University of The Punjab: Class Bsit (Semester V)

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Introduction to

(Semester V)

Course Instructor Ms Amna Rafique


Sociology, the scientific study of society that deals with group behavior, the

relationship among human beings, and the factors entering into and ensuing from these

relationships. Wherever an individual is in communication with others, wherever direct or

indirect contacts occur, such an individual is an interacting member of the society order.

The elements, patterns and consequences of behavior antecedents or subsequent to this

interaction among individual and between groups is the chief subject matter of sociology.


 Grasp how sociology uniquely contributes to an understanding of the social world and human


 Apply a sociological perspective and sociological concepts and principles to substantive areas

addressed by sociologists (see Substantive Content of the Discipline below)

 Understand how patterns of thought and knowledge are influenced by social, political, economic


Assessment and evaluation

Assessment Tasks Worth

Mid term examination 35 %
Final term examination 40 %
Assignments 10 %
Quizzes 5%
Presentation 10 %

Attendance and class participation

To attend classes and participation in class discussions are two crucial factors in

order to gain knowledge at university. Students will be reinforced for class participation
through appreciation and sessional marks. Students having less then 80 % attendance will

not be considered eligible for final term examination as per university rules.

Schedule of contents during semester

Week Contents Assignments / Quizzes

Week 1  Introduction to sociology, Nature and scope of
sociology, Scientific methods used in sociology
 Individual and society
Week 2  Socialization Assignment 1
 Social interaction
Week 3  Groups and associations
 Groups and individual, some kinds of group,
group dynamics
Week 4  Social institutions Quiz 1
 Institutional concepts, Institutions and
associations, The developments of institutions,
Institutional functions
Week 5  The family, religious institutions, education, Assignment 2
science and technology
Week 6  Social Class, Determinants of social class, self
identification and class consciousness, Family
patterns, Status symbols, Social class as sub
Week 7  The significance of social class, Determinants Quiz 2
of life chances, Happiness and social class,
Cultivating class ethnocentrism, Attitudes and
life styles, Fitting into the better spots
Week 8  Social and cultural change, Theories of social
change, Functional and conflict theories of
change, Resistance and acceptance to social
change, The consequences of change
Week 9  Mid Term Exams
Week 10  Social mobility, Social system and social Assignment 3
mobility, Importance of social mobility
Week 11  Social action
Week 12  Deviant behavior and social control Quiz 3
Week 13  Social organization and disorganization Assignment 4
Week 14  Social problems
Week 15  Environment and society Quiz 4
Week 16  Revision

Recommended Books

Horton, P. B. & Hunt, C. L. (2004). Sociology. McGraw Hill book company, London.

Sirohi, A. (2007). Fundamentals of Sociology. Dominant Publishers and Distributors,


Saeed, Z. & Farooq, A. (2004). Principals of Sociology. Publishers Emporium, Lahore.

Giddens, A. & Duneier, M. (2007). Introduction to Sociology. W. W. Norton & Company,


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