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Media assets

Alphadesigner. Sing It Back . Internet (2006) Available at:
72157594238487701/. Jan 2011. Permission requested

Anzovin Studio. Figure 02.03. Internet (2009) Available at: Jan 2011. Permission
requested Drawing Ron Paul. Internet (2008) Available at:
Jan 2011. Permission requested

ETH Zurich. Thumbnail. Internet (2007) Available at: Jan
2011. Permission requested

ETH Zurich. (2008) Figure 3. a) Scanning setup. [paper] Real-Time Face

Pose Estimation from Single Range Images. Permission requested

ETH Zurich. (2008) Figure 3. b) Range image after noise and out- lier
removal. [paper] Real-Time Face Pose Estimation from Single Range Images.
Permission requested

Image Metrics. The Emily Project. Internet (2008) Available at: Jan 2011. Permission

Karpinsky N. and Zhang S. (2010) Set up of the projection and triangulation.

Real Time Image Processing.

Koblin A. (2008) “Radiohead, House of Cards” Available at:

Pendulum Studio. (RETARGETING) Human. Internet (200?) Available at: Jan 2011.
Permission requested

The Eurographics Association. (2003) Figure 6: (b-h) The needles show the
scale and direction of the 3D deformation vector on each vertex. [paper]
Vision-based Control of 3D Facial Animation. Permission requested

Ekman, P. (2003) Emotions Revealed : Recognizing Faces and Feelings to
Improve Communication and Emotional Life, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London.

1" Mickael Abensur Module: CMP130N Jan 2011 "

Brownlee J. Peter Jackson’s Hobbit films to be made on 30 RED Epic
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Electric Function Inc. Payment Gateways. Internet (2009) Available: Jan 2011

Enderle R. Imagining Windows 8: Embedded Xbox, Kinect, and Surface.

Internet (2011) Available:
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Fogarty K. Cloud Computing: Would PCI Compliance Help or Hurt Security?.

Internet (2010) Available:
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Gray B. Avatar claims highest gross of all time. Internet (2010) Available: Jan 2011

Heff. Google is dropping h.264 from Chrome Internet (2011) Available:
Jan 2011

Ilascu D. How to Make a Video à la Radiohead. Internet (2008) Available:
89955.shtml Jan 2011

Vasulka, W (1992) “Lee Harisson III” in D. Dunn (ed) Pioneers of Electronic

Art, exhibition catalog for Ars Electronica 1992, Linz AUSTRIA, pp. 92–95.

Wahrman, M (1988) “The reality of computer graphics in the motion picture

industry” in F. Baskett (ed) SIGGRAPH 1988, ACM, Dallas USA, pp 235–242.

2" Mickael Abensur Module: CMP130N Jan 2011 "

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