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Letter of Transmittal

Date: 10/10/2018 8

Controller of Examinations
National University,
Subject: Submission of Internship Report on “Analysis of Financial Statement of
Janata Bank Limited”

Dear Sir,
This is my great pleasure to submit the Internship report of my 2 months long
Internship program in the Janata Bank Limited. The title of the report “Analysis of
Financial Statement of Janata Bank Limited” This report has been prepared to
fulfill the requirement of my internship program at Janata Bank Limited.
I have put my best effort to make this report a successful one. It has been joyful &
enlightening experience for me to work in the organization & prepare this report.
However this has been obviously a great source of learning for me to conduct similar
types of studies in the future.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your kind guidance &
suggestions in preparing the report. It would my immense pleasure if you find this
report useful & informative to have an apparent perspective on the issue. I shall be
happy to provide any further explanation regarding this report if required & please do
not hesitate to call me if you have any query on this report or any other relevant

Sincerely Yours,

Shuva Datta
Roll No: 1403709
Reg. No: 13501004239
Session: 2013-2014
Program: BBA Major In Finance
Northern College Bangladesh
Under National University

Certificate of Supervisor

This is to approve that this internship report on “Analysis of Financial Statement of

Janata Bank Limited” has been prepared by Shuva Datta, Reg. No: 13501004239,
Roll No: 1403709, Major in Finance, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA),
Northern College Bangladesh under my supervision.

I have monitored his activities & helped him to write the report from time to time. I
think, he has done a good job to prepare this report within the specified time frame.

I wish him every success in all future endeavors.

Mst. Najmoon Nahar

Senior Lecturer of Finance

BBA Department

Northern College Bangladesh


First of all I would like to acknowledgement "The Almighty" the supreme authority of
the universe. I express my sincere gratitude and thanks to my program supervisor
Mst. Najmoon Nahar, Senior Lecturer of Finance, BBA Internship Department,
Northern College Bangladesh for my brilliant and excellent guidance and assistance
to complete this report.

On the other hand, I am really thankful from my deep heart to Manager (Aminbazar
branch) Nadim Ahmmed and wish to express my gratitude to Md. Abbas Mia,
Credit department of Janata Bank Limited, Aminbazar Branch.

Finally I am grateful to Department of Business Administration, Northern College

Bangladesh for providing me such an opportunity to conduct Internship program on
“Analysis of Financial Statement of Janata Bank Limited”

Executive Summary

Bank plays a significant role in the age of modern civilization to keep the economic
development wheel moving. Today modern bank plays an important role in the
economic development of country. Janata Bank Limited is the second largest
commercial bank in terms of net worth with 872 branches and fully owned by
Government of Bangladesh. The mission of the bank is to actively participate in the
socio- economic development of the nation by operating a commercially sound
banking organization. Immediately after the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, the
erstwhile United Bank Limited and Union Bank Limited were nationalized and
renamed as Janata Bank. All of its operational activities are governed by the Bank
Companies Act 1991.

The report four chapter are-

In the first chapter I introduce the origin of the report, background of the report,
objectives of the report, methodology of the report and limitations of my report.

In the chapter two I given the company overview liked vision, mission, objectives,
core values, and SWOT Analysis.

In the chapter three I discuss of my analysis topic description. My analysis topic is

Financial statement so I given all ratio analysis with graph.

In the chapter four I given findings, recommendations and conclusions of my whole


At last I given the Appended part and bibliography of the topic.

Table of Contents

Chapter-01: Introduction 01

1.1 Origin of the Report 02

1.2 Background of the Report 02
1.3 Objectives of the Report 03
1.4 Methodology of the Report 03
1.5 Limitations of the Report 04
Chapter-02: Company overview 05

2.1 Background of Janata Bank Limited 06

2.2 Organizational Structure of Janata Bank Limited 07
2.3 Vision of Janata Bank Limited 07
2.4 Core Values of Janata Bank Limited 08
2.5 Mission of Janata Bank Limited 08
2.6 Objectives of Janata Bank Limited 08
2.7 Business Prospects of Janata Bank Limited 09
2.8 International Award of Janata Bank Limited 09
2.9 SWOT Analysis 10-12
Chapter-03: Financial Statement Analysis 13
3.1 Liquidity Ratio 14
3.1.1 Current Ratio 14
3.1.2 Quick Ratio 15
3.1.3 Cash Ratio 16
3.1.4 Net Working Capital to Total Assets 18
3.2 Profitability Ratio 19
3.2.1 Gross Profit Ratio 19
3.2.2 Net Profit Margin 20
3.2.3 Net Interest Margin 21
3.2.4 Net Non Interest Margin 22
3.2.5 Net Operating Margin 23
3.2.6 Operating Ratio 24
3.2.7 Administrative Expenses Ratio 25
3.2.8 Expense Control Efficiency Ratio 26
3.2.9 Tax Management Efficiency Ratio 27
3.2.10 Return on Assets 28
3.2.11 Return on Capital Employed 29
3.2.12 Return on Equity 30
3.2.13 Fund Management Efficiency Ratio 31

3.3.14 Assets Utilization Ratio 32
3.2.15 Earning Per Share (EPS) 33
3.2.16 Dividend Per Share 34
3.3 Leverage Ratio 35
3.3.1 Debt-Equity Ratio 35
3.3.2 Debt to Total Assets 36
3.3.3 Time Interest Earned Ratio 37
3.3.4 Proprietary Ratio 38
3.4 Efficiency Ratio 39
3.4.1 Total Assets Turnover 39
3.4.2 Current Assets Turnover 40
3.4.3 Net Fixed Assets Turnover 41
Chapter: 04 43
Major Finding, Recommendation & Conclusion
4.1 Findings: 44
4.2 Recommendations: 46
4.3 Conclusion: 47
Bibliography 48
Appendices 50-54

Internship Report
Analysis of Financial Statement
- A study on Janata Bank Limited

Submitted To:
Controller of Examinations
National University,

Supervised By:
Mst. Najmoon Nahar
Senior Lecturer of Finance

BBA Department
Northern College Bangladesh

Submitted By:
Shuva Datta
Roll No: 1403709
Reg. No: 13501004239
Session: 2013-2014
Program: BBA Major In Finance
Northern College Bangladesh
Under National University

Date of Submission: 10th October, 2018


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