List of Gender Identities 1 PDF

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List of Gender Identities - 29 September 2019

List of Gender Identities

Transgender is an umbrella term for those whose assigned gender at birth doesn't
match the gender identity.

Transsexual is a term that became outdated and not everyone likes but has come
back into use for people who want to specify that that undergoing a medical

Trans man or female to male, is someone who's assigned female at birth but
identifies exclusively as male.

Trans woman or male to female, is someone who's assigned male at birth but
identifies as exclusively female.

Cisgender, male or female, is someone who's assigned gender at birth matches

their gender identity.

Multigender is an umbrella term for people with more than one gender.

Bi-gender is identifying with two genders which could be male and female or could
be something else.

Genderfluid is agenda that fluctuates between two or more genders.

Genderqueer is not subscribing to conventional gender distinctions but can identify

with a combination of predefined genders.

Androgyne is an androgynous experience of both male and female gender.

Non-binary can be a number umbrella term to mean not identifying as exclusively

male or exclusively female.

Pangender is someone who experiences many genders that can extend infinitely.

Polygender is having many genders and is commonly used by people with more
than four.

List of Gender Identities - 29 September 2019

Transmasculine as an umbrella term for people assigned female at birth and

identifying mostly or fully with a masculine gender.

Transfeminine is an umbrella term for people assigned male at birth and identifying
mostly or fully with a feminine gender.

Demigirl is someone who identifies as partially female.

Demiboy is someone who identifies as partially male and these are regardless of
their gender assigned at birth.

Agender is someone with no gender.

Neutrois, which means neutral gender.

Two-spirit is a third gender exclusive to native American cultures.

Third gender is a term used to describe another gender in many cultures, within
places like Mexico, India, and more.

Source: Are There 100 Genders?! (Mermaids UK)

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