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Critique Paper


Nand Kishor Jat and Vimal Sharma , 2006. “The Interactive Effect of Salinity and
PGR on Certain Bio-Chemical Parameters in Wheat Seedlings”. American Journal of
Plant Physiology, 1: 132-141

“The Interactive Effect of Salinity and PGR on Certain Bio-Chemical Parameters in

Wheat Seedlings”

The Interactive Effect of Salinity and PGR on Certain Bio-Chemical

Parameters in Wheat Seedlings, the study determined that the wheat varieties Raj.
3777 (Salt tolerant) and Lok. 1 (Salt sensitive) were grown in seed germinator for twelve
days at 25°C under 12 h light: 12 h dark photoperiod. Salinity significantly decreased seed
germination; shoot length, fresh and dry weight; root length. Increased proline content
and lowered soluble sugars in shoot. All these deleterious effects of salinity were
counteracted by 10 or 20 ppm GA or 25 ppm IAA, while 50 ppm IAA had negative effect.
Lower concentrations of growth hormones were more effective in ameliorating the salt
stress. It was clearly stated in the abstract of the research what they are trying to find out
the methods used and the results of the study.
As stated in the introduction wheat is second major food crop in India next to rice
and India now ranks as the second largest wheat producer in the world. Only about 10%
of world arable land may be classified into non stress category. In dl arid and semi-arid
region of the world, soil salinity is a major agricultural problem. This problem is further
extending on account of faulty soil management practices. Only around ten percent of the
world's arable land can be categorized into the anti-stress band, which is the most
significant factors influencing crop production. The salinity of the farm field is
compromised and due to inadequate soil management activities, the issue is expanding
and intensified by logging of water within the root region contributing to additional soil
salinization. Plants are generally most sensitive to salinity during germination and early
seedling growth. Salinity adversely affects almost all the physiological and metabolic
processes of plants. An understanding of the attributes which enable a plant to tolerate
saline environments is a pre-request for creating genotypes suitable for cultivation in
saline soil. The extent of metabolic disturbance in plant by salinization of medium varies
with the type of predominant ions, their concentration, physiological stage of growth at
which it is exposed to stress and the plant species/variety. The high levels of the salinity
concentration are affected by partitioning of leaf area and dry matter in wheat. Salinity
negatively influences nearly all plant systems, and both the osmotic and ionic effects are
mixed. In wheat, differences in the selectivity of ions between the genotypes were seen
only as a secondary consequence of Na* genetic variation. Dependably, variations in the
rate of photosynthesis were found to have possibly represented genotypical variance in
the development of dry matter. It has been reported that many genotypes of salt tolerant
wheat indeed have high levels of Na*. Salt tolerance is a whole plant phenomenon
perceptible under field conditions. The study has been undertaken to investigate the
interaction of salinity and PGR's on phenological and biochemical parameters in wheat
seedling. The effect of GA and IAA in context of the amelioration of susceptibility to salinity
in wheat is not a simple reaction but it is a complex interaction between the plant, GA’s,
IAA and salinity levels. Its exploitation is affected by numerous variables relating to plant
itself (genotype, growth stage and maturity period etc.) They researchers stated a specific
fact about the study they were conducting to fully comprehend what they are trying to find
out, what they have stated is a very helpful piece for future researchers to fully understand
wheat behavior on certain environment. For me the article they made is very informative.
The researchers conducted their study in the Department of Biochemistry,
Maharana Paratap University of AgriculMe and Technology, Udaipur, 313 001 in India in
2002 in two genotypes (Raj-3777 and Lok-1) of wheat (Zriñcom aestivum L.). Where they
administered the genotypes that have been germinated in ten conditions by combinations
of two salinity stages, GA and IAA. Petri dishes layered with blotting paper were
autoclaved (120°C, 20 psi) for 20 min. Seeds were surface sterilized with 0.1% HgCl,
solution for one minute and soaked in the treatment medium for 4 h. The Petri dishes
containing seeds were placed in germinator maintained at 25°C with 12 h. light, 12 h dark
photoperiod and relative humidity of 50+2%. The experiment was performed for 12 days.
The seedlings were harvested (12th day) and the following observations were recorded
by standard methods: seedling weight, dry weight, and size, and normal methods
reported the following observations. Germination proportion (b) Fresh and dry radicular
weighing (g) (c) Fresh and dry shooting weight (g) (d) Shooting shoot and root longitudinal
weight (cm) (e) Proline material (g).
Significant results were noted in the result of this study, the analyzes of
germination percent deviation, dry and fresh weight and shooting and root duration of
both varieties as GA and IAA are present in the table 1. In both genotype (Raj-3777 and
Lok-I) the germination percentage was lowered in relation to control and non-saline
conditions (Fig. 1). Similar GA and IAA concentrations have increased the adverse effect
of Salinity (1%). LOK-1 (30%) reported the largest decrease in germination, followed by
RJ-3777 (13.33%) with saline. The damaging impact of salinity in responsive varietal LoK-
1 was however, mitigated to a limit of 10 ppm GA"20ppm GA and 25ppm IAA." There is
an indication of a higher concentration of PGR inhibitory to plant growth and production
in fifty parts per million of the IAA. All the results were shown in figures all of it was quite
understandable from the germination, fresh and dry weight of shoot, fresh and dry weight
of root, shoot and root length, biochemical parameters proline, total soluble sugars,
soluble proteins, and chlorophyll content. All their results were shown in figures and what
is their difference in both genotype (Raj-3777 and Lok-I) you can see how and where they
differ from each other’s results.
Nand Kishor Jat and Vimal Sharma, 2006 seed treatment with both the growth
regulator shows that the adverse effect of salinity on dry weights has been increased. The
adverse effects of Salinity (1% NaCl) were found in both genotypes on all parameters
tested. It is proposed that this variety was more sensitive in Lok-1 than Raj-3777. GA's
were reported to improve seed germination in wheat exogenically applied (Pfahler e/al.
1991). The improvements in phenology observed in the current research are verified by
findings in literary reports above. The changes in the phenological character of the study
indicated that the effects of salinity on wheat growth, including reduced root and shoot
longitude and dry matter, shoot and root length under NaCl, were documented by other
research studies. The salt tension almost quadrupled the proline content and the GA and
IAA also dropped. In Raj-3777 (salt tolerant) variety, the basal proline levels were higher
in comparison to LoK-1 (salt sensitive) These findings indicate clearly that the genotype
reaction to stress is distinct. In this analysis, PGR treatments have increased the content
of chlorophyll. The chlorophyll content reaction to salt stress depended on the salt
tolerance variations between the wheat genotypes. In all these conditions, overall soluble
sugars are higher. The salinity was reduced, and the soluble sugar content was improved
by PGR in all wheat forms. PGR therapies have counteracted this adverse salinity effect.
For future researchers this could be a particularly good reference for wheat
experiments it is specific and straight to the point you can easily understand its
mechanisms and the methods used to conduct this study. They have emphasized their
objectives and have a lot of references for the complete relevance of their study it is not
that hard to grasp what their intentions for conducting this study.
This study is informative for me as a biology student wheat may not be one of the
number one crop in the country wheat is one of the oldest and most important of the
cereal crops. Of the thousands of varieties known, the most important are common wheat
(Triticum aestivum), used to make bread; durum wheat (T. durum), used in making pasta
(alimentary pastes) such as spaghetti and macaroni; and club wheat (T. compactum), a
softer type, used for cake, crackers, cookies, pastries, and flours. Additionally, some
wheat is used by industry to produce starch, paste, malt, dextrose, gluten, alcohol, and
other products. And it is also significant to have knowledge about it and understand its
components for future research.

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