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Class 6

BSU – Round-Up Task

Name: Anamta Irfan

Section: I
Campus: Gulistan-e-Jauhar

Q1. Refer to the given material below and answer the question that follows it.

Khewra City is also known as "The Kingdom of Salt '' because of its rock salt which is 98% pure and
natural source of salt in Pakistan. Khewra Salt Mine is the second largest salt mine in the world. The
Salt Range is a hill system in the Punjab province of Pakistan, deriving its name from its extensive
deposits of rock salt. The range extends along the south of the Potohar Plateau and the north of the
Jhelum River. The Salt Range contains the great mines of Khewra, Kalabagh and Warcha which
yield vast supplies of salt. Coal of a medium quality is also found.

.Its history dates back to its discovery by Alexander's troops in 320 BC, but it started trading in the
Mughal era. The main tunnel at ground level was developed by Dr. H. Warth, a mining engineer, in
1872 during British rule. After independence, the Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation took
over the mine, which still remains the largest source of salt in the country, producing more than
350,000 tons per annum of about 99% pure halite.

Himalayan salt from Khewra Salt Mine near Khewra, Punjab, Pakista

In raw form it contains negligible amounts of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfates, and
moisture; it also contains iron, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, and lead as trace elements. Salt
from Khewra, also known as Khewra salt, is red, pink, off-white or transparent.In the early years of
British rule, the Khewra mine produced about 28,000 to 30,000 tons per annum; it increased to
about 187,400 tons per annum for the five fiscal years ending 1946–47. The mine's output was
reported in 2003 to be 385,000 tons of salt per annum, which amounts to almost half of Pakistan's
total production of rock salt.At that rate of output, the tunnel would be expected to last for another
350 years.

The salt reserves at Khewra were discovered when Alexander the Great crossed the Jhelum and
Mianwali region during his Indian campaign. The mine was discovered by his army's horses, when they
were found licking the stones. Ailing horses of his army also recovered after licking the rock salt stones.
During the Mughal era the salt was traded in various markets, as far away as Central Asia. On the
downfall of the Mughal empire, the mine was taken over by Sikhs. They found the mining to have been
inefficient, with irregular and narrow tunnels and entrances that made the movement of labourers difficult
and dangerous. The supply of water inside the mine was poor, and there was no storage facility for the
mined salt. The only road to the mine was over difficult, rocky terrain. To address these problems the
government levelled the road, built warehouses, provided a water supply, improved the entrances and
tunnels, and introduced a better mechanism for excavation of salt. Penalties were introduced to control
salt smuggling.
Q.1 Answer the following questions in 30-40 words. /12

i)How does Khewra Salt mine benefit Pakistan ? State two ways.

Ans: 1- Khewra Salt Mine benefit Pakistan because the mine is famous for its
production of pink Khewra salt and that is why it is a major tourist attraction like about
250,000 visitors a year come to see this mine. This is beneficial for Pakistan’s

2- Khewra salt is Pakistan's best known rock salt and it is a raw material for many

ii) Mention two uses of the Salt Range other than the excavation of rock salt.

Ans: 1- It is used for cooking.

2- It is used to make decorative items like lamps, vases, ashtrays and statues.

iii) Describe any two importance of the Khewra salt mines in ancient times.

Ans: 1- It was traded during Mughal era in various markets as far away as Central Asia.

2- It was important because it was used to make artistic and decorative items. 

Q.3 Read the map below and fill the following table: /4
Name any two salt ranges Mention the Places with salt deposit in each
salt range

Central Salt Range Warcha

Western Salt Range Sanwans

Q.5 Which two concerns you might have in your mind if you have to live near Khewra Salt mine? /4

Ans: 1- If there will be an earthquake so the rocks will fall and because of it the roads that led to the
mine will be blocked and there will be no access to go in.

2- If there will be a flood so the whole mine will be destroyed and it will be a big loss for our for our
country and us like how can we cook our food.

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