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The Research Process 2.

finding a research mentor and other

Conceptualizing a Research Study collaborator;
3. considering methodology and study
Conceptualizing a Research Study design; and
Conceptualization is the process of refining the 4. assessing feasibility
important concepts and terms by giving them
conceptual or theoretical definitions. (Jain, Lindley & Rosen, 2013)

At the end of this, the students are expected to:

Conceptualize a research study;
Write a research title that describes what the Research Topics:
study is all about; The first step in research is identifying a topic. It
Write the statement of the problem; defines the area of research. They are not the
Write an appropriate background of the study; same as the title of the research study.
Identify the independent and dependent
variables; and Conceptualizing would include:
Formulate the hypothesis.
Finding your focus
Research Process: What are the gaps in the literature?
The research process has three (3) phases: Where to start?
a. Conceptual Phase Refining research topics
b. Empirical Phase Questions to ask yourself
c. Interpretative Phase
Conceptualizing would include:
- the process that determines which questions Finding your focus
are to be addressed by the research and how a. which aspect of your discipline
research procedures are to be used as tools in interest you most?
finding the answers to these questions. b. what have you observed that you have
questions about?
- involves bringing together several c. what articles have you read that you
considerations to identify a good research idea. have raised questions in your mind?
- is guided by the theoretical framework,
research perspectives or approach in the research What are the gaps in the literature?
study. a. By topic (what is not being looked
CONCEPTUALIZATION b. Methods (what is not being done?)
c. Populations (who is not being
- involves bringing together several d. Comparison (who is not being
considerations to identify a good compared?)
research idea.
Where to start?
a. Read
Components: b. Detailed literature searches
1. conducting a thorough search of the c. attend seminars, conferences and
peer-reviewed literature; presentations
d. discusses subject area with peers • Are innovative – not replications of existing
e. Listen and ask questions literature reviews

Conceptualizing (continue…) RESEARCH PROBLEM AND

Refining research topics
a. Discuss with fellow researchers By and large, majority of the thesis
b. Discuss with stakeholders writers and neophytes in research find difficulty
c. Assess what is most critical to learn in searching for a research problem. Once a
d. Assess research sources available problem is found, they still find difficulty in
formulating specific problems and objectives.
Questions to ask yourself? Sometimes, they do not see that a simple
a. Is this good idea question may actually be a research problem
b. who cares? stated in an interrogative form.
c. Can it be addressed using approach They are misled into thinking that
research methods? research objectives are the same as instructional
d. Will it stimulate interest by others and objectives.
the sponsors?
e. Is it feasible/practical/doable? The Research Problem
f. Is it fundable? There are five factors to consider to determine
whether that a problem is researchable or not:
Characteristics of an Ideal Topic 1. The problem is existing in the locality or
The subject should be timely. country but no known solution to the problem.
Your work should lead to a well-defined set of 2. The solution can be answered by using
results to which you can lay claim. statistical methods and techniques.
The best research topic shows a high level of
creativity - and are often somewhat speculative.
It is often unclear at first how the ideas will 3. There are probable solutions but they are not
develop. yet tested.
You should really enjoy the subject, and want to 4. The occurrence of phenomena requires
spend the next several years with it. scientific investigation to arrive at precise
5. Serious needs/problems of the people where it
Concept Mapping demands research.
A structure approach that groups can use to map
out organize their ideas on any topic. Characteristics of a Research Problem
Whether a research problem is
Good Maps historical, descriptive, experimental or case
study, the characteristic of a research problem
• Start with the topic must be S.M.A.R.T.
• Include all important concepts/ theories S – specific
• Break down concepts/ theories broadly and M – measurable
deeply A – achievable
• Show relationships among bubbles R – realistic
• Include relevant works T – time bound
• Show gaps
- The problem should be - though replicability in
specifically stated. conducting research is allowed, it is advisable
MEASURABLE that a research problem is something original
- it is easy to measure by using and unique to attract the attention of the people.
research instruments, apparatus or equipment. 3. COST-EFFECTIVE
ACHIEVABLE - a good research problem
- the data are achievable using should be economical and effective in solving
correct statistical tools to arrive at precise result. the needs and problems of the society.
- real results are attained PROBLEMS OF THE PEOPLE.
because they are gathered scientifically and not - researches must keep in mind
manipulated. that they conduct research not for their personal
aggrandizement but to solve the needs and
problems of the people.
- time frame is required in every 5.RELEVANT TO GOVERNMENT’S
activity because of shorter completion of the THRUSTS
activity. - a research problem must respond to the
government’s thrusts.
Sources of Research Problem MEASURABLE AND TIME-BOUND
There are several sources of research - a good research problem is measurable by
problem that a researcher can investigate. using research instruments and equipment as
It is said that: well as statistical tools to arrive at scientific and
“Research was born out of man’s meaning results. A research problem can be
problems and man’s major problem demands completed within a time frame stated. The
research.” shorter the completion of the project, the better.

(Good and Scates, 1972) The Research Objectives

The investigator must not be confused that
The sources of research problems are: research objectives are different from
Specialization of the researcher instructional objectives.
Current and Past Researches In a research paper, either a problem or objective
Recommendations from theses, dissertations it used. It is not advisable to use both problem
and research journal. and objective in a research paper because each
Original creative ideas of the researcher problem /objective stated in Chapter 1 is
based on the problems met in the locality and answered in Chapter 4 of the study.
A research objective is defined as “statement of
Criteria of Good Research Problem purpose for which investigation is to be
The criteria of a good research problem are: conducted” (Ardales, 1992). The research
objective is a statement of purpose because this
1.INTERESTING is the guide to be accomplished by the
- an interesting research researcher in conducting his/her research
problem attracts the attention of the researcher project.
and other people to conduct the research project Research objectives have same characteristics,
even without incentive or research grant at all. SMART with research problem (but they differe
2. INNOVATIVE in form because the research problem is stated in
interrogative or question form while objective is
in declarative form. Significance of the study
The explanation of the significance of the study
The research objective are stated specifically in is presented either in the inductive or deductive
simple language in order that the investigator perspective.
finds them easy to measure by using research Inductive perspective – the investigator state the
instruments (i.e. questionnaire, test, checklist, importance of the study from the particular to
rating scale, interview) in gathering data and general. 🡪 he starts from the target beneficiaries,
these data are achieved when correct statistical to the researcher, to the people in the
tools are used to arrive at real results (not community, province, region, and nation.
manipulated), but for every activity to be done, Deductive perspective - general to particular
time frame is required because the shorter the
completion of the activity, the better Significance of the study
The researcher should prove that the study has
Hypotheses important contributions in relation to:
Is defined as wise guess that is formulated and A. solving the problem and need
temporarily adopted to explain the observed B. bridging a knowledge gap
facts covered by the study. C. improving social, economic and
It is important for it tells the researcher what to health conditions
do and how to go about solving the research D. enriching research instruments,
problem. methods, and strategies
E. supporting government thrust

Types of Hypothesis
Null Hypothesis (H0)
Is a denial of an existence of a trait,
characteristics, quality, value, correlation or
difference of the result.

it is always stated in negative form.

Types of Hypothesis
Alternative hypothesis (H1)
is the opposite extreme of the null
hypothesis because the former is stated in
positive form.

it is an affirmation of the existence of

phenomena. It is always stated in affirmative

Are presumed to be true statements of facts
related to the research problem. They are clearly
stated to give readers of research papers, theses,
dissertations, research projects foundation to
form conclusions resulting from assumptions.

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