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A Case Analysis on

Therapeutic Community Modality Program

at Mountain Province District Jail

Claire Kaplaan P. Lafadchan, Ph. D.

Executive Summary
Mountain Province District Jail scheduled Therapeutic Community Modality
Program (TCMP) during Mondays but occasionally hold the program as scheduled due
to some factors. Inmates and BJMP personnel consider TCMP as effective and helpful to
inmates in their adjustment from the free world to spending time inside the jail. TCMP is
also considered as an avenue of learning and an opportunity of self expression.
Alternatives need to be considered to ensure the effectiveness of TCMP and activities
are needed to strengthen the relationship of inmates and BJMP personnel.

Therapeutic Community (TC) Program, as defined by Bureau of Corrections,
represents an effective, highly structured environment with defined boundaries, both
moral and ethical. The primary goal is to foster personal growth. This is accomplished by
reshaping an individual’s behavior and attitudes through the inmates’ community working
together to help themselves and each other, restoring self confidence, and preparing
them for the re-integration into their families and friends as productive members of the
The Philippine prison system adopted two approaches for treatment of offenders.
These are the institutional-based treatment program and the community based treatment
programs. These programs aimed towards the improvement of offenders’ attitude and
philosophy of life. Reformation and rehabilitation of inmates as well as preparation for the
reintegration in the community are the ultimate goals of the programs (Escabel, et. Al,
Most important for a prisoner is to have a will to change himself and then giving
him support to improve. Many of them do not know how to start a new life such therapeutic
community programs are the way, and they can enlighten their future life
( The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) has
adopted Therapeutic Community Modality Program or TCMP as a new approach to
inmate management that requires new glossary of terms relative to felons and
introduction of a new way of life in confinement.
First, it defines “therapeutic community” as a unique self-help, albeit, bona fide
social psychological approach to the treatment of addictions and related problems. The
term “therapeutic” denotes the social and psychological goals of TCs, namely changing
the individual's life style and identity. The term “community” denotes the primary method
or approach, employed to achieve the goal of individual change. The community is used
to heal, teach, and train individuals in how to behave, think, perceive and experience
Second, it identifies the essential elements of the TC approach as the collection of
concepts, beliefs, assumptions, program components, and clinical and educational
practices common to TC programs. The "essentiality" of these elements is derived from
multiple sources: the author's own observations and research of TC programs over some
25 years, the manuals of many contemporary TC programs, and the conceptual and
historical literature of both addiction and psychiatric therapeutic communities.
Third, the essential elements organized into a single framework consist of three
components: the perspective, model, and method. The perspective depicts how the TC
views the substance abuse disorder, the individual substance abuser, the recovery
process, and right living. The model presents what the TC is as a treatment program: its
structure, social organization, and daily regimen of activities, all of which are grounded in
the perspective. It distinguishes the unique, self-help element of its approach–community
as method, in which individuals are taught to use the peer community to learn about
themselves. Thus, all activities in the TC are interventions designed to produce
therapeutic and educational changes in individual participants, and all participants are the
mediators of these changes.
Fourth, it relates the three main components of the framework—
perspective, model, and method—to the process of change. All the elements of the TC
are intended to facilitate individual changes in lifestyle and identity. How these changes
unfold reflects the individual's interaction with community and the internalization of its
teachings (www.eftc-,%20Mo
One important issue, when working to improve outcomes for the offender
population, is the effectiveness of treatment when the treatment is mandated. The
consensus and expert panels for the TIP Series recognize the potential impact of the level
of coercion on treatment retention and completion (Center for Substance Abuse
Treatment, 2005).
It is then important that the therapeutic community modality program is held every
schedule, with the supervision of a competent and well trained facilitator, to comfort the
inmates as well as to prepare them in going back to the community.

Mountain Province District Jail (MPDJ) has been awarded “Best District Jail” for
the year 2015 based on its accomplishments and the support of the community in terms
of the programs extended to the correctional facility and the donations on food.
Like all other jails, MPDJ is implementing intervention programs, development
programs, and rehabilitation programs to inmates and detainees. One of the most
essential programs they strictly implement is the Therapeutic Community Modality
Mountain Province District Jail Houses 42 inmates, among which are five inmates
serving their sentence and thirty seven detainees who are still awaiting trial. The sex
profile as of March 10, 2016 is that one female detainee is housed in the jail while forty
one are males.

Problems/Key Issues
 Three days off, three-days duty-Duty detail affects the implementation of TC
 Inconsistency of punishment
 Difficulty in addressing different issues
 Cultural difference as a factor in settling misunderstanding
 Duty detail is arranged to ensure that the BJMP personnel assigned to facilitate
the TCMP will conduct TC every Monday of the week as scheduled to cater to the
needs and address issues that will help promote unity and cooperation among
inmates and BJMP personnel.
 Consistency of punishment and sanctions given to inmates who violate house rules
should be observed to prevent feuds and to discourage other violations.
 Two or three facilitators are needed so that issues can be addressed and inmates
are encouraged to express themselves to attain the objective of TC which is to
boost self-confidence.
 Proper trainings are also needed by facilitators to be able to address the issues
raised by inmates and to be able to provide inspirations to the inmates, most
specifically to those who are to be released soon, to do well in the community and
to desist from recidivism.

Data Analysis

Interview was used to gather data needed for the case analysis. BJMP personnel,
inmates who resided longer at the Mountain Province District Jail and inmates who are
new to the institution were interviewed about the effects of TCMP and the problems they
encounter during the TC.


In an interview with JO1 Jalon Ateneo, he said that TCMP is being held at Mountain
Province District Jail every Mondays. “Everybody (inmates) are required to join the TC
since that is an opportunity to clarify issues and the concerns with other inmates and
BJMP personnel”, added JO1 Ateneo. He identified the style on duty detail as a problem
in the implementation of the TCMP because if the facilitator is not on duty, the TC program
will not be held as scheduled every Mondays.
JO1 John Pangog relayed the process of the TCMP which always starts with a flag
ceremony, invocation and the announcement of TC philosophy wherein the rationale of
the event is discussed for the participant to understand and appreciate. The activity
proper starts with a “pull-up”. This part of TC is the opening up of negative comments by
inmates towards other inmates and BJMP personnel; and feuds/misunderstandings are
cleared out immediately through the “hair-cut” process, thus restoring order in the camp.
Inmates who are found to be guilty of a violation are given a sanction like forfeiture of a
“Affirmation” process follows to be conducted in giving constructive comments and
compliments. Bible reading is also done on the “Concept of the day” part of TC. Relaying
of news from the global scenarios to local information regarding sports, weather and
politics is done. Entertainment is observed for the welfare development programs of
inmates. Handshake is traditionally conducted to close issues before singing a community
Managing 42 inmates, according to JO1 Joser Corapan, the TC facilitator, is very
challenging. He said that being a facilitator is becoming a role model to inmates. It also
requires patience since some inmates are taking things for granted and that they are
joking about what they talk about in the therapeutic community program.
JO1 Corapan said that the difference of inmates according to belief and practice
is a factor in bridging gaps since there are some who insist what they like, who feel too
much bravery, who talk too much, who does not want to admit comments, and those who
hold on to their pride.


“Lakay”, as he is called by most inmates and BJMP personnel, is the oldest among
the inmates and have resided the longest at the MPDJ for five years. He said that it is
good to participate in the TCMP program because it contributes to the maintenance of
camaraderie among the inmates (“Mayat ti maki Sali iti therapeutic community nga
programa ta ma mintinar ti mayat nga agkakadwaan mi nga balod ditoy”).
When asked about the common problems aired during the TCMP, Lakay
enumerated three common concerns. These are inconsistency of punishment, different
treatment of the groups of personnel on duty, and house-rules violation.
Lakay admitted that the TCMP is of great help among them inmates since they
learn so much from livelihood programs and they spiritually grow in the reformation
programs conducted every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month for institutional mass; and
every Saturdays and Sundays for the different sects. This statement confirms the findings
of Escabel, et. Al (2015) that the Therapeutic Community Modality Program is perceived
by the inmates as effective specifically the work and educational therapy services,
livelihood skill training, counseling & religious services, and medical services.
Dan was also interviewed for the study. He is from Pangasinan and stayed at
MPDJ for 1 year 4 months already. He is regarded as the “spokesperson” for other
inmates because he relays the concerns of his fellow inmates who do not like to talk. Dan
said, “Mayat ti TC ta tumulong iti panakabawas ti sitensya. Agasem ti 23 days nga
maibawas kada bulan” (TC is good since it helps lessen the length of service sentence in
jail. Twenty tree days will be deducted per month). He also said that the TC program
encourages inmates not to commit violations in the jail for them not to be denied of
privileges as a form of punishment.
The “spokesperson” identified the style of duty detail as a problem in the conduct
of TCMP because if the facilitator is not on duty the TCMP will not be conducted. This
results to prolonged misunderstanding among some inmates and sometimes with
personnel since issues are not resolved immediately.
“The Trustee”, as he is called, was also invited to be interviewed. He is trusted to
cook food for the inmates for three years already. The trustee said that TCMP is an
opportunity for inmates to socialize with each other; make peace with the person an
inmate had a misunderstanding with; and the time when his work is being criticized
negatively and positively (as he joked the truth about it).
“Kultura ti maysa nga problema ditoy gapu ta naduma duma ti nagapuwan mi nga
lugar,” he said. The trustee relayed stories about other inmates who dislike common
spices and ingredients in cooking like “bagoong”, “aramang” and “patis”. Some also
complain about the food being too salty or overcooked.
The problem on culture was confirmed by other inmates and BJMP personnel,
during a random question and answer, to be a factor solving issues during the TCMP.
Lastly, the “Father”, as he is looked upon inside the jail, shared his own
experiences regarding TC. He admitted that TC is important to him. He considers TC as
a chance of clarifying issues, sharing of problems, and an opportunity of appreciating
those who extended a helping hand.
However, Father said that grievances are not at all times resolved because of
favoritism of jail guard to few inmates; and lack of action to address problems by the
BJMP personnel leading to the rebellion of some inmates. He also said that punishment
is not consistent and there is a need for another facilitator to help in addressing issues
aired in TC.
Father said, “Nu maminsan ket kasla awan serbi na ti TC ta mabayag nga ma
solbar ti problema ken nu maminsan ket awan ibaga da kanya mi nga action ti guwardiya”
(Sometimes, TC is useless because it takes a long time for a problem to be solved and
sometimes the facilitator does not inform us about the action of concerned guards).
The statement of this inmate goes with the scope and benefits of Parole and
Probation Administration which says that the Therapeutic Community Modality is a self-
help social learning treatment model used for clients with problems of drug abuse and
other behavioral problems such as alcoholism, stealing, and other anti-social tendencies.
As a treatment model, it includes four (4) categories, namely, behavior management,
intellectual/spiritual aspect, emotional and social aspects, and vocational/survival aspects


The “Emcee”, was given the role of the master of ceremony of the TCMP since his
admission at MPDJ last February. He is a good public speaker with lots of humor. He
attended TC only once since his stay at MPDJ and his realized a lot from the activity. “TC
helps me understand who I am,” he said in an interview. He further added, “If only TC is
held weekly or a Monday Program would help.”
The problem on the regular conduct of TCMP is also identified by other residents
of MPDJ as a factor in the implementation of TCMP. It is mentioned in an article posted
on that a
regular community meetings and discussions gives the members the opportunity to
discuss problems and evaluate the behavior of each other.
Mr. Emcee also wondered if it could be suggested that a Trustee Day he can held
for inmates to serve the trustees who are always on call for cooking the food and sanitary
obligations and beautification times.
He also suggested that BJMP personnel on duty and inmate gathering be a part
of TC for the purpose of social bonding to change the negative impressions of inmates
against guards and guards against inmates.
The two college students are also the new residents of Mountain Province District
Jail. They are detainees awaiting trial on charges of attempted murder pressed against
them by the victim who is a police officer.
They attended TCMP once since their stay at MPDJ. College student A said that
TC is very helpful for them, most especially to their adjustment inside the jail. He relayed
the story of their first day inside MPDJ, when they were being led to their cell; most of the
inmates are requesting the BJMP personnel to join the new comers in their cell. College
student A said that he was fearful at first but he came to get along with other inmates. TC
is important to the new residents because it is there where they learn lots of things like
livelihood programs and the importance of abiding with the house rules.
On the other hand, College student B admitted that joining TC for the first time
made him feel nervous. He said that they kept quiet during their attendance to TCMP,
and they were just observing what others were doing. They just listen to what was being
discussed and do what others do.
Both College student A and B hoped that TCMP will be held regularly since it helps
a lot in their adjustment process. They both agreed that TC help them understand how
important humility and respect are inside the jail.
Other inmates were asked about what TC is all about, what are the effects of TC,
what are the problems they encounter, and if they were able to express their feelings
during the TC session, majority of the inmates relayed positive answers and agreed with
the problems identified from interviews with BJMP personnel and inmates.

From the results of interview, Therapeutic Community Modality Program is an
avenue of self expression among inmates; it is considered as an opportunity of learning
and a program which promotes peace and order. However, there are issues which need
to be addressed in order to continuously attain its objectives. These problems are Three
days off-three, days duty-Duty detail affects the implementation of TC; Inconsistency of
punishment; Difficulty in addressing different issues; Cultural difference as a factor in
settling misunderstanding.

From the honest testimonies of the inmates and BJMP personnel and analysis of
data gathered, the following considerations are recommended:
1. The duty detail will be rearranged according to days and not number of days.
Proposed duty detail is from Monday-Wednesday for the first group; Thursday-
Saturday for the second group; Sunday will be the turnover of duty, meaning all
personnel will render their duty on Sundays. For the TCMP to be conducted every
Mondays, the facilitator should belong to the first group.
2. The implementation of sanctions should be made fair and consistent to discourage
future violations. The personnel should come-up with concrete guidelines on the
imposition of sanctions with the corresponding punishments which should be
strictly observed.
3. It is strongly recommended that personnel should be given two distinct functions
instead of only one. This is to ensure that all functions are carried out despite the
absence of others BJMP personnel in consideration of the style of the duty detail.
4. Activities that develop and deepen respect to each other is encouraged to be
conducted every day in order to address the problem on cultural differences.
Values education, sharing of experiences, team building activities, friendly
competitions can be avenues of learning the behavior of a person in which he or
she may be respected of the qualities that he possesses.

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2005

Escabel, Erlinda B, et. Al. 2015. Effectiveness of Therapeutic Community Modality

Program Implemented at Batangas City Jsil, Philippines. European Journal of Research
in Social Sciences. Vol. 3 No. 4, 2015. ISSN 2056-5429. program/


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