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International Relations Syllabus

Paper 01: Knowledge Paper

Chapter No 01: Introduction

1. The Definition and Scope of International Relations

2. The Nation-State System
3. Evolution of International Society

Chapter No 02: Theories and Approaches

1. The Classical Approaches-Realism and Idealism

2. The Scientific Revolution-Behavioral Approach, System Approach, Neo-realism, Neo-
3. Post-modernism, Critical Theory, Feminism, Constructivism

Chapter No 03: International Political Security

1. Conceptualization of security in the Twenty-First century

2. Power: Elements of National Power
3. Balance of Power
4. Foreign Policy: Determinants, Decision Making and Analysis
5. Sovereignty
6. National Interest

Chapter No 04: Strategic Approach to International Relation

1. War: Causation of War, Total War, Limited War, Asymmetric Warfare, Civil War, Guerilla
2. Strategic Culture: Determinants of Pakistani Strategic Culture.
3. Deterrence: Theory and practice with special reference to India and Pakistan

Chapter No 05: International Political Economy

1. Theories in IPE: Mercantilism, Economic Liberalism, and Neo- Marxism

2. Theories of Imperialism, Dependence and Interdependence discourse

Chapter No 06: International Political community

1. Nationalism
2. Internationalism
3. Globalization

Chapter No 07: Approaches to Peace

1. Diplomacy
2. International Law
3. Arms Control /Disarmament and Nuclear Non-proliferation Regime
Chapter No 08: International Political Institution

1. United Nations
2. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
3. World Bank
4. International Court of Justice

Paper 02: Application Paper

Chapter No 01: International Relation between two Wars

1. Russian Revolution
2. Fascism
3. League of Nations
4. Second World War

Chapter No 02: Cold War

1. Decolonization in Asia and Africa.

2. Rise of United States and Soviet Union,
3. Era of Tight Bipolarity, Détente and Loose Bipolarity, Revival of Cold War

Chapter No 03: Post-Cold War

1. End of History
2. Clash of Civilizations
3. Terrorism
4. Globalization
5. Unipolarity (New World Order) and Revival of Multi-Polarity

Chapter No 04: International and Regional Organizations

1. League of Nations, United Nations, Regional Organizations, EU, ASEAN, NAFTA,

2. Reforms in the United Nations, World Bank and the IMF

Chapter No 05: Foreign Policy of Selected Countries

1. USA, Russia, China, UK, India, Pakistan and EU

Chapter No 06: South Asia

1. Peace-making and Peace-Building in South Asia: Analytical overview of peace

processes between/among the states of South Asia especially between India and
2. India and Pakistan: Overview of agreements and accords, Indus Water Treaty;
Composite Dialogue; Sir Creek & Siachen border, Visa and People to people contact;
Trade; and Role of civil society
3. Afghanistan: Cold war theatre; Soviet Invasion and Mujahedeen; Geneva Accord; Post
Cold War situation---Rise of Taliban, AL-Qeada & 9/11; Operation Enduring Freedom;
The Bonn Process- Withdrawal
Chapter No 07: Weapons of Mass Destruction

1. Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

2. Nuclear Weapon States- Programs and Postures: Indian-Pakistan Nuclear Doctrines
3. Nuclear Non –Proliferation Regime: International Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Non-
Proliferation Treaty; Nuclear Supplier Group; Partial Test Ban Treaty; Comprehensive
Test Ban Treaty; Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty
4. Challenges of Non-Proliferation, Cooperation for Nuclear Energy
5. The Missile Defence Systems and their impact on global strategic environment
6. Militarization and Weaponization of Space.

Chapter No 08: Contemporary Issues

1. Euro-Atlantic Vs. Asia Pacific: Great Power Policies

2. Kashmir Issue
3. Palestine Issue
Examiner Report

Written Tips: English Proficiency, Unnecessary Headings and Pointers, Lack of Coherence,
Knowledge Tips: Common Data, Lack of knowledge related to terminologies, highly journalistic
rather than substantive, Understanding of Global Issues without perspective, Lack of Application
of Knowledge on case studies
Past Paper Analysis (2017-2020)

(One Question: 700 words in 30 minutes)

Paper 01

Introduction to IR:

Question: 2018
Describe the evolutionary process through which International Relations acquired the
status of an academic discipline.
The nation-state system is in a flux with an independence referendum in Scotland and
another projected for Catalonia in September 2017. Critically evaluate reasons as to why
the modern nation-state in Europe faces internal challenges to its sovereignty and
territorial integrity.
Shared Destiny
Question: 2017
The positivist and post-positivist debate offer a striking contrast in terms of approach
and methodology to the study of International Relations.
Describe, compare and critically evaluate the divergence between the two debates. Is
there any point of convergence?
(Grouping of Theories: Rational and Reflective theories)

Theories and Approaches

Question: 2017
Essential differences between the liberal internationalist and realist theories (4 to 5
Conception of anarchy, Domains. View on Organizations, Context
Realism the most dominant theory in the discipline of International Relations
System is explained effectively in context, Orgentho quotation, Avoid 3rd world war, Arms
Question: 2018
What are the points of convergence and divergence in Neo-Realist and Constructivist
approaches to the study of state behaviour in contemporary international politics?
Andrew Haywood Debates and theories
International Political Security:

Question: 2017
The rise of China is being heralded as a return of ‘balance of power’ politics in
international relations. As the world moves towards multipolarity, account for the
essential features of the international security architecture and its evolving dynamics
International security architecture and its evolving dynamics (Article by Shams u Zaman)
Journal of Security and Strategic Analysis
Question: 2018
What are the changing dimensions of security and how they vary from the classical
concept of international security?

International Political community

Question: 2017
Define globalization and its attendant manifestations in global politics. Do you agree with
the view that economic globalization is a form of neo-imperialism which only stands to
exploit the Third World states?
Globalization of world politics by John Bales (Globalization Myths and reality 1st Chapter)

International Political Economy

Question: 2017
Critically evaluate the strategically competitive dynamics of Pakistan-India relations in
the context of Pakistan’s growing ties with China and India’s increased alignment with
the United States.
Conference (
Strategical Competitive Dynamics in South Asia
(water, land, nuclear race, prestige)

International Political Institution

Question: 2017
The non-state actor as a military competitor is gaining ground in the Middle East with the
rise of ISIS. What strategies can the United Nations and major powers implement in order
to ensure peace and security in Iraq and Syria?
Rise of Non state actors in Middle East by Shams u Zaman
Post American Middle East 2015 (Foreign Affair Magazine)
Strategic Approach to International Relation

Question: 2018
Define the concept of Strategic Culture and highlight the major determinants of
Pakistan’s Strategic Culture.
Dr. Hassan Askari

Explain the concept of Economics Liberalism and relate its core interests with the concept of
Neo-imperialism or creating Economic Dependency.
Globalization is a buzz word of present day International Economic and Social Order; do you
agree that it is transforming quickly the national cultures and politics?

Describe the concept of Pre-Emptive Self-Defence in the context of International Law

and critically evaluate the legitimacy of US use of force against Iraq.

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