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Courage is the thing.

All goes if courage goes

Dashrat manjhi, also known as “Mountain Man”, was from a village, Gehlaur, near Gaya in Bihar,
India, who carved a path 11o m () long, 9.1 meter wide and 7.6 m deep through a ridge of hills using
only a hammer and chisel. After 22 year of continuous work. Dashrath shortened the blocks of Gaya
from 55km to 15km.

The aforementioned anecdote, in itself, could be called a personified body of courage that came out
from 22 years of effort and hard work. This also explains the wideness of human limit, and as does
the universal explorations done by human. If he had given up the courage, he wouldn’t have been
able to achieve this tedious and arduous task.

God has given the intellect to the human being. It has no limit. The more one uses it, the more it
widens. Although human being has intellect, but it needs courage and patience to utilise and wait for
the results, respectively.

Thomas eddison, the inventor of the bulb, is vary famous for his experiments before invention of the
first ever bulb. He was in an interview. Then interviewer asked him that how many attempts have
been failed? He famously reported to have said that “10000 times”. With astonishing face, the
interviewer asked again ‘did you not get bored trying to do the same thing again and again?’. He
said: ‘i had been trying to achieve the same thing with various methods.’.

Consequently, there was courage behind this effortful project—to build world first bulb—which
made that impossible possible. Courage is the only required attitude, with proper sense of direction,
of course, which has given access human to do experiment about the universal bulb, the sun.

It was nothing but a dream for a student, who studied in Urdu Medium School, to win English speech
competition, zonal inter school speech competition. I was in matric-- govt higher school Garam
Chashma, Chitral—and there was held zonal inter school speech competition. One of my honourable
teachers insisted me to take part in that competition. And without proper reflection, my name had
been registered.

Fortunately, after competing with schools of different tehsils. I, luckily, won the competition all over
the Chitral District.

There is a story behind the scene, my teacher and me were in his car and were going to the school,
where the completion was supposed to be competed, Sentanion modal school Chitral. He said: ‘you
would proudly tell people that you had won an English Speech competition despite being the Urdu
medium student’. This was the courage gave me the strength which made it possible to compete a
student from the most prestigious school, the Aga khan high school Seen last Chitral. Not only to
compete but to win the game. So, this is proven fact that courage is the thing which make possible
things that were supposed to be impossible.

In nutshell, according to famous saying: ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. All of the inventions,
innovations and discoveries were the results of human need. If suppose, there haven’t been courage
after getting failed. These inventions would not have been possible. So, we can, without doubt,
rephrase the aforementioned saying as ‘necessity is the mother of invention, but courage is the
paternal support in this whole process’.

Moreover, courageous people are always successful, but if not, then they live life with peace and
hope. Therefore, courage is the thing. All goes if courage goes.

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