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I -1 Appendix. 1-2 Appendix-II Appendix-IIl Appendix-IV Appendix- V Appendix-VI Appendix- VI Appendix-Vil Appendix-IX Appendix- X Appendix- XI Appendix. XI APPENDIXES Bibliography on Geology and Mining of the Coast Province, Kenya ‘Technical Archives of Mines and Geological Department, Nairobi, Kenya Microscopic Observation of Rocks in Thin Section Microscopic Observation of Ore Minerals in Polished Section EPMA Analysis X-ray Diffraction Analysis Pb-Pb Age Dating Whole Rock Analysis of Samples from the Mombasa Area ‘Trend in AFM Diagram, Relation between FcO/MgO Ratio and SiO Content, and Relation between FeO Content and FeO/MgO Ratio in the Igneous Rocks from the Mombasa Area Chemical Analysis of Ore Samples from the Mineral Showings Minerals Identified in Pan-concentrated Stream Sediment Samples from the Mombasa Area Geochemical Analysis of Pan-concentrate Samples from the Mombasa Area Geochemical Analysis of Soil Samples from the Mrima Hill-Jombo Hill, Kinangoni, Mkundi, Mkang'ombe and Mangea-Kwa Dadu Areas Appendix - 1-1 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON GEOLOGY AND MINING OF THE COAST PROVINCE, KENYA DATA BASE; DIALOG FILENAME: GEOREF (#89) DATA INVENTORY: SINCE 1915 01916677 “GHORKR NO.: 9048814 DIDLy INDEX GHOLOGY NO. .90-50083 TITLE: Present day ore deposition In the genthormal systems of Kenya; 1, The Hwananyanale hot aprings, northeast of Jonbo Hi}1, Coast Province AUTHOR(S): Tole, Mwaklo Px CORPORATI: SOURCE: Moi Univ., 8 SOURCK: Geothermies vol. 19° no. DATE: 1990 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: International CODEN: GTMCAT "ISSN: 0975-6505 RKKS.1 6 SUBIILE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Serta) BIBILOGRAPHIC LEVEL? Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS! illus.; 2 tables; sketen maps LANGUAGE: Hing] i sh FAJOR DESCRIPTORS: Kenya; *mineral deposits; sgenesin DESCRIPTORS: cconomie goology; metal ores; processes; hydrothermal processesi Last Africa; Africa; Jombo Hill; Coast Province; Mwananyamala; Zeothormal fields; pineral deposits, gonesis; sandstone; clastic rocks; Permiany Vriassic; hot springs; springs; pyrite ores; silver ores; zinc ores; copper ores; lead ores; iron ores; lanthanum; rare earths; metals rare earth deposits SUCTION HKADINGS: 27 (Hconomic Geology, Metals) Rov. Stud 2 op. Kidoret, Kenya 01879064 GHORKK NO.: 90-12118 BIBL. INDEX GKOLOGY NO.: 90-10459 11 Conditions. in shalloy.wells in. the south coast region of Kenya AUTHOR(S): Thambu, G. K.; Goulter, 1. C. CORPORATE SOURCK: “Ninist. Water Dev., Nat Civ. Rng., Canada ‘obi, Kenya; Univ. Manit., Dep. SOURCE: Water-International. vol. 14 no, 9p. 112-121 DATE: 1989 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United Statos ISSN: 0250-8060 REKS.: 2 SUBIILE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial BIDLIOGRAPIIG LUVKL: Analytic TLLUSTRATIONS: Illus. $ tables; sketch maps LANGUAGE: Engl i sh WAJOR DESCRIPTORS: Kenya; ¢ground water DESCRIPTORS: hydrogeology: surveys; Kast Africa; Africa; southern Keaya; water wells; water quality: Kwale; equifers; pumping SECTION HEADINGS: 21 Cilydrogeology & Hydrology) 01869941 GHORKF NO. : 90-08491 BIBL. INDEX GHOLOGY NO.: $0-0376% TITLE: Groundyater assessment in Sedimentary basins of eastern Kenya, Afrien AUTHOR(S): Krhoda, George Okoye CORPORATE SOURCE: , Univ. Nairobi, Dep, Geogr., Nairobl, Kenya MONOGRAPH TITLE: Regional charactorization of water quality HD{TOR(S)2_ Ragone, Stephen K. (edi tor) CORPORATE. SOURCE: 'U. 8. Geol. Surv., Groundvater Contam. VA, United Statos CONFERENCE TITLE: Regional characterization of water quality CONVERINCE LOCATION: Bal more, MD, United States CONFERINCK DATE: May 1989 SOURCE: (ANS-AISH Publication vol. 182 p. 111-124 DATE: 1989 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Intornationat CODEN: PIHSDS ISSN: 0144-7815 REFS.: 18 SUBRTLE: B DOCUNENT TYPE: Serial; Conference DIDLIOGRAMIG LEVEL! Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: illus.; 5 tables LANGUAGE: Engl ish MAJOR DESCHIPTORS: Kenya; sground water; shydrology DESCRIPTORS: hydrogeslogy: surveys; Kast Africa; Africa; eastern Kenya; Sedimentary basins; water resources; possibilities; Tertiary; Quaternary; aquifers; recharge; water ‘management; economic geology; Tana River; Kwaso Neire River; Daua River; laghas; ephemeral streams; streams; Dua Limestone; Marchan Series; Morti Bede; upper Pleistocone; Pleistocene: Nandera; Garieon; Wasins letolo; Kitiu; Kilifs; Lama; water quality SECTION HEADINGS: 21 Cilydrogeology & Hydrology) rogram, Restor Appondix-1 01789592 GHORET No. 89-02609 BIBL. INDHX GROLOGY NO.: 89-06120 TITLE: Possible uses of goothernal fluids in Kenya AUTHORS): Kamondo, Wanjie C. CORPORATE SOURCK: Winist. nergy and Rex. Dev., Natrobi, Konya MONOGRAPH TITLE: Small geothermal resources; Part 2, Geuthermal projects In developing countries AUTHORGS): — Barbser, Be; Dickoon, M. i; Vanelli, M. CORPORATE SOURCE: int.’ Inet. Geotherm. Res., Pina, Italy CONFERENCE TITLE: 1st UNITAR/UNDP Workshop on” Small geothermal resources CONFERENCK LOCATION: Pisa, ftaly CONFERENCE DATE: May 11-22, 1987 SOURGK: Geothermcs vol. 17 no. 2/3 p. 489-901 DATE: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: International CODEN: GTMCAT ISSN: 0378-6505 RKKS.: 6 SUBFILE: 3 DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial;. Conference NIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: 6 tables; sketch maps LANGUAGE: Eng) isi MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: +Kenya DESCRIPTORS: economic geology: geothormal nergy; hydrogeology; thermal wators; Bast Afriea; Africa; exploration; Jombo Hill Springs; Olkarta, Eburru: Konengai; Bogoria; Longonot; Susva; exploitation; Mona Mountains Lake Magadi; Kast African Lakes; chemical composition; hydrochemistry SUCTION HEADINGS: 29 » (Kconomic Geology, Energy Sources); 21 (tydrogee logy & Hydrology) 01675738 GRORI{ NO.! 88-68458 NIBL, INDI GROLOGY NO.: 8867548 TUTLR: Deposition of metals from the Jobo Hill geothermal field, Coast Province, Kenya AUTHOR(S)" Tol CORPORATE SOURCE: Univ, Nairobi, Dep. Gool., Nairobi, Kenya MONOGRAPH TITLE: Y. M, Goldschmidt conference; program and abstracts AUTHOR(S): Anonymous CONFERENCE TITLE: V. M, Goldschmidt conference CONFERKNCK LOCATION: Baltimore, MD, United States CONFERENCE DATE: May 11-19, 1968 PUBLISHER: Pena. State Univ., University Park, PA, United States, Geochen. ) Myakio Pe Soc, Am., United States p. 78 DATE: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United States SUBFILE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Book; Conference BIDLIOGRAPHIG LEVEL: Analytic LANGUAGE: Rng 11st MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: *Kenya DESCRIPTORS: economic geology; metal ores; East Africa! Africas hydrothermal processes; geochemistry; hot springs; springs; Jombo {lit geothermal flelds; Coast Provinces alkalie composition; lead ores; zinc ores; copper orea:' iron ores; silver ores; lanthanum; thermal waters; ore-forming fluids SUCTION HEADINGS: 27 (Economic Goology, Metals); 02 (Geochemistry) Appendix-2 01665109 GHOREF NO.: 8+57552 BIBL. INDEX GIOLOGY No.1 88-6098 TITLE: Joint threg-dinenaional Inveralon of gravity and magnetic data {ron Jombo #11] alkaline complex, Kenya AUTHOR(S)!” Dindl, B. Wes Swain, Go J. CORPORATE SOURCK: " Univ. Nairobi, Dep. Geol., Nairobi, Kenya; Univ. Zimbabwo, Zimbabwe SOURCH! Journal of the Geological Society of London vol, 14b Part 3 py 499-504 DATE: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United Ki CODEN: JOSLAS "ISSN: 0016-7649. TI SUBFIIS DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial BIDLIOGRAPHIC LEVI: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: illua-; 3 tables; geol. sketch maps LANGUAGK: Knglish MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Konya; igneous rocks DESCRIPTORS: petrology; alkalic composition; geophysical surveys; surveys; Bast Africa; Africa; gravity surveys; magnetic surveys; Jombo {lilt SUCTION HEADINGS: .05 | (Petrology, Igneous & Metamorphic); 20 (Geophysics, Applied om Be aT 01648043 GHORKF No,: 88~39641 BIBL. INDEX GEOLOGY NO.: 88-9148 TITLE: Stratigraphy and geodynamics of the Nombasa Basin (Kenya) in relation to the genesis of the proto-indian Ocean AUTHOR(S): “-Rais-Asaa, R. CORPORATE SOURCE: CNIS, “Rrance SOURCE! Geological Magazine vol. 125 no. 2. p, 141-147 DATE: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United Kingdom CODEN: GHNGAA ‘ISSN: 0016-7568 REFS SUBFILE: B DOCUMENT. TYPE: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: llag.; strat. col.; sects.; gevl. sketch maps LANGUAGE: Knglish MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: *Kenya DESCRIPTORS: tectonophysics; plate tectonics; Rast Africa; Africas Hombasa Basin; Indian Ocean; rifting; stratigraphy; Jurassic; Middle Jurassic; Tethys; sedimentation; Karoo Systen; rift zones; proto-Indian Ocean SECTION [IKADINGS: 18 CGeophysica, Solid Karth) 28 01875905 GRORKI NO.: 90-08384 BIDL, INDEX GWOLOGY NO.; 90-11802 TITLE: Ring complexes tn Kenya AUTHOR(S): “Ogela, J. 8.; Nyambok, 1. 0. CORPORATE SOURCE: Univ. Nairobi, Dep. Geol., Nairobi, Kenya CONFERENCE TITLE: GeoSom.87; geology of Somalia and surrounding regions CONFERENCK LOCATION: Mogadishu, Somalia CONFERENCE DATE: Nov. 23-30, 1987 PUBLISHER: Somali Nail. Univ., Mogadishu, Somalia p. 103 DATE: 1987 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Somalia SUBFILE: Bb DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Rook; Conference DBIDLIOGRAPHC LEVEL: Analy LANGUAGE: English MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: *Kenya DESCRIPTORS: economic geology; minoral resources; Wast Africa; Afrien; petrology; Intrusiona; ring complexes; carbonatites; mineral exploration; Rangwa Complex; Homa Complex; North Ruri Complex; South Ruri Complex: ‘Tinge Complex; Sokoto Complex; Tinderet Complex: Londiani Complex: Jombo Complex; Mrina Complex; nionium ores; metal ores; phosphate rocks; chemigaily precipitated rocks; apatite; phosphates; bari te deposits: pyrochlore; halides; nobates; tantalates; oxides; f1uoria: Rlobotantalates; laterites; soils; lron ores; manganese ores} aluminum ores; barium; alkaline earth metais; motals; geothermal oneray SUCTION HEADINGS: 26 (Keonomle Geology, General & Mining) Appendix-3 01830599 GHORRF NO.: 88-21365 BIBL. INDEX GROLOGY No.: 88-18162 TITLE: An unusual yanad|um-beryl from Kenya AUTHOR(S)? Ghera, A.3 Lucchesi, 8. CORPORATE SOURCE: ' Univ. Roma, Dip. Sel, Terra, [-00186 Rome, (taly SOURCE: Neues Jahrbuch fuer Mineralogie. Monatshefte, vol. 1987 no. 6 Dy 263-274 DATR: 1987 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, Federal Republic of CODRN: NJHMAW ISSN: 0028-3649: RKWS.: 33 SUBIILE! B DOCUMENT TYPR: Serial BIDLIOGRAPHIC LEVBL: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: I1lus.; 4 anal.; 2 tables; chart LANGUAGE: English MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: Kenya; *minerals; *oryetal chemistry DESCRIPTORS: minoralogy; ring silicates; beryl; vanadium; aluminum; beryllium silicates; TGA data; cell dimensions; -refractive indo; density; Inclusions; phlogopite; mica group; shoet silicates; apatite; phosphates; talc; quartz; silica minerals; framework silicates; Kast Africa; Africa; Taita; minerals; thermal analysis; X-ray data SECTION HEADINGS: 07 (Mineralogy Crystallography) 01420557 GKORKR No.: 85-65707 BIBL. “INDEX GEOLOGY No.: 85-62909 TITLE: Some notes on superflelal deposits and recent environmental changes In the Nyika and-coastal zone of Kenya AUTHOR(S): Kadomura, H.; Horl, Ny CORPORATE SOURCE: . Hokkaido Univ., Lab. Fundam. Res.,.Sapporo, Japan MONOGRAPH TITLE: "Natural and man-induced environmental changes in tropical Africa; case studies in Cameroon and Kenya; a preliminary report of the Tropical African Geomorphology and Late Quaternary Palaeoenvironments Research Project 1982/83 EDITOR(S): Kadomura, H. Cedi tor) CORPORATE SOURCE: Hokkaido Univ., Lab. Fundam. Res., Sapporo, Japan Hiroshima Univ., Dep. Phys. Environ., Japan SOURCR: Special Publication - Laboratory of Fundamental Resoarch,, Hokkaido University p. 129-144 DATH: 1984 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan RERS. 2 21 SUBFLLE: B DOCUMENT. TYP! ILLUSTRATIONS: Tlus. LANGUAGE: English, MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: *Kenya; *Zeomorphology DESCRIPTORS: fluvial features; terraces; Bast Africa; Africa; Holocent Quaternary; fluvial environment; Achatina; Talta Hills; oroston features; gravel; clastic sediments: Nyika; inselbergs; landform evolution; culrass ; forests; climate SRCTION HBADINGS: 28. (Surficial Geology, Geomorphology) Serie] BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analyt sects.; geol. sketch maps Appendix-4 01420686 GKONIE’ NO. : 86~65706. AID. INDEX GEOLOGY NO.: 85-62958 TITLE: Some anpecta of the gevmorphic evolution of the Konya Coast with special reference to the Kambe Limestone rocks of the Kilifi area AUTHORS): Ojany, Fs Fe CORPORATE SOURCE: " Univ. Nairobi, Dop. dooar., Nairobi, Kenya MONOGRAPH TITLE: Natural and man-Induced environmental changes in tropical Africas case studies in Cameroun and Kenya; a preliminary report bf the Tropical African Geomorphology and Late Quaternary Palacoenvironnents Research Project 1982/82 EDITORS): Kadomura, ll. (editor) CORPORATE SOURCE: Hokkaido Univ., Lab. Fundam. Kes. Sapporo, Japan SOURCE: Special Pubiteation ~ Laboratory of Fundamental Research, Hokkaido University p. 117-127 DAT: 1984 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan REVS. 40 SUBFILE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: t1lus.; 1 table; gool..sketeh maps LANGUAGE! Bnglish MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: *sedimentation; *geomorphology; *Konya DESCRIPTORS: environment; coastal environmont; solution featuros; karst; landform evolution; Eaat Africa; Africa; coastal plains; Kambe Limestone: Kilifi; drainage patterns; Jurasaie; transgression; stratigraphy SKOTION HEADINGS: 23 (Surficial Geology, Geamorphology) 01965605 GHORKI No, :, 84~56482 .BIMI.., INDEX GEOLOGY NO.: 84-0895 MONOGRAPH TITLE: — ‘The ammonoid fauna ef the Kinmeridgian-Ti thonian boundary beds of Mombasa, Kenya AUTHOR(S): Verna, H. N.j Westormann, G. K. C. CORPORATE SOURCE: " R. Ont. Mus., Dep. Ihvertebr. Paleontel., Toronto, CAN, Canada; MeHlastor Univ., Dep. Geol., Canada SOURCE: Life Sciences Contributions ~ "Royal Ontario Muscum vol. 138 DATE: 1984 124 p COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Canada ISBN: 0-88854-297-6 CODEN: ROKCAD. ISSN: 0984-8159. nHHS. SUBFILE: 8 DOCUMIINT TYPE: Serial BIDLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: ILLUSTRATIONS: Lllus.; 19 plates; tables ‘sketch map LANGUAGE: English COORDINATES: Latitude: $040500 ; 8040800; Longitude: 40194600 ; 10394800 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Kenya; spalevecology; #Nollusca; tbioxeonraphy DESCRIPTORS: stratigraphy; Jurassic; Anmonoidea; mollusks; Kast Africa: ‘Africa; Mombasa; boundary; Tetrabranchlata; Cophaiopoda; Kinneridgian; Upper Jurasaio; ‘Tithonian; Portiandian; Freretown; faunal studios: assemblages; Changamwo Shales; new taxa; Miritini Shate; paleontology; amnonoids; biostratigraphy SRCTION HEADINGS: 10 (Paleontology, Invertebrate) 132 Monographie sects.; strat. cols.; gol. Appendix-5 01916077 GKOREE NO.: 90-48814 BIBL, ‘INDEX GEOLOGY. NO.: 90-5083 TITLE: Present day ore deposition in the geothermal systons of Kenyas ty The Mwananyamala hot springs, northeast of Jombo IN11, Coaat Province AUTHOR(S): “Tole, Nvaklo P. CORPORATR SOURCE: " “Moi Univ., Soh. Env. Stud., Hldoret, Kenya SOUR othermiés vol. 19" “no. 2. p. 299-239) Dari: 1990 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: International CODEN: GTHCAT ‘ISSN: 0375-6505 RKIS.: 6 SUBFILE: fi DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial BIDLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: “I1lue.; 2 tables; sketeh maps LANGUAGE: Engl iah MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Kenya: mineral deposits; *genesis . DESCRIPTORS: economic geology; metal ores; processes; hydrothermal processes; Kast Africa; Africa; Jombo HIN}; Coast Province; Mwanenyamala; geothermal fields; mincrat deposits, genesis; sandstone; clastic rocks; Permian; Triassic; hot springs; springs; pyrite ores; silver ores; zine ores; copper ores} lead ores; iron ores; lanthanum; rare eartha; metals; rare earth deposits SUCTION HEADINGS: 27 (eonomie Geology, Metals) 01521751 GHOREF NO.; 86-82446 BIBL. INDEX GEOLOGY No.: 86~78646 TITLE: The Carboniferous to Tortiary continental sediments of Hast Kenya AUTHOR(S): Karania, FR. He CORPORATE SOURCE: " Miniat. Knorgy, Nalrobl, Kenya MONOGRAPH TITLE: ist conference on continental sediments in Atrica: proceedings AUTHOR(S): Anonymous CONFERENCE TITLE: Conference on continontal sediments in Africa; 1 CONFERENCE LOCATION: Cairo, Aswan, Egypt CONFERENCE DATE: Oct. 16-28, 1983 PUBLISHER: IGCP, Proj. 210 DATE: 1983.18". REES. 1p. SUBFILE: Bi) DOCUMENT TYPR: Book; Conference BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic TLLUSTRATIONS: Silus.; sketch mapa; geol. sketch map; tables LANGUAGE: English NOTE: “1GOP Project No. 210 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Kenya; ¥sedimentary rocks DESCRIPTORS: stratigraphy; Permian; Tertiary; Mesozoic; clastic rocks; sandstone; Hast Africay Africas terrestrial sedimentation; sedimentary basins; ‘Karroo System; shalo; siltstone; Upper Carboniferous Carboniferous; marine sedimentation; review; sedimentation; sedimentary petrology; processes; IGCP; eastern Kenya; -Duruma Group; Mombasa Basin; Lamu Basin; Mansa Guda Formation; Mandere-Lugh Basin; Marehan Formation; Anza Basin; Magarint Formation SECTION HEADINGS: 06 (Petrelogy, Sedimentary) Appendix 01999640 GROREM NO, : 85-43894 DIDL. INDEX GKOLOGY NO. 85-97262 TITLE: .. Berdesinskiite, ¥ SUB. 2 T1O SUD S , anew minoral trom Kenya and additional data for schreyerite, V SUB 2 71 SUB 90 SUI s AUTHOR(S): — Bornhardt, H. J.; Sehmotzer, K.j Medenbach, 0. CORPORATE SOURCK: Univ, “Minera).-Petrogr. Inst., Hamburg 2000, Germany, Federal Republic of SOURCE: Nees Jahrbuch fuer Nineralogic, Monatshefte vol. 198% nv. 9 be 110-118, DATE: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, Federal Republic of CODEN: NIMMAW ISSN; 0028-3649 ‘REVS.: 19 SUBFILE: B DOCUMENT TYPR: Serial BIBLIOGKAPULC [4L: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: iIlus.; 6 anal.; 7 tables LANGUAGE: Ing] ish COORDINATES: Latitudes $041200 ; $041200; Longitude: ¥oss4000 ; Koas4o00 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: *Kenya; #minerals DESCRIPTONS: mineralogy; oxides} intergrowths; new winerals; vanadium; titanium; polished seetiona; ore reflectivity; chemical composition; electron probe data; cell dimensions; X-ray data; gneisses: Precambrian East Africa; Africa; geochemistry; metamorphic rocks; schreyerl te; berdesinskiite; Kwale SECTION HEADINGS: 01 (Mineralogy & Crystatlography) 01372386 GKOREK NO.: 85-15589 BIBL. INDEX, GKOLOGY No.: 85-1097 TITLE: Reefal sediments of the fringing reefs off Mombasa, Kast Africa AUTHOR(S): Pereira, C. Pe G CORPORATE SOURCE: — Hem. Univ. Newfoundland, C-CORE, St. John's, NF, Canada CONFERENCE TITLE: . Bloventh international congreas on sedimentolony CONFERENCE LOCATION: Hanilton, ON, Canada CONFERENCE DATE: Aug. 22-27, 1982 SOURCK: International Congress on Sedimentology = Congres International de Sedinentologie, vol. 11. p. 169 DATE: 1982 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: International SUBRILE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference DIBLIOGRAPHIC LIL? Analytic LANGUAGE: ng lish MAJOR. DESCRIPTORS: *Kenya; ssedinentation: #sediments DESCRIPTORS: oceanography; reefs; environment; marine sediments; textures; Mest Africa; Africa; fringing reefs; Mombasa; grain size; statistical analyals; corals; foraminifers; microfossile; terrigonous natorials; Hatineda; Codiaceae; Chiorophyceae; Chlorophyta; algac; algal flora SHCTION HEADINGS! 07 | (Marine Geology & Oceanography) 01446100, GHOREF NO.: 86-05579 BIBL. INDEX GHOLOGY No.: 86-d1094 TITLE: Comparative geochomistry of nepheline syenites, tinguaites, phonolites and.fenites {rom southern Portugal and Kast Africa AUTHOR(S): «Rock, N. M.S. CORPORATE SOUKGH:” inst. Geol, Sel., Rdinburgh, United Kingdon SOURCE: Boletim da Sociedade, Geologica de Portugal vol. 22. p, 421-499 DATE: 1981 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Portugal CODEN; ROORAS "ISSN: 366-2101 RERS.: 72 SUBFILE: B DOCUMENT TYPK: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC Lis: Analytic ULLUSTRATIONS: Tllun.; 6 tables LANGUAGE: Knglish SUMMARY LANGUAGE: Portuguese NOTE: Volume de homenagen ao Professor Doutor Carlos Tolxciva MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: *ignoous rocks; *strontium; *isotopes; oxygen: weortugal; #Tanzania; «Kenya; aniobium; sytirium; #zirconium; #germanium: unickel DKSCKIPTORS: geochemistry; trace elements; Sr-87/Sr-86; ration; 0-18/0-165 Iberian Peninsula; Southern Kuropo; Kurope; southern Portugal; stable Asotopesi nepheline yeni tes syenitos; tinguaite; phonolites; volcanic rocks; fenlto; metasomatic rocks; Monchique; Kast Africa: Africa; Mount Meru; Mount Kenya; Jombo Will; Kur! Mills; Homa Mountain: Kisingirs Complex; Oldonyo Dili SUCTION HIADINGS: 05 (Petrology, Igneous & Metamorphic) Appendix-7 307884 GHONEW NO.: 84-07879 DIDI. INDEX GKOLOGY NO.: 84-07868 TITLE; Studies of shores and shore displacement on the southorn coast of Kenyas especiaily in KiIsf! District AUTHOR(S): Ase, La Be CORPORATE SOURCE! “Univ. Stockholm, Dep. Phys. Geogr, Stockholm 11386, Sweden SOURCE! Goografioka Annaler. Series A: Physical Geography vol. 63 no. Bed p. 303-910 DATE: 1981 COUNTRY Ol PUBLICATION: Sweden CODEN: GAPGAP ISSN: 0496-3670 REFS.: 17 SUBFILE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: itlus.; 2 tables; sketch map LANGUAGE: English MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Kenya; tgcomorphology; *absoluto axe DESCRIPTORS: shore features; coastlines; dates; sediments; tlolocene; Quaternary; C-14; fluctuations; marine terraces; uplifts; lust Africa Africa; stratigraphy; geochronology; neotectonics; Kilifi District SUCTION HKADINGS: 24 (Surfictal Geology, Quaternary Goo! ogy) 01909867 GHORKW NO.: 84-03814 BIBL. INDEX GKOLOGY No. : 84-1068 TITLE: A temporal and apatial analysis of foraminiferal diversity from the fringing reefs off Mombasa, Bast Africe AUTHOR(S); Banner, F, T.; Pereira, G. P. 0. CORPORATE SOURCE: "Univ. Coll. Svansea, Dep. Oceanogr, Svansea, S. Wales, Uni tod Kingdon WONOGRAPH TITLE: Microsossiis from Recent and fossil shelf seas EDITOR(S): Neale, J. ¥. (editor); Drastor, M. D. Cedi tor) CORPORATE SOURCE: " Univ, Hull, United Kingdon COLLECTION TITLE: British Migropaleontogical Society sertes CONFERENCE TIT: Britigh Micropalacontological Society international symposium jNicrofossila from Recent and fossil shelf seas CONFERENCE LOCATION: United Kingdom CONFERRNCK DATE: July 1980 PUBLISHER: Ellis Horwood, Chichester, United Kingdom, John Wiley & Sone, New York, NY, United States p. 960-366 DATE: 1981 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Uni tod Kingdom,United States ISBN: 0=86312-$38-1 RBFS.: 57. SUBFILE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Book BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: i11us.; sketch maps LANGUAGE: English NOTE: EIl1s Horvood series in geology COORDINATHS: Lati tide: $040800 ; $035600; Longitude: K0400000 ; 0880000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #foraminifera; #{ndlan Ocean; ‘#Kenya; Tanzania DESCRIPTORS: ecology; ‘assemblages; paleontology} oceanography; continental shelf; Mombasa; Kast Africa; Africa; reefs; nicrofossila; Protista: Htwapa Creek; Holocone; Quaternary; sedimentation; biofactos: diversity SECTION HEADINGS: 07 (Marino Geology & Oceanography); 10 (Paleontology, Invertebrate) Appendix-8 01282686 GHORKF NO.: 83-4497 BIBL. INDRX GROLOGY No.: 89-4209 TITLE? Sono Interesting corals from the Middlo Jurassic Kambo Limestone in Mombaga-Kwalo arca, Kenya AUTHOR(S): Yamagiwa, Ne CORPORATE SOURCK: Osaka Kyoiku Univ. NONOGRAPH TITLE: Sixth preliminary report of Afr University CKarth- Sciences 4), March 1981 AUTHOR(S): Suwa, Ky CORPORATE SOURCE: Nagoya Univ., Japan PUBLISHHR: Nagoya Univ., Assoc, AfY. Slud., Nagoya, Japan p. 169-161 DATE: 198) COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan Ris. : 6 SUBKILU: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Dook BIBLIOGRAPHIC LBVEL: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: Yi1ua.; 1 plate LANGUAGE: English COORDINATES: Lati (ude: $044000 ; 8034500; Longitude: B0395000 ; 0390000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: *Kenya; #Coelenterata DESCRIPTORS: paleontology; Scleractinia: Jurassic: Anthozoa; new taxas Middle Jurassie; Hast Africa; Afrlea; Thamnasteria mvachlensis; Mombasa-Kwale SECTION HEADINGS: 10 (Paleontology, Invertebrate) Dep. Marth Sci., Japan can studies, Nagoya 01058719 GKOREF No.: 61~62752 BIBL, INDEX GEOLOGY No.1 81-48200 TITLE: The proto-indlan Ocean-and probable Paleozoic/Mesozoic triradial rift system in Hast Africa AUTHOR(S): Cannon, R. T.; Simlyu Siambi, W. M. Nz Karanda, Ke CORPORATE SOURCE: ‘Mines’ and Gool. Dep., Nairebi, Kenya SOURCK: Karth Planet. Sel. Lett, vol. 62 no. 2 p. 419-426 DATE: 1981 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: International CODEN: EPSLAZ ISSN: 0012-821K REFS.: 90 SUBFILE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: chart; sketch map, LANGUAGE: -Kngl ish COORDINATES: Latitude: $040000 ; 8028000; Longitude: #0400000 ; 10390000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Kenya; #Africa; #Indian Ocean; #continental drift; fish DESCRIPTORS: stratigraphy; Phanerozoic; tectonophysicss plate tectonics; Gondwana; biostratigraphy; Triassic; Permian} KIIIfi; Karroo System: Paleozoic; Mesozoic; Jurassic; rifting; geometry; Rast Africa: sedimentation: paleocurrents SECTION HEADINGS: 12 (Stratigraphy, Mistorical Geology) 01939930 GHORER No.: 84-34576 BIDL. INDEX GKOLOGY No.: 84-2 TITLE: Industrial minerals development tn Kenya AUTHOR(S): Mason, J. Ke: Theurl, F. G. CORPORATE SOURCK: ' Minos and Geol. Dep., Nairobi, Kenya MONOGRAPH TITLE: Fourth ‘*Industrial Minerals'* international congress: abatracts AUTHORGS):— Anonynous CONFERENCE TITLE: Fourth **indusirial Minerais'* international congress CONFERENCE LOCATION: Attanta, GA, United States CONFERENCE DATE: May 27-May 30, 1980 SOURCK: Industrial Minerals » vol, 182. p. 99 DATE: 1980 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United Kingdom CODEN: MING "ISSN: 0019-8544 SUBIILR: i DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference DIDLIOGRAV'IIG LUV: Analytic LANGUAGE: English MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: *Kenya DESCRIPTORS: oconomic geology: industrial minerals; Africa; Kast Afric: Nombasa; export; cement materials; construction materials; fluorspar; sodium carbonates economics: gypsum deposits SECTION HKADINGS: 28 (epnomte Geology, Nonmetals) Appendix9 01949670 GROREP NO.: 84-0464 DINE. INDRX GKOLOGY No.2 84~59640 MONOGRAPH TITLE? Lead-zine deposlts of the Const Province of Kenya and some exploration guidelines AUTHOR(S)? — Bug, 8. ¥. CORPORATE SOURCKH: “Geosurvey International, Dodoma, Tanzania, United Republic of SOURCE: Overseas Geology and Mineral Resources DATE: 1982 19 p. COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United Kingdom CODEN: OGHRAS ISSN; 0090-7467 REVS. : 42 8 vol. 59 SUBFILE: DOCUMENT TYPS: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVKL! Monographie ILLUSTRATIONS: IILus.j sketch map; geol. sketch map; sect. LANGUAGE: English MAJOR DRSCRIPTORS: Kenya; #minera) exploration DESGRIPTOUS: econoale, geology: load~sine dapost ts; ooghant sal mothods: veins; metal ore: ‘assic! Karroo Systom; faults; sulfides; galena; sens ee glespyritey aphelerite: regional xeochemical mothods{ ast Mrieas Africa; Kinagont Hil) SECTION HEADINGS! 27 (Keonomie Geology, Metals) 01210408 GRORBF NO,: 82-89241 BIBL. INDEX GROLOGY No.: s2~36022 TITLE: AGID; regional workshop on strategies for small scale mining and nineral industries AUTHOR(S): Borger, AL Re CORPORATE SOURCE: "Memorial’ Univ. Newfoundtand, St, John's, Canada SOURCK: Kpisodes vol. 1980 no. 2 p. 33 DATE: 1980 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Canada ISSN: 0705-8797 SUBFILE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL! Analytic HLLUSTRATIONS: 111us. LANGUAGE: Engl ish NOTE: Symposium held at Mombasa, Kenya, April 14-25, 1980 MAJON DESCRIPTORS: +sympoaia; sassociations DESCRIPTORS: enginecring geology; mining geology; general; Association of Geosclentists for International D; education; Kenya; Kast Africas Africa; report SECTION HEADINGS 22 Cingineering & Environmental Geology) 01173226 GKOREF NO: 82-0168 ‘BIBI. INDEX GHOLOGY NO.: '82-06041 TITLE! Note on the geology and mineral resources of the Mtito Andei-Taita area (southern Kenya) AUTHOR(S)! Pohl, W.; Horkel, A. SOURCE: Mitt. Oesterr, Geol. Ges. vol. 73 p, 245-162 DATE: 1980 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Austria REFS.: 29 SUBRILE: B DOCUMENT TYPR: Serial; JOGRAPHIC LEVEL? Analytic HLUSTRATLONS: 1 U1us plate; strat. col. NAP TYPE: geol. map 20,000 LANGUAGE: English SUMMARY LANGUAGE: German NOTE: With the collaboration of Neubauer, W., Niedermayer, G., Okelo, R. Ke, Wachira, J. K., and Worneck, W. COORDINATES: Latitude: $040000 ; 5023000; Longitude: Ko%ss000 ; "0380000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Kenya DESCRIPTORS: economic geology; mineral Fesources; aredl ‘geology; maps; Kast Africa; Africa; southern Kenya; econonie geology mapa; Ktito Andel; Taita } geologic mapa; tectonics; gems; graphite deposits; base metals; metal rea} magnetite; oxides; kaolin deposits SECTION HEADINGS: 26 (Xconomic Geology, General & Mining) Appendix-10 O10IGGHI GRORKK No. : 81-29726 DIDL. INDEX GROLOGY NO.: @1~27779 TITLE: Nagoya University Hast African Prehistoric Research Expedition in 1978/79 EDITOR(S): Oml, G. (eal tor? SOURCE: Preliminary Report of African Studies, Nagoya University vol. & be 1-8 DATE: 1980 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan RURS. 2 4 SUBRILE: B DOCUMENT TYPK: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic TLLUSTRATIONS: I1lus.; sketch maps LANGUAGE: King ish COORDINATES: Latitude: $050000 ; Nos0000 ; Longitude: H0420000 ; Koz03000 Latitude: $048000 ; N043000 ; Longitude: 160420000 ; 10340000 Latitude: $020000 ; NO40000 ; Longitude: KoIs0000 ; KOZ90000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Kenya: Uganda RIPTORS: stratigraphy; archaeology; Pleistocenc; Africas Great itt Valley; Nweya North atte; Mwoya Poninsula; Lake Bdward; Kazinga Channel; Quaternary; Cenozoic; :Kaiso Formation; Katanda Vormation; Semliki Series; Acheulian; Paleolithic; Rupa site; Moroto; Karamoja District: Mount Moroto; Musopo River; Later Stone Age; chalcedony? silica minerals; framework s!licates; silicates; Mtonawe site; Mombasa; Early Stone Age: Changanwe Terrace SECTION HEADINGS: 24 (Surficial Geology, Quaternary Geology) 01026703 GHOREK NO.: 81-19424 BIBL. INDEX GEOLOGY NO.: 81-20956 TITLR: Sedimentary facies and palaeoenvironments associated with Tertiary formations of the lower Galana River basin, Kenya AUTHOR(S): Hove, A. Re T. CONFERENCE TITLE: "26th international geological congress CONFERENCE LOCATION: Paris, Mrance CONFERENCE DATE: July 7-17, 1980 SOUNCK: Int. Geol. Congr. Abatr.~-Congr. Geol. Int., Resumes no. vor. 1p. 239 DATE: 1980 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Varies CODEN: TGABBY SUBFILE: B DOCUMENT TYPK: Abstract; Serial; Conference NIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL! Analytic LANGUAGIE: English COORDINATES: Latitude:.8040000.; $028000; Longitude: 0403000 ; MAJOR. DESCRIPTORS: Kenya; sedimentary rocks; #sedimentation DESCRIPTORS: stratigraphy; Neogene: lithostratigraphy; environment; lithofacles; Africa; Malindi; Galana River basin; Tertiary; Cenozoic: Baratumn Kormation; Marafa Kormation; marl; clastic rocks; carbonate rocks; limestone; conglomerate; shallow-water environnent; marine environment; terrestrial environment SECTION HEADINGS: 12. (Stratigraphy, Historical Geology) 17/5 /28-50 20380000 Appendix-11 01016819 GRORRF NO,: 81-08887 BIDL. INDRX GROLOGY No.: 81-06763 TUTLR: Patrology and geochemistry of the alkaline Intrusion, Jombo HIT, Konya AUTHOR(S): — Nyambok, 1. 0. SOURCK: Geol. Mag, vol, 117 no. 4 ps 927-338 DATR: 1980 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United Kingdon CODEN: GKRMGAA ISSN: 0016-7668 REFS.: 30 SUBRILE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: tables} plates; sketch maps. LANGUAGE: ng ish COORDINATES: Lats tude: 049000 ; NG43000 ; Longitude: K0420000 5 0340000 Latitude? $060000 ; $030000; Longitude: B0400000 ; 0360000 MAJOR DESCRIPYORS: #Kenya; #ignoous rocks; absolute age; intrusions DESCRIPTORS: petrology: composition; alkalle composition; dates: chemical composition; Africa Jonbe Hill; carbonatite; lamprophyre and carbonatite family SECTION HEADINGS: 05 (Petrology, Igneous & Metamorphic) 01268840 ° GHOREK NO.: 88-90991 BIBI. ‘INDEX GHOLOGY NOw: 83-91968 MONOGRAPH TITLE: Geology of the Talta Hills, Degree Sheet 60 SE (Sheet 189/ 4) AUTHOR(S)? Horkel, A R. Kas; Nauta, We Je CORPORATE SOURCE: “Auatromineral, Vienna, Austria; Mines and Geol. Dep:, Kenya, Naturhist. Mus., Austria, Min. Univ, Leoben, Austria SOURCE: ‘Kenya, Geol. Surv., Rep.’ vol. 102 DATE: 1979 33 'p. COUNTRY. (OF PUBLICATION: Kenya CODEN; KCHGAY SUBFILE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial; Map. BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL? Nonographic ILLUSTRATIONS: Illus.; 3 tables: 3 plates; sketch maps WAP TYPE: colored geoi. map MAP SCALR: 1:50,000 LANGUAGKE: english: SUMMARY LANGUAGE: German COORDINATES: Latitude: $0900 ; 9031500; Longitude: B0389000 ; 10381500 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Kenya DESCRIPTORS: areal geology; mapa; Bast Africas Africas Taite Wi1is; basement; Mozambique Belt; tectonics; mineral resources; ground water TON HKADINGS: 13 (Areal Geology, General) Niedermayry @.; Wachira, J. K.j Pohl, W.3 Okelo, su 01036642 GHOREF NO. 81-29717 BIBL. INDEX GHOLOGY No. 81~24955 TITLE: Yanadian and vanadium grossulars from the Mozambique: metanorphic rocks, Mgama Ridge, Kenya AUTHOR(S): Suva, K.5 Suauki, Kop Miyakawa, Kos Agata, T. SOUNCK: Preisminary Report of African Studies, Nagoya University no. 4 be 87-95 DATR: 1979 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan REPS. : 12 SUBPILE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LMVEL: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: S1lus.; table; plates; sketch maps LANGUAGE: Eng) ish COORDINATES: Latitude: 9038900 ; 8099200; Longitude: 50381900 ; 0381500 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: +Kenya; #minerals DESCHIPTORS: petrology; metamorphic racks; economic geology: garnet deposits: orthosilicates; garnet group; vanadiua garnet; Africa; Mombasa; Vanadium; garnet; silicates; Maama Ridge; Tanzania; Lualenyi Mine; gneiss ‘gnelases; chemical composition; mineral assemblages; evaporite: chemically precipitated rocks; lakes; sedimentation; environments geochenistry} metamorphism; Precambrian; grossular; crystallography TON HEADINGS: 06 (Petrology, Igneous & Metamorphic) SH Appendix-12 01036641 _GHORIIF NO.: 81-20716 DIIL, INDEX GKOLOGY NO. : 8125475 TITLE: Some interesting corals {rom the Middle Jurassic. Kambe Limestone in Mombasa-Kwalo aren, Konya; Part 1, A new coral species, Thamnas teria (Thamnas teria) mombasensis found from the Kanbe Limestone at southvest of Twulujimba AUTHOR(S): Yamagiwa, N. SOURCE: Preliminary Noport of African Studies, Nagoya University no. 4 Pp. 83-85 DATE: 1979 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan REFS. 5 SUBFILE:, 2 DOCUNENT TYPE: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analyt TLLUSTRATTIONS plates; sketch map LANGUAGE: King} ish, COORDINATES: Latitude: $060000 .; $090000; longi tude: 0400000 ; 160390000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Coelenterata; #Kenya DESCRIPTORS: Scleractinia; Jurassic; palcontology; Africa; Mombasa; Kwalos Kanbe Limestono; Mesozole; Middlo Jurassic; new taxa; taxonomy; ‘Thamnagteria mombascnsis; Tsulujinba; Anthozoa; .Astrocooni ina; ‘Thannasteriidao SECTION HEADINGS: 10 (Paleontology, Invertebrate) 01036640. GHORE® NO.: 81-29716 BIBL. INDEX GEOLOGY No.: 61-25070 TITLE: Grain fabric of the fluvio-lacustrine sandstone (Duruna Sandatoncs) near Mombasa, Kenya AUTHOR(S): Saka, Yo; Rikita, N.z Miyata, T. SOUNCE: Preliminary Report of African Studies, Nagoya University. no. 4 p. 73-82 DATE: 1979 COUNTRY OF PUBL(CATION: Japan RBRS.: 6 SUBFILE: B DOCUMENT TYPK: Serial BIDLIOGRAPHIC LEVIS: Analyti ILLUSTRATIONS; (1lus.; table; geol. sketch maps LANGUAGE: English COORDINATES: Latitude: 8060000 ; $099000; Longitude: 0994000 ; 0292000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Konya; *sodimentary rocks; +sedimentat ion DESCRIPTORS: sedimentary petrology: textures; fabric; provenances paleocurrents; Aftica; Nonbasa;, lakes; streans; Duruma Sandstone; environment; sedimentary structures; cross-laninations: planar bedding structures: MaJ1-Ya-Chunul Beds; Karroo System; orientation; Taru Grit; Mariakani Sandstone; paleogeography; Permian; Paleozoic; Triassicy Mesozole; Phanerozoic; boundary SECTION HEADINGS: 05 (Petrology, Sedimentary) 01036639 GHOREF NO.: 81~29714 DIDI. INDBX GEOLOGY NO. :- 81-25058 TITLE: Deformed cross-lamination in the Karroo System, near Mombasa, Konya AUTHOR(S): — Miyata, T.j Saka, ¥. SOURCE: Preliminary Report of African Studies, Nagoya University no. 4 Bp. 63-72, DATE: 1979 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan REPS. : 24 SUBFILE: B DOCUMENT TYPR: Sorlal BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL? Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: []lus.; strat. eol.; table; plates inal ih Latitude: $040000 ; $093000; Longitude: #0394000 ; Ho393000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #sedinentary structures; #Kenya;. #sedimentation DESCRIPTORS: planar bedding structures; cross-laminations; sedimentary petrology; provenance; paloocurrents; Afvica; Mombasa; Karroo System: folds; deformation; Mariakani. Sandstone: streams; Permian; Paleozole; ‘Vriasaie; Mesozoic; boundary; Phanerozoic; paleogeography; Duruma Sandstone; tectonics: structure; stratigraphy; Iithestratigraphy SHCTION HEADINGS: 06 (Petrology, Sedimentary) Appendix-13 01096638 GHORKF NO.: 81729713 IDL, INDEX GHOLOGY No. 81~26069 TITLE: “Directional structures and pgleocurrent of the Duruma Sandstones Glarroo Syston) near Kombasa, Kenya AUTHOR(S)?” Saka, Yoi Miyata, T. SOURCK: Preliminary Report of African Studies, Nagoya University no. 4 pe ain DATE: 1979 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan RERS.: 19 SUBFILE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Sorial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVI: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: Itlus.; strat. eol.; sec plates; gool. sketch maps LANGUAGE: English COORDINATES: Latitude: 8050000 ; 8033000; Lungi tude: 160400000 ; 0390000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: +Konya; #sedimentation; ¥paloogeonraphy DESCRIPTORS: sedimentary petrology; onvironmont; fluvial onvirenment; Nosozole; provenance; paleocurrents; Africa; Mombasa; Karroo' Syston, Duruma Sandstone; structure; Permian; Paleozoic; Triassic; boundary; sedimentary structures; cross-laninations; planar bedding structures: bedding-plane structures; deposition; stratigraphy; Ii thos tratigraphy; tectonics; elastic rocks; lakes; Phanerozoic; subsidence; deltas; structural analysie; grain size; Mariakani Sandetone; Mazeras Sandstone SECTION HEADINGS: 06 (Petrology, Sedimentary) 00975618 GROREF NO.: 80-22527 DIDI... INDEX GEOLOGY NO. 80~21038 TITLE: Flow regime of the Mzima Springs in Kenya unions): —“Ertuna, C, SOURCE: Inst. Civ, Rng. (Lond.), Proc. vol. 67 Part.2. no, : Research and theory p. 893-840 DATE: 1979) COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United Kingdom CODEN: PCIKAT ISSN: 0907-8361 RUFS.: 6 SUDFILR: B DOCUMENT TYPR: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LBVEL.: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: illus.; tables; sketch maps LANGUAGH: Rngi ish COONDINATES: Latitude: $033000 ; 020000; Longitude: 0399000 ; 0370000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: *Kenya DESCRIPTORS: economic geology; water resources; hydrogeology; springs; Airiea; Maima Springs; Nombasa; hydrology; discharge; resources} ratnsalt i runoff; statistical analysis SECTION HEADINGS: 21. (Hydrogeology & Hydrology) 00937999 GKORE NO.: 79-26620 BIDL. INDEX GEOLOGY NO.: 79-24294 TITLE: deneels, oecurrence, and causes of sediment distribution in Inner reefs of Mombasa, Kenya AUTHOR(S): Pereira, C. P. G. CONRERENCK TITLE: AAPG-SKPH annual meeting GONFERENCK LOCATION: Houston, Tex., United States CONFERENCE DATE: April 1-4, 1979 SOURCE: Am. Assoc. Pet, Geol., Bull. vol. 63 20, 9 p. 608-509 DATE: 1979 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United States CODEN: AAPGBS “ISSN: 0149-1423 SUBFILE: DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference BIDLIOGRAPHIC LUVEL: Analytic LANGUAGE: English COORDINATES: Latitude: $060000 ;- $030000; Longitude: 0400000 +; 0390000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Kenya; #(ndien Ocean; #sedimontation; ¢mediments DESCRIPTORS:. oceanography: reefs; environment; distribution; Africa; Mombasa; West Indian: Ocean; genes! rbonate sediments; terrigenous materiale: fringing reefs; textures; size distribution; statistical analysis; sorting; provenance SUCTION HEADINGS: 07 (Marine Geology & Oceanography) Appendix-14 00986895 GKORKW:NO.: 79-23912 BIBL. INDEX GNOLOGY NO.: 79~26861 TITLE: | Diatribution and factors controlling foraminiferal assoclations and assemblages on fringing reefs during viater, Mombasa, Kenya AUTHOR(S): Banner, fF. T.; Pereira, C. P. G. CONFERENCE TITLE: AAPG-SRPK annual meeting CONFERENCE LOCATION: Houston, Tex., United States CONFERENCE DATE: April 1-4, i979 SOURCK: Am. Assoc, Pet. Geol., BULL. vol. 63 no, 9p. 414 DATE: 1979 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United States CODEN: AAPGRS ‘ISSN: 0149-1429 SUBINLE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference - BIBLIOGRAPHIC LANGUAGE: King list. COORDINATES: Latitude: 5043000 ; $028000; Longitude: BoAO2000 ; BOdBI000 MAJOR DRSCRIPTORS: #(ndian Ocean; secology; sforaminifora; +Kenya DESCRIPTORS: occanography; reefs; paleontology; Africa; Mombasa; West Indian Ocean; palooecology; fringing reefs; lagoons; marine environment; thanatocenoses; biccenoses; diversity; cluster analysis; statistical methods} assemblages; Holocene; Quaternary; modern SKCTION HEADINGS: 24 ‘(Surficial Geology, Quaternary Geology? VEL: Analytic 01955982 GHORKF NO.: 84-56881 BIBL. INDRX GROLOGY NO.: 84-49746 NONOGRAPH TITLE: Potrology and goochemistry of the alkaline intrusion, Jombo Will, Kenya AUTHOR(S): "Nyambok, [. 0. CORPORATE SOURCE: Univ. Uppsala, Dop. Mineral. and Petrol., Uppsala, ‘Sweden SOURCK: UVDMP Research Report vol. 8 DATE: 1978 14 p. COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Sweden ISSN; 0948-1936 RuNS.: 38 SUBRILK: B DOCUMENT TYPE: ‘Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Monographic ILLUSTRATIONS: Illus.; 4 tables; 2 plates; geol. sketch map LANGUAGE: Bngl ish MAJOR: DRSCRIPTOR: figneous rocks DESCRIPTORS: petrology; geochemistry; composition; alkalic composition: Basti Africas Africa; Jombo Hill Intrusion; solid solutions carbonati tes; Mrima Intrusion; ijolite; alkal! gabbros; gabbron; magmas; feldspar group 3 framework silicate: metasomatism; K/Rb; nephel ine Syenite; Mombasa SECTION HEADINGS: 05 (Petrology, Igneous & Metamorphi (Goochomistry) ‘Kenya; tintrusions; #sodium; srubidiumj potassium silicates; syenites D2 02 01356981 GHORE NO.: 8486880 DIDI. INDEX GEOLOGY NO. 84-49747 MONOGRAPH TITLE: Mieroprobe and X-ray diffraction analyses of the major minerals from Jombo Hii1] alkaline rocks, Kenya AUTHOR(S): Nyambok, I. 0.; Lindavist, B. CORPORATE SOURCE: Univ. Uppsala, Dop. Mineral. and Petrol., Uppsala, Sweden SOURCE: UUDMP Research Report vol, 9 DATE: 1978 16 p. COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Sveden ISSN: 0948-1296 REFS. + 22 SUBRILE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial “BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Monographic ILLUSTRATIONS: lus; 2 tables: LANGUAGE: Rng) 3h MAJOR: DESCRIPTORS: *Kenya; #igneous rocks; #i ntrusions DESCRIPTORS: geochomiatry; composition; alkalic composition; Kast Africa: ‘Mrica; mineral composition; Jombo Will Intrusion; X-ray data; electron probe datas petrology; genesis; feldspar group; tranework st lleatess Bilicatos: clinopyroxene; pyraxene group; chain silicates; biolites mica group; sheet silicates; ijolite; alkali gabbroa; gabbros; ayoni tes; nepheline; nepheline group; diopside; hedenbergi te: silica: migroneteigite SHCTION HEADING: (Geochemistry) 06 © (Petrology, Igneous & Metamorphic); 02 Appendix-15 01965980 GRORKE NO.: 84-56879. BIBI. INDEX GROLOGY NO.: 84~49275 MONOGRAPH TITLE: Distribution of trace elements and thelr petrogenotio Significance in the Jombo Hill alkaline rocks, Kenya AUTHORGS): — Nyambok, 1. 0. CORPORATE SOURCE: Univ. Uppsala, Inst, Geol., Dep. Mineral. and Petrol., Uppsala, Sweden SOURCH: UUDNP Rosoarch Renort vol. 10 DATE: 1978 8 p. COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Swoden ISSN: 0348-1336 RUES.: 26 SUBFILE: 3 DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Nonographic HLUSTRATIONS: {1tus.; 8 tables LANGUAGR: English NAJOR DESCIPTORS: #Kenya; #1¢neous rocks DESCRIPTORS: geochemistry; trace elements; composition; alkalic composi tion Hast Aftieay Africa; Jombo HiIl (ntruston; sandstono; clastic ‘rocks; ijoittes alkali gabbroes gabbros; albite nepheline syenite; orthaclase fare earthi nepholine ayenitoz syeni te: alatribution; pattern earbonati tes; magmas SHCTION HKADINGS: 02 (Geochemistry? 00054908 GKOREF NO,: 60-00884 IDL. INDRX GKOLOGY No.: 80-00950 NOWOGRAPH TITLE: Petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry of the alkaline rooks, Jombo Mill, Kenya AUTHORGS): — Nyanbok, 1. 0, SOURCE: ‘Acta Univ. Ups.» no. 493 DATE: 1978 14 pe COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Sweden CODEN: AUUSAO "ISSN: 0346-0058 REFS. 7 SUBFILR: DB DOCUMENT TYPE: Serfal BIWALOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Monographtc LANGUAGE: English COORDINATES: "Latitude: $049000 ; NO49000 ; Longitude: K0420000 ; K0340000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: *Kenya; intrusions DESCRIPTORS: petrology; composition; alkali composition; Africa: Jombo Wilts mineral composition; goochemistry; chemical composition; igneous Tooks; nepheline: nepheline group; framework silloates; silicates; pyroxene; pyroxene group; chain silicates: titanite;. orthosllteates; Pagnotite; oxide; biotite: sheet silicates; analcimes albites feldspar group; 1jolite; alkal! gabbro famtly SRCTION HEADINGS: 05, (Petrology, lgneous & Netanorphic) 00918966 GROREI NO.: 79-06812 BIDL. INDEX GKOLOGY NO.: 7903406. tT Sehreyerite, ¥ SUB 2 Tl SUB 3 0 SUB 9, a new mineral AUTHOR(S): Medenbach, 0.; Schmetzer, K. SOUNCR: Am. Mineral... 'vol,.68 no, I-12 p. 1182-1186 DATE: 1978, COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United States CODEN: AMNIAY “REFS. : SUBRILE: DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL? Analytic TLLUSTRATIONS: I1lus.; tables LANGUAGE: Ting i sh COORDINATES! Latitude: $041200 ; 8041200; Longitude: 20984000 ; 0384000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Kenya; #mincrala; ¥erystal chemistry; serystal structure DESCRIPTORS: mineralogy; oxides; schreyerite; Africa; Kwale District; Lasamba Hill; Vol: new minerals; mineral data; formula; chemical composition; ¥ SUD 2 Ti SUB 3 0 SUN 9; (V SUD 0,93 Cr SUB 0.06 Al SUB 0,01) SUR 2 TI SUB 9.0 SUB 8; occurrence; optical properties; rutile; exsolution; lamellae; coexisting mincralo; X-ray data; electron probe data SECTION HEADINGS: 01 (Mineralogy & Crystallography) Appendix-16 00912471 GHOREF No.: 7848524 AIBL. INDEX GEOLOGY NO, : 7840451 TITLE: Spessaytin aus den Tatta tills, Kenta TRANSLATED TITLE: Spensartine from the Taita Hills, Kenya AUTHOR(S): Modenbach, 0.3 Schmetzer, K.z-Krupp, H. SOURCH: Aufschluss vol. 29 no. 9 'p, 275-276 DATE: 1978 COUNTRY OF PUDLIGATION CODEN: AVSLAO EES. SUBFILE: Bb DOCUMENT ‘TYPR: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: tables LANGUAGE: German COORDINATHS: Latitude: 8043000 ; No4s000 ; Langs tude: 120420000 ; B0240000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: sKenya; *minerals DESCRIPTORS: mineralogy; orthosilicates; garnet group; spessartines orthosilicates, garnot group; Tatte Mills; occurrence; chomical composition; cations SHCTION HEADINGS: 01 Gini Germany, Federal Republic of logy & Crystallography) 01036627. GROREF No,: 81-29700 BIBL. INDEX GROLOGY NO. :, 61-27747 TITLE: On the Acheuloan site of Miongwe, Mombasa Kato, ¥.3 Oml, G.; Adachi, K. (Kato, Yoshi jiro) Liminary Report’ of African Studies, Nagoya University vol. COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan RERS.: 6 SUDRILE: B DOCUMENT TYPR: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic ILLUSTRATIONS: i1lus.; geal. sketch map LANGUAGE: Kng1 ish COORDINATES: Latitude: $040500 ; $040000;. Longitude:: R0894000 ; H0399000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Kenya; szeomorpho | ony DESCRIPTORS: stratigraphy; archaeology; Pleistocene; shore features: terraces; Africa; Mombasa Island; Miongwe; Mombasa Terraces; Ganda Terrace: KIlifi Terrace; Malindi Terrace; Marafa Reds; Changamwe Terrace; Magarini Sands; Kilindint Sands; Shelly Beach Terrace} Quaternary; Cenozoic; Mombasa; Acheulian; Paleolithic: Songoan SHCTION HEADINGS: 24 (Surficlal, Geology, Quaternary Geology) 00841885 GROREF NO.: 77-2607 NINL. INDEX GEOLOGY NO. 77-2587 TITLE: Kenyagaurus, a new eosuchian reptile from the early Triassic of kenya, auTioR(s): — Harris, J, Mez Carroll, Re Le SOURCH: J. Paleontol. | vol, 51. no. ip. 199-149 DATE: 1977 COUNTRY. OF PUBLICATION: United States CODEN: JPALAZ "RUNS. : 11 SUBRILE: B DOCUMENT TYPR: Serig! | BIDLIOGRAPIITC LEVEL? Analytic ULLUSTRATIONS: T11us. 3", plate, LANQUAGE: Engl i sh NOTE: K. mariakanionsis, n. g.y ne sp. HAJON DESCRIPTORS: *Kenya; *Reptilia; Triassic DESCRIPTORS: paleontology; Mombasa; Africa; lower Triassic: Lopidosauria; morphology: skeleton; fossilization; paleoecology; affinities; Bosuchia; Konyasaurus marlekeniensis; new taxa SECTION IIKADINGS: 11 (Paleontology, Vertebrate) Appendix-17 01228060 GKORNF NO, : 82-68018 BIBL. INDEX GEOLOGY No.: 82~56399 TITLE: Aspects of magmatic and metallogenctic procosses In the coast province of Kenya AUTHOR(S): —-Yasileseu, A.; Popescu, a. SOURCK: Revue Roumaine de Geologie, Geophystque et Geographie. Serie de Geologie vol. 24 p. 121-126 DATE: 1980 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Romania CODEN: RAGGBI ‘ISSN: 0696-8102 SUBFILB: DOCUMENT TYPR: Serial BIDLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic LANGUAGE: Kingliah MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: *Konya; *mineral deposits; ‘genesis DESCHIPTORS: economic geology; mlneral resources; processos; Igneous processes; Kast Africa: Africa; mineral deposits, genesis SUCTION HEADINGS: 26 (iconomle Geology, General & Mining? GROREF NO.: 78-08489 BIBL, INDEX GHOLOGY NO. 78-08057 Yanadiumhal tiger gruener Kornerupin vom Kwalo-District, Kenya SLATED TITLE: Green iron-freo vanadium kornerupine from the Kvale District, Kenya AUTHOR(S)" Girgis, K.; Guebeliny Bez Welbely M. SOURCE: Schwelz. Mineral. Petrogr: Mitt, vol. 86° no. 1 p. 65-68 DATE: 1976 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Switzerland CODEN: SMPTAR REPS. t Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: (LUUSTRATIONS: tables LANGUAGE: German SUMKARY LANGUAGE: English COORDINATES: Latitude: $040000 ; $009000; Longitude: £0980000 ; K0360000 WAJON DESCRIPTORS: Kenya; #minerals DESCRIPTORS: mineralogy; ovthog|ltcates; kornerupine; south; Kwale; iron-sree composition} vanadium; chemical. composition SHCTION HEADINGS: 01 -GMineralogy & Crystallography) Analytic 00627961 GRORER No.: 72~29826 TITLE: Further Kvidence for the Age of the Madadont Beds of Kenya AUTHOR(S): Stephenson, DG. SOURCE: J. Nat. Hist. Vol, 6, No. 9, p. 999-341 DATE: 1972 CODEN: NAHAS SUBRIL 1972 LANGUAGE: English NOTE: Middle Kiocone-Pliocene ago indicated on basis of echinoid spines MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Konya; #Tertiary; *Kchinodermata DESCRIPTORS: Stratigraphy; Madadoni Beds; biostratiaraphy; Coast Province: Kehinoidea; Prionoeidaris; Stylocidaria; Africa; upper Tertiary SECTION HEADINGS: 12 (Stratigraphy, Historical Geology) Appondix-18 78-0095 00867569 GRORRF NO.: 78-02587 BIBI... INDEX GROLOGY NO. ues Vanadlum-Mineral TITLH!: Sehreyorlt (Vv SUD 2 Tt SUB'3 0 SUR 9), ein n aus Kenya TRANSLATED TITLE: Sehreyerite (Y SUB-2 Ti SUD 9 0 SUB 9), @ new vanadium minora! from Kenya AUTHOR(S); Medenbach, 0.3 Sehmotzor, Ks SOURCK: Naturwigsenschatten vol. 68’ - no. 6 p. 299-294 DATE: 1976 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, Federal Republic of CODEN: NATWAY RIGS, 2 2 SUBRILE: By DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic LANGUAGE: German Nok: Short notes COORDINATES: latitude: 043000 ; $040000: Long! tude: 0394000 ; EoI8I000 MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: sKenya; #minerals; ¥erystal ‘structure DRSCRIPTOKS: mineralogy; oxides; schreyeri te; Kwale; new minerals; Decurrence; properties; optical properties; physical properties compoai tions chemical composition; cell dimensions: symmetry; mineral data SHCTION HEADINGS: 01 (Mineralogy & Crystallography) 01262999 GKORII NO.: 89-25066 RIDL. INDEX GROLOGY No.: 88-26942 TITLE: Dajocian anmonold fauna of Tethyan affinities from the Kambe Limentone ‘Series of Konya and Implication to plate tectonics AUTHOR(S): Westermann, G. E.G CORPORATE SoURt MoMaater tniv., Dep. Geol., Hamilton, ON, Canada SOURCE: Nowsletters on Stratigraphy vol. 4 no. 1p. 23-48 DATE: 1975 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: International CODEN: NLSGAO ISSN: 0078-0421 REFS.: 62 SUBFILE: “B DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial \BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL! Analytic TLLUSTRATIONS: FIluz.; 1 table; 2 plates; strat. col.;- geol. sketch maps LANGUAGE: Bnglish SUMMARY LANGUAGE: German GoORDINATHS: Latitude: 066800 ; 8041000; Longltude: 0394000 ; R0396000 HAJOR DESCRIPTORS: *Kenya; tol lusks DESCRIPTORS: ‘stratigraphy; Juresslo; ammonolda: Kast Africa; Africa; biontratigraphy; ‘Tethys; Kambe Limestone Series; 1ithostratigraphy: deep-sea environment; Aositra buch! facies; Bajocian; Middle Jurassic; Mombasa; Bathontan; HwachS Val SHCTION HEADINGS: 12° (Stratigraphy, Historical Geology) 00785766 GKORII No,: 76-16952 TITLE! Untersuchungen zur Morphodynam{k tropisch-subtropischer Kues ten; If. Beobachtungen zum Problem des Seunriff's und des Nevilanits an dey Kueste von Kenia TRANSLATED TITLE: Invedtigations of the morphodynamicr of tropical and subtropleal coaate; II, The fringing reefa and eollan deposits on the Kenya coast AUTHOR(S): Magdefrau, 3. SOURCE: Wierzburg. Geogr. Arb. no. 43 Dynamische Geomorphologie’ wy 26-35 DATE: 1978 ‘CODEN: WIGAAS SUBFILR: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Serse! BIDLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: Analytic TLLUSTRATIONS: geol. sketch map LANGUAGE: German SUMMARY LANGUAGE: English; Rrench HAJOR DESCRIPTORS: *Kenya; #goomorphology; ‘reefs; schanges of level; ‘tpalevecolony DESCRIPTORS: shore features; southeast; coastal; Malindi; eolfan features evolution; Pletatoeena; Africa; Coelenterata; corals; fringing reefs; distributions indicators; climate; tropical SECTION HEADINGS: 28 (Surfletal Geology, Geomorphology) Appendix-19 00737708 GKORKE NO, : -75-075H1 TITLE: Dag Mineral Kornerupin unter bosonderer Beruecksichtigung cines nouen Vorkomnens im Kwale Distrikt, Kenya TRANSLATED TITLE: ‘The mineral Kornerupine, with particular consideration of A new occurrence from the Kwale District, Kenya AUTHOR(S): Schmotzer, Ky; Medenbach, O.; Krupp, Hy SOURCH: Disch. Genmol, Gos., Z. Vol. 23, No. 4, p. 268-278 Cinel. Engl, sum), lilus, (inel, sketen map) DATR: | 1974 CODKN: ZN66BT SUBEILE: B. DOCUMENT TYPE: Seri JOURNAL ANNOUNCEMEN' LANGUAGE: German MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: *Minerals; Kenya i DESCRIPTORS: Orthos! 1icates; Kornerupine; occurrence; paragenesis; quality; ‘onticn) properties; crystal structure; physical properties; gems; color; spectroscopy; Africa; Mineralogy; Kale SHCTION HEADINGS: 18 (Areal Geology, General) 1978 00736807 GKORKK NO.: 76-06636 TITLE: — Chrom-Diopsia aus Kenya TRANSLATED TITLE: Chrome-dlopside from Kenya AUTHOR(S): Schmotzer, Ks; Nedenbach, 0. SOUNCH: Dtoch. Genmol, Ges., Z, Vol. 28, No. 8, p. 178-179, {11us. DATE: 1974 copEN: zbaan7 SUBIILR: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial SOURNAL ANNOUNCEMTN’ Lanauade: German MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #MInorals; #Kenya DESCRIPTORS: Chain silicates; pyroxene group; Diopside; chrome-diopside: ‘spectroscopy; absorption; gens; Africa; Mineralogy; Kwale SHCTION HEADINGS: 13 (Areal Geology, General) 1975 00583543 GRORKR NO.: 70-21068 TITLE: Le quaternaire du littoral kenyan entre Mombasa ot Malind! ‘THAUSLATED TITLE: Quaternary of the Kenyan coast between Mombase and Malina) AUTHORCS): —Battistini, Rene. SOURCE: Aas. Fr. Btude Quaternairo, Bull. | Vol. 6, No. 9 (20), p. 220-298 (inel, Rngi, aum.), illus. (inet. geol. sketch map) DATE: 1969 SUBFILE: 8 DOCUMENT ‘TYPE: Sertat JOURNAL ANNOUNCKMENT: 1970 LANGUAGE: French Ploigtocene, .two marine transgressions, Tatsimian barrier reef, mboltan fringing reefs, dunos, and benches, pre-Karimbolian upitft MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: -#Kenya;, eQuaternary; *Shorel ines DESCRIPTORS: Stratigvaphy; coast; Mombena; Malindi SECTION NKADINGS: 12 (Stratigraphy, Historical Geology) PT 17/8/61-66 ‘Appendix-20 00555679 GRORIK NO.: 70~23204 TITLE: Some Miocene Cldaridae (iebinoldea) trom Kenya AUTHOR(S): “Stephenson, D. G. SOURCE: J. Natur. Wat,” Vol. 2, No. 4, p. 869-508, tilua. DATE: 1968 SUBEILR: B DOCUMTINT TYPE: Serial JOURNAL ANNOUNCEMENT: 1970 LANGUAGH: Unspecified (U) NOTE: Systematic descriptions, Prionocidaris pracverticiiiata nm. sp., P. malindtonais n. sp., Phyllacanthas opiparus,.P. aff, dublus, KILLEL district MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: Kenya; #Echinoidea; Tertiary DESCRIPTORS: Paleontology; Miocene; Kil1f!; Cldarldac; Prionoetdaris mal indiensig; new species; Phyltacanthus dubius; Prionocidaris praeverticiliata; Phy!lacanthus opiparus SHCTION HEADINGS: 10 (Paleontology, Invertobrate) 00547920 GKORKI No. 70-14841 TITLE: Manganese Geeurrences in the vicinity of Kiwara, coast province, kenya AUTHORGS): — Mason, J.B. SOURCE: Kenya, Mines Geol. Dop., inform, Cire. No. 8, 18 p., illus. (inet. aketeh mapa) DATE: 1968 SUBRLLE: B DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial JOURNAL ANNOUNCEMENT: 1970 LANGUAGR: Eng] ish NOTE: Low-grade doposits, reserves, upper Karrvo systen MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: ¥Kenya; #Manganese; sMineval deposits; #genesis DESCRIPTORS: Keononic geology; Kivara; reserves; Paleozoic: Karroo Formation SECTION HEADINGS: 26 (Rconomic Geology, General & Mining) 00408449 GROREF.NO.: 66-04785-F TITLE: Kossil burrows on the coast of Kenya AUTHOR(S): Stephenson, D.-G. SOURCK: ‘Nature v. 207; no, 4999, p, 860-851, t1lus. DATE: 1965 SUBELLE: JOURNAL ANNOUNCEMENT: 1965 LANQUAGH: “English ABSTRACT: Burrows expoped as grooves on weathered vertical faces of Limestone resembling Pleistocene coquinas described in a report on. the geology of’ tho Malindl area, Kenya are similar to the deep burrows dug during neap tides’ on present-day beaches of the area by the ghost crab Ocypede kuhii, lending support to the proposed origin of the coquinas as offshore bars’on which dunes developed MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: Konya; *Paleontology; #Tracks and trails DESCRIPTORS: Burrows; Malind! area; Pleistocene: Quaternary: Plelstocene burrows Appendix-2L 00181726 GRORRK NO, : 62-05444-2 TITLE: Geology of the Hadu-Fund! tsa area, north of Matind|; degree sheets 61, $.K. quarter and 62, 5. W. quarter auTHoR(S): "Wil tiams, Le As J. SOURCE: Konya, Gool. Surv., Rept, no. 62, 62 pp., Iium. (incl. col, & maps 11126, 000) DATE: 1982 SUBIILIC: Ie SOURNAL ANNOUNCEMENT: 1963 LANGUAGE: Engl sh ABSTRACT: “‘With ‘the exception of two small occurrences of basic igneous rocks, the goologtoal succession embraces only poorly exposed sedimont#,which range in age from Recent. The oldest beds, comprising continental and lacustrine deposits, are correlated with middie and uppar members of the Duruma formation of the southern part of the coast, vhilo later formations. Include marine upper Jurassic rocks, richly fowsiliforous lower Miocene Iittoral. deposits and a varicty of Quaternary sediments.'* MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Geologsc maps; *Kenya; tJuraseic; *Mineral resources (general); «Quaternary; #Tertlary; #Triassic; Water supply DESCRIPTORS! Hadu-Fundi isa area;-Area) geology 00377685 GROREF No.: 69-01409-f TITLE: Goology and asbestos deposits of tho Taita hills, Kenya AUTHOR(S): Farquhar, Oswald Cornel) SOURCK: Kenya, Geol. Surv., Mem. no. 2, 110 pp., illus. (inel. cols g. map) DATE: 1960 SUBFILE: JOURNAL ANNOUNCEMENT: 1969 LANGUAGE: English ABSTRACT: Four 1ithologic units are represented in the Taita hilis=-Archean basement rocks; an intruaive ultramafic sulte consisting of subconcordant sills and sheets whone centers have been altered to serpentinites and the margins to zoned magnesian schists; younger pegmatites; and minor Quaternary deposits. Origin of the asbestos associated with the gerpentinites ia atiributed to local stress conditlona during transformation of peridotito into serpentinite. A description of the Makinyambu asbeatoa mine, by L. D. Sanders, ‘Is appended. MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: -#Asbestos; #Kenya: *Geolozic maps; Metamorphic rocks: ‘aMineral deposits; ¢origin; 4Petragenesis; *Precanbrian DESCRIPTORS: Taita hills; Makinyambu asbestos mine area; Areal geology: Economle geology 00368969. GHOREF No.: 62~05863-K TITLE: Geology of the area south of the Taita hills; degree sheet 66, 8.W. quarter and parts of degree sheet 65, N.W. quarter and degree sheet 6a, NW. quarter AUTHOR(S)! — Walsh, 3. SOURCE: Kenya, Geol. Surv., Rept, | no. 49, 26 pp., I2lus. (inl. ool. a. map 1:125,000) DATE: 1960 SUBRILR: JOURNAL ANNOUNCIMEN' LANGUAGE: English ANSTRACT: For the most part the area south of the Taita hills is covered by Plolatocene and Recent deposits, matnly sandy aolls and secondary surface Limesiones Ckunkar). Mapping of outcrops in isolated hills has shown that bedrock comprises metamorphosed basement rocks, mainly paragneisses derived from psanmites, widely developed crystalline limestones. and locally developed graphitic rocks, In the southeast the basement Is intruded by @ major metadoleritic mass. The petrography of the various basenent rock types, data on the motamorphism, granitization, and atructire of the basement, and the economic possibilities of the area are summarized. MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Geologio maps; *Kenya; *Metanorphic rocks; #¥ineral resources (general) DESCRIPTORS: Taita hills area; south; Areal geology 1962 Appens 00844114 GROREF NO,: 60-05011-Ht TIME: A atudy of the movement: of groundwater In lava~covered country AUTHOR(S): Tompartey, Bornard Nicholas SOURCE: Overseas Geol, & Min, Ros, v, 8, no. 1, p. 37-62, Illus. Cinel. a sk. maps) DATE: 1960 SUDRILE: JOURNAL ANNOUNCRMEN' LANGUAGE: Eng) ish AUsTRACT: **The main features are doscribed of the Chyulu composite and multiple bagaltia voteana that lies In south-eastern Kenya, 40 ml les north-east of Kilimanjaro, and deductions are drawn regarding. the form and sizo of the groundwater reservott within the volcano. from which Monbsa is now supplied via the Mzima springs. The almost complete canalisation of the overflow of this groundwater reservoir into the Mzina Tocality ig sttributed to the configuration of the land surface buried beneath the voleanic rocks. ‘The absence of seasonai vartation in the discharge. of Mzima springs is believed to be due mainly to. the vestraining action of intersecting dykes within. the cone belt. Relationships observed between rainfall records and long-term variations In the discharge of small springs at the north-eastern fringe of the lava field are discussed, variations being attributed to crustal tilting vather than to eltmatic change.'? MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: #Ground water; #Kenya DESCRIPTORS: Mombasa area; lava terrat 1960 Water; ground and surface 00939958 GRONEF NO. : 60-00885-1 TITLE: The Mrima Ifill earbonatite, Coast province, Kenya (with dSscuseion) AUTHOR(S): Coetzee, G. 1.5 Kawards, C. B. SOURCE: Geol. Soc. 8. Airlea, Tr, ¥. 62, P. 979-997, Altus. (incl. 4. map 1:12,000) DATR: 1959 SUBPILE: B SOURNAL ANNOUNCEMENT: 1960 LANGUAGE. English AUSTRACT: "'Mrima hil} represents the carbonatite facies of a post-Karroo ‘alkaline: province on the Kenya coast. Four different. types of carbonatite which occur at Mrima are described and sone partial analyses of these rocks are given. The. geology and mincralogy of a large body of Iimonttic and kaolinitic rooks 1s described. These rocks are belleved to be weathered derivatives of carbonatites, non-calcareous igneous rocks and fenitised sediments. One chemical analysis and sone physical data are quoted for gorcetsxite, a phosphate mineral ‘prominent In the weathered rocks. . . . Nioblum-rich weathered rocks are considered to present a special example of the formation of a mineral occurrence by residual concentration through chemical weathering.'' MAJON DESCRIPTORS: #Geologic maps; #Kenya; *Petrology (general); Rock deseriptions Hrima hill area; Potrologs Carbonatite; Mrima hills 00299642 GROREM NO.: 68-01547-R TITLE: Silica banda snd serpentinite In the Talta hill AUTHOR(S): Farquhar, Oswald Cornel! SOURCE: Geol. Soe. Am., B. V. 69, nO. 12, pt. 2, p. 1862-1669 DATR: 1958 SUBR ILE: E DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract JOURNAL: ANNOUNCEMENT: 1968 LANGUAGK: Rng) ish MAJOR: DESCRIPTORS: #Kenya: #Motamorphic rocks; #8iliel fication DESCRIPTORS: Sillea bands-serpentinite; Taita hilis; silica bands~serpentini tes +» Kenya Cabs.) Appondix-23 00291967 GHORRH NO.: 67-05999-R TITLE! Geology of the Malindl area; explanation of degree sheets 66 N.l. quarter and 67 N.W. quarter AUTHOR(S):. = Thompson, A, 0. SOURCE: Kenya, Geol, Surv., Rept, no. 96, 68 pe., illus. Cinel. col. & map 1:125,000) DATE: 1956 SUBFILE: JOURNAL ANNOUNCEMENT: 1957 LANGUAGE: English ABSTRACT: ‘The Malindi area, southeastern Kenya, consiste topographically of @ coastal plain bounded on the. west by a plateau region. that grades (nto a discontinuous range of hills. The principal rocks are Triassic Sandatones and stltstones, Jurassic shales and Iimestones,.and Miocene to Recent sands and clays. Igneous dikes. of probable upper Miocene or, lower Pliocene age have been. identified as basanite and olivine: nephelintte, ‘The lend ore of the Vitengeni mine (now shut.down) ta a hypogene deposit of hydrothermal. origin in tho Triassic sediments. Other posaible economle materials are cinnabar, gypsum, black sands, and building stone. Stratigraphic data are given in detail, and the structure and geologic history of the area are discussed MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: Geologic mapa; +Kenya; Jurassic; +Lead; #Mineral (general); aQuaternary; sTertiary: #Trlassic Malind! area; Areas deser\bed 00290292 GRORKF NO.: 67-04198-F TITLE: Manganose deposits in Kenya AUTHOR(S): Pulfrey, William SOURCK: Int. Geol, Cong., 20th, Manganesa, Symp. t. 2, p. 197-203, sk. map DATE: 1986 SUBFILE: if SOURNAI, ANNOUNCEMENT: 1957 LANGUAGE: Unspecified (U) ABSTRACT: Only three manganese deposits of possible economic interest: have been discovered in Kenya. The ore of the Gilgil deposit consists of pyrolnsite with some psilomelane and ‘possibly some manganite, Impregnating Pleistocene dlatomite; tts origin maybe due to the activity of hot springs. In the Chonys digtrict woat of KI1sf1, the ore caps Kivara’ hill and a-smaller hill to tho southeast, and is considered: to be residual, At Mrina hill, the.ore occurs as residual boutders in fertuginous and aluginods earth, and overiles rocks containing niobtum minerals’ and mondzites MAJOR DESCRIPTORS: Kenya; #Manganese; *Minoral deposits; sorigin DESCRIPTORS: Keonomic geology 00280219 GEORKK NO. : §6+01024-B. TITLE: Geology of the Kilifl-Nazeras area, degree sheet 65, 8. K. quarter AUTHOR(S):

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