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Your Handbook of Exciting Affirmations to create

Ecstasy in your life!

Dr. Aayushi Desai

 Health, Body, Fitness!

 I am feeling totally healthy and gorgeous/handsome from within and


 I am feeling strong in my bones and muscles and can feel my skin

becoming tighter with my abs.

 I choose to let go of my old judgements & criticisms of my body and

choose to see it with love, acceptance and gratitude!

 I am feeling a new clarity in my vision, a new brightness in my eyes

to view this entire world and I’m grateful for my eyes for giving me
this vision.

 I am feeling a stillness and calmness in my body & feel the pain and
tension dissolving from my body.


 I feel the rush of energy levels rising naturally, higher and higher and
can feel the thrill and excitement due to the rise in my body’s

 I love how my body weight and my figure suits my face and me, in its

 I love my skin tone and how being perfectly hydrated is creating the
soft natural glow on my skin.

 I love how my skin is so clean and perfectly clear.

 I love how my skin is so tight & radiant and makes me look younger.

 I love how I am so perfectly supported and taken care of by my body,

in every way possible, without my conscious attention to it.

 I love how every single cell and every single system of my body is
functioning just beautifully, just the way it needs to!

 I appreciate my lungs for providing oxygen to dissolve into my blood

and thus, spread into my body.

 I love my slim legs, toned abs and perfect figure!

 I am so excited to see how I am fitting into my dream dress size!

 I am so excited to hear compliments about my perfect figure and



 I’m so excited and grateful that I’m an inspiration, in terms of health
and fitness, for others!

 I value, love, appreciate, trust and respect my body and its healing

 I love how my immune system is removing all the toxins and is

letting only the good energy stay, be it food, micro-organisms or
chemicals – only high vibrations stay in my body.

 I love how my heart is constantly beating and pumping blood, rich in

oxygen, to every cell of my body - 24*7! Thank you, Heart!

 I love how human body has miraculous healing abilities and there
are so many evidences of healing miracles happening, all across the

 I love and thank my body for digesting the delicious food and
providing me with all the energy I need.

 My body feels fresh and I am grateful for the energy in my body to

work with my full efficiency.

 I love that my mind is always filled with uplifting, inspiring, happy

and healthy thoughts about my body!

 I love how different systems in my body are beautifully working

together and keeping me energized and healthy.


 I am a powerhouse of energy!

 My body is capable to stay healthy, regardless of the surrounding


 My body not only looks amazing, but it also feels amazing!

 It’s fun and easy for my body to lose excess weight and maintain a
beautiful body figure.

 I love how active the cells of my body are!

 I provide all that my body needs & love my body unconditionally!



❖ My Notes:


 Self-Worth, Identity, Self Confidence!

 I love how powerful I feel from within when I am confident.

 I feel great and proud about myself.

 I am as worthy as _________!
[Insert the name who you think, is superior to you.]

 I am naturally confident in front of others/on a stage or in public/in

meetings/in front of strangers and my close ones – because I love

 I am becoming a better version of myself every day, in every way.

 I know I am evolving daily, even if it’s 1%, I am on the right path!

 I deserve to be abundant, happy and healthy.


 I am unique and thus, I don’t need to compare myself with anyone,
not even with my twin.

 I am doing the right thing at the right time and where I am, is
completely okay and this phase of mine, is beautiful.

 I accept and validate myself wholeheartedly, even when I feel bad,

and I deserve to feel good, better and the best!

 I am exceptionally worthy of all the goodness and abundance in life.

 I feel confident and safe to be myself and say ‘no’ when I don’t feel
like it.

 It is becoming easier for me to be more approving and less

judgmental towards myself and others.

 I can feel my soul smiling with confidence about myself and I can
feel the approval of my soul within me!

 I love that people are noticing how my posture, walk, talk & dressing
sense radiates and shines confidence from within, about myself.

 I know how knowledgeable I am and feel proud about having the

right knowledge, which increases my confidence.

 I am satisfied with my confidence in myself and I know that I can be

an inspiration for others to be confident as well.


 I am confident about the right things and know how to stand up for
what I believe, while respecting and allowing other people to have
different perspectives as well, even if I don’t agree with it.

 I am confident that I can handle any task given to me and all help I
shall need, shall be delivered to me right away.

 I am a special and unique creation of the Universe and am valued,

adored and celebrated just for who I am!

 I am confident in who I am, love myself in every way and deserve

experiences which make me feel the same!

 I allow the Universe to make me feel confident, blessed, valued,

approved, happy and loved deeply!

 I look and feel confident, even when no one is looking.

 I approach everything I do with confidence, even if I’m doing it for

the first time.

 I believe in myself 100% and everyone can feel that confidence

coming from me.

 I believe that I am supported at all times, by the Universe.

 I am proud of myself, my growth, my journey and my uniqueness!



❖ My Notes:


 Love, Relationships, Bliss!

 I am attracting more relationships who expresses and shows me all

the love that Universe and my Inner Being/Soul/God has for me!

 I am worthy of attracting pure, unconditional love that loves me just

the way I am, even when I evolve.

 I am allowing people to truly love me by letting go of my self-

sabotaging beliefs of unworthiness and feelings of abandonment.

 I am totally lovable, right here, right now, even if I am in my


 I am attracting deeper connections everywhere, with the qualities I

love - like appreciation, inspiration to grow, celebrating me for my
success, providing safety, giving care and comfort, holding me in a
space without any judgments, trust and freedom to be myself, allow
me to fulfill my desires, taking things lightly, like-mindedness about
the core values. […]

 I am as worthy of receiving the best kind of love, as anyone else in

the world.

 I choose to be the kind of person who I am seeking for and see

myself unconditionally where I need to heal and transform.

 I choose to forgive and bless those who have wronged me in

anyway, as they are doing the best they could and couldn’t have
done any better.

 I love knowing that even if I evolve and outgrow some people, I can
still love them unconditionally and celebrate their journey,
regardless of anything.

 I choose to love myself enough to focus only on the lovable qualities

of myself and others (and stop self-criticism and judging others).

 I am attracting so much love unconditionally from myself, my

parents, my siblings, my relatives, my neighbors, my colleagues, my
co-workers, my boss, acquaintances, my role models and even

 I am loved by even babies, pets, animals and nature.

 I love everyone and when I find some fault in others, I choose to

focus on one simple question: “How can I love this person,
unconditionally, no matter what?” And, I always get the answer.
 I always find things to love about in others and it is easy to love
everyone, including myself.

 I have the best relationships with everyone and I feel blessed to be

deeply and truly loved by everyone in my life.

 I can love everyone, as I AM LOVE and loving others, makes me feel

so good.

 I am loved just the way I am, by everyone.

 I love how fun my relationships are at my home and at my


 I love how it’s so easy to be completely myself, no matter where I

am! It feels so easy and fun and free and life-giving!

 I love how I receive love and appreciation from every person I meet,
naturally and effortlessly!

 I feel like my world just has love, joy, appreciation and kindness!

 I love how I can easily love people for who they are, by pleasing

 I love how I am always known to be an uplifter and a happy person,

in all my relationships.


 I love how people just light up and be their happiest and most loving
version, in my presence!

 I love receiving messages, letters, gifts, surprises and other acts -

which make me feel loved!



❖ My Notes:


 Money, Wealth, Abundance!

 I feel as free as I would feel after being rich!

 I can feel the freedom of having multiple choices on where to

spend my money!

 I feel abundant and generous enough to share the abundance

with the world.

 I feel the excitement of having constantly increasing amounts of

money in my bank account.

 I feel secure and safe about my future savings when I see my bank
 I feel worthy of having a lavish, luxurious lifestyle with money.

 Wherever I go, I find love, joy and abundance.

 I am always treated like a super-rich, important person (VIP)

wherever I go.

 I feel so excited to see that I can now finally afford buying my

dream home, dream car, designer dresses, designer watches and
jewelry and so much more, on my own!

 I feel so grateful to have X [insert your dream amount] amount of

money right now.

 I feel so independent and proud to be able to provide for myself,

my family and friends and for the society as well!

 I feel so relaxed to know that I can always tap into my vibrational

currency in order to feel more abundant.

 I am truly worthy to have as much money as I desire to have.

 Thinking about attracting money and spending money feels so

easy and fulfilling.

 I know I can attract money just by focusing on the feeling behind

having more money.


 I feel peace and deeply grateful to see how money provides me
with everything – necessities as well as luxuries.

 I am grateful for all the abundance, along with money, that I have
in my life – Abundance of air to breathe, abundance of food to eat
and provide my body with nutrition and good energy to function,
abundance of water to keep every cell of my body hydrated,
abundance of inventions which have made my life easier,
abundance of plants, abundance of animals and pets, abundance
of forests and wildlife, abundance of oceans and rivers and all
water sources, abundance of seasons – Summer, Spring, Fall and
Winter, abundance of buildings and roads, abundance of countries
and climactic conditions, abundance of careers, abundance of
thoughts to think, abundance of cells in our body to function
uniquely and so much more!

 I appreciate money for every single thing it provides me with,

even the things I took for granted. Thank you, money, for being
always there for me.

 I feel open-minded and easy about giving away money out of

gratitude, to people, services and places I feel drawn to.

 I AM money & I draw towards me money, from multiple sources.

 Money always comes to me, in increasing amounts and keeps

multiplying, increasing, expanding in every direction.

❖ My Notes:


* Note:
• Print out these affirmations and use them on a daily basis, in front
of a mirror and say it out loud for the best effects.
• Add your own affirmations in the ‘My Notes’ section.

For One-on-One Life Transformation sessions, connect with your

Life and Manifestation Coach, Dr. Aayushi Desai, on:

YouTube: Dr. Aayushi Desai

Instagram: @words_of_aayushi
Facebook: Aayushi Desai

➢ Services offered in My One-on-One Sessions:

 Love: Manifesting Love, improving relationships at home, with

relatives and family, at workplace, with neighbors, friends - with
deeper insights, learn to increase Self-Love and Self-Worth to attract
fame and new friends and relationships!
 Health: Heal yourself from any disease you are having, removing
past painful memories, PTSD, long-term anxiety, deep rooted
subconscious blocks, fears or phobias, release addictions!
 Money: Identify $ clear your money blocks and learn how to manifest
your dream life, by manifesting the increase in your bank balance!


 Career: Figure out what your true passion in life is, to create a
fulfilling life in what you love to do!
 Work [Job/Business]: Learn to manifest your ideal workspace, ideal
clients, awesome and fulfilling work, promotions and pay raise,
manifest awesome co-workers and boss, start/expand your business
and so much more!

Client Testimonials:



I’m looking forward to hearing your successes with these divine

affirmations, created with a special intention of love and gratitude.
May you prosper!
Send me your success stories on!

Wishing you Infinite Love and Joy!


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