Micro Structure Examination: Id. Mark / Ht. No. Size Etchant Magnification Location

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Test Method : ASTM E 112 /ASTM E3 /ASTM E470 / IS 4748 / ASM Vol.9 /IS 7754:1975,
ASTM A 247 , IS 1865

Format No.: SE/F/104

Sample ID/SRAF No. : _____________________________ Date : ____________________

Subject : _____________________________________ Stamped By : ________________

Material : ___________________

Id. Mark / Ht. No. :

Size :

Etchant :

Magnification :

Location :


Remarks :

Test Witnessed by Tested by :

Checked By

Name of L abor a t or y : Sh a br i E n t er pr is es
Document No.: SE/F/104 Doc u men t MI CRO S T RUCT URE EX A MI N A TI O N

Issue No.: 01 I ss u e Da t e: 0 2/ 0 2/ 2 01 9 Pr epa r ed& Is su ed Page 1 of 1

By :Q .M Reviewed & Approved by: L.D
Amend No.: 00 Amend Date: --

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