Cessna172 Checklists PDF

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Cessna172 Checklists.

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Cessna 172 PreflightCessna 172 In Flight compartir.
Preflight Inspection Alternator belt
Air intake
Flaps Up
Cruise Detalles
Cockpit Carburetor air filter Check Ammeter Check
Pitch Set Ahora puedes enviar archivos a
Throttle As required
1 Aircraft docs (ARROW) Check Landing lights Check Heading Indicator Set
Slack oÚltima
presentarlos con Zoom
Weight & Balance Check Nosewheel strut & tire Check ATIS/AWOS/ASOS Obtain
Trim Set modificación
Parking Brake Set Mixture Adjust
Nose-Tie down Altimeter
Control wheel lock Remove Static source opening
Check Autopilot
Engage Pre-landing checklist sin salir20/12/2016
de Dropbox.19:30
Hobbs/Tach Check/Remove Flight Controls Move Against AP Fuel selector
Left Wing On
Ignition Off
Wing tie-down Disconnect
Autopilot Disconnect (Sound) Mixture Rich Ver versiones anteriores
Avionics Power Switch
Master Switch
On Aileron Free and Secure
Departure &Taxi Clrnce Contact Carb Heat On Cerrar
Before Takeoff Seatbelts Fastened
Fuel quantity indicators Check Flaps Secure
Pitot Heat On Main wheel tire Inflated/Cond Parking brake Set Approach Tamaño
Avionics Master Switch On Brakes Not Leaking Cabin doors Closed & Locked Flight instruments Ckd & Set
2 Avionics Cooling Fan Audible Fuel tank vent open Check Seats, belts Adjust & Lock Radios Checked 38.76 KB
Avionics Master Switch Off Fuel tank sump Sample Flight controls Free & Correct ATIS Checked
Static Pressure AltSrc Valve Off Fuel Quantity Check Instruments (4) Set Carb Heat On (Out)
Fuel Filler cap Fuel Quantity
Annunciator Panel Switch Test
Pitot tube
Fuel Shutoff Valve
Check Mixture Rich Ver todos los datos
Annunciator’s Illuminate Check Uncover and Check On Landing light On
Annunciator Panel Switch Off Stall warning Check Mixture Rich (IN) Airspeed 65-75 KIAS (Flaps Up)
Flaps Extend Landing/Taxi Light(s) Clean/Cond Fuel Selector Valve Both 60-70 KIAS (FlapsDn)
Before starting engine Elevator Trim Set for TAKEOFF
Pitot Heat Off After landing
Master Switch Off Throttle 1800 rpm
Pitot Tube Test for Heat
Preflight inspection
Passenger Briefing
Magnetos Check
Carb Heat
Cold (In)
Fuel shutoff valve On (In) Suction gage Check
Seats, belts Adjust & Lock Transponder Standby
Engine Instruments Check
Fuselage andEmpenage Doors Closed & Locked Landing light Off
Baggage Door Closed & Locked Brakes Test & Set
Ammeter Check
Nadie trabajó en este archivo en los últimos tres
Mixture Set for Density Alt
Rivets Check Circuit breakers Check In
Carb heat
Rudder Gust Lock Remove Electrical Equip/Autopilot Off
Annunciator Panel
On Avionics Off meses.
Clear Electrical Off
Tail Tie-Down Disconnect Avionics Power Switch Off
Throttle 1000 rpm Throttle 1000 RPM
Control surfaces Free & Secure Fuel Selector Valve Both
Throttle Friction Lock Adjust Mixture Cut-off
Trim Tab Check Security Fuel shutoff valve On (In)
Strobe Lights On Ignition switch Off
Antennas Check Security Starting Engine Radios/Avionics Set Master switch Off
Right wing Throttle Open 1/4 inch Autopilot
0 Securing the aircraft
Wing tie-down Disconnect Mixture Rich (IN) Flaps Set for Takeoff (0 -10 )
Parking Brake Control Lock Install
Aileron Free and Secure Carb heat Cold (IN) Release
Windows Hobbs/Tach Record
Flaps Secure Prime As required; locked Closed
Door/Window Secure
Main wheel tire Inflated/Cond Aux Fuel Pump On Takeoff Tie-downs Secure
Brakes Not Leaking Propeller area Clear
Flaps Up
Fuel tank sump Master Switch On
Beacon On
Carb heat Cold (In) CommFreq
Fuel Quantity Check Transponder Altitude
Fuel Filler cap Secure Ignition Start
Trim set for TAKEOFF ATIS
Throttle Adjust 1000 rpm
Nose Throttle Full

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