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¥ siabi diet H/Ref No.%000164003/TaAETST aR 19 set / June 2019 wall ater fener | fewer (artnet) / raft Foor Far Be / faftrse anita capi amar / aaraten war & wah, fred wane | aiag | af Recht Rus wat sear ear we, vant, fired wneud srcredr vite ae. galery In-charge of All SIDBI ROs/BOs/RROs/ELSCs/SARBs/ Audit Cells, Heads of All Verticals/Depts. at SIDBI, Lucknow/Mumbai/New Delhi, In-charge, SIDBT_MSME International Training Centre, Bhubaneshwar aigtgat | agiaT / Madam / Sir, aftaa_#.Circular No. fegtiHindi 06 / 2019-20 warren fea wate Rate aieadar (aanfatten) wr freee Implementation of Rajbhasha Quarterly Progress Report Software (ROPRS) ser Bs arent fafga 2 anet da a RA a oh win F aaiea faardvantie RAS seh aw sticaigaea so A veda Fy ore #, foret srieta wag od dee ft arevemmar eet F) wer gt, Hy ae reer gd ae simtezafesit aims eet ste sek wifes wet A aft aryl gel BI gem urea & fac ae & coon fesa a quer view year Wh wear 7 wari Randt wart Rae aivedar (ersnfaften fares rar &, at set serie > Ureficrenr > goramr Rurs F salar 8q] sueretr 8) ga Prsiiahas fle 4 si Gar aT wera Be As you are aware, quarterly/yearly reports an progressive use af Hind in cur bank are being submitted in physical/manual form, which requires more tine and resources and many times it is inconvenient To retrieve and consolidate ata éstatistics as and when required, To overcome this, Rajbhasha Department of the Bank has developed the Rajbhasha Quarterly Progressive Report Software (RQPRS) with the help of ITV which is evailable at peth - SZOBT Intranet > Applications > worsira: Ruté Rajbhasha Report. Tt can also be opened through the link given below - http://172 30.8.36:8080/HindiVertical/login.action Sx fe Hem eet varchar rg wet fran der ‘aed 15 te ao asus = 226 901, TRAM +31 622 4260700, OFF: -91 822 2208059 SMALL INDUSTAIES DEVELOPMENT BANK OF NDIA SIDEN Tower’ 1S. Ashok Marg, Luckraw-226 008, Ta. 191 S20 «250700, Fax +91 £09 2ones55 Toll Free No. 1800 22.6755 ‘wun sidbilin | snnesidbistoriygmitra in wise udyarumira.i © eidbioticiad GQ S1DBOFcial adam 8, ge alacday a enfefae aftert sone & - Currently following features are available in RQPRS - Qa artaderts apieaiseeatiarctieet cant corer deh avait fare: va Rate ahr atiserse weaial Online submission of Quorterly Progressive Report by ranch Offices/Regional Offices/Verticals/Departments/Cells. Q) astm aaleoar Fath stashaeat or wats afew To have proper records of statistics/data related to Official Lenguage Implementation (3) Bites Sarita A araioman | ara Pens cast wd Mess ou A SIS LSAT | Generation of office wise / consolidated reports in Excel & PDF form for various quarters wah werkt srefese-smvRanaae ge citar & fac ofeteewct (eo oitreat (tay) Fee A wre: aot qrafora/Se ara Faeer/apeT a ToTkTHT aes cert serials osfefeaieey ser araferase- srarfaaraaner a venfrat a fare seftrare (sea) oT FET art: wat erased sraferalisqanatfanratent & dalla tere aaeaisanftatogat & peter $f a ume site cece) owe oat fat Sate mee 3° si sepia ast wer seht vt #1 81 11 All BOs/ROs/Verticals/Depts./Cells would be required ta get the Rights for their Rajbhasha Officers/ Liaison Rajbhasha Off icers/Rajbhasha Pratinidhi as Maker and for In-charges/Heads a3 Checker All concerned Staff Members/ In-charges/Heads of 8Os/ROs/Verticals/Depts./Cells are, therefore requested te send their request for the same to Email TDs- azad.yadav@pathinfotech. com andranjeet with copy to rajbhasha_report@sidbi. in ag Wiredar fected 2019-20 Y ane) fem ot pr #, aete, ge aaa a Arey B vega A ane ate eat seefacr Rts 30 oye, 2019 at Tena Ferg & far ani aenft, Prost ot ay sites) a aver qafiaa & gehorr O, wel greet arisatisesmtiftantisat & sanitaingat sep 8 Ah 2 ge elwedae } aivaet a, saa sear fate sega aah a od, 31 ard, 2019 wt wer fea Fr warm fot (a w dw) (Gt Aaa wa a Tee O vege Fran on Tre) Sega RY) Hider A wet Rang-featt daw ge aired & Hem AM TR A smtstt This software is being implemented from the FY 2019-20, 1.¢, the first such report to be submitted through this software will be fer the querter ended June 30, 2019, However, to have continuity with last quarter for review purposes the In-charges / Heads of all the branches / Regional Offices / Departments / Celis are requested to submit the Rajbhasha QPR of the quarter ended March 31, 2019 (Part A and B) (which has already been submitted inanually) before submitting the said first report, ie. far quarter ending June 30, 2019 through this software. Ail future reports will be suamitted through this sof tware only wrorsirer feted aarfet Reaté ateedare carota) zit el ah apiatenen/qeas & fa pen estate & deh at - For any suggestion/prablem/enquiry related to Rajbhasha GQuarteriy Progressive Report Software (RQPRS) please contoct - ja. | atmedae | a) ot gr ga echt, sew (RM), eh, ae, wT err Shri Atul Kumar Rastogi, DGA\ (Hindi), STDET, HO, ara & | Lucknow 4gHmW/TeLO622-4259722, (REAR/Ext- 767) cal | ARTSH/ Mobile. 9920565635 For |_ $el/Email- akrastogi@sidbi in ‘suggestions (2) stue Feftat, ware (feat), set, war, wats rio Lochan Makhija, AGM (Hindi), SIDBL, HO, Lucknow RQPRS @EOTA/ Tel. 0522-2288546-50, 4259700 (faven/Ext- 767) sarger/Mobile. 90963257254 $2a/Emall- \ 2. ett (2) 8) atone area, ore gaa gS, Past gar, wate Shri Azad Yadav, Representotive of Poth Tr waren & SIDBL, HO, Lucknow (HTEISA/Mabile- 999569 fav | §-Fa/Email - "For any (2) ft rorsita gan, Tet cotter viata, feet war, cect Technical Shri Renjeet Kumar, Representative of Path Infotech Problem SIDBI, HO, Lucknow (AtaTga/Mobile - 9570339017) | _ $8 a /Email- ranjeet puur se ates A fesaard & artet sethavaraion 8 eae walk eerpageal at aaa art | The contents of this circular may please be brought to the notice of all staff members attached to your Yertical/Departments/Cell/Of fice sradtat / Yours faithfully Sot (arfetat wagat / Anita Sachdeva) ersdtre (Fat) / General Manager (Hindi)

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