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Aircraft Structure –II(Question Bank)

Unit 1
Part A
1. List out the assumptions made in Euler Beam theory.
2. Explain how the unsymmetrical bending occurs in a beam.
3. What is Neutral axis? Write down the expression for orientation of neutral axis of
Beam with Un-symmetrical cross section in Z-X plane and subjected to bending moments
Mx and Mz.
4. Define Stress and Classify it.
5. List out the different types of beams.
6. Draw bending stress variation across the depth for (a) Rectangular section
(b) I-section.
7. Distinguish between symmetric and unsymmetric bending.
8. What do you understand by unsymmetrical bending? Explain a method to find the
stress in an unsymmetrical bending
9. Bending of a symmetric section subjected to a skew load will be
10. In unsymmetrical bending, the neutral axis passes through the centriod of the cross-
section. (True/False).
Part B
1. (i). Justify the given structure is symmetry or not?
(ii). A bending moment of 3000 Nm is applied to the cross – section as shown in
Figure 1 at an angle of 30deg to the vertical y-axis such that Mx and My both produce
tension in the positive x-y quadrant. Obtain the expression for bending stress at
points A,B,C&D.

(Fig 1)
2. (i). Justify the given structure is symmetry or not? (Figure 2)
(ii). A beam having the cross section is subjected to a bending moment of 1500 N-m in
vertical plane in Figure 2. Calculate the maximum direct stress due to bending at the
Points A,B,E&F. 40 80
A y B
C y D
80 C
(Fig 2)

8 All dimensions are in mm

3. Derive the expression for bending stress in an un-symmetric section subjected to and
modify the expression with respect to principal axis method
4. Derive the expression for bending stress in an un-symmetric section subjected to and
modify the expression with respect to generalized ‘k’ method
5. (i). Derive Euler bending stress equation.
(ii). Discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of methods to find bending stress

Unit 2
Part A

1. Shear flow can be defined for both thin and thick walled section (true/false)
2. Sketch the shear flow distribution when a thin walled L-section is subjected to a
vertical load.
3. Define shear center and elastic axis.
4. Define shear flow .How the shear stress is obtained from the shear flow?
5. Indicate the shear center for channel section and angle section.
6. Draw shear flow diagram for I section and Channel section.
7. Show that for a curved web T=2Aq.
8. Mark the shear center for thin walled (a) equal angle section (b) T-Section.
9. Sketch the shear stress variation across depth for an I-section.
10. What is web and Flange?

Part B
1. Derive an expression for shear flow of an open tube of arbitrary cross section
subjected shear loads Sx and Sy without twist.

2. Determine the shear center location and plot the shear flow pattern for given fig (2.1)
for a load of 1kN shear stress will vary from point to point.

B 10 cm

2 mm
5 cm
8 cm

(Fig 2.1)

3. Find the shear center and shear flow for open section given fig (2.2).The shear load is
10kN. The area is a=b=6cm^2, c=d=2.5cm^2.

. a d .
15 cm 15 cm

b 25 cm

Fig 2.2
4. For the section shown in fig (2.3) to determine the shear center and shear flow
distribution Sy S = 1414 N

. a SX

15 cm . d

. b
40 cm
. c 20 cm

Fig 2.3
5. A vertical load of 1000N is applied to the section indicated in Fig (2.4). In the positive
y direction .Plot the shear flow distribution.
10 cm

20 cm

1 mm

10 cm

Unit 3
Part A

1. Find an expression for shear flow in a circular tube subjected to vertical shear
through its centre.
2. A multi-cell structure subjected to a torque load is statically indeterminate structure. Why?
3. Relate shear flow and angle of twist in thin walled structures subject to torque.
4. Explain the use of Bredt-Batho formula and how shear stress is computed using the
5. Briefly explain structural idealization using the aircraft wing structure as an example.
6. Find an expression for angle of twist per unit length of a thin walled closed section.
7. State the assumption made in the derivation of Bredth-Batho formula.
8. Derive the expression for shear flow in a single tube under torque.
9. What is combined open and closed section.
10. What is Bredt-Batho theory?

Part B
1. Determine the shear flow and shear center for the section shown (fig 3.a),
1000 N
7.5 cm

25 cm

1 mm 1.5 mm

7.5 cm
(Fig 3.a)
2. Find the shear flow for the section shown in (fig 3.i) .The area a,b,c,d is 1.6cm^2.and
Vx=1 KN is applied.

10 cm 25 cm

20 cm
(Fig 3.i)

3. Find the shear flow and twist per unit length of the two cell structure shown in
(Fig 3.1)
1 mm

20 cm

100 KNcm 1 mm

35 cm
(Fig 3.1)
4. Obtain the shear flow for the box beam shown below

5000 N

. A
. B
. C
. D
. E

20 cm

. a
. b
. c
. d
. e

10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm

A = a = 4 cm2 B = b = D = d = 1 cm2 C = c = E = e = 2 cm2

. Find shear flow of box beam shown in (Fig 3.A) in which the skin is effective in

B 2 mm C

15 cm

30 cm

10 cm

2 KN
(Fig 3.A)

Unit 4
Part A
1. Write down the expression for the flexural rigidity of a (a)a beam and (b)a thin plate.
2. Flexural rigidity of a plate is more than that for beam of unit width and depth h and
thickness of a plate is t. Explain.
3. What are the failure modes of thin-walled column?
4. Differentiate the primary and secondary buckling?
5. Differentiate between buckling and crippling .
6. Explain effective width and given an expression to determine it.
7. Explain any one method used to compute crippling stress.
8. State the Gerard’s method.
9. Explain Significant of effective width.
10. What are the assumption made while consider rectangular sheet under
Part B
1. a. Differentiate between and buckling and crippling and explain how will calculate
buckling stress in compression and shear.
b. Explain any one method to calculate crippling strength.
2. Find the buckling stress and margin of safety and also check the same for critical
panel. Area of each stringer is equal 2cm^2.Buckling Coefficient for shear is 4 and
Buckling Coefficient for compression is 5.8. For a/b is 3 in bending since the panel is
thin skin is effective in bending. (Fig B)
(a). When P1=10,000N, P2=0
(b). When P1=10,000N, P2 =5000N

P2 P2 P2
P1 P2

30 cm

30 cm

30 cm

30 cm

1.5 mm
20 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm

1.5 mm
(Fig B)

3. Find the buckling stress and margin of safety and also check the same for critical
panel. Area of each stringer is equal 2cm^2.Buckling Coefficient for shear is 4 and
Buckling coefficient for compression is 5.8. For a/b is 3 in bending since the panel is thin
skin is effective in bending. (Fig B)
When P1=10,000N, P2=5000, P3=0
When P1=10,000N, P2 =5000N, P3=1000N.
4. Write notes on
(i) The strength of thin walled columns.
(ii) The concept of EFFECTIVE SHEET WIDTH
(iii) Inter-rivet and sheet wrinkling Failure.
5. Derive buckling equation for a thin plate.

Unit 5
Part A
1. To carry a given load, a monocoque structure is heavier than semi-monocoque
2. State the advantage of having a semi-cantilever type of wing construction.
3. List the functions of fuselage bulkhead.
4. What are the factors that govern the selection of an aircraft material.
5. Explain safe life and fail safe design with examples.
6. List three functions of rear spar.
7. Sketch the bending moment diagram for a semi cantilever type of wing construction
for a constant upward air load.
8. what are the loads that an aircraft that an aircraft fuselage is subjected to?
9. List various structural components of fuselage.
10. What is Wagner Beam.
Part B

1. Explain the principle of semi tension field beam and find an expression for
(i) Web stiffener load.
(ii)Flange Axial Load
2. Write Short Notes on
(i). Definition and analysis of monocoque and semi-monocoque structures.
(ii). Idealization and analysis of aircraft wing.

3. Explain (i) Wagner beam

(ii) List out the different structural elements contained in an aircraft wing,
and its functions.

4. Explain lift load distribution, structural load distribution on cantilever wing and draw
the shear force and bending moment diagram.

5. The tapered beam shown in fig (a)

(1)Derive an expression for shear flow at any point in the web of the beam
(2)Calculate the shear flow distribution V=20kN.

40 cm 200 mm

20 KN



(Fig a)

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