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2 (Use of

Mother: What are you doing, Mary?

Mary: Mum, what do you think I’m doing?. Can’t you see? I’m getting dressed to go out.
Mother: That’s what I mean. Where are you going?
Mary: I’m going to see some friends, ok?
Mother: But tomorrow is Wednesday and you’ve got school .
Mary: I know. What’s the problem?
Mother: What’s the problem? You have to get up early tomorrow and it’s late.
Mary: It’s not late. It’s 8:30
Mother: It’s late to go out on a school night . And , what about your homework? And that
Literature assignment,….. have you finished it yet?
Mary: Yes, I have already finished it.
Mother: Are you sure? I don’t think you working hard enough in school. Well, anyway,
you can’t go out like that.
Mary: Why not?
Mother: Your skirt is too short and your hair is so messy.
Mary: Ahhh, ok, I’ll put my jeans on.
Mother: And what about your hair?
Mary: I’ll brush it right now, ok?
Mother: And you must be home by ten
Mary: By ten! But mum, it’s 8:30 now.
Mother: Remember that you’ve got school tomorrow. I had to be back home by nine p.m
when I was your age, so you’ve got nothing to complain about.
Mary: That was hundreds of years ago. Things are different now. Parents are so
Mother: And teenagers are so rude! Mary, watch your manners or you will pay for
that. Now, I think you should apologise.
Mary: Oooook, I’m sorry. Alright? Can I go now?
Mother: As soon as you do what I told you. And remember, not later than ten.
Mary: Alright.


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