Paper - One - Guide - Ib English

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Paper 1 - Revision

How to structure your paper 1 response

T​ext type - identify the text type
E​lements of the text type - What are the specific features that tell you about the text type
A​udience - who is the intended audience (age/gender/ethnicity/geography/culture/profession)
P​urpose - Does the text persuade / inform / entertain / educate / warn / encourage
C​ontext - Is there a specific context? Is it applicable in other contexts?

Elements of style used by the author - Identify 5
If the text has image and text - choose from both image and text.
Image - Stylistic device specific to the text ( Layout/color/space/camera/light/symbols)
Language/ text - literary devices

Device 1
Point - how does the device create an effect
Evidence - give an example from the text (quote)
Explain - clearly show how the device created effect - this must be convincing - include the
effect on the reader - effect here is the emotional experience for the reader. How does it
create meaning for the readers?
Link - to the audience / purpose or theme

Device 2
Point - how does the device create an effect
Evidence - give an example from the text (quote)
Explain - clearly show how the device created effect - this must be convincing - include the
effect on the reader - effect here is the emotional experience for the reader.How does it create
meaning for the readers?
Link - to the audience / purpose or theme

Device 3
Point - how does the device create an effect
Evidence - give an example from the text (quote)
Explain - clearly show how the device created effect - this must be convincing - include the
effect on the reader - effect here is the emotional experience for the reader.How does it create
meaning for the readers?
Link - to the audience / purpose or theme

Device 4
Point - how does the device create an effect
Evidence - give an example from the text (quote)
Explain - clearly show how the device created effect - this must be convincing - include the
effect on the reader - effect here is the emotional experience for the reader.How does it create
meaning for the readers?
Link - to the audience / purpose or theme

Device 5
Point - how does the device create an effect
Evidence - give an example from the text (quote)
Explain - clearly show how the device created effect - this must be convincing - include the
effect on the reader - effect here is the emotional experience for the reader.How does it create
meaning for the readers?
Link - to the audience / purpose or theme

Critically evaluate the effect of the devices. Which device is most convincing and powerful.
Where does the text get its power and effect from?
How do some devices bring out the subtle meaning? What is more explicit?
How does it make the reader feel overall?

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