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ICARUS 61, 355-416 (1985)

The Eight-Color Asteroid Survey: Results for 589 Minor Planets

Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721


Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California 91109

Received April 2, 1984; revised November 13, 1984

Results are presented from reflection spectrophotometry of 589 minor planets in a photometric
system using eight filter passbands ranging from 0.34- to 1.04-/.~m wavelength. The sampling com-
pleteness approaches or exceeds 50% of the numbered asteroids for the near-Earth objects, the
Hungarias, the Nysa family, the Cybeles, the Hildas, and the Trojans. The general evolution of
predominant compositional type from S to C to D with increasing heliocentric distance is evident,
as is the spectral homogeneity of the Eos, Koronis, Nysa, and Themis families. © 1985Academic
Press, Inc.

INTRODUCTION ions such as Fe 2+ should produce reddish,

downward-curving spectra at wavelengths
The eight-color asteroid survey, begun in shortward of the visible. The mineral
1979, is intended to provide high-quality re- pyroxene should produce a spectral mini-
flection spectra for minor planets and natu- mum at the p filter, and olivine should pro-
ral satellites in a photometric system using duce a spectral minimum at the z filter or
the eight filter passbands listed in Table I. longer wavelengths. Free metal, or metal
The filters u, b, and v are essentially identi- plus a spectrally neutral silicate such as en-
cal to standard UBV. The other filters span statite, should produce a linear, slightly
the wavelength range available for ground- reddish spectrum. All spectral features are
based observations using photomultiplier muted by dark carbonaceous material.
detection, but were chosen with a view to- Tedesco et al. (1982) have described the
ward mineralogical diagnosticity. While a photometric system and tabulated color in-
laboratory calibration of the eight-color dices for 50 standard stars, including four
system in terms of mineral assemblages solar-type stars which are taken to repre-
commonly found in asteroids and meteor- sent the colors of a neutral reflector in the
itic materials remains to be done, the Solar System. Results for satellites of Sat-
results can be predicted in a general way urn have been reported by Tholen and
(e.g., Gaffey and McCord, 1979). Charge- Zellner (1983), and for outer satellites of Ju-
transfer absorptions by transition-metal piter by Tholen and Zellner (1984). Prelimi-
nary results for the minor planets have been
i Current address: Institute for Astronomy, Univer-
sity of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96720.
cited by Gradie and Tedesco (1982). We
2 National Research Council, Resident Research here present reduced data for 911 observa-
Associate at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California tions of 589 minor planets, covering all ob-
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. 91109. servations before October 1983.
0019-1035/85 $3.00
Copyright © 1985 by Academic Press, Inc.
All fights of reproduction in any form reserved.

TABLE 1 all such observations were followed up on

subsequent nights. Thus, while errors are
PASSBANDS inevitable in an undertaking of this magni-
tude, no known cases of uncertain asteroid
Effective Full width, identification survive in the data.
Filter wavelength" half maximum Targets were selected with emphasis on
(/.,m) (~m) members of interesting orbital families and
s 0.337 0.047 associations. In Table III we have listed the
u 0.359 0.060 number of objects surveyed in each of 18
b 0.437 0.090 orbital-element zones as defined by Zellner
v 0.550 0.057 et al. (1985). Asteroids have been observed
w 0.701 0.058
in practically all of the zones, and the sam-
x 0.853 0.081
p 0.948 0.080 pling approaches or exceeds 50% of the
z 1.041 0.067 numbered population for the Apollo-
A m or-A t en objects, the Hungarias, the
" With respect to the solar spectrum. For the v, w, Nysa family, the Cybeles, the Hildas, and
and x filters the listed parameters are for the Varian
the Trojans. It should be apparent that the
photomultiplier and are slightly different with the RCA
detector in the red channel; see Tedesco et al. (1982). survey has included not the several hun-
dred brightest asteroids, but several hun-
dred of the faintest.
Table IV presents the observations in or-
OBSERVATIONS der of asteroid number. Color indices are
All observations were made with the given in astronomical magnitudes, with the
eight-color photometer at the 1.54-m Cata- zero-color index representing a neutral re-
lina reflector and the 2.29-m Steward reflec- flector and a positive number representing a
tor of the University of Arizona on 106 reddish slope with respect to the visual
nights as described in Table II. Most of the wavelength. 3 Spectral reflectance, normal-
work was done with the full set of eight ized to unity at the visual wavelength, may
filters, which requires the use of the Varian be computed by
VPM-159A (InGaAsP) detector for the p
log R~ = -0.4cx,
and z filters. Some of the faintest objects
were observed in only five colors using the where cx is the tabulated color index and
quieter, more sensitive RCA C31034-04 the negative sign is chosen for wavelengths
(GaAs) detector in the red channel. Except shorter than the visual. Immediately above
for a few of the faintest high-priority ob- each entry is the standard deviation in thou-
jects, an attempt was made to keep the sandths of a magnitude, computed as the
noise level less than a few percent for all square root of the sum of the squares of (1)
data. the standard deviation of the least-squares
Finder charts were made from glass cop-
The photometric system was adjusted by Tedesco
ies of the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey
et al. to give mean color indices of zero for four well-
plates at Kitt Peak National Observatory observed solar-analog stars. The zero points of the
on 35-mm filmstrips. The latter were system, however, are defined in terms of the adopted
viewed at the telescope with the aid of a color indices for all 50 standard stars, and as such are
microfiche projector, which gave a scale not subject to change. If it should be found that the true
and illumination comparable to the televi- colors of the Sun are slightly different from those of
the solar analog stars, the values of cA in Table IV
sion acquisition system at each telescope. would not change. For computation of R~, or for plot-
Usually motion by the asteroid was seen ting a spectrum for comparison with laboratory data, it
during the observation. In a few cases the would rather be necessary to apply small additive con-
identification was noted to be uncertain, but stants to the tabulated values of cA.


UT Date Tel. a Obs. b Dia. c No. d Seeing e Conditions f Notes

1979 May 31 C Th 12.6 7/12 Clear.

1979 Jun 1 C Th 12.6 8/ 8 Clear.
1979 Aug 22 C Th 12.6 8/12 I-2 Clear.
1979 Aug 23 C Th 12.6 19/16 2-4+ Clear.
1979 Aug 24 C Th 12.6
19.3 ~I ~ 3-12 Clear. I
1979 Oct 15 C Te/Th 19.3 3/56 Clear.
1979 Oct 16 C Th 12.6 5/60 2 Scattered clouds 0500 to 0645.
1979 Oct 17 C Te 12.6 2/57 Clear.
1979 Nov 21 C Te/Th 19.3 6/25 4-10+ Clear. 2,3
1979 Nov 22 C Th 12.6 1/59 2-6 Clear. Gusty winds. 2
1979 Nov 23 C Th 12.6 1/31 2-3 Clouds after 0820. 2
1979 Nov 24 C Th 12.6 3/70 4-10 Clear. Strong gusty winds. 2
1980 Jan 16 C Te/Th 12.6 2/16 Clouds until 0800.
1980 Jan 17 C Te/Th 12.6 5/21 7 Scattered clouds 0730 to 0800. 4
1980 Mar 15 C Th 12.6 l/ 6 <I-2 Clouds after 0940. 5
1980 Mar 17 C Th 12.6 15/22 2-6 Clear. 6
1980 Mar 18 C Te/Th 12.6 12/18 I-3 Clear. 5,6
1980 Mar 19 C Te/Th 12.6 8/12 2-6 Clouds after 0730. 6
1980 Apr II C Te 12.6 3/26 Clear. 6
1980 Apr 12 C Te 12.6 2/19 3-10 Clouds after 0830. 6
1980 Apr 23 SO Te 19.3 6/24 6-12 Clear. 6
1980 May 13 C Te 12.6 5/14 Clouds after 1100. 6,7
1980 Jun 19 SO Th 12.6 5/ 9 I-5 Clouds until 0430. 6
1980 Jun 30 C Th 12.6 3/12 2-4 Clouds until 0600.
1980 Aug 7 C Th AC 3/12 1-2 Clear. 8
1980 Aug 9 C Th 8.3 3/ 7 <1-2 Clouds until 0500, and from 0700 to 0800.
1980 Sep 6 C Th 12.6 6/ 8 I-2 Clouds until 0700.
1980 Sep 14 SO Te/Th I0.0 5/ 9 i Cirrus until 0800.
1980 Sep 15 SO Te/Th I0.0 6/ 8 Clouds from 0730 to 1030, and after ii00.
1980 Sep 16 SO Te/Th I0.0 15/17 I-6 Cirrus after 1130.
1980 Sep 29 C Te I0.0 9/15 3-4 Clear.
1980 Sep 30 C Th I0.0 17/24 I-6 Clear.
1980 Oct 1 C Th I0.0 19/21 I-5 Clear.
1980 Oct 2 C Te 12.6 4/14 2-10 Clear.
1980 Oct 3 C Te 12.6 5/16 Very thin cirrus at sunset.
1980 Oct 18 C Th I0.0 15/12 I-2+ Clear.
1980 Oct 19 C Tb I0.0 20/18 I-3 Clear.
1980 Oct 30 C Th 19.3 7/13 3-10+ Clear. Strong. gusty winds.
1980 Nov 1 SO Th I0.0 12/18 <I-3 Clouds from I000 to 1045.
1980 Nov 2 SO Th I0.0 12/19 <I-3 Clear.
1980 Nov 6 C Te I0.0 7/16 Clear. 7
1980 Nov 8 C Th I0.0 21/18 I-6 Hazy. 7
1980 Nov 11 C Te 12.6 2/ 4 Clouds after 0610. 6
1980 Nov 19 C Th 12.6 i/ 9 2-4 Clear. 6,9
1980 Nov 27 SO Te/Th 12.6 1/18 3-15 Isolated cirrus at sunset. Gusty winds.
1980 Dec 15 SO Te/Th I0.0 4/ 9 6-10 Clear. 6
1980 Dec 16 SO Te/Th 19.3 5/12 Clear. I0

aTelescope: C = 1.54-m Catalina reflector, SO = 2.29-m Steward Observatory reflector.

bObserver: Ma = L. J. Marsteller, Te = E. F. Tedesco, Th = D. J. Tholen.
cD •
laphragm: Diameter of focal plane diaphragm in arc seconds. Also see note S.
dNumber of observations: of asteroids/of standard stars.
eseeing: Typical range of seeing conditions. When blank, seeing conditions not recorded, but
probably 2 arc seconds.
f . .
All tlmes glven in UT.

Notes on individual nights.

I. Standard stars used only for t r a n s f o r m a t i o n . E x t i n c t i o n d e t e r m i n e d independently from

lightcurve comparison star.
2. Liquid in s-filter cell froze. No data at that wavelength.
3. Very poor seeing early. Did not start until 0445.
4. Night split. Second half reductions used extinction determined for first half of night and
transformation slopes set to unity.
5. Shared night. Observed second half.
6. RCA detector used.
7. Red channel detector unstable.
8. Prototype annular star/sky chopping system tested this night.
9. Shared night. Observed first half.
I0. Night split. Drastic change in seeing permitted a much smaller diaphragm to be used second
half. Mean extinction values (Tedesco et al., 1982, p. 1589), consistent with first half
extinction, were used for second half reductions.
iI. Mean extinction values used for reductions.
12. Night split. Deteriorating seeing necessitated a larger diaphragm.
13. Extinction in V bandpass 0.5 mag/deg due to volcanic ash.
14. Varian sensitivity shift induced by power failure.

TABLE ll--Continued

UT Date Tel. a Obs. b Dia. c No. d Seeing e Conditions f Notes

I0.0 3/
1980 Dec 24 C Th 12.6 10/14 i-2 Clear. 5
1980 Dec 25 C Th 19.3 16/11 2-6 Cirrus after 1150. 5
1980 Dec 26 C Th 10.0 7/ 5 i-2 Cirrus after 0600. 11
1980 Dec 27 C Th i0.0 17/17 <I-2 Clear. 5
1980 Dee 28 C Th 10.0 3/16 <I-3 Cirrus after 0940.
1980 Dec 30 C Th 12.6 8/12 2-15 Clear. Strong, gusty winds.
1980 Dec 31 C Th I0.0 12/22 <I-3 Cirrus after 1315.
1981 Jan 2 C Th 10.0 9/16 <i-3 Cirrus after 1130.
1981 Jan 3 C Th 10.0 16/19 <I-4 Clear.
1981 Jan 15 SO Th 12.6 4/12 2-4 Closed 0335 to 0845 due to high
humidity. Clouds after 1240.
1981 Feb 6 C Th i0.0 19/14 i-2 Cirrus after 1200.
1981 Feb 7 C Th 19.3 4/ 8 2-6 Clouds until I020.
1981 Feb 8 C Th 12.6 22/18 2-6 Cirrus after 1050.
1981 Mar 29 SO Th I0.0 3/12 i-3 Clouds until 0700. Gusty winds
second half.
1981 Mar 30 SO Th I0.0 10/16 i-6 Clear.
1981 Mar 31 SO Th 10.0 11/21 <I-3 Clear.
1981Apr 4 C Th 19.3 4/ 7 3-8+ Clouds until 0750.
1981 May 5 C Th 10.0 12/23 I-3 Clear.
1981 May 6 C Th i0.0 11/17 I Clear.
1981 May 8 C Th 10.0 3/11 1-10 Hazy. 12
19.3 7/ 8
1981Ma 9 C Th 12.6 18/19 2-5 Clear.
1981Ju~ o SO Th/Ma 12.6 3/12 Clouds after 0830.
1981Jul 23 SO Th/Ma 12.6 2/ 7 I-2 Intermittent clouds all night.
1981Jul 24 C Th/Ma 12.6 4/ 4 2-4 Intermittent clouds all night. 11
1981 Aug 29 C Th/Ma 10.0 10/11 I-3 Clear.
1981 Aug 30 C Th/Ma i0.0 15/17 1-2 Clouds 0900 to i000.
1981 Sep 26 C Th/Ma 19.3 6/12 3 Clear.
1981 Sep 27 C Th/Ma 12.6 27/20 i-3 Clear.
1981 Sep 29 C Ma 12.6 3/ 9 Clouds until 0615.
1981 Oct 5 C Ma 12.6 14/10 4-6 Clear.
1981 Nov 3 SO Th i0.0 13/17 <I-2 Clear.
1981 Nov 4 SO Th I0.0 2/ 9 I-3 Clouds after 0400.
1981 Nov 5 SO Th I0.0 22/13 i-3+ Clouds after 1100.
1981 Nov 26 C Th 19.3 9/25 2-15 Clear. Strong winds.
1981 Dec 19 C Th 12.6 4/ 3 2 Clouds after 0430. Ii
1981 Dec 20 C Th i0.0 15/ II i-3 Clouds after 0915.
1981 Dec 21 C Th 12.6 7/ 9 2-20 Clear. 12
19.3 13/15
1981 Dec 22 C Th 19.3 6/ 9 3-10 Clear.
1981 Dee 23 C Th 12.6 12/20 2-4 Clear.
1982 Jan 24 C Th 19.3 11/15 2-4+ Clear. 9
1982 Jan 25 SO Th 12.6 12/15 i-6+ Clear.
1982 Jan 26 SO Th 10.0 16/16 <I-2 Clear.
1982 Mar 21 C Th 10.0 6/13 i-4 Clear.
1982 Mar 23 C Th 10.0 4/13 i-4 Intermittent clouds all night.
1982 Mar 24 C Th I0.0 6/13 i-4 Clear.
1982 May 15 C Th 12.6 7/15 <i-8 Cirrus until 0430. 13
1982 May 21 C Th I0.0 9/19 <i-3 Clear.
1982 May 22 C Th I0.0 6/ 9 <i-2 Cirrus until 0545. Clouds after ii00.
1982 May 23 C Th 10.0 9/17 <1-3 Smoke until 0500.
1982 Jun 20 SO Th 12.6 10/15 <i-2 Clear.
1982 Oct 9 C Th 12.6 17/18 <I-6+ Clear.
1982 Oct 10 C Th 10.0 12/19 <i-3 Clear. 14
1982 Dec 16 SO Th 10.0 7/13 I-3 Cirrus until 0300. 6
1983 Jan 6 SO Th i0.0 11/19 <i-2 Clear. 6
1983 Jan 7 SO Th 10.0 10/18 <i-2 Clear. 6
1983 Jan 13 C Th 12.6 2/14 <1-2 Clear. 6
1983 Apr ~ C Th 19.3 1/11 <i-4 Fog until 0400. 6
1983 May SO Th 12.6 3/ 7 I-3 Clear. 6
1983 May 10 SO Th 12.6 3/10 I-3 Clear. 6

fit to the observations of standard stars and laboratory) the Varian detector does show
(2) the standard deviation of the mean of instabilities typically of a few percent from
the individual integrations that comprise a integration to integration. The most likely
single observation of an asteroid. With re- explanation is atmospheric seeing coupled
gard to the former, the actual uncertainty with imperfect Fabry imaging on the very
could be underestimated on nights when small, deeply recessed cathode. The blue
only a few standard stars were observed, as photometric channel is quite stable over
indicated in Table Ih The latter source of both short and long time periods.
error is dominated by photon counting Also listed in Table IV are the observed
noise only when the seeing, atmospheric visual magnitude, the heliocentric and geo-
transparency, and instrumental sensitivity centric distances, the solar phase angle
are stable. At the telescope (but not in the (negative before opposition), and the date



Zone a Description Fig. Mean a N u m b e r in N u m b e r in Fraction

TRIAD b survey c surveyed

AAA Apollo-Amor-Aten 4 1.831 36 17 0.47

HU Hungarias 5 1.900 30 20 0.67
FL Floras 6 2.230 421 37 0.09
MC Mars crossers 7 2.285 29 7 0.24
PH Phocaeas 8 2.368 62 15 0.24
I Main belt 9 2.391 316 54 0.17
NY N y s a zone 10 2.448 44 22 0.50
lla Main belt 11 2.614 455 95 0.21
PAL Pallas zone 21 2.755 4 1 0.25
IIb Main belt 12 2.761 298 69 0.23
KOR Koronis zone 13 2.873 86 13 0.15
Ilia Main belt 14 2.933 189 34 0.18
COS E o s zone 15 3.014 144 20 0.14
IIIb Main belt 16 3.140 480 74 0.15
THE T h e m i s zone 17 3.145 165 23 0.14
GR Griquas -- 3.243 3 0
CYB Cybeles 18 3.431 51 37 0.73
HIL Hildas 19 3.952 34 29 0.85
T Trojans 20 5.203 35 19 0.34
Z N o zone 21 -- 6 3 0.50

a Precise definitions o f the z o n e s are given by Zellner et al. (1985).

b Includes n u m b e r e d asteroids only.
c Includes nine u n n u m b e r e d objects, mostly in zone A A A .

of observation. For multiple observations

of a single object, a final entry gives
weighted mean values of the color indices
and their standard deviations.

In Fig. 1 we compare our eight-color data ¢
for asteroids I Ceres and I0 Hygeia with
results from narrowband spectrophotome-
try by McCord and co-workers (Chapman 0/~ I0 HYGEIA

and Gaffey, 1979a,b). Both asteroids show

low spectral contrast, and both are well ob- '014 ' 0'.6 ' 018 ' I~.0 '
served in each photometric system. The WAVELENGTHMICRONS
agreement is clearly satisfactory. Since the FIG. 1. Reflection s p e c t r a o f asteroids 1 Ceres (top)
solar calibration in the latter work was done and 10 Hygiea (bottom) in the 24-filter data of McCord
by techniques entirely different from ours, and co-workers ( C h a p m a n and Gaffey, 1974; open cir-
the agreement suggests that the calibration cles; a n d in the eight-color s y s t e m (filled circles). In
is correct in both cases. this a n d all o f the following figures, c u r v e s are stacked
vertically at arbitrary spacing; the ordinate is linear in
In Fig. 2 we illustrate typical observed stellar m a g n i t u d e or logarithm of the spectral albedo,
reflection spectra for asteroids of types S, with tick m a r k s at a spacing o f 0.2 m a g or a factor of
A, and E, M, P (Zellner, 1979; Gradie and 1.2023 in albedo (see text).

, , , , , , , , ,


/ G(5)

, t t , i i i J
0.4 0.6 0.8 IlO

FIG. 2. Mean reflection spectra in the eight-color

system of 144 well-observed asteroids of type S, 4 ob- F(13)
~ ° ~
jects of type A, and 73 of types E, M, and P. The latter
three types are separated by albedo differences and
are not distinguishable in the eight-color data. '014' 01.6 ' 01.8 ' 1.10 .

Tedesco, 1982). The latter three types are FIG. 3. Mean reflection spectra of six types of low-
albedo asteroids, where the types are as defined by
defined by albedo differences and cannot be Tholen (1984). The number of asteroids for which data
distinguished in the eight-color data alone. have been averaged to produce the mean spectrum is
Figure 3 illustrates spectra of low-albedo given in parentheses following the type designations.
asteroids of the familiar types C, D, and F,
and also of types B, G, and T newly recog- information alone), and the types B, G, and
nized in the eight-color data by Tholen F can be reabsorbed into the C class for
(1984). Objects from all of the low-albedo many purposes. According to the work of
types have at one time or another been clas- Tholen, these types are adequate to classify
sified as type C (e.g., on the basis of albedo practically all asteroids in the survey.

Notes on individual objects.

1. Poor seeing. Possible diaphragm cuts.

2. Liquid in s-filter cell froze. No s-v color available.
3. Possible field star contamination.
4. Lightourve v a r i a t i o n seen. V magnitude represents arbitrary point in lightcurve. For the
larger variations seen, the uncertainty in V is artificially inflated by the lightcurve,
and colors have been corrected for the brightness change b e t w e e n m e a s u r e m e n t s through
each filter.
5. O b s e r v a t i o n made through very thin, uniform clouds. Colors are unaffected, but magnitude
may be too faint.
6. Shift in sensitivity of red detector. Visual p o r t i o n of spectrum shifted to match blue in
some cases on 1980 Nov 8. Power failure responsible for shift in sensitivity on 1982 Oct
I0; visual portion of spectrum of 46 Hestia shifted to match blue portion.
7. Weighted mean of more than one observation the same night.
8. Clouds moved in during observation. Attempted to extract only good data.
9. No detection through z bandpass.
i0. Prototype annular star/sky chopping mechanism used for the observation.
11. u-v color inconsistent with other two m e a s u r e m e n t s , published UBV data, and n a r r o w - b a n d
spectrophotometric data. Not included in weighted mean.
12. Signal-to-noise ratio for v-z color less than one. Data not reported.
13. Published absolute magnitude two magnitudes too bright.
14. Much fainter (2 mag) than predicted. Second observation made to check for large lightcurve
variation or mis-identification, and only low signal-to-noise ratio was obtained. Blank
entries indicate no detection. Identification verified, and no evidence for lightcurve
variation. Published absolute magnitude probably too bright.
15. Positive identification both nights. Very large lightcurve amplitude.
16. Too much moonlight for high signal-to-noise ratio.
17. Fainter (i mag) than predicted.
18. Discovery observation.


Minor Planet r A ~ Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (AU) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

I Ceres lib
34 16 13 25 17 II 28 24
0.412 0.248 0.045 8.274 -0.016 0.004 -0.034 -0.075 2.948 2.206 -15.47 790823.48
29 14 14 13 20 13 33 13
0.454 0.282 0.065 8.824 0.014 0.004 0.038 -0.012 2.681 2.862 -20.56 800916.52
29 29 32 33 19 31 38 44
0.425 0.256 0.043 8.503 0.003 0.026 -0.006 -0.012 2.657 2.409 -21.97 801019.51
27 18 19 II ii 18 21 17
0.443 0.271 0.045 8.297 0.008 0.014 0.001 -0.012 2.647 2.216 -21.26 801102.55
17 13 9 12 II 13 10 16
0.433 0.265 0.044 7.117 -0.014 -0.037 -0.035 -0.069 2.614 1.679 -8.38 801224.44
29 13 21 22 16 13 23 24
0.398 0.250 0.034 8.650 0.018 -0.010 -0.010 -0.010 2.621 2.623 -21.64 820126.57
I0 6 6 6 6 8 8
0.430 0.263 0.047 0.000 -0.005 -0.022 -0.031 wtd. mean
2 Pallas P
40 27 29 25 28 39 42 54
0.195 0.065 -0.042 9.435 -0.018 -0.053 -0.105 -0.123 3.375 2.444 7.89 790824.17 I
26 20 16 14 17 18 22 18
0.198 0.100 0.019 8.740 0.002 -0.006 -0.044 -0.057 2.739 2.032 -17.50 800906.45
33 20 12 14 8 15 13 13
0.121 0.071 0.012 8.553 -0.017 -0.039 -0.123 -0.094 2.719 1.945 -16.03 800914.50
44 18 I0 12 13 8 33 II
0.150 0.062 -0.010 8.553 -0.009 -0.020 -0.030 -0.063 2.714 1.925 -15.64 800916.52
17 I0 7 6 6 10 8
0.170 0.075 0.000 -0.013 -0.023 -0.096 -0.074 wtd. mean
3 Juno lla
II 12 Ii 8 II ii 8 9
0.478 0.319 0.127 10.879 0.113 0.076 0.052 0.085 3.130 2.780 -17.99 810207.50
14 13 17 21 21 26 28 32
0.434 0.275 0.I01 10.205 0.118 0.097 0.087 0.088 3.259 2.321 7.79 810509.34
9 9 9 10 10 8 9
0.461 0.299 0.119 0.114 0.079 0.055 0.085 w t d . mean
4 Vesta I
28 19 9 9 17 15 21 24
0.648 0.448 0.160 7.548 0.089 -0.176 -0.288 -0.013 2.481 2.063 -23.48 790822.49
74 39 43 29 45 55 46 89
0.753 0.457 0.135 8.353 0.117 -0.117 -0.228 -0.021 2.494 2.781 -20.87 801018.54
28 30 31 31 17 21 38 46
0.683 0.456 0.183 8.072 0.073 -0.132 -0.292 -0.007 2.494 2.768 -20.99 801019.53
16 13 9 12 11 15 9 16
0.639 0.41I 0.121 7.253 0.086 -0.181 -0.264 0.014 2.439 1.879 -21.77 801224.48
12 10 6 8 9 8 13
0.652 0.428 0.142 0.085 -0.168 -0.268 0.004 w t d . mean
5 Astraea lla
20 18 14 Ii 13 14 14 II
0.444 0.330 0.146 10.896 0.142 0.083 0.088 0.147 2.318 1.748 24.05 790531.25
6 Hebe I
16 15 9 7 9 I0 II 8
0.403 0.286 0.129 9.680 0.113 0.068 0.073 0.114 2.708 1.753 8.93 790531.38
35 26 II 18 22 21 19 36
0.463 0.376 0.175 8.214 0.130 0.173 0.093 0.212 1.977 1.072 -16.15 801030.45
25 24 17 6 22 19 23 31
0.473 0.352 0.164 8.793 0.II0 0.071 0.013 0.065 2.060 1.299 21.94 801226.23
13 II 6 8 8 9 8
0.428 0.318 0.150 0.115 0.084 0.069 0.115 wtd. mean
7 Iris I
29 I0 4 16 9 12 16 23
0.656 0.446 0.174 9.325 0.134 0.121 0.086 0.094 2.132 1.683 -27.87 800630.47
26 28 16 17 27 43 50 41
0.592 0.439 0.207 7.135 0.153 0.172 0.170 0.195 1.931 0.943 7.05 800929.26
31 15 6 9 8 Ii 9 13
0.676 0.497 0.219 8.845 0.166 0.145 0.084 0.145 1.839 1.588 32.31 810103.06
16 8 3 6 8 8 Ii
0.636 0.460 0.189 0.152 0.135 0.087 0.137 wtd. mean
8 Flora FL
I0 II 8 6 9
0.488 0.215 11.130 0.190 0.183 2.522 2.143 -22.84 800318.49
13 17 12 15 20 32 37 42
0.699 0.522 0.221 9.916 0.187 0.157 0.128 0.132 1.869 1.457 -32.13 810927.48
13 9 8 6 9 37 42
0.699 0.497 0.218 0.190 0.181 0.128 0.132 wtd. mean
9 Metis
23 23 22 23 28 25 41
0.486 0.178 10.210 0.184 0.229 0.240 0.234 2.137 1.704 -26.91 791121.55
29 23 20 25 30 38 39 33
0.698 0.484 0.192 9.075 0.137 0.187 0.205 0.150 2.191 1.255 -10.41 800116.45

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TABLE IV--Continued

Minor Planet A ~ Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (~U) (AO) (deg) (UT) Notes

12 ii 9 7 9 19 19
0.005 0.005 0.012 0.052 0.073 0.083 0.028 wtd. mean
22 Kalliope Ilia
17 15 9 6 9 9 12 9
0.038 0.017 -0.006 10.985 0.047 0.080 0.137 0.121 3.206 2.198 2.34 790531.36
23 Thalia lla
35 22 25 30 17 17 24 28
0.483 0.394 0.171 11.938 0.152 0.116 0.105 0.176 3.048 2.343 15.17 791015.17
17 14 II 14 17 17 12 19
0.460 0.340 0.156 9.316 0.148 0.126 0.104 0.174 2.107 1.131 4.51 801224.33
15 12 I0 12 12 11 16
0.464 0.356 0.158 0.150 0.121 0.104 0.175 wtd. mean
24 Themis THE
32 31 29 29 32 33 30 43
0.235 0.168 0.051 12.376 -0.037 -0.055 -0.067 -0.055 2.962 2.461 -18.36 791017.53
I0 II I0 7 I0 13 9 ii
0.247 0.136 0.001 11.971 -0.011 -0.035 -0.037 -0.030 2.766 2.160 -18.31 810207.48
I0 I0 9 I0 12 9 II
0.246 0.140 0.006 -0.013 -0.038 -0.039 -0.032 wtd. mean
25 Phocaea PH
34 18 21 25 25 17 27 40
0.714 0.559 0.284 9.918 0.203 0.189 0.181 0.197 2.006 1.034 9.54 800930.29
26 Proserpina lla
36 27 13 20 19 28 21 40
0.566 0.455 0.204 11.618 0.135 0.196 0.153 0.232 2.852 1.873 4.17 801030.37
27 Euterpe I
17 17 16 15 26 20 38
0.425 0.166 9.198 0.190 0.143 0.144 0.138 1.954 1.036 -14.71 791121.39 2,3
25 17 15 7 17 18 II 27
0.545 0.396 0.169 10.585 0.152 0.149 0.123 0.149 2.662 1.676 -5.92 810508.34 3
25 12 11 II 15 i0 22
0.545 0.411 0.166 0.173 0.147 0.128 0.145 wtd. mean
28 Bellona lib
16 14 13 8 9 9 II 6
0.572 0.399 0.179 11.908 0.191 0.149 0.111 0.205 2.577 2.177 22.69 790601.27
29 Amphitrite lla
29 22 18 25 30 41 41 30
0.462 0.337 0.146 9.289 0.129 0.142 0.161 0.174 2.474 1.540 -9.00 800116.44
17 15 9 5 7
0.333 0.133 10.006 0.161 0.188 2.522 1.789 18.24 800319.21
44 36 36 51 32 32 36 46
0.484 0.406 0.208 9.406 0.147 0.155 0.169 0.195 2.466 1.577 13.29 821009.25
24 13 11 5 7 27 25
0.469 0.343 0.145 0.160 0.185 0.166 0.180 wtd. mean
30 Urania I
40 35 33 35 37 41 39 43
0.630 0.458 0.185 10.957 0.196 0.240 0.248 0.269 2.075 1.398 -24.88 821010.49
32 Pomona lla
17 13 14 21 14 20 21 14
0.558 0.407 0.177 11.831 0.184 0.131 0.145 0.210 2.369 1.771 22.91 810509.22
33 Ilia
P o l y ~ m n i a 26 18 19 18 25 31 32
0.611 0.467 0.190 10.577 0.125 0.i00 0.080 0.154 1.890 0.959 15.71 801001.31
34 Circe lla
36 32 35 38 30 24 23 35
0.250 0.169 0.034 13.068 -0.011 0.000 0.037 0.046 2.548 2.013 -21.25 811103.50
35 Leukothea Ilia
46 33 26 18 36 45 37 34
0.192 0.130 0.012 13.465 -0.009 0.016 0.019 0.078 3.436 2.444 -3.82 810829.40
37 Fides lla
46 39 21 28 26 32 37 29
0.694 0.474 0.212 11.574 0.152 0.071 0.038 0.110 2.814 1.912 11.33 790823.17 I
22 20 18 19 19 17 21 17
0.442 0.342 0.147 10.051 0.151 0.138 0.135 0.195 2.191 1.249 9.71 801227.29
20 18 14 15 15 18 15
0.489 0.369 0.175 0.151 0.123 0.iii 0.173 wtd. mean
38 Leda lib
16 17 21 15 29 47 33 38
0.307 0.210 0.023 12.662 -0.069 -0.017 -0.016 -0.006 2.825 1.913 10.12 811005.25
41 33 34 27 22 27 13 42
0.345 0.248 0.068 13.149 -0.017 0.033 0.048 0.036 2.777 2.168 18.34 811105.14

TABLE I V - - C o n t i n u e d

Minor Planet A a Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (~U) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

15 15 18 18 23 12 28
0.312 0.218 0.035 -0.036 0.021 0.039 0.013 wtd. mean
39 Laetitia lib
18 12 11 8 12 16 7 17
0.697 0.505 0.226 11.914 0.170 0.173 0.154 0.143 3.071 2.714 -18.32 810207.50
40 Harmonia FL
23 14 13 9 9 9 11 6
0.516 0,380 0.172 10.814 0.175 0.170 0.167 0.250 2.350 1.556 18.97 790601.30
41 Daphne I16
15 20 16 17 22 34 39 45
0.320 0.214 0.051 11.961 0.002 0.040 0.051 0.059 2.708 2.032 18.15 810927.15 4
42 Isis I
16 16 16 18 21 18 35
0.426 0.190 11.072 0.161 0.187 0.156 0.146 2.502 1.546 -7.23 791121.37 2
29 ii 13 20 13 19 20 12
0.659 0.467 0.224 12.634 0.175 0.171 0.175 0.168 2.895 2.563 20.15 810509.15
29 9 i0 II 14 13 11
0.659 0.454 0.210 0.170 0.178 0.165 0.166 wtd. mean
43 Ariadne FL
25 17 17 21 17 21 21 14
0.652 0.459 0.189 12.180 0.141 0.085 0.057 0.048 2.203 1.698 26.13 810509.16

44 Nysa27 19 8 7 15 20 17 24
0.060 0.041 0.016 10.925 0.032 -0.001 0.016 0.058 2.552 1.707 -15.27 790822.48
21 15 18 46 7 20 15 25
0.107 0.067 0.043 10.730 0.048 0.034 0.020 0.089 2.550 1.688 -14.67 790824.36
18 16 15 20 12 13 20 12
0.096 0.059 0.031 10.702 0.057 0.062 0.093 0.129 2.783 1.826 -8.67 820620.40
12 9 7 6 I0 I0 10
0.092 0.058 0.022 0.048 0,041 0.036 0.111 wtd. mean
45 Eugenia lib
36 19 16 28 22 19 31 27
0.076 0.020 -0.034 11.411 0.036 0.045 -0.001 -0.045 2.765 1.785 -6.43 790823.39
26 24 17 23 21 17 24 31
0.131 0.054 -0.010 12.028 -0.011 -0.004 -0.057 -0.076 2.931 2.032 9.38 801226.27 5
21 15 12 15 13 19 20
0.112 0.033 -0.023 0.011 0.018 -0.036 -0.058 wtd. mean
46 hestia lla
30 18 17 l0 16 16 18 24
0.093 0.046 0.026 12.296 0.057 0.073 0.083 0.052 2,629 1,682 -9.56 810508.36
39 34 34 35 29 27 34 41
0.080 0.052 0.030 11.808 0.085 0.141 0.123 0.140 2.191 1.374 -19.03 821010.48 6
24 16 15 14 14 16 21
0.088 0.047 0.027 0,064 0.091 0.092 0.074 wtd. mean
47 Agla~x llla
21 25 29 15 21 24 32
0.246 0.112 0.008 12.084 -0.006 -0.021 -0.046 -0.077 2.527 1.809 18.61 791015.16
32 22 20 20 27 21 26 21
0.145 0.075 -0.014 12.817 -0.013 -0.014 -0.019 -0.041 3.058 2.127 7.07 801227.34
23 15 16 13 15 18 18
0.192 0.094 -0.005 -0.008 -0.018 -0.034 -0.052 wtd. mean
48 Doris lllb
18 17 17 20 23 19 34
0.233 0.034 11.307 -0.029 -0.015 -0.012 -0.010 2.918 2.023 -9.90 791121.38 2,3
49 Pales lllb
45 40 37 52 44 45 37 39
0.368 0.293 0.086 11.380 -0.017 0.041 0.044 0.065 2.477 1.572 12.28 ~21009.26
50 Virginia iIa
44 35 35 50 32 38 35 38
0.222 0.178 0.044 11.773 0.067 0.052 0.082 0.094 1.912 1.061 21.17 821009.22
51 Nemausa I
29 19 9 8 13 15 21 33
0.500 0.341 0.096 10.933 -0.002 0.064 0.075 0.075 2.475 1.521 9.97 790822.18
46 40 42 41 34 40 32 81
0.493 0.363 0.104 11.063 0.057 0.174 0.242 0.276 2.424 1.515 -11.82 801108.44 6
30 25 19 I0 24 18 26 31
0.526 0.383 0.120 11.087 -0.022 0.060 0.054 0.076 2.390 1.524 14.05 801226.25
19 14 8 Ii Ii 15 22
0.509 0.357 0.i01 0.000 0.071 0.103 0.090 wtd. mean

52 llIb
Euro9Da 17 l0 8 9 10 12 9
0.137 0.070 -0.024 10.903 -0.017 -0.032 0.011 -0.044 3.343 2.342 3.33 790531.40

TABLE IV--Continued

Minor Planet A s Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (~U) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

54 Alexandra lib
23 18 13 16 18 20 18 22
0.260 0.153 0.Of0 12.676 -0.003 0.019 0.057 0.081 3.236 2.313 -7.13 801224.45
55 Pandora lib
45 38 38 52 40 32 35 42
0.096 0.057 -0.003 10.945 0.036 0.073 0.106 0.143 2.373 1.440 -11.04 821009.43
56 Melete lla
26 19 13 13 13 14 17 22
0.154 0.111 0.006 12.998 0.108 0.134 0.126 0.139 3.174 2.213 4.79 810208.26

57 Mnemosyne lllb
24 14 II 18 16 24 21 36
0.443 0.337 0.148 12.674 0.176 0.167 0.136 0.216 3.477 2.745 -12.91 810505.46
58 Concordia lla
53 39 39 53 44 38 35 47
0.301 0.177 0.045 13.356 0.012 0.007 0.050 0.041 2.798 1.959 -13.31 821009.45
59 Elpi~l 19
15 12 14 18 18 23
0.138 0.079 -0.001 13.228 0.027 0.043 0.043 0.038 3.035 2.423 17.13 790531.28
60 Echo I
21 14 16 21 24 26 25 28
0.512 0.357 0.168 12.240 0.158 0.114 0.068 0.195 2.658 1.678 -6.46 810506.35
61Danae Ilia
19 29 22 15 16 18 19 12
0.454 0.359 0.170 12.805 0.167 0.130 0.136 0.203 3.312 2.374 6.29 810206.23

62 Erato THE
18 19 15 17 23 39 38 49
0.252 0.142 0.012 13.514 -0.002 -0.074 -0.067 -0.255 2.846 2.107 15.88 810927.18
63 Ausonia I
43 35 36 29 26 22 18 40
0.540 0.454 0.177 11.237 0.225 0.216 0.215 0.232 2.495 1.560 9.53 811105.28

64 Angelina lla
21 7 26 69 17 8 12 20
0.163 0.106 0.050 11.815 0.102 0.141 0.112 0.189 3.022 2.027 -4.80 810724.41
54 30 19 79 31 43 47 88
0.133 0.069 0.031 11.950 0.106 0.163 0.136 0.078 3.016 2.090 9.19 810830.24
18 20 15 17 26 38 38 47
0.168 0.105 0.084 12.399 0.094 0.143 0.162 0.015 3.008 2.353 16.41 810927.16
38 34 34 35 35 35 38 43
0.063 0.028 0.000 11.824 0.III 0.163 0.160 0.170 2.640 1.738 -11.46 821010.42
13 6 I0 12 8 II 17
0.153 0.102 0.056 0.102 0.143 0.121 0.160 wtd. mean
65 Cybele CYB
18 27 22 14 12 8 16 9
0.104 0.061 -0.001 11.989 0.016 0.036 0.035 0.075 3.596 2.624 -3.07 810206.37
27 19 15 13 II 14 16 15
0.079 0.043 -0.024 11.973 0.037 0.058 0.068 0.095 3.595 2.617 -2.44 810208.34
15 16 12 8 7 II 8
0.096 0.049 -0.017 0.027 0.041 0.052 0.080 wtd. mean
66 Maja24 30 24 19 26 15 21 18
0.285 0.186 0.034 12.631 -0.042 -0.018 -0.019 -0.003 2.520 1.538 2.85 810206.32
67 Asia I
20 16 15 21 17 24 20 29
0.541 0.384 0.191 13.051 0.174 0.135 0.121 0.130 2.629 2.074 20.81 810509.21
68 Leto lib
25 28 26 26 15 22 22 13
0.566 0.394 0.158 10.765 0.144 0.121 0.138 0.088 2.819 1.812 -2.68 820521.35
69 Hesperia llla
49 38 38 52 41 38 34 39
0.067 0.062 0.033 11.958 0.089 0.142 0.158 0.178 3.107 2.171 7.74 821009.29

70 P a n o ~ e a 21 lla
15 II 16 28 15 12
0.380 0.207 0.069 13.048 0.028 0.044 0.061 0.144 2.672 2.244 21.63 790601.28
71 Niobe lib
40 33 27 43 24 38 40 45
0.424 0.327 0.108 12.061 0.079 0.136 0.119 0.090 3.216 2.347 9.74 811126.33
17 38 28 8 21 15 31 33
0.478 0.375 0.150 12.374 0.125 0.204 0.223 0.199 3.205 2.449 12.89 811219.16
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"FABLE I V - - C o n t i n u e d

Minor Planet ~U A a Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z ( ) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

144 Vibilia lla

17 15 I0 13 13 14 I0 16
0.307 0,190 0.028 10.996 -0.015 0.008 0.001 0.028 2.462 1.481 -1.88 801224.35
145 Adeona lla
19 16 16 12 12 16 13 12
0.313 0.157 0.018 13.082 0.019 0.068 0.040 0.098 2.476 2.195 24.13 790601.24
146 Lucina lib
21 20 18 19 21 19 21 17
0.274 0.182 0.006 12.289 -0.021 -0.008 -0.013 0,026 2.859 1.896 4.85 801227.30
147 e r o t ~ e n e i a 3 0 lllb
23 79 35 44 49 88
0.190 0,124 0.031 13.010 0,039 0,043 0.058 0.046 3,057 2.048 1.00 810830.32
148 Gallia lib
20 18 22 16 28 47 32 29
0.471 0.376 0.187 11,605 -0.006 -0.029 -0,113 0.010 2.469 1.808 20.46 811005.18
152 Atala lllb
30 14 22 23 17 16 25 33
0.212 0.i00 0,048 13,383 0.137 0.258 0.271 0.316 2,900 2,308 17.51 820126.17
153 Hilda HIL
28 19 15 13 14
0.041 0.024 14.880 0.080 0.138 4.540 4.353 12.62 800317.13
18 14 13 19 17 27 21 25
0.017 0.015 0.004 13.788 0,064 0,086 0.105 0.140 4,383 3.475 -5.54 810115.40
21 28 23 16 19 12 20 12
0.006 0.014 -0.008 13.588 0.059 0,078 0.101 0.130 4,365 3.391 2.32 810206.31
31 17 12 11 11 17 16 17
0.009 -0.009 -0.026 13,626 0.069 0.098 0.108 0.136 4.364 3,391 2.47 810208.31
13 9 8 7 8 ii 9
0.012 0.010 -0.006 0,070 0.i01 0.105 0.133 wtd. mean
156 Xanthippe lib
25 16 12 i0 i0 II 13 II
0.247 0.147 0.028 11.935 -0.008 0.053 0,051 0,090 2.382 1.452 -10.18 810208.35
158 Koronis KOR
73 70 77 25 21
0,273 0.114 14.523 0.125 0.094 3.009 2.282 -15.40 800513.43 6
28 25 29 24 33 31 31 32
0.426 0.313 0.098 14.153 0.165 0.145 0.094 0.043 2.728 2.389 20.84 811220.10
28 24 27 20 17 31 32
0.426 0.309 0.I00 0.140 0.Ii0 0.094 0.043 wtd. mean
159 Aemilia lllb
28 18 ii i0 7 16 13 16
0.286 0.183 0,018 12.149 -0.018 -0.008 -0.018 0.032 2.836 1,877 -5.71 810208.42
161Athor I
39 21 24 28 26 23 30 46
0.063 0.071 0.058 12.995 0.068 0.101 0.142 0.094 2,336 1.636 -21.10 800930.48
167 Urda KOR
27 19 14 I0 14
0.388 0.214 14.027 0.140 0.135 2.938 2.234 15.80 800317.21
168 Sibylla CYB
32 20 40 72 25 22 22 29
0.334 0.224 0,069 12.896 0.022 0,081 0.063 0.137 3.282 2,337 -7.70 810724.42
38 25 22 28 21 25 21 29
0.375 0.216 0.060 13.836 0.007 0.054 0.073 0.057 3.250 2.976 17.63 811104.13
45 34 35 28 28 23 20 43
0.390 0.297 0.123 13,725 -0,033 0.008 0.014 -0.023 3,250 2.990 17.66 811105.12
22 14 17 14 13 12 19
0.360 0.234 0,076 0.002 0.048 0.048 0.075 wtd. mean
169 Zelia I
16 19 15 17 23 34 38 42
0.537 0.418 0,180 11.465 0,211 0.253 0.250 0.249 2,092 1.090 0.93 810927.35
170 Maria lla
58 30 20 79 34 43 49 86
0,598 0.447 0.219 13.016 0,169 0,165 0,187 0,235 2.616 1.629 5.87 810830.33
171 Ophelia THE
39 24 14 13 17 32 23 35
0.260 0.115 0.016 13.745 -0.016 -0.029 -0,065 -0.077 3.436 2.564 9.90 790822.20
27 27 23 26 36 48 49 54
0.169 0.117 -0,004 13.999 0.077 0,026 0.112 0,157 3,437 2.723 12.90 801106.18 6
46 37 39 39 45 61 42 89
0.196 0.144 0.024 13.974 0.020 -0.022 -0.055 -0.020 3.436 2.745 13.28 801108.16 6

TABLE IV--Continued

Minor Planet A ~ Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (ArU) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

20 16 II 15 24 19 28
0.198 0.121 0.012 0.003 -0.014 -0.037 -0.009 wtd. mean
173 Ino lib
29 14 11 18 20 26 25 40
0.222 O.140 0.030 12.754 0.025 0.044 0.036 0.003 2.892 2.179 -16.35 810505.47
179 Klytaemnestra Ilia
25 20 16 12 15 21 16 30
0.462 0.330 0.143 12.580 0.180 O.139 0.125 0.207 3.062 2.118 -6.16 801225.41
181Eucharis lllb
15 9 23 9 21
0.287 0.128 12.641 0.131 0.176 2.672 2.058 19.39 830406.21
184 Dejopeja lllb
21 16 11 14 17
0.076 0.042 13.452 0.073 O.107 2.952 2.172 14.03 800318.36
185 Eunike lib
32 17 8 9 I0 13 14 16
0.199 0.117 0.002 12.316 0.005 0.004 O.001 0.008 2.422 2.115 23.82 810103.10
186 Celuta I
22 21 20 26 23 34 34 36
0.471 0.422 0.224 13.460 0.112 0.147 0.081 -0.058 2.429 1.888 22.15 820124.14
187 Lamberta lib
20 19 12 9 13 18 16 28
0.196 0.150 0.024 12.516 0.012 0.049 0.036 0.041 2.983 2.023 4.94 801225.36
23 22 21 22 23 22 25 19
0.200 0.135 0.016 12.479 -0.007 0.039 0.038 0.058 2.979 2.021 5.18 801227.32
15 14 I0 II 14 13 16
O.198 O.144 0.022 0.007 0.045 0.037 0.053 wtd. mean
188 lib
Meni~eDn 33 35 36 38 50 43 82
0.429 0.395 0.224 12.959 0.152 0.193 0.171 0.374 2.643 1.679 6.26 801108.29 6
189 Phthia I
II 11 8 7 I0
0.474 0.224 12.515 0.206 0.274 2.538 1.544 1.81 800318.44
190 Ismene HIL
41 20 14 27 21 17 31 30
0.089 0.084 -0.007 13.388 0.006 0.031 0.048 -0.036 4.262 3.252 0.86 790823.29
32 23 20 18 27 24 26 21
0.078 0.075 0.028 13.537 0.059 0.115 0.089 0.119 3.730 2.923 -10.51 800906.44
21 27 17 22 22 29 32 23
0.061 0.056 0.008 13.975 0.051 0.129 0.131 0.142 3.571 3.298 15.82 801230.13
16 13 I0 13 13 17 14
0.070 0.074 0.006 0.035 0.072 0.089 0.095 wtd. mean
192 Nausikaa I
31 29 30 27 39 58 47 48
0.709 0.545 0.302 10.610 0.080 0.035 -0.065 -0.013 1.951 1.506 30.29 811005.13
194 Prokne lla
22 12 Ii 18 13 21 21 32
0.285 0.183 0.048 11.568 -0.014 -0.002 0.024 0.037 2.595 1.657 -10.24 810505.33
195 Eurykleia Ilia
26 18 12 I0 7 11 16 16
0.316 0.199 0.011 12.934 -0.019 0.002 -0.015 0.032 2.762 1.789 -4.28 810208.34
196 Philomela lllb
37 15 9 9 9 16 I0 19
0.633 0.459 0.200 12.596 0.196 0.199 0.179 0.224 3.089 3.172 18.01 810103.09
198 Ampella I
39 32 34 35 31 41 34 66
0.470 0.414 0.235 10.729 0.223 0.222 0.225 0.268 2.050 1.078 -7.26 801108.40 6
28 26 21 13 26 21 26 32
0.486 0.407 0.203 11.711 0.168 0.173 0.148 0.223 2.161 1.360 19.13 801226.21
23 20 18 20 19 21 29
0.481 0.410 0.212 0.191 0.183 0.176 0.232 wtd. mean
200 Dynamane lib
26 16 II 10 8 12 13 13
0.270 0.157 0.003 11.695 -0.011 0.015 0.018 0.056 2.670 1.687 2.12 810208.32
201 Penelope lla
17 I0 6 44 16 12 21 25
0.098 0.080 0.045 11.966 0.057 0.100 0.117 0.147 2.195 1.387 -20.18 800809.48 4

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TABLE IV--Continued

Minor Planet r d ~ Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (AU) (AU) (deg) (DT) Notes

229 A d e l i n d a CYB
39 22 22 25 29 39 33 38
0.198 0.082 0.035 15.099 -0.009 0.005 0.056 -0.159 3.815 3.006 10.23 810506.19
230 Athamantis I
22 23 26 21 33 51 34 32
0.459 0.360 0.142 11.674 0.092 0.148 0.098 0.233 2.299 1.858 25.08 811005.14
232 R u s s i a IIa
28 17 12 10 13 14 18 27
0.232 0.144 0.027 13.049 0.012 0.041 0.066 0.067 2.222 1.260 -7.46 810208.41
233 Asterope lla
34 18 21 26 25 18 27 43
0.291 0.233 0.114 12.346 0.120 0.201 0.245 0.213 2.489 1.759 -18.86 800930.46
26 26 18 8 22 18 24 31
0.301 0.210 0.101 12.758 0.089 0.204 0.177 0.190 2.574 1.806 16.37 801226.22
21 15 14 17 13 18 25
0.297 0.226 0.107 0.103 0.203 0.207 0.198 wtd. mean
234 Barbara I
33 17 13 13 16 15 17 21
0.512 0.432 0.176 12.819 0.181 0.254 0.275 0.287 2.930 1.944 0.76 810208.33
236 Honoria lib
36 16 II 13 13 21 9 18
0.467 0.394 0.168 12.461 0.153 0.244 0.250 0.274 2.811 1.860 -6.27 801224.40
21 28 22 16 17 14 19 16
0.519 0.401 0.173 12.990 0.166 0.255 0.291 0.319 2.894 2.071 12.72 810206.19
18 14 I0 10 12 8 12
0.506 0.396 0.169 0.158 0.252 0.258 0.299 wtd. mean
238 Hypatia Ilia
25 15 16 21 17 29 21 15
0.335 0.231 0.073 13.558 -0.020 0.047 0.077 0.080 3.096 2.649 18.19 810509.17
240 Vanadis lla
34 29 31 32 17 25 38 44
0.250 0.149 0.026 11.294 -0.012 0.017 0.043 0.095 2.161 1.167 2.23 801019.33
241Germania lllb
53 32 21 19 26 41 35 51
0.092 0.040 0.002 13.365 -0.015 0.003 0.081 0.030 2.844 3.120 18.30 810208.08
243 Ida KOR
42 13 II 21 15 18 34 24
0.365 0.376 0.138 14.563 0.178 0.134 0.093 0.189 2.900 2.114 14.56 800916.16
245 Vera lllb
17 19 15 17 22 34 39 43
0.572 0.413 0.169 11.348 0.162 0.134 0.093 0.059 2.527 1.555 7.12 810927.27
246 Asporina lla
31 20 15 21 18 24 20 14
0.937 0.703 0.332 13.221 0.277 0.276 0.214 0.130 2.792 2.078 16.58 820321.20
250 Bettina lllb
21 20 22 17 36 31 41 74
0.133 0.102 0.044 12.466 0.063 0.124 0.168 0.221 3.104 2.232 10.47 801018.24
258 Tyche lla
21 20 20 26 21 33 34 33
0.463 0.384 0.173 12.667 0.150 0.136 0.113 0.224 2.815 1.876 7.39 820124.33
261Prymno I
34 21 19 Ii 19 25 21 28
0.167 0.060 0.002 12.832 0.022 -0.036 -0.029 -0.045 2.293 1.375 -13.59 810508.38 3
264 Libussa lib
21 17 13 10 14 17 14 26
0.427 0.360 0.162 12.284 0.172 0.111 0.127 0.196 2.531 1.601 9.19 801225.30 3
266 Aline lib
35 21 21 15 21 36 23 39
0.285 0.158 0.034 13.551 0.026 -0.025 -0.003 -0.029 3.112 2.179 -8.48 810508.37
268 A d o r e a THE
46 14 II 26 14 22 16 22
0.116 -0.005 -0.053 13.968 -0.010 -0.025 0.025 -0.022 3.233 2.734 16.88 800915.16
275 Sapientia lib
13 II 8 6 i0
0.166 0.055 12.458 0.073 0.108 2.323 1.460 15.47 800318.39
18 16 I0 6 8
0.128 0.017 12.507 0.067 0.107 2.323 1.466 15.79 800319.23
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TABLE IV--Continued

Minor Planet r A a Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (AU) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

379 Huenna THE

48 36 31 24 36 40 35 33
0.258 0.146 0.041 13.382 0.002 0.022 - 0 . 0 0 7 0.013 2.547 1.872 - 1 9 . 7 9 810829.47
380 Fiducia IIa
33 23 20 23 27 42 33 35
0.284 0.188 0.041 13.380 0.008 0.006 0.088 0.093 2.503 1.678 - 1 5 . 9 0 801001.47
48 42 44 45 49 48 45 84
0.246 0.189 0.012 12.660 -0.030 -0.008 -0.019 0.058 2.545 1.560 -3.12 801108.30 6
27 20 18 24 32 27 32
0.272 0.188 0.036 -0.001 0.000 0.051 0.088 wtd. mean
381Myrrha IIIb
26 18 19 23 19 23 22 30
0.188 0.092 -0.012 12.712 -0.010 -0.004 0.012 -0.036 2.941 2,023 9.88 810509.36
382 Dodona IIIb
32 29 31 32 21 32 42 49
0.107 0.057 0.013 14.419 0.078 0.130 0.171 0.182 3.667 2.776 -8.00 801019.44
383 Janina THE
29 43 34 18 28 38 36 55
0.233 0.123 -0.036 14.200 -0.055 -0.iii -0.167 -0.237 2.560 1.850 18.00 811219.18
29 25 29 25 34 42 32 41
0.234 0.126 -0.018 14.281 -0.067 -0.059 -0.057 -0.174 2.560 1.861 18.24 811220.16
21 22 22 22 28 24 33
0.233 0.125 -0.026 -0.060 -0.088 -0.106 -0.197 wtd. mean
386 Siegena Ilia
34 16 6 9 10 16 11 16
0.343 0.230 0.067 12.603 -0.016 0.044 0.068 0.087 2.411 2.661 21.64 810103.07
387 Aquitania lib
22 14 12 19 19 23 21 32
0.588 0.443 0.202 10.820 0.162 0.249 0.279 0.286 2.263 1.353 -14.33 810505.38
388 C h a r { ~ d i s IIIa
18 22 18 37 31 40 82
0.184 0.139 0.042 12.747 0.018 0.000 0.043 0.069 2.928 1.952 -4.74 801018.40
389 Industria lla
33 29 38 28 46 30 38 34
0.371 0.297 0.141 11.119 0.095 0.171 0.153 0.194 2.619 1.638 -2.25 811220.39 5
25 20 21 21 26 22 27 28
0.422 0.339 0.175 10.968 0.143 0.163 0.139 0.193 2.618 1.636 -1.84 811221.32
20 16 18 23 18 22 22
0.403 0.325 0.167 0.131 0.166 0.144 0.193 wtd. mean
394 Arduina lib
59 33 24 80 38 47 51 89
0.524 0.399 0.188 12.842 0.165 0.152 0.167 0.247 2.159 1.304 -18.40 810830.44
25 24 26 22 33 53 44 40
0.397 0.304 0.128 12.211 0.083 0.028 0.023 0.075 2.202 1.210 -4.23 811005.34
43 35 36 30 27 27 19 41
0.434 0.350 0.154 12.877 0.167 0.109 0.104 0.174 2.251 1.370 14.87 811105.25
20 17 16 18 21 17 27
0.420 0.340 0.159 0.141 0.105 0.099 0.135 w t d . mean
402 Chloe lla
28 21 16 14 17 18 16 18
0.454 0.305 0.134 12.919 0.130 0.178 0.189 0.177 2.286 1.591 -21.17 810208.38
404 Arsinoe lla
27 21 23 22 30 33 30 36
0.134 0.069 -0.040 13.226 0.016 0.004 0.047 0.008 2.448 1.782 -19.96 811221.48
405 Thia lla
20 17 14 12 17 18 15 27
0.266 0.159 0.011 11.903 -0.042 -0.024 -0.002 0.025 2.626 1.646 -2.35 801225.35
406 Erna Ilia
41 22 24 27 27 25 31 48
0.198 0.165 0.092 13.754 0.113 0.174 0.201 0.176 2.426 1.475 -9.53 800930.37
34 27 21 21 27 32 33 34
0.148 0.098 0.039 13.752 0.104 0.148 0.189 0.211 2.427 1.472 -9.10 801001.39
26 17 16 19 20 23 28
0.168 0.138 0.062 0.109 0.164 0.195 0.199 w t d . mean
407 Arachne lla
64 59 59 60 49 61 79 86
0.183 0.157 0.011 12.427 -0.182 -0.094 -0.097 0.104 2.444 1.534 11.61 801108.25 6
28 37 37 41 18 18 22 28
0.230 0.130 -0.016 13.613 -0.005 -0.004 -0.019 0.091 2.692 2.027 -17.86 811222.46 7
26 31 31 17 17 21 27
0.222 0.138 -0.008 -0.026 -0.011 -0.025 0.092 w t d . mean
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TABLE I V - - C o n t i n u e d

Minor Planet r ~ = Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (AU) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

15 12 9 9 12 II II
0.159 0.091 0.049 0.086 0.113 0.137 0.157 wed. mean
442 Eichsfeldia I
36 16 20 19 19 22 27 23
0.240 0.149 0.033 12.875 0.015 0.021 0.052 0.050 2.180 1.261 14.65 820515.26
30 18 17 16 14 29 15 23
0.189 0.126 0.004 13.411 0.005 0.047 0.029 0.049 2.180 1.312 17.79 820523.27
23 12 13 11 18 13 16
0.210 0.139 0.016 0.009 0.030 0.034 0.049 wtd. mean
443 Photographica FL
38 32 26 24 38 28 35 36
0.626 0.477 0.233 12.837 0.203 0.262 0.286 0.283 2.202 1.227 4 . 5 5 801216.32
24 21 18 19 19 20 22 17
0.644 0.510 0.239 13.136 0.220 0.305 0.309 0.326 2.197 1.254 9 . 6 6 801227.28
20 18 15 17 16 19 15
0.639 0.500 0.237 0.217 0.290 0.302 0.318 wtd. mean
444 Gyptis lib
24 22 21 22 23 22 24 20
0.163 0.107 0.001 12.818 0.005 - 0 . 0 0 8 0.009 0.012 3.040 2.216 - 1 1 . 8 7 801227.39
446 Aeternitas lib
79 38 32 21 27 25 27 31
0.951 0.770 0.369 14.381 0.310 0.248 0.107 - 0 . 0 0 1 3.070 2.355 - 1 4 . 5 2 810206.49
449 Hamburga lla
30 16 22 24 20 19 28 27
0.286 0.197 0.034 13.248 0.010 0.061 0.050 0.091 2.218 1.558 22.66 820126.16
451Patientla lllb
22 21 19 21 22 19 22 18
0.176 0.091 -0,042 11.252 -0.035 -0.060 -0.092 -0.058 2.925 2.071 - 1 1 . 3 3 801227.40
459 lla
Sign~5 31 25 22 33 18 38 56
0.727 0.435 0.201 13.374 0.191 0.263 0.227 0.257 2.219 1.283 - 1 0 . 2 1 811223.47
462 Eriphyla KOR
28 19 13 7 ii
0.426 0.213 14.406 0.154 0.140 3.055 2.385 15.66 800317.20
466 T i s i ~ o n e CYB
30 26 22 40 38 44 77
0.204 0.129 0,000 14.298 -0.022 -0.012 0.042 0.011 3.372 3.001 - 1 6 . 7 0 801018.50
469 Argentina lllb
17 16 9 6 7
0.041 -0.020 12.382 0.043 0.059 2.599 1.652 8 . 5 8 800319.29
470 Kilia I
26 23 27 22 34 32 26 26
0.600 0.482 0.235 13.895 0.174 0.248 0.250 0.280 2.586 1.673 10.08 811220.27
65 33 27 24 37 30 38 55
0.492 0.448 0.202 14.002 0.163 0.151 0.168 0,207 2.584 1.689 11.20 811223.24
24 19 19 25 22 21 24
0.585 0.471 0.219 0.169 0.196 0.224 0.267 wed. mean
471Papa~na Ilia
17 21 15 29 48 32 30
0.639 0.464 0,163 10.646 0.140 0.135 0.116 0.124 2.246 1.761 -25.40 811005.47
34 30 34 36 29 22 21 32
0.567 0.395 0.145 10.071 0.129 0.098 0.058 0.104 2.278 1.493 -18.92 811103.43
41 34 29 45 28 35 40 46
0.550 0.398 0.148 9.791 0.113 0.034 0.041 0.047 2.310 1.366 -9.29 811126.38
14 14 15 17 17 16 20
0.616 0.439 0.155 0.127 0.087 0.070 0.102 wed. mean
472 Roma lla
28 21 20 25 21 23 34 20
0.595 0.401 0.200 13.484 0.160 0.137 0.132 0.104 2.701 1.938 16.60 810509.30
475 Ocllo MC
72 65 66 58 61 77 68 68
0.082 0.073 0.002 16.209 0.158 0.220 0.124 0.217 2.426 1.810 -21.37 811103.45 3
70 64 64 50 63 58 63 91
0.104 0.145 0.041 16.058 0.085 0.129 0.020 0.011 2.435 1.797 -20.91 811105.45 8
50 46 46 44 46 46 54
0.093 0.ii0 0.022 0.123 0.162 0.068 0.143 wtd. mean
476 H e d w ~ lla
27 22 15 15 10 17 15
0.253 0.177 0.035 12.853 0.075 0.096 0.099 0.113 2.839 1.919 8.74 810206.21

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TABLE I V - - ( ' o n t i n u e d

Minor Planet r g ~ Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (AU) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

559 Nanon llb

19 12 14 20 15 22 19 39
0.343 0.211 0.073 13.285 0.010 0.058 0.050 0.066 2.559 1.688 14.12 810509.33
562 Salome EOS
37 19 26 26 26 25 31 31
0.438 0.319 0.117 15.058 0.ii0 0.134 0.090 0.096 3.147 2.408 13.58 820126.19
563 Suleika lib
37 20 21 25 23 28 25 27
0.572 0.378 0.162 13.282 0.178 0.160 0.146 0.124 3.285 2.300 4.64 810509.37

566 Stereoskopia CYB

57 32 22 79 34 45 51 88
0.177 0.102 0.009 12.384 0.024 0.048 0.079 0.031 3.154 2.151 2.49 810830.34
47 34 35 28 24 23 16 40
0.261 0.161 0.079 13.392 0.017 0.039 0.054 0.003 3.121 2.695 17.76 811105.13
36 23 19 20 20 15 36
0.227 0.130 0.029 0.019 0.041 0.056 0.008 wtd. mean
570 Kythera CYB
63 34 25 80 39 47 52 93
0.318 0.223 0.071 13.913 0.144 0.260 0.340 0.278 3.229 2.330 9.59 810830.25
38 30 31 28 33 51 47 62
0.365 0.288 0.110 14.370 0.151 0.186 0.202 0.004 3.208 2.583 15.65 810926.19
27 25 18 20 28 37 43 51
0.410 0.320 0.144 14.374 0.140 0.190 0.284 0.188 3.208 2.595 15.80 810927.14
21 17 13 19 25 27 36
0.387 0.287 0.117 0.144 0.209 0.272 0.139 wtd. mean

571 Dulcinea 1
38 27 16 21 21 29 25 40
0.463 0.418 0.199 13.087 0.177 0.I|0 0.115 0.085 1.836 0.854 -6.77 801030.44
579 Sidonia EOS
26 18 13 8 9
0.434 0.194 13.352 0.142 0.198 3.242 2.687 16.08 800317.18
27 17 19 22 17 24 32 32
0.538 0.334 0.II0 13.096 0.106 0.139 0.103 0.006 3.083 2.266 12.88 810509.31
27 14 13 7 8 32 32
0.538 0.364 0.154 0.135 0.191 0.103 0.006 wtd. mean

582 Olym a 53 53 58 23 25 28 26
0.685 0.512 0.225 12.584 0.228 0.243 0.213 0.275 2.063 1.508 -26.63 811222.50

583 Klotilde IIIb

18 26 21 13 13 13 17 8
0.157 0.086 -0.010 12.792 0.021 0.013 -0.009 -0.026 2.704 1.735 4.86 810206.27
584 Semiramis I
54 28 18 78 31 44 49 86
0.628 0.458 0.203 10.865 0.151 0.113 0.099 0.043 1.941 1.049 19.06 810830.15

588 Achilles T
172 54 43 42 49 87 67 ~17
-0.100 0.092 0.128 16.074 0.073 0.268 0.447 0.364 5.919 4.934 -2.65 820620.38

593 Titania lla

21 18 14 16 15 18 13 19
0.150 0.085 -0.021 12.075 0.018 0.041 -0.027 -0.018 2.123 1.170 -8.84 801224.42

599 Luisa llb

25 21 20 26 20 32 32 38
0.547 0.439 0.212 13.399 0.182 0.272 0.280 0.247 2.605 2.144 21.21 820124.12
602 Marianna lllb
45 38 40 40 39 50 51 75
0.237 0.157 0.021 12.397 0.035 0.075 0.095 0.172 2.543 1.739 -15.80 801108.48
22 27 21 14 14 14 16 18
0.297 0.180 0.035 13.128 -0.012 0.006 0.042 0.057 2.748 2.180 18.95 810206.17
31 19 16 14 19 22 17 18
0.256 0.164 0.030 13.160 0.002 0.037 0.054 0.063 2.753 2.207 19.19 810208.13
17 14 12 11 11 11 13
0.277 0.168 0.031 -0.004 0.018 0.050 0.063 wtd. mean

606 lla
Bran~ne=~ 34 34 28 23 23 16 39
0.330 0.275 0.099 12.822 0.168 0.222 0.282 0.259 2.040 1.092 11.20 811105.29

613 Ginevra Ilia

66 21 17 28 18 27 26 30
0.132 0.032 -0,022 14.339 0.034 0.065 0.068 0.068 2.939 2.195 15.29 800915.20

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TABLE I V - - C o n t i n u e d

Minor Planet A ~ Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (~U) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

761Brendelia KOR
23 21 24 19 34 57 40 40
0.356 0.282 0.087 14.440 0.088 0.080 0.053 0.159 2.739 1.742 -1.92 811005.37
762 Pulcova lllb
40 32 34 34 23 41 43 55
0.037 0.050 -0.047 13.807 0.027 -0.019 0.016 -0.043 3.370 2.708 14.14 801019.15
768 Struveana lllb
37 31 34 34 22 27 40 57
0.132 0.080 0.044 14.141 0.024 0.072 0.101 0.164 2.491 1.659 -15.46 801019.48
771Libera lla
44 35 35 36 38 36 40 43
0.066 0.035 -0.010 13.227 0.048 0.111 0.128 0.198 2.131 1.257 -16.97 821010.43
772 Tanete Illa
38 53 53 59 34 32 36 35
0.201 0.110 0.005 13.338 -0.012 -0.003 -0.022 -0.022 2.936 2.281 -16.31 811222.52
773 Irmintraud IIla
32 31 34 34 22 25 40 50
0.157 0.125 0.044 13.303 0.115 0.213 0.310 0.342 2.806 1.873 8.69 801019.26
92 19 11 i0 18 20 14 28
0.102 0.093 0.023 13.540 0.138 0.227 0.296 0.387 2.817 1.953 11.93 801101.26
30 16 I0 14 16 13 24
0.151 0.102 0.025 0.129 0.222 0.298 0.376 wtd. mean
775 Lumiere EOS
32 18 24 26 21 22 27 35
0.423 0.340 0.126 14.010 0.119 0.155 0.153 0.120 2.822 1.838 0.69 820126.36
776 Berbericia Ilia
28 17 17 9 16 21 22 36
0.315 0.203 0.027 12.752 0.002 0.052 0.024 0.038 3.276 2.339 -7.75 810508.35
778 Theobalda llIb
24 16 20 16 37 35 42 77
0.086 0.002 -0.032 14.168 -0.045 -0.034 -0.047 -0.074 2.879 1.973 9.99 801018.22
36 34 34 35 29 34 43 70
0.001 -0.023 -0.054 14.204 -0.033 -0.051 -0.089 -0.102 2.876 1.978 10.33 801019.25
40 22 20 20 24 33 31 50
0.049 -0.022 -0.088 15.133 0.061 -0.053 -0.069 -0.132 2.703 2.653 21.13 801231.12
18 12 13 17 20 22 36
0.058 -0.008 -0.059 0.009 -0.046 -0.068 -0.111 wtd. mean
785 Zwetana Ila
19 21 19 24 30 45 19 27
-0.041 -0.056 -0.020 12.228 -0.001 0.091 0.102 0.089 2.121 1.204 13.90 800315.38
26 17 13 7 9
-0.066 -0.036 12.258 0.035 0.079 2.118 1.209 14.55 800317.38
17 18 25 8 14
-0.241 -0.071 12.546 0.017 0.039 2.077 1.415 25.53 800423.24 11
19 16 10 5 7 19 27
-0.041 -0.060 -0.043 0.026 0.068 0.102 0.089 wtd. mean
786 Bredichina lllb
38 17 21 20 18 15 23 23
0.092 0.065 0.012 12.523 0.057 -0.009 -0.033 -0.064 2.616 1.673 9.93 820515.27
28 23 22 21 19 33 22 20
0,102 0.067 0.025 12.624 0.056 0.010 -O.001 -0.033 2.616 1.709 12.24 820523.28
23 14 15 13 14 16 15
0.098 0.066 0.018 0,057 -0.006 -0.016 -0.046 wtd. mean
790 Pretoria CYB
23 29 22 14 15 26 17 20
0.114 0.052 0,006 13.704 0.051 0.134 0.111 0.143 3.874 2.959 6.21 810206.30
791Ani lllb
19 19 14 16 28 44 38 44
0.184 0.109 0.035 12.899 0.021 0.022 0.043 -0.031 2.558 1.599 -8.27 810927.33
798 Ruth EOS
71 68 76 24 32
0.196 0.021 14.006 0.100 0.108 2.915 1.989 -9.68 800513.39 6

801Helwerthia lla
70 44 41 37 39 52 51 79
0.110 0.120 0.055 15.342 -0.014 0.149 0.110 0.045 2.751 1.765 3.78 801019.30
804 Hispania Illa
19 20 15 13 16 21 16 29
0.261 0.200 0.027 12.451 0.081 0.057 0.069 0.048 3.082 2.164 -7.82 801225.41

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]'ABLE IV--Continued

Minor Planet g ~ Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (~U) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

16 15 9 12 19 14 23
0.447 0.341 0.163 0.151 0.147 0.141 0.135 wtd. mean
901Brunsia FL
23 20 21 15 26 50 36 42
0.679 0.556 0.235 13.350 0.147 0.088 0.063 0.068 1.751 0.875 22.46 811005.23
907 Rhoda lib
27 19 19 23 23 28 28 28
0.140 0.098 0.036 13.631 0.025 0.009 0.024 0.019 2.642 1.689 8.98 810506.24
909 Ulla CYB
36 25 24 27 27 39 38 47
0.074 0.086 0.015 14.726 0.039 0.015 0.096 0.090 3.772 2.883 -8.27 810505.41
914 Palisana PH
55 30 20 79 33 43 48 86
0.409 0.283 0. I00 12.839 0.048 0.124 0.130 0.198 2.204 1.667 -25.76 810830.46
19 40 30 12 26 26 32 40
0.352 0.250 0.092 13.013 0.009 0.095 0.088 0.102 2.464 1.819 20.20 811219.14
22 21 25 20 26 31 30 24
0.279 0.203 0.046 13.050 -0.031 0.092 0.153 0.070 2.467 1.832 20.36 811220.13
14 16 14 16 18 20 20
0.326 0.233 0.082 0.003 0.099 0.124 0.085 wtd. mean
925 Alphonsina lla
65 33 25 22 35 17 38 52
0.645 0.391 0.181 11.846 0.195 0.147 0.169 0.216 2.533 1.582 -7.22 811223.46
931Whittemora lllb
34 21 16 18 22 33 31 33
0.040 0.065 0.049 13.596 0.093 0.148 0.188 0.165 2.458 1.939 -22.61 801001.50
25 7 5 7 I0 13 6 15
0.023 0.016 0.005 12.780 0.037 0.053 0.075 0.081 2.480 1.520 6.33 801216.31
20 7 5 9 12 6 14
0.029 0.021 0.009 0.047 0.066 0.079 0.095 wtd. mean
937 FL
Beth~a 22 25 28 28 28 31 41
0.697 0.573 0.271 13.560 0.239 0.241 0.205 0.226 1.828 0.863 12.21 800930.26
945 Barcelona lla
22 28 22 14 18 13 18 7
0.401 0.313 0.139 12.528 0.154 0.093 0.079 0.168 2.230 1.245 -1.32 810206.36
946 Poesia THE
44 28 26 24 38 37 48 66
0.193 0.125 -0.032 15.907 0.041 0.042 0.012 -O.171 2.858 2.541 -20.39 800916.49
951Gaspra FL
43 33 31 33 35 42 40 43
0.731 0.530 0.202 13.613 0.167 0.154 0.097 0.076 1.831 0.937 -19.53 821010.45

958 Asplinda HIL

373 118 85 79 115 390 220
0.096 0.150 0.165 17.313 0.076 -0.421 0.065 4.524 3.632 -6.89 820620.42 12
962 Aslo~4 22 17 17 19 29 39 27
0.406 0.343 0.150 15.094 0.151 0.174 0.171 0.171 2.628 1.636 4.53 800916.31

969 Leocadia NY
57 39 36 36 60 90 60 124
0.018 -0.056 -0.053 16.908 0.084 0.090 -0.089 -0.222 2.925 1.955 5.79 810331.32

974 Lioba lla

32 19 21 20 27 24 35 28
0.644 0.493 0,238 13.414 0.202 0.234 0.150 0.195 2.404 1.435 -5.27 811221.33

980 Anacostia lib

33 19 16 19 21 24 30 30
0.705 0.554 0.249 11.102 0.193 0.329 0.343 0.355 2.189 1.338 17.71 801001.32
47 41 42 42 32 44 33 66
0.662 0.568 0.261 11.767 0.239 0.327 0.307 0.385 2.190 1.665 25.43 801108.07 6
27 17 15 18 21 22 27
0.691 0.556 0.251 0.207 0.329 0.327 0.360 wtd. mean

996 Hilaritas THE

50 19 17 18 27 40 50 47
0.322 0.189 0.012 15.700 -0.005 -0.032 -0.092 -0.157 3.317 2.334 -4.34 800916.40

1001Gaussia lllb
30 21 25 21 39 36 43 77
0.118 0.082 0.013 14.436 0.050 0.101 0.142 0.146 2.821 2.039 14.78 801018.20
57 35 37 36 33 46 50 57
0.132 0.042 -0.038 14.436 0.029 -0.020 0.012 -0.002 2.820 2.047 15.03 801019.19
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TABLE I V - - C o n t i n u e d

Minor Planet A ~ Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (~U) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

1268 HIL
LibYa6 28 21 20 33 47 47 49
-0.008 -0.023 -0.029 15.125 0.046 0.035 -0.044 0.043 4.340 3.330 0.82 790822.35
31 22 25 21 46 45 50 87
0.016 0.036 -0.002 14.970 0.086 0.084 0.196 0.174 4.074 3.108 3.94 801018.33
26 17 16 27 33 34 43
0.009 0.013 -0.018 0.060 0.061 0.069 0.075 wtd. mean
1269 Rollandia HIL
31 24 18 18 17 26 25 26
0.162 0.168 0.104 14.897 0.128 0.264 0.351 0.405 3.559 3.125 -15.20 801231.52
1275 Cimbria lla
37 23 23 27 27 22 29 42
0.189 0.161 0.076 13.440 0.060 0.128 0.126 0.129 2.229 1.258 -8.36 800930.35
27 26 26 23 27 36 33 43
0.137 0.063 -0.002 13.507 0.070 0.075 0.107 0.143 2.229 1.252 -7.39 801002.34
22 17 17 19 19 22 30
0.155 0.118 0.042 0.065 0.114 0.118 0.136 wtd. mean
1277 Dolores lla
20 19 16 21 14 25 21 13
0.327 0.222 0.058 13.779 0.057 0.071 0.068 0.079 2.146 1.179 11.35 820620.25
1280 Baillauda CYB
96 39 33 35 57 84 70 141
0.363 0.144 -0.003 15.999 0.111 0.082 0.182 0.147 3.589 2.760 10.73 820620.21
1284 Latvia lla
25 22 21 27 22 37 34 44
0.296 0.237 0.097 13.871 0.120 0.216 0.202 0.175 2.251 [.495 19.80 820124.19
1307 Cimmeria FL
51 25 28 27 26 32 32 39
0.677 0.533 0.209 15.105 0.188 0.212 0.105 0.198 2.049 1.189 17.67 820126.22
1310 Villigera PH
18 Ii 9 9 14
0.465 0.239 13.959 0.180 0.147 1.826 1.025 24.95 800318.38
1336 Zeelandia KOR
38 22 22 25 28 38 32 38
0.453 0.293 0.141 14.550 0.154 0.055 0.003 0.087 2.828 1.827 -3.21 810506.33
1342 Brabantia PH
19 16 I0 7 9
0.132 0.040 13.606 0.069 0.112 1.842 0.964 20.37 800319.22
1345 Potomac HIL
57 55 57 46 48
0.128 0.066 15.366 0.043 0.094 3.752 2.780 4.38 800411.31
1350 Rosselia KOR
33 20 15 13 19
0.345 O.186 14.962 0.147 0.161 3.084 2.090 1.14 800317.44
1355 Magoeba HU
39 34 37 39 32 36 31 49
0.136 0.089 0.040 15.635 0.107 0.164 0.173 0.170 1.936 1.076 19.70 811103.20
1390 Abastumani CYB
34 33 24 26 29 37 39 57
0.080 0.026 0.023 15.425 0.060 0.079 0.143 0.023 3.326 2.771 15.38 801230.17
1391 Carelia lla
30 19 16 19 18 15 18 21
0.491 0.392 0.193 14.220 0.158 0.146 0.135 0.164 2.112 1.130 -6.85 810331.36
1418 Fayeta FL
72 39 34 31 37 52 46 54
0.565 0.512 0.255 14.834 0.231 0.062 0.092 0.094 1.799 1.091 29.23 801002.18
1422 S t r o ~ r e n i a FL
38 40 39 33 37 47 59
0.640 0.495 0.200 14.610 0.184 0.115 0.119 0.108 1.879 0.883 -0.70 801019.34
1434 Margot EOS
30 28 26 15 24
0.319 0.138 15.165 0.097 0.155 3.005 2.137 10.78 801111.20
1439 Vogtia HIL
198 115 88 85 105 150 116 185
0.151 -0.161 -0.128 17.122 0.091 0.167 0.242 0.230 3.865 3.098 -10.60 810329.42
86 75 78 72 94 117 123 174
-0.139 -0.188 -0.176 17.030 0.074 0.022 0.000 -0.252 3.866 3.088 -10.41 810330.41

T A B L E IV--Continued

Minor Planet r A a Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (AU) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

79 63 58 70 92 84 127
-0.093 -0.180 -0.155 0.082 0.077 0.128 -0.026 wtd. mean
1442 Corvina KOR
44 32 28 22 48
0.422 0.203 15.539 0.159 0.130 2.709 1.766 7.86 801111.25

1445 Konkolya THE

64 28 27 25 44 60 49 88
0.158 0.104 -0.017 16.242 0.035 0.104 -0.007 0.028 2.577 1.886 -19.04 800916.44
1453 Fennia HU
52 35 33 27 32 32 34 36
0.684 0.521 0.228 15.547 0.282 0.261 0.243 0.295 1.945 1.178 23.51 820125.26
1461 Jean-Jacques lllb
43 27 22 19 33 38 34 54
0.023 0.009 0.022 15.601 0.052 0.071 0.094 0.091 2.999 2.750 19.07 810102.15
1467 Mashona CYB
51 39 39 53 38 38 38 42
0.376 0.251 0.058 13.224 -0.001 0.028 0.012 -0.004 2.992 2.120 II.i0 821009.24
1493 Sigrid NY
44 27 23 31 34 57 50 53
0.107 0.033 0.015 15.757 0.007 0.066 -0.003 0.106 2.129 1.535 -25.94 800915.45
47 26 23 23 33 53 51 65
0.054 -0.020 -0.047 15.961 0.012 -0.086 0.016 -0.112 2.129 1.523 -25.75 800916.47
37 33 32 31 40 43 45 81
-0.043 -0.043 -0.061 15.949 0.023 0.032 -0.057 -0.192 2.365 1.634 19.26 801231.21
24 16 14 20 29 28 37
0.028 -0.006 -0.025 0.013 0.006 -0.018 -0.024 wtd. mean
1508 Kemi MC
20 14 16 22 16 19 II 27
0.127 0.013 -0.030 14.416 0.019 -0.059 -0.056 -0.050 1.987 1.049 13.70 810330.33
1509 Esc langona HU
39 33 35 37 31 34 24 42
0.583 0.456 0.207 15.185 0.193 0.234 0.150 0.209 1.921 1.058 19.76 811103.27
53 41 40 34 37 38 28 53
0.635 0.501 0.248 15.174 0.126 0.202 0.202 0.252 1.920 1.060 19.87 811105.35
31 26 26 24 25 18 33
0.601 0.474 0.225 0.165 0.220 0.172 0.226 wtd. mean
1512 Oulu NIL
42 24 19 17 26 37 33 37
0.086 0.073 0.058 14.950 0.069 0.173 0.172 0.170 3.820 2.816 1.56 800906.34
1529 Ot erma HIL
148 59 44 40 64 90 92 209
-0.042 0.204 0.102 16.888 0.086 0.149 0.081 0.209 4.629 3.859 9.01 810706.22
1556 Wingol fia CYB
67 35 34 34 44 56 45 63
0.066 0.033 0.036 15.796 0.070 0.115 0.091 0.002 3.589 2.592 -3.34 820522.33 7
55 24 21 19 29 41 32 57
0.091 0.035 0.034 15.699 0.030 0.042 0.138 -0.015 3.588 2.592 3.38 820523.32 7
43 20 18 24 33 26 42
0.081 0.034 0.035 0.042 0.067 0.122 -0.007 wtd. mean

1564 lllb
Srbi~= 30 34 37 29 27 21 33
0.200 0.145 0.025 14.692 0.058 0.114 0.087 0.097 2.487 1.618 -13.68 811103.42
1576 Fabiola THE
44 39 39 34 50 82 66 86
0.081 0.012 -0.095 14.971 -0.061 -0.078 -0.147 -0.255 2.694 1.726 6.74 811005.32
1578 Kirkwood HIL
51 25 24 28 38
0.122 0.089 16.020 0.163 0.241 3.920 2.958 4.91 800914.38
95 33 23 29 24 36 32 35
0.279 0.252 0.148 15.998 0.212 0.366 0.431 0.453 3.917 2.959 5.17 800915.30
95 28 17 18 26 32 35
0.279 0.214 0.121 0.191 0.307 0.431 0.453 wtd. mean

1579 Herrick CYB

94 24 17 16 26 33 26 38
-0.016 0.050 -0.030 15.006 -0.006 -0.007 0.003 -0.006 3.078 2.093 -2.73 801101.37
1581 Abanderada THE
49 38 36 33 44 80 53 96
0.112 0.122 -0.016 15.951 -0.114 -0.193 -0.135 -0.175 3.512 2.538 3.60 801102.29

TABLE I V - - C o n t i n u e d

Minor Planet ~ ~ Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (~U) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

1583 Antilochus T
60 26 24 27 27 39 29 40
0.181 0.082 0.057 16.177 O.191 0.312 0.404 0.390 5.379 4.655 -7.88 810330.46
57 40 35 37 44 54 47 66
0.185 0.126 0.089 15.744 0.095 0.216 0.306 0.307 5.378 4.385 -2.04 810505.35
41 22 20 23 32 25 34
0.183 0.095 0.067 0.165 0.279 0.377 0.368 wtd. mean
1584 Fuji24 PH
18 19 19 31 21 33 30
0.520 0.402 0.189 13.636 0.159 0.139 0.070 0.Iii 1.923 1.178 -24.65 811221.46
1601 Patr~9 FL
35 33 31 27 37 36 42
0.799 0.558 0.287 14.670 0.216 0.194 0.182 0.161 2.008 1.044 12.27 820521.26
1604 T o m b ~ g h EOS
24 20 22 24 41 36 52
0.287 0.231 0.070 14.839 0.102 0.129 0.044 -0.067 2.708 1.916 15.43 801001.21
57 31 27 25 39 64 44 67
0.252 0.205 0.059 14.974 0.191 0.144 0.169 0.074 2.708 1.935 15.95 801003.21
40 19 16 20 35 28 41
0.270 0.221 0.066 0.126 0.133 0.094 -0.014 wtd. mean
1606 Jekhovsky lla
46 34 27 19 36 46 37 34
0.319 0.255 0.080 13.742 -0.027 0.031 0.026 0.070 1.844 0.874 -12.70 810829.44
41 28 28 23 25 25 20 45
0.312 0.218 0.043 15.143 0.041 0.049 0.027 0.010 1.956 1.168 22.97 811105.19 7
31 22 19 21 22 18 27
0.315 0.233 0.062 0.019 0.045 0.027 0.048 wtd. mean
1615 Bardwell THE
46 43 32 30 70 93 93 81
0.199 0.129 0.014 14.848 0.062 -0.010 0.046 -0.067 2.543 1.569 -6.65 810929.43
46 37 37 31 27 35 30 56
0.168 0.104 -0.016 15.045 -0.006 -0.057 -0.044 -0.135 2.518 1.592 10.14 811105.27
33 28 24 25 33 29 46
0.183 0.I15 0.001 0.003 -0.051 -0.036 -0.113 wtd. mean
1619 Ueta FL
40 35 36 35 29 29 45 52
0.710 0.554 0.233 14.340 0.187 0.196 0.060 0.136 1.856 0.954 -18.26 801019.46
1620 Geographos AAA
57 49 44 49 55
0.466 0.249 17.165 0.183 0.092 1.391 0.590 -36.69 830107.49
1625 The NORC lllb
13 ii 9 8 14
0.233 0.103 14.011 -0.011 0.034 2.761 1.787 5.24 800318.31
1627 Ivar AAA
26 19 21 28 39 35 46 78
0.654 0.457 0.200 13.976 0.176 0.094 0.119 0.209 1.629 0.697 -19.11 801018.44
1644 Rafita lla
31 35 29 21 22 26 24 23
0.468 0.387 0.199 14.376 0.148 0.082 0.053 0.149 2.185 1.211 5.42 810206.28
1650 Heckmann NY
28 21 15 14 22 41 28 47
-0.056 -0.087 -0.080 15.710 0.041 -0.066 -0.050 -0.166 2.660 1.805 -12.75 810102.42
44 24 20 20 29 49 39 75
0.061 -0.029 -0.031 15.583 0.001 -0.006 -0.049 -0.200 2.658 1.796 -12.43 810103.36
24 16 12 18 31 23 40
-0.022 -0.062 -0.062 0.026 -0.041 -0.050 -0.176 wtd. mean
1655 Comas Sola lib
94 22 15 15 22 28 21 34
-0.008 0.022 -0.033 13.926 0.027 -0.005 0.008 0.093 2.170 1.241 -12.19 801101.45
1657 Roemera PH
387 177 164 162 205 308 315 767
0.502 0.277 0.071 16.901 0.214 -0.070 -0.403 -0.495 2.359 1.660 20.16 811220.20 14
276 238 236 322 273
0.441 0.117 16.638 0.058 0.164 2.356 1.667 20.39 811221.20 14
387 149 135 173 308 206 767
0.502 0.325 0.086 0.169 -0.070 -0.079 -0.495 wtd. mean
1665 GabY30 23 23 22 30 31 31 42
0.567 0.440 0.180 14.539 0.145 0.142 0.115 0.093 1.968 1.118 19.24 811221.23
. . . . ~ . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~

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Minor Planet ~U A a Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z ( ) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

1863 Antinous AAA

55 23 19 19 18 20 20 35
0.395 0.273 0,I00 13.687 0.119 -0.014 -0.058 0.033 1.201 0.223 21.71 820323.30
42 40 30 24 16 22 21 31
0.337 0.202 0.084 13.727 0. iii 0.071 -0.003 -0.010 1.193 0.218 23.62 820324.27
33 20 16 12 15 14 23
0.358 0.255 0.095 0.115 0.024 -0.032 0.009 wtd. mean
1865 Cerberus AAA
94 25 21 16 26 34 29 35
0.339 0.293 0.123 14.964 0.136 0.074 0.057 0.125 1.286 0.297 -8.30 801101.39
99 63 46 48 57 70 88 122
0.552 0.396 0.118 14.751 0.112 -0.033 -0.059 0.079 1.255 0.271 11.41 801106.35 6
68 23 19 24 31 28 34
0.440 0.307 0.122 0.132 0.054 0.046 0.122 wtd. mean
1867 Deiphobus T
41 26 20 18 28 35 25 48
0.142 0.090 0.051 15.717 0.168 0.298 0.356 0.343 5,405 4.425 -0.90 801228.30
53 44 37 38 41 45 48 53
0.082 0.111 0.078 15.705 0.119 0.252 0.294 0.298 5.405 4.423 -0.51 801230.36
53 28 22 21 29 40 34 39
0.051 0.021 0.008 15.808 0.209 0.309 0.338 0.374 5,405 4.423 0.50 810103.22
28 17 14 18 23 19 26
0.i01 0.066 0.038 0.174 0.290 0.341 0.346 wtd. mean
1902 Shaposhnikov HIL
58 42 40 24 25
0.243 0.137 15.307 0.099 0.137 3.967 3.092 -7.99 800411.38
26 27 31 32 35
-0.036 -0.025 15.431 0.082 0.[08 3.944 2.985 -5.04 800423.42
24 23 19 20
0.011 0.022 0.093 0.[27 wtd. mean
1911 Schubart HIL
68 29 23 24 29 53 31 47
0.114 0.041 0.028 15.848 0.054 0.106 0.030 0.055 4.232 3.227 0.49 800914.43
1915 Quetzalcoatl AAA
118 75 71 69 97 149 106 192
0.393 0.262 0.066 18.031 0.268 0.142 0.087 -0.111 1.170 0.249 -42.13 810331.42
1919 Clemence HU
24 19 17 20 22
0.126 0.078 16.570 0.080 0.[55 1.773 1.260 32.58 830106.13
1920 Sarmiento HU
22 18 26 20 24
0.098 0.048 15.967 0.074 0.113 1.840 0.891 -11.71 821216.42
1943 Anteros AAA
i17 43 37 35 44 66 51 89
0.632 0.395 0.178 16.890 0.155 0.227 0.159 0.087 1.635 0.679 -17.10 800914.36
93 41 34 33 41 77 59 82
0.714 0.402 0.167 16.839 0.171 0.072 0.168 0.080 1.640 0.678 -15.92 800916.35
73 30 25 30 50 39 60
0.682 0.399 0.172 0.164 0.161 0.163 0.083 wtd. mean
1963 Bezovec PH
28 23 28 22 31 30 29 25
0.233 0.186 0.065 13.735 -0.033 0.018 -0.005 0.058 1.984 1.160 20.38 811220.25
1990 Pilcher FL
102 53 43 42 52 73 65 107
0.631 0.448 0.155 15.149 0.206 0.120 -0.057 -0.270 2.076 1.066 -2.05 820515.32 7
76 38 34 33 33 47 39 51
0.703 0.477 0.208 15.126 0.200 0.119 0.085 0.067 2.078 1.070 3.55 820521.30
61 31 27 28 40 33 46
0.677 0.467 0.188 0.202 0.119 0.047 0.005 wtd. mean
2001 Einstein HU
59 36 31 30 36 46 50 77
0.271 0.114 0.075 15.676 0.057 0.085 -0.027 -0.021 1.916 1.160 -24.38 810103.45
33 22 21 21 25 29 24 33
0.155 0.089 0.020 15.626 0.103 0.[37 0.154 0.202 1.815 1.097 28.49 810331.19
29 19 17 21 25 22 30
0.183 0.096 0.037 0.088 0.[22 0.120 0.167 wtd. mean
2010 C h e b ~ h e v THE
45 41 36 46 72 67 I01
0.133 0.159 0.032 15.584 -0.004 -0.111 -0.172 -0.379 2.513 1.673 -15.25 801001.45
2035 Stearns HU
47 34 35 28 28 33 24 46
0.221 0.147 0.075 15.118 0.086 0.154 0.135 0.150 1.997 1.079 -14.60 811105.38

TABLE IV--Continued

Minor Planet r A s Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (AU) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

2048 Dwornik HU
54 28 25 22 31 33 44 76
0.150 0.088 0.053 16.129 0,054 0.142 0.088 -0.006 1,872 1.017 22.99 810706.29
174 56 48 47 53 65 58 98
0.108 0.088 0.069 16.225 -0.016 0.088 0.004 -0.029 1.874 1.069 25.25 810723.22
22 23 24 29 42
0.071 0.027 16.367 0.105 0.131 2.032 1.244 -21.39 821216.44
52 17 16 20 24 35 60
0.146 0.078 0.042 0.068 0.131 0.057 -0.015 wtd. mean
2050 Francis PH
53 25 20 24 24 49 30 52
0.520 0.409 0.204 14.982 0.131 -0.011 -0.002 0.014 1.828 0.962 22.47 810505.31
2052 Tamriko EOS
34 29 25 20 27 30 27 35
0.498 0,371 0.156 14.804 0.120 0.089 0.086 0.086 2.852 1.936 8.78 820125,29
2060 Chiton Z
185 173 170 329 315
-0.048 -0.179 18.733 -0.126 0.436 16.753 15.766 -0,38 801102.33
49 39 37 54 78
0.078 0.060 18.595 0.028 -0.038 15.758 14.901 1,81 821216.25 7
54 43 38 52 97
0.142 0.012 18.726 -0.016 -0.115 15,728 15.109 2.84 830106.26 7
42 34 30 43 72
0.099 0.022 18.851 0.007 0.032 15,727 15.121 2,88 830107.20 7
27 22 28 46
0.I00 0.028 0.005 -0.017 wtd. mean
2067 Aksnes HIL
104 38 32 30 42 69 43 61
0.017 0.025 -0.007 16.177 0.109 0.157 0.225 0.176 3.707 2.852 8.86 801101.29
53 41 42 38 47 78 46 78
-0.040 0.009 -0.027 16.301 0.125 0.140 0.202 0,156 3.706 2.858 9.09 801102.25
47 28 25 31 52 31 48
-0.028 0.018 -0.014 0.116 0.150 0.214 0.168 wtd. mean
2081 Sazava NY
27 23 19 21 30 48 42 59
-0.016 -0.060 -0.079 14,951 -0.007 0.044 -0.059 -0.131 2.244 1.265 7.33 810927.29
2083 Smither HU
25 20 22 17 17
0.053 0.052 15,256 0.094 0.091 1.951 0.955 -8.34 800619.39
46 26 30 31 34 38 39 56
0.118 0.081 0.045 15.266 0.116 0.096 0.082 0.076 1.778 0,907 -20.83 820126.38
46 18 17 15 16 39 56
0.118 0.066 0.050 0.098 0.092 0.082 0.076 wtd. mean
2090 Mizuho lllb
44 24 18 17 19 20 37 29
0.650 0.481 0,204 14.455 0.219 0.196 0.178 0.160 2.680 1.677 1.78 800916.24
2100 Ra-Shalom AAA
54 38 32 25 39 42 35 38
0.202 0.141 0.048 14.104 0.054 0,061 0.046 0.005 1.172 0.187 27.63 810829.36
59 29 18 78 31 43 48 86
0.216 0.138 0.031 14.079 0.056 0.056 -0.008 -0.005 1.173 0.189 27.41 810830.18
40 23 16 24 30 28 35
0.208 0.139 0.035 0.055 0.059 0.027 0.003 wtd. mean
2111Tselina EOS
34 31 27 22 28 35 28 41
0.542 0.372 0.129 15.342 0.163 0.182 0.160 0.022 2.805 2.205 18.05 820125.19
2131Mayall HU
54 26 19 19 26 36 45 68
0.486 0.467 0.214 13.871 0.202 0.222 0.325 0.342 1.712 0.721 11.13 800807.31 3,10
69 20 19 28 24 31 25 34
0.550 0.401 0.193 15.214 0.185 0.212 0.210 0.304 1.687 0.987 32.47 800915.18
43 16 13 18 23 22 30
0.510 0.426 0.204 0.193 0.216 0.237 0.312 wtd. mean
2139 Makharadze NY
75 53 52 62 64 75 61 84
0.049 0.041 0.018 15.233 -0.084 -0.008 -0.065 -0.117 2.163 1.174 -5.06 821009.37
60 40 39 40 48 58 61 73
-0.004 -0.031 -0.060 15.238 -0.018 -0.031 -0.112 -0.079 2.165 1,174 -4.52 821010.37
47 32 31 38 46 43 55
0.017 -0.005 -0.032 -0.042 -0.022 -0.089 -0.095 wtd. mean
2156 Kate FL
43 36 39 39 35 37 30 43
0.721 0.551 0,250 14.569 0,203 0.174 0.136 0.159 1.846 0.932 -16.85 811103.40
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TABLE l V - - ( ' o n t i n u e d

Minor Planet r A a Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z (AU) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

2735 Ellen HU
139 124 125 [27 189
0.347 0.157 16.413 0,400 0.658 1,782 0,906 21.75 821010.26
2744 1975 RB MC
41 39 40 44 46
0.546 0.243 15.299 0.222 0.114 1.549 0.574 13.09 821010.26
2760 1980 TU6 HIL
16 12 22 15 14
0,080 0.040 15.637 0.094 0.149 3.581 2.748 -9.57 821216.50
14 13 13 15 15
0.112 0.054 15.341 0.102 0,170 3,565 2.619 -5.05 830106.37
37 34 31 28 29
0.iii 0,062 15,265 0.122 0.196 3.560 2.604 -4.39 830113.21
10 9 10 10
0.099 0.047 0.101 0.163 wtd. mean
2809 1978 QW2 NY
40 31 29 40 53
0,010 -0.027 17.684 0.040 -0,050 2.233 1,728 24.80 830106.20
2830 1980 GA PH
19 18 25 8 15
0.421 0.199 14,610 0.187 0,180 1.906 0.918 -8.27 800423.35
2893 1975 QD T
41 21 32 36 33
0.181 0.080 17.039 0.160 0,236 5.382 5.061 10.52 830509.28
33 19 16 28 27
0,028 0.036 17,111 0.216 0,379 5.382 5.074 10.56 830510.22
26 14 22 21
0.088 0,056 0.195 0,322 wtd. mean
1979 VA AAA
19 18 17 21 27 21 40
0.056 -0.013 13.657 0.034 0.059 0.018 0.006 1.165 0.189 18.32 791121.30 2
23 19 24 27 37 29 47
0,057 -0,018 13,705 0.017 0,051 0.006 -0.093 I.[72 0.196 18.00 791122.25 2
31 32 27 25 38 32 46
0.076 0.007 13.817 -0.021 -0.028 -0,072 -0,055 1,179 0.203 17.74 791123.23 2
13 12 14 19 15 25
0.060 -0.012 U.OI3 0.035 -0.005 -0.042 wtd. mean
[980 WF AAA
21 18 26 19 21
0.503 0.299 16.083 0.116 -0.096 1.092 0.116 21.35 801215.36
126 37 25 20 32 54 48 103
0,372 0,511 0,230 16.157 0.120 -0.171 -0.334 -0.546 1.090 0.116 22.29 801216.38
126 18 15 16 20 48 103
0.372 0.505 0.275 0.117 -0.106 -0.334 -0.546 wtd. mean
1981LA HU
17 17 45 19 27
0.175 0.095 [6.208 0.148 0.164 [.820 1,346 33.08 830509.25 4
25 12 26 16 24
0.218 0.106 16.175 0.148 0.205 1.821 1.354 33.12 830510.25 4
14 i0 12 18
0.[89 0,102 0.148 0,187 wtd. mean
19bi QA AAA
67 41 33 25 40 44 38 64
0.719 0.450 0.150 14.739 0.188 -0.014 -0,036 -0.121 1.188 0.199 24.49 810829.34
58 31 20 79 33 47 49 87
0.720 0.475 0,181 14.378 0.142 0,064 -0.051 -0.080 1.188 0.200 24.29 810830.21
44 25 17 25 32 30 52
0.720 0.466 0.173 0.161 0,022 -0.042 -0.107 wtd. mean
1981 OF2 NY
54 34 29 48 66
-0.029 -0.085 17.763 0.041 -0.038 2.670 1.744 -8.74 830106.46
30 23 26 31 56
-0.006 -0.079 17.242 -0.029 -0.i00 2,671 1.739 -8.34 830107.42
26 19 26 43
-0.011 -0.081 -0.008 -0.074 wtd. mean

1981VB llb
73 40 40 42 44 83 71 114
0.359 0.238 0.076 16.744 0.017 -0,008 -0.030 -0.047 2,642 1,658 3.52 811103.34 18
120 81 80 77 84 127 81 164
0.419 0.228 0,070 17.020 0.247 -0.010 0.177 0.169 2.263 1.663 4.09 811105.31
62 36 36 39 69 53 94
0,375 0.236 0.075 0.067 -0,009 0.060 0.023 wtd. mean

TABLE IV--Continued

Minor Planet ~U A a Date Zone

s-v u-v b-v V v-w v-x v-p v-z ( ) (AU) (deg) (UT) Notes

1982 DV AAA
34 II 13 12 12 12 16 13
0.797 0.528 0.257 12.999 0.197 0.123 0.073 0.059 1.159 0.187 -34.66 820515.40 7
35 32 29 29 24 28 26 25
0.701 0.504 0.219 13.619 0.210 0.107 0.063 0.055 1.181 0.203 -31.13 820521.43
28 22 21 20 19 25 21 24
0.766 0.520 0.244 13.140 0.157 0.068 -0.020 -0.019 1.188 0.209 -29.90 820523.40
18 9 I0 9 I0 II I0
0.757 0.524 0.249 0.189 0.112 0.044 0.044 wtd. mean

1982 RA AAA
82 41 37 44 46 56 58 104
0.463 0.465 0.292 15.323 0.021 0.106 0.012 -0.077 1.170 0.436 56.59 821009.17 7
71 37 34 34 45 56 58 72
0.484 0.422 0.253 15.395 0.162 0.169 -0.002 0.079 1.168 0.443 56.99 821010.16 7
54 27 25 32 40 41 59
0.475 0.441 0.271 0.093 0.138 0.005 0.028 wtd. mean

1982 XB AAA
14 8 16 8 8
0.469 0.179 13.514 0.132 0.009 1.021 0.043 31.70 821216.30 7
II 10 I0 9 7
0.490 0.191 14.764 0.137 0.009 1.029 0.065 -44.01 830106.47 7
8 6 9 9 9
0.509 0.203 14.835 0.120 -0.008 1.031 0.067 -44.15 830107.43 7
6 4 5 5
0.497 0.194 0.130 0.005 wtd. mean

Throughout the figures we adopt an ordi- results in terms of the distributions of com-
nate which is linear in stellar magnitude or positional types, with correction for obser-
logarithm of the albedo; equal vertical dis- vational selection effects, will be made in
tances represent equal ratios of reflectance other papers. Here we note only a few of
or equal optical depths in absorption. Tick the more obvious results.
marks are given at a spacing of 0.2 m or a The general evolution of dominant type
factor of 1.2023 in reflectance, but no nor- from S to C to D with increasing heliocen-
malization to the visual or any other wave- tric distance should be evident in the fig-
length is necessary. We believe that this ures. The Earth- and Mars-approaching ob-
method of plotting reflection spectra has jects (Figs. 4 and 7) are predominantly of
substantial advantages over the usual type S, as are the Floras (Fig. 6) at the inner
method, in which normalized Rx is plotted edge of the main belt; however, differences
as the linear ordinate. The shapes of our in the x, p, and z filters reflect a wide vari-
curves are invariant with respect to albedo; ety of pyroxine and olivine abundances
in cases where the absolute albedos are within the S class. The Floras contain at
known, our spectra can be combined into a least one E object, 317 Roxane, and the D
single plot without changes in slope or cur- object 336 Lacadiera.
vature. The majority of the Hungarias (Fig. 5),
In Figs. 4 through 21 we plot the survey like 434 Hungaria itself, show the linear,
results for the 589 asteroids, grouped ac- slightly reddish reflection spectra charac-
cording to orbital element zone. The zones teristic of the E type, which is very rare
are presented in order of increasing mean elsewhere. Thermal radiometry of several
heliocentric distance, as in Table III. A par- Hungarias (Tedesco et al., 1985) has con-
ticular asteroid can be found by reference firmed that they also show the high albedos
to Table IV, in which the zone designations characteristic of the E type.
are given following the asteroid number and The Phocaeas (Fig. 8) show a mixture of
name. S and C types, as does main belt Zone I
(Fig. 9) at a comparable heliocentric dis-
INTERPRETATION S tance. Zone I also contains the unique ob-
A close examination of the eight-color ject 4 Vesta and a sprinkling of other types.



L _ I I I I I l ~ I I ~ * I I I _ I t L I I
0.3 0-5 0.7 O.S t .1 0.3 0-5 0.7 0.9 t.l 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 t .l 0.3 0.5 0-7 0.9 I .1

Fzo. 4. Reflection spectra for asteroids in the Earth-approaching ( A p o l l o - A r n o r - A t e n ) zone. In this

and the following figures, spectra are stacked vertically in order of asteroid number, with an ordinate
that is linear in logarithm to the albedo, as in Fig. I. Error bars are indicated if the standard deviation
from Table IV e x c e e d s 0.08 mag. Triangles are used for standard deviations less than 0.08 mag, and
squares if standard deviations are less than 0.04 mag; in most of the latter cases, the observational
uncertainty is less than the size of the symbol.

zs ~ tst9

/ =

i i i i _ J
f a L _ _ _ ~ i 1 _a a a _ i _1 i ~ L ~

0.9 0.5 0.7 0.8 1 .[ 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 I -! 0-3 0.5 0+7 0.9 l .! 0-3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1 .l

FIG. 5. As in Fig. 4, but for asteroids in the Hungaria zone.



i i i i i i i t l i l i i i i
0.3 0.5 0,7 0.8 1.1 0.3 0.5 0-7 0.8 1 .l 0.3 0-5 0.7 0.9 1-1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 I .l

FIG. 6. As in Fig, 4, but for asteroids in the Flora zone.

475 1508

132 512

i I l L l t i i i i i i i l I i i
0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 I .I 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1 .1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1 -t 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1 .i

FIG. 7. As in Fig. 4, but for asteroids in the Mars-crossing zone, i.e., for objects with perihelion
distance between 1.30 and 1.67 AU.

654 1310

i i i i i l i i l i l i i i i i i ~ i J
0.3 0.5 0.'7 0.9 1 .i 0.3 0-5 0.7 0.9 1 .1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.£ I .1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1 .1

FIG. 8. As in Fig. 4. but for asteroids in the Phocaea zone.

Asteroids of type C dominate the sample in tion unknown, but presumably carbona-
Zones II and III. Zone II1 also contains ob- ceous) presents a major puzzle for which no
jects 152, 308, 368, 773, and 2375 with D- satisfactory solution has been offered.
like spectra. The A-type spectra of 246 As- The Eos and Koronis families (Figs. 13
porina, 289 Nenetta, 446 Aeternitas, and and 15) are entirely of type S, which is rare
863 Benkoela stand out in Zones I1 and at their heliocentric distances (compare
11I, as does the unique spectrum of 349 Fig. 14 for Zone Ilia). The S objects in the
Dembowska in Zone Ilia. Koronis family resemble each other
The Nysa zone (Fig. 10) was drawn closely; by comparison with the Eos ob-
broadly enough in osculating elements to jects, they show the infrared silicate ab-
contain all objects assigned to the Nysa sorption at shorter wavelengths and tend to
family (Williams' family 24) by Williams have higher albedos (Gradie et al., 1979).
(1979); the zone also contains several other About half of the asteroids sampled in the
families including that associated with 19 Themis family (Fig. 17) show spectra char-
Fortuna and 21 Lutetia. Within Williams' acteristic of type B, which is extremely rare
family 24 we find no C or S asteroids at all. elsewhere. It is clear that these three fami-
Object 44 Nysa is of the high-albedo E type lies, like the Nysa family, show spectra
(Zellner et al., 1977). All of the remaining strongly contrasting with those of the typi-
identified family members in our sample cal field objects at their locations.
show the flat and downward sloping spectra Asteroids of type D become common
characteristic of type F, and several are among the Cybeles and Hildas, and domi-
known to show the appropriate low albe- nate among the Trojans. Of the three sur-
dos. Object 135 Hertha in the Nysa zone is veyed objects belonging to no zone (Fig.
of type M, and 2501 Lohja shows a spec- 21), 279 Thule, located between the Hildas
trum characteristic of type A, usually at- and the Trojans, is also of type D. Asteroid
tributed to relatively pure olivine. Objects 692 Hippodamia in a high-inclination Cy-
of the high-albedo types E and A are not bele-like orbit is surprisingly of type S: one
likely to be overlooked in the surveys and other S object, 483 Seppina, is known to
are genuinely quite rare. Their juxtaposi- exist among the Cybeles, but none are
tion with many dark F asteroids (composi- known among the Hildas and Trojans. Ob-

- =~



~d------ ~-e



t~ 189

i i i i i i i i i i i i l i i i i i i i
0.3 0-5 0 .? 0.9 l.t 0.3 0.S 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.3 0,S 0.7 0,9 1-1

FIG. 9. (A) As in Fig. 4, but for asteroids in main belt Zone I. (B) Additional spectra of asteroids in
main belt zone I.

ject 2 Pallas, at v e r y high orbital inclination FUTURE WORK

in the main belt, is of the rare type B, as
m a y be the distant object 2060 Chiron ac- The general s u r v e y phase of the eight-
cording to our data and the m o d e r a t e al- color p r o g r a m is n o w completed. Several
bedo derived by L e b o f s k y et al. (1984). questions remain, h o w e v e r , f r o m the obser-


757 /z(,"m~ 1236 ~ 7 ~ t 7 0 0 ~l~m

W 622 1080

I I J _ _ _ _ f

0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1-1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 I ,i 0-3 0.5 0.7 9.9 1.1 0-3 0,5 0.7 0.9 1.1

FIG. 9--Continued.

rational point of view. The Griqua aster- and its environs will well repay further ex-
oids at high eccentricities in the outer main amination. However, we note that we have
belt remain unsampled. Objects in high-in- sampled this zone much more deeply than
clination orbits are poorly sampled in any any field region, and it is possible that
general survey, as they are in the list of equally surprising results for other zones
numbered asteroids, and it is possible that may await equally deep sampling. A survey
we still cannot say much about the proper- of a few dozen very faint objects in some
ties of asteroids at large distances from the arbitrarily chosen main belt region might be
ecliptic plane. rewarding.
By all the evidence, the 44 N y s a family In view of their potential for manned

°t t076 2139 198tQF2

1012 Z081 2809

,,.-4,~.m = =, ~,-,,,, % a -~ m/
4_4 877 1740

2t 75___&o 2279

i9 68.....9_o 1493 2275

__ i ~ i i i J i I I I I I I I I I I

0.3 0-5 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.3 0.5 0,7 0.9 1.1 0.3 0-5 0.7 0.9 1 -1 0-3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1 -1

Fro. 10. As in Fig. 4, but for asteroids in the N y s a zone. The zone contains other families and field
objects as well as the N y s a family itself. The asteroid number is underlined for objects identified by
Williams (1979 and personal communication) as belonging to the true N y s a family.

F z
46 97 144


34 85

O~ 114

Iii 232


- _J-1o ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~

i i I i i i i i i i i i i i i J i i i i
0-3 0.5 0.7 0.9 -1 0.3 0,5 0,7 0.9 [ .1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 I ,l 0.3 0.5 0-7 0.9 1.1

FzG. 1 I. (A) As in Fig. 4, but for asteroids in main belt Zone lla. (B) Reflection spectra of additional
asteroids in main belt Zone IIa.

/ C°~

419 785

418 / 582 771

549 I277

~ -e~-404 ~ 98

"~" f 9'74

380 472

369 459

347 26

i r i i i i i i i L i i i i i i i ; i i

0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1 -1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1 .t 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 l .1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 t .I

FIG. 1 I--Continued.

187 ~ 444

1 185 17

54 146

0 e ~ : 45 128

12S 213


i i i Ii. i i i i i A i i i i i i ~ L J
0,3 O.S 0.7 0,9 .! 0.3 0.5 0,7 0.9 1 ,! 0.3 0,5 0,7 0.9 1 .I. 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1..l

FiG, 12. (A) as in Fig. 4, but for asteroids in main belt Zone liB. (B) Spectra of additional asteroids in
main belt Zone liB.

739 102[

532 687

66(I 1655

l i I i i i i i i i L i i i i

0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1 -t '03 '05 '0'7 t.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 t.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9

FIG. 12--Continued.

~K/ 462

j Z /

I I I I I I I ...~--. I I I I I I I I I I I
0.3 0.5 0.7 0.8 I -t 0.3 0.5 0.7 0-9 I -t 0-3 0.5 0.'7 0.8 1 .t 0.3 0.5 0-7 0.9 .I

FIG. 13. As in Fig. 4, but for asteroids in the Koronis zone. All objects except 1350 Rosselia are
members of the Koronis family according to Williams (1979).

FIG. 15. As in Fig. 4, but for asteroids in the Eos zone. All objects numbered through 1711 are
members of the Eos family according to Williams (1979). The three highest-numbered objects have not
been examined for family membership.
~" - ~- ~117 ~6- 705

81 ~ 360 6t3


_ _ ~ .a~

~ 55; - ~ 3 ~

= =
= .=--m
~01804 = -'m

= 35 78 776

Z2 06 772


i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 l.l 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 t-i 0.3 0-5 0.7 0.9 |.! 0,3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.[

FIG. 14. As in Fig. 4, but ~ r asteroids in main belt Zone lIla.


i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I i i
0.3 0-5 0.7 0.9 t .i 0.3 0.5 0.7 0-9 ! .I 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 t .}. 0.3 O.S 0.7 0.9 I .I


° ~...~s__e~.~.-~ ~ ='J

24l ~ 488 "~ 648


~'-" 95°-=== ~ 2o9

= =~ , , ~ 635

94 423

381 583

j s7 s; = ~ = 373 s3o


I i i i i i i i i * i i i i i i i i i i
0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.3 0,5 0.7 0.9 t .t 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.3 0,5 0.7 0.9 1.1

FiG. 16. (At As in Fig. 4, but for asteroids in main belt Zone lllb. (B) Spectra ofaddilional asteroids
in main belt Zone lllb.

spaceflight missions and their connections ered E a r t h - a p p r o a c h i n g objects, which are

with meteorites, it is desirable to survey now being found at the rate of several per
m o r e completely the Mars-crossing, Amor, year.
Apollo, and especially Aten populations. We expect that most of our efforts in the
The synodic periods tend to be long, and near future, h o w e v e r , will be devoted to
favorable apparitions are rare. We will in analysis and interpretation of the large
any case continue to o b s e r v e newly discov- body of new data both from this survey and
762 1171

1146 2375

704 ~ ' - e ' ' ~ 786 931

- ~ ~ / - - -~-'~'---~-'~
664 768 --~ t461

i i i i I1.1. i i i i L i i i i i ~ i i i i
0,3 0.5 0.7 0,9 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.3 0,5 0.7 0.9 1.1

FIG. 16--Continued.


104 1445




I i i i i A i i ~ i i i i i i i J i L i
0.3 0,5 0,7 0,9 1.1 0-3 O-S 0.7 0.9 1.1 0,3 0,5 0.7 0.9 I .I 0.3 O.S 0,7 0.9 1-1

Fie. 17. As in Fig. 4, but for asteroids in the Themis zone. The asteroid number is underlined for
objects identified by Williams (1979) as belonging to families 1 or IA. The three highest-numbered
objects have not been examined for family membership.

~( 1280 Z311


,~ 643 z~m li?'7 ~m'J~2208
.~ j ~ _ ~s~a.. ~a"~- ~,._.a--a

~" 570 1167 2196

°I mm/m~ 566

J- ~ 121 1028 t579

522 909 1556

F 67 ~' 483 790 y t467

i ~ 7 6

°i ) 6s

0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.9 [ .1 0.3 • .I 0.~ 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1

FIG. [8. As in Fig. 4, but for asteroids in the Cybele zone (outermost main belt.)

from the recent thermal-infrared work of The eight-color results together with data
T e d e s c o e t al. (1985) and others. Interpre- from the radiometric, J H K , narrowband
tation o f the thermal data relies upon accu- s p e c t r o p h o t o m e t r i c , and U B V surveys will
rate knowledge of the visual magnitudes of lead to the classification of more than a
the asteroids. F o r m a n y of the numbered thousand asteroids. Given secure classifica-
asteroids, the tabulated magnitudes (e.g., tions, we can then proceed with a bias anal-
Bowell e t al., 1979) are derived solely from ysis (e.g., Zellner, 1979) to elucidate the
estimates made f r o m photographic plates. distributions of the various taxonomic
The magnitude obtained in the course of types with some confidence.
this survey, along with recent results by Finally, we note that the eight-color data
others, need to be factored into the existing contain considerable information directly
t a b u l a t i o n s - - a large and unglamorous task ! interpretable in terms of mineralogical corn-
y 1746
S 2312

°~'~748 ~ 1256

o~ 499 1212 2067

361 1160 1512 1911

[439 1902

190 1144 ~1345 [754

[53 t038

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i l
0.3 0-5 0,7 0.9 l.l 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1 .I 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0,9 1.1

FIG. 19. As in Fig. 4, but for asteroids in the Hilda zone.

S 884 1583

S 224[
J 1975g0

617 ~ [172 ~ 2207 2357

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.9 1 .l 0-3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.1

FroG. 20. As in Fig. 4, but for Trojan asteroids.


~= = _.- ~ ~_~r~ ' ~ - =____~

2 279 m'~ 2060

i i i i t i i t I i i i t t i i i i i

0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 I .1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 I .1 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.9 1 .1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 I .1

FIG. 21. As in Fig. 4, but for 2 Pallas and for asteroids falling into no zone.

positions. We plan to carry out laboratory Gehrels, Ed.), pp. 688-723. Univ. of Arizona Press,
spectrophotometry of meteorites and other Tucson.
well-categorized mineral assemblages di- CIIAPMAN, C. R., AND M. J. GAFFEY (1979b). Spectral
reflectances of the asteroids. In Asteroid,~ 17".
rectly in the eight-color system, and we so- Gehrels, Ed.L pp. 1064-1089. Univ. of Arizona
licit both advice and the loan of samples for Press, Tucson.
use in that laboratory work. GAFFer, M. J.. AND T. B. MCCORD i1979). Mineral-
ogical and petrological characterizations of asteroid
surface materials. In Asteroids (T. Gehrels, Ed.),
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS pp. 688-723. Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson.
GRADIE, J., AND E. TEDESCO (1982). Compositional
A project of this magnitude could not have been
structure of the asteroid belt. Science ( Washington,
possible without the help of many people. Chief among
D.C.) 216, 1405-1407.
these individuals is Carl Vesely, who prepared many
of the finder charts used at the telescope and who
(1979). Families of minor planets. In Asteroids (T.
patiently and carefully assisted with the massive task
Gehrels, Ed.), pp. 359-390. Univ. of Arizona Press,
of data reduction. Others who assisted with the prepa-
rations and data reduction were Diana King and Heidi
Kirkpatrick. The spectral plots reproduced here were
M. J. LEBOFSKY(19841. Chiron: Visual and thermal
prepared by Aruna Thirunagari. Jonathan Gradie as-
infrared observations. Icarus 60, 532-537.
sisted in the original selection of the eight-color filter
passbands, with advice from Michael Gaffey. Some of
(19821. The eight-color asteroid survey: Standard
the asteroid observations in the latter part of 1981 were
stars. Astron. J. 87, 1585-1592.
made by Larry Marsteller. The photometer and data
TEDESCO et al. (1985). To be published.
acquisition system were designed and maintained by
THOLEN, D. (19841. Asteroid Taxonomy from Cluster
Ed Roland and Jack Frecker. We thank Kitt Peak Na-
Analysis q f P h o t o m e t o ' . Doctoral thesis, University
tional Observatory for the use of their computer facili-
of Arizona.
ties and glass copies of the Palomar Observatory Sky
THOLEN, D. J., AND B. ZELLNER (19831. Eight-color
Survey for the production of finder charts, and the
photometry of Hyperion, Iapetus, and Phoebe.
Spacewatch Camera Project for the use of the Perkin-
Icarus 53, 341-347.
Elmer computer for our ephemeris calculations and
THOLEN, D. J., AND B. ZELLNER (19841. Multi-color
data reductions. This project was supported by NASA
photometry of outer Jovian satellites. Icarus 58,
Grants NSG 7502 and NAGW 414 at the University of
Arizona and by NASA contracts at the Jet Propulsion
WILLIAMS, J. G. (19791. Proper orbital elements and
Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.
family memberships of the asteroids. In Asteroids
iT. Gehrels, Ed.), pp. 1040-1063. Univ. of Arizona
Note added in prot~[~ From more recent obserwt- Press, Tucson.
tions it appears that the tabulated observation of aster- ZELLNER, B. (1979). Asteroid taxonomy and the distri-
old 152 Atala was in error. bution of the compositional types. In Asteroids (T.
Gehrels, Ed.), pp. 783-806. Univ. of Arizona Press,
BOWELL, E., T. GEHRELS, AND B. ZELLNER (1979). (1985). The large-scale structure of the asteroid belt.
Magnitudes, colors, types, and adopted diameters of icarus, in press.
the asteroids. In Asteroids iT. Gehrels, Ed.), pp. ZELLNER, B., M. LEAKE, O. MORRISON, AND J. G.
1108-1129. Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson. WILLIAMS i 1977). The E asteroids and the origin of
CHAPMAN, C. R., AND M. J. GAFFEY (1979a). Reflec- the enstatite achondrites. Geochim. Cosmoehim.
tance spectra for 277 asteroids. In Asteroids (T. Acta 41, 1759-1767.

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