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• 'IARBERTH cou:.




.• Pray to Resign Fronl Resigning Tonight iSalvaging of School iTwo Mill Reduction Made in Borough Tax
School Board Tonight ! Savings is Sought •
Attorneys Claim Preference for Rate for 1933; Council Sets 16 Mill Levy

Press of Other Duties Given as I
Reason for His ! I Accounts of Children in
Action I Merion Title Further Cut Not
• Where the Tax M one" Goes This Year and Next
Likely, Says Kaeber

..• Kenneth L. M. Pray, president of

Present Your Claims
Interest on honcled deht aUll sinking'
fund $1 :1,:i:l7 .:i0 $1 :U-90.00
!Next Year's Budget is$18,219.50
the Narberth School Board, will re-l , Less Than Appropriation
• sign from the Board at its regular I W. Russell Green, Esq., rep-
Fire protcction
Police protection
11 ,OJ2.00
for 1932
meeting this Friday night. resenting the Narberth School
-. Appointed to the Board in March'l Board in its legal battle to re- l\sh collection, hil!hwa~'s and sewers. . . 11,G01.:i0 11,(j01.:iO STEADY RATE DECLINE
1929, to fill the vacancy caused b~' thll. cover the school children's de- Ga rhag-c collection 1AOO.OO 1AOO.OO
resignation of Col.!. A. Miller, Mr. I posits in the Merion T, & T. Playg'l'ound and COlllmunit~· huilding- .,l.:nn.00 :1,:{:iH.00 The Narberth tax rate for 1933 was
Pray was returned to the post in the Co., requests parents to pre- I '1 2,2:i0.00 2,2:i0.OO set at 16 mills, a reduction of two
election that fall. In December, 192!J, I sent the names of their chil- ~I wary mills, in an ordinance introduced on
he was elected president of the Board, i dren and the amounts on deposit RccI'eation Board 8:i0.00 7:i0.OO first reading at the meeting of the
to which office he has since been re- to him at the Narberth School Street Lig-hting- 4,200.00 .,l,;jOO.OO Borough Council on Monday night.
• elected. from 7.30 to 9.00 P. M. today Boa)'(l of Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,J:i0.OO 2,-107.00 At the same time the appropriation
In announcing his resignation in a (Friday). If unable to do so, Rppaymcnt of loans .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1(j, . . . . . . . . . . ordinance for 1933, totaling $68,267.50
statement to "Our Town," Mr. Pray the names and amounts are to
lJresidcnt of the Na)'bcrlh School Interest on CIllTPnt loans........... 1:i0.OO 1.:i00.OO was introduced and passed on first
said: "With very great regret I all! be sent to the school in writing
Boa-I'd and a. membe)' of the BOl/1'd on or before the time statl~d. Sta tr tax on loans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;18J.00 :i8.,l.00 reading.
• compelled to tender my resignation as
fO)' four year.~, who will resign 1-;j 000 1-;j () • 00 The possibility of an additional cut
a member of the Buard of School Di· Bowl, Borou/! II 'l'reasurPI'........... •
the lJOHt at the meeting 01 the : of one mill was discussed by Clar-
rectors of Narberth. A group of attorneys will enter the Sewer rentals 400.00 I ence Kaeber, chairman of the Finance
\ School Direeto)'s this evening.
"For some time I have been con- lists Monday in behalf of the school hellt of Council Chamher........... SOO.OO i Oommittee, in a communication to
scious of the fact that my servicl; to - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11children of Lower Merion and Nar- Shade Tree Commission. . . . . . . . . . . . . :i0.00 iiO.OO: Council. Mr. Kaeber, who was un-
the school has suffered both in quan- Federation Shelves I berth, who have some $66,418.73 tied Gt'ncral eXlwnses (including' clerical ! able to attend the meeting due to iII-
.. tity and quality from the pressing
demands of other duties that I must

Office Narberth:
I up in the closed Merion Title und
Trust Company. An effort is to be help, puhlishing' ordinances, sta-
! ness, stated that a further reduction
; could not be made without the ap-
regard as first obligations upon my I
made to have these accounts paid in tioneJ'~', cte.) :L-j.()O.OO 2,20:i.OO I proval of the Philadelphia National
• time and strength. This i8 not fair · d N full. ~1l perint ('IHlent of l'uhlic~ ,\'orks. . . . . :{,:{OO.( II) :{,:lO().OO Bank, the Borough's banking connec-
to the Board or to the community. Require d 'E xtraC T tOle Ban 0 An im!Josing list of atttorneys, - IaI',\' 0 f I))()I'Olll! 1I 'I' rpas.............
Sa :~()·O.O() :'(jO.OO.
) I tion.
"It has been a real privilege to be N ew CI tents ame, urgess serving without compensation, are . -- ,.-) I A credit line of $40,000 is necessary
• R Sa lary of BOl'oul!h Sol ieltol'. . . . . . . . . I ;J.OO I;J.! 0
associated with the schools during eports tdakin~ u P thde caTshe for the 7000 H
ren lIlVO Ive . ey arc J umes er-I
ehil -
I ~'hhl'\"
of ~e('rctar\"
:mo.oo :100.00i at the Philadelphia Nutional Bank,
; it was pointed out, in order to bor-
the past four years, during which, I
• believe, steady and substantial prog- MADE VALUED CONTACTS bert Egan, Monroe H. Anders, Alan, • row funds for operating expenscs

.. ress has been made in school policy

and achievement, as well as in plant,
J. Smith and W. Russell Green. Mr.
The holding of office hours by Miss Green, solicitor for the Nurberth
Totals $8(j,.,l87.00 $(j~,2(j7':iO I against taxes in process of collection.

I The 1!)33 budget represents a re-

Necessity 01 Maintaining Bank

equipment and personnel. It has been Florence Gourley, social worker of School Board, has been authorized by I duction of $18,21!).50 over the appro-

a special pleasure to co·operate with the Main Line Federation of Churches that bod~' to join with the other at- i priation for 1932. The chief item lop-

our very competent and progressive in Narberth, will be discontinued, it torneys 111 behalf of the school sav- I ped off next year's budget is $16,000
principal, and with other members of was announced in a report submitted ings accounts.
the Board, whose untiring and united by Burgess Henry A. Frye at thp The deposits were made by stu-
Cred·t JI.or Borough Poln
· ted Out: included in this year's budget for the
i repayment of loans.
efforts have been constantly given to Council meeting on Monday night. dents of the Lower Merion and N ar- I The two mill reduction will mean
maintaining and improving the high The establishment of office hours berth School, and by St. Dennis School The text of the eommunieatoin of I erty assessment as reflected by the i a saving of $8 in taxes on a propc'rty
standard of our School, in spite of in the Borough by a Federation work- in Haverford Township. Th~y range Clarence J(aebCl', ehainllan of the Fi-! 1D32 Tax Duplicate, which was $5,-! assessed at $4,000.
great difficulties. er was adopted tentatively six w"c!ni in amount from ten cents to more n(ll1ee Committee, to Council follolVs:', 110,270, and have deducted a total of I A six-year period hus now se~n a
"Another factor in the school situ- ago as a meuns of handling the relid than $100.00 The expenditure budget for 1933 as I $75,000, which will take care of the: reduction of four mills in till' Bor-
ation which has made the work of work in Narberth. In the uccount of Dr. Willium n. ,,":;l1.. itt~d Lo Cuuncil calls luI' a total: adjustments rm,dc by ·the T: __.• Asses-, "ugh tax rate'. In 1\128 it was 20
the Board purLicuiurly pie:usant IS I!)e The report stated that no new eli· Gordon, in possession of the Merion expenditure of $68,267.50. In view SOl', and will appear in the 1933 Tax' mills. In 192D it was rednc"r! to 1!1
active interest and co-operation of ents had come to the office maintained Title, the school savings were listed of the very detailed manner in which Duplicate, and which leaves a basis i mills, which figure ~vas retu~ned in
parents and other citizens, expressed in Elm Hall, and that Miss Gourley with the general deposit liabilities, this budget is compiled, further eom- of $4,950,000 in round figures, on 1!J30. Another one ITIlll reductIOn was
through the Parent-Teacher ASS'lcia- was giving Narberth three-quarters with no preference. The attorneys ment on the various items would s,~.!m which to work. This :ota~ ass~ss- n~a?e in 1!l:H, making .it lR. m,ilI:.
tion and in other ways. I am deeply of her time instead of half her time, have filed an exception to the account, unnecessary. It might be well, how-: ment at $1.60 per $100 WIll ywld $ t!),- \\hlch was the rate also fOl I.J32.
gruteful for the help they have given as was contemplated. claiming that protection, in the form ever to bring to Council's attention, i 200, providing all taxes are actually The two-mill cut for 1!1:33 brit'~s it
during my period of service, and for Valuable contacts have been made of a trust agreement, had been pro- the' fact that over fifty per cent. collected. This figure is also subject down to 16 mills, the lowest Borough
the exceedingly courteous and consid- with the Narberth citizens interested vided for these funds. The excep- (501£) of the total amount is made to a further reduction made neces-' rate since before the millage was
erate way in which they have partic;- in relief work, it was stated, and that tions are to be argued before Judge up of three items: sary by exonerations and the cost of Jumped in 1926 to take care of street
pated in the discussion and decision it was felt that the holding of oftlce Harold G. Knight at Norristown on 1st-Interest and Sinking Fund on tax collection. improvement~..
of school problems." hours had been of real vulue. Monday at 10.00 A. M. in Court Room f un d e d d e bt amoun t'lIlg t 0 $1349000 , .,
experience has proven that . The two-mIll
was effected
Mr. Pray, who lives at 310 Wood- "The Office Committee feels," the B. . this item amounts to approximately WIthout cuttmg salanes of BOl'l'1lgh
side avenue, Narberth, is director of report read, "that in the present emer- The Lower Merion School Board, 2nd-PolIce expenses, $11,042.00. employees.
the Pennsylvania School for Social g ency the Federation of Churches is (ContlnuP,<1 on Page Eight)
3rd-Requirements of the H Ig way
· h (Continued on raKt' Eight)
The tax rate and appropriation 01'-
'md Health Work in Philadplphia, not warranted in giving the citizens Department, $11,601.50. M 1° S dinances will be passed on second and
and is president of the Montgomery of Narberth half again as much in PI P d I You might also add to these figures Uteres to ponsor third readings at the Junuary meet-
County Parent-Teacher Association. time and expense as the rest of the ays resente at the expense of the Board of Health, Brief Carol Service ing of Council, at which time they
He is a member of the Narberth community is receiving, but that the Club's Xmas Party garbage collection, fire protection and will be subject to amendment.
needs of Narberth can be adequatl'ly street lighting, which accounts for an
Recreation Board, being appointed to
that post in the spring of 1929, and met by concentrating the work at the additional $16,052.00. Affair to be Held at Elm Hall on Main Liners Selected for
was instrumental to a large extent central office, especially if we may Comedy and Allegorical Drama, I These items. are w.orthy of I~ot.e, as Christmas Eve, From Jury Duty in January
in rejuvenating the recreation pro- have the continued use of your tl'le- Readings and Carols Fea- it would be ImpOSSIble to ehmmate
7.30 to 8
gram at the Community Playground
phone." M . anyone without materially affecting
Twelve Main Line residents have
in the Borough. Miss Gourley was handling 53 ca~es ture eetmg the health and welfare of the Bor- THIRD DANCE MONDAY been selected for Jury duty at tho
in Narberth, it was pointed out. CHILDREN GET ough. next session of Criminal Court at
There had been only three complaints GIFTS All items included in this budget Norristown opening Tuesday, Janu-
Brill to Speak at and these have been adjusted, Mr. . . . 1 have b een very care f u II y ana1yze d an d A brief Christmas carol serviel} is
Boys' Club Thursday Frye said. In a settmg replete WIth gay hoh- I do not believe that the Finance Com- planned by the Mulieres, women's aux- ary 3.
· f b i eI ,day . trimmings, which included ,a mI'ttee can make any recommendation iliary of the Narberth Fire Company, They arc: Nellie Anderson,
R eques t s f or re I Ie may e mal '
berth; Florence Beatty, Bala-C~'n­
Next Thursday evening will be a through Mrs. Grace at the Borough' large C~llstmas tree, the Women s for further reduction in this budget. which will be held Christmas Eve,
big night for the Narberth Boys' ffi. h'lI .. t 'th Commul1lty Club of Narberth gave In arriving at the tax rate to be December 24, at Elm Hall, from 7.30 wyd; William Crooks, Villanovu; L.
Clu. b A t t h e mee t · · th L ' 0 .ce, w 0 WI commu~lca e WI. a delightful Christmas party on . . . 1 t 8 '1 k B H A F ye Bert Eyster, Bala-Cynwyd; Charles
mg m e eglOn MISS Gourley and an appomtment WIll . • levICd m 1D33, there are severa fae- 0 0 c oe '. urgess enry . l'
Room of the Community Building at b d Tuesday afternoon. tors to be considered aside and apart will give a greeting and the stage will Farmer, Narberth; Michael Galla-
8 o'clock the speakers will be Marty e ~a t~' 1 f th C 'I ,~_ The scene was the Girl Scout Wing from the mere fact that we wish a be decorated with a Christmas tree. ghe~, Haverford; Suzanne J. Gill,
. e e ose 0 e ounel mee, ,of the Communl'ty BUl'ldl'ng 'vhicll . . .' Th thO I ' th . f d Narberth; Mary E. 11 ill, W ('st Mana-
Brill, former N otre Dame f 00 tb a II mg Mrs. Margaret G. Town asked' " tax rate adequate to cover the est!- e Ire III e serIes 0 ances
' tes of Nar- I . . ' had been decorated by the Fellow- d ' d't . f th B h sponsoI'ed by the Mulieres wI'11 be held yunk; Sarah W. Morris, Thomas Nash
s t ar, an d FI e t c . Stl ,
he rW ' I that CouncIl make an uppropnatlOn,.. . mate expen lures 0 e oroug,'
berth. to take care of the poor in the Bur-' shIp CommIttee of .the ~Iub, o~ whIch and I do not believe it would be either Monday evening, December 26, from ':J and Horace Parsons, all of Bryn
Music will be furnished by the boys. ough. Mr. Frye replied that Conncil! Mrs. Joseph H. MIlicI' IS chaIrman. prudent, or to the best interest of to 12 at Elm Hall. The dance is in Mawr, und Emil Silzer, of Ardmore,
All boys and interested citizens ure, t 'tted t d u d e "I-w! Mrs. F. H. Wharton, a member of the Borough to consider fixing the charge of Eloise Harnden and Emily
invited to uttend.
\\as no perml 0
law as that was u County functIOn.
0 so n 1':..
the Club read a number of p o e m s '
.' . . tax rate at less than $1.60 on $100
erngan, assls e
t d b J
y ane
N h P. T. A. to Attend Xmas
On Christmas Eve 100 members of "Six families in the Borough," he said, tWhhlch were approprIately SUIted to of property valuation. Muriel White, Charles Harnden, Jr., Pageant at School 22d
the organization will sing carols "are receiving aid froin the County e season. I n arrlvmg . . a t thO. IS cone1'0 USI n, I Imogene Shaffer and Harry Bennett.
throughout the Borough. Poor Board" . Two pla~'s were presented by the, have taken the total amount of prop- Alan McCool's high school orchestra A pageant to be given by the
• i Woman's Club of Bryn Mawr. The I will play. There will be refreshments children of the Narberth Public School
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - i first was a comedy entitled "The I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : and a prize for an elimination dance. on Thursday evening, December 22,
~ Third Man," by Roderick Benedix, I Rotary to Give Free All proceeds in excess of expenses in the school auditorium, will take
Narberth Resident Gives Impressions I translated by Barrett H. Clark, and I Movies for Children are turned over to the Fire Com- the place of the regular monthly
of Heidelberg; Famous Old German Town the second was an allegorical play:

,entitled "The Perfect Gift." In the I Children will be guests of the

pany. meeting of the Narberth Parent-
The new Executive Board of the Teachers' Association originally plan-
! casts were Helen Fleck, Nan Gledhill, Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Mulieres was announced at the meet- ned for the 19th.
Some im]J'ressions of the Imnous by centuries. In a situation that is Marguerite Ryan, Lucy Davis, Hilda: Club for a free show at the ing of the organization on Monday Parents are urged by the Associa-
old German town of Heidelberg are notable for beauty and charm, the Diffenback, Mrs. Sumner Emerson,: Narberth Theatre next Friday, us follows: Mrs. H. F. Darnes, pub- tion to reserve next Thursday evening
rec01'dcd in the following article by lure of its ruined castle is as great. Mrs. E. Powell and little June Ryan.: December 23. It will be in the licity; Mrs. Ralph MacGuffin, his- for this pageant, which is expected to
Frank A. Schrcpfe·/·, Narberth resi- for the non-German world as is the: Carols were sung and tea was: nature of a Christmas party, torian; Mrs. John Burrell and Mrs. draw a capacity audience. Child prob-
dent and University of Penn..~1Ilvania fame of its U?iver~ity, th? oldest in I served with Mrs. C. B. Sunderland I following a custom inaugurated Isaac McHose, hostesses; Miss Anna lems are to be forgotten that night
professor, who is spcndig a Sabbcrti- Germany. A nllld wmter chmate adds and Mrs. W. Russell Green at the: last year. The performance Foley, house; Mrs. Arthur Goldsmith, and the evening devoted to enjoyment
cal yeaI' abroad. III cr lafer article to the attraction of an idyllic spring I tea table. Mrs. Wesley R. Carlson will commence at 3 P. M., half entertainment; Mrs. Clifford W. of the Christmas pageant.
Mr. SehrepfC1" will describe the Uni- and summer. The town is a mecca was in charge of the program. i an hour after schools are ex- Bates, parliamentarian; Mrs. C. C.
1'ersify ami student life. for the romance-starved souls of a At the close Mrs. George W. Orth I peeted to be dismissed for the Tyson, Mrs. Edward S. Haws and Brigadier General Edward C. Shan-
mechanized civilization. impersonating Santa Claus, distrib~ holidays. Mrs. E. H. Cockrill, supper; Mrs. non, Lieutenant Governor of Penn-
Heidelberg, like Guul, of which it Shaped Like a "T" uted gifts to the children of the mem- Admission will be free to all Charles Harnden and Mrs. J. H. Bak- sylvania, with Mrs. Shannon, will 1)('
was a part, is divided into three The hills of the Odenwald end at bel'S. There were ,18 children present children of fourteen and under, er, membership. among the prominent guests who will
parts, and the tri-partite character is their southern extremity as abrupt- and a record attendance of members who are residents of Bala-Cyn- A duplicate bridge tournament and attend the annual Christmas dance
true of its social and historic char- Iy as a wall. At the point where; and their guests. wyd and Narberth. The films other activities are being planned for of the Officers and Cadets of the Val-
acter, as well as of its physiographi- the Neckar river has forced its way I Mrs. J osep~ A. H.ongler, pr~sident to be shown have been specially the holidays. ley Forge Military Academy, Satur-
cal make-up. It has had a long and through the granite and sandstone I of the Club, IS holdmg a meetmg of selected for their entertainment Committee chairmen are requested day evening, December 17th. Two
authentic history, and the romance hills, the town has spread itself in the chairmen, to be followed by a I value by Maurice Fried of the to turn in their yearly reports to the hundred couples are expected to at-
inspired by the name today is older the shape of the letter T. You must luncheon, on December 27.
than the oldest American tradition (Continued On Page Eight) l(Contlnup.d on rage EIght)
theatre management.
' - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . , ary 9th. I
secretary at the next meeting, Janu- tend the affair, which will be held in
Lafayette Hall.
..,; ~



Page Two OUR TOWN December 16, 1932 '. •

Confusion Over Xmas D. A. R. Chapters Mark ESTATE OF P. J. LAWLER SETTLES •'.'
Baskets Eliminated lIaverford lIouse 1-..
MERION TITLE t5I TRUST CLAIMS IN FULL ,1 It Isn't Christmas Without Candy

Work to be Co-Ordinated by Historic Martin Residence, Once Following the closing of several To the Merion Title & Trust Co., $39,-
We Suggest: Xmas Cards
Seals and Tags
Main Line Emergency
"Ye Olde Buck Inn,"
banking institutions la'3t year, reports
pUblished included among others the
344.74; to the Suburban Title & Trust
Co., $2,927.08; to the Girard Avenue
Reymer's & Johnston's Fancy Boxes
Small Toys

60c to $3

claim against P. J. Lawler, of Bala.
Following the death of Mr. Lawler,
ASSIST BUILT BY THOMAS PENN the executors of his estate took up the
Title & Trust Co., $19,125.99.
In view of the fact that thc State
Banking Department issued a state-
I Quaker-Maid & Johnston's
3 and 5 pound boxes
Cigars and
Smokers' Needs

Tree Lights
question of these claims with the ment showing no assets against these I $1.25 to $2.50 Abbotts Ice


Duplication of effort and confu- The Dr. Benjamin Rush Chapter, State Banking Department in charge loans, and many newspapers pUblish-
sion in the distribution of Christmas D. A. R., in conjunction with the of the closed banks and have paid the ed these facts, the above statement is 'I Hard Candy Clear Toys Cream in
Fancy Forms •
baskets for the unemployed was elimi- J eptha Abbot and Merion Chapters, amounts due the banks in full. published in fairness to the family of Bon Bons Canes and Novelties
nated this week by co-ordinating aU dedicated a marker on the Martin Payments made were as follows: Mr. Lawler. 1

groups engaged in the work. house in Haverford last Saturday. I The Essex Kandy Kounter ;t

The announcement that all agencies I' This house was built by Thomas • S c h 00I to G'Ive
M USIC M ontgomery C ounty G• O•P • I
and individuals interested in the work I Penn, son of William Penn, in 1735, Chr'1Stmas P arty 23d d.
Spent ,.,20,889 on El ection,i PHONE NARBERTH 107 Essex Avenue
had agreed to co-operate was made 1It was then a high class tavern, ~all- . 3971 WE DELIVER
by Edwin W. Ehmann, chairman of cd "Ye aIde Buck Inn," and it is of
The Main Line School of Music,
107 Ardmore avenue, Ardmore, will
The Montgomery County Repubh-
'1 •

the Main Line Emergency C~mmit. special interest during the present give its Christmas party for children can Committee spent $20,889 in the •
tee. Washington Bi-Centennial year, be- on Frida.y afternoo.n, Decemb~r 23. recent election, it was announced at I
Confusion arose last week when a I cause of the fact that Washington An enJoyable recItal was gIven at Norristown last week. I ;.

Smith superintendent of Lower Mer- 'orge, an It was rom t ere t a ing of the younger pupils, while the publican c~ndidate for Congress, re-\
ion police declaring that his depart- Washington wrote to Congress peti- older players showed musical tone, ported receIpts of $100 and expenses" ~==_=~=~====~===============~
, . tioning them for money and supplies. - . -
ment was findmg it difficult to collect Mrs. Hugh Glenn Martin, Regent understanding and expression, beside:; i
of $622.88. Mary Winsor, Socialist '~~!!!!!!-~-~-!!'!!-,,!!!!G!,'~~--'!-!!-~·~-~-iii!'!!"'!'!!'!"'!'!!'!!"!~Iiii-.·iii'-~-!!-!!-~-~-~~.-iii!·-~~~!!-!!!!-·~1 •
what supplies were needed to carry of the Dr. Benjamin Rush Chapter, unusually good technic. candidate for Congress, spent $25. 1'1 -----_. - - .---.--- -._----
on their annual custom of distribut-lled. in the salute to the flag.' after
ing baskets among the needy. whIch the marker was unvClled by
Superintendent Smith appealed for I Miss Gertrude Martin and little Mar-
Those who took part were: Betty
Crea, Jean Campbell, Theodore Lynch,
A.m.y McMullin, Doris Seltzer, Vir-
"Donations" from County em-
ployees and candidates made up the i
greater part of the receipts reported I 1'm Getting Some . . . ,I

a co-ordination of all the Christmas II nie Sheafer. Due to the inclement glma Kester, Nancy Longaker, Con- by the Johnson organization. '
stance Flynn, Virginia DeHart, Elea- II of the Most Pleasing and at the same time Most IN-
basket work in order that nobody weather, the remaining exercises were
would suffer. held indoors, where Mr. Charles M. nor Moore, Raymond Wa~rous, Phoe- Giving Dance Tonight /932 DECEMBER /.932 expensive Gifts at Shea's • ••
Following a meeting of the Execu- Stuard, Regent of the Merion Chap- be. Wood, D?rothy SeIpel, Mary The Young People's Social Society
tive Committee of the Main Line ter, called upon Mrs. Martin, Regent l\hckle, Jane RIttenhouse, Emily Dick- of All Saints' Church is giving a i "I've had my eye On that phar- I
Emergency Committee this statement of the Dr. Benjamin Rush Chapter, son Pearce, Anne Paul, Molly Allin- dance in the Parish House this Fri-'
was issued: and Mrs. A. Girard Foote, Regent of son, Jane M.orris, Mary Andrews and day evening. Bi11 Dothard's arches-III macy by the Narberth Station,

"The Main Line Emergency Com- the Jeptha Abbott Chapter, to tell Helen MorrIS. tra will furnish music from 9 to 1. and some of my best gift sug-
mittee, through the Bala-Cynwyd So- some of the interesting historical as-
cial Service League, Main Line Fed- sociations connected with the build- Mr. Keighton III
Tickets are thirty-five cents.
gestions are listed in its adver- ..
eration of Churches, Neighborhood ing. Mrs. Frederick Poole, Vice-Re- The Rev. Robert E. Keighton, pas- Income Tax Forms i . i( 0 tisements."
Leaguc, of Wayne, and American Red gent of Merion Chapter, read a his- tor of the Narberth Baptist Church, Forms for the filing of Federal in-! I •
Cross, Paoli Branch, has arranged torical clipping, and Dr. Andrew is confined to his home with a severe come tax returns may be had after I Twistum Toys
with the various police departments of M.'utch, pastor of the Bryn Mawr attack of quinsey. He was taken i11 January 1 from Charles V. Noel'I'1
Lower Merion, Radnor, Haverford, Presbyterian Church, spoke briefly on December G. It is expected that he Narberth, Deputy Collector of Inter- -dandy ones, formerly $1
Easttown and Tredyffrin Townships the spiritual value of looking back at wi11 not be able to return to his dut- nal Revenue. He may be addressed
to co-ordinate the distribution of the deeds of our forefathers. ies until Christmas. in care of the Narberth Post Office. now only 50c •
Chirstmas baskets so that duplication After taps were sounded by two _~===========================_
wi11 be kept to a minimum and each cadets from Valley Forge Military Come See Them!
deserving family will receive this Academy, Miss Martin invited the
Christmas a gift so far as it is pos- guests to her home, where tea wa" •
sible to do so." served. XMAS A BIG DOLLAR'S WORTH:
Under this agreement Lower Mer-\
ion police will still make their annual " Dance to Aid Drive
TOYS William's and Palmolive ...•
distribution of Christmas baskets. The Senior Class of the Holman
Persons desiring to give food, cloth- School in Ardmore is giving a dance Tree Lights Men's Sets in beautiful Xmas box 89c
ing, toys or money for this work on Wednesday evening, December 21,
should communicate with a member for the benefit of the United Cam- and
of the police departments.
The Police Committee in charge of
The "We" Club of the Holman I Ornaments PARKER PEN & PENCIL SETS •
distribution consists of William Car- School wi11 hold a bazaar in connec- at
lin, Frank Pollock and James Wintz. tion with the Christmas Cantata to
Lieutenant George Vander Veur is be given this Friday. Part of the
distinctively designed in new rich colors: silver,
burgundy, black and green. Now only •...••
$1.95 .
treasurer of the Christmas fund. proceeds of the bazaar will go to the
United Campaign.
3..Heat Federailleating Pad q
I Ricklin's Hardware
Long Postoffice Hours
The N~rberth Post Office wi11 .be
open. evenmgs all next week. Begm-
I Fellowship Group Party
The Fellowship Committee of the
Regularly $5 ••••••..••...... Priced now at YJ2.95 ,
ning with Monday the hours will be Women's Community Club of NaT.- 203 Haverford Avenue-Narberth 2555
7.30 A. M. until 9.00 P. M. every day, berth held a luncheon and card part)'·
including Saturday, to handle Christ- at the home of Mrs. Walter Schlipf, Lionel Trains, 25~o Off
Hawk Eye Box Canleras 98 U
mas mail. on Merwyn road, last Friday. and a complete line of EASTMAN KODAKS C P
Afld the flew Cifle Kodak Eight, for taking YOllr own motion
pictures-priced at $29.50. See it in our window •

II •

Drop in at Davis' Note These !?-EDUCED PRICES for SMOKES

-you'll find shopping here convenient, Carton of Cigarettes
economical and time-saving. We've a (Luckies, Camels, Old Golds, Chesterfields)
in Christmas Wrappillgs
large, pleasing, low-priced line of TOYS In Christmas Gift Wrappings-
And Christmas Greeting Cards Flat Fifties 27c
(Luckies, Old Golds, Chesterfields)
range as low as 2 for 5c • And
Christnlas Box of lOc Cigars CIGARETTES, $1.25 a carton
Red Candles, Artificial Trees and
Wreaths, Parker Fountain Pens, etc. 50's, $3.85; 25's, $1.95 LUCKY STRIKES

-Whitman's, Schrafft's, Shellenberger's

Candy Candy Canes, 1c to 5c each

and Asher's-in attractive HOLIDAY BOXES
SPECIAL: 5-fb Gift Box of Douglass'
Assorted Chocolates $1.75 --
Fresh CIGARS, Alfl0c brands
25's, $1.95 : 50's $3.85

Chocolate Novelties for Stockings-a large assortment Loose Hard Candies, 30c a pound
at 5c and JOc And all sorts of CANDY TOYS

Lower Prices Than Ever Before
Box of 12 medium size balls, 50c -And many other gifts, appropriate and pleasing, at •
OUNAMENtS Box of 6 large balls, SOc
Rope of Tinsel, 10c a package
moderate prices. Such as perfumes, compacts and sta-


Little Houses for Christmas Tree Lights Indoor, 29c, 39c and 89c
For Outdoor Use, 98c ~

5c, JOc and 15c each Westinghouse bulbs, 5c each; Jap bulbs, 2 for Sc

For Gifts for • () ... ~ ~ The Oldest Store I

~ ~.
I •

Young and Old- in Narberth I' 220 Haverford Avenue ...... At the Narberth Station
--224 Haverford Avenue Phone, Narberth 4035 - - : Phone, Narberth 2838
~ ~~I

December 1Cl, 1932 OUR TOWN Page Three
• Tap
estrl·es SubJ·ect 1\

urday evening. Later the guests at-I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
tended the basl<etball game at Lowerl. , •

·• of Art Group Talk I M,. and M". W. A. M"K,n.,.n' :;;:~:dn~.~~t;~~ ;;;~~:~\;::: Say ~~MERR Y CHRISTMAS' .:
• Mrs. L. J. Cowie Outlines Their! Beechwood lane, had as their guests
With a Basket 0 f F-Ine F00ds.
members of their club at dinner on •
Wednesd.a y evening, December 28.\.

History at Art. Department I'last week-end Mr. and Mrs. Clark La
• Porte, of Baltimore, Md.
There wIll be 24 guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Miller, of:.
! • • •

HAND WOVEN I ford IMrs. Raymond Carrick, of Haver- b 'd
avenue, is entertaining at a Haverford avenue, gave a 1'1 ge par-; •
' Don't miss this opportunity-Groceries for Christmas Gifts• •

ty last Saturday evening in honor of We suggest Penn Treaty Fruits and Conewago Vegetable •
Mrs. L. J. Cowie. of Narberth, gave Iluncheon and bridge this Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fredericks, of: •
an interesting outline regarding the There are eight guests.
. .
432 Haverford avenue, who lcft
Mr. Albert B. Means, Jr., who is n Tuesday by motor for San AntOniO, I
?n:.. Assortments. Or we have arranged to have a: supply of gift •
b h h ·11 bl ak •
famous tapestl'les, some of which are . . . Texas where they will spend somp I • oxes w ic WI ena e you to m e Up your own assort·
• . . h" student at Duke Umverslty, IS re- , . I •
to be seen m the museums m t I S ! . . time. Later they will go to Cahfor- • mente Give Groceries this Christmas.
country, at the meeting of the Art! turnmg home thIs Sunday to spend nia where they will spend the winter. I. •
I the holidays with his parents, Mr. an
d H Id F eas d M F . l' i •

Department of the 'Vomen's commun- Mrs. A. B. Means, of Montgomer~'!l' MBrs·W.a ro
ity Club of Narb~rth at the home of

I avenue,
I l
I son, 0 ewar, . ., we
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burns
frN an Nr'J ranr'-!.
Fresh cut Trees, Laurel, Holly and Holly Wreaths

Mrs. F. H. Wharton, In Merwood I Mrs. A. H. Durboraw, of Elmwood F. Best, of Dudley avenue, over t h e . •

..• Park, last Friday afternoon. I

avenue, has as her guests this week I week-end.
"Tapestry," said Mrs. Cowie, "is Mrs. Sara Cl.a~·e and Mrs. Hareld I Mrs. Sallie Lowrey, of Hampden I •
,. C
Ch •
P k
ac age • • •

popUlarly considered to cover those Mumper, of LItItz, Pa.
great rectangu 1ar wa11 h angmgs
which at the end of the Middle Ages.
Mrs. Durboraw also had as her h .
lam el ert, 0
h k d M'
guest over t e wee -en
f Y k P
or, a.
avenue, is in Manasquan, N. J., where.

Ir-I M' AI'

. 't' f' d
s e IS VIS1 mg nen s.
M k d ht
Ice on s, aug er 0
f M
and Mrs. Harvey W. Monks, of Gray- •
• 4 cans Corn
Cut Beans
$1 25 2 pkg., 25c

were a luxury almost restncted to
Mr. Cuthbert Spencer, who IS a l'
h' t d t t Ober
mg avenue, w 0 IS a s u en a - •
• 2 pkg., 19c •
princely houses. These hangmgs were I' stud~nt ~t the LO.Ulsiana State Um- lin College, is expected to return next 2 cans Whole Stringless Beans -A splendid STUFFED
highly prized, but the most perfect verslty, IS re:urmn on Monday ~o Friday to spend the Christmas and • gilt •
tapestries are those of the 14th and spend the Chl'lstmas and New Year s New Year's holidays with her parents. • 4 cans Tiny Peas pkg., 25c •
• 15th Centuries. I holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Livingston, of • •

"Beautiful textiles had been us~d Mrs. W. C. Spencer, of Dudley ave- Essex avenue, had as their guests last.
to ornament the Church of St. Dems nue.. . . week Mr. Livingston's brother-in-law, •
.L •
.L J Y J

as early as 630 and there is a legend MISS Katherme Jane MIller,. daugh- Mr. John Burton, of Pittsburgh, who
that in 732 an establishment existed ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. MIller, of tte ded the Masons' Convention in • Fruit for Salad largest can, 25c Eveready Fruit Cocktail, •
between Tours and Poitiers. N. Narberth avenue, entertained the ;hi~delPhia on Wednesday and. P h 2 I 25 N 1 15 I t 25c •
"At Beauvais, the weavers of Ar- membc~s of her hockey.squad of Low- Thursday of last week. • eac es. . . . . . . argest cans, c o. can, co ... arges can, •

Norman ravages and in the 10th cen' I
tury the German craftsmen worked I
ras, were settled at the time of the er MerIon at a buffet dmner last Sat- Mr. Frederic Van Auken, Jr., who. Fresh Prunes
is a student at State College, is re •
I turning this week-end to his home o n .
Ch .
0 .2 largest cans, 25c Tiny Peas

errles. . . . . . . . . . . argest can,
23c Tomatoes
.2 No. 2 cans, 35c •

.3 No. 2 cans, 25c •

successfully. Arras was a town in!
~Ianders celebrated for the beauty. of I
Its work, and the van Eycks, Menhnc I
and Rogier van der .Weyde.n werei
Church Notes

Methodist Episcopal Church

11Chestnut avenue.
IMiss Margaretta Runyon, of Chest-I
nut avenue, spent last week in West-.
I field, N. J.

Pineapple, sliced
Pears largest can,
0 •

Shoe Peg Corn

.2 No. 2 ~ cans, 25c •

Golden Bantam Corn. No. 2 can, 12c •

No. 2 corn, 12c •

among those who deSIgned ItS car-I Rev. Samuel MacAdams, Minister I Miss Mabel Brown, of Elmwood •
toons. A ~agnificent. series of the
product of ~ts looms .IS the Morga~ I
Sunday, December 18:
9.45 A. M.-Sunday School.
avenue, entertained the members of •
h~r club at bridge on Thursday eve-I.
Stock up for Christmas, some of these tempting specials,
at these prices, effective this week.end

set of. GothIC tapestl'les. The~e. are 11.00 A. M.-Morning Worship and nmg. I. . Ib Ib 5 •
five pIeces, h~o of these sub-.dlvlded, Sermon. "A Living Sacrifice." Miss Jean Loos, daughter of Mr. Old Homestead Mmce Meat . . . . " ., I9c ., 2 c •
as a double pIcture, representmg the I 6.30 P. M.-Epworth League. and Mrs. Paul R. Loos, of Shirley • S • 1
Cl b M· M Ib •
• Seven sacraments. Th~y are filled 7.45 P. M.-Evening Worship and road, has returned from the Chatham. OCla u mce eat. . 2 - . Jar, 39c Diamond Budded •
with life-sized figures, WIth a. co~ven- Sermon. "True Neighborliness." School, Chatham, Va., for the holi- • H· M· M . I-lb. Jar, 29c •
tional background of a stenCil h~e a Wednesday, December 21: I
days. • emz mce eat.. • Walnuts, lb., 25c •
• 0

pattern ~f Fleur-de-lys. They ave 8.00 P. M.-Prayer Meeting. Mrs. Helen Baughman, of N. Nar- • Crosse &
Blackwell's •
~ harmomous scheme of COlOI:S-Go~h-1 9.00 P. M.-Special Meeting of t1le berth avenue, entertained the mem- • • d •
lC ~reens, reds and yellows, m ~ rIch Quarterl~. Conferenee. b~rs of her bridge club on Thur~,lay • Plum Pudding • I-lb. tin, 29c Fancy Mixe Nuts •
vanety. The type of the lettermg of evening. Ib
the costumes and their ~etails close-
ly place the date of theIr manufac-
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor II
Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Randall, of •
Pocono Manor, are the guests of Dr. • •
Assorted Jam . . • . • • • .• 3 jars, 69c ., 2Ic •

ture in the first quarter of the 15th 9.30 A. M.-Bible School. and Mrs. W. A. Pearson, of Avon. Hemz Currant Jelly . . . . " •• 2 glasses, 29c Large Brazil •
ce~tury.. . 11.00 A. M.-The Morning Service. road, this week.
.The G.ob:lm work was maugurat- i Theme: "Jesus, Babe Divine." Dr. and Mrs. Pearson entertained.
'. B
t C b
ran erry
e11y, uts.,
Ib N5
., 1 c

ed m Pans ~n the 15th. century, u~der
Jean Gobelms, a native of Rhelms.
I 6.45 P. M.-Luther League. at dinner at the International Stu- •
7.45 P. M.-The Vesper Service. dents' House last Thursday evening.
7-. 8 .
OZ. can, C , . . . . . . . . . .
z. C
an I5c
, Canada Dry

In 1630 the works were established, The pastor will tell the third of Tem- Their guests were 10 students. • Not-A-Seed Raisins . . . . . . • • . . 2 pkg. I5c •
v.: here Watteau and .Boucher ~ade de- pIe Baily's Stories: "0 Little Flock." Mrs. A. Lincoln Jacoby, of Essex \ . • • ' Ginger Ale •
slg~s. Gradual~y ItS. t~chmc~l pcr- Wednesday, 6.45 P. M.-Confirma- avenue, is entertaining the members , . Malaga Fancy Cluster RaIsms • . • . pkg., 29c
fectlOn resulted 111 artlst~c dechne. . tion Class. !
of The Fortnightly Club at a lunch· • •
"Of course, the earhest weavmg I Wednesday, 7.30 P. M. _ Junior eon. A meeting will follow and the • Repp's Cider . . • . . . . . . . . . .

-gal. Jug, 23c
Pkg. of
12 bottles . . . . . •

$1 49 •
was by hand, whe~e the whoof ",:a5 Choir. speaker will be Mrs. S. Z. Shope, a d O •
worked ~n a warp m worsted o~ .~Ilk Thursday, 8.00 P. M.-The last of member of the Dr. Benjamin. Rus.h • Drome ary Lemon, range or White Rock Water •
from ~pmdles. When loom weu:m g the Bible Studies by Rev. Paul I. Mo- Chapter, D. A. R., whose subject IS • C· P 2 1 -lb k 25
came mto use, there were two kmds rentz: "The Light of the World." "Biography." • Itron ee.... quarter • gs., p c 3 bottles, SOc •
of looms~ - high warp l~oms or Friday, 7.30 P. M.-Christmas Ex- Mr. Frederick Bates, a student at • Welch's Tomato Juice bot I5c •
Haute Llsse, where the deSIgn was ercises by the Bible School. Princeton University, is returning the • . . . . . . .., Welch's.
above or behind the weaver, and .low Dawn Service, Christmas Morning end of this week and will spend the • • •
w~rp looms,. known as Basse Ll~se, at 6.30. holidays with his parents, Mr. and. Clicquot Club Perrier Grape Juice •
WIth the deSIgn under the warp. HIgh Mrs. Clifford W. Bates, of N. Nar- • •
v.: arp looms were kno:n in Europe Baptist Church of the Evangel berth avenue.
smce the 9th century.
The next. meeting of the Art De-
Rev. Robert E. Keighton, Minister
9.45 A. M.-Church School.
Mrs. Herbert B. Price, of Anthwyn
road, was among the guests enter- •

I. Gmger

2 bottles, 25c
Ale Table Water

6 bottles, 75c
pt. bot., I9c

ot., 39c

}lartment will be held on January 13th I
10.00 A. M. _ Men's Association; tained by Mrs. J. Edgar MCLaUghlin,\. •
at the home of Mrs. Wesley R. Carl- discussion class.
son, 110 lona avenue, Narberth.
Ardmore Bargain Counter
of Penn Wynne, at a sorority bridge •
11.00 A. M.-Morning Worship. Dr. party last Saturday at the Sylvania
Reuben E. Harkness, of Crozer 'rheo- H o t e l . .
logical Seminary, will preach on tIll.'
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Pitcher, of For-
Gienger Ale or Lteme Dry quart bottle, 10c • •

(Plus bot. dep.)

Gives $500 to Federation theme, "What Is Man?" ! rest avenue, had as their guests overl. •
7.45 P. l\L-Evening Service. Rev. Ithe week-end Mrs. Whitman Bennett, •
The Ardmore Bargain Counter,l Milton C. Westphal will speak onlMiss Molly Close and Miss Anne Ri- •
Lancaster avenue, opposite the Auto-I "Where Do You Live?" ordan, all of New Y o r k . .
Some Real VEG'vT'n.ABLE and F'RUIT T7a lues .'
1.:; Y l •

car Company, made a donation of I Wednesday, December 21: I Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Torrey, • •
$500 towards the charity work of the I 8.00 P. M.-Midweek Prayer Serv· 1 of Brookhurst avenue, entertained a t . Snow Cauliflower •. ea. I9c & 25c ~::I:e; Bananas • . • • • . doz., I9c •
Main Line Federation of Churches, I ice. dinner on Thun'd:>y c\'ening in honor. white •
last week. 1'1':I1"da". Dccember 22: !of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lea, of Devon, --------
The donation is the fourth made 7.45 P. M.-Church School's Chl'ist- I before the Charity Ball.
since the opening of the permanent mas entertainment. I Miss Carolyn Goldsmith, a studcnt. green
'• Fresh Spinach . • . . • . 1/ -pk., I9c Jersey Sweet Potatoes,
~~-pk., ISc •

rummage shop. Previous donations I at Penn State, and Miss Elizab·~th • I •
of $1500 have been made, makCin g ha R I JT fIle Pvresb)NterianDCDhurMc~ . t
total of $2000 giv~n to c.harit~. lot - ev. 01n an. ess, .., Ims er lege, are re .urnm g
Goldsmith, at stu?ent taht Antdioclfl Ctho!-. Florida Sweet Oranges . . doz., 29c Swt~yman
c en o. IS. Juicy I mesap
Apples..... . 5 lb., I9c •

ing and other articles, mcludlng fur-, 9.45 A. l\L-Blble School. Rehear- we?k and WIll spend the Chnstmas
niture, valued at more than $1000 II sals for the Christmas Entertainment holida~'s with their parents, Mr. and. Best U.
have also been distributed free. of next Friday evening. Mrs. Arthur C. Goldsmith, of Mont- •
s. POTATOES 10·lb• . . • . • • . • • . • • I5c
lb b k

The shop is open daily from 9 A. M. 11.00 A. M. - Morning Worship., gomery avenue. • No.1 30· • as et . . . . . • 39c •

P. M.
to 5 P. M. and on Saturday until 10 Sermon Theme:
. Star."
"Following Our Mr. and Mrs. W. Russell Green, of •
Woodbine avenue, entertained the fol- •

D. A. R.'s to Sew Monday

I 11.00 A. M.-The Junior Church, lowing group at supper last Sunday. YOUR CHOICE OF COTTER'S QUALITY MEATS-NOTE THE LOW PRICES! •
I directed by Mrs. A. S. Digb~r and night: The Hon. J. William Ditter. •
The regular Christmas meeting of Mrs. H. A. Smith. , and Mrs. Ditter, of Ambler; the Hon. Thick R·b R t 22 Rack or St • V
al 2 lb 25
the Dr. Benjahin Rush Chapter, D. i 6.4 5 P . l\..- ~ M '
eetmgs 0 f t h e tree
h W'll'
I lam Z'Immerman anI1 M'ISS;:' nh'Ir- • E nd I o a s . . . . . • • • • •. C Brnast
~ ewmg e " ., C.
A. R., will be an all-day sewing party: Christian Endeavor Societies. ley Dorsett, of Lansdale; Hon. George. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •
on Monday at the home of Mrs. Ad- 7.45 P. M.-The Evening Worship., C. Corson and Mrs. Corson, of Ply-. T
die Hewitt, 16 Essex avenue. Mem- Sermon Theme: "The Birthday ofi mouth Meeting; the Hon. J. Burnett.
bers are reminded to bring either t.he Hopc"-~ message from a blind wom- I Holland, of Norristown; Mi~s Molly I •
spring am.
b 27
c Veal Cutlet, or
L· V al Ch lb

usual money donation or 3-yard shIrt an, now In glory. L. Flynn, of New York CIty; Mr.l. Pork Loins whole I9c om e ops .., •
lengths, yarn, or pearl cotton No. 31 Tuesday Evening - Community and Mrs. T. Somers Newman and or half
or 5, for the Christmas Ellis Island I Bible Class, taught by Miss Harrison. their daughter, Miss Barbara New- • I •
collec~ion. They are ~lso requested f TheChlO~lgt looked-lfobr ta.nd Pblannehd- nMlan, JOf TarrHytowbn, N. Y.; Mfr·Band.. Fresh Stewing Chickens
I . 25cI Shoulder of Pork • • . • . lb., I5c ••
to brmg needle and thImble, as Mrs. or rls mas ce e ra IOn y t _e rs. ames er ert Egan, 0 ryn killed
welfare sewing. The business meet-I Friday evening. Each department Miss Lorna Graham, of Villanova;.
will ~lake a contribution to the ~m- Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Smith, of •
Best p
Farmer will supply everyone with Bible School will be held on next Mawr; Mrs. Warren C. Graham aFld. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

uree try Lard 2 lbs 25 c ••


C 0 t t e r s M are.
k t •.
ing- will convene at 2.30 P. M.
I tertamment and all arc most cord IUl- Swarthmore; Dr. and Mrs. LeRo:,-' A. , • ,
FEISE-LANE 'ly invited to attend. The exercises King', of Narberth; Mr. and Mrs. • •
Frank C. Feise and Dorothy Mary Iwill begin promptly at 7.30 o'clock. Charles Sykes, of Bala-Cynwyd; Mr,;. • ,
Lane were married by the Rev. Wil- The services on Christmas Day w;1I: Charles Gibbon, of Merion; Dr. and •
liam B. Stimson at St. Mary's Church, all bring the glad message of the Mrs. Thaddeus Rich, of Philadelphia; •
Ardmore, last Thursday morning. coming of the Christ-Child. At tl'c Mrs. Louise Chandler Williams and I • •
They are spending their honeymoon morning worship the Junior Church Miss Myra Boucher, of Philadelphia; • •
in Miami. The bride is the daughter I will be present in a body and sing a Mr. Fred W. Helfinger, of Trenton, • EIGHTEEN YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE-AS NEAR AS YOUR PHONE •
of M. R. Lane, of Haverford road, Christmas carol. In the evening there N. J.; Mr. John E. Flynn, MiJ:;s Kit- b h J II
Ardmore and the groom is well known will be an elaborate musical program ty Truedell Green and Stanley l\Ial- • Haverford Avenue, Nar ert ust Ca NARBERTH 2250 •
in tenni: circles. by an augmented Church Chorus. Ion Green, of Narberth. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Page Four
December 16, 1932
"'O~\l ~ .,.1 1And with scarcely a pause, he said,: Trouble Packers Wallace Beery and Lewis Stone are

OUR JL \ 'W..l ~ 1 CL'Yods & fT)ntche.'"

JrJ,c,,1 1.-u
"See them marcl1ing along there to!
that Christian hymn! Do they fol-
scheduled in the years most discussed
film, "Grand Hote!." THE
A Co·operative Community .,ewspaper,
"" I
low in His train'r Do you know what
founded in 1914 by the N,arbenh Civic Marching Men reappear and start preaching right •
On one of those summer afternoons here on Court Square this afternoon1" I
Seventeenth and Locust
Association, and jtublished every Friday RADIO SERVICE Streets
at N,arbenh. Pa. of bright sun and stirring breezes, He paused for an answer, but The I
such as seemed to come more fre· Vagrant would not have interrupted I Richard L. Timm
Philip Atlee Llvlll~NlolI, I'unlishel"
Robert Moore Cameron, 1':<1ltol'
Anne 1\IIII'I;'IlIi llohc,·ts, SI)('I"I I,:dltor
<]uently in the years before the war him with one, if he had had any I Afternoon Tea
Let us give you an estimate on •
when The Vagrant was much young- ready. "They would have Him up be- ,
Thomas A. mwoorl, Arl\'erllslng lIlanag-p,' modernizing your radio.-New Daily on the Mezzanine Floor
er, he was crossing Court Square in fore me in police court tomorrow:
styh tubes--automatic volume con- From Four Until Six o'Clock
Office--258 Haverford Ave., Narberth
a certain city when his ears caught morning," he continued, "and like I •...
Telephone-Narberth 2545; If no answer, the spirited strains of band music ap- enough they would get provoked at II tr 'I-t 0 n e compensation-short Fifty Cents
Ardmore 3100 proaching on Main Street. The pres- me, if I didn't give him at least 30 wave converters.
I"ell/di"g Tea Clip Readings •
SUbscription price $2 per year In advance ence of marching men on Main Street, days!" I ALL MAKES-DAY&: NIGHT
--- ,led by a spirited band, was atmos- CI B k I 309 N. Narb. Ave.-Narb. 4089-W by Mrs. Syl...ester
Ell I el""cl a" "el'ollfl-C'I"~H O1alt"I" O?IO- i pherically appropriate to the day, but al1l- a es . I
ber 13, 1"·1. al the I'o"l OI1!,'e at 1'al""
bel'tI" I'a .. ullclel' the Act of lIIal"Ch 3, the legal sanctIOns of a holiday were I tI
, . Clam-bakes were very popular m
d N I . l'
I'>k' th

1879, absent. Welcoming any diversion. lose ays.. car y e\e y wee I~ e •
. Th V grant has summer wItnessed several at Rlver-!
Iega I or a th erwlse, e a -e steps- Side , Grove. T h ey weI I
' e usual Iy mas- This Friday and Saturday
t ' Ih across t th e C 0 UI' t Hou ~
Friday, December 16, 1932 0 , . ' ,

.I d
wh IC provl( e an exce e
II nt re I'ew cuhne affairs exclUSively, and partIes,
v - '.' , at the EGYPTIAN
mg s t an d f or h'IS occ u pan Cy . . There of , men came by tram from dIstant I'
The Tax Reduction .' d b H W B S" rth pomts for that purpose. Those af-. Laurel & Hardy •
'l'hC' t\\'o mill tax l'cc111dion voted venera bl e JU ge 0
h e was Jome y enry . o.vo ' .
. d f th e P0 Il'ce c ourt , fUll'S were. entirely respectable
. , and
~nd usually qUIte temperate, In SPltc of
h~- COl1ueil :\Ionda~' night will wh 0 was revere
d by Th ea V grant " .
, ue t per"ons the licensed sale of hquor which was
" IIPACK UP Chaplin: ~.

by many 0 th el' d eImq n " .", .

dOl1htlC'ss mert with little favor an 1'01'( Ia , II dl' 1'1 d by s orne meln - then permItted, " They " were bOlster-
from ;\11'.•\, E. Wohlcrt allll likP- bers 0 f th e po IICC
d I Y s I ,e
· f or. ce The S e 0 ppo - ous,. often rather Juvel1lle, ,
but entlre- .
mindp(1 ('itizens \\'ho rxprcsscll Sl't e f ee I'mgs t owar d th e goo d J'udg"IIy. umocuous. ., There
" IS one other 111- II II
thC'lI1se]\'('s as desiring- a (~Ilt of :ill grew • d'
ou t 0 f h IS · h a b'tu I aI c I nl'
e ncy to - cldent m connectIon ,
II d 1I'llnul'ncl'"s ready mentIOned WhICh causes It t<, I
.WIth the one, al- I TROUBLES CURE •
per C'cnt. nothing' less, \\ar vanous sma c ')
which the police dragged before him remam m he Vagrant s mmd. Soon
:r " ,. I Also-Saturday Matinee-liMY PAL, THE KING" •
The penetrating- ana~'lsis of the for punishment. The Vagrant had after leav1l1g Judge Boswor~h The I
Borollg-h's finall('es preparl'd h~' never been numbered among those Vagra~t met ~r-, Hampden, hIs ste~n i 11
Conn(~ilman KaphC'r. pl1hlishc(l clse- wham th e po IIce-ne e
, t ntan.g led , but, hI'-" and aJ'lstocratlC , employer, who inqUlr-1 "Who Killed Jenny Wren1 I
own duties then took him to the police ed the oc~.asl~n for the band and, the
whpre ill 1his i~:stl(,. shOl1ld I){' Sl1m- parade. It IS a clam-bake at Rlver-, You'l! Find Out When You See •
t h ' a" Ie fronl a Ilatllral ,-
ei('nt C'\"idpI]{,p to e\'l'ry fail' lI1inelcc1 cour w ele, SIC ' . " ' "
partiality toward the mildly errant" SIde, saId The Vag:~:~t: "~hal do _.....,.a:.~~.:.............. "
residl'nt that ('ol\lwi\ has done all he had ample opportunity to observe men do at clam-bakes. mqulred ~r. I - liTHE PHANTOM OF CRESTWOOD" ,I
t hat is possihle in 1hc wa~' of 1'p. both the judge and the police and to Hampden. The Vagr~nt told hun, The jittery Laurel and the 1)Onl]J-
· I
I ' n which de whereat he renull'l,eu, II never went I OIlS HeLl'dy, who arc at the Egyp- at the EGYPTIAN next Monday and Tuesday
(ltll~ing' taxC's, d raw h IS own conc uSIa s,
veloped in him an affectionate re-I' to a c am- a'~ and from w~at you
- I b k
I tinn in Cynwyd this weeli:-endin
their second full-length ]Jieture, with RICARDO CORTEZ, KAREN MORLEY, •
.\s :'Ill', Klll'hcr points ol1t, 1he , t f J dge Bo worth- feeling say, I d ou bt I[ I s h Oll Id enJoy th e
Borol1g-h II1llst maintain hank that spec ~r u - s d' I ad
stilI endures an 1I1C u es t a
. h t experience." "No sir you probably
, "
I "Pa·ek Up Your Troubles," PAULINE FREDERICK, H. B. WARNER
erl'(lit for loans ag'ainst 1aXI'S in venerable man permanently among ~ould,n t," The Vagrant a~rc('d, .for - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It ('annot those whom The Vagrant cherishes in hIS nlln~ ha? ba lkc? at the ImpOSSIble knowledge of the human heart is I Another Great Drama by Fannie Hurst •
PI'O('pss of l'ollpl'1ion.
01H'I'a1I' \\"i1hollt tl'lI1pol'ary loans
memory with gratitude and respect. I task whIch It had Just been callcd on shown in "Back Street."

dill' to till' Inallll('I' in \"hil'h taxes

Lement Judge I ,
to perform-the creation of a mental I
picture of 1\11'. Hampden eating clams I :
(By Y. A. J.) ,
The , band' . and , the long b h 1I:1C' of f rom a tm ." dipper or a bucket at Rlv- Narberth Theatre Notes I
ha\"<' to hc eollC'Pted lIlIde1' 1hp
marchmg CIVIlians filed y t e C(ll~rt- erside or anywhcre clse. "A Successful Calamit," the story:
Coming to Cynwyd Wednesday and Thursday
Sta1c La\\" If taxcs eall1C' in e\'I'I'~' house steps, watched by the whIte-II TH ,I J',

'd d tl ' tl f I V E VAGRANT. lof a millionaire who went on a stnke, , . _..- _ .."-'
month instead of latC' in the ~-ea1', be ar d e(I ,lU ge an 1C you 1 u a-I . ' A - - . -.--.------~-=-
there wOl1ld he little lH>ed for loans grant, The marchers prove~ to be I . I ~il~lsng:id~ebln~~~a~\~;:r ~~~r~evel r~ ~ ~-- •
and no 11ependC'nce l1POI1 a bankillg' ~o~:~l~::t~na~O~l:~::C~rn~~I~~~~~.~,t~~1I .£local (}}1ovles ~n~pp, th~s wee~-end.~t I~~'\~~_'C.1Market
to J'arberih
~ '\' ey ~
CO~11]-- ~
th e way t 0 a scam t boa t Ian In , d
' g
-At the Egyptian
IS a good story of timely Interest,
Uta . 'Pa"
A redlletion of two mills repre- where they would embark to sail down
sents a suhstantial saving to tax- to Riverside Grove for a dambal;e,' The old versus the new! An in- for the
pa~"ers and if H flirt her ellt is pos- Their flags and other insignia riP-I teresting comparison can be made at rna T?dd m another of their funny
i fa~lIly.
1 well acted, .and hIghly .recommended j
~nd The Finest Meats
Zasu PIttS :.1.0/Thel-, lJ ,•

sihle after the Philadclphia :'\a- pled saucily in the bright sunlight and' the Egyptian thi~ Friday and S'ltur-I comedies are also on the pr~gram. •
they strode along vigorously to the day, when the l1ew kings of comedy, , Robert Montgomery, MarIOn Dav-
tional Bank has reveiwed the 1301'- marching strains of that good hymn, Laurel and Hardy, in their sccond' les a~d ~~mes ~Ieason head a ,no;~ble You Hire For good meats, note our week-e"d
prices, a'ld pho,le Rilte.liJOuse .,
ough's position. citiz?ns lH>pd. have "The Son of God Goes Forth to War." i full-length f~ature, "Pack Up Your cast In Blondle of the Follies, at 7070.
no feal' that the ordlllanee wJ11 he Probably neither Judge Bosworth nor Troubles," Will be pitted against, the Na~berth next !'l0nday and Tuesday, I '
Specialists Rib Roast, thick end", .. " .Ib" 19c
amended to provi(le for it in .Jan- The Vagrant uncovered for the pass, old maestro of mirth, Charlie Chap- It IS a human Interest drama by the
-the roofer for roofing, the watch.
maker for watch repairing. You
Small Pin Bone Roast, 6,6 lb., 28c •
Rump Steak, 30c; Round Stoak, 35c
lIa I'~', Iing national emblem for those were! lin, in a revival, with sound, flf aile of author of "Emma," filmed by the di- don't ask your dentist Or oculist to
treat your cold. . . . Neck and Hlp Ends of Pork., ,12c
,, days w h en pa t 1'10 . t"Ism was no t a ma t - i hI's greatest ' succeee"o u,'~,"
"The ''''''I'e''

of "Grand Hotel." Good enter-
We Speciaiize
Sauer Kraut, 10c qt.; 3 for 25c •
I tel' of visible ritual, but as the pro-' In "Pack Up Your Troubles," the tamment. -In meats-the finest obtainable. Small Regular Hams, .. "", .. ,16c
Our celebrated Breakfast Bacon,
Mr Pray, Resigns " .

. receded 11\ ' the dIstance
' t h e·'h erolC
I ! t· 'd th
'Stan an dOl',
Ivel appear as m
'II' I
. - ,The "One . Way Passage"
hb . which there tS no return IS superbly,
. ' from We sell nothing but meats, and
nothing but the best meats. whole piece, 18c; sliced, 22c
.\Iter nC'HI'l\' 10111' \'pal'S O' not-' Judge turned to The agrant am re-I lepl, ougl unwl mg (oug o y s . " ,
., '", ' .. l ' h' d I' d ft touchmgly embarked on by Wilham
'dtlt' SC'I'\'il'p to tll(' :\"II'1)('I'th ~l'llllll] I CIted 111 hIS slow and (lIgJ1lhe( VOIce, w 0 lJIva e ellCmy mcs, an a er II ."
. , tl I 'I I) ,... , " >, 1. " "I " with accent and inflection that revea I- presen t'mg th e f oe WI'th a broa<1'1 f Powe and Kav FranCIS 111 the plC- 2 1 060- 8 M ar ket S treet S'Ig" ~

. " I J. , \ , I.I~ IS
> tllH elllll-, I I ' .
' I C( lIS allprecla IOn 0 poe ry,- t' f t ' laughs • they IH<Jceed , in their
Sil e o
own in - ,
. "
tUl'lzatlon of the
hit, conllng to
, F o r EfFICIENT SERVICE 0/ the _I
_, -;-;
Illi 1'('SIg'IHllIIlU to tIll> 1loar(l at Its The Son of God goes forth to war, imitable way, to end hostilities and l~~ Borough Wednesday ano Thurs- a"d PROMPT DELIVERY Best
rl'g'ldar lllCl'1 i II/-!' tOil ig'lI1. .\ IC'ss i A kingly crown to gain bring home the bacon, which is, in daJ', Call Rittenhouse 7070 Meats
.. IIIHII J1\1g'lt
. ) ('ontllllie'
.', HIS blood-red banner st\'l'ams ' tafar, h 'IS case, th e sure cUle ' f or·anyone ,s For next week-end the Barrymores '-,"f~~~[!~~~[!~~~~~§~~~[!§~~~~~~~~[!~~m
to hold offil'l' Hlitl 11 is to :\11'. I'I'H\"'S
'Who follows 111 lIS tram.
, I' '? bl
TI "hi
IOrou ... y no eln mIlo,
1 d' ' I t and Joan Crawford, Greta Garbo,1
i I
, "

to do JnstlcC' to thl' \l'o)'k In \"Ip\y oj

crC'dlt that, fl'l'llIlg' 11l' IS Ilot ah]l'
. '
. Till> Ballking' DC'jIartmC'lIt \yill
situations and techltique, "Pack Up
T bl ,.' , d 'd d
our rou es IS 111 eCI e con ras
to the humorolls and sentimental ap-
N ar b ertH
t t
By DOI1lula r R eques t
r' :J:'

his othcr 11nl ips. he is r"si~!lIing' lie opposell to thC'SI' fOlll' attOl'lIl'.\'S, peal of Chaplin's "The Cure." Edna
from the pos1. J:ot hl'l'allse thC'~- arc lIlIsympa- Purviance, wllo appeared in nearly THEATRE The Exhibition of beautiful Paintings, Stained Glass and
'rhe \"C'ars Ill' has SPl'\'cel haye theti(', Imt !JC'l'ausC' it is lIIPir joh all his fun classics, in the 'Teens, We Take Great Pleasllre Mosaics by NICOLA D)ASCENZO will be extended •
, .1 I I . tIll 1 tI j' 1 I ' I was the style arbiter of Hollywood In presenting to you this Friday
S('C'II ('OIlSIl pra lIe C lall"('S 111 the 0 10 ( (OWII IC pre (>1'1'('( C 11111 S , . , ' a n d Saturday until December 31st. The Shull Galleries, No. 25 Bala
• • .... 1 I '11 f' . comparIng With the Constance Ben-
:\'arhert h ~dlOol. I \1(1('1' t he new to tIe O\\"cst )I0SS1 ) e Ig'lll'l', 11\ 01'· netts and Lilyan Tashmans of today. Mr. George Arliss Avenue, BaJa-Cynwyd, open daily from 8.30 to 5 P. M.,
l1\'ineipaJ. ;\11'. Drennen, 1he work (ll'l' to realize llIore for the unpl'o- In "The Cure" she illustrates effect-
Wednesday Evenings 8 to 10 and Sundays 2 to 5 P, M.
has hcen reorgan ized and ma IlY teet eel g-cnC'l'al dC'posi tors. TII fad, ively the fash ions which made her SUCCESSFUL •
progrC'ssivC' mC'asllrC's introduced.' it has hpcn saicl on goo(l authori1y famous, (Of course, THEN it \\1m
'I'll(' old hni1cling' has hC'ell eOln- that all those who 'Yill lpgally op- no laughi~g matter.) And Charlie.
. . ' 11 't't' f" ," t' the Charlie of old, demonstrates the
For the Saturday Matinee,
added feature for the big and
- •
. . I .'
pletelY J1\olkrnIZl'(l and the C'(\1I1\)- pose Ie p( 1 1011 01 .m (x(ep IOn standards of hIlarIty ., ., .prOVIded
whIch . little folks:
Buck Jones ill "SOUTH OF
You Are lnyited to View an

ment of the sehool Pllt ill first class hope that the clld(lrell wdl Wlll, him in those times with the largesL
eon(lition. C01\)'age was npcessary I Lawyl'rs in tOlleh with the sitll- income and the largest foJlowing in
Next Monday and Tuesday
to put through this 1Il0dernization\ation l'xpl'ess the belief that the de- cinema-land.
program d1\)'ing elistressC'd eco- dsion will hinge on the nature of Not only f~r the sake. of contra~t
Robert Mo"tgomery a"d J. CHARLES CLARKE
Mario" Davies i"
nomic t iJ1\es. It he trust ag'I'cC'mC'nt set lip to pro. but for genull1e entertamment, thIS FROM DECEMBER 16TH TO JANUARY 14TH
• . program is recommended-this Fri- HBLONDIE OF '1"
::\11'. Pray s loss to thl' S(~hool teet thC' clllldr('n. It was conSIlJ1\- day and Saturday, For Saturday's 9 A. M, to 9 P, M. until December 24th
!~onrd will he a grC'at one aJl(l it 11lIatcd lIlIt t\\'o or three days he- matinee, Tom Mix will delight the THE FOLLIES" I; 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. after December 26th

18 10 he hOlll'd that the direl'1ors. fore the hank eollapsed. If the young folks in "My Pal, the King." Wednesday and Thursday II CHALLENGER COMPANY

in ehoosing- his successor, will he Ballking- DC'partment IISl'S as it s dp- "Who KiJlell Jenny Wren 1" This William Powell a"d I, Arcade Gallery 717 Montgomery Avenue, Narberth
ahle to name a man \\'ho is eqllally fcnse the l'1aim that the hanl, was is the questioll which perturbed so Kay Frallcis i" II
capable and pllhlie spirited. insolvcnt at thl' tinll" al\(I that, many radio fa.ns a few months ago,
.. and while a number of folks had
thel'efo\'(', the ag'l't>emellt IS VOId, an reasons to kill tile lady (including the NEXT WEEK·END: What Better Gift for ALL the Family! •
An Interesting Case intereslillg elwin of cvents mig-ht listeners) the solution, until now, has HGRAND HOTEL"
Thc parents of some 7000 school well follow. Snch a daim might been a deep, dark secret. Next Mon- I Try to tn(J/ch Philco 'Values, dollar for
ehildl'C'n will watch with interest wC'1l eneourag-C' many depositors of day and Tuesday, at the Egyptian, ~ . .--------------~
dollar, 0" beauty, »'orkma"ship a'ld clear
the Ipg-al hattl<> ahout to h\'eak O\'C'I' the (hill" (1I1\'S of the institution "The Phantom of Crestwood," adapt-
: "" .'
the l'el'O\'e\'~' of till> fl1nlls tipd up to pomt to It as a \'(>ason fol' tl1(' tell all. Rical-do Cortez, Karen Mor-:
ill the ;\Ierion 'l'it)C' alHl '1"'l1s1 ('011I- return of their 1II0npys. If 1hc Icy, Pauline Fr-cderick and H. B. War-
ed from the rad io nlystery play, will,

pliny. ]<'ou\, ~raill Lilll' a It Ol'IW~'S trl1st ag'rcemellt is I'ecog'nizecl
haye takC'n up the hattie fOl' the the courts. and the lllolley ca\'- ommended for those who desire an
h~' ncr are well cast in this picture, rec- DELIVERY I

Let us put one of these brand-new 1933

young-stel's, ('01Hluding- the ease marked for fl111 reco"el'y, it will evening of harlnless though interest-
WIthout eompensation, 10\\,('1' slig'htl~' the possihle cli"i-
ing entertainment.
Fannie Hurst has given us another
0N 'II radios in your home.
Models priced at $18,75, $25, $37.50 up •
The id('a of the suit. in hrief, is !l('IHls to the genel'al (It>positors. great drama, "Back Street," which I
Model 80 G to $250. The 7-tube Highboy, for in-
to force tIlt' State Banking' De- If sllch a case w(>re decided Oil you will want to see at the Egyptian I I't 5-tube stance, complete with twin speakers, costs •
partment to take thC'se (I('posits Ol1t sC'ntiment. it would he C'asy to pre- next Wednesllay and Thursday. It, apPERS \1'1
BABY GRAND only $69.95.
of the list of gcneral time deposit sumc the eOl1rt's act ion, It is. ho\\'- reveals the I()yalty and devotion of, No cxtra charge for the larger models, •
claims, and elassif.\' tll('m as tl'ust· I'yer. the dl1ty of thc eonrt. and of
funds, Iwr,mittin g reeoycry of the it~1C Bankillg Dcpartmc.nt. to con~ against it; alld the man's needs, be-;
a woman for a nlan, devotion so deep'
that conventions could not stand I
I $18.75
when sold 011 Budget Plan.
Step in or phone:
T~le l~rescnt sHIC'r the law and the mterpsts of yond even so great a sacrifice. Fan-I I
amollnts 111 full.
status of tlw school saY1l1g's IS that Iall.
of an~" general aecount-ther \\'ill! Fo\' thc sakc of their future motives and irnpulses that sway men i ~ Narberth, Pa.
nie Hurst's knowledge of the hidden,
..A'··L·.. CO

Ill' . 4 II
N arb er th 2430 205 Haverford Ave., Narbert h -2nd F Ioor
proha Illy rCll IIze · b etween 25 all( i.l1lt I ' .
1 111 saY1l1g and sound finance"
and women, sending them to the I' I
would happel1 If Jesus Christ should i
flO pel' cent .. and that will come1let us hope that the findings will heights of happiness or into thei Narberth 4033-TUBES TESTED FREE
fort h in the form of ti 11.)' dividelltls. fa vo\' the ehildrcn, I
depths of desllai r - this. uncanny -==============~ '~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ie!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!i!..!!~.!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~1

OUR TOWN Page Five
• ~
December 16, 1932
I demonstrated following the game by: day of their daughter, Miss Betty
• Christmas Lighting

Essex ~andY Kounter; a. host of Maroon Opens Court
thmgs to eat are on display at I • •
a series of Indian dances around the ICrehen, this Saturday evening, De- Main L.lne's Newest Restaurant

to Pay Big Awards, Cotter's, fore~ost. of the Bor~ugh's! Season Auspiciously floor. Crate has a smart five at the cember 17. The guests are Miss
•• food stores; Rlcklm's and DaVIS' are:
Friends' School, and with a little Nana McKinney, Miss Shirley SulIi-

(@ l~ iEU!lliSll 1IU"
more polish will certainly go far in van, Miss Patricia Stevens, Miss Dor-
among the stores that have toys that' .

Contests; Cash Prizes
Interest Manifested in Lighting will delight the children's hearts; Palmerton High Nosed Out 13·
things electri~al ~re featur.ed at the
I 12 in Gam~ Marked by
the Inter-Academic League. Bob Ri-
ley, former Collingdale High court
star, led the visitors in scoring by
othy Eady, Miss Helen Kerigan, Mr.,
Gene Tucker, Mr. Paul McClatchy,
Mr. Michael Zwngle, Mr. John AI-
I Where City L.lne crosses Haverford
Road • . .
Offered DefenSive Play Luncheon 11.30 to 2.00 P. M.
• Alberts' MaJestIc ElectriC Shop j
Baird Caldwell at the Merion Radio
ringing up five field goals. Roger derdyce, Mr. Leonard Zengel and Mr. Dinner 5.00 to 8.30
Sunday Dinner 12.00 noon to 8.00
Hanger led the locals with 6 points. Charles E. Harnden, Jr. After Theatre Service till 1 A. M.
.. RULES ARE PRINTED Compa~y has .Philco radio~ at new FRIENDS' CENTRAL WINS
low pnces; Ehzabeth Durbm adver- Monday, 2 P. M., Balcony Dining
Widespread interest has been shown tises gifts for milady-and so on. The Maroon basketball team open-I Narberth Girl Scouts Go Mrs. Georgene Van Court's
Contract Bridge Class
throughout the Main Line in the I 01< 01< 01< ed its season auspiciously last Sat- Swimming in Y. M. C. A. Pool PRE-HOLIDAY GATHERINGS
Christmas lighting contests sponsor-I . Miss Helen Sharp, representative urday night in the new gymnasium
ed by the local newspapers and vari-I of the Mo~o. Inecto Company, New of the Adminstration Building by de-
I Ten second class Scouts of Girl
Adjoining the Inn is the
ous civic bodies. Generous cash prizes ,:ork beautiCians, gave a d~m~nstra- feating a time-honored rival from Scout Troop, No.8, of Narberth, went Qj)1~
are being offered in each of the com- I tlon Wednesday at Mrs. Gill s Suz- the Lehigh Valley League, Palmerton to the Y. M. C. A. in Philadelphia
munities. In Narberth the contest anee Beauty Shop, on Dudley avenue.: High School, 13 to 12. The game was to work on their swimming badges <!JurtO.!lity @l~op
is under the direction of the Nar- 01< 01< 01< interesting as a defensive exhibition, last Saturday afternoon and the trip Filled with atmosphere and gifts
berth Board of Trade, and no entry Richard L. Timm has commenced as both teams showed an almost air- proved such a success that all the
coupons are required. advertising his radio service, which tight defense throughout the contest. girls arc going in to the pool on the
..• The rules are as follows: for years was conducted as an ama- Palmerton had many shots at the bas- Saturday after Christmas.

All decorative installations to be I teur. At his home, 309 N. Narberth ket, but were not quite "on" in their
eligible for the competition must be a:enue, ~e is licensed to opera~e Ra-I shooting. Andersons' team had many tions for Christmas and spent the
The Scouts are busy with prepara- BUHR STONE
GROUND Odd Pieces
installed and operated not later than dlO Stat~on W -3AUQ, over whIch he, uncovered :ihots, which failed to greater part of the meeting dressing of furnitllre make useful
December 23, and must be lighted each c?mmunlcat~s by short-wave to f~r I count, also. Bill Ramsey, Bryn Mawr dolls in dainty and elaborate cos-
night from dusk to 11 P. M. until New dlst~nt sta~lOn~. One :eature .of hIS i presentation to the team, won the tumes, stuffing animals such as dogs, Notice the difference when you Christmas Gifts
Year's Eve. I
radIO service IS the mstallatlOn of game for the Maroons in the final bunnies and so forth, and making usc The Great Valley Mills yellow
In the spirit of equal opportunity microphones in clubs, churches " . ' etc". mmute 0 f th e game Wit . h a 1e ft -1· I,m d - s c ra P b 00 k s w h'IC h t oys th ey p 1an t 0 (or white) cornmeal. Put real - and you'll find attractive
for all the large mstallatlOns · . . for .
WIll broadcasts.
. ' He speCIalizes m mod-··d Ie s h 0t f rom near tlIe b ase1'· me. B'll' I s d elverl' t 0 th e H orne f or I ncura bl es southern flavor and nourishment in vailles here-such as
• not be' given undue preference over ernlzmg old radIOS. I ability to intercept the enemy passes on the Saturday previous to Christ- your muffins, bread or waffles. BOOK SHELVES
smaller ones for the prize~. Full pos-
sibilities of decoration which a prop-
>10 >10 >10 • • I
The power of advertlsmg, time helped the local cause consid-
at critical moments during the pas- mas.
The Troop is looking forward to a
Use flours and meals which con·
tain the vital clements placed in
erty affords, the originality of the ~hown las; w~ek-end, when Damel erably.
{)ecoration and the spectacular effect. Cooperman s DlUg St?re, at 246 Hav-
. ,
By exterIOr lightmg is meant the erford avenue, receIVed scores
l This game with Palmerton High there IS snow at that time.
I was
th e tl' 11rd encoun t er th a t A nuer-
sleigh. ride during th: holidays if

Tehgil'S ' 1 are pI '

annmg t 0 smg
' car-
the grain by Nature.

You may buy 0111' pTodllcts at the

To Illustrate Our Values:
.. effect produced from the exterior and
. and
exterIOr of home hghtmg on the
. IIghtmg
. .
, on at
phone orders and
. the soda fountam alone,
mg "Our
.. , Town"

. 130 I
people: '.
. after us- I V a 11 ey camps,
FrIday as sole,
son s cams lave a WI
I h'd 'th th L
e e Ig 0 S on hi 1
Th e fi rs t t'Ime th e t'Ice d th e smgmg
. 3 E
,two schoo s met was m 19 0 at aston. meetmg last Tuesday. Shirley '
Ch . t
rls mas
E ve. Th ey prac-
0f caro1s at th e
., Vincent
following stoTes ill YOIIT 'l'icinity:

End Table
, shrubbery and trees , and electl'lcally . advertlsmg
. medIUm. . That most of,I I n th e L a f aye tt e C 011 ege gymnasIUm . an d J ane Seas h 0l tz I d a Ch'
p aye rlst- Carroll Brothers
Ash Stand
lIghted wreaths, candles and other thiS . .trade
, was stimulated " by . adver-,I W arren L oc k woo d an d Al B onmwe . 11 mas sel '
ectlOn, w h'IC h was enJoyeu'.1
very Each
decorations in windows. tlSlng :vlthout affectmg a wlde-awa~e •. ran riot in a one-sided victory, 45 to much. "Cappy" told a thrilling story Cotter's Market
No entry wlil . be accepted af(er, competitor " was proved by the busI-,; 1".,. . T '
Ulner, M an d es, D' _",-mol
A '
a an d a b out th e capture 0f a convict . w 110 Hobson & Cain
December l!J. Judglllg of the entries I . ' ,ness of Paul Shea s Pharmacy ' at p ' k '
: ennypac er a so 00 par m I t k t ' th a t h d
a escape d f S'
rom mg mg. S· THE 105 N. Narberth Ave.
will be done as ra idl' as the num-I' the StatIOn end of the same block.! game as regulars and every man SCOUT SCRIBE. Ph. Narberth 2340

. ht D
. p ~ .
bel' Will permit, startmg Friday·.
Shea's cash sales for the week-end,'
. .
I stImulated by hIS advel tlsmg m
, ., . " ur turne 1ll pom s or
d' . t f th h
e uge to a .
The victory was Lower Merion's first Free Show Monday at
t 1
mg , _ecem er _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'T own, " were th e grea t es t '1Il h"IS h's; I -: in the State Tournament series. They PAOLI, PA.
___ ___ Egyptian for Children o PC" tmtil 9.30, Eve"iugs
tory. : followed this up with a thrilling vic-
Tel. Paoli 2401 '1 Cl . .
BUSINESS BITS I tory over Allentown High two nights School children of all ages are in- Imt, mstmas, startmg
Lions Top Church League later.
Bowlers by One Point Roger Hanger, Anderson's find, at the Egyptian Theatre in Cynwyd II
vited to attend a real Xmas party 11~==~~==;;;:;::;~;;;:.:~~~====~t~h~is~s~a~t~ur~d~a~y~===~
New Chevrolet; Good and Franklin Talley completed the on Monday afternoon after school.
Things for Christmas The Lions are leading the Inter- scoring for Lower Merion, while No admission will be charged. Every NOW'S THE TIME TO PREPARE
. Church Bowling League by one point Hinchey and Stanley played stellar child will be expected, instead, to YOUR CAR FOR WINTER
.ThiS Saturday the salesroom of the as th e resu It 0f I ast F 1'1' d
ay' s rna t c h es, defensive ball. Palmerton led at half bring articles of food or clothing,
Kirsch Chevrolet Company, . on Bala ,wen h th e P ep B oys t 00 k t wo ou t 0f time, 9 to 5. not toys. They will be turned over November is the time for the big change-get set for approaching winter.
avenue, Cynwyd, Will be the center, th f th ~hen rest c.omfortable in ~he assurance that your car is prepared for the
In a faster game Tuesday after- for distribution to the poor of this rigors of wlllter. Add miles and comfort to the service your Ford will
of automobile interest, when the 1!J33: ree games rom em.
model Chevrolcts wiJI be placed on I The standing and scores: noon the locals dropped a contest to section. For program see movies deliver between now and spring.
Pts. the Friends' Central five, 22 to 18. notes in this issue. OUR WINTER PREPARATION SPECIAL INCLUDES:
.display for the first time. The sales- W. L.
29 Doug Crate, former pupil of Ander-
room has been decorated to present Lions 21 12 Change Differential Grease Labor and Material
28 son's on the Lafayette College team, Mr. and Mrs. Ll. Crehen, of 312 I Change Transmission Grease
an attractive setting for the new cars. Pilots 21 12
All 'motorists arc invited to inspect. Colts 19 11 25 l
won his first game in history from Chestnut avenue, are entertaining at i Change Oil-5 Qts. Included
them, daytime and evenings, com-I Pep Boys 17 16 24 I
his former coach. His pleasure was a dinner party in honor of the birth-' Adjust and Dope Front Wheel Bearings
Adjust and Dope Shock Absorbers Except Engine Oil
mencing tomorrow. Meteors 18 15 23
~"''''''~~~ I Flush Radiator
Engine Tune·Up Regularly ~4.75
Christian H. Kirsch, who recently: Boosters 15 18
13 Clean and Space Plugs
visited the General Motors proving: Camels 9 21
ground at Milford, Michigan, return-I Battlers 9 24 Check Timing
ed elated over the way the new cars General Notice-
Classified Advertisements wlll be ",harged only
to Tesldent~ 01 the Main Line whose names
Clean Carburetor Jets
perform on every kind of road and BOOSTERS 3-BATTLERS 1 SPECIALIZED CHASSIS
under every driving condition. "They
offer," he said this week, "a distinct- H. Hamer
183 175 167 525
appear In the telephone directory; to per~on' mRlI1t.alnlng an Recount with
liS, or to regular subscribers to elt.her THE MAIN LINER. OUR TOWN. or
12 for $5.00
ly new body styling with features Jewell , 146 176 15(J 481 FORD
that arc revolutionary in the 10W-iJenkins
priced field, The cars are larger, I Davis
176 164 234 574
170 208 195 573
10 cents a line In eaeh paper, 25 cents a ltne 111 al' three
-Mlnlmllm charge, 3hc In on.. pepp.r. 75 rents in a1l l.hre, t\\"
.rage of five words to the line. No blaek:aced t,ype used. H. R. JACOB
Lancaster Avenue and Church Road
with more powerful motors, and rep- Ward .,.,
resent a substantial step forward in
,. 173 172 204 549
-- -- -- --
Deadline fOJ·Insertiolls- Ch,,,,ltled
he lH·"ppte<!,,<!v.... t""'n'eIl1s will
liP to Wedne"day. 5
o'clock for OUR. TOWN or all three papers; ThUl'sday, 1 o'clock, for THE ARDMORE 4600
modern automobile safety engineer- 848 895 957 2700 MAIN UNER: Thursday. 5 o'clock for NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD
ing, Battlers
"Longer wheelbase, and Ilew skirted W. D. Smedley .. 188 160 156 504 Phone Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100
f~nders, which conceal all under- Keim 170 179 165 514
parts of the car, are among the 1(J2 Maulick
improvements made," Mr. Kirsch De Matt
137 144 150 431 ~A'~~~~~~~@li~~~~~~~tO~~~
215 163 188 566
said, "along with the greatest ad-:H. T. Smedley .. 162 174 Hj[l 495 WIII'I'E WO:\IA'"
vancement in driving comfort since Handicap 32 32 32
96 !\"ood cool<. \Vrlte "D," Main Liner,
desires J,;en. housework, YOeXG \\'111'1'1'; Help\\,Ol\IAX
Wantedwho Ii\'es in
Xarhe,·th, to do !\"eneral housework and DAIRIES
the advent of the closed body-the -- -- -- 1\,·dmore. omb12-16 cooking: sleell out; :-':arherth 2810.
new Fisher No-Draft Ventilation..... 904 852 850 2606 LADY will tal<e care of children. Phone
I'm glad to note," he concluded, "that :-':arherth 2584 between 12 and 1 01' eve- Lost and Found
nearly 100,000 people are back at: PEP BOYS 3-LIONS 1 nlngs. 01~-16 LOST-Brown pollee do!\", strap collar
with 2 iron rin!\"s. Hewal'lJ: Call Xa,·b. Authorized Producers and Distrib"tors
work as the result of the new Chev-! Pep Boys 1';XI'I';HIIo;XCEP womall desires daY's 2643. OIn12-161
I t Th fi d 1 I B1 work. Cooking 01' serving Christmas
1'0 e . ey n emp oyment in dO-I essing
mestic Chevrolet plants and in the I Shea
166 172 155 493 Dinners. Hefs. Call Mrs. Hobillson be-
125 436 109 370 fore 7 A. :\1. 0" 6 to 7 p. 1\1. Ardmore BARGAIX-Mae~' filing cabinet, chairs,
For Sale II 0/
Fisher Body Plants." i Sheller 212 169 169 550 ~562-R omb-tf bool<s, etc. 214 Essex A\·enue. 012-16
01< 01< 01< I Yowell .. " ., .. , 169 175 167 511 :-.:umm Youn!\" woman wishes perma- 'l'IUilE-JUPENED FLOJUDA F1~UITS-I GolJen.G UERNSEY
Nine new counters arc laden with' De Hart ..... ,. 164 191 160 515 lIent case of any kind. Wlillng to as- have 2,000 boxes of the famous thln- --AmeriaisTDhk MILK.
Christmas . gifts, tree ornaments, Handicap 73 73 73 219 sist with work. Phone Trlnlt~' omb12-16 1251. skinned heavy and juicy oranges. grape-
fruit and tan!\"erines, reserved for my eX-
. etc., at Davis' Store, help- - - - - - - - - '1'¥I'IS1'-Hl'lined youllg lady desires full press shipping-, In my g-rove on the St. The Golden Guernsey Trade·Mark on the Bottle Cap is your guarantee of
mg make the place attractive and in- 909 916 833 2658. 01' part time work. WIIJ clo t~'ping at ,John's HiveI'. 'fhls fruit Is TREI;;-IU. genuine GUERNSEY milk and is used under Royalty Supervision only by
teresting to shoppers. Those Yule- Lions : 'lOme. Call XarlH'rth ~~S4. ou PENI';!). No extra charg-e for any de-I
sired proportions of sizes and varieties authority of the American Guernsey Cattle Club.
tide decorations strung along the eeil- Albert .... , .... 1:17 172 223 532 1 WIlITI'; WOl\lAN desires cla~"s work. or for fancy !\"Ift hampers and boxes. I
Brookmead has been the pioneer in offering Guaranteed GOLDEN GUERN·
ing nearly met with catastrophe, by G. Humphries .. 158 140 155 4531 LOllg Main Line experlenee. Hers. Ph. AI.L SHIPMI';X'fS pln;PAID AND
I SEY to the households of the Main Line for nearly twenty years. In addi-
the way. Howard Davis turned on Murray 1 135 191 150 476 I Md. 3100. omb-tf GUAI~ANT);;ED. Heference: publisher of
last Saturday morning what he: C. Humphries .. 156 193 191 540 i EXI'I';IUI~NCED BOOKK1';!;;l'EJt will this paper. % bushel hamper (30 Ibs.), tion to Golden Guernsey Quality, our Service is second to none.
thought was a light sWI'teh-but I't' \Vel·s.~~ 208 169 163 '540 1I stOl'e, keell IIIsetspare
hool<s time,
for <lodol' IndiVidual or $2.25; % box (45 Ihs.), $3.00; 1 bushel ham- .
01' ":ill do tYllIIIH'.
pel' (60 Ibs.), $4.00; 1 box (gO Ibs.), $5.75.1
controlled the ceiling's electric fans. _ _ __ __ __ Ph. :-':al'berth 3682-lt. omb-tf Address, \Vln C. Sleight, Tavares, Lal<e I' 'Pholle Wayne 1121 for Trial Order
Streamers commenced whirring and 794 865 882 2541 I%WFFEUlt, Houseman e<lucllted,).;.lg- CO.. Florida. omb12-30
coming down, as the fan entangled
them; but fortunately Mr. Davis no- METEORS 3-PILOTS 1
Ilsh, desires positlOn, full 01' pal't time. '1'\'PI';Wltl'l'I':JtS sol<1, "entea and ,ejlalr-
1';xI'ellent l'efR. Ph. Ard. 2658. omb-tl ed, reas. office supjllies. SuburbanI'.J~:;:;;::;~==~====:::;==;:;:===========:;:;:;;~:;:::;~
------ - _:5

ticed his mistake and at once turned Meteors WOltK of any l<ind desired, 0" laund,·y
Ard, 1378. omb-tf
off the power. His ad in this week's H. Humphries . 195 156 211 562
issue, by the way, offers some spe- Meehan
to take hOl11e. Itefs. Ar<l. 38.36. omb-U TYjlewrlter Co., ']'Imes Medical BId!\". Ph.
187 189 155 531 1HIGH SCHOOL girl desl"es pos. as DRAPI';RlJo;S, upholsterlnJ,;, repalrlnJ,;.
At Your ServICe I
cials that really are specials. Davis 144 172 165 481\ mother's helper. Care of children. Ph. Est. given. ChallenJ.\'er Co., 717 Mont- -
Haist '...... 173 143 153 469: Ard. 3836. omb-tf gomery A\·e. :-':arberth 24:16. Formerlv
Speaking of the permanent waves J. Humphries 202 167 182 551 HIGH SCHOOL tiOY w,slles part-timt with John \\"lIlamaker. ombl:6

worl< of any 1<llIu at reasonable wages. UPIIOLS'I'I,;mXG and rep.; springs of 3-

advertised this week at the Suzanne -- -- -- i Outdool's 0" Indoors. Phone Narberth jlle"e suites rejlalred, $10; Chair recov- ,
Beauty Salon, Mrs. Gill said she
wants to make clear her previous
statements that the waves are heat- Jenkins ,
less to the head. "Heat is needed for! Brown ,
901 827 866 2594, H61.
OIlAlllJATr;; NUIlSr. wlll wl'e part time Wayne 14g6.
153 115 132 400 01' fu1l time position. ran tal<e charge PIANO TUNING and repairing In your
162 164 174 500 of Doctor's ofllce or wl1l take one 01' two
omb-tf ere<1, $5. Go anywhere. Call I.ewls,

town cost much less. Send postal. Q.

omb-tf I
lor Ollice Worker.

youenjolJ DIME A DAY

waving the hair," she said, "but our IFollette 187 163
160 510 patients In her home. Write "It." Main Ubertl, 223 Williams avenue, Narberth.
I.lner 0" ca1l Ardm...·e 3100. omb-tl o-tf
I tke convenience ofa
machine gives no heat on the head-! Eidson 141 111 156 408 COJ,OllgV woman desires daY's work, You can have a telephone
just on the hair, insuring natural,: Haws 123 123 laundry, cookln!\" or serving dinners.
GO'l"fLII;;B 1';SSLINGlilll, ca\'l,ellter. jOh-1
hill!\", alterations, Barrett AS!lhalt , TELEPHONE in your home for less than
soft, lustrous waves with freedom Goodrich i . 162 201 363 Oood refs. Ph. Ard. Ig36. omb-tf Shingles. 122 Conwuy; Narberth 3; IR-ll.! 10 cents a day!
I 50 43 43 136 Ilousr;;WOI~K. full or part time; clean. in lJour office • ••
from discomfort." Handicap .. ,
__ __ __ __ 01' washinJ,;. Phone Christine, Narb.
For the Monthly Rates
Good things for Christmas are ad-
758 866 2440
~:;J.I. hetw. :; & 8 p. 1\1. 20S Iona Ave.
012.23 NOTICE OF
OYklJ not enjolJ call or inquire at the
vertised by many Narberth stores: -------- dze same convenience
this wee~, in a larger and more mOd-I Methodists Down Comets Rooms for Rent The Annual Meetin!\" of the stoekholders
of the Narberth National Bank will be
erate priced assortment than ever be- The Narberth Methodist League COl\U"OHTABLE furnished rooms In prl- held on Tuesday, January 10th, 1933, at
va te home, qUiet residential section, yet
atlwmedJ or ask any Bell employee
fore. Albrecht's offer flowers, smokes, boys beat the Conway Comets 22 to I'on\'enlent to station. With or without 5 P, M.
toys, etc. j candies are advertised by 120, on the Methodist Church fl~or last hreakfast 0" full board. Phone Narberth J. L. McCRERY, Cashier.
Shea's, Davis, Cooperman's and the Friday. I _.. --- --"- .. 4161. om~-tf 01-6-33
Page Six

L. M. Football Prospects

December 16, 1932


\ The Literary Inquest Good Next Year, Says Adam In the Mailbag '.
Christmas Gifts --- Lower Merion's football prospects . Comment and Correction

COSTUME JEWELRY, BAGS, Conducted by for next year are good, accordmg to T o th e Ed't I or 0f "0 ur T own'" •
Materials 'for and
\ Richard Powell Coach Albert C. Adam, who was. guest I Anent the merger proposal.. Several
free Instruction In Invariably we dread the approach spea er T ues d ay at the meetmg of .
of Christmas. It is not the cost of
k Items m . your last issue would set •
B I C · 11 d - N ar b crt h R otary . .
buying gifts;, it is the cost of re- th l' '11 b straIghter wIth a bit of comment and ..
HOOK RUG MAKING u. rac t lea y a new me WI e i • ., ..'
ceiving them that makes us tremblc. CI b P
Orders taken for Knitted Suits, Most of our frie~ds
ask hopelessly, needcd, he said, but the entire back-I correc~lOn. OneIt~m IS your edItorial [
Rugs and other finished work
"What can one gIve a man?"; they, Ii Id '11
. I e WI carryover.
I to whIch I shall dIrect first attention. :
ELIZABETH DURBIN shrug; they send us handke.rchlefs. " . . I Essentially (with one exception) the i
· fs tun.
'] The need now," he saId, "IS to I facts are true. Inferentiall (with I
231 Narberth Ave., near Woodbine
W e open b oxes 0f dk erc h Ie I ! ..
the force of suggestIon makes us smf- sober the boys down and get them
fle. We get a cold .... sometimes to realize that football is not the most I sleve.ra l
. d h '
I' c USIve y, I
it is fair. con-I
IS mcomplete
even pneumoma, an t e cost of re- Important thing in life. There have .
For Holiday Wear ceiving gifts mounts. So, as a sub- been so many "all-suburban" teams
stitu.te for the ubiquitous little piece made up that nearly every playcr saymg that. the Borough Vl'rsus i
of lmen, we rccommend the follow- finds himself mentioned on one or the the TownshIP. tax about strIke a com-I
A.s to the facts, you are cOrl'pcl in

givc us a ring soon, and

ing books selected from those review-I other. If a boy should go to a bank! mon level: wIth. no practical advan-I
you'll havc your clothes back
in plcnty of time for the
ed in this column. And if we may I and try to borrow $5 on his football! tage .to Clther sIde. But on thl' reo,'
add a warning, don't send "The! reputation, he would find that other spectlve school t~xes you cite a dif- I
holidays and other fcstivities ~over Boys" ,to a professor or a things are important, too."
II ference of 8 ~mlls, overlooking, no I
-beautifully prcssed and bIography of Spinoza to a mystery Mr. Adam, who tcachcs five classes dou~t, a two mIlls tax to rover bond-,
frcc from blcmish. Moder- story fan. !a day in addition to running a cham- i e? mdebtedness, making the actual
atc prices at all times. Family Novcls From the English i pionship football team, gave the Ro-I difference 6 m~lls.
Titans: I tarians his idea of the requirements I As to the mferences, you allude
• "Christopher Strong," by Gilbert, of good football. "There must be a i to a house of $1~,000 value, assessed I
Adelizzi Bros. I
10Frankau. $2.50. Action and philos-: "good catch," he said, "good material! ;~4$~,000,
phy surrounding the "cternal trian-! and a good system. LQwer Merion I
0 as s~vmg $32.00 (actually,
'·h at 6 .mllls). The impress~on i •
Cleaners. Dyers. Furriers, gle" plot. ! is used to having a good team, and I mIg t be gamed from hasty readmg!
" . . " Ithat helped." that that would be the average sav-'
'Tailoring, Pressing
Flowermg WIlderness, by John,
~r: ~ralsed
ing. Actually, 81 1'0 erties (6 er
102 Forest Ave., Narb. 2602
238 Bala Ave., Cyn. 928
Galsworthy. $2.50. More of Dinny! Adam Dr. William L. cent.) pay 20 per
Cherrell and the New Poor of Eng- i ~~rtm fo.r ~IS work as team phy- taxes. 1124 of our 1284 1'0 ert" S'
land. Better than "Maid in Waiting." i SIClan, ou~ the importance arc assessed $5000 and
of our

undc~ a~d ;~e!

In Order That You :
"Greenbanks," by Dorothy Whipple. I oft that mdividual m the suceess of big majority under $3000. M~st
Carpenter .:. Builder .:. Jobbing
$2.50. A family brought perfectly: a eam. erty owners would savc not more
I May Enjoy Christmas •

DaY-N;rt~~h: 3973-M I
to life in a confiding sort of book.
"The House Under the Water," Narberth Boys Club Tops
, I than $15.00 to $18.00 and, in the case I

10f many houscs of very low absess-I

Night-Narberth 4044

by Francis Brett Young. $2.50. Char-
acter conflict against the somber
•• I Welsh highlands.
Haverford School Alumni ment, the Lower Merion sewer tax I
The N.arberth Boys' Club scored a an actual loss.
I' would convert the apparent gain into i
Shopping in 1933
"Inheritance," by Phyllis Bentlcy. 34-33 vIctory. over the Haverford I Your conclusions as to the objec-'
$2.50. The destinies of four families School Alumm last Friday night in,' tions to the merger fail to touch on as much as our Christmas Club members enjoy this year,
Suzanne Guarantees interwoven in a century of the Eng- the Haver~o.rd gym. so many factors that your limitation
Your Mid-Season lish Industrial Revolution. I
Roy Wllhams, last year's Lower on the length of letters prccludes the spending our checks,-you are invited to join our Christ-
Politics, 11'1 m'e Or Less SM'ious: Merion captain, led both teams in possibility of any comprehensh'e re- mas Club NOW.
Permanent I . "The Postmaster General," by Hil- scoring by sinking seven field goals! sponse, but what sport-lover would
I alre Belloc. $2.00. Gilbert-and-Sul- an.d th ree f ou Is for a total of 17' l'Ike to see the playground closed, or ~25,000 was paid early this month to members of
/0 Ira,'c "a/ural,sof/, Ills/rous wavcs
livan satire on English politics in pomts. Walter Masters, former Penn even ncglected, or, in the cvent of the 1932 Christmas Club. Select your class of member-
E7Ijoy 07le Now! 1960. football star and pitcher on the Nar- neither, to have it overrun with un-
"High Low Washington," by "30- berth baseball team, scored 15 points controlled hordes from Ardmore - in ship from the following, and start now, storing joy for
Suzanne SALON 32." Less scandal and more informa- for Haverford Alumni. I the absence of Borough control? And Christmas, 1933.
216 Dudley Ave., Narb. 2324 tion than "Washington Merry-Go-I Harry Hollar, coach of the Boys'l what property owner wouldn't im-
MON .• TUES.-WED. SPECIALS Round." IClub, used one of his old Phialdelphia I mediately emit a howl (probably un-
"Can America Stay At Home," by' Church Lcague players, John Dieke~·. heard at Ardmore) when he failed to

Narberth-Merion-Penn Valley
Frank Simonds. $2.50. The where The game was refereed by Bill An- receive the multitude of service::, tc,
and why of the international laby- derson, .Lower Merion coach. which he has become accustomed?
Here are the Classes of Membership: ·
Local & rinth lucidly explained. (To be re- The Ime-up: The tax difference is too negligible For 50 weeks s/ar/;ng now,
ICE viewed). ~~rberth G. F. P. to consider when, to get it, a group
Thought-Provoking Novels: WIlhams 7 3 17 of typical Americans a·:e asked to! YOU PAY WEEKLY YOU RECEIVE
"Obscure Destinies," by Willa Cath- 1 0 2 voluntarily relinquish self-govern-I "

200 Woodbine Ave. Narb. 4058 er. $2.00. Three novelettes of char- Harrl~ 4 0 8 ment. Would I could secure space I 25c ....•.••.••..••. $12.50
acter analysis in the meditative Cath- Torchlana 1 0 2 to elabor~te ?n this subject, but your I SOc ...••.••.....•.• 25.00
er style. Shcrwood 1 1 3 future edltonals and news item!' may
$1 •..•.•....•••.••. 50.00
THE WASHINGTON "The Strange River," by Julian G. Burgcss
Green. $2.50. A master of psychol-. E: Burgess
2 yet cover them. However. let's stop,
0 look and listen before we l~ap. I ~2 ..•..•••••.••..•. 100.00

MEMORIAL CHURCH- ogy studies the gloomy soul of a: DIckey ..............• 0
Parisian. Lane 0
0 The second item needing c'Jmment I
0 is Mr. Burns' letter and the labored I ~5 •••......•••••••• 250.00

YARD, Valley Forge FCH' the Sophisticates:

"The Rueful Mating," by G. B. Totals 15 4
effort made to make it clear to all
34 that the only purpose of his commit-'
~1O ••..•.•.••••...• 500.00

Unique Site, Lots Planned and PLUS INTEREST

Planted for Beauty. Stern. $2.50. A Romeo-and-Juliet Hav. Sch. Alumni G. F. P. tce is to present the facts-the real I
Cemetery daily filled with the story of two child prodigies. Witty: Masters 7 1 15 facts-and to not leave anyone under II
Music of the Bells of Valley and modern. i Howson 1 0 2 any misapprchension. In working'
Forge. "Nymph Errant," by James Laver. I Watt 5 0 10 against the merger probably as hard I
Entire Cemetcry Perpctually En-
Strictly Undcnominational.
Lots at all prices.
$2.50. Shrewd sniping at thc mod-I Rowland
ern cult of eroticism. Not for mai-! Crowell
den aunties.
Are Like Street-Cars," by the
4 as he is working for it, I have been
2 considerably around among our rcsi-l
2 dents and have been amazed at the i'
m~ntal picture. many of thmrr have I
The •
APPLY AT CHAPEL Lorlmers. $1.50. Innocent and dev-I' Totals
er burlesque on the sub-debs.
For Advcnturers:
'.: 16 1 33 bUIlt up followmg a call by one of I
Two games WIll be playcd at the the Mcrger Committee. In all fair-
,Narberth School every Wcdnesday, ness, it is probaby caused by Jack of
"The Life and Adventures of' first game starts at 7 o'clock. training; by ultra-zealousncss, but
National Bank
Member Federal Reserye System
H. B. WALL Aloysius O'Callaghan," by T. Wash- nevertheless exist, in spite of the I
ington Metcalfe. $2.50. The odys- Geiges Resigns writer's willingness to admit that Opcn 8 A. M. daily for your convcnicnce,
Elwood Geiges, coach of the Hav- probab~y Mr. Burns wishes to be fnir. I i
Plumbin~ : Heating and also Friday evcnings from 7 to 9
sey of a blunt Irishman who accepted
100 Forest Avenue,
life at face value. Fiction. erford College football tcam, and But thIS phase of the situation nef'ds I ,

Phone: Narberth 3652 "Yonder Lies Adventure," by E. coach of the
~quads, and boxing more .Iengthy comment, which, with 1:
~ -'~r~;~~~-;~;;~;-'~-~-~-;-;;;;;;;-;;;;;;~~~~;~~~~~~~~
Alexander Powell. $3.00. Best travel, has resIgned hIs post, effect- the kll1d permission of "Our Town,"
Lawrence's "Revolt in the Desert." i the eol~eg~.
-~--""---. ~~--- I and adventure autobiography since we January 1, it was announced at will be presented next week.
J:lc will devote his time Pleasc let it be undersltJod that l!lis ,--,---.- -,-- --" -' .-------
"La~ccs Down," by Richard Dole-I to officlUtmg m football and basket- com~un.ication is strictly personUI\
slavskl. $3.00. Red Revolution in, ball. and IS m no way sponsored by the
,I Moscow. Action and fine analysis of ..' . Citizens' Committce the Agajn~t II

Russia. Autobiography. Advertrsers 1D thIS paper arc reha- Merger.

For the Armchair Detective: lJle merchants. Patronize them. T. NOEL BUTL~R. I
II "No Witness," by Cortland Fitz-
j ~in~mons. $2.00. Murder solvcd rcal-
lstrcaIlY. (To be reviewed next week.)
A unty Merger Speaks a Piece
Now, before we start to urge
I' .'
I "N I "b H That the Boro' ought to merge, II
apo eon, y ilaire Belloc. $4. I t WOll ld be well to have Ct littlc dissCl"tatioll.
I England's best biographer achieves a
I military epic. 'Twill be immensely wise to scan
.. .. ..

I "Porfirio Diaz," by Carlcton Beals. Tha.t very splendid Founders' plan, '
~ Ii $5. Colorful panorama of Mexico Whtclt thc Fathel's used in their deliberation. ..
Why You Get Iand her greatest dictator.
Best of thc Yea)':
If democracy sure was going to be
The States, they said, must first b~ free RECENT months in world

Pure Water! "Peking Picnic," by Ann Bridge. A point they held in every coeitation.. ' . affairs have shown how closely all peoples are
bound together by economic ties. Commerce trade
The water we send you is pure .••
because IT'S PURE at its very
I $2.50. Fragrant welding of action,
I psychology and description into a
No power they gave the central throne
Which they could sway as well at home,
the buying and selling of goods and services of
every description, everywhere, affect all of us I ..
story of Europeans in China. Well bllilded was ollr most beloved Nation.
source~ It comes from carefully
selected,' sparkling crystal·c1ear "Faraway," by J. B. Pricstley. From the same design of Liberty.. .. .. If war debts, trade balances and like international
country streams that are free from I $2.50. Romance versus reality in the The cities' sovereignty came to be, matters hove local effect-as clearly they do-it is
all impurities. plain that less distant affairs take on added im-
IT'S PURE ... because it gets its
, lives of four modcrn Argonauts. /t's not hard to sce a fine c01watcnation.
.. .. .. portance by contrast. •
dailf "sun b~th" in our great res- I Proud Papas And so each smaller center had its laws and council post
ervoirs a~d IS further purified by Whilst taxes went for projects the voters wanted most ' By its construction program, its stability of operation,
never-endmg sweet country-breezes. i' Two Ardmore Post Uffice employces Small chance there was for phoncy legislation. ' its payrolls, its anticipation of future requirements,
We know it is PURE ... because
I are proud fathers of offsprings born .. .. .. the electric and ga5 industry has gained in this
we test time and time again, twenty- last Thursday. They are Leroy Rice, Keep the government near at hand, period fJrstrank as a bulwark orshock-absorberagainst
four hours a day. All day and every I 0
f 116 W L

Don't besprawl it o'er the land,
ancaster avenue, Ard- That's how thcy hopcd to save all consternation. threatened ills, thus serving the whole community.
day. Wh!le you work or play and more, the fathcr of a 7%.-pound .. .. '"
even while. you sleep at night this This company, HERE AT HOME, has participated
ncver • endmg test goes on in our I daughter, and G. ColI McKown, of 2,10 To the extra .cost, of course. the pioneers weren't blind
Grandview road, Ardmore the father But they knew their fine traditions and put matter after mind

laboratories and pumping statioDs. fully in all such contributions towards recovery.
of a !l%-pound boy. ' ' I Aye, don't let money bc a Bor{s 1'1dl~atioll. ..
THAT'S WHY YOU GET . : And what ab?ut those places where men indeed were few I
"CERTIFIED WATER . Nm~ cases of contagious diseases, ~ the WIld b,;asts roamed. the fo:ests and trees in g;eat plethora grcw? I PHILADELPHIA
, mcludlng four of scarlet fever were! The) c always 1/tust bc somethmg to mvolvc (( cOllsltlllmntion I
from Pedigreed Streams" reported by the Lower Merion Health! Wel1, of such straggling Place:, so fa: as we '"have r e a d · I ELECTRIC C01.1PANY
PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN Officer for the week ending last Fri- I There's ~o particular record of what the Founders said' A Pionur in Voluntarily Esfabll.hing low Rates For All Electric Service

pox and one of mumps. I
day. Other cases: Four of chicken-! They reSIgnedly called them Townships and they let it go at that,
So .beware lest they engulf us, and let's stop talking thro' our hat.

Page Seven

1 I 1i1l 1li1i1li1il1l1l1l1il1il1l'~
December 16, 1932
"""''''''''''''' ""'''''''''hhliiliihliihllllllllllllllllllilllllllililllllillillilillillil iii Iiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
,Open Tourney in Women's !
I Contract Bridge 1 Division at Bridge Club I
Winners in the allen contract bridge I
on Monday evening given 1 To Please at Christmas
NEXT STOP A Weekly Series By Iby the Narberth Bridge Club in Elm!
Mrs. Georgene Sickels Van Court I, Hall were: N. & S.-Charles Mar.',
No. 29 Bala A yenue I Beechwood Park
By ROBERT J. EDGAR Associate 'I'eacher of the I shall and W. D. R. Evans; E. & W'_:
In the few remammg
days before Christmas, II Winter!
Next Wednesday the first day of I
Culbertson National Studios j! Charles Stoudt and Frederic Moyer. 1
The womens division of the club I
... you will make final plans I And then the lengthening days. 1
Iwill hold an open duplicate tourna-
I ment in the club rooms this Friday
for Decorations and Gifts I J. Original No Trump Bids i afternoon. Luncheon will be servp.d!
and will probably need: I Soon Spring, like prosperity, will When you bid One No Trump you I at one and the playing will begin at I TI2II3UT~§
i be just around the corner. The cycle say to your partner, "I do not have i 2 P. M. This tournament is open to I
TRAIN AND TREE lof seasons, while inexact, seems morc u biddable suit, but I do have 2"h hon-I the club members and their friend~.
; dependable than man-made ups and or tricks and three suits stopped." If For reservations call Mrs. CharlesI
WALLBOARD FOR ! downs. you are bidding in third or fourth A. Stoudt.
SCENERY , J. hand position your No Trump bid I
FOLDING SCREEN Garden folks may drive last year's tells him you have 3 honor tricks. If I Visit Sketch Club I
car and have their shoes re-soled, but /IOU arc vlllnerabl~ your One No I Members of the Penn Valley Gar-
they will find a way to buy those L'rump would tell hIm that you have den Club visited the Graphic Sketch i
precious garden seeds. What a nice I honor tricks in any position at the Club on Thursday evening and at- 'I i
SHELVES Christmas gift-a five dollar bill, ~able, you would bid a very weak suit tended a class conducted by Miss Em· ,
Special, $3.00
more or less, for seeds and bulbs for 'npreference, such as A-lO-x-x, K-J- 1 ily Craft. There will be no meetings I
next season's garden. )C-X or Q:J-10-x. . 1! of the club until January. These Willi
DRAWING INSTRU- J. What IS meant by a stopped sutt. I be announced later.
MENTS Since we cannot keep a nice soft
blanket of snow on our garden all l'OU hold sufficlCnt honor cards m the
That, if a s~it is had by opp~nents II b'd d th b'dd'
SKETCH BOXES . ' . suit to prevent it being run against IIlIe I, crow s e I mg. I
OIL &. WATER COLORS wmter we WIll try to keep the s o i l , . There are few hands so strong that, Something New!
COLORED PENCILS frozen-by shading it from the SUIl- you, ' t 'fOI tmored thanh nthree d by An' I0 not nee d a b ou t 1 72 h onor t riC
h d trIcks.
tL . ks I
to prevent alternate freezing and ~uIKIS sQoppe w e ea e a from partner to go game. After a one
Beautiful Paintings by local thawmg.
. Th' h .
IS eavmg IS ley 0
. l'k 1 t 1\, -x, -x-x-x, J-10-x-x or J -x-x-x-x. Natural Evergreen
n w h'Ich 0 f the o f 11 owmg
. • h d bid partner will always keep the bid-\
an s '
artists. throw our newly set p1ants out 0 f tel h d b'd N T fi ding open with a negative One No
Decide noW to make a
ground. Sa1t hay IS wee - ree, c can,
df I woul you I
d d?
0 rump, rst or
Trump with one honor trIck plus.:
r.lght ,mexpenslve
. ' d It th t
~n a oge h er ~ah - I-S-A-10-x ',econ han . .l-S-A-x-x lIowever, there :are hands so power- '
short trip where our ready
of spruce and pine, from
1~factory as .a ~Jllter ~ulc . e H-K-I0-x-x H-x-x-x CuI that you dare not bid less than
Service will help you pre- tIme to. lay It hghtly IS abfter the D-A-J-x D-A-J-x-x Ilwo, for fear partner must pass. I our own nUl'series; trimmed
. pare for December 25th. ground IS frozen. Evergreen ranches \
w~ll hold the lay in place when winter ;!-s=~-(i-x
C x. x x C-K-x-x 1 There is the hand containing two I
strong suits, in which there is a game I with winterberry cones and bayberry. They are
Shull Lumber Company I\
wmds do blow. H-x-x-x H-Q-10-x-x if the original bidder can find out I from 24 inches to 36 inches in diameter, and are
The Link Bcl»'eetl Forest & Home J. D-A-x-x D-·Q-J-x which suit flts partner's hand the i
Consistency in planting is import- C-x-x-x-x C-.K-x ,hetter. There is the hand that willi perfect aids for well-decorated homes. The prices
29 Bala Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd ant. Plants that grow naturally un- 1-1 N. T.' i make a game at either a suit or No I
are moderate. Ask for them!
C d 662 I
del' the same environment look wellj :'!-l'ass-n'ot having 3 suits stopped; Trump. There is the hand that will
ynwy when planted together, they do well: :1-1 Diamond in preference to 1 N.I play only at one suit, but so powerful
OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 3 P.M. together under the same COnditiOnS\' '1'.; I that with some help from partner
of soil, sun and shade and moisture. \..-1 N. T. there is a slam, or there is the hand
I~~i!!!!!~""._";;;_."""'!~·--""~iioiiii;;;----~iiioii!-..I;1This applies not only to shrubs, ir.ces, But if you were third or fourth so powerful that it contains a sl~m
~'N~ evergreens, herbaceous. perennialS,! hand none of these hands could be bid, ~vith.out any help from part~er, whICh ERS ••• MISTLETOE
C. ~W~ J ferns and bulbs, but to mdoor plants 1101' if you were vulnerable eve in ,f bId gradually may decClve oppon- POTTED PLANTS.
as well. A bowl of. cacti and suceu-\ lirst or second hand positio:. n ents ~bout its strength and draw
One of these I lents would be consIstent. A group If you were vulnerable what would Lhem mto a double and a redouble.
of ferns is consistent as they ref[l1ire you bid on the following hands? I There is no such bid as an original Your order phoned now will
Useful Gifts the same shade and moisture. To mix I-S-A-10-x-x I ~Iam bid, because partner can never be delivered 'when you direct
will make Christmas happier
brighter for your home and I cacti, ferns, :5edums, flowering plants
d f r 1 t
an 0 lage p an s an 0 eXpec t em d t t I h
!/la8S on original forcing two bid.
There f ore, no ma tt er h ow grea t th e
-on Christmas morn if you
to do well together is asking too much. C-A-J-x strength of a hand, it need not be wish.
Majestic Electric Covered bowls are the same, a bowl :.!-S-K-J-x bid higher than two.
REFRIGERATOR of sun-loving plants will thrive in H-K-Q-x What are the exact requirements Phone Narberth 4020
As low as $114.50 light, while woodland plants will re- D-K-10-x-x of a forcing two bid? First, a two
quire but a few hours of sun each C-A-Q-x hid may be made on any biddable suit
Majestic Radio day. I' I-The hand contains 3"h H. T. and of four cards or more, if the hand
Models as low J. must be bid, but One Spade should contains 5"h honor tricks, and such
as $18.45 Candle lights in your windows on, be bid and not No Trump. distribution as to guarantee game Montgomery Ave. at Meeting House Lane, Narberth
Christmas eve? Hardly wax candles I :!-This contains 4 H. T. and there- with practically no help from part-:
Vaculator Coffee Brewer in these modern days, when thel fore N. T. should be bid. The nero !n other words i~ must offer:
"The scientific, vacuum- wreath may be had, wired with an i Diamond suit is too weak to show two bIds to partner, eIther one of,
filter, glass coffee maker" electric candle, for a little more than I -moreover, this hand should be two suits or i! 'partn~r bids Two No i
Westinghouse Automatic a quarter. The custom comes to us I the N. Trump declarer's hand on: Trump the o:)gmal bIdder must have: i'i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I
Iron, $3.50 from Europe, by way of New Eng-' account of the three Tenace po-I all fo.ur SUIts stopped so that he I
land, and is almost as ancient as The sitions, which you would want led i can bId Three No Trump, when he
Thor WASHERS, Royal Vacuum Christmas Story itself. A light in the up to. I lacks a secondary suit to bid. So that 'I
When you bid 'two No Trump orig-,I you may ho 1d as many as 5 7": h onor i \
Cleaners, and Clocks, Mixmaster, window on Christmas eve.
etc. J. I inally you announce a very strong! tricks and yet not have .a forcmg two'
MAJESTIC Merry Christmas; Children's stock-' hand, but you are NOT making all hid. For instance, holdmg !
ings. Santa Claus. Feasting. Gifts, forcinu bid. Your Two No Trump S-A-Q·x-x II
ELECTRIC SHOP Money. Buying, Selling, Christmas again denies a bidable suit (except oni H-A-K-x You bid One spade,l\
carols. Is it a children's holil~ay? rare occasions) and sllows about 51, D-A-K-x not Two Spades. I,
George Albert, Proprietor
To some it may be a happy time, but lIonor Triel_s, or 4lh Honor Tricks \' C-x-x-x I
250 Haverford Ave. to others it may be the saddest day of with strong intermediates, and ali If you bid Two Spades with this I
PHONE NARBERTH 2348 the year-to look around and see some four suits stopped. hand and partner bids Two No Trump I
real happiness and so much unrc,al. S-A-Q-10 i you are forced to bid T~ree No!
JV e Sell arid Repair Arlythirlg A bit of Old Scrooge in this. If II-A-8-2 I :rrum p , or game b~ bl~. And I
we cannot say Merry Christnltls, and Il-K-IO-5-4 If partner has nothmg Jfi hIS hand I
Electric Train Parts and Repairs
mean it, we can at least say-Peace I C-A-Q-10 you may take only five tricks, or n!
Also Tree Lights
40c up, per set On Earth, Good Will To Men. II Bid Two No loss of 1400 points if doubled and I
Jap bulbs, 3 for IOc \ J. Trump vulnerable. I
Mazdas, 6c each I
I Trees in Winter. The pale rough An opening bid of Three No Trump But if the hand is slightly sllronger i
J~!ii!!iE!lii!!!lii!!~~i!iii!!!!!!!-!!!e~!!i!!i~s::2~~11 trunk and sturdy branches of the is one of the rarest of bids. It re- becaUse of distribution and you hold i
1i.!!!!!!!!!!!!!iiii!~!!i!!!i!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~11 white oak. The stocky silvery trunk !'luires about 5 % Honor Tricks, all S-A-K-x-x-x I
and many twisting branches of thel four suits stopped, no weak doubleton! H-A-K-x-x You bid ,
I beech. The spreading top and slen- ~such ~s A-x), and about eight play-I D-A-Q-x Two Spades. I
A Ton of Paper I del' branches of the elm. The iall' mg tl'lcks. Rarerly will a hand of C-x
!and stately trunk of the tulip pOPlar.,'lhiS strength not contain a biddable I If partner responds with Two No

in Your Heater
The symmetrically rounded outline of suit, in which case a forcing bid of Trump, you offer him Three Hearts.
the sugar maple and the same sl,yline lwo in the suit should be made, but I Or with,
Beginning This Saturday,
on the lindens. The rough but straight occasion~lIy such a combination of S-A-K-J-x I December 17, in the Kirsch Chevrolet Company
might cost less than a ton of trunk and sparse branches of t11(,' ,'anls Will occur whln Three No i H-A-Q-x You bid
coal, but it wouldn't give the I II hickories. The gnarled trunk and ('rulllp should be l.Jid. The following I D-A-J-x Two Spades. , Showrooms in Cynwyd
enduring, labor-saving, uni- twisted branches of an old apple tree is such a hand: I C-K-Q-x I
form heat that is really eco- with woodpecker marks through the S-K-J-9-2 I If partner now bids Two No Trump
nomical. I bark. The patched bark and wide H-A-K-J : you can bid Three No Trump safely. I
spreading branches of an old syca- D-K-Q-2 I I
You Call Burn Excelsior more. The small and incliT,ling C-A-K-9 I
in your furnace, if you wish, i
but who does?
branches of a pin oak. The graceful-
ly up-arching branches and promis- Three No Trump, and Partner re-
If Two Spades is the bid instead of
I Will Present
ing buds of the dogwoods. And the sponds with Two No Trump, the final i I
There Is a Difference hemlocks-rather mournful in form contract will, of course, be Three No I
in grades of coal. Some do not but cheerful in color, and how pic- Trump, but this hand will be the dum-I I
burn so uniformly, so slowly, turesque when the branches are laden my's, whereas, you would wish it to I I
and yet quickly responsive to with snow. And what a picture when Ibe the declarer's, so that the tenace \ \
the drafts, as do other grades. I
gray birches have a background of suits will be led up to. Therefore an The leader of the industry offers a great new car. Advanced
Our anthracite is cleaner, be- hemlocks or pines. Trees may be original bid of Three No Trump is,
I' i in style-in comfort-in performance-in safety-in economy
cause it has been washed clean found interesting at any season of the better bid. I
and dependability-this new Chevrolet will establish new stand-
10 a remarkable cone-and- the year to those who will look and I i
water process. That is why it
gives more heat per ton. That
learn and they are always very friend-I
ly and very real. I The Forcing Two Bid
An original two bid in a suit is a!
I ards ill motoring. Come in and see for yourself why Chevrolet
is the car to buy.
is why our customers swear by
forcinu bid, demanding that both I
Patronesses Listed I partners keep the bidding open till a Be among the first to dri"e this great new car
The patronesses for the New Year's \ game contract is reached or the equiv- Place YOllr order NOW
L.M. Thomhson
Eve ball, Le Carnival de Joie, to be alent be collected in penalties from
give~ at The Warwick, .on Saturday oppon~nts. Mr. Culbertson calls the I
Bala. Ave. below Union
Bala-Cynwyd : : Cynwyd 2oS0
\evenmg, December 31, Will be Mrs. J.\ two bId a "necessary evil," necessary,
Wilmer Biddle, Mrs. Edward Brown- in that there are hands that have'
I ing, Mrs. Lewis Audenried, Mrs. Jul-lll game in them, even though partner
Kirsch Chevrolet Co.
:::£HIGW VA LEY Iian Story, Mrs. Thomas S. Gates, Mrs. ! holds a bust, if the contract can be Phone, Cynwyd 81
I George Dallas Dixon, Miss Edith T. arrived at that best fits the two
II The Coal
Tl,at I Fisher, Mrs. Daniel L. Hutchinson, hands, and evil, because the two bid 214 Bala Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd

IIl~:~~~::~~~s~a~ti~sfi~e~s~J\ I.Jr., Mrs. Eli Kirk Price, Mrs. Jamel!
Large, Mrs. Robert Strawbridge and
warns the opponents of a very strong
hand and cautions them not to bid;
I _I Mrs. Rodman Wanamaker, 2d. Inlso, starting with a two instead of a
OUR TOWN December 16, 1932
Page Eight

Narberth Resident Gives

strasse with many fascinating shops, Merion Artist HoHs i California and Florida, with a sprink-. public, wiII continue until January
Necessity of Maintaining to the historic buildings, churches, a i Exhibit of Paintings ling of other places. 14th. The paintings are for sale.
Bank Credit Pointed Out Impressions of Heidelberg casual glimpse of the University, and: Particularly impressive is a large
"\ peep into the most famous of the: An exh:bition of paintings by canvas entitled "The Submarine Meet Tuesday
(Contlnu"d from J'age One) (Continuer) ("Olll T'all'e Onel
student Lokalc, or Wirtshaften, fam-, Charles J. Clarke, of Lafayctte road, Zone-l!H7," in which the foreground The Literature Group of the Wom-
$7,000, and notwithstanding the fact imagine the body of the "old Town" ous through centuries for the beer' Merion Park, opens today at the gal- consists of the wake of a periscope en's Community Club will meet on
that our Tax Collcctor has voluntar- as fonnin,? the ver~ical part of the drinking and duelling of the students. leries of the Challenger Company, in, approaching a transport in the dll!- Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Charles
iIy accepted a reduction in his com- Ictt~r, while ~he nght half of the The high point, of course, is the fam- the Arcade Building, at 717 Montgom- I tance. Storm subjects of sweep and H: Breerwood, 9 Elmwood avenue,
mission for collections, which would horizontal bar IS made up by the Neu- ous Schloss, which, though it domi- ery avenue, Narberth. Marine paint- , power make up a part of the collec- Narberth. I
naturaIly affcet this figure, I still feel enheim district, while the left half is nates the town, can be glimpsed only ings make up the largest part of the 'I tion.
I't wou lei no t Ile pudent
ro t e ~- ' the Hohrbach district. The Neckar very oceasiona1ly from t h e town I't -, co 11 ec t'IOn on vIew.
. Mr. Clarke, former adjutant of I ;:-
the co,;t of these items at less thaI'. parallels the old town and then wan- self. To be seen to best advantage it i Thirty-four paintings are included' the Narberth American Legion Post,
$6,000. This, then, would leave liS deI'S away across the plain to join must be viewed from the fa~ous Phil- : in the showing, all but three of which studiea art at the Julian Academy,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..
Wc Dyc Shoes All Colors for
I Christmas.-Low Pricc ....
with a total net revenue, receivcd the Rhine at Mannheim. The three osophers walk, along the hill on the: are oi1:;. Striking scenes of water Paris, and at the Art Students' Best Leather-QUick Service
from the collection of taxes of $7:3,200 sections of the town are distinct in opposite bank of the Neckar. The; and rocks, with strong colors and League of New York, under famed UNITED SHOE REPAIR
to cover an expenditure budget of character, and, separated by rivers Heidelberg Castle is in every travel: pleasing mass values, predominate. instructors. & HAT RENOVATING
$68,267.50, and makes no alIowance and hills, are only loosely tied by the itinerary and every guide and travel The locales include Maine, Brittany, i The showing, which is open to the
Narb. Ave. Near Theatre '1
whatever for delinquent taxes. new bridge that leads to Neuenheim book contains a full description.,
If we were to attempt to levy a and the winding streets that lead to Poets have rhapsodized over its beau-' ~~~~~\:~~~~~~~~~:t\:~~~~~~~~~~
tax rate which would yield only the Rohrbach. ties, songs are written every year', ~ ~

h e.-e yo U.- 010n ey !I

amount of our expenditure budget, In the angles of the vertical and to celebrate its charm, and even the ~ ;J;
the Borough would find itself h the horizontal lines of our T shaped town, casual visitor, harried by a si~ht-see- :, (4"4
position of not only being actually rise two commanding hills. Over ing schedule, comes away With the ~
short of funds, but also with a very Neuenheim towers the Heiligerberg, feeling that he has seen an imprcs-: ~ ~
much reduced credit line at the bank, for mOI'c than three thousand years sive bit of authentic romanCe and his- ~
which would prevent Us from meet- the site of religious worship of the tory. It need be added here only that ~
ing current needs of the Borough, groups and civilizations which have the ruins as they stand are a vivid ~ buy s M 0 S T '. ~
during the first seven months of the succeeded each other, to the prcsent story of the taste, character, and ~
year, prior to the collection of 1933 time. Workmen arc busy excavating power of the princes, counts, and, ~
taxes. and rcstoring the ruins of a Christian other noble folk who lived and fash-! ~
church that dates from some time be- I'oned here the web of destl'ny that', i'~ (All Prices Include Tax) I~
Present economic conditions have
brought about many changes in both fore the beginning of the tenth cen- clings to the old city.
commercial and banking finance, and
tury. Almost a thousand years ear-
lieI', about the middle of the first c e n - ,
w Ili 1e severa 1 years ago I was IlOSSI- Th
People Prize lawn's Fame
th . th H'd lb rg of


---a t cur PR ICES !

ble for the Borough of Narberth to

is only possible, today, to borrow

tury of the Christian era, the Romans
borrow money on uncollected taxe:i, it
district, and altars dedicatcd to Mer- census
cury and other gods have been un- elg y . ht
h d
ere IS e el e e ,
had establi~hed fuII control in this people of the city, which at the last ~
1 t'
a popu a Ion 0 a ou
ousan. d D
ep n n In Part!:
e da t '
b t i Camels. Chesterfields, Old Gold,
Luckle_, Raleigh
Chesterfields, Old Gold,
Luc kl es
carton, 1"
fl a t fifties ,

money for the Borough on taxes in on tourl'~t trade and to a large ex I i Habanello or Optlmo. box of 2:;., $1.88, $2.48, $2.98 ;
covered and may be seen in the Mus-
the process of collection, which means ." d t th - t-,' BI,,· kstone, box of 25 .... $1,88 White Owl, box of 25 .. , .$125
eum of the Palatinate. And a thou- tcnt on stu en money, ey ren I Adonio and Cleopatra, box of 25 .. , $2 98, $3.69, $3.98
current taxes, and delinquent taxes sand years before the Romans arriv- 1'00 m.s to s tudents , .sell them the ne - ,;';t Rcbo"t Burns or EI Producto, box of 25 , , $1.98 ~
rl s as'I fJ.1-
i !
are not considered in any way what- cd, other tribes had built a waII and cessl·t·les 0 f l'f I e an d suc h 1u xu'e S artle II a, boX 0 f 50 .. $198
soever. . . 1 d' they can afford, and regard both stu- I • Bo:d, box of 25 ... ,· .. · .$1.00 Recall, box of 50 , , .$1.59 .
a sanctuary to theIr parhcu ar le-
I understand that we have approxi- ties on the Holy mountain. d en t an d t OUrIS . t as an In . t eres t'In g a nd I -
I J~'
mately $30,000 of the l!1:l2 taxes still Over Rohrbach and the old town necessary evil. A distinct flavor of,
outstanding. We wiII enter the IIl'W 100111S the great bulk of the Konig- t I t amusemen t a t th e an t'ICS of"'~ 0
0 eran (}~ . ' ;:
year owing the Philadelphia National stuhl and its spurs, rising to a height b0 th groups c h arac tenze ' th'elr a tt'1- ~ ,
Bank $15,000, which cannot be paid of about eighteen hundred feet. On t u d e. Th ey are pro ud 0 f th e hl'story Palmolive, Williams, '"'."
until these delinquent taxes are paid. the west slope of the Kontgstuhl, on an d f ame 0 f th'
We have been, during this year, in
a spur hill known as the Jettenbuhl, Sl y, prou 0
't d f th
a position to borrow from the Phil- stands the ruin of the famous Schloss, men, prou d 0 f th e Ie g e n d s an d fable"~ , fJ.
ell' t own an dUn'IV er - fJ.,
a k f th
e pr n so e you
! i' I nz Por ted and Dom est,'c
Par/Ilms & Par/11m Sets Col-
gate , s

adclphia National Bank u]l\vards of destroyed by the French in 1689.

$40,000. This limit was plac,,,l en
us after a very careful analysis of Had Famous Resident
th a t surroun d severy noo k an d

may grow t 0 twlce "t I s presen tsIze

e r'i .,
of the fascinating town. Heidelberg i ~~-
' an d : ~
the Borough's affairs, by a special Not the least important personage population, but it will never outgrow p.J;'f Bourjois (Cllt ~
committee of the Philadelphia Nation- in the long history of Heidelbcrg is that attitude and temperament of the ~ ~:~~i~~s price) ~
al Bank, whose sole duty it was to the anonymous citizen of thc region,. medieval city of university and ea·s·tIe. ~
handle requests for credit lines made whose jaw bone has been labeled I The town is a little suIlen and de- ~
Yardley's 79 C !IS
by Boroughs and other munici]Jali.. Homo Heidelbergensis, the famous; pressed, as arc other German towns ~ 25c to $15.00 MetJnen's, 89c ~
ties. "Heidelberg Man," regarded as the I and cities, under the heavy load of, ~ ~ ,
Some time between now and the final m?st primi.tive h.uman type known to: taxation, unemployment, and distress. ' ~ ~
adoption of our expenditure budget sCience. Smce hIS, and through If finds its outlet in the magnificent ~ ~
and Tax Ordinance, it will be neces- the uncounted centurIes, men of the music to be heal'd, and in the spec- Clltex & Glazo & Coty's ~.
sary for us to again submit our prob- Stone ~ge, the Bronze Age, and t~e tacle of life as it unfolds itself in the i'~ ENOUGH ~IS
1('111 to tIll' Phl1:..d"lpllia ~a;.i(\IJ;(1 Bank ~;ucceedmg epochs have made theIr other two parts of the city, that of MANICURE SETS 'or all th&
;~ '~d ~" ",', lll'" ,~ r~l1firmati()n of this homes in this lovely river vaHey, the tourist, and the third, and most . r ~ ~
,·r.·,li, il:'" t'e l·an;\" ,,-; thrn,wh 1!n~. I'Pprly to ':ep:l invaders, but more .o~- important, that of the University. ~ FAMILY ij!
and. '.1"111.. ' T <1." I, :. ant;·l!);.!," expel'l- to the march ?f CIVI- ~ ~
"I1<,ln15 ;w:.' JdhnllL'y as I(.,ng' as ou.r !Jzadc:n, untJ! at last the tnbes of N
ar b ert h S C1100 I P Upl'1S to ~_.
Wi ;.;w
tnx rille I~ stich as to Yield a faIr Allamani and after them the Franks, ~ ~
amount in px<."ess of our actual mOI:(')' broke th~ power of Rome, and having
I Give Play on Wednesday I?... !'I.'fII
l'(;(j U Ul;IllCllb, I do believe a levy of come under the influence of the Cross, --- . . ~i
1ess than $1.60 pel' $100 property val- began the long Journey from barbar-
uation would cause the Bank to feel ism to high civilization.
. On Wcdnesday a play WIll be given
T. . ,
?y the. N JUl110r HI~.h ~chool ~ i
. _"<'

25c to 'Pd.3.98
$1 Gillette

that we do not have a sufficient mar-

. .
gm on .which . .to work, h
whIch woult]
. . . .

'swept through the region in the past be gIven

111 the au(htorlUm at 1.00 0 clock, en-
PolItIcal and rellglOus wars have titled "The Toy Shop." It will also
. for the P. T. A. on Thursday,!! - i .-------
Blades ~
of necesSIty IHompt t em to cut our fifteen centuries and the little fishing
. d'
Cle It accommo(a
I t'
f ore, m~, recommen d a t'IOn th a t a t
tiS, (
ere- village
crowded against the
ax the mountain on the left bank of the
foot of
December 22d, at 8.15 o'clock. The
characters are as follows:
I d
~ ..
ra e, as se
t f th' th a 'd'
or 111
be adopted with the understanding,
e 1 mance, Neckar graduaIlv crept up the h i I l ·
' .' C'
Wilham Furber; Betsy, Anne For-
: sythe; The Masked Doll, Helen 1\111- i for mcn, womc'l or c Iii rC'I, at
today's priccs.
Body Powders
and Tales

'bl 'th t· t f '

POSSI e, WI ou JI1 er ermg WI
to the sheltel of a Burg or astle, leI" The Pierrot DoIl Ronald Paige'
that, should a further reductIOn be that not infrequently caused it to be
our destroyed along with fortifications. Th F
' .'..'
The Wooden SoldICr, Billy Aiken;
i e ' renc
h D 11 J l' R t ' TI i Novelty paper •.•..•• 49c
Portfolio ..•.•.••••• 39c
19c to l"1.50 "
-. BOX !
determined after' the situation has By ~he end of the twelfth century, I Rag Doll, Kathel'yn Bailey; The Sail- I •
banking relations which can only be

been reviewed by our Bank . the Ordi-. the Importance of the town was as- 01. D 011, M arle
0, u la ossetl;
. T app,. T he R u bb er

i Fancy paper .•..•.••• ~1

M en ' s paper. • • • • • • • • 75c New Gem
C hoc 0 Iate 5
79 C

. , _ sured when the famous Emperor Dog Arthur Denman' TIl' Jack-in-
nance can then be amended to take Frederick Barbarossa of Crusading' .' e
i All If' k
co ors 0 111 ••••••
Razor &.
. ..... 2h
98 <11 79

'bl d ' t h e - B o x Clarence Gl'lffith' The Drum c, 'f" "W=>
t' 0 f any f urt h er POSSI e re uc- fame conferred the title of Count of
, Mills Burrows' Dad Ronald.
. ' ' '
PaIge' LORD BALTIMORE 5 blades WhOItman ,s pack ages, ::M
IOn. the Palatinate on his step-~rother, Mother, Helen Mello;; The Shopkeep: Christmas Gift Special 25c, sOc, $1, $1.50, $2 ~
Conrad the first. From that tIme on, er, Richard Mason; The Policeman, ~ Johnson's package SOc, $1 ~
Salvaging of Scho~l. the town became a f~rtress and the Billy Aiken. Miss Fricke has a very ~ Stationery to be Guaranteed Artstr lc package $1, $1.50 \1#
Sav1l1gs IS Sough~ seat of powerful famihes. The cas~le well planned program. First, the ~ ~~~:rd~~r~~::~ Fountain Pens Hort~n's p"ckage 49c, 60c ~
I was graduaIly enla~ge?, and the city orchestra will play "War March of ~ C~ewmg Gum ~
(Continued trom Page One) waIls ex~ended untIl It .became, for the Priests," by Mendclssohn; "LuIla-
and its solicitor, Clement Biddle those . tImes, almost. Impregna~le. by," by Brahms, and a Christmas Over-
i'- ~~~ :~l:~:.· 50 en- 98c to ~
~~"-=:r: . . ::-,:;, '.
Mixed Nuts, fresh
3 for lOe
Ib., 69c ~
Wood, have declined to act officially When It finalIy met WIth dest~uctlOn ture, which has been arranged. Sec-
on behalf of the children's deposits, at the hands of the French, It was ondly comes the Glee Club, singing ~
69C - d5<A=='?wG
- ~~~~~~~~ Cy~~III~~'Sbara ...... 15c ea. ~
taking the stand that, having a large lost through treachery. . . "Angels and Shepherds," a French 1i \'fII
~he rellglOu~ ~ ~
claim of their own against the bank, fury of the wars carol; "The Shepherd's Christmas,"
full payment to the children would foIl owed the. ReformatIOn left an Austrian Folk Song, and "0 Holy ~ ~
lower the amount coming to the dis- their mark on the cIty. The story of N' ht" b Ad
·· 1 d 1" Ig , yam. -
~ It

trict out of dividends. h po 1Itlca

t.e an re IglOUS com pro- I After the play members of the staff . ..4
at~?spher: for the development o~ the I which ~
The demand for preferential. treat- mlses finally effected to leave a free: will be present to seII "Sun Dials,"
ment of these funds is said to pe bas- is the school paper. :w
ed on an arrangement made between <;~In~ual lIfe ~f the town and Umver- I RONALD PAIGE, ~
~ ~
Superintendent of School S. Edgar slty .IS graplllcaIly portrayed br. the I Eighth Grade.
ChUlch of. the Holy Ghost, dl~lded i ~ ~
Downs and Murdoeh P. Claney, for-
mer vice-president of the closed bank. tby C
a wthalli. In tw; parts , 0p taSstlgnted! Plays Presented at CutiPrice Rexall Drug Store ~ ..
This deal was consummated shortly
before the bank closed its doors ' and
0 a 0 ICS an one t 0
by William. in .1706.
ro es an s, ,
!I Club's Xmas Party
(Continued froln PUl:"e Otle~ ~.~
Phone Narberth 2900 _ Immedl"ate Dell·very !
248 J
was in the form of a trust agree- City Life Threefold I ,.,
lI1ent, ratified by the bank's Board
of Directors.
The life of the city divides today The collection for Narberth HaII in
into three parts. First there is the, the Crossnore School in North Caro- ~
Heidelberg of the Tourist, and its life llina, made at the club meeting by ~
e ~
Advertisers in this paper arc relia- flows from the raidroad station to the!I Mrs. George Norman GiIl, totaled ~~ • • • • ~~~~;... ~ ~~~~~~~~~~
. .. ". ~
.... ~.... ~ .... ~ ~
ble merchants. Patronize them. hotels, and thence along the Haupt-! $10.02. ~$-~~~~/;"~~#_;:brTl#~~r#iI"i.p;-..r..p-iJl~.p:-e/i'.p;-/fP'j,.;

Quality especially fine. See them alive in the Turkey Pen at our Market. You can pick them out to suit yourself and have them dressed while you
wait-any day before Christmas, except Sunday. Prices: five weight, 28c lb.; dressed, 35c lb.; 8 to 25 pounds each.
Phone or mail your order early to insure size desired.

Mrs. Brackbill's
REAL Roasting Homc-Grow" a"d Home-Made Prodllcts
EGGS CELERY Fryiug Lincoln Highway, 3 Miles West of Paoli
Mince Meat Finest Quality Stewi"g
20,000 stalks of our own Opell III1/il 9 o'clock every evelling. Cl05ed SU'ldays
28c-38c-45c crisp, nutty Celery. It is
considered by many the best
25c lb. According to Size ever eaten. Try it and see! I 28c lb. Main Li,le Delivery Ever)' Tllursday and Friday ...

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