Republic of The Philippines Regional Trial Court Branch: Petitioner

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Republic of the Philippines


7th Judicial Region
Branch 80
Dakit, Bogo City, Cebu

In the matter of Correction of

Entries Corresponding to the
Birth Record of “Angelly Yurag
Ommo Thong”


- versus - SPEC PRO Case No. BOGO-03812

THE LOCAL CIVIL FOR: Change of Last Name under

REGISTRAR OF MEDELLIN, Rule 108 with Correction of Entries
on the Certificate of Live Birth of
Angelie Yurag (Registry No 90-



The testimony of the affiant was taken before Atty. Athena M. Salas
on December 28, 2020 in her office at 14 Floremer A.S. Fortuna Street,
Banilad, Mandaue City.


This judicial affidavit serves as the direct testimony of ANGELIE

SON YURAG in the instant case, this affidavit is offered to prove that:

a. To prove that she has been known as ANGELIE SON YURAG;

b. To identify documents pertaining to her claim that she has been
using and is known of the name ANGELIE SON YURAG since
her tender years;

c. To prove that all her documents reflects the name ANGELIE SON

d. To prove that she has never used the name ANGELLY YURAG

e. To prove that her parents did not get married, and that she is an
illegitimate child;


I, ROSEMARIE GONATO, legal age, Filipino, single and with

residence address at Sitio Lahing-Lahing, Mabolo, Cebu City. In answer to
the questions of Atty. Athena Salas which she propounded to me in a
language I know and understand. I swear to tell the truth and nothing but the

Q1. Are you the Petitioner in this case named Angelie Son
A. Yes I am the complainant in this case.

Q2. Why are you filing this case?

A. I am filing this case because I recently found out that I have two
certificate of live birth. One is from Medellin and the other one
is from Ginatilan, and I want to correct the erroneous entries in
the certificate of live birth from Medellin.

Q3. When did you discover this?

A. I came to know of this fact when I obtained a new Certificate of
Live Birth from the NSO now PSA (Philippine Statistics Office)
on May 25, 2017 because it is required for me to claim my
Transcript of Records (TOR) from the University of Cebu for
employment purposes and to pursue my studies.

Q4. Why did you obtain new copies of your certificate of live
A. I obtained additional new copies in 2017 from NSO because the
copies that I obtained from before were already submitted to
other government agencies that required them.

Q5. What happened when you obtained copies of your PSA Birth
A. When I received the copy of my Certificate of Live Birth from
the NSO, I was surprised that I received a different one. It is not
the same with the Certificate of Live Birth that was issued to me

Q6. How could you say that it is a different one from the one that
was issued to you before?
A. It is not the same with the one that was previously issued to me
before because the one that was issued to me before reflects my
name ANGELIE SON YURAG, but the one that was recently
issued to me by the NSO (now PSA) is ANGELLY YURAG

Q7. Can you show us a copy of your Certificate of Live Birth that
reflects the name ANGELIE SON YURAG?
A. Yes I have a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth issued by the
Local Civil Registrar of Ginatilan.

Manifestation: The witness presented a Certified True Copy of

her Certificate of Live Birth and a photocopy of her NSO issued
Certificate of Live Birth. Attached as Exhibit “A”, “A-1”, “A-
2”, “A-3” in this Judicial Affidavit.

Q8. You showed me only a photocopy of the Certificate of Live

Birth issued by the NSO, can you present an NSO original
copy of the Certificate of Live Birth bearing your known
A. I could no longer present an original NSO issued Certificate of
Live Birth because these were already submitted to various
government agencies among others, DFA, SSS, School Records,
previous employers, etc.

Q9. What did you do when you received and discovered that the
name on the Certificate of Live Birth that was given to you
by NSO was not the same with the one that was issued to you
in the past?
A. I was confused and surprised at the same time. I came to the
NSO Officer and I told her that there must be a mistake because
this is not my Certificate of Live Birth, and I asked for my
Certificate of Live Birth with my name ANGELIE SON


Q10. What did the NSO Officer tell you when you tried to get a
copy with the name ANGELIE SON YURAG?
A. I was told by the NSO Certificate issued by Ginatilan with the
name ANGELIE SON YURAG with registry no. 99-014 was
cancelled because of the existence of an earlier filed certificate
of live birth bearing the Local Civil Registry No. 90-1024.

Q11. Can you show us a copy of the PSA copy that was issued to
you on May 2017, bearing the name ANGELLY YURAG
A. Yes, I have the original PSA copy issued on May 2017 with
Local Civil Registry No. 90-1024.

Manifestation: The witness presented to me an original PSA

copy of a Certificate of Live Birth with Local Civil Registry no.
90-1024 bearing the name ANGELLY YURAG OMMO
THONG. Attached as Exhibit “B”, the receipt issued by the PSA
as Exhibit “B-1” and the certified true copy issued by the Local
Civil Registrar of Medellin as Exhibit “C” of this Judicial

Q12. What did you do after you discovered that you have an
earlier filed Certificate of Live Birth?
A. I found out that the details of the Certificate of Live Birth from
Medellin contained a lot of errors.

Q13. What did you do when you discovered the errors contained
in the PSA certificate of live birth bearing the name
A. I insisted to the PSA Officer that she should give me a copy of
the one that was issued to me in the past. However, they could
no longer issue the previous ones because it was already
cancelled by PSA Head Office.

Q14. What did you do when the PSA could no longer issue your
birth certificate bearing the name ANGELIE SON YURAG?
A. I obtained a certified true copy of my live birth from Ginatilan
Local Civil Registry which I already shown a while ago already
marked as Exhibit “A-2 and A-3”.

Q15. You mentioned earlier that the Live Birth issued by Medellin
contained a lot of errors, can you tell us what are the errors
that you found in the Certificate of Live Birth bearing the
Civil Registry No. 90-1024?
A. The errors found in the certificate of live birth with registry no,
90-1024 are the following:
a. My first name was misspelled. The name that
was reflected in the live birth issued by
Medellin is ANGELLLY YURAG SON instead

b. The last name of my father was also misspelled

as OMMO THONG instead of “OMOTONG”,
but in the previous NSO birth certificates issued
to me there is no father’s name;

c. It was also indicated in the certificate of live

birth issued by Medellin that my parents were
married on July 3, 1989, when in fact no
marriage took place between them. My parents
remained unmarried;

d. The name of the informant that appears in the

certificate of live birth from Medellin “Nida
Son” is also erroneous because my mother’s
name is Nida Yurag. My mother’s signature in
the two live births are not the same;
Manifestation: The witness pointed out the errors in the
Certificate of Live Birth from Medellin (Exhibit “B”). We would
like to have the Item No. 1 bearing the first name, middle name
and last name marked as Exhibit “B-2”. The last name of the
petitioner’s father as Exhibit “B-3”. The date and place of
marriage as Exhibit “B-4”. The name and signature of the
informant as Exhibit “B-5”.

Q16. You said in your earlier statement that your parents

remained unmarried, can you present proof of your claim?
A. Yes. I obtained a copy of a Certificate of No Marriage
(CENOMAR) from the PSA.

Manifestation: The witness presented an original PSA copy of

CENOMAR of her parents. Attached as Exhibit “D” and

Exhibit “E”.

Q17. You mentioned that the signature of your mother as the

informant is not the same, can you present any proof of your
A. Yes. The signature of my mother in Exhibit B-5 is not the same
signature in the Certificate of Live Birth issued by Ginatilan.

Manifestation: The witness presented to me the signature of her

mother Nida Son Yurag, found in Exhibit “A” and we request
that this be marked as our Exhibit “A-4”.

Q18. Based on your earlier statement, you were issued two

certificate of live birth, one from Medellin and one from
Ginatilan bearing different names, which one of these
certificate of live births have you been using?
A. I have been using the certificate of live birth issued by Giantilan,
and the name “ANGELIE SON YURAG” since I could
remember. The name that I am known by everyone, in my public
and government records, in my school records, employment
records and in the live birth of my child.

Q19. You mentioned that you have been using the name Angelie
Son Yurag, can you present evidences of your claim?
A. I have a Baptismal Certificate issued by St. Gregory the Great
Parish issued on June 20, 2004.

Manifestation: an original copy of the Baptismal Certificate is

attached in this Judicial Affidavit as Exhibit “F”.

Q20. What other evidences can you present that you have been
using the name “ANGELIE SON YURAG”?
A. I have school records since I was in kindergarten, Elementary,
Highschool, College, diplomas, and transcript of records from
the University of Cebu- Lapulapu and Mandaue. I also have a
passport that was issued on August 20, 2011 and this was
renewed in April 19, 2019. I also have police clearances, voter’s
certification, SSS membership, Philhealth Member’s Data
Record (MDR), NBI Clearances since 2013, BIR forms since
2012 and the name that appears on my daughter’s certificate of
live birth is ANGELIE SON YURAG and not Angelly Yurag

Ommo Thong.

Q21. Can you present the documents that you mentioned earlier?
A. Yes. I am presenting to you the original copies of all the
documents that I mentioned a while ago.

Manifestation: Original copies of her school records from

Kindergarten to High School are presented and will be marked
during trial as Exhibit “G”, “G-1”, “G-2”, “G-3”. Original
copy of her transcript of Records from the University of Cebu is
presented and will be marked as Exhibit “H” during trial.
Original Philippine Passports as Exhibit “I” and “I-1”.
Original Police Clearance as Exhibit “J”, Voter’s Certification
as Exhibit “K”, SSS Form E-1 as evidence of SSS membership
registration as Exhibit “L”, Philhealth MDR as Exhibit “M”,
NBI Clearances as Exhibit “N”, “N-1”, and N-2”, BIR forms as
Exhibit “O”, “O-1” and “O-2”, Birth Records of the
petitioner’s daughter as Exhibit “P”

Q22. What is the name known by your previous and current

A. I have always been known as ANGELIE SON YURAG. I have
employment certificates and Company IDs to prove it.

Manifestation: The witness presented employment certificates

from her previous employers and will be marked as Exhibit “Q”
during the trial.1

Q23. Why are you showing these documents?

A. I am showing these documents and presenting them in court to
prove my claim that I have always been using the name
ANGELIE SON YURAG, and I have never used the name
Angelly Yurag Ommo Thong. This is also to support my petition
for change of name and correction of entries in my existing
Certificate of Live Birth issued by the Local Civil Registry of

Q24. Is this your free and voluntary act?

A Yes Maam.

Exhibits mentioned and presented in this Judicial Affidavit are already attached in the
Petition filed last October 08, 2019.

Q25. I have no further questions as of the moment; do you wish to
add anything?
A None that I could recall as of the moment.


I attest to the truth of the foregoing narration of facts by affixing my

signature below. I answered the above questions with full awareness that I
am under oath at the time the questions were propounded to me and that I
may face criminal liability for false testimony or perjury for any false
statement in this Judicial Affidavit. I warrant that the documents attached to
this Judicial Affidavit and in the Petition are faithful reproductions of their
original counterparts.

Cebu City, December ____, 2020



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me on December ___2020

at the City of Cebu, Philippines affiant exhibiting to me her UMID No.
CRN-0111-5855345-3 as competent proof of identity.
Doc. No. _____; 
Page No. _____;
Book No. _____; 
Series of 2020.

Examining Lawyer’s Attestation

I, Atty. Athena M. Salas faithfully recorded the questions I asked the

witness ANGELIE SON YURAG and the corresponding answers he/she
gave me; that neither I nor any other person then present coached the said
witness regarding his/her answers.


ID: IBP Cebu City Roll No. 65125
Issued by: IBP Cebu City Chapter

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this December ___, 2020 in

Mandaue City, Philippines; affiant exhibited to me his/her competent
evidence of identity as above described.

Doc. No.______;
Page No.______;
Book No.______;
Series of 2020.

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