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It’s very hot. Would you mind _____ the window?

{~open =opening ~to open }

“I’ve bought a new car.” Joe said he {=had bought =had bought } a new car.

In the U.S., _____ is banned in most public places.{~to smoke =smoking ~smoke }

“You must make a complaint.” She said I {=had to} make a complaint.

“Do you like working here?” He asked me {=if I liked} working there.

She’s really good at _____ names. {=remembering ~to remember ~remember }

“When were you born?” She asked him when {=he was born}.

I asked the store assistant _____ me.{~for help =to help ~help }

“I spoke to my boss.” He said that he {=had spoken} to his boss.

when you look good in something you wear, it ____ you {=suits ~fits ~goes with }

Tina’s just had a _____! She’s a senior manager now. {~resignation ~qualification
=promotion }

That new company looks great. I’m going to _____ for a job there. {~work =apply
~resign }

In the U.S., most men _____ when they are 65. {=retire ~resign ~self-employed }

Juan was unhappy with his job so he _____ and found another one. {~retired ~was
fired =resigned }

The policeman told me _____ drive so fast. {~to =not to ~not }

Which word has a different sound? {=obtain ~airline ~repair }

Which word has a different sound? {~email =said ~complain }

Which word has a different sound? {=complain ~bargain ~certain }

She _____ me that she was French, but she lived in Berlin. {=told ~said ~asked }

I went online _____ what’s playing at the movie theater tonight. {~finding out ~for
find out =to find out }

you need one of these if you want a refund for something you’ve bought {~cash
register =receipt ~price }

They weren't satisfied with their meal, so they made a {=complaint}.

Ricardo and Laura have had an {=argument} so they aren't talking to each other.

"Do you have any money?" Charlotte asked me {=if I had} any money.

{~Live =Living ~To live} away from home can teach you a lot about yourself.

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