HMT Assignment

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Que.01: A pipeline of 1 meter length and 0.005m2 cross-sectional area is made of
material having thermal conductivity of 25W/m-K. Under normal operating
conditions, the temperature variation along the length of the pipe can be presented
as T(x) = 100-150x+10x2, while the variation in the radial direction can be neglected
then find the conduction heat rate at x=1m.
Que.02: The steady state temperature distribution in a 1-D wall of thermal
conductivity 50W/m-K and thickness 50mm is observed to be T(0C)= a+bx2, where
a=2000C, b=-20000C/m and x is in meter then determine the rate of heat generation
within the wall in MW/m3.
Que.03: Air at 400C flows over a long 25mm diameter cylinder with an embedded
heater. To maintain a surface temperature of 3000C, if 450W of heater power per
unit length of the cylinder is required then determine the corresponding heat
transfer coefficient.
Que.04: The house of wall in a cold region consist of 3 layers- an outer brickwork
of 15cm thick & an inner wooden panel of 1.2cm thickness. The intermediate layer
is made of an insulating material 7cm thick. The thermal conductivities of the brick
& wood used are .70 W/m-0C and .18 W/m-0C respectively. The inner & outside
temperatures of the composite wall are 210C and -150C respectively. If the layer of
insulation offers twice the thermal resistance of the brick wall. Calculate-
(a). the rate of heat loss per unit area of the wall
(b). the thermal conductivity of insulating material.
Que.05: The steady state temperature distribution in a 0.3m thick plane wall is
T=600+2500x-12000x2, where T is in 0C and x is in meter measured from one surface
of the wall. 1-D steady state heat conduction occurs in the wall along the X-
direction. The thermal conductivity of the material of the wall is 23.5 W/m-0C. Find-
(a). what are the surface temperatures
(b). calculate the heat fluxes at the surfaces.
Que.06: A cylindrical hot gas duct 0.5m inside radius has an inner layer of fireclay
bricks (K=1.3 W/m-0C) of 0.27m thickness. The outer layer 0.14m thick is made of a
spherical brick (K=0.92 W/m-0C). The brickwork is enclosed by an outer steel cover
which has a temperature of 650C. The inside temperature of the composite cylinder
wall of the duct is 4000C. Neglect the thermal resistance of the steel cover, calculate
the rate of heat loss per meter of the duct and also the interface temperature
between the ceramics layers. What fraction of the total resistance is offered by the
special brick layer?
Que.07: A gas filled tube has 2mm inside diameter and 25cm length. The gas is
heated by an electrical wire of diameter 50 microns located along the axis of tube.
Current & voltage drop across the heating element are 0.5A and 4 volts
respectively. Find the thermal conductivity of gas filling the tube, if the measured
wire temperatures are 1750C & 1500C respectively.
Que.08: A pipe (K=180W/m-0C) having inner and outer diameter 80mm & 100mm
is located in a space at 250C. Hot gases at temperature 1600C flows through the
pipe. Neglecting surface heat transfer coefficients, calculate-
(a). the heat loss through pipe per unit length
(b). the temperature at a point halfway between the inner and outer surface
(c). the surface area normal to the direction of heat flow so that the heat transfer
through the pipe can be determined by considering material of the pipe as a plane
wall of the same thickness.
Que.09: A 240mm steam main, 210m long is covered with 50mm of high
temperature insulation (K=0.062W/m-0C). The inner & outer surface temperature
as measured are 3900C & 400C respectively. Calculate-
(a). total heat loss per hour
(b). the heat loss per m2 of pipe surface.
Que.10: A standard cast iron pipe (inner diameter=50mm & outer diameter =
55mm) is insulated with 85% magnesium insulation (K=0.02W/m-0C).Temperature
at the interface between the pipe & insulation is 3000C. The allowable heat loss
through the pipe is 600W/m length of pipe & for the safety the temperature of the
outside surface of insulation must not exceed 1000C. Determine the minimum
thickness of insulation required. Given- K for CI = 20W/m-0C.

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