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Francis Poles Five ! Rhythm Band Performs at Playground jBerwyn Victim of Narberth School Opening May
Hits in Narberth Win i Boro Nine Monday Be Posponed 0 ue to ParaIYSIS
Davismen Keep in League Race Babb Strikes Out Eight and
by Trouncing Jack Hart's Drives in Winning Run Health Board Holds Special Meeting to Consider Matter-
Veterans 9·6 With Single Lower Merion Schools to Close-Two New
By JOHN MULLIGAN By JOHN MULLIGAN The opening of the Narberth Pub- of the Borough public schools. The
This year's Main Line League sec- Narberth earned a fifty-fifty rating lic Schools, scheduled for Wednes- meeting was held after OUR TOWN
ond-half race without a doubt bids for in its two mid-week games, winning
day, September 7, may be postponed went to press.
the distinction of being the most hec- the first, a Main Line League affair,
tic in a long span, and as the clubs from Berwyn :Monday by a 2-1 score, due to the prevalence of infantile Inasmuch as Narberth students at-
shoot up the home stretch one guess J and dropping the other to Wayne paralysis on the Main Line. tending Lower Merion High School
as to the ultimate winner is as good ,Hawks on Wednesday by the same The Lower Merion public, private are effected by action of the Township
as another. But one thing is certain. Under the abl-e leadership of John Dorenzo (with raised baton) the j figures. and parochial schools were ordered to Health Board and since corresponding
Whichever nine is fortunate enough Rhythm Rond enchanted its audience at the Narberth Playgl'ound last 1 The veteran George Babb worked postpone their opening, also scheduled conditions exist in the Borough, it is
to skid through to pennant land fhat week. An innovation this season, the Band is composed of 24 pieces. on the mound for the Davismen in {cIt that steps similar to those taken
for next Wcdnesday in the case of in Lower Merion will be resorted to by
aggregation will know it has been in
a real fight, one where the copper of , -------~ Ii the loop fray and drove over the win-
ning run in the sixth with a single, the public schools, by the Lower Mer- the Narberth Board.
the initial chase didn't. "lay down'" Play Day and Presentation of Pri e after h~nding the vistors their ion Board of Health at a special meet- Bulletins relative to t1le action of
to any ?ne. Gene' N~rberth. Z S . I n~arker 111 the first frame on a wtld ing on Vvednesday afternoon. the Narberth Board of Health will be
tossers Impressed u~ wIth thIS fact Winds Up Narberth Playground Season: pItch. The Narberth Board of Health held placed by Our Town at the Post Office
Jast Saturday b~' taking 111l0ther, this I Outside of that one wild spell he
a special meeting last night to consider and Davis store. Information on the
time at the expense of the mediocre Th N b I . Ilooked mighty good and walked nary Board's action will also be available
Jack Hart's Veteran::. The score was I . e ar erth . P ayg.round season the senIOr boys (14 t? 19): junior boys! a man, somewhat of an accomplish- the matter of dderring the opening by phone at the office of Our Town
9-6. ! ~~ound up I:~st FrIday WIth the annual (13 and undel'), semor gIrls (l4 and ment for him, since he is known as (Narberth 2545) or The Main Liner
T d t th D ' I t · · 1 Pla~' Day marked by games and over), and junior girls (l3 and under). being wild and woolly on the slab
o a e e aVlsmen. neu events for all the boys and girls, fol·
to defeat everv club behevIng that I db' . .
Each group had several events in E' ht b tt.
. Ig
a elS re urne
d t th b
0 e enc
h' ]inuny Dykes Speaks (Ardmore 3100).
d t1 t d Two new cases of paralysis were re-
<'1 team
, to be rated <'IS half - champ , natmg
,;hould win against the strongest 01)-'
y a tl easure hunt and eulml wlllch to compete' first place count-
.I '
WIt 1 the presentatIOn of prizes ing 6 points second 4 and third 2 ·
dId' th 'I'h . '
'WI 1
'tl th'
ell' averages
e a e
stnkeouts and he was IlIcked for only
vIa Before Rotary Club I ported in the Borough last weekend.
ant me a s won Ul'lIlg e summer. e Wlnnel'S were as follows' senIOr, . ,They are Alice Cook, daughter of 1\11'.
--- I
Jlosition possible. In other words as '!'!, t t l tt I' . t th I . '1 J B' .' .' . live hIts, the same number as the • , • I and 1\Irs. George Cook, 110 Woodside
. . " ' Ie 0 a a ent ance a e p ay- gil s-. 0 akel' WIth 18 pomts (1st Ii··t h If h
Gene DavI.s told thIS Wl'1ter; "1\lay~e ground during mornings and after- in hop, step and jump and third in ;~ s I:; . t bb d ff p't h .
c amps a C O l C el AthletiCS Star Tells Neighbors avenue, who is in Bryn Mawr Bospi-
Incidents of Season's tal, and James Carmody, son of 1\11'.
the fans figure we don't care to W111 noons, exclusive of the evening at- 75 vard dash basketball throw and dC,. aVIs. .
.lhi',; halt'• ,I b It I t' hil 1k the C·1 U b Wh'Ie I1 tendance, totaled 11,622, whIch . sur-' broad . 'Peggy Walzer with < 16 i: InCIdentally ' •the Berwvn
jump)' •
Illteher Campaign and :ill'S. L. S. Carmody, of 118 Essex
"I"tb·sit. .~hould b e I11 a (e
.... I, t 0 \HJl,
. '1' f or: . passed last summer's figure by over pomts . ' (lst in , basketball
. throw and was a rare. specllnen.
. He looked about avenue, who is bein~ treated at home.
it • ".c'll trv •
to win 'IS<
a~ possi - ,: 1"00 iJ.
TIIe mornIng . attemI ance aver- broad 'jump and second in 75 yard as much .hl,e a pItcher .as we resem- PRAISES FOXX, SIl'.'IMONS' Both cases are said to be responding
ble, e\'C'n it: it ultimately means no aged 102 and the afternoon 162. dash); 'Rita SalvatarelJi with 10 points hIe a mov]: hero. ~ta~dmg out on the ~ well to treatment.
playtd!" s~ries." Four groups participated in the (Ist in 75 ~~aJ"(1 dash and 2d in the! mound, With no pl~chlllg f~rm what-
Brief pictures of the world of base-I In addition to postponing the open-
Xick L:,-'ons, fonner Lower Merion sports events of Play Day. They W~I'e broad j U I l l P ) . ' : ever, he used no wllld-up, Just threw ball were given members of the Bala-' ing of schools until 1"urthel: notice, the
High S~bool and Bryn Mawr Choc-' Junior girls-Alice Hussey, 1st with i (Colltlnu('d on 1'''1;e Six) Cvnwvd-Narberth Rotary Club Tues-' Lower Merion Board of Health fur-
taW:i right hamler, hurled the full dis- FI W'l W' '1(j points (lst in 50 yard dash and' • . . ,ther ordered that all children be ex-
lance for the homester~. With the' orence son UIS 1 i thrVe legged race and 2d in the shoe i Narberth Man Scales day b~' Jimmy Dykes, stellar third- cluded from attendance at all
,~xcl:]~tion of t~e first and last innings;
he pItched fairly good ball, but his I
WOnlen'S T nn' TOtl
e IS e, 1
i ~lOveJty race); Anna Salvatorelli (1st i
III three legged race, 2d in 50 yard:
U nc1°Inl bed M t. P eak baseman of the Athletics and the Main Churches, Sunday Schools, moving pic-
Line's representative in organized ture theatres, swimming pools and
usual w('akness bothered him. Seven i dash, and 3d in the sack race), and' baseball. : playgrounds.
waited him out for free tickets, but he I Defeats Grace Werner in Hard' Katherine McKeown (1st in marble Dr. Max M. Stmmia Makes Alexander J. Esrey, of Brookline,: Although no new cases of the dis-
struck ou: as .man y .and. was touched' Fought Three Set l\!Iatch : :1Il(~ spoon race, 2d in sack race and Ascent of 10,OOO.Foot ,ease have been reported in the Town-
for only SIX hits, whllc IllS teammates I Pl. d i .~d III thre(' Il'g"ged race) were tied for ship since August 2:~, the resolution
tl 1 1-
ra t C'( ,01 t )elr ats.I'} . b I; at aygtoul1 ' . I .
! seconu p ace WIth 12 POll1ts each.
1 . Mt. Oubliette : was adopted by tbe Board as a pre-
McGee got hold of onc in the first' l D C':, In tll(, s('nior boys' events, of which 'cautionary measure and for the hest
iEning aite:' :,ick had jlass('t! Sirch uno' P J. PET SHO-W,T .::.T AGED, there were eight, McGary won first i<.EQUIRED ,1.2 I interests of the health of the people,
Carter and planted it for a ('ircuit i,.. . ! place, A. Finan second, and Hartley i
smash, tying' up the count, since the: . l',lorence ", ,I1son ,won t~1,e sll1~les I t hiI'd. James Parks placed first in Dr. Max 1\1. Strumia, of Narbrook
i Miss Elizabeth Cook Engaged
Borough team had tabbt'd a trio in I title of the \\ omen s 'tcnm: tOUlney I the Junior Boys' events, Henry Smith Park, Narberth, director of the Lab-
its opening round. I at the PI.aygrount! by defeatl11~race 'second and William Leahy third. oratory at Bryn l\1awr Hospital, re- I to Mr. James H. Stel/enson
The town boys scored theirs when I \V ernel' 111 a closely contested nutch Fullowing the completion of these turned reeently from a mountain !
H Ow(~' 1 Powdl • drcw a walk, Harry :i bv the score of 4-6 , 7-5,6-3 ! . I 1\Irs. Oakie S. Cook, of 115 Dudley
• . t~vents t 1e treasure hunt was run olf. climbing" expedition to the Canadian
:avenu(', i\arberth. announces the cn-
Francis singled, 'Valt MacGregor Jlol- i The players were very evenly The youngsters raced all over the Rocki('s, which resulted in the ascent
'gagement of her daughter, :lliss Eliz-
ed a double, scoring two, and Bob l'l1atc!~ed, and the spectators were kept Playground, with Jack Chain emerg- of Mt. OUbliette, a 10,000-foot peak,
'aheth R. Cook and :111'. James Hazlet
Gilfillan smacked a bingle, admitting! g'uessll1g as to who woult! be the vic- ing as the winner. He followed di- which was one of the few remaining
'::5te\"('nson, Jr., son of ;\11'. and Mrs.
Mac. i tor. Miss 'Verner played a cool and: "ections on the last slip closely and uncJimbed peaks in the Rockies. :I James H. ::5tevenson, of WVIl!]('wood.
AI Kreuz, bald-headed former Uni-' steady game, winning the first set i dug up the dollar bill in the middle •
The succcssful ascent was made on , ;\lrs. Cook announ('pd her daughter's
versity of Pennsylvania football and: and was well on the way to winning i of the field. the second attempt, after the first try
diamond star, started on the hill to: the second, when Miss Wilson rallied i Prizes Were awarded Play Day win- was thwarted when Dr. Strumio and :engagement at an informal dancing
party at Peacock gardens, given in
left-hand 'em up for the visitors, but: brilliantly bringin~ th.e score to 5 all, I ners and to winners of various tour- his companion were only 200 feet

i honor of lUiss Cook by her brother

gm'e way to Bob Kplly, a right hand-, :n;1 eventuall~: wlllnlllg t1~e. set at naments throughout the season and short of their goal. A terrific elcctri-
:and sister-in-law, 1\11'. and Mrs. Art-
er, after the sixth frame. Narberth ,-a. In the Imal and deCIdIng set, to the championship baseball teams cal storm and a sheer ledge of rock
: hur 1.. Cooke, of Lantw~'n Lane on
added single markers in the lifth. sev- ~ by her dashing play, Miss Wilson won by J. R. Hall, member of the Borough (lut an end to their first attempt after
;Tuesday evening.
enth and eighth, then scored three LJy ,the s~ore of 6-3. . Council and secretary and treasurer being out 15 hours.
more in their final time with the lum- : I, ollowll1g were the entrIes: Mary ()f the Recreation 13oard.
After a day of rest they began the ! Nash Improving
bel', as the majority of fans no doubt : ~lete, E~ith Maltby, Irma Minnich, Those receiving awards were: the
figured it was just a "good measure" Gr:~ce. i ,\i e.rn~r,. l\Iyra. Gregory, ~o Narberth Juniors: winners of both
~ccond attempt on July 27, which took JhJUU)' J»'k(,11 , John C. Nash, of 80 Wynnedalc
process. : B~ker, VI.rglllla Stemford, MarJe halves of the semor baseball league, them to the top of the snow and rock- ac t ed as ch mrman · 0f th e mee t'lIlg al1(I , I'(lUd,. .who . was operated on for ap-
However, it was mighty fortunate i l\1Jesen, LOIS l\la~tby, Anna. ::5ell, Do~- the old "Y" cup. l\1embers of thq. clad crag. The ascent required 22 III . t 1'0 d uce d th e speal wr '1Il a manner': pell<Tlcltls . August 22 at Bryn . Mawr
for the Davismen that they had scor-: othe Merkel, Ehzabe~h l\1lCsen, L~ls team are J. P. Gallagher, captain; which showed that one baseball en-' IIosplta,t, was repo~·ted thIS week to
cd those runs, for the Vets came back; Caldwell, Florence WIlson and EmIly .J. J. Gallagher, P. Kane, D. Stroup, "It is one of the most difficult peaks . t was pav1l1g . th e way f or all-:. be COl1llng along. 11Iccly, although it
th uSlas
WIth . a rush in their final chance and Brown .' " "r Casey, G'! xl roy, K'elm, ,,,. 1
,v rJ,:nt, J . in the Canadian Rocldes," Dr. Stru- otlIe l'. D y k'es was d escn'b e("I as th' e Illay be three . weds
. before
" he
threatened seriously to wipe out the EIght teams competed III th~ mixed ["inan, A. Griffis, G. Davis, and Rit- mia said, "and the hardest climb I All1el,'ca I
&- n Leag le
l • CdI 'de r a t thO lr d b i
asc t he hospital. . HIS comlItlOn
. IOlIoWlllg
have made in 30 ascents there. 'Ve ' fi eId'l l19. H e was pom . t ed ou t'' the operatIOn' was
lead • 1V C onvl'11 e opene d WI'th a one- Volley
"1 I C
. Ball Tournament,
. WIth the
. tenhouse ' and 111 " conSIdered senous,
bagger and Friel was safe when Mac- and OrdlOrJ:e teams The Wildcats were also awarded a were helped immeasurably by using as the corIierstone of the fighting: due to complIcatIOns whIch ensued.
G regor tl··ed I t 0 h urrv a- d ou bl e-p1av I theIr1 way. toF'the ,final round, which . cup as champions of the Junior Base- modern equipment, as it would not spirit of the l\lackmen and as th') I
t·a p t 0 s h·t 01. F kl' 'h'ff d
ran III \\ l e t e 0 d' h' II'esu ted III
21 t 19 man steam defeatlllg ball league. - Team members: J. O'Con- have been possible otherwise." friend of til(' young-er players. ! Coo!, \Vins Tennis Crown
Dzone, but Sirch doubled. driving home I r IOr~e. o. nor, Wm. Finan, Coradetti, Heald, In descending the peak, Dr. Stru- The high gradc of baseball being: Allan Cook, former Lower ;\Ierion
.I\,f~c ConVI'11 e, an d Car t er smas h e d a Ii I PartICIpants mia and his comllunion used what is
"T'lwere:. Dot Berry, Freda Chain ' Curran <, 'Vhite , Doyle , Leahy , termed "roping off," which is sliding produced by the Yankees this spaSOll and Lafayette College athlete, won the
: tocsler, P. I mlllgton, J. Veator, L. Eo Burgess, manager. was given by Dykes as the reason the singles tennis championship of ~as­
(Contlnlle,l on ra;:-e FOIll') : Terry, S. DUkat, Ethel Voight, M. The individual players of each win- down via ropes. One slide covered a A's will probably end in second placc. : ton, Pa., recently. After eliminating
;- .! Casavecchia, T. Ordiorne, T. Finn, ning team were also awarded medals.
(Continued on Page Six) The failure of the Philadelphia pitch- the number one seeded player, Justin
I Peggy 'Valzer, Nanc~' Donahue, E. ers to win games early in the season i Foster, Cook, who was seeded third,
Health Cellters Closed ,Lester, A. Blase, Emily Hoffman, J. established a handicap which the ex-; ~Iefeated Frnnk Murch, of Lafayettp,
~Iurphy, K. Parks, F. Robb, C. Spi-
The five Child Health Cen-
ters conducted by the Commun-
: nelli, Alice Callahan, A. Bottoms,
i Thompson, Ingeborg Thaysen, Norma
Infantile Paralysis.--Symptoms cellent playing later in the season, III the finals by the score of 3-6, 6-3,
could not overcome. "The team I" i :1-6, (j:-l, (j-l. He is the son of Mr.
ity Health and Civic Associa- stronger this year than last" he said iand .:'>ll's, C. P. Cook, of Rockland road,
tion are being closed for several
: Hoffman, J. Finan, Lois Maltby,
! Louise Megee, G. Marsteller, J. Gal- and Precautions to be Observed "but it looks as though the Yanks,
, , Menon
weeks. lagher, H. Heuisler and Myrtle are stronger." 'r---------------~
Miss 1\lildred E. :Martin, Di- High praise was gh'en to Foxx and
Gregon'. Authoritative Information 011 the Disease Prepared by the Would-Be Voters
rector of the Health Service, i The Puppet Show in which the ehil- (Continued on Page Six)
states that this action is being Milbank Infantile Paralysis Commission and Dis- M a)' Enroll 011
: dren participated was the crowning
taken upon the recommendation i event of the season. This was the Alice Tyson to Enter Tuesday and Wedllesday
tributed by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Coo
of the attending physicians at i first Puppet Show ever given at the
the Health Ccnters. who feel
Bucknell This Month
i Playground entirely prepared by the In response to many requests from I The article follows: The Registry Assessors of the
that due to the occurenCe of a I children. The setting undel' the grove subscribers seeking authoritative in- Borough will sit at the polling
"While there is much that is still Announcement has been made by H.
number of cases of infantile pa- I uf trees put one in mind of "Hobin formation regarding the symptoms of unkn!lwn about Infantile Paralysis, W. Holter, Registrar, that Bucknell places on Tuesday and Wednes-
ralysis in the community the ! Hood Dell" with the Rhythm Band infantile paralysis, how it is spread the advice in this pamphlet may help University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, day between the hours of 11 A.
closing of the centers is advis- :adding realism to the scene. The ef- and precautions that should be ob- you protect your child from this has accepted the application for en- 1\1. and 4 P. 1\1. and 7 to 10 P.
able as a measure of prevention 'furts of the children were well re- served, we are pleased to present in dreaded disease and particularly fro111 trance of Miss Alice Louise Tyson, 1\1., daylight saving time, to en-
and control. I warded by the applause of the audi-
the following article what is believed the paralysis which often follows it. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A., roll 110n-registered residents
These Centers are maintained I ence.
to be the most reliable information who wish to vote at the Novem-
"Infantile paralysis is a communi- Tyson, of 51U S. Narberth avenue.'
in the interest of protecting and i (ConllnUe<l on Page Six) extant on this subject. ~able disease. It occurs most often in Merion.
ber election.
promoting the health of infant It is contained in a pamphlet on in- the summer months and early fall, Mrs. Eberhardt Mueller, the
Miss Tyson was graduated from
and pre-school children and arc
located at; 25 E. Athens m'c-
I Tennis Courts Stay Open fan tile paralysis (Poliomyelitis), is- l'OInnlOnly among' children. In the be- Lower Merion High School with the
I The Narberth Playground season sued by the Metropolitan Life Insur- ginning it resembles many other con- Class of '32. She will enter the Lib-
Assessor for the First District,
will sit at Elm Hall; Mrs. Hor-
nue, Ardmore; Lancaster and I ended officially last week, but the ten- nnee Company of New York, prepar· ace Murray, Second District, at
tagious diseases. A child that has eral Arts course at Bucknell.
Bryn Mawr avenues, Bryn
1\1awr; Elm Hall, Forest ave-
i nis courts will remain open to Nar- cd with the co-operation and advice been well becomes restless or drowsy. Freshmen week will open on Sep- the Legion room of the Com-
uerth residents as long as weather of the Milbank Infantile Parl\lysi~ He is feverish, irritable and doesn't tember 7, as originally scheduled.! munity Building, and Mrs.
nue, Narberth; Public School, E. permits. Football goal posts will be Commission. The Community Health want to be moved. He is apt to vomit Temporary classrooms and dormitory: Mary M. Livingston at the Boy
Eagle road, Oakmont; Ashland
Public School, W. Manayunk. II
erected for the use of local teams and and Civic Association, through its once or twice and may complain of rooms for men have been provided to I
the grounds will be kept in playing Nursing Service, employs this infor- headache or pain in the back, or in the talw the place of those destroyed by
eondition. mation in its work. (Continued on page SL't) the "Old Main" fire.
Scout House in the Third Dis-
OUR TOWN September 2, 1932

CLlnst:-uctiv~ sugg.:stions fDr thc' I

:dition firms within a year after the effort to achieve some uniformity re-

OURToWN banking industry arc .:ontained in thc Shreds 6' Patches The Literary Inquest i lJook's publication has hurt the regu-r garding these practices.
letter. Major Stanfllrd ask: I :al' market. Book publishers are --~~----------- I

A Co-operative Community N,ewspaper. "THEN, WHY NOT really raise More than 3000 workers who, in Conducted by I:;tudying this situation closely in an: 1t.~~~!!iiiii!!iiiii~~~~!!iiiii~~~~!!ii!iI'1
founded in 1914 by the N,arberth Civic
As.lociation, and published every Friday banking to t:le oignity of a Profe~· New York City and vicinity make Richard Powell
at Narberth. Pa. sion bvJ requirin<T t- all who en."a",'e
,., ,., ill most of the doIls and stuffed toys Weare rushing this review of I ' Sh Irvin 81 Shupp . d I
· fL' b f 11 1 Ilroduced in the United States, have rvm upp, ,a retire woo ens
PhIlip Atlee L1vlll~810n, puhlisher t1lat III1C 11 IJUSIl1CSS to e u y qua i, gone on strike against sweat-shop "Nymph Errant" by James Laver manufacturer, died Tuesday at his
Roh~l·t l\{on:'c ('alllL'I"OIl, Editor
Anne :\Ior~a II Hl)hl>l·t~, SCH'ln I Eclltor fied, and to be licensed only after pro- conditions. This incident wiII prob- (Knopf. $2.50. Pub. Sept. 1) to the 'I hom~, 725 S out. h H'Ig h land avenue,
ThonHl8 .\, 1':1\\"",,1. AdVertising ;\Innllg er )er examination as to their llualific:a'
I <~ y ~'"or amp e opportunity to .the., to a march. on. alI the! I'ears. '
bl ff d I l\lerlOll after an
< 1
line SS 0 f a b ou t t wo \
Offiee--258 Haverford Ave., Narberth tions, hl1nd c\'ery offi.:cr and din'ctm countl) s noble army of colummsts1crltlcs who Will compare It wIth Vol_I. NOW
TelePhone-l'la~~:;;:r:5;f~0If no answer, and k::11 out thc unfit? \Vlluld n:lt for many quips and clever verbal, . ' " ." ! Two daughters, Miss Mary R.
___ 1';1 prc'lilninary examination of candi, turns, and The Vagrant was tempted talre s Candide. To be honest, there; Shupp and Mrs. John H. Gibson, both Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.
SUbscription price <2 per year In advance, dates f, II' th~ control of (,THER that way himself, but he was arrested: can be no comparison between the i of Merion, survive. The funeral was Frances Dee, Ann Dvorak
___ I by the thought that a sweated occu- i two as far as lasting importance is: held from the home at 2.30 P. M.
Elller",1 [lg "P,'",,,I.,·',,"" n",ttel' Oelo" PEOPLES ?-vfONEY, to prove their
bel' 11 1011. at t1", 1'0"' Ofl!"e at Xal'" r d d I' ' I ' pation must be equally intolerable,: concerned. "Nymph Errant" pos_1 yes er ay. ' t d
~~Love Is a Racket"
bel'll..· I'". "",ler the .\ .. t of ;\Ial'ch 3, t Itnes;; an un erstanL ;ll~ Ilt et llC': whether it produces over-stuffed dolls sesses none of the political satire that I ~-- - - -_ _--.a
187~1 ; .1IlJ COnlmon honcsty. he: likely to or more serious articles for adult con- I d "C d'd" I' b :

Friday. September 2, 1932
: IWllW of grt:ater value than a belalL'd
i ('xamin:uion of boo!:s a:1d a:clIltllS
* * *
laS ma e an I e a c aSSlC, ut ',
both works do lling tile same shrewd, i NarbertH THEATRE IF
Next Monday a nd Tuesday
arre" William, Bette Davis
1. Among the interesting signs of the. witty barbs at the cult of eroticism.
\\'hic 1I Inay or may not DC: corrcct? t~llIes i~ the op~nlY al'l'ogant ~nd hos'l In place of the man candide we This Friday-Revival of HThe Dark Horse"
This Year's Chance "Why not havc;ust one sy;;tem of tile attItude wInch Tammany IS adopt-, find an "impatient maiden" (to usc "THE BIG PARADE"
For ycars music lovcrs of thc Phil, Banking 1.lI1clcr Feoeral or State aw ing ~oward G~vernor R.o~sev:lt while the delicate language of motion pic- with John Gilbert Wednesday and Thursday
adelphia district havc been divided, thority? But, if it is ne.:cssary 01: dc- the JIayor \V alker deCISIOn Impends. tures). Evangeline graduated from This Saturday
. 1 1 1 1 . I ,slrahle to h;I'I:~ both Fcderal and Statc ~Iways after t.h~ overthrow of some linishing school in Lausanne with the Wheeler &. W oo]sey in G"4eta Garbo
lnto c asscS: t lose w 10 lave tiC ( "q~;ll1l~CJ . Banks, then why not havc IOtrenched , I10IItlcai
. power ' wh'tl . e ler Ilarting words of Miss Pratt ringing
ets for the Philadelphia l)rchc·stra. .. f l ' f Charles I, X":1, Czar ~Ich.ol~s in her cars. "Life is a scientific prob- "THE CUCKOOS" YOU ~~AS
,omc prOVISion or t lC protection 0 01: II an AmerlC,an city machme, It IS lem.,.. never be afraid to eXlleri- Labor Day and Tuesday
and thosc who wish they hall. \Vith dc!)ositors by makin,£'. " the Governmc'nt pOSSI bl e t 0 see In re t I'ospect tl.1at t I1C ment." Evangeline follows this ad-
the demand for scats far cxcc'c'ding that createo them and supervises thcm last stl:aw w<~s an act of ~tupld a1'1'o-: vice a trifle more literally than l\liss
and Chas. Chase Comedy
the supply, the Orchcstra has bccn rc'spnnsiblc to depositors for the safety' g-ance lI11medmtely precedmg' the de-; Pratt intended. Instead of retuming
bacle. No one is so blind as the auto· t t d . t . 0 Wednesday and Thursday Week, End Next
st11l1cwhat likc an exclusivc dub, and 0 f t 1lcir money? . . 0 a ea-an -scones eXls ence 111 x-
'WI 1 1.1 1 crat Just before his own end. The f rd Ev g l' t D '11 Richard Dix in
fDr a timc it looked as though thc '"'. 1Y s lOU u not the respllnsi )!e recent veto by the Philadelphia mao ~th' ~I al~ : ll~e gO~ti 0 r.~auvl e "No Greater Love"
. ' 1 (JOW1'J1J11cnt holo Stockholocrs ano chine of the needed reform of Phila- WI. a I:a ~tlCal prouhucer t· J. C SUt,,'j't' I "ROAR OF
waiting list woulJ S'lon cclipsc t lat D'IrectoTs rcsponsl' '11 c f or a II Iosscs, dclplna . county's finanCial " ... i lIalve curlOSI y ures .er 0 an ar IS THE DRAGON" i I at"l Lal/rel and Hardy Comedy
· L . responslbJlI- co 1ony In ' 1\-'
LOncpal'n,"s,:;~ '" n ..h ... ,:;. 1,--
f t 1le U mon caguc. and th~ Stockholders havc a likc tICS may have been another symptom .n G b ' . 1 1
of the same state of mind and also of. ~anAIP lt . ermdanY't a tharomah cafst C
nut deprcssions Ilave a 1la b it 01 ('omc,h;\ck against thcir Directors, . . ·111 us rIa an on 0 e yac t 0 a ~~~- ~~~-S~S--~~iiiiii- =--§oo,---~-_~----
. d I a n Ilupendmg uphcaval from bpIow. : U" I I' . Sh b b .

~\ey Market Co~

opcning up rooms on t 1le wc 11 ' k'nown \\' IIOSC n:prescntatlvcs an agents t lCy * * * : rec (manclCr. c o s up InllU'
,'round Hoor, both lit~rall" ano £1'•.!; arc? It . t th b' h' I I'! cently just in time to be captured in
" \ ' , 'I,y IS no e Ig t lOgs, SUC 1 as IIS- 1I '11 f S d I .
not provid,: a stiff prison :lg-:'l'l'ments over money matters, that' le pi ~ge 0
'" J
IV. myrna an so d mto

!]J ny
uratively, It is possi) 11 e t 1lis ycar to , B k .
-c'nteIlCO: for allv an' Director who t1p~'et marital relatIOns, III the opm-!
. . . . . ,a TurkIsh
d ' h d I"
Her )'ear
of ad-
bcwmc the oWller of a scat at till' .
contnbulc;; to the wreckin" of hi,; 1011 0
. f Th Y 'f' I
e ' agrant s nenl Sllllth., r
. I ven urlllg en s WIt a e lCIOUS y anti-
t' 0 f d
I \) The Finest Meats
conccrts. Onc need not wait for I '" . " . , J I l' sa \'s that his wife's chronic failure! c illla IC return to x or . I
1ank through hIS wIltul neglLct and . : James Laver's aim misses few or II
ld I' 1 '. ,. 10 squeeze the tooth paste tube at the, . 2106 and 2103 l\'~:1:'ket ~t.-RITTE.'VHOUSE7070
ycar~, f or man)' 110. ers o' t1.: CO\' Igllll:'ancc ,
of what IS bCll1!! •
oone hy I' I' g I1t pace I anII I' liS own lIle . I'lila t'Ion 'the .much-dlSCUssc<1
. phases. of modernI
c'kd SL'a~on tickets havc been oblig ; those he is required to DIRECT? not to put the cap back on the ~ame' erotlcl~m." ,In more serious hand~ : i Just the thing for that Smoked Beef Tongues 23c
nl 10 drop them, givin IY a nc'w gl'll 1 "\Vhy nDt kick politics and pc·tty I ube have driven them ncarer to Heno' tbhan hiS, .!'ymph Errant" would have LABOR DA Y OUTING!
." I I'" . " I h" . .come either ponderous sordid or Rack Lamb Chops, , 20c
,... . . J ... "t. '. . , po ItlCI;JIlS nut of thc B;lIlkltlg lido t lan any ot er smgle lIlfluence In I I d' . ' ..
ll.ltielll .1 lll.l.,,,,, "skI' 111. ' . ' . I J ,., I ...' d rf Illlere y Irty. That Instead It IS Sr:l1lI S'Jgar-Cured
. ' . ,and glv~ thc pcople a challce fnr a lUI ong n1<llIle I P. • ,) I ' " 'd, . Stewing Lamb:
BlI~111L';S e'JIlUIl1OllS havL' llot as yo't: '., " * " 1\\ 10 esomely absur can be credited to Sr.l0:~ED HAMS ... '" .Ib., 18c
Neck, 12c; Breast. , ., 6c
dL'stroyed thc' waiting list for thc Fri Ich;,\,l1 g c. "If I happened to be in some fes- Laver's sense of humor and masterly!: Some Other Week· End Prices:
' .' 1 J: t There arc t!Jou,;amls of SI)]cIlJidly t I've place ll'ke a spea]'easv fOI' nx lISe of understatement, which glosses! Lc,m Salt Pork 15e
I :1 t terllOlli! ~enc's, 1ut "nc se:1 ".
' S ,manageJ hanks alld man" thou,allds nlllple . and " saw there • <,a friend
L. . , with Ill\'er IIlcldents that ordmal'lly would I Rib Roast (thick end)
-, •• . . :
Our delicious cure of BACON
other than his wife, I n~a, k e a reader gasp. The pereg-l'lna·
Hamburg Steak, freshly
an d e\'cn. boxes . ' may 1.'e 1la d' . t or at- "'of men cngagcd in the b:lllkin" J
husi some , woman.
urday 111ght or Monday 11lght. The I
, . . .
• '. .
' ill'SS who arc ot sterlll1" Illtc"nt\' and \\OU
.." • Id t ,t k
no appear 0 now 11111 anI.
I. . I hons of Evangeline are a "'cries of
... ~
I I ground
Lean Soup Meat.
'X'hole piece, 18c; Sliced ..... 25c
Pork Chops, 26c; Whole Loins, 22c
IlllSlllrtUllC ot the musIc lover whlll 1 .1 cl " ' , ':' ' .. would trY to leave without attracting Jewel-lIke IJ1cldents, each roundpd oII ,
has b cen ulla I,Ie to rcncw IliS tiC ( e l l '
, . I : one 1unure.. ',er '
cent. 411alihed to hL. •. .
hiS attentIOn," sUld a man recently,
U1 I
11 coup e
I,d t th
·t· h
e nex Wit a ex·
1",:\,c',' , . ,"I''' ,rt ;:!dty for thosl' I thclr posltl0ns. Such Banks and and all the other men there under- terity reminiscent of Aldous lIux- DELl\'EH Y I'HO.\II''l'
!; :\'~ \,:;11t,'ol f", ;, long while. :such Il1C~1 always cnjoy thc respect stood his meaning and his honorable ley. t ~l~~es Lha\,efr ha.s succeeded in
: :lnJ conhdcnce of thc puhlic. Thcrc motive. The women did not. To them cr)'s a IZlng t e rot!lIng overflow of! 1'~~~~!ie!!~~~!ie!!!!iiiii~~!ie!!!ie!!~~~!ie!!~~!ie!!!ie!!~~~!ie!!~~!ie!!!ie!!!!iiiii~~1
,.. I.,
Tk I :~ll.: ',lSC "I ,~1. ,c scatS this: can be no safer or ,;aner place for it seemed to be a confirmation of a'n life in his book.
" . : ' . ,·.'!1 . k·" tit !" . thL' buy:r I any mall to kecI) his money th;lIl in all-.male conspiracy, ~he existence of *
.... ~ ....L .. nc I Ic'S t ra A 'SO':I;t HJIl.
· t 1 I
(l, 1 k I I k
a )an -, \V lcre le 'nows tIe 0 ccrs
I fli'
\"h ch the 11ad I
• I Y
u I t I
* * S y suspecel. HouSt011 ~ (Alit $2 P b A t
* lrevlO
>" "
"Hurd"-Gurd.v" bv. l\Iargarnt Bell
Wonlen With Skin
,hc' former it will be the bel(innitH! d'" d 1 lp eon, . 1I. ugus that has become hal'sh and dry aftcr a sum-
. '.1 f .. ' 'an ulrectors an respects t lCIll. It is g.enerally conceded that Hoov- 8). Formerly it was an exclusive,
mcr out-of-doors, requirc a scrics of facials.
, a . jong ' p,'nou.0. artlstlc opportun- ' TI lere IS. not I1111g ' wrong \Vlt. I1 t Ile ,'ast er's chances for re-election have im- male prerogative to bow to the calI
Ity; . the ' lattcr It will . mean a partIal ... f I k 1 I ' d ' h' h f of adventure and t'n" ullkno,"n, ,"hI' 1,',
Gct QUI' special price.
. " . mOl Ill! Ity 0 our );1I1 ers, ,ut t lcrc IS prove smce IS speec 0 acceptance. ,,' "
s"lutlun 01 till' l\ssu':lallll11 s hnancI;t! ;:omct . I' .1 I
)0'111 elll. . , .
1111 g wro!lg Wit 1 a systcm t lat
'1'1 1U t IS
. causmg
' g!'ea t sa t'IS f ac t'Ion .111 women had the dut.\' of keelling 'I• ligllln ,
. 11 I I h burning in the window to guide th ' Three for ~1:
1 Any II . .. \\'un t \\'ork un!cs~ someonc wants it .Iose epu .ICUl~ nelg 1 JOr.lOol s wen' ",
mOl vidual or family on the . ' o m e enthUSiastIc and solitar~' Demo·, wayfarer home. :Uodem Miss Hous, Hot oil treatment, Shampoo and ,\,,;'a\'e
l\hin Line with a f,'w dllllar;; :\vail. to wo:·k: that \\':11 I'rel<:l:o to supcr', erat kept his radio going all night to Ion see~ this tradition in reverse. Once
1 t' I I 11 I 1 \'I':c' :l11J kccp tull>' IIlI'll'mcd, and; listen to the Democratic conn>!I!ion·1 a n, reader controls his indig
-.I/o/,.-T'II'S.· Wed. 8/)/~'(·/.I/,S-
a 11,1'. ur suc 1 ''1 \PI u·\
l' : '. 1 c' eu . . '. kll')W nl,thin~, ;lI1d that will commit Those irritated neighbors wel,'e so' nation at fmdlllg tIll' male dwractl'rs
tun I'X' I . • .

.1 " ". "
~,' hlol!~h
; . ' .. ,."
lIldeed "
If ' .
the trca:-,ul'c lit widows and orphans "ompletely and per.manentIy altad.led spll1nll1g we IS to.II1.' e fin women t.o! ." I b' 1 I 216 Dudley Ave. Ph. Narh. 2324
Llb F.tll, 0I'P.)' t un. t) \'.l\ L .dlm\ cd . to tlC .1]1.l11 _ J so f men \\'10 1 arc utterly 10 Hoover that night that notllln'~ ., aprons . and domestlcltv· . ',' once a fenn-', r ••

' -.;;;!E!!ie!!!ie!!~~!ie!!;;;;;;;!E!~!ie!!;;;;;;;;~~~~~!E!~!ie!!~~~c=-==~~!ie!!!ie!!~~!ie!!;;;;?_~~
to 1':\55. ThosL' who prtlcure se:lts thiS ,.. d I which the campaign may develop will nllle reader stop:; snltl'lI1g that "That' -
. unitt In ,'\'crv \\,:1 y an w 10 C:lnn'lt, .' fl' .,
)',';1: \,.. Ill be :lmlJl\g the' "!lVic.d UIlC.' a lermne Ihdn t deserv(': il,~
~'OUllg di~·
"hake them.
111 tLc' future.
, - ' .
h.: r"!.::lI':llcd or kept straIght. The A robin, wounded or
Snip 0
him!"; they may settlc down to en-" I
result ilj such laxity _}:as .too uftcn 11'('ssl'c1 unto death, sought. out ,I ~h:~{I-: .io~' a ~clightful . little story that
caused p"()pk tll losc t:uth 111 all men lI\\'~' alld secluded ~Jlot 111 Till' \ a· lou"hes lightly 011 the chords of one':.

_ ....~'I1'Ii'.ti;;:.'Ml1Jb ...

~~:I ~
Banking as a P)'ofession
\Vith the rccotbtructiun of our
and tu regard with suspicion many g:l'ant 's ):arlI tl Ie 0tl tel' d ay all{ I '[PI
1 ' 1 II
w 10 ,I n IOllora, e tu t le ast ue"rcc.
I 1 .1 (here willie La Vagrante watched, Ull-
' . .
\. 1 memory. .
Derry Carewe, In whose nature waf<
. .
han king facilities a prcssing prnblcm ~! " ,... ahle to render even first ald. Anl! a traIt of wanderlust IIlhel'lted from
v c nceJ a changc. then, immediately after the demise, a 111'1' father, wanted to stud.y Ilaintl'llg
of the very ncar future, a reccnt ktter strange thing happened. A thrush, alld wanted to marry Dillard Kent.
of Major A. Stank"J Stanford.. of
\VhitehaIl, Ha\'crforo, is an intcrest- .1.11
the .J.Y.laZ 1'oag
T 1- it A" 0 \'ery much ali\'e and about his busy So she tried to get along without Di]·
occasions, came hopping- along' that lard. It didn't work. What use was

ing and .:onstructi\'c chalkng~, \Vhy, way, following the base of the fence it, Derry asked herself, to win art
Labor Day marks summer's rcal end. Warm days may
hc asks, shoulu not hankinl.! he raised Had Excess 011 Deposit :lg-ainst which the robin still leaned, prizes in New York, while home ill follow, but the hum of household activity has begun.
to thc dignity of a profcssion. To the Editor of "Our Town:" and, without so much as a pause, l'l'xas some horrid girl like Monica There is school, and cleaning and restocking of larders
Pointing out the exhaustive train. In <l recent issue of )'our paper hopped on and over the robin's body, might be snatching Dillard? Through
• .1 fl" ,there appeared on the front page a just as though it had been a stick or such experiences Derry acquire~ mer- to be given attention. Let the coal-bin be an early con-
statelllent that a ~uit had been enter- a s one 0 Ie same size oc (Ing H~ I' a er t e r mdu fashion. The pixie
. . anu carc , u eXam1l1atlons,"'. ,'o\,ern' . t f tl . bl I' tl 't ft h 1' sideration:-remcmber, cool days are "just around the
1l1g the mcdlcal profcsslon: thc tr:lln': ed by the Banking Commissioner for way. Yet no onc ever saw one bird ,trains of the hurdy-gurdy (the sym-
ing and examining of l:tw)"'r~; th .. : lhe 1\lerion Title and Trust Company so treat another in real life. Would bolism is the author's, not the review-
preparation of engineers, a rc·hitects, I to ('over $.1500 due on a certain prom- I hat thrush have been equally non- ,~r's) that had unsettled Derry fade
clcrl(ymcn ano accountant.,. M;ljor issory note executed by GW)'nn T. chalant a few minutes earlier, hefore :tway and change into the satisfac·
Stan foro shows that c\'Cn rcaltcrs. in" I u In
, "'h
d lire was extinct '1 If not, how did it I t"l'y chiming of weddin!!' bells. Narberth Coal Company

this. connection I beg to state I know that those feathers were no I * * * " I l~alp1J S. DU'IIIe, OB'tler
surance 11m k'ers, p 1um I1ers, har11<'rs I tl1a t th e 1\1' r enon T'It Ie an d l' rust Com- longer the abode of a robin '? i H carsay EVI'd ence I
ano operators of beauty shops arc sub- pany does hold a promissorv note of THE VAGHANT. I According to figures published July I
jcct to training, licensing and a cOlIc- mine for $,1500, which was n~t due for 20 by the Department of Commerce Telephone Narberth 2430-2431
t:'Joc,al :Movies

of ethics-and yct, he points out-- thirty or 1110re da)'s after the failure there has been little decline in thl;'
"Any combination of men may get of the bank. I had deposited in the -!.:;l popularity of good fiction. "Best selI-
together, regarolcss of their fitness or ;\lerion Title and Trust Company an ers" have not been hurt by a more
'fi ..1 amollllt far in excess of $·1500 to meet Narberth Theatre Notes rrug-al attitude on the part of the pub-
tin tncss, orgal11:e .' Wit 1 Fedcral or , t I' liS 111 _d ebtedness when' 8md note Concluding its week of revivals of 'I'IC, b u t on tl Ie 0th er IIan d "fi IIer " nov-
State authonty, and opcratc a BANK; shou1<l be due. The bank failed and I popular-request pictures, the Nar-: PIs have dropped olf greatly. From a
In Philadelphia -A Home In A Hotel
IS the atme o' cum tort ond convenienCe. Combine
hanolc thousanos and perh:lps mi\1ions closed its door. I cannot see that I I berth Theatre presents John Gilbert. literary point of view, this increased this with economy, and you have solved the housing
of dollars of thc peoplc's moncy, and am obligated to pay the $4500 whcn: in "The Big Parade" this Friday, and', lli~crimination by the public makes us problem, You mtly have the exclusive atmosphere of
your own home or enjoy the comfort of our public
perhaps through their very ignorance they arc indebted to me for an amount I Wheeler and 'Woolsey in "The Cuc-, Wish for more and better depressions.: rooms, includinQ lounoe, perl or, end public dinino

! T~ere ,~ere 4,222 new book titles.

of thc banking husincss and l,thics far in excess of the said note. i koos" on Saturday.
.' I .'.. . I I ,,,auld be pleased if YOU would' On Labor Day and Tuesday. there publIshed 111 the first six months of I YOUR lervont problem will be entirely eliml·
pel ~1lt t lC 1l1Stltutl0l~S com~11Ittel to publish this statcment.· I
nated, optional maid service is available
wiII bc a Charlie Chase comedy; also I!J32, of which 1,022 were fiction, as ot 0 cost far less than you could purchose it for
thor ca rc to smash WIth ternbk losscs Very truly yours, "The Blonde Captive," authentic tale compared with 1,053 issued in ID3l. i yourself. In f.ct, • completo hotel .ervico i••t your
to dcpo~itors ano sto~kholdcrs'! And.' or a wild hu~t, with Lowell Thomas I~e.trenehment. a.ffected th: fields ~f II
comm.nd ot the prico of ordinory ionilor .p.rtment
that very often the 1l1noccnts ncwr talking all through it. philosophy, relIgIOn, law, SClCnce, busl-
suspect that thcir Bank is insolvent Exhibits Russian Posters Next Wednesday and Thursday, nes~, travel and biography, while edu-l HOTEL PENNSYLVANIA furnished a. d unfur-
is first-class, fireproof construction throughout. Con'
until too latc to protcct themsclvcs or A private showing of )losters Richard Dix and Gwili Andre, exotic cah.on, economics and sports showed I suit your fire policy. your rate gives you e definite
anSwer to the construction of the building in which
nlshed apartmanf$, I to
b "oom,_ trom $75.00
?" brought from Russia was given by Norse beauty give a topnotch per- an mcrease. , you live. Our rate covering your cropcrty in thi~
otIlers. . . '. M'lSS'Ell en B' rll1ton, of 127 Merion formance in a ' graphic picturization of Th e pro bl em 0 f gaugll1g . publIc . de·, hotel is the lowest in the city. par month Room and

Ano after a bank IS 111 op<:rat1lJll, avenUE, Narberth, at her home on war-torn Manchuria. 'lUlllll for a book and disposing of the I COME ana ,,1I0'W one ot OUf representatl'leS to bt!th with ron.plete ho-
demonstrate the eCtJnomiel ona can· t.1 .....Ico lSO,OO per
the writer continues, wbat is the sig- \Vednesday night. Miss Brinton, field remainder has come to be the most' veniences derived from living In this hotel. Enjoy the
nifieance of the audits anu reports to I secret~ry of the Women's Interna- clean air and elevation of this section where you ere month.
Egyptian-This Friday and Satur- serious one to the publishing busi· I
t~e po~ters n~ss. Unloadi~g I but ten minutes by elevated. bus, or car from dow"
State and Federal banking authorities, II tional League, believes. to day, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., in "Love of overstock through t("lW"

What usc arc these reports if they do be one of the most strlkmg examples Is a Racket." Monday and Tuesday, dI~g and chain stores at a cut-rate
no t sh ow • th c t rue con d lUon
' .
. .0
f If'
a :Ill'S, I
of modern Russian art. Warren Williams and Bette Davis in price has upset the market greatly.
"The Dark norse." Wednesday and A n d ' a popular book never sees
HOTEL PENNSYLVA t ~IA 3900 Chestnut Street
and fall to reveal a condItIon of uc- I Ad\"crtisers in this paper are relia- Thursday, Greta Garbo in "As You the cut-rate shelves, the practice of
cay months before the actual crash. I ble merchants. Deal with the~. I Desire Me." I selling reprint rights to the cheap
1i= =Unr.stric:t.d ParkIng I:v.rgr.o.' ,UOO= ....;;r:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I
September 2, 1932 OUR TOWN Page Three

Mrs. Robert J. Nash, of Price and
Narberth avenues, entertained the en-!
Church Notes

Eighteen ~ ears oif
All Bread and Pastries baked
on the premises under super-
vision of the proprietor.
••• V
. ~

tire garden club group of Mrs. Arthur I

All Saints Church
Goldsmith's class from the Southwark Montgomery and Wynnewood Aves., "Local History" is Sixth •
Library Reading List.
* * *
Our modern refrigeration plant
Cont;nuous Ser"/"·ce.
" " " •
Neighborhood ~ouse, .of 101 Ells- i
Wynnewood. __ I • enables us to keep your food ..
worth street, PhIladelphIa, last Thurs-
G'b B 11 P t
I son e
I "just right."
as or "Local History" is the sixth in the, • assure you at Cotter's the finest quality foods at the •
day morlllng. The members of the . ' .
class arrived by motor cars, visited
the farm, and were served a home-
cooked dinner. Those who assisted
Rev. DaVId Holmes, ASSIstant
8.00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
11.00 A. 1\L-Holy Communion and
series of Reading Lists prepared by'.
the Library for the benefit of those
patrons who may desire to systema-
I. •
ONE-DAY' SPECIAL market's consistently lowest prices. Because co-opera- •
II b b' II •

Mrs. Nash were Mrs. E. H. Cockrill, Sermon. tize their reading. • -Thl'S Saturday.. tive buying cuts costs, you wi save y uymg a your.
Mrs. William Knatz, of Stonehurst,
and Mrs. Arthur Goldsmith, of
1. "The Making of Pennsylvania," •
Fine Granulated
food needs from your independent grocer, who is a •
Baptist Church of the Evangel by Sidney George Fisher. Interesting • I d •
Robert E. Keighton, Minister description of the ingredients, racial • S U GAR member of a large group who buy co-operative y an •
1\11'. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Edgerton Sunda~', September 4: and religious, which first went into • lb b pass on the savings to you. i " •

and famil~r, of Chestnut avenue, left 11.00 A. M.-Morning Worship. America's oldest melting pot; also • 10-. ag •
br motor on Tuesday for Canada.
by Dr. Reuben E. E. Hark-' something of Penns~'lvania's border •
I Sermon
Professor of Church History at dl'sputes allcl 1·01'a"s. •
39c Prices listed here, except for the one-day Sagar Special, are •

TlIe R everen d an d 1\1 rs. A very . C S mi aryS ~ • effective now to next 'Taesday night. September 6 •
Demmy, of Narberth avenue have re- rozel' e n . 2. "Pennsylvania Place Names," by
turned after spending- a week as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Methodist Episcopal Church
A. Howry Espenshack. . Beginning.
with an explanation of the use of t h e .
A mong 0 ur F·tne Fresh F rut·tS··· PENNSYLVANIA
Tyson, of Haverford avenue, at their Rev. Samuel MacAdams, Minister. term "Keystone", a Penn State pro- • GINGER ALE •
country home at Wycombe, Pa.
Sunday, September 4:
!lA5 A. lV1.-Sunday School.
fessor discusses origin of familiar •
names, Indian, Biblical, classic, bor-.
or ..
2f 9c or LIME DRY •

Mrs. Charles RIdgway a.n d her I
11.00 A. M. - Morning Worship. rowed, invented, as well as thosere- • 3 5.
daughters, Mrs. Ray CowgIll, and I th
Mi~s Elizabeth Ridgway, of Hillsbor~'1 Sermon by e pastor.
ferring to plant life and industries, •
3. "Philadelphia, the Place and the
R"Ipe TOMATOES . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 lb ., 10c Q1. bots.,
• 2 c •
OhIO, were the guests of Mrs. F. I',.
Chamness, of 24 Avon road, last week.I Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Miss Lucia Keim, of Dudley .aven. ~Je,
left on Tuesday
. for AtlantIC CIty
Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor
Sunday, Sept. 4, 1932:
People," by Agnes Repplier. The city's •
history and her charm told by a loyal'.
4. "0 esecra t'Ion an d P 1'0 f ana t'IOn o f .

doz., 19c
a ey orge
3 bots., 25c

where she WIll stay at the Hotel Mor-I 9.30 A. 1\L-Bible School. h P I ' C "t I" b S W • (Plus Bottle Deposit) •
ton for several weeks.
t e ennsr vama apl 0
11.00 A. M.-The Morning Service. Pennj'l)acker. A former governor
Y.. '1
111. CaI·f . ORANGES
I Ornla " doz., 19c • •
Miss Bettie Brothers, who has been The pastor will use the theme: "The a letter addressed to the people of t.he i• Clicquot Club •
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Oakie S. Virtue of Persistency." . state dated October 4,.1911, rephes • S 6 Ib h GINGER ALE •
Cook, of Dudley avenue, returned on . Tuesday, 8.00 P. M.-Councll Meet- t~ the attac~s ?n erection, constru~- Freestone PEACHE. . - . anlper, 19c ROOT BEER or
Fridav bv motor to her home in Union- mg. I tlOn and furmshmgs of the state capI- • SARSAPARILLA •
town,' Pa:, accompanied b~' her father, W~dnesday, 8.00 P. 1\1.-Teac?ers' I tol. A brother of the l~te g?vernor, • " •
1\lr. James B. Brothers and her broth- Meet1l1 g . at the home of Mrs. Brmer, Isaac R. P~nnypacker, hves. 111 Ard- •
er, Mr. Fred Brothers. 316 Mcnon avenue.
rome and IS a former chal1:m~n of •
And: Luna Beans 2 lb., 19c 2 16-oz. bots., 25c ••
Mrs. Cook, who recently spent sev- the Valley Forge Park CommIssIon. • •
eral weeks in Chicago, returned from The Presbyterian Church 5. "Book of Philadelphia," by Rob- •
that city via the transcontinental and Rev. John Van Ness, D.D., Minister ert Shaekleton. A guide book pre-
Western Air Line.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Edwin Anderson,
Meetings for September 4: pared by one well versed in the art •
There will be no Bible School ses- of revealing a e i t y . .
~ion of the Beginn~rs, Primary, Jun- 6. "Guide book of art, archit?cture • Prl·nle Ribs
·1· Cb·Iekens 59ceach•• •

and their daughter, Sonia, of Dudley 101' and IntermedIate Departments. and his~Qrical interest in PhJ1adel- • ' •
avenue, have just returned from a '~'he Seni.or Department and Adult phia." by A. 1'1. ~rcha1ll.bault. Fost- • Grain-Fed •
stay in Margate, N. J. Classes WIll meet at 10 A. 1\1. ered by the State I' ederatlOn of Penn- • L PI t B ef 2 Ib 19c.
j. I
Dr. Van Ness has returned from sylvania Women. A book for the use BEEF lb 29c ean a e e ,......... .,
1\11'. and Mrs. James H. Stevenson, his vacation and will preach at both of tourists, arranged chronologically, • ,., •
of Wynnewood, who are spending a the morning and evening meetings. hcginning with the counties first • • Shoulder Spring Lanlb. . . . .lb., 19c •
month in Ocean City, will return on At 11 A. M. the sermon theme will be formed. • LOIN OF PORK •
Septembel' 15. "The Challenge of the Present In- 7. "Red Hills," by Cornelius Wey- • L f S . L b lb 29 •
j. dustrial Crisis to the Christian grandt. Prof. Weyandt of the U. of P. • Whole or half eg 0 pring am .., c •
Mr. Proctor Leahy, who has been Church"-a Labor Day sermon. At n life collector of their lore, tells the • lb 19
spending- the summer at Pocono Camp, 7.45 P. 1\1. the theme will be "Saving story of the Pennsylvania Dutch, their • ., C Thick end RIB ROAST. . lb., 22c •
is the guest of his uncle and aunt, One's Life." picturesque customs and their pottcry. •
1\Ir. and Mrs. William Bailey Good-
all. of Dudley annul', this week. He
Prayer 1\Ieeting will be held as
usual next Wednesday evening.
8. "Wissahickon Hills," by Prof. •
We~'gand~. A description of night. • Armour'sh Star HAMS 21 c lb •• •

will return this Saturday to his home' herons of that vicinity, of the ice •
guest this week her sister, Mrs. John sto~m of IV02, of wateri~g tr?u~hs, of • who e or s an k h a If
, ••
29 C••
in Ridgefield Park, N. J.

~~r~~; ::t~:e~~~ :~~~h~'arlOus JI1cldents •

1\11'. and 1\Irs. ;harles E. Harnden
and family, of Moreno road, Penn
Valle~r, left on Monday for New Hav-
A. Hall, of New Y;rk.
1\11'. Paul R. Loos and his son, Al-
exander Loos, left the early part of
n. "Old Road~ out of Philadelphia," •
by John T. Faris. To make outdoor •
en, Conn., where they will remain un- this week for the White Mountains life more fascinating to motorists by • •
til after Labor Day. in Vermont to view the solar eclipse. adding to it a knowledge of local his- • •
Dr. and Mrs. Garth Boericke, of
Miss Eunice Griswold, daughter oJ
10. "Seeing Pennsylvania," by John •
• COJJ · lS.· Specta Swansdown.

Kenilworth road, Merion, returnee! 1\11'. and Mrs. Eo C. Griswold, of T. Faris. With the same motive as I CAKE FLOUR
last Frida y nighFt from a two months' Chestnut avenue, who has been spend- above broadened to include the state. i-. Bosant, the Wonder Coffee b., 21c 2-3/ pkg., 23c ••
stay in s an • rancisco, California, ing three weeks at Camp Tall Trces, 11. "Historic Lower Merion and /"
where they wcre the guests of Dr.
Boericke's mother, 11rs. 'William Boer-
Cedar Pines, Pa., returned honle on
Bloc.kley,'· ~~' Dora ~Iarvey ~cve.lin. •
.-\n 1I1t~:rest!llg collechon of hIstorIcal •
Quaker Aristocrat Coffee Ib. ' S
25c ~
ickc. While en route for Californl!ll, j. data on the eastern section of the • • PICKLES and RELISH •
Dr. and 1\1rs. Boericke stopped in MrR. S. E. Jett"eris, of Dudley ave. Main Line by a resident of Bala. • Astor .I-lb. tin, 27c •
Korthern Michigan, where they visit-
cd Mrs. Boericke's mother, Mrs. Fran-
cis Shively.
nue, is entertaining her cousin, Miss
Ida May Wood, of Montreal, Canada,
for Reveral days.
12. "Pennsylnlllia Trees by Joseph
S. Illick." A fine treatise, well illus- -.
trated, of the trees of Penns~'lvania,
Maxwell House, Chase 8(, Sanborn, 31 C pt. jal', I9c

j. J. by a U. of P. professor. • Del Monte or Boscul Coffee, I-lb. can, pt. jal', 25c •
1\Iiss Jane Louise King, daughter Mrs. H. F. Bradford, of Woodhav-
of Dr. and Mrs. LeRoy A. King, of en, L. 1., was the gucst of Mr. and
Shirley road, spent the week-end as Mrs. ,James B. Smith, of Avon road,
lao "Quaint corners in Philadelphia," •
edited by John Wanamaker. Illustra- •
tcd by loeal artists including Joseph • George
5- •ag,


tl Ie guest 0 f Kitty T ruedcll Green,.Iover the week-end. Washington I2-lb. bag, 39c I-lb. can, I5c •
daughter of 1\Ir. and Mrs. W. Russell I J.
14. "Travels in Philadelphia," by

Green, of Woodbine avenue, at the Mrs. Lucy C. Pickles, who has been Christopher Morley. . Inter~sting es- • F n PINK SALMON. . ... tall can 10c Kellogg's •
Chcster County Girl Scout Camp. spending the past five weeks at Chau- says on local subJeets-Clty Hall. a cy , CORN FLAKES •
near Oxford, Pa. 1\Irs. Green and tauqua, N. Y., has returned to her Square, the Paoli local, Leary's Book • •
her daughter, who have been spend- home on Avon road. store, etc. • Fancy PEANUT BUTTER .. 16-oz. jar, 12c pkg., 7c •
ing the summer there, will return j. 15. "The Old Main Line," by J. W. • • •
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Elwood, of
525 Homewood avenue, entertained at
Townsend. Personal reminiscences of •
the 60's and 70's.
GU lden' s MUSTARD . 12c
Jar, Penn Treaty or Old

Miss Henrietta Deubler, daughter a buffet supper last Friady followed 16 "Bvwavs and Boulevards in and • Gold fancy sliced •
of Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Deubler, of by dancing' and swimming. There abou~ iIist~ric Philadelphia," b y . Pabst-ette CHEESE pkg., 15c PINEAPPLE •
State and Hageyford road, returned were six guests. Brandt and Gunmere. Published dur- • .•
last week from Camp Ziptekana, 'Vi- Mrs. Elwood entertained at bridge ing the Sesqui"centennial to show vis- • F TUNA FISH 8 21 Ig. can, I8c •
nosld, Vermont. Their other daugh- on Monday evening. The guests were itors how to reach and enjoy every. ancy , -OZ. can, c • •
tel', Miss Emily DeUbler, is returning Miss Katharine Burgess, Miss Elea- nook in the c i t y . . • Borden's •
this Saturday from Camp Pine Cliff, nor Burgess, Miss Sarah Burgess, 17. "Independence Square Neigh- • Campbell TOMATO JUICE ... 3 cans, 23c EVAPORATED MILK •
Harrison, Me. '!\Jiss Alice Maguire, Mrs. Richard borhood," bv Carroll Frey. Historical
j. Blessing, Mrs. Boyd H. Tong, and
Mrs. Joseph R. Clausen, of Meet- Mrs. Dudle~' Rushton.
~otes on Independence Squa~'e, ~Vash~ •
lIlgton Square and near-by dIstrIcts. •
Canlpbell's TOMATO SOUP .. 3 cans ' 20c 3 tall cans, I7c
3 Sl11l. cans, I7c

ing House lane, recently returned • •
from New York, where she 3pent sev-
(Continued on rage l"lve)
Advertisers in this paper are relia-.
Karavan PI·aln OLIVES . . .. 12-oz. b0.,
t 15 c I• I •
eral days last week. She has as her Read the advertisements! ble merchants. Deal with them. • Roya Purp e •

- Th
gllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE •
-• Cl·
7\ T
1~ ee S:
pt. bo.t., I5c

- e Last Rose of Sum.rner §_==_ • P and G Soap. ...... . . 3 cakes, IOc B & M Oven Baked •
:: ==. y oung'sear
P I Borax S oap. •
:: Brings to mind two important points: -
==. .. 3 ca k es, IOc BEANS •
= (1) You wiII want to enjoy these late flowers from a - • 28-oz. can, I5c •
§ comfortable Lawn Chait'. ~ • Palmolive Soap. . . . . 3 cakes, I9c • •
(2) The 1lew growth of the climbing vines wiII need
sUltable Al·bor.
§=•• - h S FI k
C ipso oap a es.
I k
. g. p g.,
17c Salada Orange
Pekoe TEA

~ THE SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL GARDEN FUR- ~ • Ivory or Camay Soap. .3 cakes, I4c

M k •
1/4 -lb. pkg., 2Ic •
§. C t' t ' •

_:~_ 29~~~B~~wy~'-!.~~~!.t~H~MPAc~yr62lli are ti

:: Stop in and make your selection before the stock gets low


Haverford Avenue, Narberth
er s Phones: Narberth 2250-2251-2252 •
:illl I11111 II 11111111 II II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1II111111111111111111111111.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Page Four OUR TOWN September 2, 1932
of the Haverford and 1\[erlon road as I with a right curve and measured on the ,

Francis Poles Five OI'lglnally laid out 33 feet wide, at the I chord of the arC of a circle with a radlu" Narberth-Merion-~ennValley W. P. MIESEN
Hits in Narberth Win ICE
dh,tallce of ~6,~8 feet North 6~ degs. :l~, of 166,75 feet, North 58 dell'S. 40 mills, 3:1 Local &. Carpenter .:. Builder .:. Jobbing
mlns, East fl'om the point of Intersectloll' seconds East 61.62 feet to a point: Thence Reliable
of said original side lIne with the North- continuing alonA" the said side of saltl
(Continued from Page One)
Jobbing Carpenter easterly side line of Essex avenue (50 feet Narbrook road with a lett curve and CHESTER G. JONES Phones:
singing double, which admitted Friel wide) thence North 12 degs, 11 mlns. measured on the chord of the arc of a Day-Narberth 3973·M

West along land about being conveye,l e1I'ele with a radius of 125.75 feet, North 200 Woodbine Ave. Narb. 4058 Night-Narberth 4044
and Sirch to the scoring headquarters.
lo na)' HicklIn, partl)' passing along the 64 deg-s, 47 mlns, 55 seconds East 1~,8~
Lyons was mighty shaky then, but bore
centre of a Ilartltlon wa II, 108,n feet to feel, to an open or puhllc space forming'
down and retired the side. a point In line of land now or late of a continuation 01' extension from Nar-
Credit for defensive gems goes to George A, Jones, thence along the same hrook road, East, Thence along said open
Barney Slaughter and Reverend Jack :'-l'orth 77 degs, 4~ mlns, East 20,4 feel 0" puhllc space with II left curve, all,l
Hart. In the first Gordon slammed a
liner which Byron snared in the pro·
10 n Ilolnt In the line of land now or measul'ed on the chord of the lII'e of a
formerl)' of "'Illiam T, liarrls, thetll'e <'frcle with a 1·,,,lIus of fiii feet ~oulh fil
:I!ong- the same South I ~ degs, II mlns. degs, ~ mlns, 40 seconds East 40 feet,
Without Labor
verbial shoe-string style, while Hart
contributed a nifty catch of Howdy
East paI'tly passing along the centre of 10 a corller of lot 12, on sal,l plan; 'LIlli
" partition wall 106 feet to said original Thence along said lot 12, South 6 degs.
we'd all go broke.
siele line of Haverfo1'fl anll :\Ierion road; r,!) mlns, "'csl 109,14 feet, to the l" I
Powell's fly in the fifth, taking it one- Ihence along the same South 6~ degs, cdy side of sa ill 12 feet wldc drlvcway,
Harry Francis scintillated with the
:I~ mlns, 'Vest, 20,6~ feet to line of sal,I Ihe first mentioned )loint and Illace of
Hlelelln's land, the first mentlonell poillt hcglnnlng. Without Capital
lumber for the homcstcr~, banging
a lid Illace of heg-Innlng, 13[';ING ImowlI
away for live hits, one of which was
as No, 20ii Haverford road, uxnEl~ ANn RUI-l.TECT to certaill "",.,.
c("'·atiollfl, conditiollH and l'eslt'jelioll:-l we'd stay broke.
a double, and Gilfillan played second HVI3.TECT TO certain huillllllg reslrlc- therein l11entlonel1.
liddle with three. MacGregor's two lions therein melltlon,
A Ton or Two ~afeti(!s were a double and home run,
The Tm)lrovements thereon are a:
'I'OGETIIER wilh the f,'ec and <'Olll-
mOil usc, right, liberlY and \lI'lvilege of No matter how small, save something regularly,
now means that much less to lhe latter coming in the final N ar- 2'h Slol'y Plastered House, 2·J feet frollt Ihe aforesaid drl\'ewa~' as and for a
buy when cold weather sets in.
berth chance when the outcome prov- hy -Ill feet deell, :1 Hooms on First. Floo,', drl\'eway and passngewa)' at ali times and let it work for you, accumulating interest in a
ed it was needed very badly indeed. :1 Hooms on SecolIll Floor, .J Booms anel, thereafter fore\·er.
And bought fl'om Thompson's, Kreuz had a brace of singles for
Bath on Third Flool', ceilal', gas, elcl'lri": savlOgs account.
lights, Sndnglield water, steam heat.
it means real fuel value for ! lhe losers and McGee's one hit was The Imllrovemellts t hel'eon arc n:
your money. I the Ruthian wallop mentioned earlier.

I T he box score:
Sclzed and talecn In execution as the [If., Slo,')' Stone and 1,'l'ame Bungalow,
p,'opel'ty of Hell'n Baird Caldwell, :\Illrl- 2·1 feet front h~' :J6 feet deell. wllh :1 Three Cheers for Labor
L.M. Thompson NARBERTH
R. H. O. A. E.
J,:agOl', nnd 'Yilliam P, Gordon, Secrelary !'Ooms on firsl 1100", :I I'ooms and ha tit
of 13"nklng' for the Commonwealth of on secolld floor. eeliar, goas, cIccI ric IIghls,
l'enllsyl\·anla. in possession of the husl- RllrlnJ,:fieill water, hot water heat, porelt -and don't forget to save!
BaJa Avenue at Union ['owell, 2b 1 1 4 o 4 ness Ilnd 11I'0llerly of the :\lcl'lon 'I'itle fmn t.
cYNWYD 280 Francis, rf 4 5 o o o1 Illle! Trust COlllpan)' of Ardmore, Execu-
tor of .Tohn A. Caldwell, De"'II .. 1I10rtg-a- Sel7.ClI and taken in cxecutlon as tit!'
MacGregor, Ss .. 2 2 2 3 ~or, and Helen Baird Caldwell, Heal pronerly of Richard f'. Sayel', ,11'., Morl-
~=============~i :-:ilaughter,
Gilfillan, 3b , . o 3 2 3 o Owner, and to he sole! h~' :;a:;or and Heal Ownel', and to be sol<I hy
cf . 2 2 a o o The
Automobile Carroll, 1b , , o 2 fl o o HASEL'l'I:-.'E S, LE\'EH, Shel'ifr,
o o o
Mooney, If
King, c
Lyons, p
, .
POWII Money $200.00
Shcriff's Olliec, ),'o''I'islo\\'II, Penna,
Angusl 16, 1!l3~
Down lITolley $~OO,OO
Shel'lff's Ollice, ;o.;orrlsto\\'Il, I'!'nna,
AlI~'usl 16, l!I:I~
Narberth National Bank
[n All lIs Branches (09-2)

13-Plate Batteries,
Totals fl 17 27 12
SH ERI FF'S SALE Open 8 A. M. Jail:: fo:' )'o~::' C0::':c:-:ence,
Guaranleed I Year
R. H. O. A. E. By virtue of a writ of Lco\'ari F'ad:t~ I B,~ virtue of a ,vrit of Levari Fal'ias and also Friday evenin~s fron' 7 to 9
Sirch, c ..... ',. 2 1 10 0 1 1~~tIl"] oUt or tIl(· ~""OlJl't of Comlllon Plt'a~ i lH:--tt~I~11 out of the Court of ("OI1HnOI1 Ph':Js
~5.50 Carter, cf 1 0 3 0 o fl~ :\Iolltg·ot~lery County. l't.'llll.a" to Itlp· qf ':\lontg-otnel'v County. Penna,. to tile
,lireclcd, he sold at l'uhlIe Sale I WI'11 'I }c
I' I'Ireetc(. II I l' 11' S a 1e
McGee, rf 1 1 3 1 o WIll Oil
I a u ) Ie

: f ~o all
Kreuz, p ., 0 2 0 2 o WED),'ESDA Y, SEPTE:\Ir:E1t II 1'1'1" I
., "- i \\'J;;P),'8SI),\ Y, SBPTE:\lBl';l~ 1-1, 19:1~
Goodyear Cullins, 2b 0 1 0 2 o e
Gordon, 1 b . . . . 6 ~:lt 1~.f1(). o'clflt'k
1 IT' :"\0011. EastC'rll Stanclal'cJ i \" (10 'I I
Speedway and Hart, If ... ,..
0 0
0 Hne, Ill. OUI"t
BOOIH "C at ~ t Ie. Court
.. I ,II _. n p (H' ~
Tillll'''. in eolll't
Xnoll, E:I~tl'rll StaT1flanl
I{oom "C" a t the Court
If~U~(>. 111 til .... BorotHdl of :\'OITlstll,,"lI, JItlll~f', ill tit\' n()rotJ~.dl or X"ol'rislnWI1.
Pathfinder Tires I~ril'l, oS
l"ranklin, 3b .... 0
1 0
:-;;,llll County. lhe follOWing' tll'!-:t'l'ihCtl J:.·al
I,slatp: Jo:~late: ' Itcal l
fo':Iid ('ount,., the followill:-.
..· dC':-,cJ'ilH'(} I Ql r tll r t r r !J

fVashing and Greasing
McConville, if ,. 1
Kelly, p 0

o OU:.,dl
ALL 1'11.\'1' CEI~TA1),' lot ill II,e n",·"
of :"::ll'hel'th, ::\Iollt.~f)Jn('I'Y COlll11 \
.\LT, TIl.\T CJo:I~TAIN lot ill Ihe Hor- i
i Located on Belmont Avenue above City Line;
Winters, 2b 0 0 0 1
o Pa. .' i l)a. of Xarlwrth. ::\lolltc"otllPl')' ('ol1llly. i
. Adjacent to the Bala-Cynwyd Section, accessible
from all points. The Westminster landscape has
NARBERTH -; all the charm of a picturesque rural countryside.
Totals 6 6 27 10 2 HECiI:-;:-;I:-;r; 011 N. Eo sille' \\'illi:IIII' 111,;r;1),'),'1),'r; in Ihe mi<l<1I1' of IIolJH'"
Bridge Garage Narberth 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 3-fl
;IVe, l,,:L';';' s. l~J
\\'oolihilll' avc., sa leI ]Joilll heillg- X. ,!I"
]1' ]':. fl'ot11 point ill
WOlltl :1\"f:'. :"" :!Il') ~r.' ,Yo :!j'ii.:i~,' fronl till'
For information-without obligation-call, write or telephone
llltPI'SI'('tioll of 1nlrlll1e lillP of Homewood
Narberth Avenue at the Bridge Vets 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-6 "I' E. 2H,,' from inte,·sccl.ioll of middle
alll] Sahine aves" thence R, 6!\0 :1·1' "'. Post Office Address: ,Station I, Philadelphia
Two-base hits-MacGregor, Fran- lille of ',"oodhine a Ill) IOlla a "enlles; !1,I.'12'; thence X, 2~') S' \Y, .:! 1.2;')'; t]1('11CO
PHONE NARBERTH 2603 cis. Home runs-McGee, MacGregor, thellce N. 7!1' "I' E. lI;;,:l:I': lhplIl'e ~. :'\. G!)o :!-l' Eo 91.1·1': t hpncc S. 20 0 26'
111) :27' E. 18.:i'; thence S. 7.° ·t~' \Y.
I·;. 2·1.~;;' to hp.f..dnning-.
Bases on balls-Off Lyons, 7; off IIi.S::': thellce X, 12' 11' \Y, IS.,,' to
Krell7., 2; olf Kelly, O. Struck Ollt- hl'dllllillg·. BeillJ,: ),'0. 221 Williams a\'l'- Th,' llItill'O\'''"11'IIH t11l'n'oll are a:
By Lyons, 7; by Kreuz, 4; by Kelly, nue. 2 Stor;' ~tll""O ""l] PlaHt"r",1 Iiolls". IS

GOLDEN' 3. Hits-Off Lyons, 6 in fl innings;

ff I'- (}' 6"
The Till lr"vpIIH'lIt~ hl""'OIl n l'
' f""t, f .... llt hy ::0 fel'! 111','1'. with :I roollls
J t. f" n,
I 1011 1Il"l41 110111·, :; l'Oom~ anrl hath on Hee-
e Y,8 - "tOI';" 1'Iastet'e'd HOllse, IG fpl'l fronll 011,1 noor, ""\''''', ~aH, (.Ie.. lric IIghls,
#) C""


o \.rellZ," In lnnmgs; 0
in 3 innings. Passed balls-Sirch. by 411 fpet 'leeI', :I Uooms 011 Fi"Ht Floo,' I ' ,
'l It 1 B I· ' ~prlllg"lIeld \'."a tt... ·, l'fll wa tt.ll' hf'n t, pol"(~h
Winning pitcher--L~·ons. Losing pitch-' ooms :Ull at I 011 ~I'C'Ollll Floo" eel-I f
1:11'. g·as. electric lig-htH, ~PI·illgfit.'ltl \~'atel'. rOIH.

er-Krenz, Umpires - Otis and
Po\vell. Iiot watcl· heat, porch front. ; ~C'i7.er1 :111<1 I:,l{ell ill t"~I'{,lltiol1 :I~ tl1l'
I ~('i7.f'fl anfl :t~ 1111' ,llI·opprty or 'Yiliianl 'I' lfarJ'i~• .II'" :\101'1-
tal{(' ill f'x('('utjOll
g:Il:·~·OI·, and ::\fa1·Y E, 1I:IITiR, Tl'll~ll'e llli
Let Us Help You
rtr1JeUer[),Jilk ~ JJfl/£r[Jfpo1lh~ PI'OIl(>I'I~· of Elnll·l· E, Il~'IT, ::\rOI'I:~:I::OI", Ih~t· clecel of Trtl~t ftll' Evelyn llan·is ,ler-
I NOTICE ;111(1 11,,1"1} Hail'tl <.. 'a Jdw('lI, Itt.,al ()"'IlI'I', (pdp:,;, \Yilliatn r:r, 'Iarris, .Tr" :\lillll'etl:
:llIU to bl' ~ol(l hy
Fly Your Kite
It mokes /
II:tl'l'il'l Sha "-, Tli()l1la~ (;oJ'(lf)11 11 al'ri~.
""W Y",·I<.
COl"!:'1' Ole TilE
of Killg~·-
11.\:--:1·:1.'1'1:'\1': ~. LE\'EIt, SI"',·ifl'.
all<I "il'gillia 1',""'1'" II"I''';~, 1:",,1 l)wllels.

I ('Y:\'TIII.\
Ir.\I\I:Y I', C":-;),'O!t, 1'laillliff. ag-aillst
this fall
, PEPIA t'J .\l:lllli :l

l'()~XUH. l)ef~'lj(lallt.
l'l:tilltU'f tll'~i,I..::Ii:ttt'~ thl' f'ounty. of K.iW.~·~
I:IS tht! pl:il'e)larri:l!.. ~~'.
flown :\TOIli':"; ~:!nn.fln
~ltpl'irf':-: n!I1('f'. :'\:(lfTi:-:towl1, Penll~l.
,\tlgu~t It;, 1:13~ ()0\\'11
:\10111':'-" $~nH,on
O!1i('P, :'\fl!'l'i~1 oWIl,
• • •
(lJ:I-~) j AIJ~.n lst 16. 1!l;j~
I tIll'
r"!,q :tllll\"t· llanh'dlh·fplld:ltlt: (on-21
Childhood days have been left behind, but
YII[" ,\1:1·: IlEI:EBY SI::lDIO),'ED tn SHERIFF'S SALi: II
I:il~:-:"Yt'r i'ollll·lailll ill
tilt, and
this a .... tioll. I SHERIFF'S SALE we business people may stilI fly kites, and de-
1 10
~t.'r\'l' a
i'())l~· of youl' :ltl:-4\\'t'I', 01', if
('olt1plailll i~ Ilut Rt·J'\'l'tl with thi~
By ,'irtlh' of ilWrit nfLp'":LI'i F:tI'ia~ I
~UlJllllfJllH, to f'~'I'\'t' a Jloti('e of appC'ar-
i:-4:--UL'd ollt of tht.' ('otlrt of t'ull1lllOll I'ka~ i yi)'ttlP of a writ of Levari F:lei:l~
or :\lolll~·onlt·1"Y County. }'I'!lna" to 111(' IH~llt'tl out of the Court of COIllltlOI1 Plent;'
ny termine in which direction the wind is blow-
I:LIH'(" 011 the Plaintiff's Attol'lIey within fIil'ecti,d, will h ... :-::ult1 at Publie Sale 011 of .:\Iontg'otncl·:'" ('OU1lty, Penna., to nlC I Ing.
t\\,(·tlt,r days after the f;C'I'\"icQ of this
di"el'tcll, will he sold at Puhlie Sale 011
PLIANT form cleave.
StllIlI1l01l~, QXl.'lusi'·Q of the day of fh'rvit'e:
and ill ('a~e of your failure to :ql}lear, or
:LlISWl'r, judg-Illellt "'ill ht.· ta1;:(,11 ag-ainst at
WEI'),'ERPAY, SEPTJo;:\IBElt 1-1, 1!I:l2

l~,lIn =,"OOll, Ea:-.:tel'n Standard

\\,EP),'ESDAY, SEPTE:\IBEH 1·1, 1nZ
• • •
the water ••• gracefully you hy dt'fault, for thl' relief demanded Tinl\', in ('purt BOOIH "e" at tilt- (;(l111't iltl.:!.OO o'clock Xnon, Ea~tern Stanrlarel Those who fly kites in this community news-
... effortless it seems, ill tlip l'olllplaillt. llnll:4p. ill the BOl'oug-h of XOI'Z iSlo\\"tl, I 'l'il11P, in Court TIooln "C" at the Court
Everywhere • behind Pated Xew York, N. Y., .Tuly ~, In2. s~lid t·oullty. the fllllowill~ descl'ihetl I~l'al J IfnllHe, in the Boroug-h of Norristown. paper are enjoying more healthy business
the scenes' ~i athletiG 11.\:\111,'1'0:'\ A),'nEltSOX, Attol'ney fol' hSlale: said County, thc following' descl'lbed \tea I
prowess, Plaintiff, Oll1I'!' anll )', 0, ,\llelI'PH", 2:l:1 I';state: than those who do not bother
Bl'o:"I\\"a;-, BorouJ,:h of :\Ianhauan, City ALL THAT C'EUT.\IX lot 01' piece of
of :'\ L'\\" Yorlc g"l'oulld with the huildillg"H :uHl iIlJlH'O'"C-
Illcuts thereon ('ret' ted, f'ITU...\r:rE ill the
1'0 Cynlhia E, COJ;nor, the ahove name,l Bo!'Ough of Xarhel'llt, County of :\lon1.-
ALT, THAT CEitTATN lot or piece or
g'l'onnd with the building'fol an(l inlprO\·c- ~
tllpnls thereon erected, Siluate In thc i
• • •
eupplies the ginger and / dt,rendallt: l..!.·n}nery and State uf PellllBy]vulIia, des- Horoug-h of ~arh("rth, ("ounty of l\lont- I
The current of reader interest and response
vim, the dash and snap Till' fOl'l'going ~Unll1lOllS is st'r\"~'(l UP°!1 il..!.llat('cl awl lOlown a~ ~~ol ::\0, 10, and g"OTtlPry, PennRylyania, hounded and dc-
of healthy youth, 'Ill! IIY puhlii'a t iOll, PUI'SU:t lit t f) :til 01 dt'l" I he Southeastcrly half of lot No. S 011 H..,.lhed as follows, to wit: to advertising messages blows strongly and
Golden Gu.m••y Millc: com..
ONLY from Guern.ey cattl. I of t Ill' .sUI)) PUlL' COllrt of
:-;,,\\' \"011" n""ll' at HpPl'ial
the Htatl' of
Tcrtll, Pa'l Y ".'~IP'I
('Ian of lots
an,1 .surveyell
('all('(] "~a I
Xarhl'l'll, In';GI"'~ING at a point on the South- steadily in the weekly publications of the
and carrJu the offici.l Gold. . tht'reof. KillgH ('Ollllty, h)~ Iloll. E(lw:LI'd
A:4S1H'l:ltion, hY, Hllhl'l't . .
(,1\ It' .• si<lc of Essex avenue, at t.he C]jH- \lldl·I":4(~IJ ~ \\"t'~t
Guernley trademark. Main Line Quality Group. People interested
I HiL'l..!.pIIlHUll1, a ,Justlee of
COllrt, dated tilt.' 12th cla,~
said SUIJl"t'IW' I II IH ", lalld:4i'ape C'llgllIUl'I', \\'11ll'1l Hau]: t:lllce of 120 fect 11le:UHlrec1 alon~ the
of .luly. 1:I,~~,: 1I.lan IH l't'('OI't!etl in the OffiCI' fot' tilt.': ~outInn:~Rt side of Essex avenUe froIn its
enough in their community to subscribe for
Visit the Dairy BIlllgalow I"nll 1I1t',1 with thl' !'olllllla'illt in the oHi,"': I:econlln.~· of Ill""]s, clc., ,III an<1 f",' th,' ;'Itel'sectlon with the ~onth side of Mont-
f tl CI I f 1-' • t t tI 1\ II.' '>Unt;' of :\IOIII~·O!lJel';." In n""11 Book "'o!lJpJ'\" thcnee I'ontlnnin" alon!-\, thc
After Y ollr Swim I ~f), Gifl, and I'i'\.j!-icd Oil ~ its news organ are most likely to read your
() Ie l'l" \ 0 ... lng's CtHlIl y, a It,.,
of l~ecol'I1:4, ill t1iC 1;(Jn)tl~.:;h uf Hl'oulil\"II. I
('it\" ·tllll :-it 'Ltc of Xl'w 101'1·
. t)-
]lagt' ;illfl, etl'
1"- .. -. •
I South"est
' . . . . . .M "
side of l .. s:-;ex ,l\enUe South i
' : Aug~1f:;t -', 1.1:. •. lhe Raitl lot hl'l!lg' llJOl'l'I10 cle~~s, 16 mins. East 711,J5 feet to a I
BROOKMEAD , . 1;';'1 ),','. Y .; N Y J"I" F 1')'l" i Pa l'tIl'lIlal'I;" ,]P~,... ihed a!'('onllllJ,: t1wreto'l"oinl; thenl'e South 69 <le!-\,s, 3·1 mlns.' advertisements when they appear in it.
, l l t , .. \:\\ 0 1 , J.. 11~ ,), , , - , af' foliO\\":4 to wit' - ... , ) i . ,...',
I 1.\:\1 I1.'l'OX A),'UEltSO:-.', Attorlle;' for: . ' i \\ eSI ~"S,l flPt, to a lO nt. thcnce NO! th .I
I'lailltiff, OllieI' all,l \', U, ,\d,l,.,'~s. 2:l:; I ,""" _. • , ; 10 ,leg'S. 1G Ill,ns, "pst S·I.-10 feet to "

West Lancaster Ave., Wayl1e Bro:lliway,

Boroug"h of :\lallliall:lIl, L~il\'
1.I'.. (.}:\,:\I:'\I, at a IUlIllt 011 tltp :'\ol'tll- point.· thence 1':ol'th 77 deg-H, !i6 tJ1II1~,
'1'1" "1'1' f'.1 (t'l'
. t:tIll
' I"_ f l'f' t WII
'I I I .' ,
Let Us Help You Fly Your Kite
P ( l' \'c- i :l:! secolll1Hc Ea~t !\G,.~,I fl' to the pl:lf'p
'Phone--Wayne 1121
• •
of.,:'\t.'W 101'1.;:,
• I l • .., ( l ()
! way. at the (1i~tatlt'l' of ~~li fef't, n'w:ui-; of hpg'illlling'. i
~(}~- ..) I tired ~l)uth 77 deg·s, 4:1 nJills, ""C'st fronl: I
<A Complete, Dependable Dairy ; tlie point of intersectioll of sairl ~ille or', C;":DEH. A:'\n f;;ljJ~.TI':C1' to certalll I
Sen'ice" Hai(l (ll'j\'ewny with tht.' wt·:-:lerly si(lp of: l'ondition:-- nnel l'eHtril'tionR :lH tht.'l"l'jll I

SHERIFF'S SALE i ('ol1\\':ty

I:! f"t,t wide fll'i\'l'-: InCYIliOlll'l1.
.r • ; W:l:'· ht.dllg' )rwatr'd at the di~tallt'l' of l~;i:
B)' yil'lue of It "Tit of Le"ad Fa.. ill~· f,'et 11"'IIsllr"11 XOl'lh 12 <leg's, II 1J1i11~. CXDETt AX\) SUn.TEcT to n First
IHHuetl out uf the Cuurt of COtll1l1fl1l l'lL'a:-:; ""t.'Rt frolH the ='=ol'lhC'z'!\" sitlf' of \Vind.slll' ,'If)rtg':H~l' of ~!I.ItOO.OO.
Ardmore 3100 Ardmol'e 3253 Cynwyd 811
WIlY take a ehaoce of ::\lulltgolller,r COUllty, l'l'l1lJa" tf) nil', il\'l·llllt-'. and l'tllllling" fl:Otll Cohwav a\"t'- Narberth 2545 Wayne 123
with aeddeolaf n,. (Iil'cetc<.1, will bL' ~ult1 at l'ublie Sitle OIL I 11 til...' Houthwt'st\\,ardly :1I1l1 SOUlllea:3t~ I Tilt:' Inl1l1·n\'t'l1ll'lIt~ tllt"·('f}1I an""' n:
telephone, help ~ wardl:," into Haill "·illllHOI' a\"l~Ilul'). ~l.~ ~tor.r Pla~tl'rpd lInusf', ~~ f"t'l frolll
I WEDNESDAY, SEI'TE:\IIlI';I: II. 1!1::2 I 'I'IIE,,('I': !,:XTE:,\Plxr; :J1oll~ tlte North-' I>~' ·12 fppt <lel'p, with :: I'OOI11S 011 lirsl
wllhio CAsy reaeh.
t.'l'ly RIde of the said l~ f('f_·t whIt, 11I'in'- nOf)r, 3 I'OnnlR and 1Iath nil s('C'ood flllO)', I
at l:!,OO o'clock Xuun, Eastern Standard I way, ~outh 77 (It·,~s. 'J!I lllins, \Yest .:!j 1 rOOln and hath on thini floor', cell:I!".
TimC', in Cuurt HOOIll "C" at thl'> C\)l1l't: fC'et to a point a C'OJ"lIl~1" of land 1I0W 01' I~·as, t.~](,f'tric lig-htR, Rprill,~"di('lll watpl" hot Thc Main Line Quality Group of I,,{lucntial W cckly
Ilou~e, in lhl~ DOl'oug·h of )\lll'l'ist 0\\"11 , i late of .\~'lIl·S Hf'1t .Austin; Thence f'X- watet' hC'a~, Ride llOrch" ::? Car StuPL:O
I Hai(l Coullly, the follo\\"illg' t.Il·st.'rihcll Itt.·a 1 Itt·I1(1i1lg- XOl'th ill df'.~·H, I!l tllillH. \\'('~t flat'a:.:'"" 18 feet by" ~Il feet. N cn's Organs:
t,:state: l:l iong' Haid I:UHl, IlOW or latl' of AL:'lll'H
11"11 Austin, 1\1.!1I feet to a point In the, Selze,1 al1l1 talepn In executloll as the The MAIN LINER OUR TOWN, Narberth
Tbe cool of a leI...
ALL TIIAT "'I.;I~TAI),' Int 0"
pi,"'" of i [';"8t"rl;" side of Narhrook roall: III'op0rl;" of :\1",'('(lIlh ;\IUIlIIS all<l :\rar-
phone ia triftiog. YlIQ
'~"outlll \\'I,lh Ihp hU,iIllings.. an'l. i,". ro'·l'-I'I:I[ENCI? extelllling- aloll!,: thl' Easll'rIy, g'an't K !'IUIIIlS, his wlfp, and to be sold
Illt.'tI ts t1H~ll'n~l t'It'l ted, ~lll1ah.' III the Hide· of ?'arh'·olll{ !,nacl. with a rig-ht pur\·..:, NEWS of Bala-Cynwyd Paoli HERALD
elln bave ooe In yoar I I'

Bqroug-h of ::'\arhel'th, in t11(l County of allt.l Illeasured on the chOl'(l of the arc of
bome for 1_ than •
I ~lontg-oIllPr~' an,l Slate of l·enn~)'I\'IlIli:l. a circle with a radius of 166,7r, f,.,,!. Wayne SUBURBAN & TIMES
dime a cIayl
hllllllded aud deserihed Ilceontlng to a North H degs, 26 mlns, 2·1 s~eonds Ellst I I-L\SET./f1NB S, I"EVEn, Sheriff,

TnB DILL TELI.IION8 eO .... NY or "NU. I !'edsed sUI'\'e~' and pia '~ thereof nnIJle as :18.25 fpet to a Ilolnl, a cornel' of Lot 10, Ilown r.ronc~· $~OO,IlO HaverfOl'd Township NEWS
• • one lot as follows, lo \\'1t: TI[E),'CE still along thl' ~alc1 side of ~hf'rlrr's Omce, l"orl'istown, Penna.
~,drl Xarbrook r'Jad (said shle now he- i An!Zusl 16, 1932
IIEGI;o.;XING at It point In the Elde line. "PIning' the Southel'l~' side of said (oad'i
OUR TOWN Page Fiv~
September 2, 1932
'A W W t American Premiere of New Beta Chapter Members I Formation of Safety
'THE FIRESIDE ugust as armes Play at Hedgerow Tomorrow Attend Convention at Utica
I Month Since February - I - Association is Begun
---------------1 I

The 88th production of the Hedge· I The four members of the Beta
(Continued fl'om Pa~e Thl'ee) I row Theatre in Rose Valley is ani Chapter of the Phi-Delta-Sigma fra-I Support of All Main Line Or-
Miss Marion Selee, who is a mem-'
I Net Excess of 40 Degrees Sur-
passes Last Year's FI·gure,. American premiere of a play which 11. ternIty 0
I . f L M'
ower erlOn Ig
.. I returned home last Saturday mornIng
H' h S h 11
c .00 I ganizations Requested
Th' W k
T ota I'Ity F ar G rea t er
I .
ber of the Chautauqua Opera Com-
,pany, is spending ten days With her
. I I
few years ago was one of the brllhant I from the four day convention held in
successes of the German theatre,- Utica, N. Y., by the Alpha Chapter of I

Is the rain eclipsed 1 brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and AUG WARMEST MONTH Cnrl Sternheim's "A Place in the that city. I CAMPAIGN NEXT MONTH
Mrs. Bernard F. Keenan, of Avon i,' • World," translated by Barrett Clarl\ It is the first convention of the fra-
Last July we h~d eight inchcs of road. 'I A net excess of 40 de- and Winifred Katzin. This satirical! ternity attended by :he Beta
Chapt~r The initial step in the formation
of a permanent Main Line Safety As-
d 11·1
1\11'. an .I' rs.
arence . a ,
and their daughter, Miss Hazel Pal- bringing the total for the S'ear to 308
time in this country tomorrow night,
d '11 b t d
A P Imer grees was recorded dUring August, comedy will be performed for the first! since 1928. The tr!p was made B sociation was taken this week when
i of the
M nday and Remhart, Jr., of MerIon. The fratel-
presl~ent, Robert .' letters were sent to all organizations
Just now we arc only one-half inch mel' of ~Icrion avenue, returned to I degrees, compared to a total excess and\:VI O
e rtehPea e t on F d Nfl' nity is a national one having chap- of the section requesting their co-op-
I 0 A '1 16 ' e 11ad'
ubo:ve norma. n pl'l ,;v their home last Friday . from a' two I of 201 degrees at the same time . last T Cues1 ay. R Ikn ffe cas H are er 51 0 I.'d', ,tel'S all over the country. Th e b oys eratl'on I'n the movement .
f f
an excess 0 our II1C . h es. Somewhere weeks' trip to Montreal and Queb ec ' i year. i In August, a r
1931, a net excess' H Ceu tie
au,Miriam s anu:I must have ma d e a goo d s h owm~
arryPhillileppar, . f 01' 1\"
J osep h R ..Iurp 11'"
h y, mam L'me man-
bctween we have lost three and onl:' and a cruise on the St. Lawrence and I ancy as , p , they brought home three out of the agel' of the Keystone Automobile Club,
hal f inches of rain. On August 29th IMabel Sheppard.
Sagyenay R'Ivers. i : of 19 degrees. was recorded. t e n G I'and Lodge offices. Reinhart
, is temporary chairman of the com-
last summer we had an excess of foul' I i August recorded the third largest I "The Heavenly Express," by AI, was elected Grand Corresponding Sec- mittee appointcd by Joseph Cairns,
inches. ~Irs. Li~ngston,
1\'1. 1\1. of Chyst-: net excess of 1932, ranking behind bert Bein, a i romanti~ story of r~iI-
retary; Edmund Cunningham, of Nar- Jr., president of the Main Line Ki-
t avcnue and her daughter Miss Januars' and February. Its record I road men and hoboes, IS scheduled for berth, was elected Grand Sergeant-nt- . wanis Club which originated the idea.
~~argarct durin~ nex~ ~ed~esday ni~~t. Murph~
Late September brings the fall flow- Livingston, spent last weel\: was greatly he.lped the c1?sin g ! Bella Spew- arms and John Lowrie, of Meri?n, a! Mr. announced yesterday that
cr shows, Which means that we wil1· Berlin 1\ld where they were thc; days by a torrid wave which achIeved i ack s Sprmg Song, a powerful and Trustee. The other member of the the co-operation of every group and
ha:ve to ply the hose heavily 'tween guests In of ,Mrs.
" " B. F. Safbeig, formerly ' h 'IIlg propor t'Ions on th e i,a~lpea.I'IIlg piC
record-smas . t ~re 0 f N ew Y or k' s E .~as t fratermty . att~nd'mg t h e conve:1tlOll . organization from Overbrook to Mal-
now and then. Dahlias can stand lots l' ~arberth. ' last day of the month, the thermome- I Side, IS to be given on Thursday mght. was Ralph Smith, of Nal'l)erth. \'ern would be enlisted in the drive
of water when they are in bud. And 0 .. J. I
i tcr in this area reaching a high of Two English comedies '~ill
be pr.e- There were twenty-four chaptcr:; to !'((luC(. automobile accidents in the
we want good spikes of "glads" and fine 1\1rs. Guida Moore, of Germantown, 92. . sented on the week-end m ghts,-MJI'!l'e p resented at the convention. section.
big zinnias. Liquid manure makes an: formerly of Narberth, is in the Pl'es- i
For the most part, however, the ne's "Mr. Pim Passes By" on Friday, Other members of the committee
ideal fertilizer to finish off the flow-: byteria;l Hospital, Philadelphia, re- month was near norma~, its nights I and Shaw's "Heartbreak House" on Recreation Board to Provide I working with Mr. Murphy arc W.
ers-and the before and after water- covering from a serious operation. ; being remarkable for their chill. Only! Satur~ay. Fence Along Haverford Ave. Harold Riggs, of Ardmore, and Nath-
ing helps a lot. J. the intensity of the last few days'! DurIllg the next two months two I an P. Pechin, of Wayne.
J. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wheeler, of heat served to advance the excess i new pl~Ys will be p~epared for early I At a meeting of the Narberth Rec- The campaign itself will be helel
'I'hat "ery desirable combination Anthwvn road and their daughters temperature to the 40-degree mark. I productlOn,-a Spamsh comedy by G'I t' B d I t F .I 'I t I during- the month of October with
' ." . " " . ,. rea IOn oar as •rH ay ntg'l p :Ins _ ,
planting of delphiniums and madonna Miss Kathleen and Miss Martha, lcft Despite heavy storms Saturday. Martinez SlCrra, and, Ah:on S were discussed for the instaJlatioll of its alln the elimination of fataliti~s,
lilies may be considered at this time. Oil Wednesday for their new home in night and 'Wednesday, the heat con- lIo.use,". Susan Glaspell s Pulitzer a wire fence along the newly pavcd injuries and damage to propcrty due I
Lily spec'ialists warn us that Iilics are Lansing, r.Iich. tinued with unabated force. and car- Prize ~:Vlllner. . I portion of Haverford avenue border- to automobile accidents.
likel~' to rot in the ground if drain- ~ ried over into September, whIch dawn- Tomght at !Iedgerow the show IS ing the plan~round. It is expected that a general meet-
agc conditions are not pcrfect and ad- On 2\londay e:vening, Mr. and Mrs. ed clear and hot, after a night of, Eugen,~ O'Nell1's "The Emperor- It was decided to provide in I1<,Xt ing will be held later this month tu
vise treating the bulbs with Semcsan, Warr~n Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, intermittent rain. . Jones. year's budget for the installatioll of outline the .plans of the c~mp~ign to
01' any good fungicide, by way of help- Rank1l1, Mr. and Mrs. Walton M·I a fence similar to that bordering the I'epresentatlves of all Mam LlIle 01'-
ing to prevent decay. Lily bulbs, or WclltZ, 1\11'. and Mrs. Howard N old: B T 1(''1r7\ 7C('(' B17'(, i Forty-Three New Pupils basebal1 diamond. It will be placcd l~anizations participating. I

auy bulbs, rotting in the soil will raise and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mc5e:veney, UV, 1 V.cvv 1. v Enroll at Boro School far enough back from the roadway t,,' In the letters mailed this week the
havoc with delphinims or any other entertained at a progressive din ncr : allow 1'01' parking of automobiles at' tcmporary committee requests that
plant that is at all subject to fungou~ part~- ill honor of Mr, and Mrs. \Vork has been completed on an en, I Forty-thrce new pupils were regis- games while at the same time it wil1: organizations present the fol1owing
diseascs. lIIanure of any kind that, Wheeler. largenwnt and improvement of Free-' tered at the Narberth Public School act as a safeguard for children play-: resolution at their next regular meet-
has not Leeu cO/Il]J/ctdy bro],en down I ~ man's 1\Iarket, Haverford and Essex during the enrollment hours on Mon- ing on the field. illg: "The (name of organization)
to clean humus is bad for lilies or del- i Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Sleath and a\'cnups. Hyman Hicklin, owner of: da~' and Tucsday. They are divided as i has resolved to endorse thc Safety
phiniums. It is quitc likely that thc! daughter, of Haverford avenue, were the building and lH'ol)rietor of the fol1ows: Kindergarten, 27; First Narberth Firemcn Commended : llloW'lllent to be sponsored by a Main
failurc of delphiniums may be attrib- , the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Baw- hardware store next door to the mar- i Grade, 5; Second Grade, 1; Fourth The regular meeting of the Nar- Line Safety Association."
utl'd to lilics, tulips or other ~ulbs i den and daughter, of Wynnewo~ll road "pt. says he wanted the work donn: Grade, 1; Fifth Grade, 1; Sixth berth Fire Company was held at the,
rotting in the ground and creatmg a! and Woodside avcnue, at thell' cot-, bv Narberth pe0ple, and asked for bids, ,Grade, 2; Se\'Cnth Grade, 2; and Fi re House, Forest avenue, on Tues-,
fungous condition which affects the I tage in Ocean City over the week-cnd. I ';oping the prices would compare fa v- 'Eighth Grade, 4. rlay night. A letter of appreciation of i IN NEW POST
delphiniums directly. Sand under 1iI- i ~ lorably with those of firms in other' The regular enrollment exclsive of t.he services of the Narberth Firemen' Alcx Scverance to be Graduate Man-
ics hel~Js drainage considerably,. but, Mr:;.. Sarah Burgess and her daugh-' conm;unities. Hc was pleasantly sur- ! new pupils listed above, is as follows: at the Villanova College fire from th.c a er at Villanova
the entire bed should be well dramed, iter, l\Ilss Kathryn Burgess, of Hamp- Ilrised "I was able to prove" he First Grade 43; Second Grade, 55; Rev. E. V. Stanford, O.S.A., presI- AI G gs h b
l\ladonna lilies .. arc among tIC I f 'CW I. den avenue, WIll , spend the wee I',-en d says . ,"that Narberth people can " do Third Grade 47: Fourth Grade 44' dent of the College, was read at the ~. , ex:. everance as feen h ap-
t hat do not object ' ""1
to IImestonc : and Labor Day 111
SOl so' . At1antIc . C I y. 't work' at no greater cost than outsld- . Fifth Grade'56'" Sixth Grade 51; meet mg. . .I .pOinted V',graduate
I Cmanager
0 at let-
that thcy thrJ:ve ' . t h a t we 11 - d rall1e
m . d '! i Mr.M and rs. 1\".Ia lcoimB urnsl'd e, ers." Seventh Grade, '" 54, and Eighth Grade, ..' .
't's. .:at I Ian ova 0 ege. . e. IS re-
lime bed that suits the delphiniums, I of 124 Merion avenue, are receiving Th k h' h t . t I 59 Read the advertisements! I placmg Charles A. McGeehan, who re-
"Delphs" are fussy things and rather I I'ong-ratulations upon the birth of a e wor , w IC co~ .approxlma e y . . I sig-ncd on account of iIlness, but will
prcfer a bed to themselves with only son on Tuesday, August 30.
annua Is to sac
h d t he s

good planting. Beds of perennials

an d bulbs do not combine so well-

a l .

Beds of bulbs and annuals make a All Amateurs May Compete in Cook, roofing; Walter
Ardmore Club's Flower Show trical, and Kennet.h Smith, pamtm g . :

Amateur gardeners from all the

1. Smedley, general contractols, Car-

? Ca~e,
los Mozzone, brICk and stone; Harvey

Denial was made this week by Gen.


~?OO, was done by WIlham D.. a.nd H. ! ~ . . " . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .
General N otice- Classified Advertisements will be charRed only
to residents of the Main Line whose names
appear In thE' telephone directory: to persons maintainIng an account with
~ct as executive chairman of athlet~
ICS at the college. Severance , at 2<>
cf,Yl'ars of age, in all probability is one
i of the youngest graduate athletic
! managers in the country.
I Hc was graduated from negls High
School New York Cit" in 19?5 where
. .

the bulbs arc 111 our way w en wc . . h I ' L' '11 . , LIS. or to regular subscrIbers to elthE'r THE MAIN LINER, OUR TOWN, or " J,' _ ,
. .
want to diVide or transp ant peren-I I COmll1UllltlCs on t . e 1\' am me
d' 1 th'' WI era I Superintendent. l\hlton Fntsche' NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD. he plaved
. basketball
' , football and
. I . have the opportul1lty to ISP a~' ell of the FIlorn and Hardart Bakmg ,haseball and was on the track and
nials and the perenllla s are JIl our, h .
way when wc want to PIant or d IVI I hi
· 'd e c olcest oomsh a
t th N' th A
e m d bnnu.tha I
' that the N ar crt ,
T b h b
h R t 10 cents a Hne In each paper; 2S cents a line In aI' three.
a eS-Mlnlmum charge, 35c In one paper', 75 cents In all threE' AV- !
' ..
I hoxing
He entcred Villanova
lJulbs The Eng I'IS h h er b aceous. b or-I Fall Flower Sow, sponsore y . e:I would close September 1. ThiS rumor pl'lt[!e 01 Rve words to the Une. No blackfaced type u s e d . . . ' 1'1 hat ' .year , IJla"ed J four seasons of bas.
: an herbaceous b 01' d CI'-'t ru Iy I 'Woman's Club of Ardmore, and which A I I has had wide circulation in the Bor- l'learllt"11e {nJ" 1llsertiolls- CIH.~~lfled u<!l'ert'I'l';'lIIellls wlll i'#· "ctball was , also
. on the tracl' , and box-
he a"eepted U!I to \\ edlle~dll", 5
dcr IS , " ',
' : will be held at the dub house on rc -. ough recently. It was however, ad-
'. f h' b J {, " ing teams He held the collpge title
n?t a hnllxdtureb °lb el' aceolus tPereln-; more ave'nue on Friday, September 16,' milted that business has fall- " o'el'll'k fo!' QUIt 'lQWN or all three papers: Thursday, 1 o'clock, for THE ill the 135'-1,15 l)ound bOXI'Ilg classes
l1lals, ar v u s, annua s, cnc er , , , . ~lATN T.lNER Thursdav. 5 o'clock for NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD. ., , , "
i . k' . th t II k I from two untIl nme 0 clock. There en off considerably, and that closlllg
He was co-captain of the basketball
space" anc. I"stlc '-It-1II- a-I an '-! will be 78 classe.s f.or gladioli,
bulbs materia. P .dahlias, '11 of the Borough store is. contemplated Phone V.1
our Ads to ARDl\IORE 3100 " team in' his. se'nior .year ' . He' was as-
: roses. and garden fl.o,~ers.

J. rlzes WI at some future date If trade does " sistant to Mr. McGeehan during his
S .
uggestlOns f or t)'u Ip se Iec l'IOns, .rea- I miniature
be gIVen pictures
for artistic of flowerarrangement,
arrange- not soon show a marked • increase. ~~"""~"""" """" ""<:t~~~~~~~~~ four years in college and publicitv
'Ollably llriced. Darwins-Blcu Anna-:
I lllcnt
. .
mll1Jature arrangement, doll S
N thl' eems to make such stl'ldes

" " " ,

(jit at'01 Wanted

' II I I S .
I Garag(.s for Rent
'. '.:

! " 1'1' . .
9(" 9

f h' 'I.
<III eetol flonl 19_.J to Hl.l_. lIe \\ as
. •

,'1)1 OI'I':1l ~I \" <I.~it.,,~ \\'''1'1,. as "hauf- (:"\1(,,\(;1'; ST,\LLS fol' 1"'111.
" . • •
ble ' Clara Butt , Flam1llg'o , La FIan-" luncheon table occaSIOnal
ccc, La Tulipe Noire, HOllUld Gunn. " ...• , .' ,.
. ' I
I, e
ng s
tables an- 'n th's ago of surprising improve-
. • .. .
., • e..
1"'11" •.""rel"'I!l'.1' or ·,loII'g' housework. 1st I . -
h"rlh 2·t,,0-.I.
J'hon,' ,,:I_~
\,1 ([ letorwn 0
is' N 'Y 'k C't
111 e\\ 01
IS c ,ISS.
I y.
IS 1tlllll
and Zwancnburg. I n cottage t Ylle-! • ·!ll\CISaIS
. . tables, a class . fOI men hcon- ments• as. the radIO. Now It IS a tmy , .. ,."" '.. ."......', I'h '".\1'(1 H"I _. Olllh!I-~

T '.

F '. b' d
. .-

"ale '01 Ice ers-. llllCO, lonze


t ,., 711.",,, ,slstmg of vegetables raIsed by t em- personal set, no larger than a book;
Ellen \\ Illmott, l\Ioul1ll"h., .\1. ....· . v v . . ,
Ros'lbella The Fawn and \Valter T. i se Yes, anc a c I l:en s c ass.

'11 b

T d'
h'ld ' 1

e of ere III compe I IOn or

t't' f th .
e la ger and more cumberous sets in
'. , .
'1 bl ,~IIIlIlLl·"'"\',J·.1l II'Olllall elc'sll'es hou~e-
At YOllr Service
that plugs in to the nearest avU! a e' 1I'0l'k 01' (·floj,itl!;". I:1'1'l"·C'II"PS. I'hollc ('LO('h: IU·:I'"\II:I"C--'>I' Oll,Pt '" I'''a~''n·
.\.'. t B' .,' The Mrs. HoratLO Gates. Lloyd Cup light socket and competes with other ~I'·l'loII. I~~~. 01ll1J:1_~!11 ah"·. Spp"ializillg ill ,\II'i'l"'·' (;1',,"<1-
f tl II 11 1 '\' II ' j '
a 'PI's. " a'if 'a (11111'"' 1)<' 'So I.
.\ I .

Queen, Dum Pedro, Golden Bronze, I • 'e' te t number of point in dahlias rd' It' d f . 1111;11 SCIIOOL HOY II'lshes any I<ind of It. Starn. II;; 1:",'1,1:,,"1 a \"'. I'h. X"l'h.' Childrcn's
Lois XIV Marie Louise and Velvet: gl a ~. .s , tone an distance. IS. 111 a e or work during- summe,·. Outdoor? or In, ~;;~~ ..I. "'II~I.ll;
Kmg . ' a rca I SlOW"
For I b ree d er ge t .i and the• Horticultural• • SoclCty of Penn- traveling ' .... of featherweight mate- >,. the hour, day 01' weel<. Telephone repal'red rl'g r,r,t, at
" I f' II th i syh'al11a Will give the sweepstake rials well braced against vibration ... ,","·h,,,·th ~ltil. olllb-t( CHYI'TLll-:B I·;S>;LI".;I·;H. eal'p"nlC"'. jll"_'
bing'. altprati"n~; 1~~ ('ollway a\',,"l1e.
LUCifer. Anl note carc u v ei . •• h '
· h iatl\'e
' j1owerlllg . t"lInc a dni award for bthc person wll1nlllg t e with a bakelite cabinet that Will not I ',.\'''S .• 'J'I ,ur~.."."...
\\'(llll" 1"1 S'lt cle'lll ' -l.·.·'II ,'·.'l,·I"".tl, .",", ,'S-Il. (,111_'_'".,.'
helg t re
shalJe' of the.blooms

I highest num er 0 pomts.
f . Th h'b't
e ex 1 I scratch. It will fit snugly into your
' "
lug'. laund,·y. Can ser\'(' dinners, Call
, Goodwear
. bwhen
d plannll1g
b d to 'IS
, free to the reSidents . 0f t h c varl- . traveling bag or in the top drawer of helween 6 anu., "'. e\'en I nil's. AlI ' l '6'0
. ,S1'1'111'-(''. , ' J alll1 rl'p.; spr Ing-s 0 ( 3_ .
combme tuhps 111 a e or or cr. I . • - omb-tf piece HUItl'S ""pal"ed. ~II); Chah' reco\'.' Shoe Repair
J. I nus COnllUUl1ltles. your desk at the office. In a college ereel, ~G. Go an"lI'he"e. Call Lewis.'
I 'I'h
. here, also some ta d po 1eI s . e JUC ges 0 k . V'II . I f the Flo\"er Sho'" are' . . thO l'AllT-TDIE mornings; day's worl<. A,'d. Half-Sole and Heel, $1.35
Frogs stilI " w.
R b room where space ' IS at prenllum : IS 1:181. omb-l( \\'ayne 11:'6. OJllh-tf
· .1. LIddon Pennoc', of I anova; 0 - ('ompact little radio would be Ideal.
J)1:l-:SS~L\KIXr;-l-:lizaheth l'eal'SOll, ~I;,
-Imported from Rosemont. I . f N b· th 1\1' H . . . 252 Haverford Avcllue
J. l'rt J. Ec gal, 0 ar er ; IS. al- It comes in cabmets of black, walnut, fllC\DUATE 1\'UJtSI~ will take IJal't tlllle Ilnelll'Y a\'••.. Xarh. I'h. Xarh. ~7~S. o-tf 1~~~;;;;;;!~;;;;;;!;;;;;;!~~~;;;;;;!Sii~;;;;;;!~~~
C TI'I"J '2d, CYll"'yd' w Ml's , . Thomas mahogany an d a D imod el'mel- d I' 0" (tIll time llOsltlon. Can tnl<e charg-e
1 1 rd' I

fields. Why d oes go Id en 1'0 d s u gtgcoby,


e s .of Radnor; lIss

. .sa . e a Ca - Flectric ~
e uxe
B ue obe la adn .lel'l,·e weed along Lewis, of Paoli; Mrs. Edward C. Ja- cate llastel shades. Look for them at o( Doetor's otIlce 01' lI'iIl tal<e one or two
the streams an go (en rod in the I b II W lk '
, Inc ., 15 West Lancaster 1.I'lel'
patients in her home. "'rlte "It." :'.Ialn
_ 01' call Ardmo,'e 3100.
I Rocms clIId Boarding
omh-tf I1 WITH Oil "'ITIJOUT nOAIlD--Will rl'nt
'? h h f t el', 1\1Iss Helen \V. Blrkmbllle, of yn- avenue Ardmore room COII\·. to sta. &. hus. lOS Chestnut
the autumn. Let us ope t at ros wvd' Mrs. Benjamin BulIock of Ard- ' ' \a\.e., Xa"I"'l'Ih. Xarh..llliJ. o,"b-tf Plumbing: Heating
is a long way ofl'-we should have at . , d 111 H J B Id i' f N r Help Warited 100 Forest Avenue,
\\'A"TI-:lJ-lIousel",cp",., Ilractleal nurse. FOI: HE"T a~t"'· >;el'1. ;'th.. tll'O rooIllS.'
fl two Amore d thmonths th to. e~Joy
b II
. h more, an . . awn. 0
t ft lei ristown. Mrs. Cecil H. Vaughan is
0 - Merion Notes
Ilot o\'e,' (o,.t,.. ".ith :!"ood r,,(s. Sill. With hoard, III IJl'l\'ate fanllly. pll'asallt Phone•• Narberth 3612
owers. n en, e 1'1 Ian a the chairman of the committee. Mrs. Robert Reinhart, of Hcath apl. lI'ag-es $:111 " per 1ll0.. Call fJ'om 3 to 6. I,.orne. al I eOIl\·Y·llicnees, showe,' hath. COil- I , ~
foliage-and the frUits on trees and road, who has been spending several at 122 Ellll\\'ooe] a I'e.. "arbel'lh. omfl-~ ~IIIUOll.S hOl \\'"·. 1\'ear statloll, For;
shrubs-and the birds to stop and . days in Cape l\fay, ,vill return this luter\"lPW call :\arlwf"th 2tlO:I. ollJ-llj ----z=----~------- .

feast on their way south-and many Puppet Show Properties Saturday. Miscellaneous i
to stay with Us if we will give them!
water and food. The trees are ai-
on Display at Library Mr. and Mrs. George W. Young, of IIAVE l'OCll'nOG 1'1ul'1<,'d 0" Clipped (or
Raynham road and City Line avenue,
Rooms for Relit
the hot days. neg-LIlaI' disInfectant FUHNISIIJi;D 0,' un(uI'IJISheLl. Ilrst nool'. i
ways with us in sllring, summer, au- '''he'stage
J. and llropertl'es used a t are ' among th e recen t ' 1s a t The halhs and sl,in tl'l'atments will eliminate I foul'
I f moms, po""h and shade; one mill-' BALLROOM
and reasonable mtes. Phone \\'a)-ne 1316. g-arage opLional. Wl'ite ",/," ..are ~Iain,
l1eas and. HUll1lnel" cliseOlnfort. Hefcren('cs ute I'Ulll Htatiull, at $ari. }':xtra ('lIoBl alld Yol mile east of Pottstown
tumn and winter-always interesting, the very delightful Puppet Show on Dennis in Atlantic City.
always growing, starting the buds for t.he Community Playground last Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Rissing'er, omb-t! Li,"'I', "\,·L1ll1on'. olll!I-2 l.ocaled 011 JV 111. p""" H ighll'ay
ROllI" 412
next season before they shed. the Thursday, are being exhibited at the of Valley road, have sailed on the nOO:'I8 FUll HI';:-.'T-2nd and ;l"d. 11001":
Saturday, September 3
leaves of this one. Trces in winter Library this week. I1ede France for a visit in England Real Estate for Rent (Ul'll. or ulI(urn .. I,,, square to 1'. H. ll.,'
seem to be a promise of the spring The performance was given under and Scotland. They will return the XTCE 6-ltOOM 110USI':: bath. ~ Ilol'ches, like 10... J'h, Xarh. ~:·lili. o!'-!I i PAUL SPECHT
to come. E:vergreell trees seem to be the direction of Miss Elizabeth Mie- latter part of September. good yard; neRr sta. ltent reas. Ph, 1''L'ltXISIIJ-:1> "oom with !,l'll'al" ell- and his
less sociable, monotonously beautiful, sen, one of the playground superVIsors,: . Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wells Free- Durhln & Howard. 1\'ar b.•"'"00 ,1. om b - t( ~;';;;'.
tl'ane,·. ('all I:kl<lIn'H lIal'llw:Ln', :-.'al'I>., oV-21 Columbia Broadcasting
always the same, a little larger each: as a project in dramatic art as well I man, of N. Bowman avenue, enter- ORCHESTRA
year, green in winter-cheerfUl-yes. as in craftsmanship. I I tained informal1y at supper last Sat- For Sale Coming direct from Chicago
But the oaks, beeches, gums and dog- I T~ose who had the privilcge of I Ul'day in honor of Commander Rich. ,'HOW -CliO\\' puppies. thoroughly pedi- Dallei"g frol/l 8.30 10 ?
Standard Time
woods are just as pretty to us in win- ':viewing the performance can te~tify' nrd Ellsworth Webb, U. S. N., and greed, Ilel'f. marked, cinnamon, 6 wks. ESTATE ESTATE NOTICE
OF CORA V. KEMPTON. late Admission, 75c (tax included)
tel' as in spring or fall, the bare to the success of the dramatic features! Mrs. \Vebb, who were their guests old. 1~ Bryn 1'1a\\"1' a venue, Bala. Cyrnvyrl
of Lower Merion Township, Montgorn.:
ornb:I-~ Monday, September 5
branches are holding promises of the and they and a1l others will enjoy a' Ilver the weck-end. Commander and :!Hl ery County, deceased-Lettcrs of ,\dlllill-'
season to come. closer inspection of the fine workman-, IIhs. Webb recently rcturned from ,'LIFTO:-"- HEIGHTS BOUCLE, $4 Ib.. iHtration of thl aho\'c cHtale haVing' heenl 1
ship displayed in the creation of the I China and are now living in New Xan I-Ierl'folehaft, :!·l:.! lla\'el'ford aYe .• g-ranted tu the uIHlersig'Iled. all pl'I'HOns: LLOYD HUNTLEY
Meet at Mrs. LaForc's puppets and the fUl'l1iturc employed I York. :'\arb., f'a. ohV-~
~:~l~~t~;;:n:~:L1~~ltl,~il~~)~:::~'n:~"~Il:;"~\~~:~\~a~.~ i and his
The Penn Valley Garden Club held in the story of Goldiloclts and the I PEACHES-Yellow and "'hlte Freestone. 111g' lpg-a I elalrnH to lu'espnt the sulne ~ ISLE 0' BLUES
11 meeting Tuesday at the home of Three Bears.
Inforl11atil"J11 on Sales Tax EI Rancho O,'chnrds, J, Gordon Fetter- without clela~' to '
the president, Mrs. John A. LaFon·, man, ProvIdence I'd" one mile No. o( HOIt'I'J<:1\'SI~ K. JeST ICE
Goldilocks herself is a beautiful Charles V. Noel, Deputy Collector Hose Tree Hunt ClUb, neal' Media. FI'esh Direct from Convention Hall
"')'Illlell'ood, I'enns,'ll'ania Atlantic City
of Penn Valley Farms. Followin~ creation and is a center of attraction of Internal Revenue, with an office in picked peaches taste better. omb9-9 0,' her altol'lIey.
the meeting the members were enter- at the Library. The work is well the Counties Title Building, Ardmore, Dczllcillg from 8.30 10 12.30
W. RUSSELL GHEEX. ESQ. Daylight Saving Time
tained at a luncheon and swimming worth viewing and will be on display will give information on the Federal IVORY enameled single bed; mahogany 46 E. Airy st"eet Admission, 75c (tax included)
party by Mrs. LaFore. for the rest of the week. bureau and ward"obe, all In good con- N'orristown. Pennsylvania
sales tax to any persons desiring it. d1tl'ln. Ph. X:lJ'h, ~0;'2-n. 0111"'-2 , (oro-.-32) Free Parkino:
Page Six OUR TOWN September 2, 1932'

I n f antI'1 e P
araI '
ySls- S ymp toms of apartment houses,. when properly
: I Home From Rockies Night Schools Urged WILL OF S. T. BODINE University of Pennsylvania. He is a
and PrecautIons to e b Ob d
serve. protected against accIdents, often are iI member of the Racquet Club, Merion
: line playgrounds. , for Lower Merion Financier Left Estate of "$300,000 Crickct Club and the Chi Phi Frater-
(Contlnued from Pnge One) ! "The general rules of health are al- :
back of the neck. He is likely to bc: ways important. Parents should set: i Viewed as Educational Offset to
and Upward" to 3 Children

The will of Samuel T. Bodine, late

... ... . .. ... - ..
~,.,- -

constipated, but may have diarrhea.: to it that chi1dr~n wash their hands:
:i\Iore significant arc a sore, stiff neck before eating, that they do not use i
and spine and pains in the back, arms i public towels or common drinldng ~
Economic Conditions by
\V/elfare Workers
of Villanova, leaving an estate valu-
ed at "$300,000 and upward," was Villa Maria Academy
probated in the Register of Wills' GREEN TREE, PA.
and legs. Many of these symptoms cups, that they cover nose and mouth I STATE AID AVAILABLE office, Norristown, last week. (MALVERN P.O.)
are not unlike those in the commoll 'when sneezing or coughing, and that Three children are the chief bene-
upsets to which .childl:en ~re sUbj~ct" they keep fingers out of nose and Establishment of evening high and
elementary schools in Lower Merion
ficiaries in the estate. The will di- Resident and Day
but thc most serIOUs sIgn IS the stl.ff-: mouth and put nothing in the mouth
ness of the spine and neck, the chIld: . Township i!' being urged by civic
rects, however, that servants be giv- School for Girls
being unable to bend them forward. : which has been soiled i~ the slIghtest en sums approved by the children,
g'roups and welfare workers as an ed- lind creates a trust fund for a niece.
"Sometimes these early symptoms: degree by others. A chIld should nev- Elemental'y,
llcational offset to ec,onomic condi- The children are Mrs. Louise H.
may be very mild and yet within from! er be kissed on the mouth. He should College Preparatory and
twenty-four to seventy-two hours the i have good simple food, at home or at tions. How, wife of Dr. H. W. How; Mrs.
Secretarial Courses
child may be U1~able to move an a~m I the school cafeteria, and plenty of Courses offcred would be open to Eleanor G. Perry, wife of William G.
or a leg. Agmn he may be unmls- I " Perry, and William W. Bodine. The Special Courses in Music
udults as well as children of school Accredited by the Pennsylvania t'
takablv sick with the first stages of! water to drmk. He should go to b~d age. son and the Fidelity-Philadelphia State Department of Education
Trust Company are named executors also by the Middle States Assocla.
this disease, but develop little or no I carly, and have regular bowel move-: Indications that enrollment in Low- tlon of Colleges and Secondary
and trustees of the estate. Schools
paralysis. Sometimes a child may ments. er Merion Senior High School might
The will was executed June 8, 1932. SWIMMING HOCKEY
have so mild a case that the attack is "It is desirable to keep the house DR. MAX 1\1. STRUMIA exceed the capacity of the school also
scarcely noticed, and yet he may as clean as possible. Usc plenty of of Nurl/crth, dircctor of the [,Ull- added impetus to the movement. Many It directs that all inheritance taxes TENNIS GYMNASIUM
spread the contagIOn . to oth er c h'l
I - soap and water, fight flies, mice, rats ol'atory at Bryn ,1Iawr HONIJitul, IlIg
. I1 SC h00I S
t u d en t
shwow e re g r a du _ are to be paid out of the estate so that
School Bus Accommodatioll
dren. Even a doctor who IS . a ncrve and other vermin, and remember that 1oho returned reccntly fr01ll a a t e d Ias t year, 1't was Iearne d thOIS hequests will be dear of the tax. It
or child specialist often has to per- fresh air and sunlight are destroyers
form a slight operatIOn . (k nown as; of germs.
11/.0111Ita/·n dimlJing r.l·lJcditioll in

tIl(' Canae/ian Roc/des.

wee k ,con t It
emp acre t url1lng
gra d ua t e courses owmg
. f or pos t _ provides that the three children arc
, I- to receive all paintings, antiques,
. to the'11' I'nab'l
Conducted by the Sisters,
Servants of the Immaculate
I b tu jewelry, silver, automobile and furni- Heart of Mary
~m ar r",,) to be sure that his I "The use of pasteurized milk is es- ity to secure employment. Rather than
diagnOSIs IS correct.
Why It Is III/po/'tant to Call the
D ~c t 01' Ea/'ly
; pecially important, because of the pos- Berwyn Victim of
IOI'bl'II'ty that raw milk may carry the
II ~.
B N' M d
oro . me
limit the enrollment, especially during
II time of economic distress, school of-
on ay licials are discussing the possibility of
ture. All real estate, a large part of
which was in Villanova, is to be div-
ided equally.
I........... ... - .... ,
Fall Term Opetls Sept. 13th t
., germs of infantile paralysis, as it
"If your chIld has fever, vOI~ltmg: sometimes does the germs of other (Contlnued from Page One) organizing evening courses.
and marked restlessness, put hIm .tv Icpidemic diseases." It is understood that State aid is Miss Nella Cameron Engaged WANAMAKER .1nstltute *
bed and promptly call your fannly; 'em up with a praye!' and hoped for available for such schools when they to Mr. Milton Yetter Schoch
doctor. Even though ~'OUr doctor i~: FI
W'l W· the best. His curve was absent also are establislled in accordance with Opens September 15th
une of the best, he may wish to have i orence I son ,loS . . (if he has one), but for some mys- certain requirements of the Pennsyl- Mr. and Mrs. Willillm C. Long-

the advice of a specialist to sUPPle-I Women s Tenl1ls TItle tcrious reason the much-talked-of i vania Department of Public Instruc- slJ'eth, of Haverford, announce the en- for catalog of morning, afternoon and eve.
ment his own judgment. The child, (Continued from Page One) ~
heavy hitters on the Narberth side toni. Further, the State law pr~vides gagement of Mrs. Longstreth's daugh- ning courses write Or telephone lOCult6914
i : ,.. . .

may not have infantile paralysis, but jlhat whenever 20 or more reSIdents
ter, Miss Nella Cameron, and Mr. Adv. No.1 1932
if he has, prompt action on your part' The program follows: ; couldn t hIt hllll effectn'ely untIl late! of a school district make written ap-
may spare him months and even years r. Selection by Orchestra entitled: in the battle. i plication for instruction in English Milton Yetter Schoch, son of Mr. and
of helplessness. The doctor may be "Soldiers March," by Schuman. , Narberth's defeat at the hands of and citizenship for immigrants and Mrs. Layton 1\1. Schoch, of "Foul'
College Courses
ablc to pr~vcnt the crippl!n~ after- II. Puppet Show-"The Three Bears." : the Wayne Hawl,s is sO,mething to be native illiterates, in any course of """es," Haverford. Jlf~h S('hoo] J{nlduatr'!iI nnd
drect~, \~lllch al:e thc. worst fe~tures Characters: The Big Bear, Jr.: ashamed of, for the reason that rank study taught in the day elementary Miss Cameron, who was a <Jebu-I
',;111''' In Shorthnnd. T~p,·wrlllnJ:.
Hnnkkf','pJnJ:. fii\h·nnt)·p)· nnd othef'
~l·('rt·t:lrla' ~t.l,-,"J_I."",s._ _
of thIS dIsease, If he IS called III be- C Th 1\1' Idl S·· d B · . , 01' secondary schools, or for instruc- tante of last season, is a graduate of '

I b ·
fore the arlllS or egs eglll to c
ase; e I( e Iloe
Jane Anderson; The Little;
elll, I errors ruined Howard Graham s
. '" . tion in citizenship for adults, such Miss Wright's School, Bryn Mawr. S Til 1\ Y I~ ~ S n
w('ak and }JaraIYloed. He will also
give advice about the position of the.
Bem: .Tack Dunn; Goldilocks, Su- chance of pltchmg hIS way to a Will. classes shall be organized and main-
zann~ Hewitt.
MI'. Schoch attended Haverford
, Only two hits in five innings could tained by the Board of School Direc- School, Cornell University and the ~l t
Business College

XIIi ('tlt'stnut ~t. l4on,lmrtl ON,IV

}]~tient ~nd I~lay ~o ~llUC,

hllll, whIch
f~r m~1 m~~~:
to 0 w: i Horses,"pla~'ed
III. Xyliphone selection - "King's' the invaders get off .I,'fOWie and both .• tors of the school district.
by Jr. Case. 'figured in the alien scoring. In the! All such public schools classes main-
/' Go'od Feilow-s~bip and-U-n-d-e-r-stand-i-n-i---
th: }Jrcvcn.tlOn of .defol'IllIty or cnp-: IV. Accordion selections by John Do- thi'd inni Ig Li -tv Winfree socked 11' tained in addition to the regular day ••• Between FaCUlty and Students
phng. It IS ver~' Important to get a i
dUdon' advice at the earliest possiblc :
1. "Over the Summer Sea"
: I I. S • • ! school program are classified as "ex-I
; single and scored after three, succes- : tension schools and classes," which
Friendly, sympathetic leade.c-
ship that develops the best In
nized by leading ,:ol.1 g .
e es
Strong faculty of speCIalists.
momcnt.. " .:. 2. "Over the "'aves" sive errors were charged to the Dav- arc by law an integral part of the a boy or girl. IS-acre estate. A:ll branches
sp~rts. Co~veOlent.

"-\. sel:u.m IS now aVaI Ia bl e III cer t alll : a. "Somebody Loves You" ismen. ThC'n, in the next canto, Set.h State program of free public instruc- Kindergarten,
high schoolelemen tary of furOlshed to allTrans-
grades and college portatton parts
commUlJlt.1Cs,. frul1] thc blood of V. Puppet Show-"Epaminondas" Brown poked a one-bagger and scored tion and therefore include the pro- prepa:atory courses. Recog- of city and suburbs.
. . mlh\'lduals who . have I ' had I eh'lraders'
" .
Epaminondas' Ber-.
. I af
WIth the aI( anotlleI' '
mIscue a t tl I evision
· of fl'pC'
. .texts
. , rC'O'ular
" " 'ccrtifi-
. 11"-,'
. ,. 'oday J'r •_ J"ru.,h.-• pa-/;wlars,
o D S' ~ E N T R A L S c:: H 0 0 L
• BarclaY L. Jones, Ph.D., Principal
tillS rhsease and have entlrc y lecov-'
('H·d This 'conv'dl'SCI'nt serum' is be- nardI "'einstein;
C h B Mammy,
k hiS hot <,orn('r. ' cation
. . of teachers, conformance to the I F R lEN '"
" 0- , . . 0- • mot WI', at ryn 1'00 s ' :
he\'('d by some who !lave used It to VI. Ol'chC'stra Selection- Harr~'. : JllInllllUm salary
FranCIS sta1'rC'd at bat for 11'1·O\·isions.
and other OVERBROOK. PA. COUntry nay Plan
I ,.""=""";;"",===,;,;,;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,=============,,...,===..,,,,=='..,,....
lwrcentage and of
death in abut If
cases, co~~ A "Alnrch," by
very colol'ful H~landC'~
exhibit of hand- I Narberth
'Winfreewith a double
thrilled and single.
the crowd bv com- ! '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I
it is given, it must IJ(' a(lministl']'('d bC'- I (;1"\l't WUI'k was 011 disi1lav at the P l a y - . h f ~'\' It' 1\1 '
fore the pal al., ~IS, sets
........ . . 'Ill, to (U
I · ground
,lily ' .
showlIlg' ."
the clllldren s accom- plchng' a.great catc , 0 ,a
. ac-
good. Not all patients should be giv- plishmcnts for the season. Gregor's short fly 111 the thIrd.
('n the serum. The doctor or the spe- Seol'l~ by innings:
The New
einlist can tell whether 01' not your JinullY Dykes Speaker Berwyn 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1:
child should have it. His a(h'ice at b ~arberth 0 0 0 0 0 2 x-2,
the outset may save much sutTering Before Rotary Clu I

Ca/,(' of the Paralyzed Child
'Continued from f'al;e One)
"If your child has had infantile Simmons. The former was describ-
paralysis and is paralYlol'd, follow ('d as the hardest hitter of them all,'
'\Yayne Hawks
0 0 1 1 0-2!
1 0 0 0 0-1: BOOK - SIZE
your doctor's instructions as to how Babe Ruth not exccpted. Simmons, I
tu strengthen the weakC'ned muscles who has been accused of slumping,
Baseball Schedule
Saturday, Br~'n ;'IIawr at Home;:
and nerves. Proper care and treat- is hitting better than .300, Dykes Monday (A. ;'11.), Upper Darby at:
ment usually bring about improve- said, and has brought in a stag'g'cring" Home; Monday (P. ;\Ll, Paoli at

ments during the I1rst year and pre- numbcr of runs. Despite this ]'('cord, Home.
vent permanent deformity. This may the players have dubbed him "Alfon-
rcquire prolonged rest in bed and po~- so," which, when tran~lated, means
sibly irksome treatment. But do not ex-king.
get discouraged. Whilc guaranteed
McN ail' was described as the out-! Representatives of Keystone Auto-,'I
+---. IN .~--
or advertised 'cures' are usually unrc- standing shortstop in thc All1l'rican I mobile Club in Session ' THE MOST COMPACT RADIO EVER DESIGNED
liable, yet often much can be donI: League, and a probable cornerstone I Count" field representatives of the
under the .advice of an experienced for future campaigns. Many amusing ~ Ke\'ston~ Automobile Club partici-
physician to .bring back health, use- anecdotes of thc adventures of a pro- i pated in a sales cOll\'ention held at So small that it takes no more room than a book in a traveling bag yet so completc that il
fulness and happiness.. fessional ball player were quoted. : thc Brinton Lake Club, Concordville, can be plugged in to light sockets using three different typcs of current and will adjust itself auto.
How Infantile PUI'lll1J8is Is Thought I Delaware County, last week. R('ports:
maticall),. No aerial or ground is necessary. Takc it wilh you and plug it in whcrcvcr thcre is an
to Be Spread lOul What Should Narberth Man Scales : from all parts of the territory, served:
Be Done to Protect Othas Unclil11bed Mt. Peak I by the Keystone Automobile Club in- i lID-volt lamp socket using A. C. or D. C.
"There is much about infantile pa- i (lieated an upward swing in business i
ralysis that is not ~·et understood, but (Conllnued fl'om Page One) 'eonditions, and the representatives I
it is believed to be spread directly drop of 120 feet and another 40 feet. were greatl~· enthused by the pr?~pect I
and indirectly from one pcrson to an- This method, he explained, savcs much, of early return to normal cOlHhtlOns.: You'll appreciate thc compactness of this small radio th~t has a 6·inch speaker yct is itself only 6%
other, much as other contagious dis- time and energy. i The meetinl\' took the form of a: inches high.
eases of childhood are spread. It is The first camp cstablished by the· political convention, with "presiden-!
thought that one may evcn carry thc expedition was 011 the slope of Mt. lial" candidates chosen by the Pro-;
infection without showing symptoms Russell, but snow storms prcvented gressive and Liberal parties. The I
of the disease; infact, 'healthy' car- thel11 frol11 making an ascent. : cntire sales force will wage a strenu- I
riel'S may be more numerous and act, F'ollowing the successful ascent of' ous campaign, with n1l'l11berships This checrful companion that fits so snugly into a corner of your traveling bag will surprise
ive in spreading the disease than act- Mt. Oubliette, the camp was mO\'ed counting as votes. The campaign willi you with its lighlness and durability.
ive cases. In a ver~' few outbreaks, to the base of another peak, but after: end the same day as the national clec- :
contaminated milk seems to hay\, five days of snow and rain they were' lion in November.
spread the infection. forced to give up hopes of making: County representatives who partici- I EVERY DAY
"When a child has jnfantile paraly- other ascents and started homewards. ! pated in the convention included: I
sis, he should bc put to bed, away Dr. Strumia took several reels of Joseph R. Murphy, Manager of the This ideal pcrsonal set will find a place in the office. den or bedroom.
from other members of the family, motion pictures during the expedition' Ardmore Office; F. J. Harrity, Ard-
the doctor callcd, the case reported to which vividly depict the dangers as more; 1\1. Goodritz, Bryn l\lawr; and i
the Department of Health, and meas- well as the thrills of the ascents. ! .James J. Foley, Wayne.
ures taken to protcct others, as di- COMPLETE WITH
rected by the doctor Or the health
"fficer. TUBES AND
If Infantilc Pf!mlysis Is Nen]' I For School's Davis' is the place to make :
your choice 01 a large, moder- I
"If there is an epidemic of infan- ,
tile paralysis or of other contagious, Opening, ately priced assortment 01
diseases in your community, it is a I
good rule to keep your child out of!
your childrcn will need
their clothcs in suitable
School Supplies
Pencil Cases, lOe up. Faber, Inc.
crowds. Avoid the movies, theatres'i condition. Let us remod. Pencils, Erasers: Parker Pen-
parties, dances, picnics and crowded eI, repair or clean them- cils and Fountain Pcns; In-
boats and trains until the epidemic is whatever they require. gersoll Watches. Loose-leaf
over. Health authorities usually You are assurcd skilful, Books, Composition Pads,
agree that children are safer from reliable work at moderate Brief Cascs, etc., at
the disease when kept in school fhan price.
when taken from school and allowed DA VIS' 15 WEST LANCASTER AVENUE
10 play in the streets or elsewhere, I
Adelizzi Bros. Oldest Store ill Narberth
though even schools sometimes are'
Tailorillg, Clcallillg, Prcssillg, ARDMORE 600 ARDMORE, PA.
closed for short periods to try to stop SUPPLIES fOT YOUNG alld OLD
the dis~ase from spreading. Keep i
your chIld away from homes where
there is sieknesl!. If you have a yard, ~

102 Forest Ave., Narb. 2602
4649 Frankford Avenue, Frankford Delaware 1800
238 Bala Ave., Cyn. 928 Narberth 4035
let your child play in it. The roofs I

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