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OF B.Ed. 4th YEAR

Tribhuwan University
Mahendra Multiple Campus
Faculty of Education
Dharan-10, Sunsari

In the partial fulfillment for Bachelor's Degree of Education in teaching practices, (Ed. 440)

Sanam Rai
Exam Roll no:
Academic Year:
Level: B.Ed. 4 th Year
This report is a documentation of my learning during my regular class of B.Ed. 4th
year on the course Practice Teaching (440). It reports my activities I did as a
practitioner of English Language teaching (ELT) at Mahendra Multiple Campus,
Dharan and Shree Panchayat Basic School,Dharan-16. I acknowledge the
personalities whom gave support and courage my tasks and report.
First of all, I woult like to express my sincere gratitude to my subject teacher and
supervisor Mr. Nirajan Rai, teaching assistant at Mahendra for his continuous
effort to facilitate me in my learning during the class teaching and beyond. I
would like to acknowledge him for his invaluable instructions and guidance to
complete the course and given tasks in time.
I am grateful to Mrs. Indira Rai, teaching assistant at the MMC for her occasional
but valuable guidance as per my requirement to fix the problem I had in course of
report writing.
I am indebted to Mr. Yamnath Baral, assistant professor at the MMC for his kind
co-ordination and inspiration to complete my teaching practice lessons from the
I owe to Mr. Mohan Tumbahang, external supervisor for his constructive
comments and input to improve my teaching strategies along with my report
I am indebted to Mr-- subject teacher of Shree Panchayat Basic School for their
support to conduct my teaching in favourable environment. I am thankful to all
the staffs of the school for providing me necessary data I asked.
Lastly, I owe my friends for their co-operation in learning and my family members
without their support my efforts would not have been completed.

Sanam Rai

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S.N Abbreviated Words Full Forms

1 B.Ed. Bachelor's Degree in Education
2 TU Tribhuwan University
3 etc etcetera
4 i.e. That is
5 B.S. Bikram Sambat

7 MMC Mahendra Multiple Campus


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This report entitled "An Overall Report Writing of Teaching Practice of B.Ed 4 th
year" is the reflection of the practice teaching course done by the student of
Mahendra Multiple Campus (MMC) Dharan which is implemented by TU in B.Ed.
4th year. It documented the serial activities performed by a student from the
micro teaching to school during on academic course. it presents compiled
experiences of a student which he/she had got in course of teaching learning. This
report is organized in ten chapters. First chapter presents its introduction with
background and objectives of the report along with methodology adapted while
preparing this report. Chapter two deals with analysis of operational calendar and
other instructional plans. Likewise, Chapter three and four deals with reflection of
micro teaching and peer teaching respectively. Chapter five presents the report of
school teaching based on experiences of the practitioner. Chapter six presents the
analysis of textbook. Chapter seven deals with construction, administration and
analysis of test and interpretation of test results. Chapter eight presents the
analysis of school records. Chapter nine presents the overview of analysis of
extracurricular activities conducted during the school teaching. Chapter ten
presents conclusion and recommendation followed by references.

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Cover page
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Table of Content


1.1 Background of teaching practice of report writing 1
1.2 Objective of teaching practice of report writing 2
1.3 Methodology of teaching practice of report writing 3


2.1 Analysis of Operational Calendar 4
2.2 Analysis of Annual Work Plan
2.3 Analysis of Unit Plan 5
2.4 Analysis of Daily Routine
2.5 Analysis of Daily Lesson Plan 5

3.1 Introduction of Microteaching 7
3.2 Analysis of Microteaching


4.1 Introduction to Peer teaching 8
4.2 Analysis of Peer teaching



6.1 Analysis of Textbook 10


7.1 Construction of Question 11

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7.2 Administration of test 12
7.3 Analysis and Interpretation of Test


8.1 Historical background of School 13
8.2 Aims of School
8.3 Future Plans of School
8.4 Education Status of School
8.5 Physical Status of School
8.6 Analysis of rules and regulation of School
8.7 Strength and Weakness of School



10.1 Conclusion 20
10.2 Recommendation

Reference 21

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1.1 Background of teaching practice of report writing

For any student undergoing a professional course in education, teaching practice
is INEVITABLE. It is that aspect of the student-teacher's professional training
programme during which they is exposed to the real school and classroom
situation in order to help them develop their skills in the act of teaching. Teaching
practice is designed to give the student-teachers an opportunity to put into
practice, the theories relating to the principles and practice of education, which
they have learnt.
It is also a basic professional requirement, the un-fulfillment of which the student-
teacher cannot qualify as a teacher. It is therefore necessary that due attention is
given to it and its aims to teacher training achieved.
The student-teacher should not just go through the process of teaching practice,
teaching practice should also go through the student-teacher such that its aims
and objectives are achieved rather than defeated. The student-teacher is also
regarded as a part of the school system and thus expected to participate in all
teaching activities within the school system until the expiration of the exercise.
Teaching practice exposes the student-teacher to the real school and class
situation where he acquires some practical experiences in the art of teaching, as
well as get adapted or acquainted with the social settings of the institution.
This report is prepared based on the background of all teaching activities carried
out during teaching practice of B. Ed. 4th Year. This presented report of teaching
practice includes instructional plans, peer teaching, microteaching, school

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1.2 Objectives of teaching practice of Report writing
The Objectives of overall report writing are presented below:
 To analyze the instructional plans prepared during teaching practice
 To analyze peer teaching and micro teaching
 To analyze school record
 To analyze the extracurricular activities that was conducted during practice
 To analyze the textbook of related subject

1.3 Methodology of teaching practice of report writing

1.3.1 Sources of data:
During teaching practices, different primary and secondary sources
used by student teacher.

Primary Sources:
- Experimental forms, examination papers for student's evalution were used for
primary sources.
Secondary sources:
- Textbook, curriculum, teacher's instruction and previous reports were used as
secondary sources

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During the process of teaching practice it is necessary for the student teacher to
prepare the instructional plans which included operational calendar as well as
other instructional plans. So, the construction and analysis of the following
instructional plans are presented below:

2.1 Analysis of operational calendar

Operational Calendar is a yearly calendar prepared by the headmaster of school
with the help of other which includes the schedule of annual school activities.
School annual calendar is a representation of planning of school, which is
scheduled for whole year. It is a setting of exact school activities which can be
done according to appropriate time. During the academic year, school has
suppose to do many activities related with scholastic and co-scholastic. To make
all the activities possible, it is a need of planning. So annual calendar is a planning
for school to do all the school related programs in a particular time.

2.2 Analysis of annual work plan

The plan that is prepared by the subject teacher regarding his/her teacher subject
within a year is called annual work plan. It is a set of successive activities over a
period of one year, interconnected and which contribute to the same broader
aim. The objective of the annual work plan is to bring effectiveness in teaching
learning activities. The work plan gives instruction to the teacher for the work.
Teaching methods, teaching materials, general and specific, objectives of teaching
the subject etc. are included in this work plan.

2.3 Analysis of unit plan

The planning for the unit is known as ‘UNIT PLAN’ usually after the year plan, the
teacher plans the unit plan. So the year plan should therefore be ready before
one starts preparing the unit plan.
A Unit Plan follows similar format as the lesson plan, but cover an entire unit of
work for weeks, months or a semester. It is imperative to demonstrate the
principle objectives of a curriculum and how to exercise, assess and commence
sessions for students in different classes. Henceforth, Unit designs are frequently
utilized for making syllabus and instructional year plans. Unit Planning is a process
of systematically arranging subjects. Wikipedia defines it as a series of learning

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experiences that are linked to achieve the aims composed by methodology and
contents. In any case, it is appropriate to many or all teachers and the individuals
who assume the administrative position and is viable for a semester .

2.4 Analysis of daily routine

The routine is schedule of the school teachers which is prepared by the head
teacher of the school. This routine is made to provide convenience to the
teachers in their learning process.
We can classified in different ways for Daily routine, according to the list teacher
or subject. it includes the time of each period and determines the time when the
tiffin is, when the school starts and ends.

2.5 Analysis of lesson plan

A lesson plan refers to a teacher’s plan for a particular lesson. Here, a teacher
must plan what they want to teach students, why a topic is being covered and
decide how to deliver a lecture. Learning objectives, learning activities and
assessments are all included in a lesson plan
A lesson plan is a teacher’s daily guide for what students need to learn, how it will
be taught, and how learning will be measured. Lesson plans help teachers be
more effective in the classroom by providing a detailed outline to follow each
class period.
The most effective lesson plans have six key parts:
 Lesson Objectives
 Related Requirements
 Lesson Materials
 Lesson Procedure
 Assessment Method
 Lesson Reflection

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3.1 Introduction to micro-teaching
Micro-teaching is a teacher training and faculty development technique whereby
the teacher reviews a recording of a teaching session, in order to get constructive
feedback from peers and/or students about what has worked and what
improvements can be made to their teaching technique. Micro-teaching was
invented in 1963 at Stanford University by Dwight W. Allen, and has subsequently
been used to develop educators in all forms of education.
Micro teaching is a proven method so you can micro teach to the best of your
abilities and ultimately drive better learning results. Simply put, micro teaching
involves scaling back the lesson material so that any given team member can
absorb what’s being taught in small bursts. This method is a popular one not
only because of the brevity of lessons, but because micro-learning has also
proven to help convert short-term memory to long term, meaning that
delivering learning material in bite-sized chunks can be incredibly effective, if
not the most effective form of learning.

3.2 Analysis of micro-teaching

Micro-teaching helps the student teacher to develop the habit of teaching in the
class. It provides opportunities to the students teacher to present their ideas and
skills on how they present their subject matter within the limited time. I have
prepared for 15 lesson plan of English subject of grade-9 for microteaching where
10 were taught in the class where I was performing in the duty of a teacher and
the other student teacher as students. Two of the chapters taught by me were
observed by other student teacher during my practice teaching.

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4.1 Introduction to peer teaching
Peer teaching is one of the best ways to master a particular subject. It is a method of
teaching, where a student instructs another student, wherein the former will be an
expert and the latter a novice.
This paves the learner student to learn without depending upon the teacher, and the
teacher-student to revise the topic again, on the belief that “To teach is to learn
Through the direct interaction between students, peer teaching promotes active
learning as well as participation within themselves. Student teachers enhance their
own depth of knowledge in the topic by instructing others
Peer Teaching involves direct interaction between the learner student and the
teacher-student, this will help them to promote the active learning along with
interpersonal skills, with which they can actually bid adieu to the so-called boring
lectures and classes.
4.2 Analysis of peer teaching
The peer teaching was done for 40 days within the college. I have prepared 15
lesson plans of English Subject of grade-nine. Ten lesson plans were taught in the
class room in form of the pee student teacher where two of the lesson plans were
observed by the peer students teachers while teaching in the class. A set of
question paper was also prepared after the teaching. The question paper included
MCQ items of 5 marks, True & False items of 5 marks, Short Questions of 25
marks and Long Question of 50 marks. Each and every question was in 5 number.
The marking schemes of the questions were also prepared in peer teaching.

The main aim of teaching practice was to go to one of the school selected by the
office administration of campus and teach the students. Shree Panchakanya Basic
School, (Dharan-16) provided us the opportunity to do out teaching practice. I got
a different experience while teaching in the school and I am really thankful to
subject teacher who provided me the opportunities to take over his class.
The teaching practice is done in the selected school after all the teaching practice
are done in campus. The teaching practice was done for 20days where I taught
there for 15days. I prepared the lesson plans which are essential in teaching
practice. The classes i was given there was class 8. I prepared the lesson plans of
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given classes from 2077/1/11 to 2077/20/2. The classes I was given was in 2nd
period. I use some teaching materials which came out to be helpful to me in my
teaching practice.
I prepared subjective and objective question of 25marks and conducted test in
own period. I published result of the test on the very next day. i analyzed the test
result. I prepared school report as it was the part of teaching practice and
organized one extra-curricular activity in school in a group.


Curriculum and Text-Book are important port of teaching learning activities. The
students teacher has to analyze either curriculum or text-book of the subject of
any class from (6-10) six to ten. So, the analyze of text book that I have taught in
the school is presented below based on the following features:
6.1 Analysis of text-book
Textbook analysis is the systematic analysis of the text materials including the
structure, the focus, and special learning assists . It is accepted worldwide that
mathematics and science textbooks have a major influence on classroom practice
(Valverde et al., 2002). Textbooks are important tools for the promotion of
specific types of curricula. They are organized in a purposeful way, and
consequently their content and structure are very important for the promotion of
a specific vision of a curriculum.

I analyzed the English book grade-8 that I have taught to students during my
teaching practice. The English subject of class-8 has different features and
qualities which provides adequate knowledge to the students.
The text book is analyzed on the basis of different features. The text book is firstly
analyzed on the basis of is interior and exterior look. The text book is dependent
on child psychology which gives many interesting knowledge to the students. It
also contains different activities to be done for students which make students
interesting in reading the book. The text book doesn't offend any cast, culture,
sex, political or geographical diversity. The text book provide different example

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which makes the students easy to understand. The evaluation an the objectives
are set up according to the activities taught. The teaching materials are used
according to the need of the chapters and the text book is useful equally to the
students as for the teacher. The text book also contained physical and educational
features and is equally related to the child friendly study.
As I analyzed the text book, I find the book satisfied as it included all the features
that a book requires during the teaching learning activities.


After the completion of teaching practice, it was necessary to evalute the

students. So, for the evaluation of the students it was necessary to conduct an
examination. The student teacher were made to prepare a question paper for the
examination through which they can evaluate the students.

7.1 Construction of Question

During teaching practice the student teachers have to prepare a question on the
basis of lesson that were taught by the student teacher during teaching practice.
The question prepared were two types i.e. subjective and objective questions.
The answer keys for objective questions were prepared and the making schemes
for subjective questions were prepared. The question were prepared for both
peer teaching and school teaching. The number of questions determined for the
subjective and objective questions during peer teaching and school teaching are
presented blow:
S.N Types of Question Peer School Teaching
1 Subjective Questions
Long answer question 5 7
Short answer question 5 5
Very short question 5 2

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2 Objective Questions
Multiple Choice items (MCQ) 5
True & False question 5 4
Fill in the blanks 5 3
Matching items 1 (set) 1 (set)

7.2 Administration of test

The student teacher should have the knowledge of conducting the test and
he/she should know how the administration of the test is done. While preparing a
question for the test, the question should include the name of subject, which
class the subject belongs to, how much time is marked for exam and what are full
marks and pass marks of the exam. Likewise, I too prepared a question paper
which included all the subject matters above and then I prepared the questions
according to the format using subjective and objective questions. The question
papers were set on the basis of the students grade level. I prepared enough
question papers for all the students in the class. I managed the sitting
arrangement of the students so that, the students could write exam in suitable
and peaceful environment.

7.3 Analysis and interpretation of test

After the completion of the preparation of the test. The students are made to
take the test and the students teachers should check the answer sheet of the
students. The answer sheet of the students should be checked on the basis of the
marking scheme prepared by the teacher while constructing the question. The
examination I conducted was of English subject of grade 8. I analyzed the answer
paper using the marking scored using ranking and scoring method. The student
with highest mark was Sumana Magar and the lowest student with lowest marks
was Amit Limbu. Out of 20 students 20 students passed the test.

The result of the test shows that the students who passed the test were more in
number that the students who failed the test as the questions of the test were
prepared on the basis of the chapters that were taught in the classroom during
teaching practice. Since, the teaching practice was done for short period the
questions were prepared in an easy way. Therefore, most of the students were
able to pass the test.

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During the practice teaching, we went to Shree Panchakanya Basic School for our
teaching practice. After the completion of our teaching practice, it is necessary to
analyze the school on the basis of different factors. So, the analysis of school
records are presented below:

8.1 Historical background of School

Shree Panchakanya Higher Secondary School is situated in Dharan-16, Dharan city
which is aslo called blue city of Sunsari district of province no.1 . Accorind to the
school record---------

8.2 Aims of School

The aims of Shree Panchakanya Higher Secondary School are presented below:
 To provide quality education to the students
 To maintain peace and harmony at school
 To create good relationship among students and teachers at school
 To provide healthy environment for teaching learning activities
8.3 Future plans of School
The School has made some of plans for the future which can be helpful to
increase the educational quality. The future plans are mentioned below:
 To provide free educational service to the students
 To provide the all sport facilities to the students
 To provide the service of E-learning to the students
8.4 Educational status of School
The educational status of Shree Panchakanya Basic School is satisfying. it is
providing education to the students from 1-8. As school is the place were
students gather different ethnicity and different geographical region. The school
has 70 students in total from class 1 to 8.

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8.5 Physical status of School
Physical structure of school also plays vital role in coneviencing the students to
admit in the school. So, the necessary for a school to have good physical status.
Likewise, the physical status of Shree Panchakanya Basic School are presented
Particulars Quantity
School buildings 4
Classroom 15
Toilet 3
Drinking water tap 1
Playground 1
Computer lab 1
Library 1

Staffroom 1
Desk, Bench & Table 80
Wall rack 5
Principle room 1
Other materials 20

8.6 Analyzing the rules and regulation of school

School always runs on rules and regulations. There are some certain rules that
should be followed by students on school. Shree Panchakanya Basic School has
also prepared a list of some rules and regulations for both teachers and students.
The rules & regulations should be followed by all the students and teacher. Some
rules like students entering the school the area within 10 am, teachers entering
the class on time, providing homework to the students etc., are some of the rules
and regulations are being followed quiet obediently. The teachers are maintaining
the time and the students are also following the rules and regulations. The
students at lower secondary level had duty of taking care of students of primary
level and the rules for maintaining discipline which followed in school area.

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8.8 Strengths & weakness of school
Every school has some strength and some weakness. Likewise, Shree
Panchakanya Basic has some strength and some weakness which are presented
 Strength
 Toilet & Bathroom facilities
 Supply of safe drinking water
 Proper management of computer lab
 Free educational service to secondary level students
 Management of school committee and proper conduction of different
program and sports
 Proper functioning of administration and rules followed by the students
 Weakness
o Lack of management of Library
o Lack of management of playground
o Lack of management of E-learning room
o Lack of adequate materials

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During the process of teaching practice, it is necessary to conduct a curricular

activity in the school where we went for teaching practice. And after the
condition of curricular activity, the activity should be analyzed by the student
teacher. As a student teacher we students of Mahendra Multiple Campus also
conducted quiz contest as an extracurricular activity on the date of 2076/10/ 9 on

The program was succeeded under the chairmanship of __Rai. The chief guest of
the program was Mr.___ and place of special guest was seated by Mr. Dev. All the
presented teachers were seated as guest. The duty as a host to conduct the
programming was given to one of the student taacher whose name was Sony
tamang. Student teacher Maya Rai as a time keeper and Puspa Thebe as a score
keeper were selected, special guest and other guest with khada. Theere were 18
participants in total, 8 students from each class were selected from the classes of
5 of 8. The students were divided into 6 groups. The lists of participants are
presented below:
Group Name of participants Class
Group A Kamana Rai
Alisha Limbu
Amrit Magar
Group B Karuna Magar
Nunam Limbu
Anjan Limbu
Group C Nitu Pariyar
Raj Shrestha
Jivan Rai
Group D Anup Majhi
Anita Magar
Raju Rai
Group E A
Group F

There were 60 questions in total 10 questions or each group. The group list of the
winners in the competition are presented below:
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Position Group Score

After the declaration of the winners, Mr. Rai gave a speech program and our
teaching practice and along with the chairperson they distributed prize to the
first, second and third position holder groups. The student techachers of
Mahendra Multiple Campus gifted ___as a token of love to the school;;;;;;;;. The
program was ended after the declaration of program to be finished by the
chairperson of the program Miss ___ .

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10.1 Conclusion
The conclusion of overall report writing is presented below:
 it provides knowledge and skills on teaching to student teacher
 taught student teacher to prepare work plans and lesson plans
 it provides knowledge to construct, analyze and interpret the question
 knew about microteaching and peer teaching, brought into practice and
analyze it finally
 analyzed the schools records including its historical background to its
strengths and weakness
 concluded and analyzed the extracurricular activities
 evaluated the student using different test method at class during teaching
 obtained the objectives that was determined during teaching practice.

10.2 Recommendation
Some recommendations provided after the completion of overall report writing
are presented below:
 The time for microteaching should be extended
 Peer teaching should be done only among friends so that, the student
teacher can feel at ease in front of their peer.
 The student teachers should be provided feedback in the right time and in
the right way

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Joshi B. Raj, Joshi L.M, Dhungana Parbati (2016) "English Bok" Janak Education
Materials Centre Ltd, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.

Shrestha Bishal, Pokhrel M.K, Maskey Ashish, Kark B.s. Kadga (2073) "Teaching
Mannual" teaching practice committee, Dharan,Nepal.
Tamang Sony, Rai Jiten, (2075) "Overall Report of Teaching Practice",Mahendra
Multiple Campus, Dharan, Nepal.

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