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Establish Agile Work Environment

#7 Identify Project Risks

Make use of Probability-Impact Matrix

1. Tables and chairs won’t get delivered in time

a. Mitigation: Select a know supplier and make sure he know that it is very
important to deliver on time. Use existing materials as long as needed.
b. Contingency: Use existing materials as long as needed and use management
attention to get the delivery.
c. Impact: High (0.4)
d. Probability: Moderate (0.3)
e. Overall priority: Medium (0.12)
2. The management changes its commitment during the time due to Covid changes
a. Mitigation: Have a kick-off and share the project-charter. Have continues
steering meetings to remind management of their commitment at the start.
b. Contingency: Talk to the management which resources where already used
and at what point we are standing. Show what would happen if we stopped.
c. Impact: Very High (0.8)
d. Probability: Low(0.1)
e. Overall priority: Medium (0.08)
3. We don’t get the commitment of the employees
a. Mitigation: Present good use cases and talk to early adopters that can
influence the commitment of many employees. Ask for feedback.
b. Contingency: Ask for feedback. Involve them in the process.
c. Impact: High (0.4)
d. Probability: Low (0.1)
e. Overall priority: Low (0.04)
4. We cannot find a suitable moderator for the trainings
a. Mitigation: Start early on to talk to possible candidates. Spread the word
about the search.
b. Contingency: Look for external candidates for the start.
c. Impact: Moderate (0.20)
d. Probability: Low (0.1)
e. Overall priority: Low (0.02)
5. We cannot work in the office due to Covid
a. Mitigation: Not possible
b. Contingency: Do as much possible remote.
c. Impact: Very High (0.80)
d. Probability: Moderate (0.3)
e. Overall priority: High (0.24)
6. One of the responsible employees leaves the company or gets sick
a. Mitigation: Have a good documentation of everything and make sure that
everyone is happy. Everyone should have one possible substitute for
sickness and vacation
b. Contingency: Use the substitute for the start and look for a longterm
c. Impact: High (0.80)
d. Probability: Low(0.1)
e. Overall priority: Medium (0.08)
7. The decisions of the management take too long
a. Mitigation: Have regular steerings and ask for fast decisions.
b. Contingency: Address the issue with the management and the project team.
Show the delays this causes.
c. Impact: Moderate (0.20)
d. Probability: Moderate (0.5)
e. Overall priority: Medium (0.1)

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