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Module 1 Objectives :

At the end of the discussion the students will be able to :

 Aims to understand the others.
 To determine how and why people behave
the way they do.
 It is a complicated phenomenon influenced by many factors.
 A collection of activities influence by culture, attitude , emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport,
hypnosis, persuasion and coercion.

Scope /Coverage :
 TOPIC 1 : Covert Behavior
 TOPIC 2 : Overt Behavior

References :
 R. Fernandez – Ballesteros,
( International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences )
 https ://

Human Behavior
 The term behavior as it is used today (Linehan , 1993 ) includes any activity , functioning or
reaction of the person that is anything that an organism does involving action and response to
 Every person is different yet much the same : Human beings are unique creatures. Every human
being is unique and different from others in terms of not only hereditary but also other




Type of Activity:
-Concept Notes -Laboratory -Individual -Quiz -Formative -Summative
-Exercise/Drill -Art/Drawing - Pair/Group -Others, specify_____________

Lesson/ Topic : Covert Behaviour

Learning Target (s): 1. To learn and appreciate the concept of covert behaviour
2. To identify the of behavioural activities

Reference (s): R. Fernandez – Ballesteros

( International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavior Sciences
https ://

Concept / Digest :

Welcome to lesson1 of this Module. Concepts of Human Behaviour. The first is the introduction of covert
behaviour events. Behavior is psycho-physical in origin and includes anything that the individual does or experiences.
These behaviours are called Covert Behaviours .

These are the changes observed within organism ( Human Nature )


Behavioural Activities : Choose your favourite behavioural activities and
identify whether covert or overt behaviour and why?
Thinking running
Speaking dancing walking _____________________________________________




Covert Behaviour and Mental terms

Skinner (1969 ) relies on introspection for attributing behavioural features to the inner events. “Some of the
objects of introspection are private (covert ) responses ”. (1969 p. 242 . But Skinner does not cite empirical data that
support the conclusion that the “objects of introspection ” (whatever that means have behavioural features . Skinner
even adds the conjecture that the “responses are executed with the same organs as observable responses but on a
smaller scale.
Covert Behaviour events the process of “ thinking ” which may be defined as “ acting in a way that
produces stimuli that have some effect on the thinker and that are associated with subsequent reinforcement . (Moore
2001 ).


In broader sense , behaviour is psycho- physical in
LET’Sorigin and includes anything that the individual
does experiences. For instance , ideas , dreams
,glandular responses , running , reading in silent
etc are actions that ae not overtly observed , yet,
they hold significantly value influencing the overt
behaviours and bringing change to the
environment . These behaviours are called covert

Covert behaviours are unobservable actions which

can only be deduced by oneself. A huge majority
of psychologists reason that behaviours are only
eternal actions and behaviours which are
observable .However , behaviour is
psychophysical in origin , and both internal and
external world play equal role in occurrence of the

Covert Behavior :
Meaninig Behavioural
Activities Cause and Effect
Divergent Opinions

The covert refers to some- Ex. Thinking ,dreaming Unobservable behaviours Most modern
thing which is not openly a glandular responses ,ideas are the cause by the observable. psychologists
acknowledge or display . Unobservable behaviours men- believe covert
tal processes that create response. behaviour to be
just as important
aspect of
behavioural studies


Covert Behavior Examples

 Covert is an adjective that describes something  When a boy is walking , walking is the overt
not openly displayed or acknowledged behaviour since it can be observed. On the other
 Covert behaviour refers to behaviour that is not hand, we don’t know why the man is walking
observable. when we try to understand the covert purpose.
 Includes mental processes  When covert behaviour is considered, nothing
 The term used covert is mostly used in armies , black and white anymore. A person might be
government agencies ,and so on. walking towards cafe’ when observed overtly.
 Anything that alteration in the environment can  However , he might not have the intention to go
be categorized as behaviour, which means even in when taking covert thought process into
when the actions are unobservable, they are considerstion.
behaviour.  Perceiving, remembering, reasoning, thinking,
creating , dreaming among many more.

EVALUATE Write your reflection here what you have learned from the lesson :



Type of Activity:
-Concept Notes -Laboratory -Individual -Quiz -Formative -Summative
-Exercise/Drill -Art/Drawing - Pair/Group -Others, specify_____________

Lesson/ Topic : Overt Behaviour

Learning Target (s): 1. To determine how and why people behave the way way they do.

2. To aims to understand the others

Reference (s): R. Fernandez – Ballesteros

( International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavior Sciences
https ://

Concept / Digest

In this lesson , we will discuss the human actions. However, are not limited to
unobservable actions, and there are wide ranges of action which are seen or sensed.

Behaviour is any action an organism uses to adjust to the environment . But,

there has always been divergent opinions about what ought to be included under the
category of behaviour.

Behaviourists and psychologists argue that change in the environment are only
seen when the behaviours are observable , which are called Overt Behaviours.

Inside the box are some of the examples of behavioural activities . I want you to identify whether
that behavioural activity is overt or covert behaviour.









Many psychologists and behaviourists that only behaviours can be classified under behaviours as a whole , and any
behaviours unobservable cannot qualify as behaviours . This theory has been tagged as narrow definition of behaviour :

1. MULTIMETHODISM : Since overt behaviour and external conditions were the basis of Skinnerian functional
analysis, at the very beginning of behavioural assessment , observable procedures were also the fundamental methods
proposed. However, considering the evolution of behavioural psychology , since behavioural problems should be
described through the triple response mode-motor, cognitive, physiological –other methods of assessment than
observation of overt behaviour and other informants ( than the subject ) should be considered. In sum, multimethodism
is one of the most important characteristics of behavioural assessment. This technological change has, also of course ,
occurred in other social science, and today mulltimethodism is the most widespread approach.
RELEVANCE TO THE TOPIC : ___________________________________________________________________

2. COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUJR THERAPY : It is used in psychology , education and communication , holds that
portions of an individuals knowledge acquisition can be directly related to observing others within the context of social
interactions, experiences, and outside media influences.

Conceptual Issues in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy : ___________________________________________________


3. Coping Assessment Across the Life Span : The type of technical procedure , item format and content in
questionnaires depends not only on the theoretical background and the type of stressors studied, but also on the age of
the population which is the focus of the instrument. If it is evident that the same technical procedures cannot be applied
For illiterate preschool children for adults, it is less clear , and indeed controversial in the literature , if the quality of
coping modes changes across life span, or if at some life phases different frequencies predominate as a function of
development specific needs.
Relevance to the main topic: ______________________________________________________________________

Behaviour is any action an organism uses to adjust to the environment . But, there has always been divergent opinions
About what ought to be included under the category of behaviour . In the narrower
Sense , only behaviours or actions that can be sensed or are categorized as
behaviours . Behaviourists and psychologists argue that change in the environment
are only seen when the behaviours are observable, which are called covert
LET’S behaviours.
Overt behaviour can be defined as observable behaviour or responses depicted in
the forms of actions.

The word overt is an adjective which refers

MEANING something which is clearly apparent .

Synonyms : Obvious, public, noticeable

Behaviours such as speaking, walking, running,

BEHAVIOURAL ACTIVITIES working etc are termed under overt behaviour

Observable behaviours are caused by the

unobservable mental process that takes place in the
CAUSE AND EFFECT brain. Overt behaviour can also be turned as

Considering only overt behaviour as behaviour is

DIVERGENT OPINONS considered narrow understanding of behaviour

Let’s Evaluate :
Describe the following words :

1. Human Bevaviour

2. Conscious Mind


4. Unconscious Mind

5. Abnormal Behaviour


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