Our Town February 5, 1932

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Cook Among Speakers Junior Club's Musicale and Tea, Sunday, H cads Dairymen Next Council Speaker Travels in Mexico
at Patriotic Rally Attracts Out-ofTown Guests and Many Men Described at Club
Will Discuss "Washington In One of the outstanding events of _ The decorations, consisting of Miss Ellen Brinton Describes
Our Neighborhood," at
the Junior Community - Club's pro- beautiful palms and a gorgeous cen-
Experiences in Yucatan
gram for the year book took place on I tel' piece of flowers, were made possi- __
School on the 22d Sunday at the Community Building, i ble by the generosity of Albrecht's Peninsula
the Legion Wing, when the girls en- I nurseries, and the thanl{s of the Jun-
tertained at a musicale and tca, from iors go to them and to the American
PLANS SHAPING UP 4 until six o'clock. The men were Legion for permitting their room to MISS HAND WAS SOLOIST
invited to be present at the affair, be used for this enjoyable occasion.
C. P. Cook, well versed in Colonial and of the hundred guests attending, On Monday evening, the Bala-Cyn- Miss Ellen S. Brinton, Field Secre-
lore, has accepted the assignment to fully 40 per cent. comprised the hus- wyd Junior Community Club invited tary of the Women's Internati\?nal
discuss "Washington in Our Neigh- ~ands and male friends of the Jun-I the Narberth Juniors to attend a reci- League for Peace and Freedom, and
borhood" at the patriotic rally to be lors. I procity meeting, and twelve of Nar- , a resident of the Borough, was the
held at the Narberth Public School In the receiving line were the offi- i berth's Club responded. Three one- speaker at the International Relations
• cers, Mrs. Ellsworth Clark, Mrs., act plays were giyen and a very Day program presented by the Wom-
Auditorium on the Bi-Centennial, James D. Moore, Mrs. Harold Griest, pleasant evening was enjoyed.
February 22. Miss Martha Maxwell, Miss Virginia I . The next meeting of the J\lniors en's Community Club of Narberth on
• Other speakers include Frank A. Steinford, and Miss Margaret Bur-I will be a business meeting, at the Tuesday afternoon in the Community
Sehrepfer, whose subject will be rell. Of these, Miss Steinford, chair- Community building, Scout Wing, Building.
"Washington the Soldier," and man of the Music Committee, super-' when there will be a speaker, prob- Miss Brinton gave a vivid -and in-
• vised the affair, with Mrs. Harold ably on some international subject.
Fletcher W. Stites, who will hold forth teresting account of her travels and
Griest assisting. Miss Alberta Davis, experiences in Yucatan, the peninsula
• on "Washington the Statesman." Rev.
Robert E. Keighton will read the
Miss Margaret Kent and Miss Jule
Fittipoldi ushered the guests to seats
Bank COmml"ttee to DR, EZRA S, DEUBLER, DR, MICHAEL DORIZAS in the southern part of Mexico,
popular University of Pennsylvania pro- where the treasures of the ancient In-
• Farewell Address and Mrs. C. Arley and made them feel at home. 1 Give Report Soon sup~rintendent of Penshurst Farm,
Valley, who has been elected president
Penn fessor, traveler and lecwrer,
be the .Ipea~er at the meeting of the
who will dian civilization are being excavated.
Farmer will direct the dramatic fea- Besides the Narberth Senior Club, She also spoke of the principal towns
to whom an invitation was extended, of the Pennsylvania Dairymen',l Asso- Lower Merion-Narberth Council of Re-
ture of the program, a playlet deal- puhlican Women to be held on Febru- and villages, among them being a
I and the Narberth SUb-Juniors, who Study of Merion Title Assets ciation, Dr. Deubler is a member of ary 9 at the pari,1I1 hvus~ oJ St, Mary's Merida. Miss Brinton illustrated her
ing with an important episode in the Lower Merion School Board,
were invited to assist in serving, in- May Be Completed in Church, Ardmore avenue, Ardmore. talk with stereopticon views of many
Washington's career. vitations were sent out to all other of the Yucatan latars, pyrmids and
• The Narberth Business Council is Junior Clubs in the District. It was Two Weeks of the life in the villages. She a)so
{!ngaged in malting extensive arrange-
ments for decorating the commercial
pleasant to find such a large numb~r Young Russian Refugee, Valery de Beausset, had an interesting display of Mexi-
• .section and attractive window dis-
of these out-of-town members re- FACTS
sponding, for girls representing
Now a Student at Lower Merion High School
" " can Handicraft, in both the natural
and miniature sizes.
plays will be made, it is stated, by Chester, Hatboro, North Wales and The committee of depositors of the According to Miss Brinton, who
• practically all the local merchants. Bala-Cynw~d lattended the tea. t Merion Title & Trust Company headed spent three weeks of her trip in Mex-
Requests have been sent to all of the The muslca program was presen - b W I R' h F·' E f Some of the thl'illing ltdventurex in i with his fam.ily went southward. The
.organizations in the borough to en- ed by the Junior Matinee Musicale y I
~ tel' . ell' ner ·a.rles, •sq., 0 the life of a yonng llullx,:an nfugee, trip proved to be horrible, for many ico, many find the altitude, which is
courage a general participation in the Club, of Philadelphia, who sent the Bala, IS nearly ready to Issue a repo~t now a l'esidcnt of Narberth and a people were killed and left lying on 7800 feet, very difficult to become ac-
plan to have flags flying from every following artists to perform: Vir- on the prese?t state of the bank s student at Lower Merion High SChOlll, ' the train, while his mother was forced customed to. She also stated that
ginia Mactrotters, soprano, and pres- as~ets, accordmg to an ann~uncement (Ire "elated in the following article! to travel disguised as a peasant. many of the Mexicans are afraid of
• household in Narberth during the en-
ident of the Club; Janice Mosler, pian-I thIS week. Regular meetmgs have reprinted from "The Merionite," the II The family settl"d near the Black the Americans, and this has been con-
tire week, starting February 22, and
the Narberth Theatre management is ist; Anthony Zungola, violinist;, Clar- been held" and a complete search of school publication. Sea, but here crops were hardly bet- tinuous since the Mcxican War, due
• ,co-operating with the Bi-Centennial
accompanist and composer of several
ice Mayer, reader, and Clara Grube, all"assets IS un~er way.. .
We are not m a POSltlO~ to ,~Iake
--- tel' because during the raids by the to the legend that a young Mexican
Rising and falling atop mammoth I Bolsheviks the little group sought boy, rather than be captured by an
Committee by providing special an-
nouncements of the same nature, to of the numbers played. Very delight-l any.repor,t at the .prese~~ time, l\~r. waves that were raging off the coast refuge in damp cellars. Finally, they American soldier, threw himself from
• be shown after Lincoln's Bil'thday. ful performances were given by alii FarIeS said last night" \Ve are vlr- of Bulgaria, twelve years ago, was, were entirely dri-ven out and moved a high castle wall into a gorge in the

, Plans were also being made, in ac-
l'ordance with the direction of the na-
a ed and it would be difficult to say tually assured of haVIng a complete a tiny life boat valiantly plunging to a port on the Baltic Sea. I
~:~~h 'artist gave the most enjoyment report within two weeks, and perhaps !ts way towar? the safety and sccur- I Scarcely had they arrived when the Cans.
mountain. The Mexicans also dislike
the superior attitude of the Ameri-
tional committee, to further recognize to the enthusiastic audience, but if I sooner, .but there a.re a number of Ity of a Prusslan passenger boat. II Bolsheviks again attacked and sur-

• th~ bi-centennial year by observances

on Memorial Day, Independence Day applause, it perhaps was in the trib-
there was a shade of difference in the facts still to be obtamed. Among those few shipwrecked rounded the town. Their only escape
"An effort has been m~de to spr~ad souls was a li!tle tow-headed boy who was by sea. Happily they received tumes of the natives. Mrs. J. H.
She also spoke at length on the cos-

and Constitution Day. I I

ute paid when Anthony Zungola ~re.w the report t~at we are .m pos.sesslOn k!cke,d and ?It ~he ol~cer w.ho held an invitation from the Captain of one Hongler, the President, played the
a masterful bow over the vlOlm of facts \~hICh are bem~ WIthheld. ~Im 111 the Vise-like grIp of hIS knees of the Grand Duke's yachts to accom- National Peasant Dance and the Na-
" Penn Valley Group strings. The choice of selections ~vas Every senSIble per~on realIzes that a 11\ an atte.mpt .to pr~vent the boy I pany him to Bulgaria. They accept- tional Birthday Song of Mexico,
in ea~h case well made, and the tq)1e premature and maccurate report from throwmg himself mto the all enol ~d, and so the curtain was raised on which the Mexican children start to
to Elect on Tuesday passed all, toe.. quickly in the enjoy- :vo~ld do n~ore harm than good. When 'l!C!llfing swells, that loomed ~p about that stormy night on'the Baltic. (Continued on Page I'ive)
ment of these young people's talents. It IS conSIdered that we Were n,:t them. That httl~ boy.was \ alery de That was by no means the end of
Frank M. Mancill, president of the
Lower Merion Board of Commission- Mrs. J. A. Hongler, president of the January 11, It must be realized that mo~her, a RUSSIan count~ss, was es- starvation passed by before the
After the musicale, tea was served, granted acce,ss to the figu:es until Beausset, who ~V1th hiS brother and their distresses, for many days of New Scout Troop Formed at

Senior Club, and Mrs. B. J. Keenan, we have really ma~e excellent prog- cap1l1g from the B?lshevlks. Valery Statue of Liberty shone out of the I Narberth Presbyterian Church

ers, will be the speaker at the annual
meeting of the Penn Valley Associa-
tion to be held on Tuesday at 8 P. M. at the tea-table. The SUb-Ju1ll0rs, of hearty co-operation.
Senior Advis.or of the Juniors, se?'ted ress. We have enJ,oye~ a great deal de Beausse!, now, IS a .soPhomore at mist of New York Harbor before
Lower MerIOn. them. A new Boy Scout Troop was form-

in the Parish House of All fiaints under Miss Kitty Jane Miller, their I The report now being compiled will There is no need of mentioning ed in Narberth last Friday evening
Church, Wynnewood. President, assisted in the serving, and show the present condition of affairs that the boat successfully reached the Orl"ental Troubles under the auspices of the Narberth
Some of the problems the Com mis- I
a ddi~htful and friendly half hour and will give an idea of the amount Prussian ship, and all were taken Presbyterian Church. Twenty boys
• Hion is attempting to work out, as
well as certain accomplishmentH of
1 0f money which may be salvaged for aboard
safely, especially the two
depositors, both under forced Iiquida- small brothers, who were hoisted up
SubJ"ect of Speech turned out for the opening meeting.
John Wilson has been selected as
the Township government, will be the tion and under some plan for a new by ropes. This adventure in "bi- scoutmaster and Albert Lambert, as-
Hubject of 1\'11', Mancill's tall•.
Election of officers will ta~ place
Report Fine Progress I bank. :JgTa)~lling" is chiefly concerned with Dr. T. G. Herndon Explains sistant.
the cIrcumstances that set the stage 'fhe Troop Committee consists of

at the meeting, as well as the elec-
tion of six members of the Execu-
on Dover Road'
~The David Strong, of Narberth, for th~s ghastly experience on the sea Background of Japanese the following men of the church: J.
H. McClay, chairman; T. E. Mc-
· S· S d that mght. Imperialism
tive Committee. on OberIIn wlm qua Years before this episode, an l'mis- Laughlin, W. J. Drennan, D. Warren
The question of seeking State ac- Is Scheduled for Presentation --- sary from the court of Napoleon Wright, C. C. Mason, H. A. Smith
tion in the creation of a game re-
Herve out of the Penn Valley section b Y PI ayers C u
I b
I David Strong, 29 Narbrool{ ParI., Boneparte journeyed to Russia with ARE AFTER MORE LAND and O. H. Graves.
I Narberth, is one of the twenty men girtH fol' the Emperor from the Em- : A special patriotic service is be-
• to prohibit hunting will be discussed. Feb. 18 and 19 Ion Oberlin's varsity swimming squad press Jos:!phine. Somehow, he decid- "From the standpoint of pure eeo- ing planned for Sunday, Februm'y 21,
Plans and suggestions for planting ___ this year. Strong, a junior this year, cd to sta~', and thus Valery came to nomics, Jnpan has much to justify when the new Troop will be present-
,. the district will also be submitted by PLAN PLAYS AT SCHOOL s~~wed up ~ell i~ inter-class compe- be born in, RUHsia. Howe~'er, it was its pres~nt C~inese polic~:. From any ed with an American Flag ane! with
• the Penn Valley Garden Club. It is tltlOn, and IS trymg for a berth on through hlH great grandfather that. moral vlewpomt, there IS no excuse the scout colors. A number of visit-
hoped, to have photostatic maps of --- . the all-college team. Valery's famil~' found their favor se-: for the present situation." Thus was ing troops will participate in the
• Penn Valley, showing the location of The Narbe~th Players held t~ell'. Swimming has just been inaugu- ('ure. HiH great grnndfather was the I the Far Eastern problem summed up service.
every - property, available for distri-
bution. Reports of the various com-
monthly meetmg on Tues d ay evenmg rated as a varsity sport in Oberlin. personal physician to Nicholns I and 1'tH'sday by Dr. J. G. Herndon, .Jr., of
at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. following the completion last May of received from him a title and rank. Haverford College, lIpeaking' before
• mittees of the Association will also bc ~oughl~n, Chestnut avenue.. ~he Pres- the new $100,000 Crane Pool. The Down the yenrs to the present, his the Bala-Cynwyd-Nal'berth Rotnry Mulieres Meet Monday;

., IleaI'd.
At a recent Executive Committee
meeting, a letter was read from Per-
Hle.nt, l{ussell Green,. presldmg.. Re' l first intercollegiatc meet will be held '~l'<l:1dfather, V. Petro It', upheld the Club,
Ports from the r varIOus bcommittees
showed splen~ HI prog.ress
g emg m~ e,
d 'F e b"luary 11 .
l '
name A as an I Imira,' I wI11'I e h'IS 'f a th er. Dr. Herndon '
also followed the sea, proving his tal- plete talk, sl\Ctched the entire back-
. .
III a brwf but com-
Stage Card Party Tonight

The regular monthly meeting of

cival Roberts, Jr., complimenting the
Association on the results accomplish-
upon the forthc?,mm P~'OdUCtIO~, i Chose COlllmittee Chairmen entH in the Great War when with a ground of the troubles in the Orient, the Mulieres of the Narberth Fire
• "The Dovel' Road, to be given Fe - i At a special meeting of the James stroke of genius he snved his destroy- He dl'\ved into the history of the Is- CompanY will 8c held on Monday in
<.>d and the prog-ress made during the ruar~' 18 and 19 at .Elm Hall. . C. Simpson Men's Association of the PI' aftl'r it hnd struck a GernulIl mine. land Empire and traced the rise of Elm Hall at 2 o'clock, when the year-
past year. The Committee also com- The C,lub has deCIded to. ally Its Baptist Church of the Enlllg'el on On Friday, Febrllar~' 1:1, uno, Val- thl' pl'esent dangerous situation. ly reports of the chairmen of the
• plimented Guy Croyle and hill com- forcell WIth the Narberth Fire com-j Sunday chairmen of committees Wl'n' l'ry de Be'IlIHsl't was born just b e - , . , , ' various committees will be heard.
mittee on their excellent work in pre- pany for this play, and a percentage appoint~d as follows' William S, 1'0'1" the iJOmbH began to' burst in ':rh~ baSIS OJ al~ Japan's forelgll Tonight, at eight o'clock, the Mu-
rJ venting hunting in the Perin Valley of th e procee d s WI'11 acc ordi n.yly be' Horner, Ushers; F. Van . ,
Buren Con- RUHsia. The first two years of his policY ..' IS.tr'llle
<. relatIons"
< , the .speal,er lieres are holding a card party in
district during the past hunting gl'vell to the ,"orthy
., . melubers of the ne II S k \"'11'
pea ers' ,n lam II D b' I' , ' t'
, ur 111 Ife were s)Jl'nt \11 cOlllpara Ive peace smd.
. ThIS IS true to a le:,;ser extent
cver~' country
Elm Hall to l'aise funds for the pay-
season. '
F'Ire B'rIga de, wh ose fri end s ,.~ ill u nWork
- BO"s' '" and Athletics' the Rev, outHide of St, Petersburg or as it i sWith , ne'lrly < . , but Japan. ment of bills incurred by the Fire-
• The present officers of the Penn dou bt edly t \II'n 0\\ t t 0 help make t h e "
Robert . :
E KClghton DevotIOnal Com- now Lenlllgrad . along the ' lIhores o.f Will . 11lIrsue
, almost any . course whIch man's Carnival last October, as the
Valley Association are: Walter D. evenings' receipts worth While. Tick-Imittee' if L, Cle~engel" Publicity the 'Gulf of Finiand which in wint:)r WIll furt~el' h.er trade. It Illust also funds raised by this affair are now
't' Fuller, president; Eugene Jordan, e t s WI'II be ~u t sh or tl y an d,0 f 'course, 1and Social
' . Committee. The , next.
reg- froze beautifully, much , to the delight be '.' borne
. . m nllnd • .that 'she. l'pSl'ntH
_' . '..the. tied up in the Merion Title and Trust
• vice president; the Rev. Gibson Bell, two each Will be sent to the 111'esent I t' '11 b h Id T I f th I t 11l11Ule of the white natIOns to /.\'1 <lilt Company. There will be bridge, pin-
" . u ar mel' mg WI e e on uese ny, 'J e s ,a ers. her l"lchl e u'\lit
secretary, and E. Burke Wilford, subscrIbers of the Players, who are Pebruary 23 details of which will bl' Then hunger began to stalk through <', q < y'. ' ochle, and five hundred with u nUill-
• treasurer. entitled to receive them on the basis I announceeI l't a er. <. tl IC
N th P ,
or ern rOV\l1ces, nnl , I \7 leI'y
a , u.r apan,
I ' III an .effort to Ihnd. outlets bel' of attl'active prizes,
of their Illembership plan. Member- for IeI' Illcreaslllg popu atlOll, has
ship in the Club for the rest of the turned ~ll war~ner lands. It has been Reservations !\lay be made with
Soviet Russia to Be Subject
at Republkan Council Meeting
senson may be pUI'chased for $2.00
each, the present performance to cost
U" P"" " "B" Centennla
nlque artlclpatlon
"1 In 1- colol11ze other I~nds. ~ome progress
Mrs. William Sibley, Chuirman of the
almo~t ImposSIble to get her !)(!ople to Committe, Narberth 3821; Mrs. J ..J.

uSlness Councl"I
Findeisen, Narberth 2598-M, or any
• Dr. Michael Dorizas, of the Univer-
75c a single ticket. Mrs. J. D. Suth-
erlalld or any other Player will be.
PIanned b y N arb erth B" has b~en mad~ 11\ MeXICO and South
Amenca, but httle success has result- other members of the committe, who
sity of Pennsylvania, will be the glad to take new memberships. ed elsewhere. So, for the past 100 are Mrs. Edward Haws, Mrs. William
~ Ballingall, Mrs. Howard Haws and
• speaker at the meeting of th Lower "The Dover Road" is a play which The Narberth Business Council, for The displays and decorations \yill be years, Japan has been adding to her Mr~. Charles Harnden,
Merion-Narberth Council of Republi- is still showing professionally on the such is the name which has been se- installed on Pebruary 1!l and remain islands and taking on other land
can Women to be held on Tuesday at
'. the Parish Hall of St. Mary's Church,
Ardmore avenue, at 8 P. M.
stage and is one of the famous A. A. lected for the organization formed a in place until February 28.
Miln~'s best. Mrs. 1I. I. McConnell fortnight ago to promote the interests Much enthusiasm was evidenced at "After the last war with China, Mr. and
whenever an opportunity arose."

is coaching the play, and the two of the Boroughs' trading- center, en- the meeting and it is believed that the Germany, Prance and Great Britain Brookhurst avenue, Narberth, were
Challenged as Jurors
Mrs. Alexander Betus, of
A member of the faculty of the r'eminine leads are taken by Miss Lu- rolled eleven additional members at vitulity which the new organization blocked the plans of ,Japan tp take included in the panel of 128 jurors
geography department of the Whar- cia Keim and Mrs. Ellsworth B. a special luncheon meeting on Tues- has exhibited augers well for its suc- some territory from China. Jupan called for the Allen trial on Monday.
ton School, Dr. Dorizas "ill speak on Clark. Alan J. Smith, J. Bedford day, swelling its l'anks to forty-three. cess and for increased service to the got Formosa early in the century, and Recently married, 1\1rs. Betus had
• '''Soviet Russia," which he has visited
eight times in the course of his trav-
Wooley, new to Narberth audiences, At the meeting, which was presid- community, as well as a more attract- at the close of the Russo-Japanese been called undel' her maiden name,
will have two of the principal male ed over by President Ralph S. Dunne, ive business section. War, Japan took over Korea and Ruth Smith. Mr. Betus was peremp-
els, which have taken him around the parts, while the inimitable Art Cooke plans were approved for the partici- Mel'chants and shops admitted to other island territory. The new torily challenged by the defense, while
world three times. will have the third. Mrs. C. Arley pation of Narberth merchants in'the membership in the Council on Wed- lands taken from HJ05 to 1910 add- Mrs. Betus was challenged because
Born in Constantinople of Greek
parents, Dr. Dorizas spent his early Farmer, D. Hackman and Ru~sell Washington Bi-Centennial observance nesdayare: Patricia Elizabeth Shop, ed 19,000,000 to her population." she said she had a "fixed opinion"
Green round out a splendid cast. The the week of February 22. Mrs. Norman Jefferies Flower Shop, "The World War gave Japan a about the case.
life in Cephalonia. later attending
"t Roberts College. He is famed as an settinl!:s and costumes are modern, The merchants share in the cele- Poole and Co., United Shoe Repair, mandate over the Caroline and Mar-
the plot highly interesting, and the bration will consist of unique window H. Ricklin, Freeman's Market, Rob- shall Islands. She also got the valu-
athlete and once represented Greece
dialogue most refreshing and enter- displays in every store which is a ert Compton, H. W. Brown, Paul C. able Chinese port of Kiau-Tchau and Hold Card Party
'in the Olympic Games. The Fello,vship Committee of the
The lecture will be illustrated with taining. Extra seats will be provid- member of the Council. This will con- Lynn, John A. Miller, and Arthur took Shantung. Still, the lands tak- Women's Community Club of Nar-
slides and motion picture. Mrs. H. ed so that Elm Hall capacity may be . t f d' 1 s who h will tell thirty L. Cooke. en have been insufficient for a popu-
taxed to the ll'ml't the 18th and 19th. two SIS 0of theISP ay principalIC episodes in the- The next regular meeting of the lation which grows at the rate of berth held a card party at the home
Tatna1l Brown, Jr., of Haverford, of the chairman, 1\1rs. Joseph H. Mil-
president of the Council, is in charge The next regular Club meeting will life of Washington. The fronts of Council is schedul~d for Wednesday, 700,000 yearly." ler. on Haverford avenue, on Wed-
of the program. (Contlnued on Page Five) the buildings will also be decorated. February 17. (Contlnuell on Pnl'\'e FI\'e) nesday.

'--------~'---~'------ - -------
Page Two OUR TOWN February 5, lY31

ICounty Convention of Parent

Shreds & Patches Eocal Jilovies Teachers at Hatboro, Saturday
A Co.operative Community Newspaper, founded in 1914 b)' the Narberth
A Twig This week-end at the Egyptian The Montgomery County Conven-
George Bancroft stars in "Rich Man's, tion of the Parent Teachers' Associa-
Civic Association, and published every Pridtry at Narberth, Pa, For many years the Vagrant has
.. d' Many New Books Added Folly." The story of a wealthy ship- tion will be held this Saturday at 9.30
PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, Publisher contemp Iated With smcere a mIra- builder obsessed with the pride of his A. M. in the Hatboro High School,
ROBERT MOORE CAMERON, Editor tion the careers of the long line of to Community Library name, "Rich Man's Folly' has a num- I Hatboro.
THOMAS A. ELWOOD, Advertising Manager
the Adams famity or Ivlassachusetts.
Starting with John, the second Presi- The following books have been ....
d an
T mterestmg
d h story.
' On Monday wI'11 b
ber of intensely dramatic moments I Followl' ng th e 1unch eon h our th ere
e anhour 0 f R oun d T a ble Con-
dent of the United States, and con- added recently to the Narberth Com- an ues ay t e screen s popular duo, I ferences Th fall . g '11 b th
Office-258 Haverford Avenue, Narberth tl'nul'ng tllrough John QUI'ncy, the munity Library: James Dunn and Sally Eilers, appear, speaker;' e owm WI e e
in "Over the Hill," Even more im-I' .
Telephone-Narberth 2545; if no answer, Ardmore 3100 sixth President, for four generations 1 Nonfiction portant in the success of this appeal- Summer R0l;lnd Up-Mrs. C. C:
"Minnie Ma~'low's Story," by John ing drama is the acting of Mae I C~m~bell (ChBlrman ~f Southeaste.rn

I" ,-.,
in direct line they ,have produced
men of outstanding ability and dis- Ma.sefield; "Mourning Becomes Elec- Marsh. A picture for the whole fam-I DIstrIct of Pennsylvama) ; Rure:l L~fe
~., ~ m ••• 0 '". , , omff .
t inctI'on. If the' collaterals of the tm, " E• ugene O'N el; 'II " ily. Wednesday and Thursday the i -M.rs. Howard M~llor (DistrIct
Xllrberflt. l'n., under of )tlllr..h In Defense of Egyptian will present an exciting I ChaIrman ?f ~ural LIfe); Programs
the Al't 3, 1870
same name be taken into considera- Tomorrow," R. D. Bowden; "Thomas I
story of the Russian Revolution, "The and Orgamzatlon-Mrs. E ..Raymom~
FEBRUARY 5, 1932 tion it will be found that the Adamses A. Edison, Benefactorof Mankind," F. Yellow Ticket." Lionel Barrymore, Ambler (Honorary Preslde~t. of
comprise the largest family group in T. Miller; "Lady of Godey's," R, E. star of "Guilty Hands" and "A Free: Montgomery 90unty) ; PublI~Ity­
the new ::lO-volume Dietionary of Fhlley', "The \Vanderer," Kahll'l Gl'b- Soul," is featured with Elissa LandL 1 of
Mrs. J .. C!. BlaIr .(County ChaIrman
Politics at Valley ForKe l ___ PublIcIty); ChIld Welfare Maga-
American Biography. It was the per- rail; "Th e P rop h e t" , K a hl'l
I G'b
I ran; At the Narberth Theatre thl'S week-I I
zine-.Mrs. W..S. Snyder (District
The injection of political issues into the appointment (If members of sisting intellectual vigor of the
Adamses that aroused the admira- "Dresses of the Mistresses of "the cne! one of the outstanding moving C~aIrman of ChIld Welfare); F?~nd-
the Valley Forge Park Commission by Governor Pinchot IS much to be tion of the Vagrant; their impersonal White House," R. G. Hoes; "One Hun- pietures of the years is appearing, er s Day Pro~ra~ - M~. Wllhan~
regretted, detachment from the clamors of their dred and One Patchwork Patterns," "The Guardsman," with Alfred Lunt Kuebler, (DistrIct Chairman of
Whether or not the present members of the Commission, who have times; their ability to visualize and R, S. McKim; "Outline of Careers for ane! Lynn Fontanne, is an amusing Founder s Da,y Progran~s).
advocate causes that were human, lib- comedy, distinguished by good acting· Tho~e not I~terested m any of the
rendered signal service as custodians of this national shrine, sign the Gover- era I and constructive. Therefore, it Women," D. E. Fleisehnum; "Poetry," and an original plot. You'll like it. foregomg subJects may attend a gen-
filled the Vagrant with satisfaction John Masefield. Special Saturday matinee for the chil- eral conference on "Parental Educa-
I •
nor's so'called pledge to support his policies has no bearing upon thcir worth.
when President HO(l\-er turned to the Fiction • dren features Buster Keaton in tion," led by Mrs. E. E. Kiernan, for-
The Governor's action in dropping Colonel William A. March, of fifth generation of the descendants of "Return I Dare Not," by Margaret "Sidewalks of New York." On Mono mer State President, now President I "•
Norristown, from the Park body is indicative of the manner in which he ole! John Adams and appointed Kennedy; "The First Mrs. Fraser," dy and Tuesday another of the year's i of ,the Ho~e and School League of
places personal loyalty to himself above considerations of grl:atl:r weight.
Charles Francis Adams, ;ld, to be his ·St. John Ervine; "Rock lllld the Riv- best pictures .... "The Sin of Madelon PhiladelphIa. I •
secretary of the navy. But, alas, the er," Ralph Connor; "Westward Pas- Cluudet." In it Helen Hayes in the Arrangements have been made for
In practical conduct of the Park affairs Colonel March has been an invalu- old trunk has finally put forth only sage," M. A. Barnes; "American title role acts the tragic cycle of the! the serving of a hot lunch in the cafe-
a twig. It looks like the real growth, Beauty," Edna Ferber; "Hills Were life of a womall of the streets. Wed- teria at 12.30 P. M. for fifty cents per
able man, being constant in his visits and overseeing of work in progrl:ss
but it laeli::, the inner fiber. 'rhe New Higher Then," H. MacN. Kahler: nesda~' and Thursday Lawrence Tib- plate.

there. He it was who handled all the practical detaib in connection with York Times two Sundays IIg'O printed "Hal'bourmaster," William McFee; hett sings in "Cuban Love Song." Local people who intend going to
President Hoover's visit to Valley Forge last Memorial Day, the arrange- a picture of SecI'ctary Admns re- "Weather Tree," Maristan Chapman; Hatboro by automobile can use the fol- •
ceiving' a trophy for anti-ail' craft "Swiss Family Manhattan," Christo- Addresses School Directors I lowing route: Old York road to Wi!-
ments for which were characterized by Colonel Starling, L:hicf of the White
gunnery 1'1'0111 Mrs. Lowell PIC'\('her phe}' l\Iorle~'; "Arizona Ames," Zane Dr. LeRoy A, King, of Shirley road, low Grove; thro.ugh Willow Grove to i ~
House Secret Service, as the best that hc had evcr seen at any out-of,doors Hohart, president-general or the Grey; "Laug h'IIlg \ V ateI'," B. M. N ar.b erth,. addressed. the State Con-I'r?a d b eyon d W I11ow Grove I nn, turn
Daughters of the Anll'ricall Revolu- Bower; "Mr. and Mrs. Pennington," ventJOn of School DIrectors' Associa- I right and follow road to Hatboro.
exercise, tion. alld c'ven in a picturl' section F. B, Young; "Hone~'flow," B. A. \Vil. tion at Harrisburg on \Vednesday on I •
Colonel March's sUL:cessor, Mrs. Cook. from the western part of the nlll·d with »ersons more notol'ious I'lams: "0 ne Came Out," Margaret "F'maneing Public Schools in Penn-
th:tn notable, those two were OJ(' 1<',1l1- \V'lI son; " G '
To Sing at Shore I
State, may be a capable woman, hut from every practical standpoint it is a illg mediocrities. ettmg of Wisdom," H. H. sy Ivania." Dr. King, professor of I The Haverford College Musical and
Richardson: "Silver Bride," E. M. edl~catio.nal administratio? ~t the Glee Clubs will give concerts at the I •
mistake not to reappoint il man whose worth and interest have been re'
l' Dell; "Marr's Neck," Booth Tarking- Umversity of Pennsylvama, IS also Dennis and the Chalfonte-Haddon
peatedly shown. A Dangcrotls Admiral t on; "Loa d s 0 f L ove, "A nne Parrish. secre t ary of t h e Narberth School Hall in Atlantic City this Friday and •
~ollJething' will hm'e til UP dOlll' to 0 etectlve
. an d Mystery Stories Bo'ar,
(I L as t F'd
rl ay D r, K'mg spak e S atur d ay.
muzzle Admiral William G. l'mtt, "Nothing Venture," Patricia Went. to the stlId en t b 0dy o f St. Th omas '
35 Million ttBuKS" Less chief ,,1' naval operatiolls, FOl' a IOIlg' College. Scranton.
The enforcement of sanitary conditions in the manufacture and ~ak
of ice cream has had a notable effect upon the numocr of bacteria found,
tinw he has been displaying' symptollls worth; "Murder in the Nig'ht," Arthur
that are ominous ane! distinctl~' con- Gask; "Unsoh'ed," Bruce Graeme;
tl'U1'y to the Ameriean traditioll that "Solution of a l\~','stery,"'., J. S. Fletcll-
S bJ .
U • unlors Plan Dance .
NarbertH •
according to a report this week by Dr. George W. Grim. The report shows til(! militar~' arms of the g'OVC'I'IIIIll'nt er; "Top Story Murder," Anthon~' Thl' Sub-Junior ~epartment of the THEATRE I
are subordinate to tile' c'ivil. His ael- Berkeley; "Man Fl'om Sing Sing," E, \"omen's Commumty Club of Nar-! Mat. Mon., Wednesday and Saturday
the success of two years of control work. voeal')" of inereasc'd lIand C'xjWlldi. P. OJlPe~heim; "Man at the Carlton," bl:rth ,held a ~usiness meeting in thej . NOW PLAYING-

FoHowing the success of milk control, thi~ improvement in our icc cream tures is oJlcnl~' C'Ollt ralT to till' J'C" EdJ("llr \\' allace, GIrl Scout \VlIlg of the Community
trenchnwnL policy of Presidellt ll"ov- Building' on Monday, when plans 7~-' '/.. . •
supply is another important stl:p in the control of disease on the Main Line. C'I' and his publie uttc'rall(,c's 011 ('\'el'\, Celebrate C. E. Annivel'sary we~'c' diseusse~l fOI·. the tea-dance 1= . -;' ;.aO/J/1 r LV~T I rP
The fact that 14 icc cream plants arc involve,1 in the manufacture of the possible oecasioll an' impolitie :lIJ~1 Last Sunday evening the three whlc'h the .Julllors WIll give on WaSh-j;::' ~=tI~
delicacy for this section shows that the local work will have a beneficial
effect upon the quality of the product in all sections sCl'ved by the~e manu'
HOnle t Imes I
I ang-erous,
IISI pub ~Ildea\'ol' Socl'etl'es
' ) 'Ished Chl'l-stl",ln ,... - of the ington's B. jrthday, .February, 22, from
statements in referc'nl'l' to the rC'cent Nm'berth Presb~,terian Church cele- fou.r .untll seven, I? the Community
if· ~
I ltV" •A""
l\ias::<jl' case in Hawuii wert! alllaz- brated the 51st anniversary of the 01'- BUllchnf!. The musIc will be furnish-!TL" IE. ,..., •
facturers. ing'ly hOl;tiIe to the civil goverJlnwnt ganization of Christian Endeavor ed by BilI~' Wren's Orchestra. , - , ' 1..0 tft't\i\~~ 11
The figures boil down to an estimate of 35,000,000 less bacteria per
dish of ice cream. That is less than one-third the number found when the
~~r.th~:;::a~l~l~'ea~;~e:~~f~~~:~.i~11:1~:~~~~j ~:ae~~'ise;~~:a~~I:o~~~;sa~:~db;i:~i~I~~§1III III III 1III 1Ii1 III III 1iii i 11I1111I1111I11I111 ~ l.i \U)~~. .H<t-l~.\V"~ i ......

work was started in 1929. Pastcuri:ing of the mix---which docs not hurt as outlining' a pC/Hey reg'arding- the
Rhanghai situation whieh is bplJicose
the flavor of the finished produL:t--is an important part of the task of in IlJalllwr and likel~' to hamper those
controlling the bacteria. Whilc we do not sec eye-to'eye with those who who are directing the American con-
want aU drinking milk to be pasteurized, the usc of this safeguard in ice dud in that delicate situation. The
cream manuf.acture is most dl:sirable from every standpoint. Vag-runt would recommend that Ad-
miral Pratt be sent in a submarine to
The success of the many health measures conductl:d in thl: various study the flora and fauna of the ==_ 7 and 9 P. M. =_- IN

Main Line municipalities is a source of gratification to every taxpa}'er. For 11001' of the Antarctic oeean aidc'd hy Miss Cowin to Exhibit = = "SIDEWALKS OF
(,PI'tain other otlkers of high rank i;l Paintings .b~' Miss Margel'Y D, = =I
this important civic work is carried on at a surprisingly lo\\' cost and in
face of steadily diminishing tax rates. hoth the arm~' and the' nav~·.
Cowin, of Merion avenue, Narberth
together with those of her pupil, Wi1I~
5 "RICHGeOl'ge
51 ==
Xed Mondn,. nllli TueNdn,.
Fundamcntal ing Howard, a 10-year-old Bryn == Ollt. Gall~ COllledy -_=

LiKht on the Merion Title Matter Fearing that he personall~' was MawT boy, are on exhibit this week .-
Within two weeks, according to the plans of thl: depositors' committee,
)J1'ejudieed, the Vagrant spnt a com· at the studio of the Shull Lumber §_- §_-
lll'tC'11t and fair-minded young' report- Company, Bala. Monday and Tuesday Next
the holders of some 22,000 deposit accounts in the Merion Title & Trtlst er to attend the Narberth Commun- Miss Cowin, who studied undel' = =
Company should have an idea of their prospects for salvagl: from thl: failure. ity service on the evening' of Janu-· Paul Gill at the Academy of the Fine == "OVER THE HILL" § •
The report will not be the equivalent of a State appraisal, but it will furnish ar~' :!.J, and this is what was reported Arts, is the winner of a fellowship ===== Jamcs D1I11l1 Sally Eilers =5/
to him, "The service was well at- at the School of Design for \\romen.
information which is much in dl:111and. tcnded, but the number there was not The work of the boy has attracted § Mae Mal'sh §
~;:I~:;~:~L :~~(fh~~~I~I~~~ce=e~i~~~ F:~~t ~~t~n_t~~~ ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~.
What the report will show is still anybody.,; guess. Unfair attacks
upon the committee in an effort to forCl: thl:111 to issue an uncompleted
ypm', There was too much singing
.. _
-- .. --- --_.:.-::. - ----=.=- -I )
§====== w"eTdnHeadEayyanEdLTLhOursWday :===§= •
survey have failed, so it is probable that the facts as issued to the public

h~' the c·hoir. One anthem would
wil\ be as carefuUy compiled as is possible under the circumstances. have ueen sufficient, and probably one TICKET"
Those who belong to the "Hang the directors!" persuasion will be less hymn. Dr. \Ventz's sermon wus
disappointed in discovering that the report will dl:al only with the ..:ondition
of the bank as it now stands. This is as it should be, for any invcstigation
" . . ' •, • -
~ ~ Lionel Barrymore, Elissa Landi §! '!~~~=~~;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;~~

of the affairs of the bank during its dl:clining days should hl: completely lief." Questioned further regarding ) •..' r----------------~-----------------::
Uw sermon added, "I doubt if I have •
separate from the present task of fact-finding. all~' I'elig-ious convictions to speak of 1;1

There is one fact which we arc confident the repllJ't will show--and IIncl in that respect I am probably RADIOS
more in sympathy with the liberal •
that is thc necessity for the creation of a new bank in Ardmore: new in wing' of the churches, but I do re- SiGN OF /JEST ,HEATS
capital, name and management, Such an institution is greatly ncedl:d for spect sincere convietion and spiritual MAJESTIC SHOP ~

fervor." So that is that, The reader 250 Haverford Ave..... Narberth

the convenience of the people and the. needs of the business men, and no
doubt it will be shown that a new institution empowered to help with the may take it or leave it, as the Vagrant
SPECIAL VALVES are offered in
liquidation of the lvferion Title can save many hundreds of thousands for
did. It was the Vagrant's first im- Special Floor Demonstrators as low as •
pression that those remarks were this group of prices effective this
the depositors. somewhat sophomoric and he dismiss- $34.00
ed them from his mind, but they per- week-cnd. You may be sure of
Needless to say, thl: report of Mr. Faries' committee wiU owrshadow Electric Servicl' of All Killds
si!'ted as food for thought. That is fillC meats at these economy prices.
all other topics of the day, for it deals with the savings of a large part of the only reason why they are repeat-
the Main Line population. e'd here,
Narberth 2348 •
.Rib Roast (Thick End) 22c
How Big?
A BiJ{ Day for the Boy Scouts "You)' c'olumn is getting too heavy,"
The announcement that General John J Pershing will review thl: BtlY Legs Lamb 22c
W:lS the eomment of La Vagrante af-
Scout troops of Delaware and Montgomery counties holds the promise of ter wading through, as a wifel~' duty, Shoulders of Lamb 15c SEND HER CANDY ON ST. VALENTINE'S DAY
an event long to be remembered by thl: boys fortunate enough to helong the Vagrant's contribution to last
week's issue, "Why do you take up French Lamb Chops,., , .. 30c \Ve have a delicious assortlllent
to the organization. national politics, budgets, peace and
Loin Lamb Chops., ..... 35c of
In this year of honoring George Washington the Main Line may count war and all that'! Your column was
itself fortunate in its proximity to VaHey Forge Park, the scene of the crucial l110re interesting when you confined \\' HIT~-I:\N'S C:\NDIES •
hours in Washington's career. The celebration on February 22 will !~ive yourself to matters here at home. I
doubt if anyone will read all that you and all other cuts corresponding!)' 'eady packed in heart'shaped hoxes. ,•
to. our local Scouts an opportunity which nearly every boy in the r.:st of wrote last week. People turn to the rcasonable. A Wide Variety of Valentines,
the country will envy. big papers for such things." Alas
she is probably right, but the Va~ Both Comic and Sentimental •
grant wonders how big a writer has Place your order now for Abbott's
An Institution Carries On
The announcement that the Ardmore Free Library, whose ..:ontinueu
to be and how large the paper that
prints him before he can qualify to
BRADLEY DeLuxe Icc Cream in fancy St,
Valentine's Moulds " ... " ....••
operation was threatened through lack of funds to meet expenses, has found speak about anything outside of his
a way to keep going for another couple of months will be welcomed by
own small neighborhood, What is
the yard-stick by which ideas are
MARKET CO. $~ .illl D.. ~. :\ssorled •
the community it servcs. measured? Is it the girth of the writ- at
Whether the Library will be able to weather the months of April and er, the size of his shoes or collar' 2106·08 Market Street
May, with no revenue in sight until half of the appropriation from the his income. his age or what? If th~ SHEA'S
Township is paid in June, remains to be seen, but it is not likely that its
same people read this paper and 111so
The New York Times and possibly
friends will be found wanting in its time of greatest need, Ilven the Bible. are they any less I We Deliver
Deliveries twice dail)'
The need of closing the Library three nights a week, in accordance
with the general program of drastic economy, is to be regretted, especial1y
thoue'htful. less intellil!'ent, when they I
'Ire reading one than the other? The
Vae'rant wonders. and wonderiue',
ill your IlCighborhood. I Right at the Narberth Station
Narberth 2838·2839
in view of the fact that the Library is being uscd more than ever. But no wanders to his elnqe, •
other course was open to the library committee which sponsors the Library THE VAGRANT.I':·_-_·~,,_·
_ _..~_~~~.~_~~~~ ,

,. '';''

Page Three
February 5, 1932
- ' - - - _ . - --_. -
spend several days with his mother,
. - -- _. .
Iiam H. Arnold, of Grandview road, bridge party tomorrow afternoon in road, returned on Thursday from a Mrs. Malcolm Burnside. He will re-
week'8 sta~' in Atlantic City.
Ardmore, last Frida~' evening. There honor of Mrs. Perry Baird. Mrs.
Mr. Frank Boyle, nephew of Mrs. turn on Sunday.
Go to Church THE FIRESIDE were 28 present. Miss Faith McAu- Baird, prior to her recent marriage,
Iiffe is the president; Mr. Henry Airs- was Miss Margaretta Gibbons. daugh- Frederick A. EA'more, of Elmwood Mrs. Clarence Woolmington, of Nar-
avenue, who is u student at Haver- brook Park, and her mother, Mrs.
Mr. und I\Irs. Frank Mareellus Bui- worth Smith, vice-president; Miss tel' of Mrs. Mary Stewart Gibbons, ford College, left on Tuesday for John H. Parker, of Norristown, were
The Presbyteria1l Church ·, d P V 1\ Anw Enion, secreturv. und Harold of Cynwyd. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., where he will (ConllnlWll on rllJ.\'e l"!\'c)
Icy , atf ' F• l\ll'\'leW
It roa' I enn I, S a I c' y "
Reeves, treasurer. .
Mrs. Herbert B. P1'Ice, of Anthwyn
~e~~ ~Mr ~ D~ a~ M~ I MI~JpeNMh,~Anth~nro~,r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-m··
Rev. John Van Ness, D.D., Minister. enter nlnee a supper a5 un< ay .
Meetings for Feb. 7:
9.45 A. M.-Bible School. Mrs. George Wil50n, of Old Gulph und WI~S gIven u surpnse party by .her I
rn:: =il ••
Woolmington will speak at the open- Hagevsford roud, Penn Valley.
mg exercises regarding the signifi- - . v '
Mrs. 'Walter ". Shuw, t of. .:-;. Nar-
S ave on All Your Food Needs • •
fnends last Wednesday CVenll~g.
Those who were present were MISS
th M urIC' . I 'Vh'tI e, M'IllS E ml'1 y T't I us, M'ISS •

cance of Decision Oay. berth avenue, IS enter alllll1g· eI B unnv Cornman, M'ISS L'II I Y B'Ieber,
11.00 A. 1\1.-Morning Worship. 01'. members of her clu b at Iunc h con an< M' 'n tt St tt M B'II H You needn't shop around : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
Van Ness will preach on the theme, brid g e this• Frirhv "',. .
ISS e y ra on, r. I
. le~', Mr. George Urian, Mr. Jack Mof-
'Separation-Out of Egypt." for bargains or wait fo1'
Mr. and Mrs. B. I'. LIVIll.gston, 01 fat, Mr. Sam Goldsmith, Mr. Bert
11.00 A. 1\I.-The Junior Church- Nar?erth Hall, had as ~hClr guellts J... ord und Mr. Douglass Bryant. bargain days. Do all your Quality Meats at Low Prices
conducted by Mr!j,. A. S. Digby and at dinner on Sunday evening, Dr. and 'I'h B G' H I, h ld t'
Mrs. H. A. Smith. 1\1 F
. rs. '. ,"
J Sh' II
Ie e s, ~l
f Ph'l I I I'
lace p lIa.
e as- aI- au e
at the home of Miss Betty Bartle, on
a mee mg shopping here at Cotter's
6.45 P. M.-Meetings of the thrce Mrs. bal'l D. ?lcI;;ey, of Forrest Linwood avenue, Ardmore, on Friday every day. Always )10U can Fresh Killed STEWING CHICKEN, lb... , ,29c
C. E. Societies. avenue, guve a nl1scelIane~us ~hower evening. be sure that you are saving
Mrs. Arthu\' Staples will addrcss and party on Monday evemng 111 hon- Th n I t er I'• raerlll
I, '1,y - ,,,oro
'" r't
a joint meeting of the Junio\'s and 01' of 1\,hss . D 'I' . A de Iy money; that you are paying
orot?y Sea ey, 01. r - Clubs held a meeting at the home of Rib Roast of Beef (Thick End), lb.. ,20c
Intermediates. m~)re, whose marrIage t? Mr. Samuel Mr. Billy Schoff Pembroke road Cyn- no more than you should
7.45 P. 1\1. - Evening Wo\'ship. GIbson, of Ardmore, WIll take place I M d'· '
There will be an address by Mr. Hurry quietly on February 20 in Lang- wye, on on ay evenmg. for what you are buying.
J. Burgen, a converted Jew. Mr. horne, Pa. There were 20 guests.
Burgen has charge of the Philadel-
Miss Emma Mueller. of Ponest a. n.1Cetm at the home of MISS Vlr-
The -:'-lpha Beta Delta Soror.lty h~ld
Here is a list of many food
Veal Rump, lb., 29c; Shoulder, lb..... 19c

items .... many of which no Cutlet, lb., 49c; Chops, lb•...... 35c
phia Station of the Amerie'an Board avenue, entertained at bridge last \ gmla Means, Montgomery ~venue,
• )f Missions to the Jews. There will Monday evening in honor of Mh;s Em- Wynncwood, on Thursday evenlllg. doubt you need.
be special music by the Women of i1y Crawford, of Rosemont, who left The Sigma Kappa are giving a Shoulder, lb••, lSc; Leg, lb 27c

the Missionary Societ~·.

ity Bible Class, taught by Miss Har-

by motor for Florida on Monday, dance at the Merion Tribute House
Next Tuesday Evening-Commun- whl're she will spend the month.
Mrs. Warren Tyson of Haverford
this Friday evening.
Mrs. G. R. Richardson, of Valley
Note these prices ill force 1I0W to
next Wedlle.~dtly lIight. FebTlltlry 10: Frenched Lamb Chops, lb 35c
• rison. avenue, entertain~d the members of View road, returned last Sunday from
Next Wednes(hl~' Evening - 1\Irs. her club at luneheon and bridge on a week's stay in Altoona, Pa. Loin for Roast, lb.. .19c
Camnbell will give an account of her Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Hughes, of Del M01lte Sliced Fresh
nission work in the mountains of Vir-
The Ch~'istian Endeavor Sodety of Cedar lane, Merion, are entertaining
the Narberth Presbyterian Church at a supper and bridge tomorrow eve- PINEAPPLE P0 RK Chops, lb. "" ,25c
Next Thursday Evening - The held a social at the hon1(' of Mr. Wil- ning. Among the guests will be Mr.
• Westminster Cil'c!e will meet at the and Mrs. Berton Myers, of Merchant- 2 largest cans, 29c
ville, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Lean Plate Beef, lb., tOe; Pure Country Lard, lb., 7 1/ 2 c
home of Mrs. J. L. Minick, 25 Wind-
sor avenue. The assi5ting hostesses Thursday, Februul'y 11: Kemp and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
are: Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Miss Hoover, 7.:10 P. 1\1. - Girls' Basketball Sulzberger. Raymal
Mrs. Van Ness, Mrs. Nold ancl lVII'S. Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey Good-
Friday, February 12: all, of Dudley avenue, spent several PRUNES Effective this week·end: Fresh from Snug Harbor Farm
-------- 7.30 P. l\I.-Narberth Boys' Club. days in New York last week. . ... LAND O'LAKES
Holy Trinity Lllthera1l Church
Rev. Cletu~ A. Senft, Pastor.
7.30 P. M.-The .Junior Boys and
Girls meet for a rehearsal and
The Fortnightly Club will hold a
luncheon meeting this Friday at the
ill Syrup
2 largest cans, 29c
Sweet Cream EGGS
Sunday, February 7, 1932: home of Mrs. Edward C. Batchelor, BUTTER

tendal1C'c i\Iurathon is off!
a social time.
!l.30 A. M.-Bible School. The At- Saturday, February 13:
10.00 A. M.-The Junior Boys'
on Chestnut avenue.
Miss Ellen Shaw, of S. Narberth Brookdale lb., 29c
31 C
Doz., only
11.00 A. M. - The Morning Sel'viee. avenue, is giving a linen shower and
Theme: "The Kingdom of
Baslwtball Club.
TOMATOES '-------'-------~------------"
7.45 P. M. - The Evening sel.,vicc"llm
I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U Fallcy halld-picked
Extra Fancy

Tehnetm.,e, : "The Purpose of _ .....t.'<.1l'J,{'iiIlJllBiIOIJI... 2 cans, 25c
Tuesday, H.()() P. M. - Luther Celery Hearts
l,cague Busilll'SS Meeting .
Wedne~day, 7.00 P. 1\1. - .Jullior
..= ~"". WIN DOW Astor
Choir rehearsal. COFFEE ~, ...
Wednesday, H.no P. M. - Lenten
• Service. Theme: "The Story of lb., 29c
Christ's Passion-Part I." Warm To-day, Cold To-morrow Extra Fancy Iceberg Lettuce, 9c; 2 for 17c
Thursday, 4.00 P. M. - Week-Day
Church School. Y.P. B.
Thursday, 7.;;0 P. M.-Choil' re- Just this morning (Wednesday) we had rain, sunshine Red and Yellow Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. 10c
.. learsal at the home of Mrs. Senft,
and hail all in the course of an hour. This winter, it
1O0 Woodside avenue.
, -_._---- seems, we must be prepared for sudden weather changes. 3 bars (small), 10c Sweet Flor. Oranges-Med. Size, doz., 19c
Methodist Episcopal Church
Hev. Samuel MacAdams, Minister. Your best protection is a bin full of Jeddo-Highlalld coal
Sunday, February 7:
H.45 A. l\L-Sl1nda~' School. ....,Call us about it.
Sealect Green Spinach, 3 lbs . .25c
1.00 A. 1\L-1\Iorning Worship. EVAPORATED
Theme: "Will Christ Come
MILK Extra Large Grape Fruit, each. 5c
H.45 P. M.-Epworth League.
7.45 P. M.-Special Service in Pm-
Narberth Coal Company Tall, 6c each
ish Hall. Address by the pas- RALPH s. DUNNE Small, 3 cans 10c New Cabbage, 2lbs. 9c
• tor on "A 'Vor!d Awakens," il-
lustrated with colored pictures. Telephone: NARBERTH 2430-2431 _._--------
The Junior Choir will sing.
The public cordially invited.
Comet Old Cabbage, 2 lbs. 5c
'l'uesday, February 9th:
8.00 P. 1\L-Meeting of the Ladies'
Aid Societv in the Church
Parlor. . BBOOK~IEAD WINS AGAIN pkg., 7c
Sour Kraut, 3 large cans .25c
R.OO P. M.-The Standard Bearers, First Prize-West Chester Milk Contest A2-1931 3 pkgs., 20c
402 Anthwyn lane. Miss Ruth

Walker, hostess. Brookmead Herds have won MORE FIRST PRIZES in
Mixed Vegetables, 2 cans .25c
Wednesday, February 10:
4.00 P. 1\L-The King's Heralds.
Milk Contests at West Chester than any other on the Main Line --------------
7.30 P. M.-Preparatory Members' FIRST PRIZE MILK FOR YOUR CHILDREN
DOG FOOD Caulpbell Tomato Juice, 3 cans ..... .25c
Class. 10c can ---------*---------- .._- __
8.00 P. M.-Pruyer Meeting. from BROOKMEAD _ _ _ _ .0_. < _

Special Notice-Our next Church
Supper will be held on Friday evening,
means supervision by Main Line Boards of Health, help to maintain Fancy Baby Linla Beans, 2 cans .... .25c
February 19. Cost, fifty cents. Re- Employment on the Main Wne, support for the best Milk Supply in
• Pennsylvania, and a Vote for Clean Raw Milk. Jack & Jill Dessert
serve the date.
3 pkgs., 20c
Franco-Aulerican Spaghetti, 3 cans .. .25c
St. 10hn's Church ~------------
Lower Merion.
Levering Mill Road and Bala Ave. B.-ookloead Gae.-usey Dai.aies California Peaches
Comet Rice Flakes, 3 pkgs. . . . .25c
Rev. A. E. Clattenburg, D.D., Rector. W. LANCASTER AVE., WAYNE, PENNA. 2 large cans, 25c
Rev. H. A. F. Hoyt, D.D.,
Rector Emeritus. Phone, Wayne 1121 ------------ - Tr~ut Shrimp, 2 cans. . . . . .. . . .25c
Quinquagesima Sunday, February 7:
All Gold or Libby's Salmon
8.00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
9.45 A. M.-Sunday School. Kinder- 2Sc can Gorton's Ready to Fry, 2 cans . .25c
garten at the same hour.
11.00 A. M.-Holy Communion and
Harting's Jellies, 2 glasses. . . . . . . . . .25c
Monday, February ,8:
2.00 P. M. - Woman's Auxiliary,
Special! Gas Ranges W aldorf Toilet Paper
6 rolls, 2Sc
Senior Branch; Junior Branch -------_._--- Apple Sauce, 3 cans . . .25c
at 2.30.
Ash Wednesday, February 9: New Quality "Table Top" Scott's Tissue
Holy Communion at 7.30 and
The last word! Burners and oven
3 rolls, 2Sc Mazola Oil, can. . . . . .25c
• 10.00 A. M.
Friday, February 11:
concealed when not in use, under --------------------
table top. Green marbleized finish.
Service with Address, 4.15 P. M. Dial heat control! $5.00 Down, Extra Fancy Gl'ape Fruit Gulden's Mustard, 2 jars 25c
All welcome; all seats free. 18 motllhs to/,ay.
Price .Jill""y m"re on b,lligel /l1"n 2 large cans, 25c
Baptist Church of the E...a1lgel 4 small cans, 2Sc Octagon Laundry Soap, 5 large bars .. 25c
Robert E. Keighton, Minister.

Sunday, February 7:
9.45 A. M.-WJlrshin Service of Early June Peas Super Suds, small, 3 pkgs 25c
the Church School in the 3 cans, 25c
Church Auditorium. The Les- Save $20 on this Roper
• son period follows this service.
Buy this beautiful green and bisque fin. Washburn Pancake Flour, 3 pkgs 25c
11.00 A. M. - Morning Worship ish Roper for nearly $20 less than last Cut Stringless Beans
and Communion. spring. Fully insulated. Oven heat con· 3 cans, 25c
Sermon: "Benefactors."
7.45 A. M.-Evening Worship.
trol. $2.50 dOll'tl, 18 mOluhs to pay. Clothes Line, 50 ft.. . . 17c
• A special young people's serv-
Formerly, $78.50.
Price .Jightly more on budllet /l1"n
Standard Crushed Corn
Sermon: "Matching Mood 3 cans, 2Sc Bosant Coffee, lb. ..... 23c
and Moment!'
Monday, February 8: See them. All Our Suburban Stores
C~vI!~!:~ M~!!!T
8.00 P. M.-Rehearsal of the
Young People.
Tuesday, February 9:
7.30 P. M.-The Narberth Boys'
.. Club.
Wednesday, February 10:
8.00 P. M.-Prayer Service.
ELECTRI PHONE: NARBERTH 2250 Bu"ing Co-operati'JIel"
Topic: "What Makes A Life
Page Four OUR TOWN February 5, 1931

Zoric System at St. Mary' s ~

Revolutionized Dry Cleaning TEACHER and PUPIL EXHIBITION
Miss Margery D. Cowin. of Narberth. winner of a fellowship
Few people realize the tl'('mcndolls method is necessarily agitated, result- to the Philadelphia School of Design, is exhibiting her paintings
SCllPC of the laundry industr~' as it is ing in static electricity which causes in our Studio of Art in conjunction with the work of her 1o~
understood today. The majorit~· of the solvent to ignite. In a lesser de- year-old pupil, Willing Howard. of Bryn Mawr. The progress
laYlllen, when the~' think of a laun- gl'ce, the solvent is unsatisfactory be- of this boy under the able tutelage of Miss Cowin is most in~
dr~', think of it as a place where cause of its oily properties to which teresting and points to a bright future. You are cordially in-
linen is washed and ironed and the 11urticles of germ-laden dirt and grit
few details pertaining to t.his typc of adhere, resulting in a wear on the vited to view this unique and beautiful exhibition.
work arc performed. material itself, not to mention detri-
Actually, the laundry industry em- ment. to personal hygiene. Shull Lumbcr Company, 29 BaJa Ave.; BaJa-Cynwyd, Pa.
braces all these well-known features The professor evolved a method of
and many more. Large, modern drv cleaning involving the use of
plants are adequately equipped for cO~lInercial carbon tetrachloride. But
every emergency in a widely variegat- this, too, proved distasteful, as it re-
ed field of business. They not only sulted in the emission of suphur
wash and iron linens, shirts and col- fumes whi<oh contaminated the cloth-
lars, but clean and renovate ever~' ing. The production of chemically
type of fabric from the daintiest lin- pure carbon tetrachloride eliminated
gerie to the most ponderous house- this unpleasant factor, but because ST MARY'S LAUNDRY
hold furnishings, rugs and draperies, the chemical decomposed the appa- cent. of the spots one finds difficult entil'e area. It removed to its new
and perform many other necessary ratus, it was nec('ssary to employ to remove lit home, and those not act- I plant four years ago, where, in addi-
tasks, of which the public at large is special tinned alloyed bronze. Fin- ually removed arc more readil~' pre- tion to the main building, there are
curiously ignorant. People are gener- ally. after con~iderable costly experi- pared for removal by further treat- garages, a power house, a damp wash
ally prejudiced in these latter meas- mentation, a dry cleaning system was ment. departmen t and other features.
In the older systems, a certain It operates a fleet of delivery trucks
amount of sp(,.,jal soap is necessarily over the Main Line area and in Phil-
used which contains moiHture and ne- adelphia, ranging from the Schuylkill
cessitates the removal of certain River west to Malvern lind from Con-
parts of the garments-eollars, cuffs, shohocken south to Newtown Square.
etc. - before the main body cun be Officials of the business have al-
cleaned. This extra work, resulting ways paid close attention to matters
in a loss of time and money to the pertaining to the welfare of their
c1l'aner and annoyance to the custo- customers. The washing formulae
mer, is eliminated b~' the 7.oric Sys- now used have been scientifically
tem. Furtherm()J'c, and this is an worked out b~' St. Mary's efficient su- •
important asset, parti-colored dl'esses perintendent, William Cromie, in
may be washed intaet; there is no eonjunction with the laundry's fellow-
fading or shrinking with the excep- ship in the Mellon Institute of Indus-
tion of cheap sil1{s excessi\'el~' loaded trial Research and the American In-
with chloride of tin or oxide of iron. stitute of Laundrying, a part of the t
From this it may be seen that the Laundry Owners' Kational Associa-
Zoric System is ;111 invaluable ad- tion of the United States and Canada.
junct to the Main Line district, and Members of these organizations are •
one with which the residents will do ethically pledged to the public not to
well to familiarize thpmsclves. use strong or injurious chemicals in
The installation of the system is their formulae. All soaps and cleans- •
another step on the path of high ing materials must be officialI:v :.p-
standards and effidene~' followed b~' proved before they may I lC u;;ed.
St. Mary's Laundr~' since its incep- Furthermore, in order to 1I1eet the
CURTAIN DRYER tion. Founded for the ]llIblic's serv- requirements of the general public, it
ice, it eontinues to funetion with the t
ures in favor of the advertised dry produced which answered c\'cr~' pur- has beeome nec('ssarv ·0 install serv-
interests of the people at heart. ices that will produ~e the same qual-
cleaner; they overlook the fact that pose and which is now in general use Constant1~' keejling' pace with the
the laundry at their back door which in ('stablishments of this kind. ity work at lower eost. New inven- &

wm;hes and irons their shirts and. The St. IIIary's Laundry, at Ard-
improvements of the times, it stead- ti~ns are l'onstantl~· being perfected,
ily advanced, installing 1110de1'n equip- and the laundry industry has ad-
table cloths may perfonll other tasks more. was the first to install this
as well. Education along these lines equipment in the Philadelphia-Sub-
has advanced considerably in recent urban area; the installation was ef-
ment, enlarging, improving as events
dictated, until today it is one of the
vaneed in the ranks of national indus-
tries from fortieth Jllace ten years
most modern and efficient units in the ago to fourteenth plaee today.
years, but it is still deep' in the em- fccted in August, 1[J30, and St.
bryo stage, iI1ar~"s is the only laundr~' eQuipped
Dry cleaning i~ a mo~t important with the ZtH'ic S~'~tem of Dr~' Clean- ..,
feature of a large laundry's work. ing' on the l\lain Line. HOME-MADE •

It has long been recognized as such The tremendous advantage of the
You Are Sure
by those in charge of the business and system at St. Mary's may be under-

its many essentials carefully studied. stood by thl' contemplation of a few
Scientists are constantl~· striving to faets, Its output is enormous, equiv-
in Valentine Boxes and of painstaking work, CLUB STRATFORD
improve methods of dry cleaning alent to approximately $75,000 worth MIXED NUTS manship and complete
which will produce better work at of busine~s a year. or 500 pounds
le~s cost to the customer. daily. From the customer's stand-
111 heart-shaped packages as little
as $ 1.25 a pound.
satisfaction, when you witlz Suppel' dancing evel}' llight
One of the most revolutionary in- point, the use of carbon tetrachloride send your coats, suits
\'entions of this business is what is I is a distinct improvement over the except Sunday-featurinq,as master
WHITE'S and dresses to of Ceremonies, Gordan Keith from
the Piccadilly, London and the Folies
219 Haverford Avenue, Narberth
Adelizzi Bros. Berqere, Paris-and recenily star
of "In the Merry Whirl" at the
PHONE: NARBERTH 4005' TAILORS, FURRIERS Imperial Theatre, New York. "The
CLEANING. DYEING Dades" ball room dancers. just

Home Made Pies, Cakes, Bread,
Rolls, Candies, etc., and 14 flavors 102 )i'orcHt A,"e., N'nrhertll ::n..:: relurninq from the Forrest Club of
of delicious, rich, home·made Ice nnln A'"l·.. C'·I1,,·)"t1. o::s

cream. ::~o New Orleans and Judith Barron
the charming soprano

Let Us Recharge alld Service

Your Battery
J'r Jtr(}ltford
rf\ ·{Rgom
star of "Nina Rosa"
are also featured.
Meyer Davis Music
with Phll Solari.
A Ilew Firestolle by the way, costs
as low as $5.95.

SERVICE R. Roy Kessillger
Couvert Is SI.OO durinq
the week and $1.50 011 STRATFORD
Montgomery Pike at Saturday evenln .... Claude H. B<,llIlett, General Manager •
SHIRT ROOM Narberth Avenue
known as the Zoric Dry Cleaning old method. Lacking the oily quali- PHONE, NARBERTH 2229
System, evolved to supplant numeroUs ties of tne petroleum solvent, it
antiquated and complicated !lrOCeSses, evaporates with amazing rapidity,
simplifying them and at the same leaving the garments free from the
time producing the work with the oily residue of the solvent, thus no
highest degree of efficiency and satis-
faction. By the use of this system,
particles of dirt can adhere. It is
practically odorless, and the use of Ift!itmiu!ittr Qt.rtttti.rry -Speaking of Banks,
it is possible to clean goods better the apparatus entirely eliminates
than ever before, with an actual sav- odor from the finished product. The
ing in wear on the material and ulti- Located on Belmont Avenue above City Line;
solvent, carbon tetrachloride, is used
mate results far surpassing the wild- in the textile industry to remove ani- Adjacent to the Bala-Cynwyd Section. accessible
est dreams of business men of a gen- malodor and matter from wool before from all points. The Westminster landscape has you can't go wrong if you reJy on the
eration ago. it is spun into yarn, and by furriers all the charm of a picturesque rural countryside.
The Zoric System was evolved by a to prepare pelts for the manufacture conveniently nearby Narberth Na- •
c~Hege professor at the University of garments, consequently, the Zoric For information-without obligation-call, write or telephone
of Southern California. The profes- System is outstanding in its efficient tional. .... It's a member of the
sor had a friend in the dry cleaning cleansing of fur garments.
Post Office Address: ,Station I, Philadelphia t

business who was troubled and FedcraJ Reserve System.... It assures
threatened with disaster by losses in- through
It notits only
use, materials stay clean
cleans better, but •
curred from fires. The petroleum sol- longer, thus effecting an economy to
vent used in the popular dry cleaning the customer. It eliminates 60 per
you safe and sound banking servicc.


... And its officers and clerks are
gJad to aid in any way at their com. •
Presents the Mode mand. ~

For Spring
855 The Narberth
Custom made of the finest imported materials
the newest colors fol' spl'ing weal'. Trimmed National •
with selected Fox Furs, $85. ,.
555 . Member Federal Reserve System •
In tweeds and all the newest materials for
Sports or Regular wear. Custom made.
Fitted by Dominic Himself. Ful' himmed $85.
Evc"1/ Gnl'lIlent 18 Cut,
Open 8 A. M. Daily and from
7 to 9 P. M. Fridays for Your
Fitted and I'cI'8ollallil Super- •
intended by Doml1lle HIlIlself

February 5, 1932
ery avenue, gave a birthday dinner on
Report Fine Progress Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Narberth-Merion-Pcnn Valley
In the Schools on "The Dover Road" THE FIRESIDE Pauline Hand. l,oeRI .Co ICE
Miss Mary Louise Putnam, daugh- ~ee~~~~~e
(Continue,] from Page One) (continued from l'ag'c Three) tcr of Mrs. Raymond Carrick, of Hav-
Narberth School Notes erford avenue, will entertain at lunch- CHESTER G. JONES
i be held at the Narberth School on the guests of honor at a luncheon ih eon tomorrow, when the guests will ._..:2:::0:;;O:;..;W;.;.:o::o:::d~b::in.::e;;..:.A.:.:v:;:e;:.._..:N.;:::t1r~b~
. ..:4~O~~:.:.Il:.-.1
I March 8, and ,viII be a real "Every- Jeffersonville, Pa., on Wednesday, include the members of the school
January 26 was the Fourth Grade's
tUl'll to have the auditorium program.
Member-Talent" night; Three one-act given by the Mrs. Clifton Jacobs,
president of the Jeffersonville Moth- set. ,:-------------~
By ROBERT J. EDGAR plays are to be given, in which every er's Club. Mrs. Woolmington was the A party dining together following
It was announced by Jane King. A
member of the Club will be given speaker at the meeting following the the performance of the Bala-Cynwyd
play in three acts, called "Polly ;patch The ground-hog did not' see his Choral at the Woman's Club of Bala- Plumbing : Heating
Work," was given. The school sang some job of work. Either a part in luncheon.
shadow. Cynw~'d last Saturday evening were
"Brahms' "Lullaby." The program Jo the casting, production, staging or Mrs. John lI. Parker, of Norris- 1\11'. and Mrs. Robert A. Eichelbergoer, 100 Forest Avenue,
Was concluded by having the audi- Which means that the weather for property work will bc as:,ligllcd to town, gavc a birthda~' dinner last Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Elwood, Mr. Phone: Narberth 3652
ence join in singing "My Country the next sIx weeks wili be just what everyone who is a nlember of the Club Saturday evening in honor of her and Mrs. Robert L. Rowan, Mr. and
'TiH of Thee." daughter, Mrs. Clarence II. 'Vool- Mrs. William B. Markee, Mr. and
f it will be. and who has not taken any active mington. Among 'the guests werc
Louise Johnston, Grade 4. MI'~. William F. Koelle, Jr., Mr. and
Jo part in 'any other performance dur- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morris, of
Mrs. Henry Spear, and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. MIESEN
A play was presented in the audi- On Monday, February H, there will ing the year. Members are' free to GreenbankYille, Va.; Mrs. William O. CnqJenter ,:. Huilder .:•.Jobbing
Smedley Firth.
torium Friday, January 22, by the be just one hour more da~'light than invite as many friends as the~' desire, Morton, of Wilmington; Mr. Clar- 100 N, NARBEHTII AVE.
6th Grade. Everett Clymer intro- there was on January first. Which II ence Woolmington, Miss Ruth Wool- Phones:
. .. a without cnarge, and the evening mington and Mr. Parl,er 'Voolming- Pershing to Review Boy
duced the playas a trial scene of the proves that sprmg IS Just around the will undoubtedly be full of the great- Day-N arberth 3973-1\1
man who murdered the King's Eng- corner, although she hasn't ~;aid which st l' t r t d? t b h ton. Scouts at Valley Forge Night-Narberth 2890.R
,e. n e es an enJoymen, ot to Mrs. L. ,J. Cowie, of N. Narberth
lish. It was under the direction of
Mr. Kline. corner. I- I
onlookers and performers. avcnUe, who has been visiting friends General .Tohn .J. Pershing will 1'1.'-
'fhe assembly program opened with
the smgmg 01 two songs, "Come
'1'nou, rtllll,ghty King" and "America
And now for the first lesson in
s\Jasmodic botan.y . We will start with l e
The Play~rs Club has also been ask-
do t con t 1'1 b u t e a s I101't one-ac t p.a
I y I
in Detroit, Mich., for the past ten view the thousands of Bo~' Scouts of
days, Will, retu,rn. the latter p.art of the Montgomery and Delaware Counties
week, accompamed b y her slstcr, who at Vallcy Forge on \Vashington's
L. M. Thompson
The tieautiful:' Dan Hess then read the family erlcaceae. Among the as part of the Narberth celebratIon livl'~ in S"attJ", 'Vashingloll. Birthday, February 22, it wus un-
tne bible, Which was followed by the more important reluti\'es in this to take place on the birthday of Wash- The many friends of Mrs. Charl(.s nounced by officials of the Delmont Bala-Cynwyd
saluting of the flag. betty McCon- group, and among lhe most beautiful ington. Mrs. C. Arley Farmer, us H. Shaw, formerly of Ayon road, Seout Council this week.
nell read a humorous poem, entitled of American native plants, are Sweet coach in. ch~rge of this, is casting Narberth, will be glud to learn thut Many Main Line troops ure expect- Cynwyd 280
"Varius Green and His Flying Ma- Pepperbush, Prince's Pine, Spotted an~1 puttll1~ mto rehearsal an a1Jpro- she is l't'eovering nit-ely from a severe cd to·take part in the exercises which
Chine." Wintergreen, Shin Leuf, Rhododen- p1'1ate ve~1Cle,. attack of bronehitis. Commander i:-; to be one of the high lights of the
The curtain was raised and the drons, including Azaleas, Sand Myr- An acbve gro.up, th.1S Play:rs Club, and Mrs. Shaw are now occupying Montgomery County celebration of
play began. The scene was in a COU1·t tie l\lountain Laurel Leucothoe and each meetmg mght brmgs out thl'il' new home, ne:lr Amherst, Mass. \Vushington's Bi-Centennial observ-
room. 'l'he judge and the sheriff were Catcsbllei, Andromeda' Floribunda, new n~emb~rs added to its lists. But Among' those from Nurberth who ance.
there. 'l'he jury entered the court Sorrel Tree or Sourwood, Trailing there IS stIll roo~n for more, .tlI~d all attended the luncheon at the Belle- W. W. Bodine, of Villanova, is
room. The district attorney then call- Arbutus, \Vintergreen or Teaberry, W?O arc dramat~cally.or. arbstlC:tl!y vllc-Stratford 011 Thursdu~', given by chnirman of the invitation commit-
Heather, mInded. are .cord1all~· 1Il":ltcd tu .~01l1
ed on the witnesses and questioned
them one by one. After a long dis-
cussion, the jury pronounced the man
Bearberry, Calluna or
Creeping Snowberr~', Huckleberries, now WIth thIS group, ':ll1~h )JrOllJIS~S
Blueberries and Cranberries. One to be a stron.g' commumty mfJuencc 111
the WOlllen's Interdenominalional Un- tee, which ulso includes W. W. Atter-
ion, wcre Mrs. Edward Haws, Mrs. bul'~', of Radnor; Alba B. Johnson,
Waller Fox, Mrs. Albert 'l'. Bowers, of Rosemont; Ma,ior J. L. Evans, and
For the
guilty. The sentence was that he beaut~' almost got in the family, but the eommumty. Mrs. Arno Zillger, Mrs. Clarence Arthur lIuey.
Should study English for two hours
a day for two years and never mur-
lost oul by a hair-the Galax. Most
all ure natives of the Northeastern Travels in Mexico
Woolmington, Mrs. Edward Gilfillan
and M1·S. E. Mussel' Moore.
Judge J. Ambler Williams, Presi-
dent Judge of Montgomery County,
der the King's English again. United States and, generally speak- Described at Club Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. McNally, will be the principal speaker at the
• The cast of characters follows: ing, they all require the same cultur- of Manor road, 'Vynnewood, enter- exereises.
Judge, Robert Carroll; district attor- al care-acid soil (woods soil) and (COlltiIlUCU from Pagc One) tained the members of their card A-Il-S-a-'.-"-ts-C-h-u-rc-"
ney, .Konald Paige; defense attorney, llartial shade. Growing naturally dub last Saturday evening. "
Mildred Thomas; sheriff, Bl1l'ton Dav- the)' have the sun protection of de- sing early in the morning and sing Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Shuff, of Wynnewood
is; circuit clerk, Donald Edgerton; ciduous trees in summer and a mulch continuously for the three successive S. Narberth avenue, Merion, spent Rev. Gibson Bell, rector.
stenographer, Anne Hagert~'; the IlC- of fallen leaves in winter. Few, if da~'s of the festival. Mrs. Paul Mar- last week-end at the Dennis in Atlan- Rev. David Holmes, assistant.
cused, Lawrence Connell. any, will stand full sun or intense row added a distinctive note to the tic City. Quinquagesbna Sunday-8 A. M.,
Jurors: Law Lindsay, David Fab- shade. A noble famil~', worthy of occasion by appearing in a typical Mrs. Irene MacKay, of 16th and 1.0- Holy Communion; 9.45 A. M., Church
ian, Walter Simons, Albert Civitello, real stud~' and care. Mexican costume. cust streets, Philadelphia, formerly of School; 11 A. M., Holy Comlllunion
Betty Bailey, Allene Kirscht, Alfred Jo The soloist of the afternoon was Narberth, entertained at cards on and sermon.
Silvestri, Jerry Van Dyke, Anne For- Many American tourists have visit- Miss Pauline Hand, a pianist of re-' Tuesday afternoon. Among the guests Ash Wednesday-10 A. M., Holy -These winter days,
sythe, Betty Mellor, Augusta McCart- ed a famous rock ga1'den in Scotland, markable ability. Her selections were were Mrs. Garth Boericke, Mrs. Lloyd Communion; 11 A. M., Morning
. ney and Quinto Rosetti.
Witnesses for the State: Mr.
it is doubtful if many knew that over "Prelude in G Minor," by Hal'l Mac-
fifty per cent. of the plants in that Dowell, and "Arabesque," by Eric
B. }<~dgerton and Mrs. Eberhardt Prayer, Penitential Office and address.
Mueller. St. Joseph's Chapel-7 P. M., Eve-
let our Kentucky Can-
Know All, James Maston; Miss Pre- garden were natives of our O'V11 Unit- Meyer Helmund. Mrs. V. R. Woodcock, of Montgom- ning Prayer and sermon. nel Coal give warmth
cise, Jean Peden; Old Lady Gossip, ed States. Which may, or may not, Mrs. Verna 'Voodcock was 'LIn' host-
Betty Brearl~'; 1\11'. Inquiry, Robert prove that there are acres of dia- ess. to your fireplace with
Wilmot; Mr. Intelligent, Dick Hop- monds under our feet. Announcement was made of a
Witnesses for the Defensc: Miss
Jo meeting to be held on Monday, Feb-
Only three more weeks-and then 'I ruary 15, in the Clothier Memorial

GeneJ'al Notz'ce- Classified

Don't Care, Margaret Shaver; Mr. we can start to sow seeds indoors, in Bldg., Swarthmore, of the Delawre Advertisements wl1l be charged only
Smart Aleck, Billy Aiken; Mr. Know the sun porch or in hot beds. These, I County Federation. Miss Agnes Mc- to resIdents of the MaIn LIne whose names
Nothing, Harry Coborn; Miss Blab- of course, are the early ones that are Phail will speak on World Affairs appear tn the telephone directory; to persons maintaining an account with
11£, or to rcgular subscrIbers to eIther 'fh"E MAIN LINER. OUR TOWN. or
mouth, Sonja Egolf. slow to mature Whe!l sown in the open and Their Prospect, Miss McPhail NEWS OF' BALA-CYNWYD.
LlIc~' Censore, 6th G1'<Id(·. ground. Snapdragons, tall and med- comes to the meeting through the Bala and Union Avenues
ium, for garden effect and for cutt~ng courtesy of Swarthmore College. The 10 cents a line In each paper; 25 cents a line In all three.

The Narberth J llllior High School in late summer and fall; petumas, session begins at 2.45 and all mem-
Rates-Minimum charge. 36c In one paper; 76 cents In all three I\V-
erage of five words to tlJe line. No blackfaced type used. CYNWYD 280 and 3272
won a very easy game from 'Vynnc- perhaps balcony blues for window bel'S of the Club are cordially invited
t wood last Friday afternoon on Nar- boxes or rosy n10rns for borders--or to attend. Deadline fOI' 1IlSel'tiolls- be Classitled
acceptedadvertlstlrnen'" will5
up to Wednesdn:t': Sole Local Dealer for:
berth's floor by a margin of 46 points. perhaps 'we might be clever enough The Board of Directors of the Club o'clock for OUR TOWN or all three papers; Thursday. 1 o·clock. for Tt1E
The final score was 48 to 2. I
to. do those fringed ~nd ruffled giants will hold a meeting on Tuesday at MAIN l.INER; Thursday. 6 o'clock for NEWS OF' BALA-CYNWYD.
WIth the Hollywoodlsh colors. Se~ds 10.30 at the home of the President,

Richard Whitney, Narberth's fast
center, got the ball on all of the
jumps. Whitney scored thc first
of both snapdragons a~d petum~s Mrs. Joseph H. Hongler, on Merion
are very fine and reqUIre care 111 J avenue.
Phone Your Ads to ARDMOR.E 3100
• points. The first quarter was a com- starting. More about them later. The next meeting of the Club will '~~~~j)(l~~~~~~~~~'Oli~~~~~~~~~~
plete shutout, the score being 14 to 0. Also about March first we may want be held on February 16 in the Com- ~
In the second quarter Narberth's sec- to ~tart seeds of lobelia for a blue J nmnity Building and will be gh'en in For Sale CAnl~ of children and sewing- by hour
ond team went into action and tal- edgmg, or perhaps ageratum for the] celebration of the George Washing- TYPE'VHl'l'l~RS sold, rented and reo 01' da~·. Can prepare meal. Heas. M k The Coal
lied 12 points to the 2 ]Joint:,; of same purpose. Verbe~as and stocks ton Bi-Centennial. The speaker will paired, I'eas.; ofllce supplles. Suhur. l·ate. Call Miss Nimmo, Y. 1\r. C. A. W:rr~ That
ban 'l'ypewriter Co., Tlmcs Medical Ard. 3099. (omh·tf) Friellds Satisfies
Wynnewood's, are also on the early lIst. I be Mrs. Mathias Steelman, on "The
Bldg. Ph. -\1'<1. 1378. (omh-tf) CO:\Il''\",ro:-;, to lady. rclilled and cdu-
The last half of the game contin- Jo I Return of Martha Washington in Cos- (·nl.-cl lady \\'Ish"s po"ltloll In enl-
ued as the first half, making a walk- No! .Clara: It is not likely that I' tume." The Philadelphiu Electric t nl'cd home, cX)'. and bcst of rcf;;. Ph
away for Narberth, and they contin- the tU~IPS WIll be frozen. The ~uds Company will show a new film, en- At Your Ser"ice
AI'<1. 3099. (omb·tO
nOTTI,n:B I·;ssr.l:-':GI·:I{. earl"·IlI,.'I·. jah-
ued to make field goals one after a~e still deet? down and t~e fohage I titled "Washington At Mount Ver- hillg:, altel'atioll~t t~~ Con'Yay a \,('Ilue. '''OM.\:-;' wlHlleH lanndl'~' worl. to lake
another. WIll .be spearmg up to adVise us n.ot 'non." Mrs. Josephine Hopwood will ('all :-;'arhe,·th a748- H. (l,1-8 )IOIlW. Hcrs. Ph. AI'<1. 491-'''. 72
Narberth has a new member on to. dIsturb the bulbs. The. daffodl1s! lecture on the picture. Patriotic II)U,;HHl\I.\KI:-;'G at ~'0U1' home 01' mille, I10llallcl A,·"., .\rl1'llorc. (oll1b~·fi)
their team who was in the game for I
w~ll appear later, but then· ~owers songs will be sung. Mrs. W. J. Dren- or will wOI'k in shop. J·~(l]). ex..~el, \\'o1'k,
Jnaldllg" l'uI'lainH, ete. ..:\1'<1. GO:~-.).l.
a few minutes and made two points. WIll have passed before the tuhp cups nan, Music Chairman, is in charge. Business Opportunities
His name is Archie Sparks. The high unfold. Hostess will be Mrs. Sunderland. Foa HI":XT-:-::paf'e in (lxl.'lusive "'OIll:tU':-!
DESSMAK ING -)·;I\:f.ahe-lll l'clLr"on, 215
scorers for Narberth were Whitney • Jo _ This is an open meeting and every ])udh'~" Ave., :"Hl'ht,),th. I'ho. :"\a1'll. ~j:!R. :o\peeialt:y shop on J",ant'uster pike. Suit-
and Burns. Wynnewood's high and Easter IS early-March 2/. member of the community is cordial- (o-tO a1Jlt.~ fot" Inilliner, l"hiltlren's clotht;'H 01·
curHetit>I-. nox~, "·YU))('woutl, Pa. 1'h.
only scorer was Sparks. ;. .. ly invited to attend. nI1gH~:'1AK1NG and alteration" In AI·d. 720. 1lJ~-:l
NAltBl';H'l'H Where do the juncos come from: ~'ollr hOll1e or mine. :\IrH.)[. HIUlllcll.
BIII'n", forward ,
F.G. Foul TI.
10 o 1~
Hard to say, but we do know that on
a very cold morning, or a snowy OrIenta
I . IT
rou es
bl PhOll11 Nnrhcrl·h ~3ti:;. (1)~ .. l2)
Garages for Rent
SI~''')NG wanted b~' the <Iny. l·egulnl·ly.
l.entz, forward 6 o F:1JI1i1y :--c\ving; and Illcuding, alRo cx" 1'01' rellt 011 Haverfol'd Ave,
'Vhitncy. cenler 10 o 10 morning, these little slate-colored II Subject of Speech llCrit"tlcctl ill 1l1nldng C'urtalns and
n1le. $7 pe,' 1110nth. Pho. Na.rberth
'Vatson. ""uan] ,I o 4 folks are very hungry for bread- drap",·ieH. Phonc Narbcrl h 4161. :IS;;I-.1. (0~.12)
l\Ill1er, guard ~ {l
~ crumbs served on the snow. Better I (Continued from Pagc OIlC) lo-tO
Hess ,
,.. 2
, . .\
o 4
spread the feast the night before.
Their motto is "the early bird gets
.~mce 1915, ~he speaker smd,. the
n)'II()r.H·[·I~IU:-':G and n'II.; ~prln!;'H
of Phone :-;'arberth
h]ol'k 1'1'.,111 stallon.
02-19 Save
t Claffy
, 6
2 o
e cr
s. Jo
I mlhtary party 111 Japan has dommat-
e(I t h e po l't'
I lCS. Th e empIre . .IS pur-
3-pit..'L'o Stlitt""R repaired, $10: ehah- re-
CU\·(·1'l~<1, $;''), Go anywhere, Call Le\\'iH,
'\~aYlltl' l·Ht(), olllu2-::W
for one (':U'.
Hpact.' $7 per
222 \Ynyne :1\...... Xarh. Ph.
Xal'1.l. 3747-:\r. , o:! .. 19
'('otaIH ................. 48
(l 48
o Last week we saw and smelled the sUi~g a ~raspin~ and imperialIstic
winter sweet shrub. It surely is pohcy whIch, whIle patterned after
GAR.\U ";-Coruer
;L\'('. ::;8 Ih~r
aud lIUdlp~'
Ph, X:u'h, :::t72 .."".
sweet and early enough for anyone- the metho~s formerly .used by ~reat
o~-l ~.
t' F.G. Foul 'rl. late January. We find that it's prop- powers to 1I1crease then' lands, IS to- WHEN sickness
Sparks. forward ........ 2 I) 2
er name is a bit confused; take your da! regarded a~ wrong. .Japan, he
Rooms WalJted
Scott. forward .......... 0 f) 0 'V.\:-;"I'!·;Il, ~ rel1ued ~'oung' 1,,(1i,'~ <1eHIt·p !'ltrikcs, it's specd that
Waltz, center ........... 0 0 0 choice of meratia praecox, chimonan- saId, .awoke to Its needs Just about 1'00111 and hn'lal\:fuHt. .Are el11ployetl in counts. The bcst help
1\1eNickel. guarcl ........ 0 11 0 thus praecox or calacanthus fragrans. the time that the rest of the 'yorld Phila. 'V1"ih~ T", Box i:!7:1. AI'(1rnol't~, Pa . is worthless if it comcs
8e""l':s, guard ........... 0 11 0
This oriental is not show~', but by becam~ very moral about the rIghts WHITr.; wo:.u:-;, <1t'~I,..'~ ,la~"~ work. ()n1h2~;;
Hcntosh ........... ..... 0 0 0 too latc!
Hel'ndon ................ f) I) 0 any name is interesting. of varlOUS peoples.. . laUIIIII')- 01' (·]"anitlg'. ItdH. I'll. .\1'<1.
Graney .................. 0 I) 0 • Manchul'la, he sald, IS a real em- :11117-:11. ol1lh~-I!1 Rooms and Boarding Tdl us to install a
HohlO!I' .................. 0 11 0 S' pire, three times the size of Texas -C-O-L-(~-tJo'-.I; GIHI. WiHht~X poHit lOll HH ROOM fUI' gl'nil,·u",u, \\'\th 01' without tclt-phone ill your
Arnold .......... , ....... 0 n 0 Church W omen eWIng und rich in natural resources needed motller'" IId),,-r. lteft1rCIH,'l'S. I-hont> ht>al'l1. f'on\'\~llhlllt to Htatioll :11 H) hUH. honlt~. Then you can
Slocum ............. ..... 0 0 0 for Bryn Mawr Hospital by .Tapan. While the latter country ~~83-W. olllh:!-» IllS ('hl'~tUl\t .-\\'l'., "'''I'hCI·lh. I'h. :-;'Ilrh.
alway" get help with
Green ................... n 0 0 M<1.
'[161. (omh·tO
Gordy ................... 0 0 0 ___ has invested a great deal in Man- cor,OREn \\"o:.r.\:-;, .I,-~i1·eH g'"neral
nOO:'1 and board in Narbcrtll. Con- the least pos8ihll~ delay.
Since last fall the women connect- churia, it has succeeded in persuad- hou~ewol'I" Hdert'lIel'~. Ph ..lacl(~on veni,,"t to station and bus. Exe. tahle. Yonr doctor-the drug
Total.. 2 n 2
Half-time s('OI·e-~al'hcl·th. 26; '\·~·nuc­
ed with the following organizations ing only 75,000 Japs to settle in a ~o:q_:\[, ol1lh~-~ Phone :-;'arberth 3910-.T. '(o.tf) l'itore-your neighbors
\\,ood, 2. Referee-Hal'lmes!<. have been sewing for the Bryn Mawr country of over 20,000,000 Chinese. HOC~I.;\\"(-)HK lh·~it·,·(1. f,·w holtrH "aeh -all nrc within easy
'" ALLAN WORRELJ~, Grade 8. Hospital: Old Saint David's Church, Of the "Bandits," the speaker remind- <lay. l'h..\I·cl, ~~27. (ll1lh~-" A partments for Rent 1·C:1Ch hy telephone. In
Radnor; Church of the Good Shep-I ed his hearers that .l\lanchuria is so \\''\:-;''1'1';11--1 'al'I-lilll<' hou~ewol'l( aftel' :l SECOND FL.OOR APT.--:I I·UI~., hath
,11 Annual Meeting the 15th herd Rosemont· 13ryn Mawr Presby- far from centra1 Ch mese con t 1'0I th a t
1'. :'1.: "'"' l'uok. I~cf. Pli .. \,..1. !I'I:l-"'. all.l IdtehelH ttl', Itl'a~, I'at ..~~, ,It 1 UI'O\'t~
1 n minute you ('un sum·
tp.ria'n Church; 'St. Mary's, Ardmore; independent chieftains are apt to en-
I'lal'l'. :-;'al'h. Ph. :-':a,·h. ~,IIl~-"·. (o~·I~) mon aid or get advice
The annual meetin~ of the COlll- 'VlI)'I'I~ man wlshc,; 1I0Hition as chaur. thut mny suve a life!
munity Health and Civic Association St. John's Episcopal Church, Cyn- tel' into treaties indepen?ent of the or hou~cl11an. '''illlng' to work fOI'
will be held on Monday, February 15, wyd; Sewing Guild of All Saints central government. '!'hls has be.en 1'00111 and board. ncfH. Ph. Ard. 2R79. Lost and FOImd Your family needs
at 4 P. M., in the offices of the Asso- Church, in Wynnewood. done in some cases WIth the SOVIet (OInh2-r.) L.OST-A willI" "olli" dog' willi 111'0\\'11 thil'i protel'lion and a
n,,"·I.ing'~. Rcnel infol'llllltion to 10:l S.
ciation at 25 E. Athens avenue, Ard- I
They have finished well over 1600 Government. . IN nWl'UHN for 1'00111 nnd board, cul- :-;'1l1'!>O!rth A,·"nu,'. 01' call Nal'berth 2674. teIellhone, C08tS less
more. The president, William J. Ser- different pieces of work, consisting of I Japan has vlOlated every type .of tured. traveled woman des, position :'IIR~IKU frol11 :l24 L:~'nw~'e1 rOIl(!. a ~'l'!-
as governcHH or challeron. Capahle of
tluUl u dime a day!
rill. will present his annual report the following articles and garments: Ipeace agreement, Dr. lIe:nd?n saId, teaching music and Frcnch. CaB Cecile ("ynwrt.l ~72.
lnw· .Angora "at. Pint1l"l' pll':lsO {'all
Tire B'lSinelill Office or
and election of officers will take I
Towels of all kinds, infants' dresses, but has been very suave 111 ItS deal- Lutz. Greenwood 9979. (omb-tO
h2 ... tj
Clll" Bell Telephone
place. petticoats, diapers, aprons, operating ings with the United States. This "lllploY"e will be glatl
WAl'TJoJD-Part or fuB time worl(
room caps tray covers of all sizes.' is due in part to the fact that 40 per Hefs. Ph. Ardmore 2535-.T. between 7 NOTICE to tuke yonI' ordc~
Bryn Mawr Home Robbed The work' is furnished already cut cent. of J apan'8 exports are of silk, ancl 11 A. 1\1. and 6 and 9 P. M. (omb-tEl
Jewelry and other articles valued out and is distributed to any organi- of which the United States takes 90 MAN wishes position as janitor; cook- Stockholders' Meeting
• at $18.000 werp. stolen last week from zation or individual who may wish per cent. Japan is also largely de- In!l', waiting, housework. cleaning
windows 01' an~' odd jOb. ,Refs, Ph.
Narberth B. &. L. Association
the home of Wikoff Smith, on Morris to help with this much needed and pendent on this country for the cotton Ard. 3123. (omb2-5) ers'I'h,' reg'ulllr nW"UIIg' of thc Atodthuhl-
avenue, Bryn Mawr. Lower Merion splendid work. it needs. The interests of other coun- or the :-<arherth Bulldlllg' and 'Lull II
WOMAN wh~hes laundry 01' daY's worl.. Assoelatioll fo,' the nomination of ollieerll
police revealed last Friday. Members The Women's Board of the Hos- tries are involved in their investments Refs. Ph. Ard. 3123. (omb2-5) and director" to he voted for at lhe
of the family are believed to have pital would like to enroll more work- in China. YOUNG marriea Scotch woman would Murch meetlnA" ",\II hc held 'l·lItJl'lllll~·,
been at dinner when the thief entered ers and anyone interested should \' "Japan recognizes an ally in lIIte light houseworlt. by day except Februlll'~' 4. 1!132, at 9 P. 1\1.
throue:h a second story' window, after communicate with Mrs. George B. France," he concluded, "and sees in Sat. Would talte care of children by THOl\1AS C. 'i'HOTTER, .TR.. Neighborhood 5
hour. Ph. r::yn, 3273-W. (omb·tf) (02-5) Sccrclary.
climbing a porch pillar. Junkin, Bryn Mawr. Russia its greatest enemy."
Page Six OUR TOWN February 5, 1932

Maroon Passers Break Losing Streak With Two Wins ,i

M· C g in
am 0
I Snort: r:Brie's Leopards Down Upper Darby
Jr. High, 29.25, in Close Fray
I . >
'Time Out HIGH SCHOOL NOTES St. Mary's Parish House on Tuesday.
Dr. Michael Dorizas, of the Univer-
Win Over Upper Darb ,\ T By TOMMY, JR~oJ Lower Merion Junior High con-I By TOMMY MACKL.IN th:~a:' ~n::C~:~:dMeeting,
sity of Pennsylvania, will be the
M aroon0 G' S d St • ht I tinued in winning ways last week,; D C taO R d th various committees were appointed to
aIDs econ ralg I Haverford High needed two over- when they defeated. Upper Darby I ear ap m oy an 0 ers: take charge of the various actjvities At the meeting of the Freneh Club
League Win by 21-15
i time periods to defeat Upper Darby

I last Friday night and three overtime

Junior High in a hard struggle by a
II Your answe~ to m.y letter of last which come at graduation time in next Tuesday some of the members
score of 29 to 25. The game was not week 'Yas r~ce1Ved ~Ith. a great deal
only close, but it took until the final of satisfactIOn. VI~torles ~y your- June. President Connie Wickham ap- will present the play, "Un Bureau de
periods to defeat Cheltenham Tues- moment of play before the home root- 'I self and teammates .IS the mcest way pointed the following to serve on Telegraphe." Those who will take
FOUL SH00T ING GOOD d ay a ft ernoon. B 0 th games were won ers could feel confident of victory. I to answer a Ietter 1Ik e th a, t an, d b e- those committees: Commencement part in this play are: The Telegraph
by four points, and both games were The scores were only one or two I 1leve · me, I knew you w 0 u Id come Announcement Committee, to take Operator, Roger Watson; Mme.
, Lower Merion High School won her played on Haverford's floor. points apart during the entire game, th roug. I h charge
of the ofCommencement
the selection and ordering
invitations, Marthe Canderolles, Katherine Luk-
second consecutive league game Tues- j >I< >I< * and when Captain Zengel left on ac-, Now, the thing to guard against is Edith Deihl, chairman; Richard But- ens; Mme. Lucie Canderolles, Kitty
day afternoon by taking Upper DarbY,' Radnol' continues to 10 in. We count of four personals in the middle,' the feeling that you were lucky in leI', Betty Holt, Kathryn Lukens and Fox. Freda Millar is the student
1 t don't knolO whethel' they (l;re of the final quarter it looked as if the those two games. You were good- Frank Witmer. The Gift Committee, coach of the play. Following this per-
on the rebound and winning 2 0 , lucky aI' good. Pl'obably a gen- home bark was sunk. John McMahon lithe whole bunch of you. Haverford
15. ! erou8 mixture of each. Radn01', sank a field goal and a foul and Har- High is your opponent tonight. They presented to take charge each year of the to gift which by
the school is formance, Miss Alma Hellwege will
comply with a popular request to sing
Lower Merion scored 7 goals from 35; Bl'yn Athyn, 21. Played at ry Shillingford came through with al will be good, but not too good, and the outgoing Senior Class: Fred Jus- several French songs. Miss Hellwege
field and 7 from the foul line, holding Rudnol·. >I< >I< 0:< I
beautiful goal on a fast pass from you fellows will surely come through tin, chairman; Elizabcth Burt; will render "Bonjour, Suzon," by Deli-
D b t th fi Id h t nd Elwood Heller to sew up the contest. if you playas you did most of the George Trimble, Mary Jean Poorman. bes, and "Apres un Reve," by Faure.
Upper ar y 0 ree e s 0 sa. After a warming writeup on the I
Upper Darby has the fastest and time in the Cheltenham and Upper
eight f ou1s.' B0 th t earns s h 0 t th eII' Smedley Junior High team, of Ches- best trained team that the locals have Darby games. Finally the Class Day Committee, to
f II th h
fou1s b eau t I u dy,th e .o~e t ea m drop -,, tel', in a city paper a week or so ago, met this s.eason. The added advan-,,· Keep up the good "'ork,' They're arrange a suitable program for Sen- Penn State Glee Club
ping 7 0 9 an e VISI t ors 8 of 10: the Smedleys went out and lost their tage of heIght at center and one foro, all scared stl'ff now, ..and you have ior Class Day, Anne Adams, chair- to Give Concert at L. M.
C ap t am · Roy W'll' 1 lams was
th em a .m first game of the season to West ward b.erth kept the Leopards on the the league on the run. FI'nl'sh the man; Eleanor DeVilbiss, Emmett
cog In . th e M aroon s 0 ense ~
' f f a d hIS Chester. defenSIve most of the game. The good season on top. Win one game at a Wynne, Roy Williams)- and Hill MacUlI.
The Glee Club of Penn State Col-
ten points mean a great deal m01the ~, >I< * work of Zengel and McMahon for the I tl'me, and don't try to play the whole
fina ota. t 1 H h
e as score
d 24
p n ' ts With Bendel' back in the Co- I
locals and the work of Carman for season I'n one nl'ght. Invitations have been sent by the lege will appear in a concert on Wed-
. th f d 0 Girls' Hi_Oy to members of thc Boys' nesday evening at 8 o'clock at Lower
in his two games m e orwar p - lUlIlbiv, team's lineulJ, they lOill Upper Darby stood out as the best With best wishes for your contin- Hi-Y for a dinner to be held in the Merion High School. The affair is
sition. Shorty Griems, a secondo, likcly give Pennsylvania l)lenty performances of the afternoon. I ued success I am
fitrmger, was th e filrework s for Lou
Goas' boys. The squatty forward en-
I of troublc tomon'ow night. Ben-
del' WClS injw'cd in the PI'inceton
The Leopards meet Phoenixville "
Junior High this Friday afternoon in
I Y f
ours or as e s,
b k t Parish House of St. Mary's Church, being sponsored by the musical or-
Ardmore, on Monday evening, Febru- ganization of the school.
tered the game in the second half gamc. a non-league game on the Junior High TOMMY MACKLIN. ary 15. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. The State Glee Club will partici-
and rang uP. two field goals and four I >I< >I< >I< floor. I >I< >I< >I< Downfi and Mr. and Mrs. George H. pate next week in the Pennsylvania
fouls. A qUlc~ change of guards on I Smith, Conshohocken flash, is lost I ·And the boys SHOULD C01/1e Gilbert have been invited to the din- Intercollegiate Glee Club contest in
th? part of BIll Ander~on prevented to the high school team for the re- Colts, in First Place',
thIS fast player from domg more dam- mainder of the basketball season.
age. H;rb. Thomas sUbsti~uted for 'I Smith is their main scoring man, and
I . i through tonight. TheIl have a,
I stl'ong combinaton now, and the1/
Beat Boosters TWice" a,l'e working together with gl'eat-
nero After a good dinner and an Music.
inspirational talk, there will be danc-
ing- for all present.
Philadelphia at the Academy of

A diversified program is being ar-

ranged for the concert on Wednesday,
•J ack H me h ey, who had tIred ! a nd I he has been winning games for them --- I ,~
el' precision >I<and>I< confidence. J~

fitopped him from further scormg. i consistently. He is out with scarlet I The Colts are setting the pace i n . ,. ,
embracing the finest male voice mu-
Mr, Leonard Spivy, of the Drexel sic from the works of noted com- •
When the Upper Darby first five I f the Narberth Inter-Church Bowling BIll Anderson certamly dldn t look Institute, Philadelphia, is scheduled
failed to halt the Maroon team, Co~ch' ever. ... >I< 0:< I League, winning two games from the g!oomy, from the pictu~e I saw of to give a vocational talk in the regu- posers to popular numbers. A par-
I West Chestel' defea,t.~ Media. ! Boosters in last Friday's matches. hIm on a sp~rts pag~ thIS week. ~e lar weekly assembly this Friday.
ticular feature will be the appear-
Goas substituted five sub-varSIty ance of Miss Ada Romig, Class of
players, who continued the work of I Exwcted. "Unto them that has, I The standing and scores follow: I looks more like Adoms, or some movIe )-
the first five..
This was the second vIctory over
. I gits."
>I< >I<
Won Lost Points ! star from Hollywood..,
5 1 7 I * >I< •
On February 12, the members of nnmbers.
the student body and the faculty will
'28, who will offer several groups of

t h e secon d p Iace U pI'O a h sthl's se. . a - i Cookenbach, of Haverford, and Sea- Pcp Boys
Lions " 4,J 2 56 II DOl(glas Flell'11';
. II U,.IV10 ! ,.c.
" II) II , l111 llllu~ual
have ~. 0 p p ortun'ty
I , Mad _ A woman's shopping- tour is an ab-
son. II vey, of Lower MerIon, . are both p Iay- Roos tera .'j I 4 Bill Anderson with the sccond- nnlC Lea Luboshutz, famed instructor ject failure if she finds what she

team squad in l)l'actice,~ a1/(l who
The line-uJl and score:
l.fl\\'l·m :lrJomJO:'\ 'nil . ing for Drexel College. Cooky is on
the freshman squad, while Seavey
F.G. 1·'04111 1~ plays occasionally >l<wit~ the varsity.
3 :I
makes all the t./'ips with the
is doing some (/.I'e niceleadinu
of the violin, has consented to allow wanted.
one of her pupils to play in the as-
sembly of that morning.
Williams. f.. g'••• 00......:1 Pilots 1 5 His Resel'vell )- For
Grace. fOl'w" 1'1] . , . . . . . . . I 1 I
Itamse~·. 1'01'\\,,,,,,1
1'al1~o. "en leI' .. ,.,....... O
(I \I ~ ', 1I1al Fr1/blll'gel', diminutive for-
n ,0 I, 1Q(o'd who score d the lone IJoint
L.Ions, 2; Pep Boys. 2
I the league, with seven llictOl'ies
and not a single setback. Thc1/
Tlle~day wa~ Science Da~' at the
Philadelphia College of Pharmac.y.
Reliable Repairing of ..
\I All t "8

505 1 don't look good, bllt, llOy! they Valuable Jewelry

Poorman. ('enlt'I' .0'
:->tanley, pIliI'II ...•...... (I 0'... 1 11 fOI' L01vel' Me 1'1'01' at P;ttsll1o'oh ler
]" 157
138 115 171- 424 190- d
h to nilll' O'dIH:k h'b't I in the I
I Try
Hlnche~o. g-uar,. I ,... 1 1 ".\
1ast SlJl"'lllg,
" 1S (/, lJ 1Ila
. 1 0 f mtro-
' " (son
I'll I
1.37 11 0 166- 413 are goo . >I< '" mng, t ere was ex 1 I e( at t lC co-
Thomas. gUlm] ,......... 0 0 0 I glycerine on the chm'ch league Haist, .. , 181 133 169- 483 lege at 43rd and Woodland avenue,
Tolals 0.... 7
FI'!'I';l{ DAHBY
7 ; i flool's. The on11l way the1/ stop
I .
him from scol'ing heaVIly is to PI~P BOYS
- -
614 ;'15 6n6-1S25I fconsistent h
Johnny Pennypacker is playing a examples of some of the latest and
game on the Pennsylvania f' '1 most improved scielitlfic appartus, be- AQD~ ...

Lombllrdl. fOI"\I':l!'(1 .. 0... n

Grlems. fOl'warll
Applegate, fOI'\\,al'd
I·'.G. Foul TI'I u.~e a blackja,ck on him.
n 1M'
am mers e eete
F. Hamme,'
145 170 137- 452 res man team-a group 0 Juvem.e sides some interesting- biological ex-
161 153 162- 476 1 stars who have not lost a game thIS hibits.
121 15·1 147- 422 year. Freeman, from Washington
142 128 17~- 445 Central, is the star of the team. He
This Saturday evening will mark
---,;AOLJ. _.
Jewelry (, Optical Shop
l 'lack fOI"\\'ard 0 0 0 Three Main Line youths are among Ilandj('ap 37 :17 3,- 111 1 . h
Plul'er. . . .. . . . . . . 11
guard........... ~ 1 the twenty.six Yale, Harvard and 606 6'> __ 6 _I· isha rangyd center thO of 6 feetb 4, kInc tb es II the h first
I A Leap h' Year
. Dance
th S hof the M. ROSENBERG
Hoffman. ('e II It· I' .... ,;.. 0 2 Princeton seniors who have been ,I" 58-1906r w 0 can 0 every mg a as e a sc 00. t t IS time . c op omore 48 WEST LANCASTER AVE.
~mimlthl' gfual'd ·1··'···,··· 0 II ~ chosen to IJlay in a demonstration I player should be able to do. Girls arc presenting one such dance Ph. Ardmore 2298 Ardmorc, Pa.
Or t I. orWlll', 0 0 Pilots, 2; Meteors, 2 I '" >I< * . th G' 1 ' G . B'll W
Berwick, guard 1 n 2 football game against a team selected PILO'T'S m e 11' s ymnaslUm, I renn
Gardiner. gUllI" I ,... O n 0 from three Califorma . institutions .Ten k ins , I
162 139 1;'9- 460 James Tumer, centel' on Low- and his orchestra will furnish the
Harris. guaJ'(1 11 11 0 during the Olympic games at Los An- Hause .. 0 122 141 145- 40S el' M~erion's chamlJionship aggl'e- music.
~toughton, !!u"r'] , 0 n 0 Th 1 I h Brown 159 159 181- 499 gation last season, is doing ex- Anyone interested is invited to at- FOR YOUR CAR:
Totals , :l 8 geles next summer.
13 invited are: Langdon Lea, Jr., and Haws e oca yout S Follette 166 154
178 210 nl- £62 lfi~I-· 473 ceptonally
l' well H at SWaI·thmore 1 tend a lecture on Soviet Russia at
Lower 1\)l'rioll 8 7 ~ '4" - ~1'411 Casper Wister, both of Wynnewood, _._ t I1S season. e won a 1'egu ar Naphtha
UPPCI' Durh~' 3 (t. - - f P' taB . . C 787 803 812-2402 bel·th at tackle in football and
Refcree-.Tllllll1Y Hum"e~·. 'T'imc of pc· rom Chains-All Kinds
"iods-8 mh'\lt"".
rmce on, an
I Betner, Jr., of Radnor, from Yale. 'c.
enJanlln .I
G. Davis

153 167 168- 488

eal'ned his lettel'. He is no1O the
240 163 138- 541' 1'egular centel' on the bas/cetba.ll
team and is hellJing generously
]. FRANCIS WIPF Eveready Prestone
I ~:C;~.l~~~~~
:::::::::: ~~~ g~ g~= ~~~ in bringing a fail' share of vic- 100 Chestnut Ave., Narberth
Lower Merion Junior High News/
. ---
' Vi,lIanova Winner
VIllanova s basketball team gamed Hartle~'
its third consecutive victory last sat-j
185 21-1 167- 5Rli
- - -' _ __
tOlies to his new C010I'S. Expert Auto I Repairing
Denatured Alcohol

MISS Katherllle Morss, of German- College of Brooklyn 40-16

!he MarlO1~ette Club, sponsored by urday night by downing St. Francis
in the'
793 819 740- 2352 1 d d'

Bra for IS certam y

>I< >I<
. 1 th b kb
e ac one ~_-----.!!
Narberth 3639-W Goodyear Tires
town, presented a puppet play, "Jack Villano~a gymnasium:.' I ! Camels, 3: Battlers, 1 'I of the Episcopal Academy team. He
American Oil Prod-
and the Beanstalk," at the a s s e m b l y · I, . CAME!.S is one of the nicest players in the --~'~ ucts
~ro~ra~ yesterday in the junior high I Haverford Alumni Land Title " ~.~~ll~:'~.:::::::::::: l~~ 1~~ 176- ~32 suburbs and is a credit to his school
The puppets used in the perfonn-,
10 • 1 h
ance were mac*, enbre y by t e stu-, of the Inter-Academic Alumni Bas- Handicap
dents of the club; the stage and all ketball League by defeating German-
properties were also made at the town Academy 47-30 at Haverford
The Haverford School Alumni five l\£aw1linncy
i cap ure
t d th fi t h If h
e rs - a c amplOns Ip Callahan
. h' .T01ln"on
111 128 ~~~= i~~ I all the time. A great little sporstman
175 155 161- 4911 and deserves all the credit he gets.
131 167 165- 46:1
27 5
725 686 77s-2189
27- 59
__ __
>I< >I<

Dr. Martin continues to be a

gl'eat aid to the bolls in "t'he

Jobbing Carpenter
-at moderate prices
sch 00. 1 Th e program was excep t IOn-
a 11 y goo d f or "fi rst .mg I' · on Monday night. "
. ht" pe rf orm- counted for 17 of the winners' points, Kcim
ance. The cl1l1dren m charge man-, while Walter Masters and Howson I Speakman
Sam Truit aC-1 , '" 'blt
,til t ,
" 134164 146 163 191-
117 15,1 120- 391
130- 518 410
juniol' ((nd seniol' high schools.
He looks after theil' '11
ments so well that B1 An erson,
physicald ail- ~~ GARAGE
aged the players like veterans. I turned in 7 and 12, respectively. I H. '1'. Smedley 154 206 157- 517 Albert Adam a,nd the othel' GUS WELSH ~ C. P. COOK
f 1 Blind 111 99 117- 327 coaches never know they have an Eleetrl..lall-Ph. Ardmore 11::li
Avenue up the Hill
Lawrence Higgins, of Penn-Wyn~e,1 Narberth Five Noses Out
won the C, B. Pennypacker Memonall •
I 680 768 -715-2163 injured 111ayc:" >I< ... 40 ANDERSON AVE., Arllmore
Electric "'asher llnd !IIotor
at the Railroad Bridge
RepairS-Armature Winding
Cup for spelling in a contest with 58 i
other boys and girls of the school i,
Wednesday afternoon at the junior i,
Ardmore In Church League
--- II B
Colts, 3: Boosters. 1
The Narberth Baptist Church bas- D:e~~:~~ ::::: .... : .... : 11~~ 2114 177- 534 town and Haverford the past week
Midyear graduations played havoc
with the basketbal1 teams at Norris-
ElItlmntlnA' 'Vltbout ebarA'e
Contracting. 'Vlrlng, Johbln"
Phone: Narberth 2603

high school. The 58 contestants were 'I ketba1I team emerged with its first I Meehan '
146 165
180 183- 183- 509 493 The second half will tell on1 those '
survivors of an elimination spelling. victory in the Main Line Church Conley
contest held in each home room ear- League after a thrilling game with T,accy
I ,
177 178 18H- 544 two teams, unless we are bad y mls- i'F.
155 191 166- 512 taken. They cannot hold their first- ml t
Iier in the year. Principal Best, of the Ardmore Baptist five on Tuesday I -776 9,18 - - - half pace, if we know anything about
896-2;'92 th e fl 00l' g a m1.'.* >I< ...
THREE-FOLD: Useful, Ornamental, Inexpensive
the Wynnewood Road School, gave night b~' the score of 21-19. Victory BOOS'I'ERS
for the Narberth team was clinched nile~' -
out the words to the boys and girls,
of in the last five seconds of play, the ~~~:ia~~~~'.:::::::: ~~~
The first chess tournament played Borough te~m showing a ~ast im- Davis
m m 149 165 143- 457

130 121 127- 378

g~= Don't fOI'get, Roy, two more
victol'ies befol'e Tomll!y has an~
Whether to separate parts of a room or just
to break a draft, the Screens fit into the
between schools in the suburbs was provell1ent 111 floor play smce its Rabh 190 157 193- 540 othel' column to lOrite. scheme. They afford lots of opportunity to
held last night in the Lower Merion previous game. Handicap 33 33 3:1- 99 the Home Decorator, as the panels may be
Junior High Library between teams The line-up: , 828 828 SI5-;;:j7'l Main Line Women to Join beautifully painted or finished in Presdwood,
representing Lower Merion and Ha- Narberth Ardmore
' H' h h 1 H'l . l\laxwell forward, BiIllngsle~' in World Day of Prayer Wallpaper or Chintz. Ours are made of
verford Jumor Ig sc 00 S. \>1 ham Sweeney forward AZl'ell Haverford School Loses; An annual day of prayer for wom-
Tietz, No.1; Doris Turner, No.2; Jackson center McCadden E . I d F' d . ': Cedar, light weight. and are priced from $5.50
John Latchum No. 3 and Mildred Judg-e g-uan] Kel'llns plscopa an rlen s Win en of all denominations all oyer the to $8.
McC ormlc, . k N' 4 I ' d f L Hlnl,le ~uard Smith world will be observed next Friday,
o. ,p aye or ower Substitutes- Haverford School suffered its first February 12. With the start of that
Merion, with Dale Herndon and Kath- (Senn)
erine DeHoff as alternates. Eaeh (1'et,'rs)
(Weed) setback of the Inter-Academic League day in New Zealand observance will
(Cook) season last Friday on its home floor
'tl ~\\'eene~o, 3 field g-oals and 2 fouls; begin, and services :will be held The Link Between Forest and Home
mem b1.'1' p 1aye d one game, WI 1 an Hinkle. 3 field ~oals. 3 fouls: Senn. 1 field when Penn Charter handed the Wal- throughout the thirty hours that it
opponent drawn by lot. Returns fl'om goal; Petel·s. 1 field goal: Billlngsley. 1 lace passers a 19-11 defeat. Tilden will take that particular date to cir- 29 BALA AVE., BALA-CYNWYD Cynwyd 662
the match came too late to be pub- fleltl g-oal, 2 fOUls: Azpell, 1 field goal. 3 was leading point scorer for Haver- cle the globe.
Jished this week. fOUl,,: :\£cCadden, 1 lIeld J;'oal. 2 fouls: ford with three field g Is a d f 1 OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 3 P. M.
Smith. 2 lIeld goals. 2 fOUls.
Hefel'cc-Charles I~owler.
. oa n a ou. Main Line women will attend serv- ,

The junior high basketball team
won its eighth consecutive triumph
By vutue of a last period rally ices in Philadelphia at the First Bap-
Episcopal Academy downed Chestnut tist Church, 17th and Sansom streets, ~""""''''''':6''''''.''_ .. _ ""!',.+, • •

Hill in another league game, 26-20. where thirty denominations will be

of the season Wednesday at Clifton Losers Fete Winners in Bradford, Episcopal center, again represented. The meeting, beginning FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST
Heights, when they won the second Bible Class Contest was high scorer for the Churchmen at 10 A. M., will feature prominent ARDMORE, PENNSYLVANIA
time of the season from them, 38 with 10 points. Announces a
to 11. speakers. Tea and coffee will be pro-
A contest which was conducted by Friends' Central steam-rollered vided for those bringing box lunches
the Women's Bible Class of the Nar- Montgomery FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE
School, 35-15, at The especial subject of the prayers By
Woolman Named Chairman berth Presbyterian Church ended last Wynnewood. Yeager, Friends' cen- during the day will be the Disarma-
Henry N. Woolman, of Ardmore, Friday evening when the losers feted ter, garnered 16 points. MR. FRANK BELL, C. S. B.
ment Conference.
has been appointed chairman of a the winners. The contest, whieh was of New York City
permanent Valley Forge Board within conducted for increased membership Get· Championship Cup Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church,
the University of Pennsylvania Board and attendance, was very successful, Reports New Diseases
A cup emblematic of the Inter- Nineteen new cases of whooping The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts
of Trustees. By the establishment many new names having been added Academic League championship, was
of this body the proposal to establish to the list of members. It is hoped to presented to Havel'ford School last cough, together with four of scarlet To Be Delivered ;11 •
a new college of liberal arts on a 176- have a membership of sixty by March. Friday night at the thirty-ninth an- fever, topped the list of contagious THE CHURCH EDIFICE
acre tract at Valley Forge, given to diseases reported by the Lower Mer- ATHENS AND UNWOOD AVENUES
The Pll,rty was very enjoyable and nual dinner of the Lehigh Univer-
the University by Mr. Woolman in the members became better acquaint- sity Club, of Philadelphia. Edwin M. ion Health Officer, Marvin E. Rey- SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 6, 1932
1926, will become an integral part of ed as the evening progressed. Re- Wilson, headmaster of the school, re- nolds, for the week ending last Fri-
the Board of Trustees' development freshments were served by the most ceived the trophy for the champion- day. Other cases reported were: 2

. ---
of chickenpox, 2 of pneumonia, 1 of THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED
plans. gracious hostesses. ship eleven. mumps, and 1 of tuberculosis. • $I •

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