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MASSIVE DIE-OFF OF Anodontites trapesialis


Figure S1. General scheme for shell size dimensions used in the morphometric analysis of Anodontites trapesialis.
a. External view, left valve. b. Umbo view. h, shell height. l, shell length. wi, shell width.

Figure S2. Grids showing the quantity and distribution pattern of Anodontites trapesialis dead shells at the three
quarters (I to III) sampled at Furnas HPS reservoir.

An Acad Bras Cienc (2020) 92(suppl.2)  e20180811  1 | 2 

LUCAS R.P. PASCHOAL et al. MASSIVE DIE-OFF OF Anodontites trapesialis

Figure S3. a-b. Nests of Oreochromis niloticus near to the Quarter I sampled at Furnas HPS reservoir.

Figure S4. a. Macrophytes spread throughout the sampled areas, two years after the massive mortality event
detected in Furnas HPS reservoir. b. First and second authors and a field assistant (left to right, respectively),
inside the area of Quarter I.

An Acad Bras Cienc (2020) 92(suppl.2)  e20180811  2 | 2 

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