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Jumadal-Awwal 10, 1442/December 25, 2020 Issue No.



Friday Bulletin
The Weekly Muslim News Update
Milestone as Madrassa curriculum
gets gov’t approval
Another milestone has been attained in
the education sector after the approval of
the Madrassa curriculum by the govern-
The development of the new curriculum
was a joint effort spearheaded by Muslim
Education Council (MEC), in partnership
with Muslim organizations, scholars and
Kenya Primary Madrassa Curriculum the
first of its kind in the history of the coun-
try joined the list of government approved
curriculum after endorsement of the Ken-
ya Institute of Curriculum Development
The 2013 Basic Education Act recognizes
madrassas and duksis (Islamic schools in
the Somali community) as formal schools
and the approval of the curriculum now set
pace for the development process for the
secondary Madrassa Curriculum that has Educationists and stakeholders in the Muslim education sector together with of-
already started. ficials from the Muslim Education Council(MEC) pose for a group photo during a
For decades, there has been no widely forum to deliberate on education matters in the Muslim community.
accepted and recognised madrassa cur-
riculum to guide teaching of Islamic edu- went to the counties to give an opportunity their contributions towards the success
cation in Kenya. to Kenyans in the grassroots to participate of the process to maintain the same spirit
in the process. to ensure the approved curriculum is fully
It is from this back drop that in 2014, the implemented for the benefit of our children
process of developing the Madrasa cur- While expressing his gratitude, the Mus- for proper growth and spiritual develop-
riculum was started with the Muslim Edu- lim Education Council (MEC chairman ment,” Niaz said.
cation Council, a body recognised by the Muhammad Zafar Niaz lauded the Ken-
2013 Basic Education Act to represent ya Institute of Curriculum Development Niaz noted that with the major work of im-
Muslims on matters education-kick stated (KICD) for the endorsement of the Mad- plementation of the curriculum and training
the process of developing a unified madra- rassa curriculum saying is a milestone for of Madrassa teachers about to start, there
sah curriculum for primary and secondary. the country’s education history and in the was need for the leadership of madrassas
Muslim community. and duksis to improve on the infrastruc-
The all-inclusive process involved wider tures as a measure to provide a conducive
consultations from stakeholders and took The MEC chair further appreciated the environment for the learners.
into consideration the various views pre- unity and harmony exhibited by various
sented to develop the syllabus. stakeholders during the madrassa cur- On his part, executive director Muslim
riculum development process adding that Education Council (MEC) Munawar Khan
The curriculum taskforce publicized the the official launch of the curriculum will be said the development and subsequent ap-
process widely and invited participation, held next year during National Muslim Ed- proval of the Madrassa curriculum is suc-
suggestions and comments from all inter- ucation conference on a date to be com- cessful history in the Muslim community
ested Kenyans. The use of the press and municated. in Kenya and the East Africa region as a
the social media ensured that information whole and that the new curriculum would
had a wider reach. The task force also “I appeal to all stakeholders who made Continued To Page 9

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The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Jumadal-Awwal 10, 1442/December 25, 2020

Da’wa Group donates sewing machines to JTI

The Kisumu based, Da’wa Development
Group (DDG) a charitable organization
has donated sewing Machines to Jamia
Training Institute (JTI) to empower youths
with skills.
The 60 sewing machines and an 8000 li-
tres water tank that were donated by the
Da’wa group in partnership with the Dar al
Ber Society of the United Arab Emirates
were handed over to the training Insti-
tute Yesterday at the event held at Jamia
Mosque Nairobi.
Jamia Training Institute (JTI) was found-
ed in 2005 after inheriting the operations
of the former WAMY Vocational College
(WAVCO). JTI has established itself as an
important educational facility for Muslims
providing academic programs certified by
local and international examination bod-
The Institute offers number of courses
which include Computer studies, Tailor-
ing and Dress making courses, Arabic and
sign language among others.
Speaking during the handing over cer-
emony, Jamia Mosque Committee Deputy
Secretary General Ibrahim Ahmed who is The Chief Executive Officer of the Kisumu based-Da'wa Development Group
also the JTI chairman expressed gratitude Sheikh Musa Ismail (RIGHT) handing over a sewing Machine to Chairman Jamia
to the Da’wa group for its generosity say- Training Institute Ibrahim Ahmed.The group donated 60 sewing machines and a
ing the donations had come at the right water tank to Institute to empower young people with skills.
Ibrahim said the donation would afford Committee, Abdulkadir Hawa emphasized en cooperation with Jamia Mosque Com-
Jamia Training Institute the opportunity the need for unity among Muslims to ac- mittee in order to realize development in
to engage more youth who were willing to celerate development in the community the Muslim community across the country.
learn dressmaking and tailoring to enable stressing that present circumstances fac- “ We need to come together as Muslim
them contribute meaningful to the growth ing the Muslim community demanded that organizations to realize development and
and development of the community. Muslim leaders come together to foster progress in our Muslim community , We as
He stressed that Jamia Mosque commit- greater unity for expansion of social devel- Da’wa Development Group will endeavour
tee was committed to empower youth and opment activities like putting up schools, and work closely with Jamia Mosque Nai-
women for self –sustainability adding that hospitals and other social amenities to be robi together to accelerate development
Jamia Training Institute in its efforts to em- at par with other Kenyans. with the aim to improve statuses of our
power young people in the Muslim com- He further stressed that it was important Muslim population ,” he said.
munity had expanded its programmes in to support and assist the youth with tools In attendance during the handing over
area such as Kibra and Mathare. and equipment to lead self-supporting ceremony were, Abubakar Bajaber (Mem-
"We as Jamia Mosque committee lead- lives. ber Jamia Mosque Committee) Sheikh
ership through Jamia Training Institute Addressing the event, The Da’wa Devel- Jamaldeen Osman(Deputy Imam Jamia
(JTI)are devoted to supporting and offer- opment group Chief Executive Officer Mosque Nairobi), Sheikh Muhammad
ing training to young people so that they (CEO) Sheikh Musa Ismail commended Sheikh (Da’wah Officer Jamia Mosque),
can overcome obstacles and make use of Jamia Mosque for being at forefront to Aboobakar Nazir (Finance Officer Jamia
their untapped potential and realise their address the religious matters and cater Mosque and Munawar Khan(Executive Di-
dreams and aspirations,’’ Ibrahim said. for the interests of Muslims in the country rector Muslim Education Council) among
On his part, Member of Jamia Mosque adding that his group is keen to strength- others.

Eastleigh family in agony of Enforced disappearance

A family in Eastleigh airbase area, Nairobi The mother says that family and friends to please bring back my son,” Rukia said
is in agony after their 17 year old son was have searched everywhere including hos- while tears were rolling down her eyes.
arrested on the 10th this month together pitals and morgues with no sign of him.
Human rights watchdog HAKI Africa has
with his friend. “When I went to Pangani Police station I call on the investigation into the wherea-
Ramadhan Bakari was arrested while sell- was told that they have not heard of the bouts of Ramadhan after Rukia went to
ing second hand clothes in the area with teenager. I have gone to Muthaiga, Cen- seek their support. “We as HAKI Africa
his friend Babu, who was later released tral and Kamukunji police station but I are asking where is Ramadhan Bakari
that evening but Ramadhan is still miss- have not been helped. These Policemen and asking CS Matiang’i to follow up on
ing. with civilian clothes, I want to know where the this issue as it squarely falls under his
Ramadhan’s mother, Rukia Bakari says their station is based cause they are the docket,” said Salima Macharia, an official
the arrest was made by a popularly known ones who have my son,” she added. from HAKI Africa.
police officer identified as ‘Blackie’ “Ac- The mother is pleading with the govern- He questioned why cases of enforced dis-
cording to my son’s friend, Bakari was ment to help him get his son back since he appearance are so common in the slums
bundled into a different Toyota Probox af- is in the hands of police. “I am requesting areas and stated that they receive not
ter they were arrested and from there he the government and CS Matiang’I to help less than five cases of disappearances in
has not been seen,” said the mother. me get back my son. I am asking ‘Blackie’ a day.
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The Friday Bulletin DA'WAH Jumadal-Awwal 10, 1442/December 25, 2020
What do Muslims believe about Jesus?
By Sadaf Farooqi
Isa, or Jesus the son of Mary as he is more blessed human being (which was glaring-
commonly known, is probably one of the ly obvious by the fact that he was talking
most “famous” people in the world since as a newborn baby), but that he was also
many centuries. commanded to establish salah and to give
Unbeknownst to most non-Muslims who charity as long as he lived.
revere and love Jesus, he is one of the
many Prophets whom God has mentioned
Jesus was sent to not just be humble and 
compassionate towards God’s slaves on Lesson from Sheikh Jamaludin Osman
repeatedly and specifically in the Quran. earth, but also to obey God’s commands
God has described many of his praisewor- Friday sermon at Jamia Mosque Nairobi
and worship Him through prayer and char-
thy attributes in the Quran. Also the details ity, just like His other worshipers. on 18th DEC. 2020.
of the events in his life, as well as those of A Righteous Son Topic: The Scale On The Day Of Judge-
his mother, Mary. ment
{And [has endowed me with] piety towards
The Quran reveals details about the noble my mother; and He has not made me 1. One cannot achieve taqwa if he/she
lineage of Prophet Jesus; about how his haughty or bereft of grace.} (19:32) doesn’t believe in the unseen.
maternal grandmother, herself a devout 2. The one who will be successful on the
Prophet Jesus was merciful towards his
worshiper of God, dedicated her unborn day of Judgement are the ones whose
mother, and the Quran mentions how, later
child to His service when she was preg- good deeds will be heavier on the scale.
on, he lived with her in a lofty, peaceful and
amply-watered dwelling-place provided to 3. The one who will be at loss on the day
She eventually gave birth to one of the them both by God Himself. of Judgement are the ones whose good
most virtuous, chaste and honorable wom-
His status as the Prophet of God never un- deeds will be lighter on the scale.
en who ever lived: Mary, the mother of Je-
dermined his humility towards other human 4. No soul shall be treated unjustly dur-
beings, primarily his mother. She was an ing the Day of Judgement because Allah
Mary grew up to also become an extremely immensely strong and patient woman who
righteous woman. A dedicated and devout takes account of everything one does.
endured tremendous emotional and physi-
worshiper of God, she secluded herself in NOTE:
cal difficulties and social persecution to
the mihrab to shy away from a society that birth him and raise him as a single parent. • One cannot be believer until he/she be-
was fast becoming morally decadent and lieves there is scale on the day of Judge-
The Quran thus testifies that Jesus was
steeped in sins. ment.
neither “jabbar” – tyrannical and oppres-
There, God miraculously provided her with sive- nor “shaqiyya” – wretched and un- • One of the hardest thing on the Day of
eatables and appointed Prophet Zakariyya fortunate. On the contrary, he was extra Judgement after being questioned by Al-
as her guardian. forbearing and kind towards all of God’s lah, is the scale.
Because of her lofty virtue, God sent an creation, as I will expound further below. • One who wants the Prophet Muham-
angel to give her glad tidings of a righteous Up till today, the name of Prophet Jesus mad (Peace be upon him) to intercede for
son. Initially appalled at the prospect be- is considered symbolic with love, mercy, him/her should look for him at these three
cause of her unmarried state, she even- compassion and humility; a pillar of for-
tually accepted this decree, and withdrew places:
bearance and steadfastness in the face of - As-Sirāt (the bridge which every human
from her people to give birth alone in the adversities and persecution.
woods – an enormous trial of her faith and must pass on the Day of Judgment.)
The Quran corroborates how Jesus used - At Al-Mizan (the scale).
forbearance that not just brought her im-
to perform miracles by the will and decree - At the Fountain of water.
mense fruit in the long run, but also further
of God. He could bring clay birds to life by
elevated her status in the eyes of God.
blowing on them (3:49) and with the will of
God described all of these events, as well God, he could also cure people suffering When the man whom Jesus saw stealing
as the following attributes and virtues of from illness, disability and disease, such as swore by Allah’s name that he didn’t steal,
Prophet Jesus in the Quran: those who were born blind and those who Jesus gave him the benefit of the doubt
A Slave of God and a Prophet were lepers, with the mere touch of his and admitted that it was his own eyes that
After Mary gave birth to Jesus and returned hand (5:110). must have ‘lied to him’.
home cradling him, the people of her com- Care for People Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Jesus
munity were scandalized to hear the news, The closeness of Prophet Jesus to his peo- The Quran confirms how Prophet Jesus
because she had hitherto been unmarried. ple and his concern for them also becomes predicted the coming of Muhammad as
When they started demonizing her for giv- apparent in those verses of the Quran God’s next Prophet after him. (61:6)
ing birth to a son, accusing her of the worst which mention how he beseeched Allah to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
that any chaste woman can imagine being send down upon them a banquet from the also confirmed his closeness to Jesus,
accused of, God made the infant Jesus sky, after his disciples (known as the “Al both, in terms of time and the consecutive
speak up from his cradle and defend her Hawari” in Arabic), requested him to ask succession of Prophets, as well as in terms
honor: {He said: “Behold, I am a servant of God to. of the relationship between them as Allah’s
God. He has given me the Scripture and The sunnah also confirms the forgiving at- chosen Prophets who were sent with the
made me a Prophet.} (19:30) titude towards people that Prophet Jesus same Divine message of monotheism:
Since his infancy, therefore, Jesus was elo- displayed: Narrated Abu Hurairah, Prophet Muham-
quent in defending the oppressed, margin- Abu Hurairah narrated the Prophet (peace mad said:“Both in this world and in the
alized and weak in society. be upon him) said: Hereafter, I am the nearest of all the peo-
What is more important, however, is how ple to Jesus, the son of Mary. The proph-
“Jesus, seeing a man stealing, asked him, ets are paternal brothers; their mothers
he proclaimed in the above speech to first ‘Did you steal?’, He said, ‘No, by Allah, by
and foremost be a slave of God (“`abdul- are different, but their religion is one.” (Al-
the One besides Whom none has the right Bukhari)
lahi” in Arabic) and then His Prophet, with- to be worshipped’.
out attributing any divinity to his own self. The Quran’s Praise for Jesus’ Followers
Jesus said: ‘I believe in Allah and suspect
A Blessed Worshiper of God my eyes’.” (Al-Bukhari) The Quran has not only described in nu-
{And made me blessed wherever I may be; merous places the virtues of both Mary
The above incident clearly demonstrates and her son Prophet Jesus, but has also
and He has enjoined upon me prayer and the prohibitive stance that all the religions
charity as long as I live.} (19:31) mentioned two positive qualities of the
revealed through God’s Prophets hold re- people who ‘followed’ Jesus i.e. those who
Jesus made it clear from soon after his garding the sin of slander (falsely accusing
birth that God had not just made him a very an innocent person of committing a crime). Continued To Page 8
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The Friday Bulletin WOMEN Jumadal-Awwal 10, 1442/December 25, 2020

Maryam: A woman of miracles

By Nusaybah Naeem
Reflecting on this past year, we can all agree Prophet Zakariyyah had been facing his someone we admire just because she is the
that we have all faced some very unexpect- own struggles – he was very old and his mother of Prophet Isa. Even before she had
ed circumstances. Many have faced (and wife was barren. He longed to have chil- news of his arrival or became his mother,
are still facing) harsh situations in their per- dren of his own who would be righteous Maryam was told by the angel that she had
sonal lives due to the pandemic. When we and call others to Allāh. When he saw been chosen by Allāh due to her righteous-
look into the lives of many great figures in Maryam with all kinds of amazing provi- ness.
our past, we find that their lives were speck- sions and heard her say that Allāh pro- A Symbol of Modesty
led with unimaginable challenges. Through vides unrestrictedly to whomsoever He
As a woman who was chosen and purified
these trials, their faith was put to test, and wills, he realised that Allāh would surely
by Allāh, Maryam was extremely modest
they shone brightly as guides, leaders, and respond to his prayers. Without wasting
and chaste. When the angel Jibrīl first came
role models for us. The focus of this article a moment, he immediately called out to
to her in the form of a man, she immediately
is on Maryam, the mother of Isa (‘alayhi al- Allāh: “At that, Zakariyyah called upon
sought protection from Allāh: “Then We sent
Salām). Maryam is a woman who serves his Lord, saying, “My Lord, grant me
to her Our Angel, and he represented him-
as a symbol of unwavering trust, devotion, from Yourself a good offspring. Indeed,
self to her as a well-proportioned man. She
and good character in the face of one of the You are the Hearer of supplication.”[ Al-
said, “Indeed, I seek refuge in the Most Mer-
greatest trials a woman on this earth was Qur’ān 3:38]
ciful from you, (so leave me), if you should
ever put through. While he was still standing in prayer with be fearing of Allāh.”[ Al-Qur’ān 19:17-18]
Devoted from Birth his heart full of trust in Allāh, his du’ā was
A Miraculous Birth
‘Imrān and Hannah were known to be right- Maryam soon realised that the man in front
eous people. They had lived a long life to- “So the angels called him while he was
of her was actually an angel who had been
gether as husband and wife, but they did standing in prayer in the chamber. “In-
sent by Allāh to deliver some life-changing
not have any children. In her old age, Han- deed, Allāh gives you good tidings of
news: “He said, “I am only the messenger of
nah was still hopeful that she could have Yahya, confirming a word from Allāh,
Your Lord to give you (news of) a pure boy.”[
a child. She vowed to Allāh that if she was and (who will be) honourable, abstain-
Al-Qur’ān 19:19]
blessed with a child, she would dedicate the ing (from women), and a prophet from
among the righteous.”[ Al-Qur’ān 3:39] Maryam was perplexed. She had spent her
child’s life to the service of Allāh. Her du’ā entire life secluded in worship, so she could
was answered, and she became pregnant, This miraculous event occurred as de-
not comprehend how she could be expect-
after which she said: “My Lord, indeed I have scribed, and Prophet Yahya was born
ing a child. “She said, “How can I have a
pledged to You what is in my womb, conse- due to the inspiration that Prophet Zaka-
boy when no man has touched me and I
crated (for Your service), so accept this from riyyah took from Maryam!
have not been unchaste?”[ Al-Qur’ān 19:20]
me. Indeed, You are the Hearing, the Know- Chosen Above the Women of the
ing.| [ Al-Qur’ān 3:35] Just as Allāh had allowed the barren wife
of Prophet Zakariyyah to conceive in old
When the time came for her to give birth, she One day, when Maryam was in her age, He once again displayed that He has
was shocked to find out that her baby was a chamber worshipping Allāh, something the Power to bring anything into existence.
girl and not a boy. Her shock was because happened that would change her life for- Allāh willed that Maryam would become
it was uncommon for females to live a life of ever. Out of nowhere, an angel appeared pregnant even though she had never been
seclusion in the worship of Allāh. |But when before her and startled her. The angel touched by a man – and He is capable of
she delivered her, she said, “My Lord, I have said: “O Maryam, indeed, Allāh has cho- all things.
delivered a female.” And Allāh was most sen you and purified you and chosen
knowing of what she delivered, and the male A Miraculous Child
you above the women of the worlds.” [
is not like the female.” [ Al-Qur’ān 3:36] Al-Qur’ān 3:42] The decree of Allāh prevailed, and Maryam
Though Hannah had given birth to a girl, her soon gave birth to Prophet Isa. Maryam
This verse teaches us that Maryam is
oath still needed to be fulfilled. The baby celebrated on her own merit. She is not Continued To Page 5
was named Maryam, and so her story be-
gan. “And I have named her Maryam, and
I seek refuge for her in You and (for) her
descendants from Satan, the expelled (from
the mercy of Allāh).” [ Al-Qur’ān 3:36]
When Maryam Inspired a Prophet
From a very young age, Maryam was rec-
ognised as someone who was extremely
blessed. She was taken under the care of
her uncle, the Prophet Zakariyyah, who
would look after her while she was worship-
ping Allāh in her chamber. He noticed that
every time he went to check up on her, she
miraculously had an abundance of provi-
sions. Some scholars say that she would
have summer fruits in the winter, and winter
fruits in the summer. “So her Lord accepted
her with good acceptance and cause her to
grow in a good manner and put her in the
care of Zakariyyah. Every time Zakariyyah
entered upon her in the prayer chamber, he
found her with provision. He said, “O Mar-
yam, from where is this (coming) to you?”
She said, “It is from Allāh. Indeed, Allāh pro-
vides for whom He wills without account.”[
Al-Qur’ān 3:37]

Page 4
The Friday Bulletin YOUTH Jumadal-Awwal 10, 1442/December 25, 2020

I don’t celebrate Christmas, I’m not “Old scrooge” A Muslim Mother's Perspective
Marwa Abdalla
22 December, 2019 honoring the children of Rome. However, much of that history, symbolism
The story of a Christmas Carol has been The day of December 25th actually marked and all, comes together in the ways that
told and retold thousands of times since it the day many Romans considered to be Christmas is being celebrated today. And
was first published by Charles Dickens in the most sacred day of the year—the birth- even though Christmas in the contempo-
1843. It tells the tale of Ebenezer Scrooge, day of the infant god Mithra, the god of the rary United States is often more secular
a miserly, old man who wants nothing to do unconquerable sun. than religious, its roots and religious sig-
with Christmas or anything associated with When Christianity became the official re- nificance still make it one holiday that most
it, and who shows discontent to anyone ligion of the Roman Empire, the Church, Muslims, including me, feel uncomfortable
who does. specifically Pope Julius I, decided to re- observing. Why?
Scrooge turns away from family, friends place the December 25th pre-Christian Preserving Muslim Identity
and those in need as he tries to keep focus celebration of the birth of Mithra, with the Islam teaches that God, the Creator and
on his own selfish greed. “If I could work celebration of the birth of who they claimed Sustainer of the universe, is one, without
my will,” says Scrooge, indignantly, “every to be the son of God, Jesus. father or son, and that there is nothing in
idiot who goes about with ‘Merry Christ- Although the Church changed the purpose His creation like unto Him. Thus, Muslims
mas’ on his lips, should be boiled with his of the occasion, many of the traditions and do not believe in the trinity or that Jesus is
own pudding, and buried with a stake of practices found in pre-Christian Europe the son of God.
holly through his heart. He should!” continued under the pretext of the Church’s Furthermore, Muslims are very cautious
After being visited by a series of ghosts new holiday and then spread to many other to never associate anything with the one,
who show him the value of the Christmas parts of the world. The history of Christmas true God, at the level of worship or other-
spirit, he reforms himself and vows to de- includes a lot of broken links, interjections wise. For that reason, Islam forbids any
nounce his callous stinginess and honor and even a few times in which the holiday celebration associated with the worship of
Christmas wholeheartedly. was very outlawed.
The story is so well known throughout the
western world that anyone not embodying
the “Christmas spirit,” that spirit of caring,
The Christmas Message of Jesus
generosity, thankfulness and love, is often By Idris Tawfiq
referred to as an “old scrooge.” As Christmas is celebrated all over the as a very special person. In fact, it would
For many Muslims in the United States, world, it will come as a real surprise to be quite acceptable for Muslims to include
Christmas time creates something of a pre- many people that Muslims have any regard the name of Jesus in their Shahadah, or
dicament. Do they go along with the tradi- for Jesus at all. declaration of faith.
tions of Christmas, even if just outwardly, Most people have no idea that Jesus has Muslims say: “I bear witness that there is
in an attempt to connect with non-Muslim any part in Islam. And yet, for Muslims not no God but Allah and I bear witness that
neighbors and friends? Or do they forgo the only is Jesus revered as a Prophet of Islam, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,” but
lights, trees, stockings and gift exchanges but whenever his name is mentioned, they they could just as equally declare “I bear
and risk being viewed as old scrooges? will add the words “peace be upon him.” witness that there is no God but Allah and
In this article, I hope to examine these Far from being a “foreign” religion, Islam I bear witness that Jesus is the Messenger
questions, not only shedding light on why teaches that all prophets in the Old Testa- of Allah.”
Muslims don’t celebrate Christmas, but ment actually brought a message from Al- That being said, the Jesus revealed in Is-
also explaining why the “Christmas spirit” is mighty God, Allah, to His people, and Mus- lam is in many ways quite different from
something Islam actually strongly encour- lims respect the same prophets revered by the Jesus many Christians have come to
ages throughout the entire year. Christians and Jews. know. The foremost difference is that Je-
Historic Origin Whilst Christians and Muslims believe very sus is not considered by Muslims to be the
Christmas is a holiday celebrated by the different things about Jesus, it is nonethe- son of God.
majority of Christians on December 25th less a very useful starting point to know The next major difference is that Muslims
to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ that both religious traditions honor Jesus Continued To Page 6
(may God’s peace be upon him). Christ-
mas time is associated with many traditions
and symbols, both religious and secular—
Maryam: A woman of miracles
scenes of the nativity, decorated trees, Continued From Page 4
gingerbread houses, peppermint sticks, knew that people would assume the worst a baby. Here, we learn that when we fear
wreaths of holly, colored lights, snowmen, of her; that she had given birth as a result Allāh and live in devotion to Him, He will
and Santa Clause, the list goes on and on. of unchastity. During this extremely difficult make a way out of every challenging situ-
time in her life – through a pregnancy and ation for us from places we least expect.
How are all these things related to the sup-
birth that she faced alone – she remained The miraculous life of Maryam teaches us
posed birth of Jesus on December 25th?
extremely close to Allāh. She knew with that when we are devoted to the obedience
Well, it turns out they are not related as
certainty that He would never allow her to of Allāh, He will protect us, provide for us,
closely as one might think. Despite what
be disgraced. She walked directly towards and honour us beyond anything we can im-
popular culture tells us, historians and re-
her people, not knowing how she would agine. We learn from Maryam that no mat-
ligious scholars agree that December 25th
be defended, but certain that Allāh would ter how impossible a situation may seem,
was not the actual birthday of Jesus. Ac-
help her. Little did she know that it would Allāh will always make a seamless way out
cording to textual evidence, Jesus was
be her baby who would speak up for her. for us if we are close to Him. As we near
most likely born in the spring or summer.
“So she pointed to him. They said, “How the end of what has been a challenging
However, centuries before the birth of Je- can we speak to one who is in the cradle a
sus, the middle of winter was a time cel- year, we must remember the quiet cour-
child?” (Isa) said, “Indeed, I am the servant age of Maryam and her consistent trust in
ebrated by many ancient religions around of Allāh. He has given me the scripture and
the world. Among these were the Norse Allāh’s plan for her. In trusting Him, there
made me a prophet.”[ Al-Qur’ān 19:29-30] is always a path of ease and blessings to
people of Scandinavia who celebrated Yule
at the time of the winter solstice, and the In this miraculous event, the chastity of be found.
ancient Romans who celebrated a series of Maryam was defended by her new-born We pray that we are able to follow in the
holidays at the end of December, starting baby. Her status was further exalted in the footsteps of this blessed family and emu-
with Saturnalia, in honor of the god Saturn, eyes of people, as she had given birth to a late their ways.
and a few weeks later, Juvenalia, a feast prophet who had shown his first miracle as
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The Friday Bulletin OPINION Jumadal-Awwal 10, 1442/December 25, 2020

Regarding careless forwards of anti-vaccine messages

By Yasir Qadhi
of the one you take any knowledge from,
The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam doctor makes a sincere judgment call ESPECIALLY knowledge of your faith, and
said, "Whoever practices medicine without which turns out to be a mistake, generally knowledge about protecting your life.
having studied it shall be responsible [for speaking he shall not be liable).
Every field has its specialists, and we as
any harm he causes]" (Reported by Abu We currently have a global pandemic Muslims give the rights due to the people
Dawud and al-Nasā'ī). raging, devastating lives and disrupting who deserve those rights. In this field, let
This hadith lays out a very important princi- every aspect of society. Now that there is us follow actual medical experts, and not
ple: if a person gets involved in a field that the potential for a vaccine, let the special- random Whatsapp messages or global
he is not qualified for, and ends up caus- ists speak about its pros and cons, and conspiracy theorists. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said,
ing harm to others, he shall be responsi- don't jump on any populist bandwagon. "It is enough for a person to be a liar that
ble, in the eyes of Allah, and possibly in the Realize that if you forward nonsensical he narrates everything he hears" (Report-
courts of men as well. videos or relay incorrect information that ed in Ahmad). We can add for our times:
Therefore, if someone has no knowledge potentially causes someone else to do ...and that he forwards every message he
of medicine, having never studied it or something that is harmful (for example, receives!
practiced it, but still takes on the role and to not take a vaccine that is effective),
Be careful, dear brothers and sisters, and
responsibility of a doctor, prescribing medi- you might be liable for any harm caused.
don't act irresponsibly in a field that is not
cations and performing surgeries, that per- Also note that not everyone who can your area of expertise.
son shall be responsible, both legally and quote a verse or two is a scholar of Is-
Note: this is NOT a blanket endorsement
morally, for any and all damages his prac- lam, and not everyone who wears a white
of the vaccine. Rather, it is a call to act
tice incurred. (On the flip side, we can also jacket and stethoscope is a doctor. Do
responsibly, and to let qualified, trained,
derive from this hadith that if a qualified your research, and look at the creden-
recognized specialists lead the way to en-
tials and specialization and reputation
dores or criticize aspects of the vaccine.

The Christmas Message of Jesus

Continued From Page 5
do not believe that he died on the cross to over time. Allah never intended these whether it is divinely revealed or the inven-
save people from their sins. messages to last, since they were for a tion of men.
They take their belief from what Allah tells particular people at a particular time in Stories like the Good Samaritan and the
them in the Quran. For example, regarding their history. Sermon on the Mount, for example, do not
who Jesus was, we read: “People of the The Quran revealed to Muhammad, how- appear in the Quran so Muslims have no
Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: ever, was intended for all people and for way of knowing who wrote them. Since they
Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ all time. It is the fullness of revelation, af- don’t actually disagree with Islamic teach-
Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) firming all that is correct of what had gone ing we cannot say they are wrong, but we
a messenger of Allah, and His Word, which before and correcting all that had become remain unclear about where they came
He bestowed on Mary…” (Quran 4:171) unclear about previous revelation. from.
And we also read: “{Christ the son of Mary The Message of Jesus in Quran In other words, much of Jesus’ so-called
was no more than a messenger; many were teaching, as narrated by the New Testa-
The Quran, then, has a different nativity
the messengers that passed away before ment, sits very comfortably with the princi-
narrative for the birth of Jesus and a com-
him. His mother was a woman of truth. They ples of the Quran, but is not to be found as
pletely different approach to who Jesus
had both to eat their (daily) food. See how divine revelation in the Quran itself.
was. Jesus according to the Quran, was
Allah doth make His signs clear to them; yet
“no more than a messenger,” delivering Teaching that people should love their
see in what ways they are deluded away
God’s words to mankind. Unlike prophets neighbor, although related in different lan-
from the truth!” (Quran 5:75)
before him, he was given the gift of mira- guage, is very much a part of what Muslims
Regarding Jesus’ death, we read in the cles, but these miracles were a manifes- believe. Prophet Muhammad is the closest
Quran: “And they said we have killed the tation of the power of God, not of Jesus’ commentary we have on the Quran. In his
Messiah Jesus son of Mary, the Messenger own power. life we see how the Quran should be lived
of God. They did not kill him, nor did they and in his life we see that caring for neigh-
The message of Jesus was the message
crucify him, though it was made to appear bors, the widowed and the orphans is very
given to all prophets before him: that God
like that to them…” (Quran 4:157-158) much a part of being a Muslim.
is One and that He deserves to be wor-
An Authentic Narrative About Jesus shipped in a particular way. By following Christmas Message
It is important for us to understand why the “straight path” people can come to get As people throughout the world celebrate
Muslims believe a different narrative about to know God better. This is the message Christmas, it might be a very good way of
Jesus, rather than the one accepted by confirmed in the Quran and is what has building bridges between people of faith if
many Christians. Muslims in fact believe come to be known as Islam today. For Muslims were to let others know just what
that the words about Jesus in the existing Muslims, Jesus is a Messenger of Islam. Islam teaches about Prophet Jesus. This
gospels are not the actual words revealed So what about the “Christian message” shouldn’t be done in a way that offends the
about him by Allah. preached by Jesus? What about all the belief of others. After all, disagreeing is not
They believe, instead, that Almighty God, teaching about love of neighbor? What the end of the world!
Allah, has spoken to His creation down about all the stories and the parables re- If people could understand one another
through the centuries through prophets. lated by Christians today as the words of more and agree to differ on certain matters
Some of these prophets had books re- Jesus himself? of belief, our world would be a much better
vealed to them. Prophet Moses, for exam- For Muslims, the Quran is the fullness of place.
ple, had the Torah revealed to him, just as revelation. Everything that agrees with Christians would have us believe that
Prophet Jesus had a message revealed to the Quran in the previous scriptures is “Peace” is the central message of Christ-
him known as the Injeel. considered to be true. Anything that disa- mas. As Muslims we say “Amen” to that,
Muslims believe that neither of these books grees with the Quran is considered to be since “Islam” itself comes from a root word
now exist in the form in which they were false. And as for anything in the previous that means “Peace” and Prophet Jesus
originally revealed because they have been scriptures which is not found in the Quran, came to teach the message of Islam
altered, either deliberately or accidentally, Muslims don’t know if it is true or false,

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The Friday Bulletin Jumadal-Awwal 10, 1442/December 25, 2020

The Emiratis in Jerusalem are a slap in the face for Palestinians

By Jalal Abukhater
This past year was full of adversity and rarely had any problem with these visitors, This is not an option for most Palestinians.
hopelessness for many around the world. as they overwhelmingly believe this holiest A Palestinian living in Ramallah, for exam-
But for we Palestinians, it was even harsh- of mosques should not be monopolised by ple, would have to first cross into Jordan
er – we were forced to face a deadly pan- any subset of Muslims, even under the and then take a flight from the Queen Alia
demic in an apartheid state, amid a col- devastating conditions of an occupation. airport in Amman to reach Dubai. This is
lapsing economy, and a general feeling of But the Palestinian Jerusalemites were an arduous journey that involves many
hopelessness and abandonment. not as accepting of Emirati tourists as oth- checkpoints and takes almost an entire
In the second half of the year, a series of ers. While some still took the position that day. Even Palestinians holding American
Arab states added to our collective misery all Muslim tourists, whatever their citizen- passports cannot just fly into the Tel Aviv
by announcing their decision to normalise ship, should be welcome in Al-Aqsa, many airport, if they are also in possession of a
their relations with Israel. By effectively others protested against Emirati tourists Palestinian ID card. So you can see why
abandoning their supposed commitment being awarded with the right to easily visit visa-free travel between the UAE and Is-
to supporting Palestinian self-determina- Jerusalem’s holy sites for betraying the rael is irritating to many of us, the natives
tion for money, weapons and a few short- Palestinians and forming an alliance with who are denied that same right in our
term political gains, they sent us a clear their oppressors. homeland.
message that our suffering and struggle We have every reason to be frustrated I do not believe that anyone, including we
for the most basic human rights no longer when we see Emiratis and Bahrainis in Palestinians, deserve unconditional love
matter to them. Jerusalem, roaming freely under the pro- and support from any nation. But the Emi-
While every normalisation deal Israel tection of the Israeli police, taking pictures ratis are not even brave enough to openly
clenched with an Arab state undoubtedly and buying souvenirs as if they are visiting say that they do not care about us and sup-
hurt us, none of them was as painful for just another tourist site. port our struggle. Instead, they repeatedly
us as the one signed by the United Arab claim that the normalisation between the
For a start, it might sound unbelievable to UAE and Israel will eventually be “benefi-
Emirates. After the deals, popular dis- those not familiar with our reality, but mil-
pleasure was evident on the streets of cial” for the Palestinians. I struggle to see
lions of Palestinians living in Palestine are any logic in this assumption. All the cur-
Morocco, Sudan and even Bahrain. We denied access not only to Al-Aqsa but the
knew that the masses in these countries rent evidence points to these normalisa-
entirety of Jerusalem by Israel’s occupy- tion deals further emboldening Israel and
were overwhelmingly opposed to the deci- ing regime. Over the past two decades, Is-
sion made by their political leaders, and its apartheid. After all, none of the normal-
rael has built a complex system of check- ising states, and especially the UAE, are
this was a consolation for us. But the situ- points, supported by the Apartheid Wall, to
ation was different in the UAE. The Emira- challenging Israel on its decades-long il-
deny Palestinians freedom of movement legal occupation of Palestinian
tis, across every level of their society from
political leaders to regular citizens, came within their own
out forcefully in favour of a warm and cozy homeland. An
relationship with Israel. entire genera-
One of the most shocking and enraging tion of Palestin-
developments in the fast-paced love af- ians in the West
fair between the UAE and Israel was the Bank and Gaza
mutual visa waiver agreement – a first grew up without
between Israel and an Arab country. After ever stepping
the signing of the agreement, Emirati and foot in Al-Aqsa.
Israeli airlines were quick to announce di- And this Israeli
rect flights between the two countries. This “travel ban” is
is it, we thought, the Emiratis are coming! not only target-
And they did come, with much fanfare and ing Palestinians
propaganda. The photos of Emirati tour- living in Pales-
ists in their traditional outfits posing in tine. Palestin-
historic Jerusalem next to Israelis were ian refugees and
plastered across newspapers. The Israeli members of the
government started sharing on its official diaspora living
social media accounts testimonies of Emi- in neighbouring
ratis explaining how “safe and secure” countries are
they feel in the country. still denied their
right to return,
But almost no one wondered what we, the even for a brief
Palestinians, are feeling about all this. visit.
The arrival of hundreds of Emiratis in Is- Another point of
rael to enjoy the historic sites of Jerusa- frustration is the
lem and pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque was fact that Emira-
a slap in the face for us. After all, millions tis can now sim-
of Palestinians living in the West Bank ply take a direct
and Gaza, just two dozen kilometres away flight from Dubai
from Al-Aqsa, can only dream about step- to Tel Aviv, and
ping foot in the mosque that is the third walk freely into
holiest site in Islam. the country. And
Of course, we Palestinian Jerusalemites Israelis can now
were already used to seeing Muslim pil- directly fly in to
grims from Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia or the Emirates,
other non-Arab Muslim-majority countries with almost no
at Al-Aqsa. Over the years, Palestinians questions asked.
Page 7
The Friday Bulletin Jumadal-Awwal 10, 1442/December 25, 2020

By Lauren Booth
Christmas season as a new Muslim
Not so long ago, I loved Christmas. sis, the children, singing on a sand dune, linked to Christian teachings.
I was the one in my family who would play dressed like Arabian princesses, content- How to Spend Holidays
Bing Crosby’ and Jim Reeves’, all through edly playing with their humble toys, was a Then there’s the question of how and
December. joyful escape from the excessiveness of where children spend time during the
It was me who baked mince pies by the the 21st Century Christmas. holiday period. Like many adult reverts
car load delivering to family and friends. How ironic then, that I have somewhat to Islam, my children are from a former
It was me who turned the inside of our confused my daughters by now telling marriage and have relatives who are not
home into a dazzling, frenzy of tinsel and them that; “Xmas is just about food and Muslim.
lights. family, there is nothing religious about it,” This means that for a week each Decem-
Now this season is an ordeal. All my so- in order for us to survive this month. ber, my practicing, daughters leave home
cial and cultural conflicts come to the fore. For a large number of ‘born’ Muslims who to stay in households filled by the smell
The security of being able to put the past live in Europe, North America and Austral- of alcohol, listening to Christmas Carols
away, to become a new, improved, moral, ia, Christmas is just a time when the cities praising Jesus, and (perhaps worst of all)
person, shudders under the weight of nos- in which they dwell become prettier for a stuck to a sofa for days of unlimited, large-
talgic Christmas medleys in the packed short while. ly inappropriate, TV.
shopping mall. When work colleagues are more cheerful. Removing Xmas from the calendar hasn’t
When we lived in France, my daughters When shimmering lights and tinsel enter been an easy thing. Why you may be ask-
and I attended church (fairly) regularly. On homes without any religious, self analysis, ing does it matter at all? Why not just go
Christmas Eve, we would join the whole at all. with the flow? After all Allah Almighty ac-
village for the atmospheric, candle lit, Mid- Pagan Habit cepts us on our intentions and if we put
night Mass. I was fascinated to read this warning from up a tree because it looks pretty, then the
What’s Christmas About? the Bible against a habit of the Pagans intention is to enjoy beauty right? And Al-
The ‘big lesson’ I sought to give my chil- (worshipers of many gods), thousands of lah loves beauty.
dren each December, was; ‘Christmas is years ago. Reverts like to know ‘chapter and verse’
not just presents and food, it’s about grati- They decorate it with silver and gold; they how to please Allah Almighty. It is common
tude and love of God’. Like many middle fasten it with hammer and nails so that it for us newbies to avoid the ‘grey areas’ of
class parents, I had started to move away cannot move. Their idols are like scare- fiqh in which danger lingers, with staunch
from the hyper-showy, consumer frenzy of crows in a cucumber field, and they can- determination, at least for a few years.
the Happy Holidays. not speak; they have to be carried, for they Our clumsy, yet well meaning attempts
One year, our family fled to the Western cannot walk. Do not be afraid of them, for to stay true to Tawhid, can put us out of
Desert of Egypt and the heady luxury of they cannot do evil, neither is it in them to synch with our new brothers and sisters,
a tent. The girls presents were: a wooden do good.” (Jeremiah 10:1-25) who wear their faith, shall we say, more,
animal, a regional instrument and a tra- Having a tree inside the home is disliked lightly?
ditional Arab-style dress (with fake coins by God as it is a practice linked to shirk. Christmas is one such example. “And
dangling from scarves), each. The hanging of objects on the tree, not behold! God will say [i.e. on the Day of
Waking up on the floor of a hut near an oa- so harmless as it seems. As for the star Judgment]: ‘Oh Jesus, the son of Mary!
on top, every four year old knows that is Did you say unto men, worship me and
my mother as gods in derogation of God?’
What do Muslims believe about Jesus? He will say: ‘Glory to Thee! Never could
I say what I had no right (to say). Had I
Continued From Page 3 said such a thing, You would indeed have
became followers of the religion that Jesus son of Mary, about whose nature they so known it. You know what is in my heart,
brought as the appointed Prophet of God deeply disagree.} (19:34) though I know not what is in Yours. For
before Muhammad (peace be upon them Islam endorses the authentic, divinely- You know in full all that is hidden. Never
both): {We sent after them Jesus the son revealed monotheistic teachings Prophet did I say to them anything except what
of Mary, and bestowed on him the Gospel; Jesus taught, as he was, according to the You commanded me to say: ‘Worship
and We ordained in the hearts of those words of Prophet Muhammad himself, God, my Lord and your Lord.’ And I was
who followed him compassion and mer- just like his paternal brother, with no other a witness over them while I lived among
cy…} (57:27) Prophet coming in between them in the line them. When You took me up, You were the
The Quran describes the hearts the fol- of succession. Watcher over them, and You are a witness
lowers of Jesus have as harboring “ra’fah” Jesus the son of Mary inspires us to be- to all things’ (5: 116-17)
(compassion) and “rahmah” (mercy) as an come a slave of, believe in, and worship The Quran is the ultimate argument
ordainment from God Himself, which are only one God. He also inspires us to invite against decorating my home.
qualities that lend immense softness and others towards only Him; to be devout to- Writing this, I sit in a house that looks the
kindness to the people whose hearts har- wards our parents and to live with them same as it does all year round.
bor them. honorably; to look out for the oppressed, No ‘White Christmas’ is playing merrily in
In another verse of the Quran, God indi- marginalized and suffering members of so- the background.
cates that those who call themselves “Na- ciety and to strive to remove their suffering; No mulled wine is bubbling on the hob.
sara”, an Arabic word that is equivalent to and to observe prayer and to give charity;
And (for the first time ever) NO Christmas
the term “Christian” in the contemporary and to take a stand for justice in the face of
tree is blinking in my living room.
world, are the closest among mankind in social persecution.
showing love to the Muslim believers: Christmas day, I will be as far away as
It is an obvious conclusion that non-Mus-
{..And nearest among them in love to the lims should endeavor to deeply study a possible from nostalgia – and temptation.
believers will you find those who say, “We translation of the Quran to discover what I am joining tens of thousands of brothers
are Christians”, because amongst them God has Himself said about Jesus the son and sisters at the Al Ansar Souk in Durban
are men devoted to learning and men who of Mary, as well as his honorable mother. (inshaAllah).
have renounced the world, and they are {Hence, peace was upon me on the day So, if you see Santa, please tell him I’ve
not arrogant.} (5:82) when I was born, and [will be upon me] on moved.
Conclusion: Lessons for Us from Jesus’ the day of my death, and on the day when I Lauren Booth is the Sister-in-law of for-
Example shall be raised to life [again]!} (19:33) mer British Prime Minister Tony Blair
{Such was, in the words of truth, Jesus the
Page 8
The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Jumadal-Awwal 10, 1442/December 25, 2020

Sorry state of dilapidated Malindi jetty

The iconic Malindi jetty called Buntwa be-
lieved to be over 70 years old is on the
verge of collapsing.
Buntwa, which is the only fishing jetty, has
huge cracks as part of its metal frames
have been carted off through vandalism.
Metal grills once used to protect people
from falling during high tides are also
Malindi Beach Management Unit chair
Yunus Aboud said the jetty has become
hazardous because of the vandalism and
there is an urgent need for people to be
banned from sitting under the jetty as it
could collapse and cause deaths.
“The jetty is in a bad state, I urge Kenya He said it was unfortunate that rogue The jetty for years, has also been a major
Ports Authority, Kenya Revenue Authority youths have begun vandalising the metal tourist attraction for both locals and for-
and all responsible departments to come from the jetty that is a key facility for fish- eigners who come to take photos, enjoy
and access the damage and begin reno- ermen. the oceanic view of the resort town.
vation immediately,” he noted. “As police, we will not accept it. The scrap Malindi is a renowned tourism destina-
According to Aboud, the vandals have metal dealers we will be going for them tion and historical town with key ancient
damaged the jetty for scrap metal, leaving to inspect their licenses and the type of attractions like Vasco Da Gama pillar,
it on the verge of collapsing. metal they buy. If they are not scrap metal House of Columns, the jetty, Malindi mu-
Malindi subcounty police boss Joe Lekuta and are from the streetlight or jetty we seums among others.
put scrap metal dealers buying metal from shall arrest them,” he said.
the jetty on notice.

Da’wa Group launches Motorbike project to empower youth

The Kisumu based, Da’wa Development bikes would boost income-
Group (DDG) a charitable organization generating activities for the
has launched a programme to economi- youth and will also contrib-
cally empower and improve the living ute to upliftment of their lives
standards of youth in Nyanza region. and have a positive bearing
The group Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on the society,
Sheikh Musa Ismail said the initiative was “There’s hope that a motor-
driven by the need to address the socio- bike would boost the income
economic challenges faced by the local of the beneficiaries. They
youth through donation of motorbikes. will do boda boda besides
Speaking to the Friday Bulletin , Sheikh their daily businesses .This
Musa noted that the programme’s objec- project will help provide op-
tive is to uplift socio-economic status of portunities for local youth to
youth and that among the first beneficiar- undertake their works effec-
ies of the motorbike project to venture tively without divided atten-
into Boda Boda business will be selected tion and will also contribute
youth in Kaloleni in Kisumu County . to upliftment of their lives
and have a positive bearing
“It is our desire to assist in community
on the society,'' said Sheikh
projects which have a positive bearing
on the society. We also appreciate coop-
eration from development partners or in- Da’wah Development Group
dividuals who share the same passion in is involved in sustainable
development,” he said. development projects which
are aimed at empowering
He said that he was optimistic the motor-
the most vulnerable in society.
Madrassa curriculum gets gov’t approval At present, the organisation which has a
working partnership with the Dar al Ber
Continued From Page 1 Society of the United Arab Emirates initi-
ated construction of a Sh200 million ul-
be piloted countrywide. the curriculum development process, tra- modern referral hospital in Holo, near
thanked all the stakeholders for their time- Kisumu which is envisaged to be the sec-
“The process to develop a unified mad- ond referral hospital in the region after the
rassa curriculum has been a long journey ly input and cooperation saying without
their commitment the proposed curriculum New Nyanza General Hospital.
and successful history in the Muslim com-
would have not be realized. Among other projects, Da’wah Develop-
munity in Kenya and the East Africa region
ment Group is involved in education pro-
as a whole. This has been achieved with He said the KICD was ready to work and grammes, orphan and widows support as
the commitment and support from various train Madrassa teachers with a long term well as borehole projects.
stakeholders and Muslim organizations,”' aim of developing a common examina-
Munawar Khan said. tions system for Madrassa and Duksis
In his remarks, Dr. Ahmed Yusuf who schools to be facilitated by KNEC.
headed the taskforce that spearheaded

Page 9
The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Jumadal-Awwal 10, 1442/December 25, 2020

Prioritize the lives of Kenyans not BBI-govt told

Religious leaders in Mombasa have fault- ters of national importance and stop im-
ed the government for financing the con- posing Building Bridges Initiative-BBI on
troversial Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) Kenyans, stressing that the government
while ignoring and neglecting the plight of should concentrate more on solving the
striking doctors and healthcare workers. crisis facing the health sector in the coun-
Speaking in Mombasa on Tuesday, the try and prioritize available resources for
religious leaders drawn from the Supreme COVID-19 response.
Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM), They said the BBI report had left out
Council of Imams and Preachers of Ken- important issues affecting the common
ya (CIPK) and Coast Interfaith Council of mwananchi adding that in the midst of the
Clerics (CICC) scoffed at the top leader- strike by doctors which could put the lives
ship for concentrating more on the BBI of Kenyans at risk, it is imperative that the
and completely ignoring the demands by BBI process is put on hold and the lives of SUPKEM Deputy Chair Sheikh Mundhar
striking doctors and forgetting what Ken- Kenyans be given utmost priority. Khitamy
yans are currently going through. The SUPKEM deputy national chairman concerns of Kenyans, the national govern-
The leaders challenged the government Sheikh Muhdhar Khitamy noted that by ment is failing Kenyans who are still reel-
to focus more on various critical mat- prioritizing BBI and failing to address the ing from the social and economic effects
of the coronavirus pandemic.
Boito mosque project gets sponsors He urged Kenyans not to be lured in sup-
porting BBI, saying the initiative will not
Muslim residents of Boito area within Ba- struction of the fully carpeted mosque with change how leaders in the country dis-
ringo County have a reason to smile after functioning sound system. charge their duties. “In a country where
two well-wishers came to their rescue and leaders and entangled in corruption deals,
Speaking to The Friday Bulletin, Muham-
offered to support the construction of the selfish interest and tribal inclinations,
mad Koech thanked the well-wishers and
Mosque. nothing will be changed by BBI. BBI can
sponsors for coming out and offering
wait but the lives of Kenyans can’t wait,”
In early October this year, the residents their financial and moral support towards
said Sheikh Khitamy.
sent an appeal to donors and well-wishers the mosque and madrassa projects and
for financial support to enable them pur- prayed to Allah to reward them abundantly On his part, the Council of Imams and
chase parcel of land for the construction for the support and generosity. Preachers of Kenya (CIPK) national
of a Mosque and a Madrassa. Treasurer Sheikh Hassan Omar said poli-
He noted that Muslims in Boito are now
ticians who are ignoring the concerns of
According to the chairman Boito/Kisorobi assured of a permanent mosque and ma-
Kenyans and are instead pushing the BBI
Muslim community Muhammad Koech, al- drassa and with the two facilities they will
drive have no Kenyans interests in their
ready the process for search has started undertake their spiritual obligations and
hearts. “One will ask if we have a dedicat-
to facilitate the re survey of the land to enhance on their religious education and
ed government conscious about its peo-
place beacons on the site, transfer and knowledge without any obstacles.
ple, the government must show dedication
subsequent issuance of title deed to se- The chair called on other well-wishers to to its people,” said Sheikh Omar.
cure the land. emulate the same and come out in sup-
As a way forward, Sheikh Omar asked the
The two sponsors who opted to remain port of this noble course for the pleasure
government to move with haste to prior-
anonymous pledged to facilitate the con- of Allah.
itize the available resources towards the
health-care system to appropriately re-
UAE told by Pakistan it will not accept ‘Israel’ spond to the challenges brought by Cov-
The Pakistani Foreign Minister, Shah tionship with ‘Israel’, Prime Minister Khan In a joint statement which appeared in
Mahmood Qureshi, has explained to his said in a television interview: “Our stance the press on Sunday, the National Muslim
Emirati counterpart Abdullah bin Zayed Al is obvious. It’s something which (Paki- Leaders Forum (NAMLEF) and the Coun-
Nahyan in no uncertain terms that the Is- stan’s founder) Quaid-e-Azam Muham- cil of Imams and Preachers of Kenya,
lamic Republic of Pakistan will not recog- mad Ali Jinnah made clear in 1948 – that faulted the BBI process saying that it has
nise ‘Israel’ unless an enduring solution is we cannot accept Israel until Palestinians failed to allow to address pertinent issues
found for the issue of Palestine. get their rights as per the two-state solu- facing the country.
“I categorically presented Pakistan’s tion… If we accept normalisation of ties “Doctors and other health workers are dy-
stance on Israel to the UAE’s foreign min- with Israel then we would have to give up ing while the others are on strike. There
ister that we will not and cannot establish the Kashmir cause… My conscience will is a major slow-down in the economy,
a relationship with Israel until a concrete never allow me to accept Israel, which is companies and businesses are closing
and permanent solution to the Palestine responsible for so many atrocities against down, Kenyans are losing their jobs at an
issue is found…” the Palestinian people…” alarming rate. And yet, despite these con-
In a meeting between Qureshi and Al Pakistan is finding itself in a tough spot, ditions, we are indulging in an activity that
Nahyan, a number of topics were dis- as the Muslim-majority country heavily defies the logic of priority. This is not the
cussed, including the COVID-19 pandemic relies on trade with Gulf states such as right time to undertake a costly constitu-
and the recent UAE travel ban that spans the UAE and Saudi Arabia. In November, tional review process,” said the statement
numerous countries including, among oth- Prime Minister Khan said there had been signed by the NAMLEF chairman Abdul-
ers, Pakistan, Lebanon, Algeria, Tunisia, pressure from external forces concerning lahi Abdi and his CIPK counterpart Abdal-
and Iran. The ongoing thawing of relations ‘normalisation’ of ties between the Islamic lah Ateka.
between the Zionist state of ‘Israel’ and Republic and the Zionists, but Foreign “Prioritization of the BBI is insensitive to
some Gulf nations was also discussed. Minister Qureshi yesterday made clear: the suffering of Kenyans on existential
Details of the Pakistani delegation to the “Number one, there will be no pressure on matters, in particular, the ravaging effect
UAE comes after reports of Islamabad al- us nor there is. Number two, we have to of the Covid19 pandemic that has caused
legedly having covertly sent a courier to make decisions keeping Pakistan’s inter- major disruptions in the lives of all Ken-
‘Israel’ to discuss ties. ests in view and not because of any pres- yans across the board,” added the state-
Shortly after the UAE declared in August sure. We have a policy and we are still ment.
that it would establish a diplomatic rela- steadfast on it.”

Page 10
The Friday Bulletin NATIONAL Jumadal-Awwal 10, 1442/December 25, 2020

Compensation disputes threatens multi-billion water project in Kwale

The compensation dispute between lo- ment to negotiate on the package as we Zuleikha accused the National Land Com-
cals and the National Land Commission will not accept what they want to pay us mission for trying to short-change her
(NLC) might delay construction works of which is below the market value of the residents in terms of proper land compen-
the mega water project co-funded by the land,” he said. sation rates for their land, houses, trees
World Bank and the Kenya government. The residents said there is a lot of victimi- and crops and She appealed to President
The construction of the Sh20 billion zation from government agencies to an Kenyatta to intervene and assist the af-
Mwache dam project slated for March extent of not being allowed to consult with fected families get a better deal for their
2021 is meant to harness the flood flows their immediate families before appending land.
from Mwache River basin in Kinango Sub- their signatures. She said she had petitioned the govern-
county and help tackle persistent water They accused the government land com- ment on the compensation matter at the
shortages in the Coastal region. pensation agency of using intimidation National Assembly but she has not re-
Speaking during the protest, in Furugani methods and words to make them accept ceived any clear response.
area within Kinango Constituency against the compensation package. “I have made several attempts to highlight
the compensation package of 350,000 The aggrieved residents said there was the issue in parliament but there has been
shillings per acre which is far below the no willing buyer agreement with the gov- shifting of goal posts all the time,” she
market value, Juma Ndaro, representing ernment and they have already petitioned pointed out.
residents drawn from 24 villages lashed the government through a memorandum The Mwache Dam is an 87.5 meter-tall
out at the government for short-changing of understanding (MOU) which they have concrete gravity dyke, impounding 118
them in the compensation package argu- declined to respond to. million cubic meters for water supply and
ing it was not what they had expected. On her part, Kwale County Woman Rep- irrigation and is expected to boost water
He said the project is in line with the resentative, Zuleikha Hassan, on behalf of supply for Kwale and Mombasa counties.
government’s Agenda Four program and Furugani residents petitioned President The massive dam when complete is ex-
urged President Kenyatta to take the mat- Uhuru Kenyatta to halt the land compen- pected to put 2,600 hectares of land un-
ter seriously and intervene. ”We are ready sation package until the matter is resolved. der irrigation in Kwale County.
to have a roundtable talk with the govern-

Garissa Referral Hospital receives Ventilator donations

As measure to enhance on the fight the fight against Covid-19 and saving life She thanked Garissa County Health de-
against Covid19, Garissa County Referral of the affected patients, ‘’ said the CEC. partment for its commitment in handling
Hospital has received a donation of four He stressed that the ventilators will be patients affected by the pandemic
ventilators. handled by specialists who underwent The CEC was accompanied by Garissa
The lifesaving machines were donated by training by Jhpiego organization and that Referal hospital medical superintendent
USAID and handed over to CEC Member a total of six health workers and biomedi- Dr Ambrose Misore, Director of family
for Health and Sanitation Ahmednadir cal engineer from Garissa County have health Mohamed Haret, Director of Nutri-
Omar who thanked the donors saying the already been trained. tion Abdi Sheikh, Deputy Director Preven-
equipment had come at the right time and USAID representative Rosemary Njogu tive and Promotive Health services Ibra-
hour of need when the county was grap- said the ventilators were portable and him Gedi, Ahmed Bashey who is in charge
pling with challenges posed by the pan- easy to transport with patients referred to of the Covid 19 County program and other
demic adding that the ventilators will be ICU and in ambulances buoyed by energy officials from health department
put into good use. “We appreciate the saving batteries that can last for 12 hours.
commitment of partners supporting us in

Understand true teachings of Qur’an, Kisumu girls told

Muslim girls in Kisumu have been urged “To seek knowledge is a sacred duty, it is ered 6 subjects which include, Quran,
to embrace better understanding of teach- obligatory on every Muslim, male and fe- Hadith (traditions of the Prophet peace
ings of the Noble Qur’an so as to play vi- male. The first word of the Quran revealed be upon him), Arabic language, Seerah
tal role in the propagation of Islam and its to our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (Biography of the Prophet peace be upon
true teachings. was "Iqra" READ! Seek knowledge! Edu- him), Tawheed (Islamic monotheism) and
This was emphasized during Muslim girls cate yourselves! Be educated. Without Fiqhi (Islamic jurisprudence) and attract-
Quran memorization competition organ- knowledge one can't truly receive Allah's ed over 100 participants who showcased
ized by the Kisumu based Habari Njema gift of Islam. A person without knowledge their skills and knowledge.
Muslim women group held at Kisumu is like someone walking along a track in Winners in various subjects were award-
Community hall last week on Saturday. complete darkness,’’ She said. ed certificates and other prizes as mean
Addressing participants, the Chairlady The chairlady called on Muslims to firmly to motivate and encourage them.
Habari Njema Muslim women group,
Sister Zuhura Akumu noted that Mus-
lim women and girls have an obligation
adhere to the
of seeking knowledge both religious and Quran and Sun- LOCATION: 3RD FLOOR JAMIA PLAZA
contemporary in order to inculcate good nah and advised SIZE: 1,200 SQ FT
moral values into their children for better madrassa teach-
upbringing and growth and at the same ers to put more
time use the same in the propagation of efforts in their en- SHOP,SPACE 1STFLOOR SIZE:129 SQFT&2ND FLOOR SIZE
Islam. deavor to provide 2,050 SQFT
Sister Zuhura pointed out that the Quran knowledge and
serves as a comprehensive blueprint for guidance to ma- ALL APPLICATIONS ADDRESSED TO:
both the individual and society as the drassa students SECRETARY GENERAL
primary source of knowledge , hence en- on matter of re-
couraged Muslims to maintain the tradi- ligious acts and
obligations. P.O. BOX 100786 00101 NAIROBI.
tion of memorization of the Noble book to
be the best of all people. The event cov- EMAIL:
Page 11
Re-opening Schools
Since the coronavirus 19 pandemic hit Kenya in March 2020, Um- Ummah Foundation
mah Foundation has been tracking the firsthand experiences of Village plaza, 2nd Floor, Ngara Rd
people and how they’re coping with the virus and the changes it has P.O.Box 58717-00200 Nairobi
brought about in their lives. Parents face a unique set of challenges Tel: 020-2680610/13
as they attempt to balance the needs of their children – especially
Mobile: 0734-845277
their schooling – with their own concerns about work, finances, and
health. With the new school year approaching in January 2021, we Email:
have explored parents’ concerns and preferences related to school
reopening decisions. This new analysis finds a gender gap in par-
ents’ worries and their views on schools returning for in-person in-
struction, as well as the reported toll of coronavirus-related stress
on their mental health and wellbeing.
Most parents of children ages 5-17 who normally attend school,
think it’s better to open schools later to minimize the risk of cor-
onavirus transmission, while fewer think it’s better for schools to
open sooner so parents can work and students won’t miss out on
learning and other services. However,
while mothers prefer to delay reopen-
ing by more than a 2-to-1 margin, fa-
thers are more narrowly divided. 51%
think schools should open immediately
and all mothers think they should open
later once safety is guaranteed.
School closures have had severe clear
negative impacts on our children health,
education and development, family
income and the overall economy. The
decision to re-open schools will there-
fore, allow our students to complete
their studies and continue to the next
levels and improve on their psychologi-
cal and social well-being. This will be of
great benefit to the society as parents
will finally have the chance to work and
engage in national development.

However as we all gear up to make

sure all our children are in class, the
following should be monitored as pre-
cautionary measures to keep our com-
munities safe:

• Effectiveness of symptoms-reporting,
monitoring, rapid testing and tracing of
suspected cases.
• The effects of policies and measures
on educational objectives and learning
• The effects of policies and measures
on health and well-being of children,
siblings, staff, parents and other family
• The trend in school dropouts after the
• The number of cases in children and
staff in the school, and frequency of
school-based outbreaks in the local ad-
ministrative area and the country.
• Assessment of impact of remote
teaching on learning outcomes.
Based on what is learned from this
monitoring, further modifications should
be made to continue to provide children
and staff with the safest environment
Contact us:

The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Masjid Committee, P. O. Box 100786-00101 Nairobi, Tel: 2243504/5 Fax: 342147
E-mail: Printed by Signal Press Limited-Lords House-Tom Mboya Street

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