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 2004 – 2010 PRIMARY LEVEL
 2011 - 2010 ORDINARY LEVEL
 2018 – 2020 ADAVANCE LEVEL



1. The nature of the Pre colonial African societies determined by the various elements; Discuss
these element by using six points.
2. “It is biasness to discuss the nature of the pre-colonial Africans societies by using the African
thought.” Examine the realities of the quotation above by six points with example.
3. According to Hegel and his friends “Africans were Barbaric, Uncivilized, static and darkness
continent against the state by six points. OR Pre colonial African societies had both social
political and economic development Discuss.
4. Does feudalism existed in African?” Using six points and example for you side.
5. Clearly and with concrete evidence analyze the various type of feudal of production existed in
Africans continent OR Explain different form of feudalism existed in the Africans continents.
6. Critically show the main different between the Nyarubanja and Obugabire. Six points
7. Examine on why some people command that pre colonial Africans societies did not
development slavery mode of production. OR Slavery mode of production dopes not existed
in Africa. Discuss 8 point.
8. Analyze the feature of their first antagonistic mode of production 8points
9. Examine the factor for the development and growth of the pre colonial system 8 point
10. Pre colonial African political system development and growth. Explain the theories that proof
the existence of it 5points.
11. Discuss the Nature of the Age set organization.
12. Account for the types and form of the pre colonial states.
13. Analyze the main feature of the centralized and Decentralized state existed in pre colonial
African societies for point for each.
14. Explain on how trade climate and religion brought about the existence of the state in pre
colonial African societies four points for each. OR Explain the roles of trade climate and
religion to the formation of state.
15. What is jihads movement? Why jihads movement erupt again at 19th century in western parts
of African
16. “Occurrence of jihad brought about the growth of state” Examine by using 6 points. OR What
were the roles of jihad in the development of states.
17. “Mfecane war does not occur as the thunderstorm” Discuss the statement by 7points.
18. Examine with clear example how the had condition in the southern part of African around
1830’s brought about the formation of state in east and contract Africa 6 point.
19. Pre colonial education had it own methodologies.” 6 point to proof it.
20. What were in the pre colonial Africa education?
21. Asses the main characteristic and objectives of the pre-colonial African societies. Use 4 point
for each.
22. Account for the prons and cons of the pre colonial African education 4 point for each.

23. Asses the role of technology in development of state in African.
24. Explain the main function of the clan head in pre colonial African societies.
25. Moran’s were the main tools of Age maasai tribe discuss by 6 points.
26. Asses the different between the first and second exploitative modes of production.
27. Asses the feature of the non antagonist mode of production.
28. Examine the different between the feudalism existed along the coastal land and that of the
interlacustrine region
29. Show the various technology developments reacted by the pre colonial African societies 7
clear points.

30. African societies before the coming of white had no any kind of development .Discuss the
statement based on the book of “How Europe underdevelopment African”
31. “At the point of contracts between the African and the Europe both were at same level of
development and not equal “Examine the reality of the statement.
32. Show the main different and similarities between the Europeans and Africans trade system at
the pointy of contract 15th.
33. The modes of production between existed in African and European at the point of contact had
comparison and contractions proof by 8 point.
34. Compare and contrast the level of technology reached by the African and Europeans at 15th
35. Asses the main factors for the rise European states.
36. African and European state were synonyms also Antoriyms Evaluate by 8 point
37. The feudal model of production at 15th century in both African and European are just like
lemon and Orange. Discuss 8points
38. Asses the features of the European form of education at 15th century.
39. Discuss the main similarly and differences between pre colonial education and European
education with example 8points
40. Both European and Africa led development technology system slow the European technology
at 15th century. 6 points
41. Asses the economic development done by European countries that brought about the widening
of the group between the European and African at 15th century.
42. Account for the factor for the widen gap between the Europeans and African at 15th century
according to Walter Rodney.
43. Analyze the role of African in the widen gap at 15th century.
44. Explain on how the mercantilism brought about the effect and widen gap between Africans
and the European at 15th century 8 point
45. Examine the effect of slave trade in African and European 6 point.
46. Excoriate the roles of slave trade in the widen of the hollow of development between African
and European at 15th century.
47. Why Abolition of slave trade prolonged?8 point
48. Discuss the main method used in abolition of slave trade?
49. Asses the main factors for the collapse of slave trade.
50. Account for the roles of colonialism to the development of the economic gap between the
European and African.
51. Analyze the role of the neo colonialism and delocalization in the development of gap at 15th
century between European and African.
52. Justify the economic social and political effect of the widening gap between European at the
point of contract at 15th century affected the Africans. OR what were the main affects of the
Trans Atlantic slave trade.


53. “The transition from the American natives and the European as the source of labour to the
African was the Empty bottle”. Justify by 6 points. OR What were the reason that made
European changes the labours from Red Indians and European to Africans?
54. Describe how the Trans Atlantic slave trade was operated or conducted.
55. Specify the main reason for the rise of Trans Atlantic slave trade and its legacies 8 points.
56. Asses the Genesis of the black people in the new world. OR Account for the rise of Black
people in the new world. OR Asses the main causes to mode black people reach in the new
57. The arrival of the African people in the new world was not blessed. OR Account for the
problem that faces the black people in the new world.
58. Emergence of the Afro American struggle was not the dream but it came as the children after
pregnant. Discuss 8 points or Account for the main reason for the rise of the black America
59. What were the contribution of the American war of independence to the rise of black
60. American wars of independence have nothing to the Afro-Americans struggle. Discuss
61. Account for the triumph of the Americans civil wars of 1861-1865.
62. Asses the role of the American war of independence in the struggle of nationalism of the
black people.
63. What was the role of the Abraham lincolin to the struggle of the black people’s nationalism?
64. Assess the methods that used in the struggle of the black people’s right in the new world.
65. Account for the factors for the rise of black solidarity and asses it’s objectives
66. Manipulate the role of the black solidarity to the nationalism struggle of the black people.
67. “Back to African movement were blessed to the Afro-Americans ”Discuss
68. Explain the objective and achievements of the back to Africans movements.
69. With example analyze the contribution done by Marcus Mosiagh Gurvey ,Malcom X, and Du
Bois to the nationalism struggle in America.
70. Despite huge fight for the right but Afro-Americans faced a lot of the challenges .Analays the
71. Explain the role of Ku Klux Klan to the delay of the Afro Americans right.
72. Show the synonyms and antonyms between the black solidarity and the back to Africans
73. Explain on how Pan-Africans fought for the right.
74. Asses the origin of the civil right movement around 1950s.
75. Show how the Martin Luther King jr contributed to the success of the Afro-Americans
76. Do you think why the white in America changed their views to the black’s,
77. Analyze the role of the Black Panther part to the development of Afro –Amercans
78. What are the roles of black to the growth of capitalism in USA.


79. Account for the different methods that were used to impose colonial rule in Africa
80. On how the colonialist destroyed pre-capitalist mode of production
81. “Colonial state were function less “justify
82. How colonial state consolidated colonial exploitation. OR asses the roles of colonial state in
the colonial exploitation. six points
83. Explain the nature of the colonial state according to Samir Amin. Six points
84. Analyses the nature of colonial state according to Frantz Omary Fannon. Six points
85. Account for the main function of the colonial Beaurocracy. Six points
86. Colonial state had nothing to do with the metropolitan state. Justify by six points
87. Asses why peasants agriculture dominated in Uganda than in Kenya? Six points
88. It was not easily to decide the type and form of agriculture to be established in certain area.
Evaluate by show how using six points
89. What were the determinants factors regarded the form of agriculture to be employed? Six
90. Why settler agriculture dominated much in Kenya, Zimbabwe and South Africa?
91. Why settler agriculture? Six points
92. What were the main stumbling blocks towards the settler agriculture in Uganda?
93. Show how the consequence of colonial state brought about the beautification of settler
economy in Kenya?
94. Examine the negativity of the colonial agriculture to the folks .
95. What supported colonial agriculture in Tanganyika? Six points



96. Explain the main effects of the second world war of 1939 to 1945 to the European economy.
97. Account for the main changes that enacted by Europeans in their colonies at the economic
and social sectors after the second world war.
98. What was the response of European in their colonial economy in their colonies after he second
world war.
99. What were the main changes in the agricultural sector that made by the colonial state.
100. “Agriculture development scheme had a lot of children’s” justify by six points with concrete
101. Account for the two changes that aimed at improving fertility of the land by identify these
changes and latter explain the main advantage of it to the white.
102. Why kongwa,Nachingwea and mlalo scheme were coased.

103. “Are the agricultural changes after 1945 were fruit full to the Africans” Elucidate the
104. What were the influences of the colonial state to the progressive farmers?
105. Ex caveat two changes in agricultural development plan that explained the preservation of soil
and latter explain its impacts.
106. Account for the main objective of the cooperative union with critical example. Seven.
107. Asses the main objective of the marketing boards by consider the negative and positive
objective to the indigenous.
108. Examine the main changes that under taken at industrial sector around the 1940s.
109. Accounts for traits of the industrial sector after the Second World War.
110. ‘Import substitution industries were unevenly distributed’ justify by six points an concrete
111. All import substitution industry were nothing to Africans development but were really for
African underdevelopment. Elucidate.
112. Why around the 1945 European decided to expand transport and communication system in
113. Colonial infrastructure was reasonable placed .Discuss by six points.
114. Draw the structure of the colonial infrastructure after 1945 and asses why it is as it is.
115. Explain how the trade was organized after the world war of 1945.
116. Colonial trades of 1945 were blessed to the white and an evil to the blacks. Elucidate by seven
pin points.
117. “Marketing boards were functionless”
118. Why migrants labour in the European colonies?
119. On how European insured constant supply of labour in their economic sectors?
120. Account for the methods that were used to preserve the labour supply?
121. Account for the changes that emerged in 1945 at mining sectors.
122. How Africans affected by the mining sector changes after the Second World War?
123. What spearheaded the working class struggle in the Tanganyika after 1945?
124. It demanded the roles of the elites to brought about the emergence of the working class
movements in Africa but was still challengeable do you think why?
125. Account for the consequences of the intellectual toward the triumph of the working class
126. Relate the colonial education system and working class movements.
127. Colonial Education has nothing to lose for the white. Justify.
128. How the colonial Education affected the Independence of Africans around the 20th Century.

129. The role of the external force should not being marginalized when discuss about the African
liberation process justify the statement by 8 points.
130. “Americans and Russia were madness to help Africa to attain their independence.
131. Americans tried more to champion the colonization process and they succeeded. How they
able to do so?
132. Russia managed to help and pioneered the struggle and fight against colonialism in Africa, Do
you think what methods they used to do so?
133. “Bounderization of the UNO towards the decolonization of African is madness”
134. Wilson Woodrow’s idea helped much African to gain their independence” Identify that idea
and explain how it does help.
135. “No pan Africanism no new African continent” Discuss the statement by 6points.
136. “Non Alignment movements have nothing to do with the decolonization of African”. Argue
argents the statement.
137. On how the Versailles peace treaty brought about the rise of the African decolonization.
138. 1945 regarded as the turning points on Africans decolonization. Explain why.
139. On which way did the Second World War bring about the Emergence of the Africa
140. Why the independence of South African prolonged?
141. Do you think why Portuguese resisted to left Angola?
142. What determined the nature and form of decolonization in African?
143. While Tanganyika and Ghana Enjoyed Earl independence, south African were subjected by
the harsh period to look for it. Why?
144. What is the worth of the Zanzibar revolution to the civilians?
145. Why Zanzibar revolution.
146. Justify the role of john Titto Okeleo towards the decolonization.
147. Kwame Nkurumah was the father of the African continents.”Justify by tooking the
independence of the Africans.
148. Asses why the South Africans delayed to attain their independence.

149. The economic situations of Tanganyika at the point of independence were justifiable. Discuss
by the providing critical evidence from 1961.
150. With conerate evidence calculate the main amendment that Tanganyika and Tanzania took
After Independence.
151. “Followed the political independence in Tanzania political changes were unmaginalizable”
152. What sparked the amendment of constitutions in Tanzania?
153. “By clear explanation account for trend of the constitution changes”6points
154. Asses the pull of the creation of the new constitution.
155. “By points the patches with the constitutions” explain the fault of the Tanzania constitution.
156. “Why people demanding for new constitution”
157. Explain the factors affect the formation of the new constitution in Tanzanian.
158. Based on the Nyalalis commission, why people demand for the new constitution?
159. Assess the effects of the new constitution to the civilians.
160. Monoparty system in Tanzania was more important after independence explain why?
161. Why monoparty Government in Tanzania.
162. The transformation from the monoparty to multiparty system had a great reason. Explain it
163. Account for the significance of the multiparty democracy in Tanzanian.
164. What were in the Arusha declaration?
165. “The policy of Mwalimu Nyerere in education were the rubbish policy” Discuss
166. Explain the main factors for the ujamaa system in Tanzania.
167. What were the changes proposed by Mwalimu Nyerer in Education for self reliance?
168. The repressions of the Education for self reliance were fruits full for the Tanzanians.
169. Followed the failure of the Nyerer policy on Education what are the other alternative changes
over taken to the education?
170. Justify the form took place in Education during rain of President John Pombe Magufuli.
171. Account for the validity of the statement below.” we have a doctor to whom we trained but
when our political leaders sick they run to Indian and European”
172. Propose the major solution of your own to solve the bag of the Africans. 6 way
173. What affected Tanzania economy at the period of 1980’s and why? 6points
174. The collapses of the Tanzania socialism were Inevitable.” Explain? With eviden


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