths around the optimum length of 50 frequency-selective for a given triangular-strip
length. This is similar to the behavior of a
resonant circuit, for which its reactant becomes

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zero at the resonance frequency. That is, the

frequency, at which lowest return loss occurs,
is the resonance frequency of the antenna. At
that frequency, the reactance of the antenna
input impedance becomes zero, and the input
impedance is purely resistive.
This can be observed from the smith
chart plotted in Fig. 6 for the case of strip
length of 60 mm. At the frequency of 2.438
GHz, the input impedance of the antenna is
very close to 50 Ω (near Marker 3 in Fig.6);
thus, the corresponding return loss is
tremendously low (−40 dB). This corresponds
to perfect impedance match between the helical
antenna and the 50-Ω coaxial cable. It should
be noted, however, that return loss is lowest at Fig. 6. Smith chart of measured helical
the strip length of 60 mm compared with others antenna at strip length of 60 mm.
as seen from Fig. 5; however, the strip length
of 50 mm performs better in terms of the where L and C are inductance and
worst-channel return loss (overall perform- capacitance of the parallel RLC circuit,
ance), which can be seen from Fig. 4. respectively. The area of the triangular copper
By inserting a triangular copper strip, strip is enlarged with its length; thus, the
which is close to the reflector (ground plane), increase in its capacitance and the decrease in
the strip itself behaves like a capacitor while the resonance frequency result.
the helical antenna acts like a parallel RL Lastly, it should be pointed out that
circuit. A complete parallel RLC circuit is although the resistive input impedance of the
realized at the antenna feed point when the antenna is purely resistive at resonance
impedance matching is applied. When the frequency, it can be a value other than 50 Ω.
frequency is below the resonance frequency, For example, this can be seen from the Smith
the circuit input impedance consists of chart plotted in Fig. 7 when the strip length is
resistance plus inductive reactance, which can equal to 70 mm. Within the WLAN frequency
be observed at Marker 1 in Fig. 6. At the range, the helical antenna resonates at the
frequency equal to 2.412 GHz, the antenna frequency of 2.436 GHz (see Fig. 1). However,
input impedance is equal to 37 − j 4 Ω. On the the point on Smith chart at that frequency (the
other hand, the reactance of the input point, at which the curve connecting Marker1
impedance becomes capacitive when the and Marker2, crosses the horizontal line) is
frequency is higher than the resonance below 50 Ω. As a result, the corresponding
frequency. From Fig.6, at the frequency of return loss does not exhibit a deep dip due to
2.472 GHz (Marker2), the antenna input impedance mismatch. The return loss is merely
impedance is equal to 35 − j11 Ω. equal to −24.5 dB at that resonance frequency,
Another point, which can be observed which is poorer than those around the
from Fig. 5, is that the antenna-resonance optimum.
frequency, at which the return loss is lowest,
shifts to lower frequency orderly as the length Conclusions
of the triangular strip increases. This is not
surprising since the resonance frequency of a It is found that overall return loss loosely
parallel RLC circuit is given by depends on the length of triangular impedance-
L matching strip around its optimum (15 mm of
f = , (6) variation around the optimum of 50 mm).
Deviation from the optimum value dos not
result in significant return-loss degradation.
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