MCQ's On Muslim Law

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MCQ's on Muslim Law

1.What is the oldest source of Muslim Law?

A. Ijma
B. Qiyas
C. Quran
D. Hadees Or Sunnah

2. What is the Second Source of Muslim Law?

A. Quran
B. Ijma
C. Qiyas
D. Hadees Or Sunnah

3. “Customs” are also known as

A. Urf Or Taamul
B. Sunnat Ul Qual
C. Ahadis I Ahad
D. None of the above

4. The Child Marriage Restraint Act was passed on,

A. 25 Sep 1997
B. 29 Sep 1929
C. 12 Sep 1929
D. 25 Dec 1939

5. The founder of “Hanfi School” Was

A. Abu Hanifa
B. Imam Malick
C. Imam Mohammad
D. None of the above

6. “Traditions of the Prophet” are also known as

A. Sunna Or Ahadis
B. Ijma
C. Qiyas
D. Customs

7. How many Law School are there for the Sunni?

A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 5
8. Who was the profounder of Shafei School?
A. Imam Malick
B. Imam Shafei
C. Imam Mohammad
D. None of the above

A. Unanimous decision of jurists
B. Knowledge of the jurist
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

10. “Ithna Asharia School” is also known as

A. Ismalia School
B. Imamia School
C. Shafei School
D. Hanfi School

11. Who was the profounder of “Hanbali School”

A. Imam Ibn Hanbal
B. Imam Malick
C. Abu Hanifa
D. Imam Ali

12. Who was the propounder of “Motazila School” ?

A. Imam Ali
B. Ibn Hanbal
C. Ata al Ghazzal
D. None of the above

13. “Marriage among Muhammadans is not a sacrament, but purely a

civil contract” . Who gave this statement?
A. Ameer Ali
B. Justice Mahmood
C. Hedaya
D. None of the above

14. The Arabic work “Nikah” literally means

A. Marriage
B. Divorce
C. Engagement
D. Dower

15. Ismalia School is further sub categorised into

A. Khojas
B. Bohras
C. Both A and B
D. None of the Above

16. Ithna Asharia School is further sub categorised into

A. Akhbari
B. Usuli
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

17. As per Sunni Law, Marriage is classified into how many categories?
A. 3
B. 2
C. 4
D. 1

18. As per Shia Law, Marriage is classified into how many categories?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 1
19. “Irregular or Invalid” Marriage is also known as
A. Sahih marriage
B. Batil marriage
C. Fasid marriage
D. None of the above

20. “The Mussalman Waqf Validating Act” was passed in which year
A. 1929
B. 1913
C. 1990
D. 1985

21. “The Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act” was passed on
A. 7 Oct 1937
B. 27 Oct 1925
C. 6 Sep 1990
D. 5 Oct 2000

22. “Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act” was passed on,

A. 17 March 1939
B. 17 Oct 1939
C. 5 Sep 1990
D. 2 Oct 2010

23. “Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) was passed on,

A. 19 May 1986
B. 20 May 1986
C. 7 Oct 2000
D. 5 Sep 1990

24. The Parties must have capacity to contract marriage i.e they should
A. Sound Mind
B. Major
C. Capable to give free consent
D. A, B and C

25. Under Shia Law, such marriages are void,

A. Marriage with fifth wife
B. Marriage with any Non Muslim
C. Woman undergoing Iddat
D. All of the above
26. If the Muta Marriage is not consummated, than the wife us entitled
A. Full dower
B. Half dower
C. No dower
D. Only maintenance

27. “Mahe or Dower is that sum of money or property which a Muslim

wife is entitled to get from her husband on marriage as a token of
repsect” . Who said this?
A. Abdur Rahim
B. Ameer Ali
C. Hedaya
D. Both A and B

28. What is “Mahr - i – Musamma” ?

A. Customary dower
B. Specified dower
C. Prompt dower
D. Deferred dower

29. What is “Mahr - i – Misl” ?

A. Customary dower
B. Specified dower
C. Prompt dower
D. None of the above

30. What is the maximum limit set in sunni law for the dower?
A. 500 Dirhams
B. 200 Dirhams
C. 1000 Dirhams
D. No Limit

31. What is the maximum limit of dower set in shia law?

A. 500 Dirhams
B. 200 Dirhams
C. 1000 Dirhams
D. No Limit

32. “Prompt dower” is also known as…

A. Mahr I Musamma
B. Muajjal Mahr
C. Muwajjal Mahr
D. None of the above
33. “Deferred dower” Is also known as…
A. Mahr I Musamma
B. Muajjal Mahr
C. Muwajjal Mahr
D. None of the above

34. Who are entitled to claim the right of Pre - Emption?

A. Co sharers
B. Participators
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

35. Which ground “To claim Pre – Emption” was nullified by the
Supreme Court in the case “ Razzaque Bagwan v. Ibrahim Haji Mohd.
Hussain” ?
A. Co sharers
B. Participators
C. Owners of Adjoining land
D. None of the above

36. What is the limitation period to practice the Right of pre emption?
A. 2 years
B. 3 years
C. 1 year
D. 6 months

37. In which case it was held that “Irrespective of a Muslim husbands

right to contract a second marriage , his first wife would be entitled to
claim maintenance” ?
A. Begum Subanu alias saira babu v. A. M abdul gafoor
B. Danial latifi v Union of India
C. Shayara Bano v. Union of India
D. Both A and B

38. Waqf is given under which schedule of the Constitution?

A. 7th
B. 6th
C 2nd
D. 4th

39. What are the essentials of the Gift (Hiba) ?

A. Declaration of gift
B. Acceptance of gift
C. Delivery of possession
D. All of the above
40. Maintenance of a divorced Muslim woman may be discussed
A. Muslim Personal Law
B. Section 125 CRPC, 1973
C. The Muslim women (Protection of rights on divorce) act 1986
D. All of the above

41. Under Muslim law, who are the persons entitled to maintenance?
A. Wife
B. Young children
C. Necessitous parents
D. All of the above

42. Talaq – ul – sunnat is also known as?

A. Talaq - ul – raje
B. Talaq – ul – bain
C. Talq – e – tafweez
D. None of the above

43.Talq – ul – Biddat is also known as?

A. Talaq - ul – raje
B. Talaq – ul – bain
C. Talq – e – tafweez
D. None of the above

44. In which ground of Divorce, wife has the pay a consideration in

order to get a divorce from her husband?
A. Khula
B. Mubarat
C. Delegated divorce
D. Both A and B

45. Which section of the “Dissolution of Muslim Act, 1939” provides 9

grounds under which a Muslim wife can obtain a decree for the
dissolution of her marriage?
A. Sec 2
B. Sec 3
C . Sec 5
D. Sec 6

46. What is the leading case on the Acknowledgment of Paternity?

A. Danial latifi v Union of India
B. Muhammad Allahabad v. Muhammad Ismail
C. Muhammad Imam v. Begum bano
D. Hajra begum v. Union of India
47. The Manager Or Superintendent of the Waqf is called as…
A. Mutawalli
B. Imam
C. Maulana
D. All of the above

48. Waqf may be created either…

A. By an act inter vivos
B. By will
C . During death illness
D. All of the above

49. Waqf are classified into…

A. Public Waqfs
B. Private Waqfs
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

50. If the husband is absent for a period of… … . Years than his wife can
obtain a decree for the dissolution of marriage .
A. 4 years
B. 7 years
C. 3 years
D. 19 years

Answers –
1. C 31. A

2. D 32. B

3. A 33. C

4. B 34. C

5 A 35. C

6. A 36. C

7. A 37. A

8. B 38. A

9. A 39. D

10. B 40. D

11. A 41. D

12. C 42. A

13. B 43. B

14. A 44. A

15. C 45. A

16. C 46. B

17. A 47. A

18. A 48. D

19. C 49. C

20. B 50. A

21. A

22. A

23. A

24. D

25. D

26. B

27. A

28. B

29. A

30. D

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