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Name : Endro Budi Wibowo

Class : X Multimedia 1
No : 17

Islamic Boarding School 

Islamic boarding schools are buildings in which there is a special
learning system. Even though there are general knowledge lessons
like schools that are on the same level.
The Ulama argue that Islamic boarding schools can change the nature,
character and personalities of santri to be more religious. Religious in
thinking about the future and realistic world that is progressing.
On the other hand pesantren also includes dormitories that bring
together a number of people who are different in terms of character,
personal and place of origin and they try to become wholeness bound
by the rope ukhuwah ismaliyah(Muslim brotherhood ties).
So Islamic boarding schools were established to form the character of
students namely santri who were more religious who obeyed religion
and state. In the learning system it is combined with the values of
unity and unity in order to continue the progress of Islam in the future
as well.

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