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Application of Static Var Compensator of Ultra-High Power Electric Arc Furnace

for Voltage Drops Compensation in Factory Power Supply System of
Metallurgical Enterprise

Conference Paper · November 2014

DOI: 10.1109/EPEC.2014.18


12 357

5 authors, including:

Alexander Nikolaev
Magnitogorsk State Technical University


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2014 Electrical Power and Energy Conference

Application of Static Var Compensator of Ultra-high Power Electric Arc Furnace

for Voltage Drops Compensation in Factory Power Supply System
of Metallurgical Enterprise

A.A. Nikolaev, G.P. Kornilov, T.R. Khramshin, I. Аkcay, Y. GOK

Electric Power Supply of Industrial Enterprises Dept. Electric & Energy Dept.
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, CJSC “MMK Metalurji”
Magnitogorsk, Russia Iskenderun, Turkey

Abstract – Static var compensators installed in the electric reactive power consumption from the power supply network.
power supply systems of electric arc furnaces of metallurgical In the Republic of Turkey, for example, the national power
enterprises are described. The SVC 330 Mvar for the EAF-250 company TEAS introduced the specified reactive power fac-
of the metallurgical plant CJSC “MMK Metalurji” in tor tgφ = Q/P = 0.1 on the enterprise/external electric energy
Iskenderun, Turkey, was taken as an example to show the fea-
system boundary. Reactive power consumption or generation
sibility of the compensator application to reduce voltage drops
in the 34.5 kV network. above the set value will result in penalty provisions.
One of the most important elements of the EAF electric
Key words – electric arc furnace, reactive power compensa- power supply system is the static var compensator (SVC),
tion, static var compensator, voltage drops. which provides voltage maintenance at the furnace transformer
terminal and thus EAF performance. Other functions of the
I. INTRODUCTION SVC are complying with the standards of electromagnetic
At present the share of steel produced in Electric Arc Fur- compatibility of the arc furnace and the power supply network
naces (EAFs) is growing. In Europe and the US over 50% of and the reactive power compensation.
liquid iron is manufactured using electrometallurgy. In Russia The static var compensator and the electric arc furnace form
this figure is more than 30% and it is steadily growing. Every a single electric power complex, and the correct operation of
year countries with developed metallurgy put into operation this complex is possible on account of the optimum mode of
new electric power complexes based on high performance, high the EAF power supply on condition that the SVC operates
power and ultra-high power AC and DC EAFs. properly and that the proper EAF’s electrical regimes are main-
From the point of view of the power supply theory, tained on each stage of melting operation. It should be noted
EAFs are unique powerful electric loads combining some that even insignificant deviation of the complex operating pa-
unique features: rameters from the optimum ones can result in higher power
1. Great energy and power consumption (the power of consumption and the furnace performance degradation and,
EAF furnace transformers can be up to 150 – 300 MVA). consequently, in huge financial losses. And vice versa, even
Power consumption of ultra-high power EAFs is compara- minor improvements reducing power supply by 2-3 % can re-
ble with that of some towns with the population of 300 – sult in significant economic impact.
400 thousand people. Annual energy consumption of some In papers [1] – [6] one can find the results of the scien-
electric-furnace melting shops is about 1000 GW-hours. tific research work carried out by the authors. The research
2. Leaping, non-linear, unbalanced and random character work was aimed at improvement of operating parameters of
of loading variations due to which the EAF operation may the electric power complex “EAF – SVC” thanks to the ap-
cause significant disturbances in the power supply network plication of the new control algorithms of the compensator
and the deterioration of the voltage quality. reactive power and new control methods of the EAF’s elec-
3. Relatively low value of power factor on the primary trical regimes. Their introduction in some of the operating
side of the EAF furnace transformer (cosφ = 0.72 – 0.75) “EAF – SVC” complexes made it possible to improve the
caused by the need to use auxiliary reactors to provide steady EAF energy parameters, reduce the total energy losses and
long arcs on the main stage of scrap melting. This results in improve the EAF efficiency.
great reactive power consumption from the power supply Some countries with advanced electrical power industry,
network (for example, in the EAF-180 with a 150 MVA for example the Republic of Turkey, tend to use the plant
transformer the maximum arc power can be up to 108 MW, SVCs for electric power system needs, in spite of the fact
the corresponding reactive power consumption being 104 that originally these devices were designed to maintain the
Mvar). Large reactive power consumption from the power optimum power supply modes of powerful electric loads.
supply network will cause active power losses and voltage Inter-Area Oscillation Damping System (IPODS), the sys-
losses in the elements of factory power supply system. Be- tem developed for damping of power oscillations between
sides, most countries have hard and fast rules limiting the different power districts, can serve as an example. Its main
The reported study was supported by the Russian Federation President Grants Council, research project No. MK-4182.213.8

978-1-4799-6038-5/14 $31.00 © 2014 IEEE 257

DOI 10.1109/EPEC.2014.18
task is the remote influence on the operating modes of ways be larger than the total power of QEAF and QLF. This is
power and ultra-high power SVCs installed in the power achieved thanks to the correct choice of the SVC parameters on
supply systems of various industrial enterprises in Turkey to the stage of the electric steel-making complex design [8].
provide positive controlling effect capable of improving the
stability of electric power stations’ synchronous generators
during strong disturbances in the system, for example, dur-
ing one-, two- and tree-phase faults in the 380 kV lines. In
this case common static var compensators partially fulfill
the functions of other devices, such as SVCs for power
transmission lines representing the basis of the FACTS
(Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems) con-
cept and the rapidly developing Smart Grid technology [7].
Hereafter in the article there are findings of experimental
and theoretical studies of nonconventional SVC application to
compensate the voltage drops from the power supply network
causing frequent stops of production processes at industrial
enterprises. The research work was carried out at the unique
“EAF – SVC” electric power complex operating at the new
metallurgical plant CJSC “MMK Metalurji” in Iskenderun
(Turkey), an overseas subsidiary of the OJSC “Magnitogorsk
Iron and Steel Works” (Magnitogorsk, Russia).


Figure 1. Single-line diagram of power supply system of the
First, let us consider the structure of the operating “EAF ultra-high power EAF-250, CJSC “MMK Metalurji”,
– SVC” electric power complex, electrical scheme of the Iskenderun (Turkey), equipped with SVC 330 Mvar
compensator and the operating principles of its control sys-
tem and then the operating modes of the Turkish reactive In practice the SVC control algorithms are more compli-
power compensator will be analyzed. cated than the ones described by the relationship (1). Due to
In Fig. 1 one can see a single-line diagram of power the non-symmetrical EAF power change the static compen-
supply of the world most powerful electric arc furnace - sator must have phase control to provide fast load balancing.
EAF-250 (300 MVA) operating at the metallurgical plant of In Fig. 2 one can see the functional diagram of the classical
CJSC “MMK Metalurji”, Iskenderun (Turkey). The electric control system of the SVC, which is commonly used in the
arc furnace is equipped with SVC 330 Mvar, which is at operating compensators supplied by ABB, the world leading
present the most powerful compensating device developed manufacturer of this kind of devices [5] – [6].
for factory power supply. The control system shown in Fig. 2 is combined one and
The main elements of the SVC are: 1) the thyristor- it has both direct and feedback channels. In the direct chan-
controlled reactor (TCR) made up of thyristor and reactors nel the orthogonal d-q load current components for the posi-
connected in series; 2) fixed capacitors (FC) made up of tive and negative sequences in the rotating coordinate sys-
harmonic filters number 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The TCR and the tem are calculated (blocks TB3 and TB4). These compo-
FC have the same rated power, which is 330 Mvar. nents and Steinmetz transformation are used to calculate the
The fixed capacitors are designed to generate reactive required susceptance values of the TCR phases. Load cur-
power and filter harmonics (both even and odd ones as well rents are calculated as the total value of instantaneous cur-
as interharmonics) supplied to the EAF-250 and the ladle rents of the EAF-250, the LF and the FC. As a result, phase
furnace (LF). The thyristor-controlled reactor provides fast balancing of currents and the full compensation of the EAF
phase control of the consumed reactive current and main- reactive power are provided. The reference value of addi-
tains the set value of reactive power on the secondary side tional reactive power generation is implemented in the feed-
of network transformers T1 and T2 380/34.5 kV. In its sim- back channel, where the correction signal calculated by the
plified form the algorithm of SVC control system can be difference in the actual and set values of the “EAF – SVC”
described by the following relationship: electric power complex reactive power is formed. Thanks to
QEAF + QLF + QTCR − QFC ≈ 0 , (1) the feedback channel with the PI reactive power regulator it
i.e. the reactive power of the TCR balances the difference be- is possible to change the set value of reactive power on the
tween the reactive power generated by the FC and the power secondary side of network step down transformers T1 and
consumed by the EAF-250 and the LF. As the TCR can only T2 (Fig. 1) both to consumption of reactive power QNET
consume power from the network, the value of QFC must al- from the network and to its generation.

Orthogonal components of positive and negative se- BSumAB,BC,CA go through the limit control block (Limiter)
quences for currents and voltages of the “EAF – SVC” elec- with the reverence value BTCRmax and than they go to the
tric power complex are calculated in the transformation inputs of nonlinearity blocks (Lookup Tables) where the
blocks (TB1-4) by the well-known relationships [6]. The reverse control characteristics of TCR α = f(BSum) are im-
output signals of these blocks go through the moving aver- plemented. The reference signals of the thyristor activation
age digital filters, their tuning frequency being 50 Hz. Phase angles αAB, αBC, αCA are transferred to the Pulse Generation
lock loop block (PLL) is used to control the operation of System (PGS). At the output of the PGS control pulses are
coordinate converters and the pulse generation system under formed, which are transferred to the inputs of the TCR thy-
constant phase change and voltage waveform distortion in ristor switch control.
the 34.5 kV bus bars, which after measurement are used as The oscillograph records showing the operation of the
the reference signal. SVC 330 Mvar in various non-symmetrical EAF-250 regimes
The calculation of the required susceptance values of the are given in Fig. 3. It is obvious from the figure that in case of
TCR phases (BAB1, BBC1, BCA1) is carried out in the first current unbalance of the EAF-250, the control system of the
channel in accordance with the relationships above. These SVC reacts to it by setting different susceptances BTCR AB,BC,CA
susceptance values are calculated in the TCR main suscep- of the TCR phases thus providing load compensation main-
tances calculation block where the orthogonal components taining zero reactive power of the “EAF – SVC” complex and
of forward and inverted/reverse sequences of total currents the rated voltage value URated = 34.5 kV.
of the EAF and the FC ( I L+.dF , I L+.qF , I L−.dF , I L−.qF ) are The effect of SVC application for ultra-high power EAFs is
obvious. For example, the experimental research carried out at
used as the input. In the block B2 the forward sequence of the operating “EAF – SVC” complex of the OJSC “MMK”,
+ Magnitogorsk, proved that the electric arc operation on the
the phase voltage U Phase is calculated and its value is taken
into account in the TCR susceptance calculation block. initial stage of scrap melting without any compensating devices
The second feedback channel consists of reactive power is accompanied by 7 – 8% voltage drops, which results in the
calculation block for the “EAF – SVC” complex by the arc active power drop by more than 20% and apparent power
positive sequences of current and voltages and the PI regula- drop on the primary side of the furnace transformer by 40%. At
tor of reactive power. At the output of the controller the the same time some parameters of electric power quality such
additional component of susceptance Badd is formed, which as the factors of total harmonic distortion, unbalance voltage
is added to the output signals BAB1, BBC1, BCA1. The value of and the short-term flicker increased by 1.5-2 times.
Badd depends on the reference value of the complex reactive Thanks to the SVC the electric arc furnace operates with
power QNETref.. The signals of the total susceptances almost constant level of input voltage on the primary side of the
furnace transformer and its output is equal to its rated value.
u АВ, BC , CA (t )

+ ωt
iSum А (t ) + + QNET ref .
I Sum .d I Sum.d F u АВ (t ) u ВС (t ) uСА (t )
iSum В (t )
+ 3 + + QNET ACT .
I Sum.q
I Sum (U q F ⋅ I сум .d F −
.q F 2
iSum С (t ) −1
− U d+ F ⋅ I сум
.q F )
+ ωt
U d+ U d+ F
u А (t )
u В (t ) р
U q+ U q+F ВTCR max
u С (t ) U d2 F + U q2 F

+ ωt +
iL А = iEAF, LF А + iFC sum А U Phase
I L+.d I L+.d F
iL B = iEAF, LF B + iFC sum B В АВ1 α АВ , ВС , СА
( I L+.qF − 3 I L−.dF + I L−.qF )
I L+.q I L+.q F +
3U Phase
Badd .
iL C = iEAF,LF C + iFC sum C
1 +
− ωt +
( I L+.qF − 2 I L−.qF ) ВВС1
3U Phase
I L−.d I L−.d F ВSum AB,BC,CA
ВTCR max
( I L+.qF + 3I L−.dF + I L−.qF ) ВСА1
I L−.q I L−.q F +
3U Phase

Figure 2. Functional diagram of the SVC classical control system

cause most of the major metallurgical enterprises have at least
two power supply networks to provide power system redun-
dancy in case of emergency on one of them.
The factory power supply network consists of switch-
gears such as outdoor switchgear 380 kV and indoor
switchgear 34.5 kV interlinked by four 155 MVA network
transformers. Transformers T1 and T2 provide power sup-
ply of four sections of the indoor switchgear 34.5 kV feed-
ing powerful electric loads of hot and cold strip mills, con-
tinuous strip pickling line, hot dip galvanizing line and color
coating line, oxygen plant, etc. The other two transformers
T3 and T4 provide power supply of the steel making com-
plex including the ultra-high power EAF-250 (300 MVA)
and the LF (48 MVA). The static var compensator SVC 330
Mvar is switched to the section with the electric arc furnace
and the ladle furnace. To provide the emergency stop of
operation in case of some fault in the 380kV power supply
network there is an operating 15 MVA gas-turbine power
station, which is powerful enough to supply the most critical
electric loads such as hot strip mill pumps, metallurgical
crane electric drives of electric steel making shops, control
circuits of power converters, etc. The synchronous generator
of the gas-turbine power station is continuously switched on
and it operates in parallel with the power supply network. It
somewhat reduces the total cost of power supply thanks to
the factory generating facilities [9].
Due to the lack of the redundant 380 kV power line any
significant disturbance in the power supply network is trans-
ferred to the factory 34.5 kV voltage level and has a nega-
tive influence on the operation mode of all the electric loads.
The most sensitive electric loads are high-powered electric
drives of the hot strip rolling mill stands (2 roughing stands
with high voltage 6.6 MW synchronous motors, 4 finishing
stands with 9.5 and 8.5 MW motors). All the stand synchro-
nous motors are supplied from ABB frequency converters,
which are designed according to the electric scheme with
the active rectifier (“Active Front-End” system). Operating
experience of “Frequency converter – Induction Motor” and
Figure. 3. Oscillograph records showing the operation of the “Frequency converter – Synchronous Motor” systems shows
SVC 330 Mvar in various non-symmetrical EAF-250 that in case of significant voltage drops and voltage unbal-
(300 MVA) regimes ance, converter protection operation and its cut off take
place. The critical value of the voltage drop level and its
III. APPLICATION OF SVC 330 MVAR FOR VOLTAGE length depend upon a number of factors such as voltage
DROPS DAMPING IN THE 34.5 kV FACTORY POWER level in the DC circuit and an electrical load of the con-
NETWORK OF THE METALLURGICAL PLANT OF verter. If at the moment of the voltage drop the stand elec-
CJSC «MMK METALURJI» tric drives operate at the rated load, the critical voltage drop
value δUt and time tDrop for ABB converters are 15% and
SVC 330 Mvar can also be used to dampen the voltage 100 ms, respectively.
drops in the 34.5 kV factory power network of the metallurgi- As the 380 kV overhead electric lines are laid through
cal plant of CJSC “MMK Metalurji”. The simplified scheme the mountainous areas of Hatay, where severe meteorologi-
of the factory power supply network is given in Fig. 4. cal conditions are quite frequent, one-phase faults resulting
From the scheme one can see that electric power is supplied in voltage drops occur quite often. The factory electric
through a single 380 kV tandem link incoming from the distri- power substation made it possible to obtain statistical data
bution substation “Erzin” and outgoing to another major metal- concerning the frequency of voltage drops as well as their
lurgical plant Isdemir located just a few kilometers from the depth and length (Fig. 5).
plant of CJSC “MMK Metalurji”. It is the unique situation be-

Distribution Iron and Steel
Substation “ERZIN” Works ISDEMIR That is why after commissioning of the metallurgical plant
Transfer Bus 380 kV the management of CJSC “MMK Metalurji” set up the task
Outdoor to improve the reliability of hot strip mill electric drives
Section 1 switchgear
Section 2
380 kV operation in conditions of regular voltage drops in the elec-
tric power supply network. For several years the company
Т3 Т4 Т1 Т2
155 155 155 155 considered different solutions to this problem: from the
change of protection parameters of the frequency converters
S.1 34.5 кV
380 kV
S.2 34.5 кV S.3 S.4 34.5 кV S.5
to the installation of the fast and expensive STATCOM
compensator in parallel with the step down transformer of
the frequency converters to compensate the voltage drops.
CSM Stands’ Electric Slab
Drives 17.8 MW Caster None of these solutions got the management approval. In
300 MVA SVC 330 Galvanizi these circumstances it was necessary to look for other solu-
Ladle Mvar Oxygen Station ng Line
Furnace tions.
34.5 kV Coating
48 МВА
Line The research carried out by the scientists from the de-
Gas-Turbine Power Station
15 MVA Service partment of electric power supply of industrial enterprises,
SG HSM Stands’ Electric Shop
6.3 кV Drives 50.4 MW MSTU, Magnitogorsk, in 2013 proved that the voltage
Other Electric Loads drops in the 34.5 kV power supply network can be damp-
34.5 kV Strip-Mills’ of Melting Shop and
Pumping Plant Hot-Strip Mill ened thanks to the use of reactive power reserves from the
SVC 330 Mvar operating in the factory power supply sys-
Emergency Power Supply
for Essential Electric Loads tem. Due to the phase independent control the static var
compensator is capable of prompt generation of high reac-
Figure 4. Simplified scheme of CJSC «MMK Metalurji» tive power in the phase where the voltage drop occurred.
electric power supply In order to study this phenomenon the research group made
use of the math software package MatLab with Simulink where
the model of the “EAF-250 – SVC” was developed and various
voltage drops were simulated and studied. Time diagrams of
the voltage and current changes showing the SVC reaction to
the voltage drops are given in Fig. 6 and 8.
This mathematical modeling showed that the application
of traditional control system of the SVC with the reactive
power regulator (Fig. 2) results in the incorrect SVC reac-
tion to the voltage unbalance and in this case the compensa-
tor will reduce the voltage drop only partially, from 30% to
18% (Fig. 6). Thus the direct control channel responsible for
compensation will react only to the EAF current unbalance,
and the voltage levels will only be used to calculate the re-
quired susceptance of the TCR phases.
In order to provide efficient control of the voltage drops
it was offered to use the improved control system of the
SVC where three independent PI controllers of the 34.5 kV
network phase voltages are used instead of the reactive
Figure 5. Distribution of voltage drops in the 380 kV power
power regulator (Fig. 7). Thanks to the new elements it is
supply network of CJSC “MMK Metalurji” for 12 months
possible now to form correction signals for susceptance of
The histogram analysis shows a great number of voltage the TCR phases Badd.AB,BC,CA, which will change the result-
drops in the range of δUt = 10-50% and the length of tDrop = ing values of BSum.AB,BC,CA in such a way as to eliminate the
60-220 ms. Most of them exceed the critical values of δUt voltage unbalance.
and tDrop for frequency converters of the hot strip rolling mill It should be noted that the results above were obtained
and result in their cut-off. when the EAF was put out of operation at the moment of the
It should be noted that the emergency stop of a rolling voltage drop and the SVC used all its rated power for voltage
mill with the strip stuck in rolling stands causes damage to compensation. In case of the operating EAF-250 consuming
the metallurgical facilities. On average the fault clearing 150 MW of active and 175 Mvar of reactive power, the SVC
takes about 1-2 hours. Provided the hot strip mill operates as is capable of compensating the 15% voltage drop or damping
a part of the continuous casting and rolling complex, the the 30% voltage drop by half. The implementation of the im-
cut-off of the stand electric drives will result in emergency proved control system of the SVC is feasible on the operating
stop of the electric steel making complex thus having nega- equipment without extra expenditures.
tive consequences on the whole metallurgical enterprise.

uА (t) uВ (t ) uС (t ) uА (t) uВ (t) uС (t)

uА(t) uВ(t) uС(t) uА(t) uВ(t) uС(t)

iTCR , kА iTCR СА (t ) iTCR АВ (t ) iTCR ВС (t ) iTCR , kА

iTCR СА (t ) iTCR АВ (t ) iTCR ВС (t )

U , pu UФ ,о.е tdrop380kV = 200 ms

tdrop380kV = tdrop34.5kV = 200 ms
U А 34.5 kV (t )
tdrop34.5kV = 30 ms
δU t 34.5 kV 1 = −22% δU t 34.5 kV 2 = −18%

δU t 380kV = −30 % U А 34.5kV (t )

δU t 380 kV = −30%
U А 34.5kV (t ) U А 380 kV (t ) U А 380 kV (t )
δU t 34.5kV = −20%

Figure 6. Time diagrams of the voltage and current changes Figure 8. Time diagrams of the voltage and current changes
showing the SVC reaction to the voltage drops when the showing the SVC reaction to the voltage drops when the
traditional control system is used improved control system is used
u АВ , BC, CA (t )

ВTCR max
U Phase.Ref
u А (t ) U A − + ΔU A Badd.A Badd.AB

U Phase.Ref ВTCR max

Badd.AB = Badd.A + Badd.B − Badd.C
u В (t ) U B − + ΔU B Badd.B Badd.BC

U Phase.Ref ВTCR max Badd.BC = Badd.B + Badd.C − Badd.A

u С (t ) U C − + ΔU C Badd.C Badd.CA
Badd.BC = Badd.B + Badd.C − Badd.A

+ ωt
iL А = iEAF, LF А + iFC sum А Badd.AB,BC,CA
I L+.d I L+.d F
iL B = iEAF, LF B + iFC sum B 1 В АВ1
( I L+.q − 3I L−.d + I L−.q ) α АВ , ВС , СА
I L+.q I L+.q F +
3U Phase
iL C = iEAF,LF C + iFC sum C
U Phase +
( I L+.q − 2 I L−.q ) ВВС1
− ωt I − 3U Phase
L.d I L−.d F +
( I L+.q + 3I L−.d + I L−.q ) ВСА1 ВSum AB,BC,CA
I L−.q I L−.q F 3U Phase ВTCR max

Figure 7. Improved control system of the SVC 330 Mvar with individual regulators of phase voltages

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