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Dedicated to the spirits and to the unknown forces which

surrounds us….
Hello! Welcome to Beyond Heaven a PDF and video project on series of effects
which relates to Saint and sinner divination form photos (Close up version) and
a living dead test which is suitable for stage, parlor and close-up acts.
Multiple methods are taught in this PDF.


Effect 1 (Basic effect Outline)

Living and Dead Test: stage, Parlor and close-up version
Even before the show starts you hand your spectator a picture in a photo
frame which is one half of a complete photo and an old newspaper article,
which acts as a prediction.
Then you hand the other spectator a stack of photos which are torn in half, and
the spectator is asked to deal the photos on table and based on his / her
intuition and they are to stop at any photo which in turn is the match for the
prediction which can be later confirmed form a newspaper article.
 Multiple methods taught for this.
 Impromptu
 Does not include multiple outs
 Customise to your own presentation style
 An added kicker at the end
 Brief Presentation included.
 Prediction can be read even before the effect starts.
Effects 2:
Saint and Sinner Divination:
You hand your spectator a set of 12 old photos and ask them with their
intuition, to divide the photos into two piles, after the separation with some
theatrical presentation and spectators justifications on - what they felt while
separating - you turn back all the pictures and they have been successfully
separated in to saints and sinners (which is written at the back of each photos).
 Only 12 cards used
 Anyone can hand the cards for examination.
 Nothing added or taken away
 Completely gimmick -less
 Provides a logical solution to a separation effect
Before I start explaining how it's done, I would like to tell how I came up with
I am inspired by Derren Brown and his effects and Living and Dead test has
always been an intriguing effect. One of the effects that intrigue me a lot is an
effect that is done with picture cards and an audience just with their intuition
separates the saints from the sinners or the living from the dead’s. Also there
are many magicians and mentalists who have some great take on this ever
young plot!!
I started coming up with few different ways to perform the same effect.
This PDF does not offer something revolutionary or ground breaking but it's a
collection of ideas put together that can be perfected by anyone who reads it, I
feel for mentalism or any creative art form sky can't be the limit there are
galaxies to deepen the searches.
So I welcome and appreciate any criticism about this PDF, I would like to jam
on even better ideas to perform the same effect.
You can connect me at –
The living dead test :
As far as the presentation goes I would like to outline a brief presentation
which I feel is good for both stage close up and parlour situations.
At the beginning of the effect the mentalist arrives to a stage with a Photo
frame in his hand which he hands to a spectator , and says to look at the photo
and to their surprise photo frame consist of a picture of a man and the rest half
of the picture is torn.
Now The Mentalist starts telling a story based on a real incident and hands
another participant a torn article from a newspaper of 1930(which obviously
will serve as a prediction which will be later opened at the end of the
performance or can be read beforehand) now the Mentalist asks person to
walk up on stage and hands them a bunch of photos face down which are half
and is evident that one of these pictures actually going to match with the
photo in the frame.
This is the basic outline of the effect in actual what is done is we are forcing a
photo from the stack that will match the prediction in the newspaper as well as
the picture in the frame.

We have provided the newspaper article and the pictures so that you can
take a printout and start performing the effect.

Explanation Link :
Please see the whole video for Bonus added section.
Saints and Sinners:
Mentalist Invites two willing spectators to a table or directly approaches a
table with people sitting on different sides. After formal introduction mentalist
proceeds to tell a story having few people across the globe of which six of
them have committed extreme sin in there lives and and six who have lead a
normal life in doing charity and good for people , after saying this, the
mentalist hands them few pictures of different men and women.
Ask the participant to hold those pictures and start dealing them into two
different piles as the participant deals slowly looking at each picture and going
through the emotions (make this part theatrically strong) .
Once the dealing is complete the magician gestures to any two pictures and
asks few random questions to the spectators like-
" what makes you put these two pictures on different piles" making the effect
more interesting with the surprising answers of the participant, the mentalist
then moves on to show the backs of the pictures one by one and that the
participants what their intuition has actually separated saints from the sinners

We have provided all the pictures so that you can take a printout.

Explanation Link :
Please see the whole video for Bonus added section.
After Thoughts:
Hope the readers have went through the Explanation section of how to do this
but i still feel there can be way more different ways to solve the logical
problem without compromising exact power strength of the effect , for me it's
about making a piece of mentalism deceptive by adding few different layers.
What makes a mentalism effect strong is disconnecting your participant from
the effect with the logical storytelling and making it experience for the
audience which they can cherish even going back home.

 Encyclopedia of impromptu magic Book by Martin Gardner
 Automata On the cards By Gary Jones , Chris Congreave and David
 202 Methods of Forcing Book by Book by Theodore Annemann
 Dee Chistopher an inspiration for me to come up with Saint and Sinner

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