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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
S.Y. 2020-2021
Grade Level: Grade 12 Week: Week 1
Strand : EIM Quarter: Quarter 1
Adviser: CRISTINA V. MAQUINTO Date: October 05-09, 2020

Time & Day Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Area Competency

8:00-9:00 Wake up, get up from bed, and get ready for an awesome day

9:00-9:30 Have a short exercise/meditation/bonding with family

Monday Contemporary The learner 1.1 Read “What I need 1. Subject notebook
9:30- 11:30 Philippine Arts describes various to know” to know the assigned. Marked each
S.M. From The contemporary art learning objectives of the activity and include pages
GANANCIAL Region forms and their lesson (e.g. Activity 1 -”What I
practices from the 1.2. Answer “What I know”- Page 5). (MDL)
various regions know” pg. 1 to access
prior knowledge on 2. All answers must be
integrative art as applied handwritten (Make sure
to contemporary art. your penmanship is
1.3. Read “What’s in” to readable) (MDL)
know the different
artworks of the region 3. Have your
and what is art. (Pages 2 parent/guardian hand-in
-8) your output to the school.
1.4 Answer “What’s (MDL)
more” to identify your
1.5. Answer “What I
have learned”.
1.6.Answer “What I can
7. Answer “Assessment”
and “Additional


1:00-3:00 Introduction to 1.1. Distinguish a 1. Answer “What I Write your answer in the
N.R. LAMANO the holistic perspective know?” page 4 of your Activity Sheet (AS) and put
Philosophy of from a partial point of module. them in a long brown
the Human view. 2. Study “What’s In” envelope for your parent’s
Person 1.2. Realize the value page 4 and "What is it" submission on the
of doing philosophy page 6. scheduled day/date.
in obtaining a broad 3. Answer “What I
perspective on life. Know?” page 7. Do your weekly output/
1.3. Do a 4. Study “What’s In” product for your parent’s
philosophical page 8. submission on the
reflection on a 5. Answer “What I know” scheduled day/date.
concrete situation page 9.
from a holistic 6. Study “What’s In”
perspective. page 10 and “What is
it?” page 11 then
answer, “What’s New?”
page 11.
7. Study “What’s In”
page 14 then answer
“What’s New?” page
15.Reflect on “What is
it?” and answer “What’s
More” page 16 and
“What I Have Learned”
page 17.
8. Answer “Assessment
page 19. Write your
answers on a Short
Bond paper.

Tuesday Physical 1.Explains how to Accomplish the following 1.Write all your answers in a
9:30-11:30 Education & optimize the energy activities: yellow pad paper.
J.A. Health systems for safe and 1. Let’s Read! 2. all answers must be
SALVADORA improved 1. Let’s Explore This! handwritten.
performance 2. Let’s Do This! 3.Have the parent hand-in
2.Explains the role of 3. Let’s Enhance This! the output to the teacher in
physical activity in 4. Let’s Reflect! school (MDL)
managing one’s in your Learning Activity
stress Sheet (LAS)pages 1-
3. Sets FITT goals 6(Week 1) within the
based on training time/day prescribed
principles to achieve completely and neatly as
and/or maintain HRF. possible.
4. Self-Assesses
Fitness (HRF) status,
barriers to physical
activity assessment
participation and
one’s diet.


1:00-3:00 English for Differentiate 1.Answer ‘What I Know” 1. Answers must be written
K.A. Academic and language used in and “What is it?” on a short bond paper and
BATONERO Professional academic texts from 2.Do the activities after compiled on a short white
Purposes various disciplines. reading Academic Texts. folder;
3.Answer “What else can 2. all answers must be
Uses knowledge of I do?” and “What I have handwritten(please make
text structure to glean learned?” sure your penmanship is
the information 4.Answer “What can I readable); and;
he/she needs. do?” 3. have your
5.Answer “What is parent/guardian hand-in
New?” and “What I your output to the school.
know?” (MDL)
6.Answer “What is
more?” and “What can I
7.Answer “What else can
I do?” and “What have I
8.Answer “What I can

Wednesday Understanding Discuss the nature, 1. Students will read and 1. Write your answers
9:30-11:30 Culture, goals, and answer Learning ONLY on a UCSP
M.L.V. perspectives in/of Tasks 1 & 2 on page SUBJECT NOTEBOOK
DEMONTEVER Society, & anthropology, 2 - 3 of the UCSP and label it properly with
DE Politics sociology and Learner’s Manual. DATE & WEEK
political science* 2. Students will read NUMBER as “Learning
“What is it” on page 4 Task 1” “Learning Task
– 6 of the UCSP 2” and so on.
Learner’s Manual.
3. Do Learning Task 3 & 2. All answers must be
4 on page 7 of the HANDWRITTEN
UCSP Learner’s
Manual. 3. Have your
4. Do Learning Tasks 5 parent/guardian hand-in
& 6 on page 8 of the your output to the school.
UCSP Learner’s (MDL)
5. Answer the
Assessment on page
8 - 9 of the UCSP
Learner’s Manual.


1:00-3:00 Practical 1. define what 1.Answer the 1.Write your answer on a

C.J. BOBILES Research 2 quantitative research assessment in :”What I short typewriting marked as
is; know” in your SLM. “Activity on The Nature of
2. compare and 2. Read and analyze the Research” and file them on
contrast qualitative different definitions of a short folder
and quantitative research cited. 2. all answers must be
research based on 3. Compare quantitative handwritten
criteria and research from qualitative 3. have your
standards; and research. parent/guardian hand-in
3. identify the 4. Describe the your output to the
characteristics, characteristics of school.(MDL)
strengths, and quantitative research,
weaknesses of strengths, and
quantitative research weaknesses.
5. Answer “What’s More”
activity 1,2,3

Thursday Electrical 1. Select appropriate 1.Answer the 1. Answers must be written

9:30-11:30 Installation electrical tools, assessment in :”What I on a short bond paper and
L.A.D. and equipment and know” in your SLM. compiled on a short white
SAN JUAN Maintenance materials for specific 2. Read and analyze the folder.
tasks different definitions of
LAD San Juan electrical tools, 2. all answers must be
equipment and materials handwritten(please make
for specific tasks sure your penmanship is
4. Identify and select readable); and;
appropriate electrical
tools, equipment and 3. have your
materials for specific parent/guardian hand-in
tasks . your output to the school.
5. Answer “What’s More” (MDL)
in your SLM


Thursday Electrical 2.Select appropriate 1.Answer the 1. Answers must be written

1:00-3:00 Installation electrical tools, assessment in :”What I on a short bond paper and
L.A.D. and equipment and know” in your SLM. compiled on a short white
SAN JUAN Maintenance materials for specific 2. Read and analyze the folder;
tasks different definitions of 2. all answers must be
LAD San Juan electrical tools, handwritten(please make
equipment and sure your penmanship is
materials. readable); and;
4. Identify and select 3. have your
appropriate electrical parent/guardian hand-in
tools, equipment and your output to the school.
materials for specific (MDL)
tasks .
5. Answer “What’s More”
in your SLM

Friday Self-Assessment Tasks, Portfolio Preparation, e.g., Reflective Journal, Other Learning Area
9:30-11:30 Tasks for Inclusive Education


1:00-3:00 Self-Assessment Tasks, Portfolio Preparation, e.g., Reflective Journal, Other Learning Area
Tasks for Inclusive Education

3:00 onwards FAMILY TIME

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher II Grade 12 Coordinator

Noted by:


Principal II

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