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9 Case Work
 The teachers observe the behaviour of Charlie crying, yelling and not wanting to
go to class.  One teacher hypothesizes about the association of these behaviours
in the past with being teased or frustrated (aversive stimuli). To modify that
behaviour, the teacher let’s him cry and fuss all alone as a “time-out” from the
reinforcers. Then a positive stimulus is offered (the teacher will no longer ignore
him or his behaviour) in return for his good (and now altered) behaviour. 

 Mrs. Singh identifies the behaviour of Charlie and attempts to implement Operant
Conditioning. She attempts this by putting her in the classroom and closing the
room. This is specifically positive punishment, as Mrs. Singh is locking Charlie in
a room (positive), with the purpose to reduce Charlie’s behavior (punishment).

 While in the room, Mrs. Singh is ignoring Charlie even though he is kicking and
screaming for attention. Mrs. Singh is implementing negative punishment. Charlie
is looking for attention but Mrs. Singh is refusing to give any (negative), and Mrs.
Singh is ignoring Charlie with the purpose to reduce her kicking and screaming
behavior (punishment).

 Having other teachers and students standing around watching could be an

operant condition, by people standing by watching/supporting the behaviour the
student will continue to act out and reinforce his behaviour. 

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