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Elective Report


Adaptive Reuse
B. Arch 5th year

Submitted by

Aman Ulla Jinnah

Guided by

Ar. Nomaan Khan

Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics

Jamia Millia Islamia
New Delhi-110025

In the partial fulfilment of the b. Arch (5th year) degree program, this is to
certify that Aman Ulla Jinnah has worked on the report entitled Adaptive
Reuse under our guidance and supervision.

Ar. Nomaan Khan Prof. S.M. Akhtar

Dissertation guide Dean

Prof. Hina Zia

Head of Department

I, Aman Ulla Jinnah, hereby declare that the dissertation entitled Adaptive
Reuse submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the
degree of bachelor of architecture (5th year) is my original research work and that
the information taken from secondary sources is given due citations and

Aman Ulla Jinnah

Roll. No: 16BAR004

Date: 22/11/2020 B.Arch. 5th year

Place: New Delhi 2020-21

I am using this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone who supported

me throughout the course of this b. Arch project. I am thankful for their aspiring
guidance, invaluably constructive criticism and friendly advice during the project
work. I am sincerely grateful to them for sharing their truthful and illuminating
views on a number of issues related to the project.
I express my warm thanks to Ar. Nomaan Khan for their support and guidance.
I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing
this project within the limited time frame.

Thank you,
Aman Ulla Jinnah



Aman Ulla Jinnah

B.ARCH V Year Day
















Figure 1 The redesign of an iconic early 1900’s Pioneer Square building into an office and retail space.

Figure 2 St Ann’s Warehouse, New York, USA

Figure 3 Strategies of adaptive reuse of historic buildings

Figure 4 Stone masonry wall

Figure 5 Wooden roof

Figure 6 Section of wall section of wall strengthened by repointing of bed joints

Figure 7 Soil nailing technique in basement

Figure 8 Repair of wall intersections

Figure 9 A full, formal analysis and classification is demonstrated

Figure 10 relations between the old and the new masses

Figure 11 Intervention types

Figure 12 Comparative representation of the old alongside

Figure 13 Comparative representation of the old alongside

Figure 14 Strategy and tactics of intervention.


Adaptive reuse refers to the process of reusing an existing building for a purpose other than which
it was originally built or designed for. It is also known as recycling and conversion. Adaptive reuse
is an effective strategy for optimizing the operational and commercial performance of built
assets Adaptive reuse of buildings can be an attractive alternative to new construction in terms
of sustainability and a circular economy. It has prevented thousands of buildings' demolition and
has allowed them to become critical components of urban regeneration. Not every old building
can qualify for adaptive reuse. Architects, developers, builders and entrepreneurs who wish to
become involved in rejuvenating and reconstructing a building must first make sure that the
finished product will serve the need of the market, that it will be completely useful for its new
purpose, and that it will be competitively priced.

Adaptive reuse is a special form of refurbishment that poses quite difficult challenges for designers.
Changing the functional classification of a building introduces new regulatory conditions and may
require rezoning approval. Nevertheless, there are clear economic, environmental and social
benefits that can make this option attractive to developers. Adaptive reuse has been successfully
applied on many types of facilities around the world. It is seen as being fundamental to sound
government policy and sustainable development in the US, Canada, Hong Kong, North Africa,
and Australia.

Although buildings have been reused throughout history, new architectural interventions are seen
as a creative way to breathe new life into an existing historic context, while reinventing an
economic and social value. Combining new and old architecture ensures the retaining of
authentic character while providing an appropriate new use. Such new use eventually adds to
the building’s historic fabric and to the built fabric as a whole.

Figure 15 The redesign of an iconic early 1900’s Pioneer Square building into an office and retail space.

Adaptive Reuse is defined as the aesthetic process that adapts buildings for new uses while
retaining their historic features. Using an adaptive reuse model can prolong a building's life, from
cradle-to-grave, by retaining all or most of the building system, including the structure, the shell
and even the interior materials. This type of revitalization is not restricted to buildings of historic
significance and can be a strategy adopted in case of obsolete buildings.

Some urban planners see adaptive reuse as an effective way of reducing urban sprawl and
environmental impact. Revitalizing the existing built fabric by finding a new use or purpose for
obsolete buildings can be a wonderful resource to a community by "keeping neighborhoods
occupied and vital".

According to Yung and Chan, "adaptive reuse is a new kind of maintainable rebirth of city, as it
covers the building’s lifetime and evades destruction waste, encourages recycles of the
embodied dynamism and also delivers substantial social and economic profits to the world".

Figure 16 St Ann’s Warehouse, New York, USA


According to Zaitzevsky and Bunnell, old buildings physically link us to our past and become a part
of our cultural heritage; they should be preserved because of their "architectural beauty" and the
"character and scale they add to the built environment". Retention and rehabilitation of existing
buildings also reduces the consumption of building materials, resources, energy and water
needed for new construction.

 Cost savings on building material: Adaptive reuse involves the refurbishment of existing
building members, which is labor-intensive process and relies less on purchasing and
installing many new building materials. Cost of building materials has risen sharply over the
past few decades, while the cost of labor has increased only marginally compared to that
of building materials. Therefore, it is economically viable to renovate and reuse an existing
 Cost savings on demolition: Demolition costs can run as high as 5% to 10% of the total cost
of new construction. This expense is often overlooked by many building owners. Some
urban areas have strict building safety regulations and may not allow the usage of a
swinging ball and other more efficient demolition techniques. Under these circumstances,
buildings must be demolished piece by piece, which can be quite expensive and time-
 Saves time; faster than brand new construction: The total time required to renovate an
existing building is generally less than the time required to construct a comparable amount
of floor space in an entirely new building. A major advantage of renovating an existing
building is that a refurbished portion of the building becomes suitable for occupancy
before completion of the whole project. This provides as a huge advantage for private
developers as it keeps the cash inflow during while the rest of the project undergoes
 Tax advantages: Tax provisions in several states and municipalities across the United States,
provide incentives for rehabilitating historic structures.
 Availability of Federal, State and local funds: The United States' National Historic
Preservation Act of 1966 established matching grants-in-aid, obtained through state
historic preservation offices, that can be used for the acquisition and restoration of
properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Similarly, community
development block grants provided to municipalities by the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development are a major source of funds for neighborhood preservation
 Decreased public and social costs: As these heritage settlements have been getting
crowded in the past decades, people have been looking for farther lands for
development. This rapid urbanization and urban sprawl cause several harms to our planet
and the society. Lack of adaptive reuse of existing built assets, on a societal level, has
caused disturbance due to dislocation of residents, economic decline and disruption of
community life, eventually leading to abandoned and obsolete neighborhoods.
 Conserves energy: Old buildings represent an investment of energy and labor made at a
time when costs were significantly lower. Demolition of these buildings requires new
expenditures of energy to generate new building materials and to assemble them on a
cleared site. Additionally, modern building systems have high life-cycle costs and
operational energy costs associated with them whereas traditional masonry and stone
buildings are more climate responsive. An environmental benefit of reusing built assets is
identified to be the retention of the original buildings "embodied energy". According to
Schultmann and Sunke, "new buildings have much higher embodied energy than those
that are adaptively reused". Reddy and Jagadish support this statement by saying that
"the reuse of building materials can provide substantial savings in embodied energy that
would otherwise be wasted".

Figure 17 Strategies of adaptive reuse of historic buildings


Building owners, architects, developers and other stakeholders undergo an in-depth process of
decision making before determining whether a building should be conserved and remodeled for
a different use or just demolished for the land it sits on, then develop a new building on that land.
These decisions are governed by the following criteria:


The decision to reuse or demolish built assets is driven by economic considerations such as
development costs, project costs, investment returns and market. The economic costs differ from
project to project and some professionals go as far as to assert that "new build is always more
economical" and "renovation is universally more expensive" due to their own involvement with
adaptive reuse projects. Others claim that the return on investment is enhanced when using an
older building because of the savings involved. One Canadian developer claims that reusing
buildings generally represents a saving of between 10-12% over building new. In terms of
profitability, there are also assertions that adaptive reuse projects often have an uncertainty to
their profitably that newer developments lack. When looking for funding to build, these
considerations must be addressed.


In a survey conducted by Bullen and Love, it was observed that building owners and operators
were most concerned about a multitude of financial considerations, while deciding whether to
reuse their built assets. These include development and construction costs, marketing and
maintenance costs. Most adaptive reuse projects depend on their economic feasibility
determined by the building's existing physical configuration and condition. According to Bullen
and Love, the adaptive reuse decision making was fundamentally driven by a "desire for short-
term profits". However, most of the survey respondents were rarely concerned about the
sustainability and environmental concerns associated with adaptive reuse decision making.
Nevertheless, many of these developers were aware of the positive impact that building reuse
and sustainability can have on their corporate image.

Building owners are concerned with the life expectancy of built assets, their energy and
environmental performance and the high operating costs which may appear due to poor
mechanical equipment, services, building materials and construction. Developers saw a thorough
potential in saving groundwork and excavation costs by using an adaptive reuse model for their
property. Additionally, they thought that "in Central Business District locations, built assets are an
attractive investment option for reuse projects, as premium prices and rents can be obtained for
an office space". Best rents can be obtained only when these remodeled buildings hold "high-
quality finishes" and have high Energy Star rating appliances. Building owners also considered the
commercial performance of buildings in terms of "tenant needs, investment returns, maintenance,
repair costs, operational costs, productivity levels, employee retention rates, aesthetics of building
and its market value".

Building stakeholders often marketed their reused built assets centered around "epoch and utility"
and "character and ambiance". Some end users were more attracted to modern architecture
while others were more into the adaptive reuse style. This varying perception of a building's form,
function and style depended on the occupant age group.


Sometimes, built assets cannot be considered suitable for adaptive reuse, simply because of the
nature of their built form or the condition that they are in. For example, one cannot make the most
out of a highly compartmentalized, single use building such as a prison. Mid 1900s low-rise
apartments that have low floor area ratios (FAR) and which may be in some of the cities' prime
locations cannot be considered profitable for adaptive reuse. In such scenarios, it would be more
profitable for the developers to demolish and replace the existing building with a high-rise that
has more space to sell. Often, when building owners cannot find an obvious use for a building, it
is left to degenerate and decay and eventually collapse. This may pose as a threat to the safety
of the neighborhood. Decaying buildings may even be subject to vandalism and become spaces
for anti-social activities and may have a negative impact on the value of the properties in their

Bullen and Love's survey respondents thought that "the benefits of reusing their existing facility
could include avoiding the disruption of relocation, reducing maintenance and running costs". A
reuse project should not compromise on satisfying user needs. The survey respondents suggested
that a cost vs benefits analysis is essential to determine the return on investment of an adaptive
reuse project. The most important governing factors of adaptive reuse decision making with
respect to asset condition were observed to be the building's structural integrity, its residual service
life, its spatial layout, its location and the ease of retrofitting or installing new building components
to the existing built form. According to Bullen and Love, the buildings of the 1960s and 1970s in
Perth were badly constructed, used ineffective thermal insulation materials and details and have
low suitability for adaptive reuse.[2] On the other hand, the built form of the 1980s was deemed to
be engineered to specifications and could accommodate an adaptive reuse model.

The survey respondents expressed several concerns and risks that could arise during and after the
adaptive reuse of a building which included finding tenants, the threat of building not meeting
the demand of the end users, lack of structural stability and structure and material decay during
the reconstruction phase of the project.

In Bullen and Love's survey, many respondents thought that there was not enough support and
incentives from the government for carrying out adaptive reuse of built assets. They felt that there
is limited flexibility in the building codes, limited plot ratio bonuses and an overall "lack of
encouragement" by state and local governments to implement innovative adaptive reuse
designs. Suggested solutions from some survey respondents include establishing a mandate to only
lease buildings that have undergone adaptive reuse with a high Energy Star rating. Some of the
architects thought that there was a high dependency and credit given to energy and green
building rating systems such as the "Green Star Environment Rating System" but not enough credit
was given to the improvements carried out during adaptive reuse and its sustainable outcomes
such as the recycling of building materials, reduced energy and water consumption and
reduced environmental impacts like global warming potential, lake eutrophication potential
and ozone layer depletion. One architect thought that "undertaking exemplar adaptive reuse
demonstration projects for industry professionals to assess and emulate would display a
commitment to sustainability and urban regeneration".[2] However, this solution has several harmful
implications and forcing an adaptive reuse directive on to the industry and its clients was deemed
to be heavy handed and could be counterproductive. The existing building codes and
regulations for fire safety and building access to disabled make it difficult to work around the
adaptive reuse of old constructed buildings.


In this civilized world, buildings have become the core of a society. Cities and communities grow
organically around important buildings followed by the commercial development of those
neighborhoods. These buildings and the development around them soon become the heart of a
community upon which people's life depends. Therefore, regular maintenance and reuse of
existing structures can help communities avoid the trauma caused by dilapidation, abandonment
and clearance.

As these heritage settlements have been getting crowded in the past decades, people have
been looking for farther lands for development. This rapid urbanization and urban sprawl cause
several harms to our planet and the society. Lack of adaptive reuse of existing built assets, on a
societal level, has caused disturbance due to dislocation of residents, economic decline and
disruption of community life, eventually leading to abandoned and obsolete neighborhoods.

Old buildings are often found in fully developed neighborhoods where public amenities like
sewers, water lines, roads, etc. have already been established. Adaptive reuse means that the
stakeholders of the built asset are relieving governments and municipalities off the load of having
to supply these public amenities on distant plots.
In a survey conducted by researcher Sheila Conejos, several architects, developers and building
stakeholders were asked about their opinion on the social implications of adaptive reuse of
existing buildings. It was observed that most respondents thought that adaptive reuse is important
to the society because old buildings are critical to the image and history of a society. They agreed
that historical buildings add to the aesthetics of a townscape and should be preserved and


Buildings consume high amounts of energy during their life-cycle. New construction requires new
building materials and other resources which possess high embodied energy (throughout their
extraction, manufacture, transportation, packaging and assembly phases). Additionally, they also
cause high environmental damage such as global warming, eutrophication, ocean
acidification, ozone layer depletion, carbon emission which in turn harms human health and
quality of life. From this standpoint, there are several environmental benefits associated with
building recycling or adaptive reuse.


Water is an important component in building construction. Water is needed at every stage of a

building's life, from building material extraction to manufacture, on-site construction processes
such as concrete mixing, cleaning, etc., operational phase in the form of plumbing for human use
and landscaping and fire safety, and at the end of its life for recycling building materials or
disposing them. Selecting adaptive reuse over brand new construction can help relieve the planet
off such water loads.


Just as water is needed in every stage of a building's life, so is energy. This energy is conventionally
obtained from non-renewable sources and causes high carbon emission. Minimizing fossil fuel
depletion and carbon emission can be huge contributing factors to reducing global warming and
mitigating climate change. Choosing to demolish an existing built asset and then constructing a
brand-new building in its place can lead to high energy requirement for the demolition, building
material waste management, new material procurement, construction and operation. On the
other hand, sustainably retrofitting an existing built asset only requires a fraction of this energy. It is
important to keep in mind that many of the old building may not have the best of operational
energy use efficiency. Therefore, to achieve a successful adaptive reuse project, the designers
must keep the building's energy use intensity at utmost importance.

Building materials are generally procured from the Earth's strata or are end products of processed
natural components. These resources are limited. Irresponsible extraction of natural compounds
for building material manufacture can deplete these natural compounds from the earth.
Moreover, extraction can cause harm to the natural habitat and biodiversity of the region where
materials are extracted. Therefore, a project that uses minimum new building material and uses
more of recycled materials is a more sustainable and responsible choice for a building material.


A majority of historical buildings provide physical links and the progression of cultural evidence to
the past. In a fast-growing urbanizing world, these heritage values viewed as public goods could
aid the significance of a town's cultural heritage and unique competitiveness. Heritage
preservation charters mandate that when historical buildings with heritage values are being
redeveloped, their architectural and heritage character should be maintained and conserved
for sustainability. Accordingly, this mandate on heritage preservation has led to the scheduling of
several heritage buildings into district plans, thereby protecting them from unsympathetic
alterations or demolition through regulations. Built heritage conservation through adaptive reuse
could therefore be used to promote sustainable historical and cultural development of urban


The reuse of older vacant buildings for other purposes forms a very important aspect of any urban
regeneration scheme. The adaptation process implies selecting relevant novel technologies and
design concepts that will support the older buildings to adjust successfully to contemporary
requirements without destroying the existing urban form. Adopting the adaptive reuse approach
for the redevelopment of older vacant buildings provides added benefits to the regeneration of
an urban area in a sustainable way, through transforming these buildings into usable and
accessible units. The adaptive reuse strategy would also enable the local authority and owners of
older vacant buildings in urban areas to minimize their economic, social and environmental costs,
in a quest for a continued urban expansion and development.

Investigation and collection of information can be broadly being classified into four categories

(i) Foundation and geologic

(ii) Architectural

(iii) Structural

(iv) Services such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), sanitary plumbing, firefighters,
illumination (energy retro fitting) etc.


This part deals with the investigation of soil strength and stiffness parameters for consideration of
foundation-load deformation characteristics, collection of specified data for site characterization,
outlining procedures for mitigation of geologic site hazards and specific requirements for seismic
rehabilitation of foundations.


Foundation-deformation behavior of foundation characterized by both stiffness and capacity

can have significant effect on both structural response and load distribution among structural
elements. Load-deformation characteristics are required where the effect of foundations are to
be taken into account in Linear Static and dynamic procedures, non- linear static (pushover)
procedures (NSP) or nonlinear dynamic procedures. Because of the difficulties in determining the
properties of soil and the possible variability of soil supporting foundations, an equivalent elastic-
plastic representation of load deformation behavior is recommended recognizing the load-
deformation behavior of foundation being non-linear. The sources of uncertainty include
variations due to rate of loading, assumed elastoplastic soil behavior, level of strain, cyclic loading,
variability of soil properties.

Site characterization shall include collection of information on the structural foundation, sub-
surface soil and condition and seismic geologic site hazards.

The following structural information should be obtained for the foundation of the structure to be

(i) Foundation type.

(ii) Foundation configuration, including dimensions, locations, depth of embedment of shallow

foundations, pile tip elevation, and variations in cross-section along the length of the pile or belled

(iii)Material composition and details of construction.

Information on sub-surface soil conditions should be obtained as required by the selected

performance level:

(i) For collapse prevention and life safety performance levels, the type, composition, consistency,
relative density and layering of soils shall be determined to a depth at which the stress imposed
by the building is less than or equal to 10% of the building weight divided by the total foundation
area. For buildings with friction piles, the depth so calculated shall be increased by two-third of
the pile length. For end bearing piles, the depth of the investigation shall be the pile length plus
10 feet.

(ii) Location of water table and its seasonal fluctuations beneath the building should be

(iii) For enhanced rehabilitation objectives, the unit weight of soil γ, soil cohesion C, soil friction
angle φ, Soil Compressibility Characteristics, Soil Shear Modulus G and Poisson’s ratio µ, for each
type shall be determined.


Seismic rehabilitation shall include an assessment of earthquake induced hazards at the site due
to fault rupture, liquefaction, differential compaction, land sliding and an assessment of
earthquake induced flooding or inundation.

Fault Rupture: A geologic fault shall be denied as a plane or zone along which earth materials on
opposite sides have moved differentially in response to tectonic forces Geologic site information
shall be obtained to determine if an active geologic fault is present under the building foundation.
Liquefaction: It is denied as the earthquake induced process in which saturated, loose, granular
soils loose shear strength and liquefy as a result of an increase in pore-water pressure during
earthquake shaking. Subsurface soil and ground water information shall be obtained to determine
if liquefiable materials are present under building foundation. If present, the information required
are: soil type, soil density, depth of water-table, ground surface slope, proximity of free-face
conditions and lateral and vertical differential displacement.

Differential Compaction: Differential compaction shall be denied as an earthquake induced

process in which foundation soils compact and the foundation settles in an inform manner across
a site. Land Sliding: It is denied as down-slope mass movement of earth resulting from any cause.
Subsurface soil information shall be obtained to determine if soils susceptible to a landslide that
will cause differential movement of the building are present at the site.


Architectural investigation of an historic or heritage structure is the critical step in planning an

appropriate treatment after assessing how a structure has changed over time causing the
deterioration. For retrofitting of the historic structures, the need of a meticulous planning prior to
work on the irreplaceable cultural resources cannot be denied. It actually necessitates proper
investigation. Whether investigation will be undertaken by professional-architects, conservators,
historians or by property- owners, the process should essentially be comprised of a four-step
procedure: Historical Research, Documentation, Inventory and Stabilization.


The primary resource for carrying out historical research on a structure of heritage importance are
generally drawings, maps, plates, paintings, photographs, legal transaction documents, account
books, insurance policies, letters, diaries etc. Oral statement from people’s remembrances can
also be had. Secondary resources comprised of research or history already compiled and written
about a subject, are also important for providing a broad contextual setting or a project. Historical
research should be conducted well before physical investigation because it cannot be over-
estimated that proper historical research can give many important clues for structural
investigation and solutions as well. For example, the historical research on a structure through
deed records may not only determine the sequence of owners but also is turn, aids to investigate
the chronology of ownership and the changes each owner had made on the structure. A letter
may indicate that an owner / occupant of the building / structure painted that in which year

A simple but comprehensive method of documentation is to take photographs of every wall

elevation (interior and exterior), as well as general views and typical and unusual details. The
systematic numbering of rooms, windows and doors on the floor plan will help organizing this task
and also be useful for labeling the photographs. Video coverage with annotated sound may
supplement still photographs. Additional methods of documentation include written descriptions,
sketches and measured drawings. It is very important to note that the documents created during
investigation might play an unforeseen role in future treatment and interpretation. Documentation
is particularly valuable when a feature will be removed or altered.

The date of original construction and later changes has to be searched and documented. In
absence of such information, architectural histories and field guides to architectural style can help
identifying a structure’s age through its form and style.

The architectural investigation usually determines original construction details, the chronology of
later alterations and the physical condition of a structure. In details investigation of the fabric of
historic building, its materials and features are to be documented properly such as:


Studying historic brickwork can provide important information about methods of production and
construction. From color, size, shape and texture of brick ideas and information can be had
whether, it was hand molded and traditionally fired or machine molded and fired in a kiln using
modern fuels. Similarly, whether the mortar is lime or cement, if lime, whether hydrated lime or
hydraulic lime, can give information about time, place and human variables of construction such
as type of bond, special brick shapes, decorative uses of glazed or rubbed brick, joints, coatings
and finishes.

The same types of questions related to production and construction characteristics can be
applied to all types of masonry work, including stone, concrete, terra cotta, adobe (sun dried
earthen brick) and coquina construction. During “surface mapping” a complete survey can
outline the materials and construction practices for the various periods of a structure, distinguishing
the original work as well as the additions, alterations and replacements.

A considerable number of historic structures or a part there of are constructed with timer or wood.
As it is light, easy and fast to build, resistant against the horizontal forces, easy to curve craft works,
timers are preferred construction material for structures which were built in historic times.
Investigations may be carried out on type of construction – timber frame structure or otherwise,
evidence seen on wooden surface indicating whether production was by as, pit saw, mill saw or
band saw, what are varying dimensions of timber used, whether the timbers are fastened by
notching, mortise or Tenon pegs or nailing? From the mails also, important information can be
obtained about the period of construction. Irrespective of region or era, the method of joining,
framing and finishing of a wooden structure will reveal something about the original construction,
its alternations and the practices of its builders.

Roofs of many historic buildings are constructed as wooden single roof. In such case the following
information are required: -

Original wood type.

• Size of shingle (length, width, butt thickness, taper etc.)

• Exposure length and nailing pattern.

• Type of fabrication.

• Distinctive details (hips, ridges, valleys, dormers etc.)

• Decorative elements (trimmed butts, variety of pattern, applied color coatings, exposed nails

• Type of substrate (open shingle lath or sheathing, closed sheathing, insulated attics, sleepers

Figure 18 Stone masonry wall


Exterior features are especially prone to alteration due to weathering and lack of maintenance.
Roof covering typically lasts not more than fifty years. If roof covering is done with some layers in
different times, clues can be obtained from that. Or if, earlier coverings were removed and new
causing were done. Clues can be obtained from that too. The roof pitch itself can be a clue to
stylistic dating and unlikely to change unless the entire roof has been rebuilt. Apart from wooden
shingles, metal shingles, sheet metal, asphaltic or asbestos shingles were also used in historic
building roofs. Slate, clay tiles and lime-terraced roofs are also found.

Figure 19 Wooden roof


Floor finishes, covering, pattern, floor tiles can give sufficient clues.


Inside and outside walls along with their associated trim and plaster over them, ornamental
plaster, stucco etc. hold many clues of building’s construction and changes made over time.

It is very common that Attics & Basements have been used as collection points of out-of-date, out
of style, cut-off pieces, rejected furniture, furnishing, family records, architectural fragments. These
and out of the way places of a structure provide an excellent opportunity for non-destructive
investigation because these are the areas where structural and framing members may be
exposed and escaped from alterations done in more lived parts of a building.

Overall, to investigate, identify and record the architectural features, fabric and character of a
historic building some checklists are necessary which involve the steps:

Overall visual aspects

2. the visual character at close range

3. Visual character of spaces, features and finishes

4. Considering the intangible aspects of a building or structure are already enough to establish
the building or structure with historic or heritage status, the checklist of the tangible aspects may
be short listed on the follow’s items:

Step – I: - (i) Shape (ii) Roof and roof features (iii) Openings (iv) Projections (v) Trim and Secondary
features (vi) Materials (vii) Settings (alignment or orientation etc.)

Step – II: - (viii) Materials at close range (ix) Craft details

Step – III: - (x) Individual spaces (xi) Related spaces and sequences of spaces (xii) Interior features
(xiii) Surface finishes and materials (xiv) Exposed structures.

It should be remembered that the documents created during investigation might play an
unforeseen role in future treatment and interpretation. Documentation is particularly valuable
when a feature will be removed or altered.


The historic building and its components should be carefully inventoried prior to taking up any
action. Premature clean-up of structure or site may be a mistake which should be avoided.
Inventory list should also include material which have fallen off due to deterioration, fragments
removed and stored in basement, attics or out of buildings, parts of fragile components and even
materials which have seemingly been discarded. From the very beginning, anything that seems
even remotely meaningful should be saved. Even if the period of significance or interpretation is
known from the beginning, evidences from all periods should be protected.

In urgent cases, immediate stabilization is necessary to ensure that a structure does not continue
to deteriorate prior to a final treatment or to ensure safety of current occupants, investigator or
visitors. Very severe cases may call for structural remedies, but generally preliminary stabilization
would be undertaken on a maintenance level. Such work would involve making arrangements
for keeping water away from the structure particularly from roof and foundation, removing plants
those are too close to the structure that hold water or securing structures against insects, animals
and vandals. Stabilization may add to the cost of any project, but human safety and protection
of historical evidence are well worth the extra money.

Various restoration techniques and measures for vulnerable heritage structures include
intervention at a component level and intervention at the structural level. Component
intervention include strengthening of walls, arches, vaults, domes, towers and spires while
structural level intervention will include strengthening of soil and foundation, reduction of forces
by based isolation and energy dissipation and seismic retrofitting.


Various techniques are available for strengthening of different types of masonry walls, while
choosing the method of strengthening, the type and quality of the masonry material and the
structural integrity of the building are main criteria to be considered.

Many methods are there like repairing of cracks by grout injections, coating with a cement
concrete and with a wire mesh in addition to grout injection, re-pointing of bad joints by replacing
parts of the existing deteriorated mortar in bed-joints and sometime placing steel bars, stainless
steel bars, fiber reinforced plastic bars along the bed joints, reinforced concrete jacketing, grout
injection, wall reconstruction where excessive bulging or collapse has occurred, strengthening
using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) which is non-invasive and reversible, thus, suitable for historic
building, strengthening using Shape Memory Alloys (SMA), repairing of wall corners and
intersections by stone stitching or metal stitching. Figures of some of the repairing techniques are
shown as follows: -


Dry stone masonry offers very high strength in compression, but their joints provide limited shear
and tensile resistance as they depend purely on friction. Shear and tensile strength can be
improved by inserting dowels, cramps or special type bars or structural connections inserted
through specially prepared holes in joints without being visible from outside.

The methods of strengthening soil and foundation of historical buildings can be grouped into the

• Increasing the area of foundation, lowering the foundation level and strengthening the existing

• Inclusion of structural elements such as piles and different ground improvement techniques like
micro piles, underpinning, nailing etc.

• Modifying the effective stress of soil by drainage or consolidation.

• Improving the subsoil by chemical or cement grouting or electro-osmosis.

Figure 20 Section of wall section of wall strengthened by repointing of bed joints

Figure 21 Soil nailing technique in basement

Figure 22 Repair of wall intersections

The mass, the size, the rhythm and the form of the existing building all provide opportunities for
balance or counter points. Brooker and Stone regard the analysis of form and structure of the
existing building as fundamental to the intervention; No doubt, these are among the most
important attributes to consider. Since we agree with Clark and Pause (1985) that architectural
ideas exist in the world of space and form, we suggest a set of formal analyses based on the
patterns of architecture they presented (1985), which focus on the physical structure. We also
suggest classifying the variant precedents by strategy and tactics of refurbishment, and by the
type of remodeling done. A comprehensive set of analyses is demonstrated on one case-study.
We classify sixteen case studies according to the various categories, planting the seeds for the
development of an automated adaptive reuse precedent search model.


Documentation is the basis for every study and analysis. Basic documentation in our study referred
also to the urban context so as to capture the project's urban role. Images of the original use
(when available) and the current, new use were used, as well as plans, sections and details from
both phases of the structure's life. In addition, all case studies’ virtual models were drawn.


The big challenge in the formal analysis of adaptive reuse architecture is the need to consider
both the original building with its original use and physical structure, and the transformed building
with its new use and new physical structure. In addition, there is the process of transformation or
change to consider as well. The proposed analysis is composed of a formal analysis, whereby the
same formal category is analyzed for both the original and the transformed buildings. Twelve
formal categories were used in this research for the analysis, most of which were based on the
work of Clark and Pause (1985) and Ching (1979), as follows:

1. Parti

2. Structure

3. Natural light

4. Massing

5. Plan to section/elevation
6. Circulation and used space

7. Repetitive vs. unique

8. Symmetry and balance

9. Geometry

10. Hierarchy

11. Additive-subtractive

12. Object and environment.

A full, formal analysis and classification is demonstrated on the Caixa Forum in Madrid, redesigned
by Herzog and De Mauron in the figure below.

Figure 23 A full, formal analysis and classification is demonstrated


When a building is reused, the most important and meaningful factor in the design of the new
building is the relationship between the old and the new. Brookner and Stone developed three
categories or strategies of building reuse based on the extent of integration between the host
building and the new elements. These strategies are intervention, insertion, and installation, as
defined below:

INSTALLATION – The old and new buildings exist independently. The new elements are located
within the boundaries of the existing building. Their design may be influenced by the existing
building but they are not necessarily compatible with it. Upon removing the installations, the
existing building may revert to its original state.

INSERTION – A new, independent element that is suited exactly to the existing envelope. The
element is constructed to fit and is located within the boundaries of the existing building.

INTERVENTION – The existing structure undergoes major transformations so that it can no longer
exist independently. The old and the new additions are completely integrated.

We used these categories, and added a scale ranging between “interventions” (the most
symbiotic relationship) and “installation” (the most detached relationship). In some of our case
studies we found it insufficient to classify a project into only one category, and so a diagram was
attached to the three categories describing the relations between the old and the new masses,
similar to the diagram suggested by Ching (1979), as illustrated in figure given below. A ranking
system was also added, whereby each case study was ranked according to the degree of
transformation it had undergone
Figure 24 relations between the old and the new masses

Tactics express the actual qualities of the building. The selection of details and style gives the
building its character (Brookner & Stone, 2004). The tactics employed in the remodeling of a
building can be seen as the elements or details that support the overall strategy. Brookner and
Stone defined six tactics they claimed were consistently used in remodeling. Each of the 16 case
studies treated here were examined according to them.

1. Planes define space. The various planes can control the visual and physical limits of the space.

2. Light controls space and form.

3. Surface is the tactile element that establishes a direct relationship between human contact
and the building, using materials, ergonomics, etc.

4. Objects can manipulate space, movement, and visual directions. The objects can be of any
scale or type and can enhance the space they occupy.

5. Openings are focal points in the building. They create views, provide orientation, and establish
relationships between spaces.

6. Movement can prove to be more than purely functional, forming sculptural elements and focal
points within the building.

Adaptive reuse architecture is categorized according to the characteristics of the built mass,
based partly on the works of Park and White, who suggested simple diagrams to interpret possible
interventions and specific conditions for buildings and sites. Park highlighted the intervention as a
dark scheme over a light outline diagram representing the existing building. In this work, we have
added several possible diagrams, such as “Parasite” and “Filter”, to those suggested originally by
Park. The intervention categories used in this work are as follows: Gate, Wall, Corner, Bridge,
Transition, Joint, Boundary, Filter, Umbrella, Roof, Parasite, Hat, Divider, New interior, Skin, Glue,
Feature, Infill, Underground, Alignment and Misalignment.

Figure 25 Intervention types


Comparative formal analysis for some case studies was conducted and projects were sorted into
groups according to the different formal attributes of the two stages: the original building and the
transformed building. In the example below, all formal representations of the massing are
presented as well as a comparative representation of the old alongside the new. The question of
change arises when the massing of the old buildings is observed versus the massing of the new
buildings. The actions (or action) that created the change are more interesting than the actual
massing at any stages, and so we examine the strategy and tactics of intervention to focus on
such actions.

Figure 26 Comparative representation of the old alongside


Based on the type of intervention, we then mapped all sixteen projects, as illustrated in below
figure. The main finding that is immediately evident from the table is that all projects but two have
new interiors. The other types of intervention are applied in the various projects, each according
to its relevance to the existing structure and the new demands

Figure 8 maps the strategies and tactics of intervention applied in the adaptive reuse precedents.
The categories used here are based on Bruckner and Stone (2004). No clear trend can be seen
but, we noted that only two of the sixteen case studies could be categorized as "Installation" while
all the rest were categorized as either "Intervention" or "Insertion". We can therefore conclude that
most projects involved a significant physical intervention. Upon examining the tactics applied in
each case, it seems that in most case studies almost all of the defined tactics were used.

Figure 27 Strategy and tactics of intervention.


Adaptive Reuse Architecture Documentation and Analysis

Dafna Fisher-Gewirtzman

Faculty of Architecture & Town Planning, Technion – IIT, Haifa, Israel

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Sonargaon, Bangladesh

Qudsia Aziz

The Adaptive Reuse Of Industrial Heritage Buildings: A Multiple-Case Studies Approach

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