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Applied Mechanics Lab – MEC 424/ AHA/MCM Rev.

02-2020 (PKP)



Program : Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechanical (EM220/EM221)

Course : Applied Mechanics Lab
Code : MEC 424
Lab : Dynamic Lab

Lab Sheet No : 3

Title : Forced Vibration Experiment – Resonance Of Spring-

Dashpot System With Spring

1.0 Introduction

Forced vibration is vibration that takes place under excitation of external forces. The system will
vibrate at the excitation frequency when the excitation is oscillatory. Resonance will occur if the
frequency of excitation coincides with one of the natural frequencies of the system and dangerously
large oscillations may result. The failure of major structures such as bridges, buildings, or airplane
wings is an awesome possibility under resonance.

2.0 Objectives

Upon completion of this experiment, students should be able to;

 Determine the resonance of Spring-Dashpot System in different damping conditions.

3.0 Apparatus

Universal system vibration apparatus (TM155) which includes:

 Frame
 Beam
 Spring
 Damper
 Mechanical recorder
 Unbalanced exciter
 Control unit (TM150)

Applied Mechanics Lab – MEC 424/ AHA/MCM Rev. 02-2020 (PKP)

4.0 Experimental Procedure

1. Assemble drum recorder and damper in line

2. Take distance b from the following table.
3. Switch on controller unit.
4. 1Hz increments are appropriate in the range between 4 until 10Hz and 0.2 to 0.5 Hz increments
when close to resonance.
5. Record each measurement.

5.0 Results and Discussion

6.0 Conclusion

Conclude findings from experimental data

7.0 References

List all references that have been made during the course of findings.

8.0 Appendixes

Applied Mechanics Lab – MEC 424/ AHA/MCM Rev. 02-2020 (PKP)

Appendix A: Theoretical contents

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