A Study On Job Satisfaction in Swiggy For Delivery Executives With Reference To Chennai

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International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Vol. 28, No. 20, (2019), pp. 116-121



Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Faculty of Science & Humanities,
SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Kattankulathur.
Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Faculty of Science & Humanities,
SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Kattankulathur.

Job satisfaction is one of all the obligatory elements that have drawn attention of higher officers at
intervals the organization still as academicians. varied studies square measure programmed to seem out
the factors that guarantee job satisfaction and conjointly the style that influences production level at
intervals the organization. although there's not any conclusive proof that job satisfaction affects
productivity directly once productivity depends on such a large quantity of variables, it's still a first-rate
concern for coordinators . job satisfaction was themental feeling of advantage there a non-public has
relating to his job it's usually same that “A happy employee may be a productive employees.” Job
satisfaction was terribly necessary as a results of most of the fogeys pay a serious portion of their life at
their operational place. Moreover, job satisfaction has its impact on the period of the employees place
along, as a results of a content worker may be a self-satisfied and happy individual. A terribly happy
employee has higher physical and mental well-being. the current study analyzes the extent of satisfaction
among the delivery executives regarding their salaries, incentives and in addition the work setting and to
spot the extent of the swiggy employees with management and dealing policies for swiggy delivery
executives. associate overall sample of sixty delivery executives has been hand-picked. Hypotheses
devised to agitate the analysis queries were tested by non-parametric Pearson Chi-Square tests.

The online food ordering system is one in each of the most recent servicers most nourishment
restaurants among thewestern world unit adopting. With this method, food is ordered on-line and
delivered to the shopper. this may be created come-at-able through the employment of electronic payment
Customers pay with their credit cards,debit cards, net banking, although mastercard customers
are usually served even before they produce payment either through cash or cheque. So, the system
designed throughout this project will alter customers go online and place order for his or her food.
There unit several opportunities area unit springing up on the {net} because of the
great increase among theawareness of net and conjointly the technologies associated with it. such lots of
companies and companies currentlyventure into their business with ease because of the online. one
in each of such business that the online introduced may be a web foodordering system
at this many restaurants have chosen to specialize in quick preparation and speedy delivery of
orders instead of providing a trendyfeeding experience. until recently, most of this delivery orders were
placed over the phone, but there unit many disadvantages to this system.
The online food ordering services unit been greatly simplifies the ordering methodology for
every the shopper and conjointly the building. The system in addition greatly lightens the load on the
restaurants end, as a result of the complete methodof taking orders is automatic. Once associate order is
placed on the webpage which will be designed, it's placed into the data and then retrieved, in
precisely regarding fundamental measure, by a desktop application on the restaurants end.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 116

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 28, No. 20, (2019), pp. 116-121

Among this application, all things among the order unit displayed, in conjunction with their
corresponding decisions and delivery details, in associate degree passing sententious and
straightforward to scan manner. this allows the building workers to quickly bear the orders as they're
placed and switch out the obligatory things with smallest delay and confusion. the most
effective advantage of this method is its flexibility.

Job satisfaction is one in each of the very important factors that have drawn attention of
managers among the organisation additionally as academicians. various studies are conducted to look out
out the factors that make sure job satisfaction and conjointly the means that it influences
productivity among the organisation. though there's no conclusive proof that job satisfaction affects
productivity directly as a results of productivity depends on such lots ofvariables, it's still a primary
concern for managers. Job satisfaction is that the mental feeling of advantage that a
private has concerning his job.

The organizations were earlier measuring job satisfaction to substantiate that their structure practices
causegratifying or positive spirit among the staff therefore they'll perform their best at the point. Job
satisfaction are usually understood as associate individual’s positive emotional reactions to a
specific job. in associate exceedingly job it's associate degree emotional reaction that results from the
comparison between actual outcomes and desired, associateticipated or deserved by associate degree

Poor satisfaction of worker is additionally as a results of poor operational conditions, less fringe edges,
autocratic management vogue, and etcetera. Such vices have adverse implications
on employee performance among thegeographical purpose, considerably among the food delivery
system so, job satisfaction has been recognized as a really necessary contemplate the nourishment trade to
ameliorate the negative attitudes of workers towards their job or organisation as such a lot as absence and
turnover unit covered.


Paul E. Spector (1997) summarizes the findings concerning but people feel towards work, including:
cultural and gender variations in job satisfaction and personal and structure causes; and potential
consequences of job satisfaction and discontent. He provides with a pithy outline of the appliance,
assessment, causes and consequences of job satisfaction. Sophie mountain ash (2008) reveals the thanks
to turn out a happier work life, whereas not dynamic career. She provides wise and realistic steering
on but one will do optimum job satisfaction and overcome the obstacles that build such lots of
oldsters unhappy at work.

Robert M. Hochheiser (1998) reassessed the which suggests of the point and projected a simple formula
for success- Forget the conception that arduous work alone finally ends up in success and
instead specialize in building wise relationships. He asserts that the foremost effective because of win at
work is to graspwhat's needed to support the egos of bosses, peers, and subordinates. correct
assessment of those wishes willthen be indirectly associated with one's own personal goals and
exploited to make substantive point gains. ways that of determinative wishes unit given for a spread of
things, and strategies unit offered to help build variety of the worst work things a minimum of marginally
higher through networking and personal development.

C. J. Cranny, Patricia man Smith, Eugène F. Stone (1992) reveals perceiving

future likelihood can extremely be lots of motivating than really receiving a raise, gettingpromoted, or
being given additional responsibilities. Jane Boucher (2004) offers wise recommendation for
up every your angle concerning your job and conjointly the dutyitself.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 117

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 28, No. 20, (2019), pp. 116-121

She shows workers the thanks to address keeping their jobs throughout this powerful economy.
Chris Stride, Toby D. Wall, Nick Catley (2008) given wide used activity scales of Job
Satisfaction, condition, Job-related Well-being and structure Commitment, in conjunction
with benchmarking data for comparison. The benchmarking data is based on a sample of nearly sixty,000
respondents from 100 and fifteen all totally differentorganizations across an outsized spectrum of
industries and occupations. information is given by body, and is any counteracted by age and gender.

Joanna Penn (2008) teaches the thanks to improve your position in your current employment,
gaining lots of from your job, discovering lots of concerning yourself and what it's you'd be happy doing,
stress management and folksmanagement .

Evren Esen (2007) examined in terms of trade and workers size additionally as employee age and gender
overtwenty indicators of job satisfaction also as career-advancement opportunities, benefits, the pliability
to balance life and work, and compensation. Elwood Chapman (1993) helps to work out employee level
of satisfaction and soassists in making positive changes to increase every satisfaction level and quality of

Patricia Buhler, imaginary being Scott (2009) gift a tutorial argument for building associate
employeecentered culture. They in addition examined a real-world case study of a company that
has knowledgeable the economic edges of this apply, making it extravagantly clear
that modern businesses cannot afford to not build workersatisfaction a high priority

The main aim of the study is to analyze and examine level of job satisfaction among the Swiggy delivery
executives and to know the problems faced by the employees of the various categories. The specific
objectives are as follows:
 To observe the level of satisfaction among of delivery executives relating to the salaries,
incentives and the work environment.
 To identify the extent of the swiggy employees with management and working policies.
Both primary and secondary data are used for the study. The primary data are collected by using
questionnaire method. Secondary data are collected from books, journals, company manuals, company
website, and informal talk with the officers and the employees
Tools and techniques involves various accounting techniques and statistical tools like percentages
and chi-square, which is used as a device to analyze and interpret the employees satisfaction of the
delivery executives. Graphs, tables, figures and bar diagrams are used, as it helps in presenting
quantitative facts in simple, clear and effective pictures and are also attractive and create lasting
Convenience sampling was used for the survey.60 employees were selected as sample. The
questionnaires were distributed to the respondents in the selected sample.
1.The study was focused only in the location of chennai
2.Mostly delivery were male so only cocentrated on male delivery executives

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 118

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 28, No. 20, (2019), pp. 116-121


Table 1: Socio Economic Profile of the Respondents
Socio Economic Profile of the Percentage
Respondents (%)
18-28 15 25.0
29-38 9 15.0
39-48 22 36.7
above 48 14 23.3
SSLC 5 8.3
HSC 15 25.0
Qualification DIPLOMA 24 40.0
UG 14 23.3
PG 2 3.3
3-6 months 15 25.0
Working 7-9 months 7 11.7
Experience 10-12 months 27 45.0
Above 12 months 11 18.3
Part-time 27 45.0
Work Time
Full-time 33 55.0
Source: Primary Data

The above table shows that socio economic profile of the delivery executives of the swiggy corporate. It
is clearly understood that delivery executives in the swiggy are high in the age category of 39 - 48 Years
with 22 employees. Out of 60 employees 24 delivery executives completed their education in DIPLOMA.
27 delivery executives are in 10-12 months of working experience. Under Work time classification 33
delivery executives are belongs to part time.

Chi – Square Test

The purpose of chi-square test is to show the relationship or lack of relationship between two
variables. It is used to test the statistical significance of the observed association in a cross tabulation
(Malhotra, 2009). It assists in determining whether a systematic association exists between the two
variables. The test is conducted by computing the cell frequencies that would be expected if no
association were present between the variables, given the existing row and column totals. A number of
tests are available to determine if the relationship between two cross-tabulated variables is significant.
One of the common tests is chi-square test. In present research to study the association between two
variables chi-square statistics has been used. For below; all hypotheses test were performed at 5 per cent
level of significance.

Association between Working Experience and Salaries Incentives and Work environment
H01 There is a significant association between working experience and salaries incentives and work
Table 2: Association between Working Experience and Salaries Incentives and Work environment

Value df Assump.Sig Results


ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 119

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 28, No. 20, (2019), pp. 116-121

Chi- Pearson Chi-Square 62.815a 24 .000 Significant

Square Tests
Statistical significance at 5 per cent level
The above table analyses the output of chi-square test. The Pearson Chi square value is 62.815 at
24 degrees of freedom, which is less than the significant value of 0.05 at 95 per cent confidence level.
Therefore, null hypothesis is rejected and hence it can be said that there is a association between working
experience and salaries incentives and work environment.
Association between Work Time and Management & Working Policy
H02 There is a significant association between work time and Management & working Policy.
Table 3: Association between Work Time and Management , working policies
Chi-Square Tests

Value df Assump.Sig Results


Pearson Chi-Square 18.839a 8 .016 Significant

Statistical significance at 5 per cent level

The above table analyses the output of chi-square test. The Pearson Chi square value is 18.839 at
8 degrees of freedom, which is less than the significant value of 0.05 at 95 per cent confidence level.
Therefore, null hypothesis is rejected and hence it can be said that there is a association between work
time and Management & working Policy.

 It is clearly understood that delivery executives in the swiggy are high in the age category of 39 -
48 Years with 22 employees.
 Out of 60 employees 24 delivery executives completed their education in DIPLOMA
 27 delivery executives are in 10-12 months of working experience.
 Under Work time classification 33 delivery executives are belongs to part time.
 There is a association between working experience and salaries incentives and work environment.
 There is a association between work time and Management & working Policy.

 In the job satisfaction the management are advised to provide facilities for job enlargements and
enrichments to drive the optimum advantage from the skilled employees in their units.
 The job is of challenging nature in the private sector. If the management improves the quality of
work life in good earnest by exposing their workers to the changes the resultants effects is better
 The management are advised to improve the salary scales to the delivery executives in the swiggy
 There shall be chances of open forums for delivery excecutives to have better exchange of their
matters and discuss their problems to improve their service quality and to make themselves
satisfied to their job.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 120

Copyright ⓒ 2019 SERSC
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 28, No. 20, (2019), pp. 116-121

 Quality of work life and occupation Stress of employees are interacting to the delivery

On the basis of above deliberations, we can say that employees satisfaction are the
typically reflect the moral of the company. In areas of customer service ans sales ,happy employees are
extremely important beczuse they represent the company to the public. Every organization should develop
strategies that strengthen the work environment and to increase the employee’s morale and employee’s
satisfaction to enhance the employee’s performance and productivity ,which ultimately results in high
profits ,customer satisfaction as well as customer retention.
Job satisfaction represents one of the most complex areas facing today’s managers when it comes
to managing their delivery executives. Policy makers and managers have turned their attention to provide
different kinds of facilities to their employees in order to satisfy their employees. A good work conditions
can increase employee job satisfaction and the employees will try to give their best which can increase the
delivery executives work performance in the food delivery.


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