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7. Implementation plan

1) Hiring and training

While hiring an employee, they can take the candidate's personality tests and select the
extrovert, self-motivated and always ready to learn new.
To the new employees, they should give training on self-management and ethics.
Now while hiring the employees they can take some test measure their score before and
after the program to measure the improvement. Also, compare the performance of
employees with and without training to check how much improvement is there because of
these programs.

2) Compensation policy
In the compensation policy, instead of decreasing the premium amount over consecutive
years, they should give rise in it according to their performance compared to the past year.
Remove the policy of increasing the compensation only for top performers. Also, this
process for individual employees make confidential like how much compensation they are
given. After implementing the policy for some duration, they can take the feedback of the
employees regarding it and what they are expecting to improve the policy.

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