Tecnológico Nacional de México Instituto Tecnológico de Ocotlán

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Tecnológico Nacional de México

Instituto Tecnológico de Ocotlán

Materia: Trasferencia De Calor

Proyecto: Conducción Por Paredes Planas

Luis Daniel Maldonado González 16630301

Jaime Israel Sánchez López 16630339
Andrés Gómez Hernández 16630343

Ingeniería Electromecánica
Gpo:5 °B
Claudia Yadira Pacheco Montes

Ocotlán, Jalisco

Tabla de contenido
Research context................................................................................................................................4
Procedure to carry out the project.....................................................................................................8
Probing questions............................................................................................................................12
Heat energy is transmitted from high to low temperature areas, in a process that is
accompanied by a change in entropy until the state of thermal equilibrium
characterized by a uniform temperature distribution is reached, if possible. We call
heat the transfer of energy that takes place without an ordered movement of the
system, as opposed to the transfer of energy that takes place with an ordered
movement during the performance of mechanical work.
The thermodynamics of reversible processes studies the transfer of energy in
them, but always along a succession of equilibrium states. However, in a process
of heat exchange between bodies at different temperatures, as long as a finite
temperature difference is maintained between them, there will be an irreversible
flow of heat between these bodies and we will not have states of equilibrium.
However, we can have states in which the macroscopic variables of the system do
not change over time, but which do not correspond to equilibrium states but to
stationary states in which the temperatures of the different bodies involved and the
flow of energy remain constant. heat between them. We can also have situations
where the system is evolving over time and we don't even have stationary states.
Conduction: Heat energy is transmitted during direct contact between bodies (or
parts thereof) at different temperatures and takes place through collisions or
couplings between the molecules of the system (some in hotter areas, with higher
thermal energy and others in colder areas, with lower thermal energy), even if
there is no macroscopic movement of the molecules, or the material is transparent
to radiation. This process is of great importance in solids, but of less importance in
liquids and gases, where it normally appears in combination with convection and is
practically masked by it.
Convection: Heat energy is transmitted by the physical movement of "hot"
molecules from high-temperature areas to low-temperature areas and vice versa,
balancing the temperatures. This process is of great importance in fluids and is
also called surface conduction, since the flow of heat between the surface of a
material and a fluid is related to conduction through a thin layer of the fluid that is
next to the surface. Furthermore, it is this surface conduction process that causes,
in a fluid initially at rest in contact with a surface at a different temperature, a
temperature difference in the fluid, originating density differences in the fluid that
will in turn produce a physical displacement. of matter at different temperatures
from one area to another, having convection (in this case natural).
Heat transfer by convection can be forced when it is aided by the movement of
surfaces in contact with the fluid or free (also called natural) when it occurs solely
by virtue of a difference in densities caused by a difference in temperatures. It can
also be accompanied by a phase change, as occurs during condensation or
boiling, with very intense heat exchanges.
Research context

Steady-state heat conduction in flat walls

Consider a flat, heat-transferring wall as stationary and one-dimensional. The

upper and lower temperatures, as well as the left and right extremes, are similar,
therefore the significant heat transfer will be in the direction from the inside surface
to the outside. There is no constant heat generation and thermal conductivity,
therefore the balance will remain:
Stationary operation
-The temperature on the wall, in stable conditions is a straight line.
–Fourier's law where the rate of heat conduction through a flat wall is proportional
to the average thermal conductivity, the area of the wall and the difference in
temperature, but is inversely proportional to the thickness of the wall.
Thermal resistance concept
R is the thermal resistance of the wall against heat conduction or simply the
conduction resistance of the wall. This resistance depends on the geometric
configuration and the thermal properties of the medium and can also be expressed
as R wall = ∆T / Q cond, wall, which is analogous to the flow of electric current.

When the operation is stationary. Therefore, the rate of heat transfer to the wall
must be equal to the rate of transfer away from the wall. In other words, the heat
transfer ratio must be,
Applying Fourier's law:

The ratio of heat conduction through a flat wall is proportional to the average
thermal conductivity, the area of the wall, and the temperature difference, but is
inversely proportional to the thickness of the pair.
Procedure to carry out the project

1) We cut 4 pieces of plywood 15 cm long by 15 cm wide.

2) we join the four pieces of wood with each other trying to form a box with the

pieces we can use a glue to join the wood or Nails

3) Once the box is finished, we place it on a flat surface to take the

temperatures with the help of an Infrared Thermometer from the inside of

the box and from the outside of the box.

4) we place a 5 cm long candle in the center of the box and light it for 5


5) Once the 5 minutes have passed, we turn off the candle and with the help of

an Infrared Thermometer we take the temperature inside the box and

outside the box

6) When we take the temperature after the 5 minutes that it lasted on, we must

realize that the temperature inside the house is higher than the temperature

outside the box, this is due to the convection that exists between my aunt

the temperature above A flat surface.


This project gave us very satisfactory results since we realized how the convection
works in steady state since we could realize that the heat that exerts the candle
inside the box is very different from the temperature we had at the beginning of the
Heat flows in a direction perpendicular to the surface. If the thermal conductivity is
uniform, the integration of the equation is as


At steady state the heat flux through all sections must be the same. However, the
gradients are different

Cuando un fluido se pone en contacto con una superficie sólida a una temperatura
distinta, el proceso resultante de intercambio de energía térmica se denomina
transferencia de calor por convección. Hay dos tipos de procesos de convección:
convección libre o natural y convección forzada.

En el primer caso la fuerza motriz procede de la diferencia de densidad en el fluido

que resulta del contacto con una superficie a diferente temperatura y da lugar a
fuerzas ascensionales. En el segundo caso una fuerza motriz exterior mueve un
fluido sobre una superficie a una temperatura mayor o inferior que la del fluido.
Para una u otra forma de transferencia de calor por convección, la cantidad de
calor es.


transferencia de calor por convección en la interface líquido sólido.

A- área superficial en contacto con el fluido en m 2

Ts- Temperatura de la superficie, K
Tf,¥- Temperatura del fluido no perturbado lejos de la superficie transmisora del

The convection heat transfer coefficient depends on the density, viscosity and
velocity of the fluid, as well as its thermal properties (thermal conductivity and
specific heat). Thermal resistance in convection heat transfer is given by.
Probing questions
1- Consider the heat conduction through a wall of thickness L and area A
Under what conditions will the temperature distribution on the wall be

The temperature distribution will remain straight as long as it remains constant.

2- Consider the conduction of heat through a flat wall. Does the energy
content of the wall change during steady state heat conduction? How does it
change during transient driving?

The energy content does not change, in steady state the temperatures are
constant. There is no heat generation the properties will not change over time.
In transient conduction the properties change over time.

In the project that we carry out, it is a project to know how flat wall convection
works, this means that the higher temperature goes to the lower one in order to
realize how much the material can resist, there are materials whose resistance
value is Very high, this means that there are materials that do not allow the
temperature or heat transfer so easily, for example we could realize at the
beginning of the project the temperature we take is 27 ° C throughout the box, the
interior and exterior of the same, when we leave the candle inside for a certain time
we can notice that the box heats up, but the temperature inside the box is much
higher than the outside temperature of the box, this is because the temperature
exerted the candle wants to expand but the box does not let it come out this is
because the box exerts a resistance that does not allow the heat to leave the box
so easily
Luis Daniel Maldonado Gonzalez

En conclusión, en esta unidad aprendimos a diferenciar algunos de los tipos de

resistencias, ya sea por conducción o convección , aprendimos a saber diferenciar
nuestra red de resistencias asi como cada una de las formulas para obtener Q,
esto nos ayudo en nuestro proyecto de unidad, ya que en este empleamos la
conducción de calor estacionario en paredes, esto quiere decir que técnicamente
es conducción de calos por radiación, tuvimos algunos imprevistos con el proyecto
pero al final pudimos solucionar la mayoría de ellos utilizando tanto apuntes como
solidworks, nos llevamos de aprendizaje esta unidad para poder cumplir con las
competencias de la unidad 2.
Jaime Israel Sánchez López

En esta unidad aprendí nuevos conceptos y formulas algunos los retomamos de

termodinámica vimos cómo sacar el perfil de temperaturas en paredes cuando
están en convección estado estacionario utilizamos red de resistencias térmicas.
Vimos el estado estacionario en cilindros, esferas y resolvimos problemas con
nuevas fórmulas y aplicamos la red de resistencias para resolverlos. También se
aprendió a determinar el radio critico de aislamiento y a evaluar cuando se
recomienda usar aislamiento y cuando no es recomendable. Para nuestro
proyecto de la primera unidad tuvimos algunos problemas para determinar los
cálculos y la aplicación de la simulación en solidworks pero al final lo
solucionamos y les vamos a demostrar la convección que hay dentro de las
Andrés Gómez Hernández

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