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Yorthemostpar,thesurgeresareforhemisted or slipped discs whereadisctears somcofitsglatinous insidescomcoutandthedis:starsto bulge. “Theothermajorcondition andingpeopleatthe sargcon'sdoorisspinalstenosis.causedby slipped dses orarthitsInthiseasethespnal canal beginsto narrows pinchingthespinal cordorthenervesbranchingotto ‘ariouspartsthebodly.andcausingpain,tinglngor ‘numbnessinyour armsorleys depending wberethepinch Withourscdentary ives, pinched nervesaffect more than opercentofthepopulation, particularly those over50. ‘Themostcommon procedure for pinched spinalneeves inthelowerbackislaminectonnsvhere thesurgeon emovesthe bonyarches onvertcbrac,orbony growthsor ligaments,inorderto relieve pressureoninerve 1008, Othenwisesthere'sacoterieof more drastic solutions: disc replacements fasion, wheretwovertebracareessentially 5 surgialvlockeltogethssorevenrenoal innovative technique before becoming yet anotherstatistic 99 ofchunksof rcbracornerves Bureven surgeons, whemthey'e being honest admitthatiftheresoncareain thebody wheresurgery shouldbe the verylastresor its yourspine One-fifh of patientsleavesurgerywithwhatisknownas 2 fleback meaningtheyareineonstantpain ae theres nothingmedicinecan doabouti Profesor Gordon Waddell, oneoftheUK'stop onhopedicsurgeonsonceestimted thatmedicine achieves dramaticsugiealsuccesein oly I percent pationtswith owback piinandialstheather9percent, ‘who get progressively worse witheveryinterention. “Teavingmoretragichumanweeckageinits wake tan aay other opecationinbistory” “Take sippeddises Amajor Cochrane eviewofthe cvidencefound, cespiteaslightadvantageforsurgically reamovingllorpartofa dis thatanypositiveor negative effets were “unclear andanumber afpatientsstfereda recurrence snd nes foryst mores “Thejury wasalscuton surgery for pinchespinal nerves Whenthe Cachranedatabasereviewedalthe | 66 Check out thi inajrstiscomparingsungeyforthevonditon ith conservative management theresearcher foun eryitle benitosangebatsice-ffcsinuptonestiraquarcr ofpaticntsoptingtogo underthe kite. ‘Theevidence on spinal fusion asparticlaly damning Inone2010studyofnealy 1 300patientswithdise Teking vitamin Eimmediatelyafteraheart attackelps repair the damagedheart SS, and keep it working heathy. t's probabiythe bes thing totake— no drughasthe same protective effects, new research suggests. ‘The vitamin shouldbe taken assoonatteraheartattackas possible, ether inthe home, nthe ambuianceon the way toahospital rin theemergenty room, say researchers fromthe Baker Heart and The vitamin’s antioxidantand ant inslammatory qualities canhelp protectheart #1 Heart attacks aren't always sudden... Researchers from the Unversity oflineisrealized that gradual attack are not being recognized when they examined 474 cases of heart attack (myocardial infarction) that were rated in emergency departments. Ofthe 261 casesct acute, or sudden, heart attack, Sa percenthad happened aftr physical exertion. Another 207 patients had experienced gtadual symptoms with no an obvious cause. twas these sufferers in particular who needed to know they were suflering heat attack, andto getto ahospital immediately. ‘The optimum time totreatis upto two hoursafter an attack, and heart tissue is permanently damaged after sc hhouts without treatment, the searchers say #2 ...but don’ttake aspirinto bleeding waster cteaterthanits abiltyto prevent heart disease. nother words, therisks outweighed any benefits. ‘though asprin s known to tigger stomach bleeding, taking itso appears to increase therisk of cancer, according to one ofthe studios the researches reviewed, Instead oftaking aspirin, people can protect ‘themselves against heart dsease move safel by not smoking, eatinga Mediterranean diet and exercising, theresearces say, fanPrsn 20965 80 #3 ...andifone happens, take vitamin Eatlerstudieshad shown the vitamin «couldn't prevent heart attack, but the Baker researchers sayit could bethe best intial treatment to administr after one happens, ‘The researchersare planning to scan the hearts of patientsto measure the protective feds of vitamin, and theyareoptiistic based onlaboratary findings, Currey, there is nadrugthat can reduce damage aftoran attack and researcher Maria Waller says postive results with vitamin E couldhavea profoundimpact onthe way heartattacksare treated The researchers areusing standard doses of thevitamin that aresafe for people totake eoloy.209,2690052 NOt EVOL CG Capen T IRS releyouayyevune The wore’s most commonly prescribed Se ee coe pee eet) eoression, conclu peereyeess cers etn an eDiets Ge eee ee een eae eee Ses geo eee rarer But the way the drugs ae supposed to combat Cea en rene Se ee ee Pen eer Pea e eee en dee eee eee patie eres ter sic weeks, the improverne’ eee eo res Ere ere Sen ea ene) Sere ere aed prong renee Poeeren Se eT eee AUTISM A CONDITION OF INFLAMMATION Autism seemsto bea condition of inflammation Cilren with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have very high levels ofthe inflammatory proteins 1-37 andlI-8 in their brains, new research has discovered. ‘The proteins were located nthe amygdala, the parton ofthe brain thats associated with fea andthe dasolateral pretrntal cortex, responsibiofar cognitive kil including memary and attention. The I-18 proteinhas already been inked toather infiammatery conditions such as psoriasis, but researchers from Tus University School of Medicine in Boston believe it also plays part inSD They examined the brain of 16 children who had cied eight of whomhad been diagnosed with ASD. Althe children with ASD hadFigh level of 18nd, toaslghty lesser extent, of 37 The high leves of ifiammatory protein suggests an immune dysfunction, the researchers say. Pecks 208 20908877 Obesity could have as much to dowith the wayour gut processes foodas with the food we eat, say researchers Even aftertaking into account te level of physical _actvly and cet, the one comman factoramang ‘obese people was abnormal bowelactivityand, most JP commonly, diathea,sayresearchersfromthe Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Obesity could bea symptom of low-grade gut inflammation, ay theresearchers, who surveyed 5,126 people. In particular, they wanted to now the bowelhabits of people who didn'thaveiritable bowel syndrome (83), celiaccisease or bowel cance, ‘and then compared those agains! Bl (body mass index scores, one measure ct obesity. People wha were abeseer severely oese were also 60 percent mare likely to suffer from cronidiarthea. Thenext question toresearchis the relationship between obesity andabnormalbowelhabits the researcherssay. 18t demonstrated by Georges Lakhovsky and Nikola Tesla’ Harness the Powerful, Vital Energy Surrounding Us! Health is the most beautiful gift! “PolatAid isan antenna that receives a wide range of The word of mouth of PolarAid® users, isnt it the best frequencies drawn from the vital energy that surrounds ‘evidence of the effectiveness of the dis to improve their uusat al times. PolarAid polaris, harmonizes, regulates, ‘quality of life? 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MahyarEtminan, while the drag are ~~ ‘comenient, they arenotessential, especially fr community infections. "The inappropriate prescribing may auseboth antibiotic resistance aswell as serious heart problems,” he said. ince go HRT causes one in20 breast ( cancer cases HRT (hormone replacement therapy) is twice asst doctors toad, wth the latest resareoveaingtaat ew cause breastcancerin one in SO women who regulary taket SS DRUG NEWS Over-65stakinganaverage offive drugsaday Around 20 percent of recently retired peopl retaking an average of ve pharmaceuticals day—andby the timetheyreachthe age of 5, tis wilhaverisentocight deus. This practice of “polypharmacy,” 25 i's called, as fling hospitals: Inthe pastseven yeas, hospitals have had The iskis greatest wit the most commen format HT, estragen plus progestogen, if’ taken for at least five years, say researchers from Oxford University, They estimate that onein20 cases eee EN A create nth Use increase inserious . drag, designed to help women cope with 1 sidesfedsto ~ the worst symptoms of menopause. cher coctale J Wome aking the estrogen any form That’ sntsuprising, Rushed habashillover sk wthonein 70 with 75perentat ushed doctors —devsocinjtreatanc: iieeteadngtoatastenecttecos are handing out ‘An women need to ow that the conrmony prescribed othe eer and! tskperssfor10 ears afterward, the Rushed doctors are handing out prescriptions too researchers say; they don‘tcisappear prescriptions too quickly, without assessing ‘the moment aperson stops taking the ikeyhaim flomehemialeections quickly, without = se,vnicnnasbeenthe common caring arongso many onerulcuss, percenten Says rsh canty age UR assessingthe HRT prescitng hasbeen steal rsing ts research escoveedthatworniion Uk overteks1O years, whom pooonen tiacoeetecactang, likely harm from ssmpatheheath ‘anaverageoffive citferent medications a chemicalreactions — evr,the oxorcresearchers ay, andthe amountinceasesto eight, on sayitsvtaltotunbadk the average among thse over 5. Occurringamong ——aiioineesry 19905 wien ‘Common side eet fromthe drugs dangersofthe drug were fist Inkdecotson dresonddctnum— 30 magy racertul deco butallthe standard aliments of beng Theresearchersscreened eli whiralo inde caries me heatheaateerte dem unsteadines, canbe attributed posible 108,000 women, wth anaverage crugside set Tne problenBuld atte upto 10 age of65, whohed developed breast cancer Jtk-Weramtencnnyioattwontite percent people taking theantibicts, _Ofthose, 51 peront had taken HRT or MHT - 5 ‘say researchers at the University ofrtish —_ (menopausal hormone therapy) for an ee Columbia. Theydscovered 2,505cases _averageofsevenyes Common antibiotictriggers —¢j,shiregucitaton among 25,020 The average riskof breasteancerin heart problems peopletaking the antibiotic, and compared women between 50 and 69 years old who (ne ofthe mostcommon atibitics themtoanather group of patients whowere haven ttakenHRTs 6.3 percent, but this Cantiggertwoseriousheartprblems, taking diferent antics fsesto8 3parcentinwomen whohave tesearchershave discovered, “Therkkwasoreatestuithinthe fist30__beentaking HRT for ive yar. The sk Fluoroquinolones,whichindude Cipro, days andthen startedtodecineoverthe increases further HRT presribedfor 10 cancauseacrtcand miralreguajtation, next month yearsor more. where the blood hacflowsinto the heat Dodtorslicetoprescibefluoroquinolones Sree 208:04755-8 Theriskisoreatestin thefist30 daysof because theyarebroadspecrum drugs that taking the drug. are easly absorbed. But, saysresearcher News Focus Poisoninthe pill Manyofthe drugs we're prescribed contain lethal contaminants— butnobodyis properly monitoring the problem, and as few as ‘percent of drugs are beingtested rmericas top pharm includi ‘Walgreensand Yalmart, pulledoneoftheir top-sellingdrugs fromthe shelves Instautumn ‘Thedrug, heartburn ‘medication Zantac, wasalsobanned inthe UK, Franceand Canada, while authoriticsin Bangladesh refused toallowshipmentsinto thecountry. Existing tocksin he UK were putin quarantine. ‘Theban followed adiscoveryby investigatorsat the US Foodand Drug Administration (FDA) that Zantac’s active ingredient,ranitidine,had been contaminated with NDMA, ¢N-nitrosodimethylamine),aknown cancer-causingagent (see box, page20). ACYS statement said thestorewas removing the drug"“out of anabundance ‘ofcaution duetoa recent productalert fromthe EDA that ranitidine products may containalowlevelofNDMA,shich isaprobable human carcinogen” Notthefirsttime Itwasn't the first timethishad happened. tn 2018, FDAagents blocked supplies of the blood pressure drug Losartan (valsartan) after aspot check revealed it adalsobeen contaminated with NDMA. Health agencies downplayed the risks topatients Janet Woodcock, adirector atthe FDA, pointed outthatallofusare exposedtosomelevelsof NDMA every day."Throwacoupleoflambhopson thebarbecue.and you'd find NDMA after agoodgrilling Youhavetoputthisin perspective,” she ai: Safedaily exposure issetat around L microgram, oronemilionthofa gram Butsome ofthe valsartan pillscontained 17 micrograms —equivalentto cating 48 pounds(21kg) ofbacon inone siting ‘Although no onecan besure contaminated pills could be causing thousands of new cancer cases every yea: European healthagencieshave estimated that one outofevery 3,39penpletaking thecontaminated drugscould develop ‘eaneer.Thereare49 milion prescriptions written for Losartan every yearinthe US alone,and 15 million for Zantac—plus ‘countless millions of over-the-counter uses. lt’sunknownhow many doseshave been contaminated, orforhowlong. ‘The discovery openeda canof worms. ‘Thethreedrugcompanies responsible forsupplyingvalsartanhadalluseda manufacture in China, Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical. After the initial ban the FDA ordered nother 5 recallsinvolving two related heartdrugssupplid by 10 pharmaceuticalcompanics, FDA offcialsestimatethatiillions ‘ofpeople with high blood pressure (hypertension) inat east 30 countries ‘ould be unwittinglyconsuminghigh NDMAlevelsirom contaminated drugs. ‘Moretocome ‘Thereal fearisthatthisisjustthetipof theiccberg. Thecontaminationof Zantac and Losartan wasdiscoveredaafora random spot check,andthe FDA admits ithaslimited resourcesand ischocking, lessthan I percentofdrugs being shipped tothe, ‘Thetwo discoveries wereluckybreaks, “Valsartanisjust the one we caught. Whoknowshowmanymoreareout there?” sid David Gortle.aformerEDA, medical office. inetwo drugsare generics, meaning theyhaveaged outof patentprotection, andanydcugcompany hasthe right tosupply them, Upto90 percentof all prescriptionsarewritten fora generic ‘drug—which meansthereare no product safely checksonthe vast majority of __CuraLin is a 100% natural herbal supplement shown to support healthy and balanced a) blood sugar levels for diabetics. ie? CuraLin uses 10 synergistic, and clinically tested Ayurvedic herbs to help the body maintain healthy blood sugar levels, including Turmeric, Bitter Lemon and Fenugreek. Ayurveda, the ancient healing system that has been treating chronic conditions for SE Se DOES IT WORK? Professor Julio Weinstein says, “Over the past year | addled the CuraLin supplement to the therapy provided in my clinic. Results and testimonials, recelved from my patients show that Curatin is effective in balancing the blood sugar levels and has a fast and significant effect on symptoms and lifestyle.” thousands of years is making resurgence. Herbs are a key component of Ayurveda and regulation of blood sugar. After seeing the results first-hand in numerous patients, Dr Sarah Brewer comments, “Its interesting that CuraLin, as a herbal supplement, has very few side effects and that’s because ithas very low levels of ten different herbs init, rather than having a high amount of one ingredient. The herbs work together in several different way to aid healthy glucose control.” ‘found CuraLin on Facebook and it has changed my life already, in just a matter of weeks. | tried the frst week tial pack and noticed almost straight away that my fasting blood sugar levels dropped from 9 down to 6.9. Im looking forward to Seeing this go down further over the next few weeks, ove that its easy to take (no injections!) ang that the ingredients are natural, What Curalin has done is remove the anxiety | had, Ve avoided all the side effects and can tive life {ree from anxiety. Life is all about balancer” Maureen Kersley, Retired NHS Practice Manager, Shildon UK REVIEWS ‘My blood sugar level reading was 15.5, which vas very high, started changing my lifestyle and drinking cinnamon herbal remedies before going back infor atest tivo manths later and although my level had dropped to 10.8, ir stl wasnt a big enough drop for a healthy blood sugar level reading, After this, I started taking CuraLin and along with ‘my diet and lifestyle changes, after 6 months my blood suger level had dropped to 5,7, which isa healthy reading and meant I idee need to resort to medication with side effects, Not even my doctor could believe how much CuraLin had helped lower my blood sugar levels! Together with exercising at least 4 times a week and eating healthy, Curain has been the glue that holds me together. "To say my quality of life is betters an understatement.” ‘Mita Ramchurn, London nem M aceon aa a BELIEVE IT. They are inviting visitors to come along to the stand 76 Ere etc ee eRe scree For more information please visit which therescarchersfoundisdrivenby _buthetracesthe originsofthediabetes fattyacid metabolites, ug from, said Nikolaczyk jourbody makes atsand changes fats. Anything youeatisgoing epidemic tothe“infarnous” wherethose fats i ccarbahydratewas reborn asahealthy wholegrain” Carhobydratesbreak downinte 980 dietary ning nwhich “the fal tobelaundered through theliverandbe glucose, whichismet by ahigh spike changed” Ofinsulin that packs excess sugar away totheinaccessible deep freezer of at Homemadefat Researchersdo know that the fat stuifingthelivers of peoplewith sulin resistanceand type2 diabetes comes fromaprocesscalled demove lipogenesis—thecreation of nev fats fom scratch, Theliver makes this fatchiefly from Itiscarbohydratesthatgetturnedinto /jghly saturated fatin theliver through denovolipogenesisandaae the real its behind triglyceri Batingdietarycarhohyeirates,not dictarysaturated fat,increases saturated fatlevelsintheblood” according to Fung, "Saturated fatlevelsin the cbody fat fructose,whichisnotjust found infruits blood notthe dit, areassociated with, butalsointable sugar, honey. maple syrupand.everything sugarisaddedto from candiesandookies ta ketchup and salad dressings. Liverfatand body fatare difficultto utilize compared to glycogen. whichis theeasily burned body fuel that theliver rmakesfrom glucose in carbohydrates. Publichealth has wrongly yiified saturated fats ile romoting insulin-spikin PI paneting insu spiking Fungusesafreezer/fridgeanalogy cardiovascular disease” The rouble with high-carbohydrate dietsandthesuccestoflow= carbohyeiratediets have become apparentenough thateven theAmerican Diahetes Association 2019 dietary guideline, frtherirst mein decades, gieanodtolow-cacbeating ‘Theyhasn't wavered ‘onsaturated fats yet, but dietary saturated fat has been repeatedly shown to be protective against metabolic diseases, Fungpointsto the Tokelau ‘Migrantsstudyasanexample, where with groceriesrepresentingthe glycogen _eatinglotsofeoconutaspartof their fael-I'you'vecomehome with way morefvod than yourneedand stuffed yourkitchen fridge (glycogen storesin theliver), youcantleave the resttorot ‘on your high- trafic counter (the blood serum), soyouputitin thebigreezerin thebasement stored astrighceridesor bodyfatthatishardertogetto, Insulinislikeatraficcopthatwill traditional dietled toa population ofislandershavingextremelyhigh soturatedfatlevels "There was virtually no obesity or diabetes” said Fung “When they changed toa Western diet they gotiatand diabetic, So,n0, saturated fatsin humansare unlikely to ‘cause type 2diabetes.” ‘A 2016studyalso found thatperhaps. directtheexcessglucosetothefatfreezer the mostprotective fats are mono: inthcbascment. Solongasinsulinis hangingaround,though,al traficis flowingtothefreezer,and youcan't takeanythingout.Youhaverowaitfor insulin toretreat before youcan unpack yourstored fat (see box, page). fa unsaturated fatswhicharefoundat high levels in red meat, whole dairy, mnuts, avocadosand olives! sreally the processing of fas thathas mmadether dangerous itturasoutthe yacil with the east ben itistheone recommended mostby publichealth Wrongvillain Publichealth hasnot only wrongly vilified traditionally consumed agencies: polyunsaturated fats (PUFAS) from vegetable ols (seebox, right) saturated fatsfoundin things ike Publichealth enemy: fructose animal meat.butter.cream,cheeseand _Transfats,orindustralils,have also coconutoilwhilepromotinginsulin- _beenidentfied as metabolic disasters. spikingcarbohyiratesthinks Fung, Startingin the 1950s, they were HEALING DIABETE Theriseofomega6 Theratioofemega-6t0 ‘omega'3fatshes ballooned ‘om roughiytin traditional detsto Uupwardsaf 20:1 the modern Western diet Studies have shown that omega fats Tike those found in oly fish have an antiinflammatory effect. contrast, the ‘omega-6 fas in the polyunsaturated seed oils ke corn and sunflaweroilthat are recommenced by publicheath guidetines {end to fuel inflammation because ofthe processing they/ve undergone. They ae oxidized and renderedto a rancid state that promotes the chronic low: grade inflammation underlying diabetes ‘and other diseases, Because oftheir abundance in cooking oils, omega-6 ol consumption has increased dramatically. The omega-6 to ‘omega-3 ratio of roughly’: estimated in tratitional diets has risen to 20:1 or higher, in parallel with astronomical rises in obesity and diabetes Research has shown that lowering that ratio from 18:1to 3:1 reduces this disease- causing inflammation. The goa, then, should be to consume no more than tice the amount of omega-6 as omege-3 fats to lower the ratio to an optimal 1:1to 2:18 ‘Theright ratio Incinical studies, lowering theratioofomeda-Sto comega-3fatsfrom 18:1to 3:1ledto areduction in ‘markers ot flammation o 1 tt 2068 SPONSORED CONTENT UBIQUINOL your health first ur heart is undoubtedly the mast important However, they also cause our Q10 content to decrease, which ‘organ in our body, and therefore i fs increases the risk of a Ubiquinol deficiency (and therefore portant that we take good care of it, ako of heart failure), Research shows that a statin treatment ‘certainly as we get older One of the ways to can cause the Ubiguinol content in our body to decrease by keep your heart in good condition is by ensuring that ‘as much as 25 to 50%. Older people who take cholesterol you take in enough nutrients that are crucial forthe -Jowering medication are therefore certainly at risk of proper functioning of your heart. deficiency. ‘An example of such an important substance is Ubiquinol joa aSnPS STH (also known as the active form of Q10), a substance SoM tas Ct an es that fs naturally present. in our body and plays a central role in the energy management of our cels - and Do you want to keep your heart heathy and reduc the isk therefore also of our hear a ake J ‘of heart failure? Then, possibly after consultation with your ‘doctor, you can take a nutritional supplement with Ubiquino. Rootes TeV Um Cot a) Our body's cells need eneray to function proper. (One of the things our body depends on is Ubiquinol, 2a substance that occurs naturally in all our cel This applies all he more to our heart muscle, Research has shown that the muscle issue around our heart requires much higher concentration of Q10 than cls in other tissues. However, te problem is that our body produces less and less Ubiquinl as we get older, wich can cause an energy defi in our heart muscle. AS a result our heart cannot contact withthe usual force, are suring rom a resulting in shortness of breath chest pain and heart Ubiquinol decency failure ‘or do you have heart ‘ {alr in the family or do yous take statins? Then consider | Moreover, nt only does a igher age cause our taking Ubiquro. This way you can boost your Ubiquinal vel Ubiqinel content ofl Other factors aso play role. nna time. Your hear wil not only be grateful to ou, you wil For example, certain medicines can have a negative also fee! alot more energetiel effect on our natural Ubiquinal production. This mainly concerns statins, These are medicines that are often prescribed to tack high cholesterol DEE Eagan Ce On oor meee Ey ROS oa sacra sc es ee wpe utes CC RR OLR Cn REC RRC ad Prostar eta a ote tt mater aera tutte) cessed Cro synthesized andcommonlyadded tothings ike margarinetomakeit spreadabeand tocrackersand cookies togivethemalongshell-life Researchestablishetheirlink dobesityand cardiovasculardisease,and they were shownto fuel the iver’sde novolipogenesisfat-making machine ‘These days.nooneisdenyingtherole ‘of ransfatsin disease. Both the United Statesand Canadabanned their use by the ood industryin 2018, for example Butpublicenemy numbertwois provingmuchhardertocradivate. As Robert Lustigeloguentlyllustrated to themassesa decade ago sugars fueling theobesity crisis. Tablesugar,orsucrose, isonemoleculeofbumableghucuse and ‘onemolecule of fructose, which our livercan donothing with butpack away asfatthrough denovolipogenesis, “eslongbeen knownthacboth lipotoxicity and’ ghucotonicity’ areassociated withinflammation Ieadingtodiabetes” he explains. “But itwasn'tclear which, whenandhows, Short-term fasting corrects the beocentassisuptoyou, underlying cycles of excess, not b'**!owinsthebodytimeto mace masking the symptoms. blood sugar resultingin different factionsbatting forsupremacy-Thessience ofthis ceontreversyis now begin intofveus” Hepointstoa recent paperin Cell Metabolism showinghow fructose ‘impairs the function of mitochondria, thecell’spowerhousesthatburn fuelto produce energy! Combine thatwith thework of Nikolaiczyl’steam showing that fat bburningisimpaired in ype 2diabetes, and Lustigthinksthevllainisobvious. “Apart from itscalories,sugarishad fortworeasonsittumnsintofatinthe :nditmucksupthe mitochondria, snergy burning actoriesinsie ‘achell, Both of these resultina process Amownasinsulinresistance,whichleads tochronicdlisease” ngtocome ‘The benefits of nothing ‘Thefastest waytocorrecttheproblemof ‘toomuch glucoseandtoo much insulin, saysFung.isto fast. Going without food,rather than just low-calorie, puts insulin torestsofatinthe freezer canburn, Intermittent fasting, beit skippingbreakfasteating o rmealaday, fasting Fveor six 16- hourperiodsaweek ortwoorthree 24-hour periodsorlonger, switches the boxy tofat-burning mode, Low-caloriedietseventuall fal bbecause metabolism slowsto match the decreased energyintake asillustratedin study of Biggest Losercontestantsall butoncof whom regained mostof the ‘weight theyloston camerawithinsix years In contrast, studies of alternate dy fastingshow thatbasal metabolism stayssteady evenafier22 days Short-term fastingcorrectsthe underiyingeycles of excess by riding thebodyof those excesses, not merely maskingthe symptom othigh blood sugar Plus. unlike otherdiets fasting isfree:itrequiresno foodshopping, special meal preparation,orcalorieor carb counting, ‘Whether youeatlowearborketo tokeep insulin evelsdown recover without digestingis key. Onthe rst day GregPerry ‘wentto DrFung’selinie he decidedto fastandwent27, hourswithout food orsugary drinks."I -wassurprised, heseysTelt really oo” isCharent feet keephim from the benefitsof vigorous exercise buthe has narrowed hiseating to justonceaday and fasislonger fiom timeto time Every \weigh-inand everyblood test resulthas beenin the right direction Now.along with thecrowdsof people thatare floutingpublichealth’sacvice, ditching their DietCokesand pastas, fasting butalso enjoyingprobibitedfaty foodswhen they east he's celebrating “There’sno wayT'mgoingback, Perry says"“Tean'teven pictureit” Fees el " fevoacancosbesttmte, iopaneanene 2 PandS08A2009,06 0-5 2 Gcatminelipt[ 20 8 3 4 cds mapas 5 Nig 6 haneuvesn sean 4 toga stson 3 Caaaa08:0 rst 5. cessing a 6-9 fo foe 2051865 Acalorieisnota calorie Inakey 2015 experiment by Lustig’ team, 43 obese children with atleast one other chronic metabolic disorder, such as hypertension, high triglycerides or a marker of fatty liver, were given nine days offood that restricted sugar but substituted starch to maintain the same fat, protein, carbohydrate and calorie levels a5 their previously reported home diets Whole fruit was permitted, because the fiber in frut offsets the il effects of fructose, whichis why high fiber isa benefit todiabelics. But the rest ofthe non-sugar calories came from processed food like hot dogs, potato chips and piaza—just no sugary cereals, soda, pastry or sweetened yogurt. The children were weighed daily, and if they started to shee weight they were told {toeat more, Interestingly, some said it felt like too much food ‘tthe end of the nine days on the sugar- restricted diet, the children’s metabolic health had vastly improved without a change in weight. Theirblood pressure dropped, triglycerides fll 33 paints, LOL “ad” cholesterol decreased by 10 points, and liver function tests improved. Fasting blood glucose dropped five points, and insulin levels were cut by one-third “Tis study demonstrates that ‘a calorie isnotacalorie’ Where those calories come from determines where in the body they go,” said Lustig, Sugar calories are the worst, because they tur to fatin the liver, diving insulin resistance and, inturn, Lpping the risk for diabetes, heart and liver disease! = 1 Gs Shesarg Ne DrArthurAgatston, originator of the low- carb South Beach Diet, has modifiedthe diet tobe’keto-friendly’ after discovering that itcan help reverse insulin resistance and diabetes, andwipe out a boot he Keto-Friendly South Beach Dietis ‘ot just ow garb Is definitely not lowe fat. Andit’snotastrictketogenicdiet Thisnew approach inelucesthebest ‘ofthe original South Beach Diet (good carbs, ‘good fats) as wellassomeo! the best practices ‘ofthe keto diet—includinglow carb high “full fotand alongerinitia phase toreversesugar addictionand become"fatadapted” And itincorporates additional science- backed recommendations that promote fat bburningand numeroushealth benefits such ascontrollingorreversingsignsofdiabet resolution of insulin resistance, weightloss, increased energy and mental clarity Unlike strict etogenicdliets,thisplan does not require thatyou bein ketosis—a metabolic state where yourbocly isburningoniy at (no carbs) forfuel—to reap these benefits The Keto-Friendly South Beach Dietallows higherlevelof earbohydrates than strike, butitisstill solidly low carband fatburning, Itrecommendshigheramountsof healthy fatsincluding ull-fatelarysthan the original South Beach Di. Italso inclules more protein thanstret keto diets, which isespecialy importantasyou getolderand isoneof the keys tofeeling satisfied aftera meal Onastrictketo diet, carbohydrates are typically restricted tofewerthan 5 percent ‘of otalcalores, with fat providing stound75pereentand protein accounting or the remaining 20percent. Theketo-riendly approach Thisdet llsinto the category ‘ofalessstrict,“keto-iendly” love-carboption. The plan allowstoughly 20t050 sgramsofnetcarbsperdayto Start inereasingtoasmuch as 100gramsaiteryouare fatadapted andhavelost yourbellyandyourinsulin resistance, This dict doesnot require youtomonitorketone eval When you lower theinsulinlevels inyourbloodstzeam,theresulting hhoemonaleffeeton thecellsin your body allowsyouto essentially"unlock your fat stores and yourbely fat melisivay ‘withoutbeinginfulketoss Thishasheen demonstrtedin many clinical twialsoflow-carbohydratedits. Inone major coplewith insulin resistance who followedasimilarlow-carb diet burned up to478morecaloriesperday thanthoseon ahigher-carb diet—whileecatingthesame numberof daily calories! Phase1 Phase I isthe morestringent “low-carb” phase You'll stay on thisphase foraslongasyou wish tocontinuemore rapid weightloss and until yourcravingsaretruly under control. Youcan always come back to Phase Lif you feel that you've gotten carried away with additional starches. Often afteravacationwithsome expected refined carbindulgences, youwill ‘wantto return to Phase L ‘OnPhase I,your goalistokeep yournet carbohydrate intake at 0 grams perdayor less, Carbohydratesarenotjust foundin sugars, starchesand grains, butalso inhealthy ioods suchas vegetables, nutsand dairy products That's where you'llbe getting most of your carbohydratesin thisphase, butthey will make uupasmall percentage of yourdsily intake sith filling protein and fat providingthe es. ‘When you'reon Phase l,youlleatalotof non- starchy vegetables, including broccoli, asparagus, cauliflowerand zucchini,aswellas, healthy fatssuchas full-fatdairyand olive ol. Youllalso beconsuming fatcontained in high-quality peotein-richfoodssuch as fish, ‘meat, poultry andeggs, Ultimately, you willbe able to incorporatea small amount of higher- carbohydrate foods, suchas lentilsand black, beans intoyourdiet. Phase2 Phase 2sthelifesyle phase although you may continuetolose weight,dependingon your fol selections You rasitiono Phase2 once youreachyourweightlossgoalsor whenever youteel you needalittlemore flexibility Dependingon yourlevelofinsulinresistance, blood testzesultsand personal preferences, youmayfindthatslower weightloss withthe ditional food optionsin Phase2ismost sustainable, Ifyou have subcutaneous ft20 Jose beyondyourbellyfatsbeaware thatthisisa slowerprocessandcan beaccoraplishod over longer periodon Phase tor Phase 2. WhenonPhase2.youllbeabletoslowly increase yournet carhsuntilyou find what ‘works best foryou ‘Most peopl find theirsweetspotbetwoon 5 _gramsand 100 gramsof net carbsppr day: but ifyouareslinsulin esistantafterPhase ora postmenopausal woman, youmaybenefit om keeping yournet carbohydratesat 30 gramsor lessonmostdays,indefinitly. Phase2allowstor slightly morecarbsthan Phase I,butyour dietshoutstllremain igh in protein—dor'tletcarbohyrates push other food sourcesoftyour plate. The basics will be thesamebut youwillacd whole fruitswitha Towerglycericindex high-protcinand high-fibergrainsand a wider variety of beans, along with higher-stach veggiessuchassweet potatoes. Inmany ways, Phase isvery imilarto ‘Phase I just more relaxed and friendly for life ‘When totransition rom Phase Ito Phase2 Howcanyoutell when it’stimetomove ‘onfiom Phase I to Phase [f mastofthe followingstatementsare true for you, youare likelyready totransition, = Youthave been an Phase l foratleastone month + Youatefatadapted, with increased energy and endurance *+Cravings frequent hunger throughout the dayandsugaraddiction haveall resolved. “Weightloss has slowed because your belly fat and waistcircumferencehavesubstantially decreased, “Youhaveevidenceaf metabolic improvementson blood testing: yourblood iyceridesarebelow75,liverenzymesare normsaland hemoglobin A1Chas decreased tonohigherthan5.7 + Youhave reached your weight oss goal ‘T2 rules for keto-friendly eating @ Minimize sugars @ Strictly avoid refined carbohydrates limit snacking @ Favor fewer, larger meals over frequent small meals © Maximize the healthiest fats © Consume fullfat dairy @ Limit omega-s vegetable oils © Eat a variety of non-starchy vegetables © Enjoy a wide variety of meats, poultry and seafood @ Fat primarily whole foods @ Eat slowly @beflexible Breakfast Phase 1 Coffee and hazelnut muffins elds largemutfins(Imuin per serving) ‘These gorgeous nutty muffins taste as good as they look. They will get you started in the morning and also make ‘3 great pick-me-up snack to paackin your lunch box. For the muffins large egos % cup strong coffee 1% cup powdered erythritol sweetener % cup unsalted butter, softened to room ‘temperature 2 Thsp hazelnut ol (or substitute more butter) 2 Tsp ground flaxseed or ‘round chia seeds %eup coconut flour cup plus 2 Thsp lightly toasted hazelnuts, ground (reserve 2 Thsp for gamish) tsp baking soda ‘Yetsp baking powder tsp Himalayan pink salt ‘tsp cinnamon (optional) Forthefrsting Yaup heavy cream ‘cup powdered erthrtol sweetener Yup fullfat cream cheese 2Thspinstant coffee, mixed with 2Thsp water ‘tsp vanila extract Directions @Prcheat the ovento 350°F/177°C.lineab-cup rmutfin tin with icone cups or paper cupeate lines (or reese them with butter) and set aside @ Whisk tno 209s, coffee HEALING DIABETE and powdered ert sweetener together ina large bowl Add allthe remaining muffin ingredients tothe bow! and whisk until thoroughly inixed {@ Divi the batter among the prepared cups and bake for about 1 to 20 minutes, or unt atoothpickinserted in the center ofthe cup comes outclean, Transfer the mutins toa wire rackandlet them cool to room temperature. @Whisktogetheralithe frosing ingredients uni creamy and smooth and frostthe cooled murfns Sprinkle the mufins withthe remaining 2 Tbsp of ground {oasteg hazelnuts and sere. The mufinswilkeep in on citi container the refrigerato: or upto 3aoy3, oF you ray freeze the mufins— without the frosting—forup to 2imonths, REAL, AND LONG-LASTING, SOLUTIONS TO CHRONIC HEALTH PROBLEMS Brought to you by the Editors of What Doctors Don't Tell You THE SERIOUS ALTERNATIVE HEALTHEXPO SHOW If you have a long-standing health problem—it could be arthritis, pain, diabetes, depression or anxiety, heart problems and scores of other chronic problems Some of the world’s top —the Get Well Show is one you really won't want to miss. —t/ierapists ‘As a showcase for doctors and therapists who are pioneers ofnew Speakers booked so far include: therapies to resolve chronic health problems, the Get Well Show Dr Damien Downing, the ultimate ‘madical detective will give you genuine hope and inspiration searching at deep (evel fr the cause of your health problem. Instead of “aking the pills’ or just having to put up with it, you COC will discover that there is a solution to your health worry ~ and elder ceo eae ‘one that has been pioneered by therapists who have hundreds, sometimes thousands, of patients who are now enjoying full ees ee eee en health once again thousands of patients, resolving their pain and . returning them to full functional capacity You'll get to meet these therapists and hear them talk about their 4 i it, how it Dr Sarah myhil, who specialises in the treatment of drugs-free approach, how they discovered it how it works, andthe Prsaranitya ine specials in he Heater success they've had. ar ectletheees Over the three days of the Get Well Show at Dr Pam Shervanick, a qualified psychiatrist who treats : . depression, anxiety and bipolar, for instance, Olympia London, you will: holistically. As such, she believes all ‘mental’ problems have a different cause. HEAR some of the world’s leading therapists talk about their ‘methods to get you well. Dr hyjon Eccles, a pioneer of innovative and ground- breaking natural healthcare including thermography ‘Sc practitioners demonstrate what they do for early breast cancer detection. a an . r Kim Jobst, a consultant physician with specialist MEET exhibitors who will explain their therapies to you one-on-one accreditation in general internal medicine and in neurodegenerative diseases and dementia, Dr Appelles Econs, who has a wide-ranging experience The Get Well Show is uniquely laid-our as a ‘wellness town’ with different neighbourhoods ~ such as the Healthy Gut zone, Chronic an management of dietary problems the treatment Conditions, Back & Joints, Allergies & Eco-Friendly, and Healthy of intestinal parasites, and dealing with chemically- Mind so you can easily find the solutions you're looking for. sensitive people Get Well Show, DSRS A tt pao ieor.) Get)/\/-!! f Heit eeicaieeea [Ese SHOW Breakfast Directions Preheat awafflironto Phase 2 ‘medium-high heat. Separate the egg yolks Blueberry from the whites and place in waffles separate bows. Add the egg : yolstoa bowl ih the ik withlemon —_fittecandvanila,wnise cream cheese enti combined. setthe a risture asde frosting inaseprtetow, Yeldszlagewattesfaa —mbinethe ou, whey .waffleperserving) protein powder, baking Soda, baking powder, ea Tomakethefrosting, you'll sakandenthito, need powdered erythrital Fold the dry ingredients Sweetener. whichhasa mtothe wet ingredients, texture similar to powdered iting ust enough to sugar.tfallyouhaveis amine them Pa ranuiied enc ya whites with a handheld ‘an turitinto powder by processingit ina blender or "Het unt st peaks form, ‘about 3 minutes. Fold the food processorforabout 0° ie tothe batter. 201030 seconds cenysirinite blueberries. Ingredients Use aX cup measure Blarge eggs to pour the batter into the ‘eupunsweetened vaila center ofthe waffle ion. almond milk Bake according to your SThspunsaked butte, waffle iron'sinstuction. meked Repeat with te remaining “sp voila extract, bate. 2eupaimond flour While the waffles are % avptapioca four cooking, make the fosting Yeupunfavored whey __b/ combining the butter protein powder and cream cheese in a bow! ‘tsp baking soda and beating them with a Fa ies ee handheld mer for | minute ‘tsp sea sat eee the vail, lemon ‘Tbsp granulated erythritol juice and lemon zest and sooner teatantlcontned abot Pea 20secones, Beatin the oe powdered enthritl until incorporated A 2 Thsp unsalted butter, Beat inthe mond milk, softened ‘Tbsp at a time, until the 3Tsp eam cheese, frosting reaches the desired 5 ree | a tenes a consistency. Special tip: low-carb sugars PSE Ore ee Some sugar alcohols do hav@animpact on blood, tsp lemon zest immediately sugar, including matt, the most commoniy used cri peaaiared erytetel sugar alcohol Theyre also known to cause digestive ® ee upsetin many people. Eytvitol s the only sugar vanilla almond milk alcohol that seems to have minimal tonoimpact ‘on blood sugar and does nat cause digestive issues for most people. For that reason, i's the only sugar alcohol we recommend, ~ 85 CYTOPLAN Vitamin D is a key vitamin for immunity especially during the winter months, It keeps bones and teeth healthy by helping the body absorb calcium. Itis also important for the ‘unctioning of the immune system. Inthe UK. vitamin D can be synthe the skin between April and September on sunny days, Research shows that one in five people in the UK are Low in vitamin D and are not even aware of it. The government now recommends ‘adults and children over the age of one should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10yg of vitamin D. particularty during autumn and winter! 01684 310099 Followus @cytoplan f w () Lunchordinner ‘tsp chipotle cili powder Whisk together the tomato ‘Keup chicken broth past, ie ice, chipoti cit Phase1 Yeupeannedblackbeans, powder, chicken broth, salt and f a tine and caihad pepper o taste ina small bow Chicken fajita (cpcootedcauitowersice © Add ths mute along bowl Yup Monterey ackeheese wih the coked hiker and one yeblack beans tothe veggies Yreldsasenings Fe oe inthe pan and cook for 310 Enjoy fiesta in awd icy A minutes, unt the sauces | pieces fchictenarecosted in 2 peeons slightly thickened % favorlfaitasouceandtossed Rwections Divide the cauliflower ce 7 with perfectly sautéed veggies: foatetiiee, into 4 bows, then top with the ” medium-high heat ine large 3 w Wand black beans. Serveover etl imate rem the pan. Garrsh f cauifonernceandtopital — SSF we chicken vce th cheese and lana fe th Monterey ackcheese.._ nto Yeinch Cram pecesand. rhs gah meybe stored seasonitwith paprika and salt an oitightcontoinerinthe mona and pepper totaste, Place itin _refnigerotorfor3to-4days, Tbsp alive the Hot ket and brownitfor 3 Forlon-erm storage, eeze BN nye bores se ‘nvdual partons Defrost em B tpound bonelesssknless toutes pesife. Remove aid prtan: Def them Chicken breast the chicken andsetitasde, _fhontehea them averted Tsp paprika reserving the grease inthe pan 2ecup sliced onions Reduce the heat iomedum. medium bell pepper, siced Ad the onion andbel pepper 2Te maopasie and cookfor3 to 4 minutes, atic hice Unt the onion itranslucen. RETREAFRECHARGE AND RENEW IN THE SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS What are the benefits Why is Scotland such a of the retreats? good place to retreat? After six nights, guests report: The west coast Scottish High! sustained weight loss, increased worthy of any bucket lis; just spending NE energy, relief from aches and time here is good for the soul, It’s pend a week ody immersed in unspoilt nature and programme of pains, improved mood, sleep, incredibly ri skin and digestion. The Toolkit’s week With ‘rest’ a key breathtak focus of the programmes, the e nproved spring months offer an ideal time of y 0 retreat and recharge, body for thetran eared and my Toolkit Retreats are hosted use, in the west coast lands, during the early Spring: January to April. This Victorian ntry house has been used as a What happens on the retreats? highland retreat for over 150 y and is bathed in spectacular vi ganic and surrounded by some of ga, walks. tamn vfreeinawaythat coaching on ways to combat stress Stu ery and Thavent been foryears- and create new habits for life. Guests approach to health has becomea proven Inever return home, inspired and empowered winning formula, with many guests with the ‘tools’ tomaintain their results. ng year, after yea The Body Toolkit Arisaig House Retr il BEESON UA egy PTI wAaa. Lunchordinner Phase1 Pepperoni and goat cheese pizza sds es( sleepers) ‘Who says pizzas off limits when you're eating low carb? ‘Once you try this version of your favorite comfort food, you Wor't even want to gabackto delivery. Ingredients Forthe cust ‘Vécups shredded whole ik mozzarella cheese “207 fullfat cream cheese ‘Vscups almond flour Marge eog 1 tspminced garlic Forthe toppings Yecup pza sauce (no sugar added) 1cup whole milk morzarelia cheese 32 thinsies of pepperoni (2to 302) cup crumbled goat cheese 2 Thsp grated Parmesan cheese Directions @ Place an oven rackat the bottom of the oven and preheat ito 425°F/218°C. Take out a baking sheet and cut two pieces of parchment paper the same size Set these aside. @ Combine 4 cups of shredded mozzarella and cream cheese in a saucepan over low heat and stir ‘nti melted and smooth, Remove rom the heat, allow the mixture to cool slightly and then transfert toa food processor. © Add the almond flour and egg tothe cheese mixture ane pulse untila dough forms, about 2 minutes. @ Remove the dough from the food processor and transfert to apiece of parchment paper: Cover the dough with the other piece of parchment paper and Use araling pin to rollthe dough into. rectangle about the size of your baking sheet, approximately a uarterinch thick. @ Remove the top piece of parchment paper and transfer the dough along withthe bottom piece of parchment paper to a baking sheet @ Use a fork to poke holes allover the dough. Spread the minced garlic evenly ontop. @ Place the baking sheet in the preheater! oven. Bake for 9 minutes or until the dough starstotum golden. © Fortthe topping, spread the pizea sauce evenly over the dough. Sprinkle cup of mozzarella evenly on top, followed by the pepperoni and crumbled goat cheese. Sprinkle the Parmesan over the other toppings. © Bake for 10 to 15 more minutes or until the cheese ‘melts and starts to bubble, Remove the piza from the ‘oven and allow itto cool before serving. Pe AIS CLEC TREATMENT FOR Treats Phase1 Almond flour tortilla chips with homemade guacamole Yields: aservngs These low-carb tortilla chips ‘are made with almond flour and flaxseed fora crispy, crunchy chip that’s perfect for scooping up freshly made guacamole Ingredients ‘% cup almond flour ‘% cup ground flaxseed large egg white tsp sea salt 24tsp baking powder Olive oil Forthe guacamole 2 large ripe avocados, pitted Juice from time ‘4.cup roughly chopped fresh lant (coriander) tsp sea salt 2%tsp garlic powder Directions @ Preheat the ovento 350°F/177°C. Cuttwo pieces ‘of parchment paper to the size ofabaking sheet and set them aside. @Piace he almond four, flaxseed, eag white, salt and taking powderinto the bow! ‘of food processor and puse until a dough forms. OTunthedough out ‘onto one othe pieces of parchment paper and then top twith he second piece ‘ofparchment paper. Use a rong pintoralthe dough ‘ut into a large ova, about thesame length and width as the parchment —this dough should be very thin. OSiidethe parchment «covered dough ontoa baking sheet and then carefully remove the top piece of parchment paper. Using a pizza cutter, cutthe dough into 2inch squares, Then cut each square diagonally into ‘wo triangles © Spray the top ofthe dough with te olive oil and bake for 12015 minutes, or uni the chipsare golden. @Meanwtie, scoop out the nipe avocado and place itn large bowl. Ad the lime juice, clantro, salt and gate powder. Mash with aforkto combine. Taste and add more sal i needed Oere immediate, ‘ordaie the chips and ‘guacamole into fourseparate containers fora pre portioned snackt0 enjoy throughout the week Treats Phase 2 ? Peanut butter cups ‘elds cups tleupperserving) This sugar-free take onthe classiccandy couldr’t ve easier to make and is filed with 8 thick layer of creamy peanut butter! Ingredients % cup cocoa powder % cup coconut ol, melted 2 Tosp granulated erythritol sweetener %tsp vanilla extract 6 Thsp unsweetened natural peanut butter Coarse ea salt, for topping (optional) F Directions # @ Linea - Reducing the risk Hereare some ataalance dietand lifestyle tips to cut the risk of suffering I another stroke Exercise ingeneralisknown Eatat least three to five servings of fruit and vegeta- bles day—the more the better! Exercise most days of the week. Brisk walking for an hour a dayfive daysa tobebenecil forstroke survivors, Butone type that may be especially helpfulistaichi,the traditional Chinese technique that combinesceep breathing and relaxation withaseriesof posturesthat flow smoothly fromonetathe next. Stucl suggestiteanimprove balance maodsleeptimb unetion andalkingabilityin sioke week can cut the risk of stroke by patiens,aswellastheir ability 0 performihebascsel artasks Da Tike eating, bathing. dressing Maintain a healthy andgettingaround.“One-to weight, and netic eons tro especially watch out Youth neds for abdominal fat: Limit alcohol to no more than two drinks per day if you drinks Ifyou smoke, quit: Eat more whole grains, such as oats, quinoa and brown rice! Eat more sources ‘of good fats, such as fatty fish, wal- Nuts, flaxseed and chia seeds." Find away to destress— Another cial ig ue psychological stress aceandynobility ‘acupunctureisrecommendedbythe Work! Health isa known risk SoU Un (Organization asanalternativeand complementary factor for stroke. fientsfeelcalrherand more treatmentiorstroke Researchshowsitsefiecive forimprovingbalance,movement,musclestrength 1 r= andgeneralwellbeinganditworksinayariety |? SC ™75.5.200 5+ ‘of waysfom regulatingecerebral blood fleweto : promotingneurogenesis,theformationof new neuronsin thebrain= Jofindalocalacupuncturist visit ° sewitacupunctureorgukintheUKor J ww wacunow.orgin the US. Cone eens Ideally, findayog therapistwho canofferan individualizedprogram. 10% DISCOUNT WITH PHONE ‘ORDERS. QUOTE WDDTY20 WHY CHOOSE US? + 100% PURE PRODUCTS + COMPETITIVE PRICES + WORLDWIDE DELIVERY ACTNATEDCEAROAL=£9.95ALPIALPOI ACD -£23 99 ‘SATPSOMG £38.23 AGA TURNER £17.30 Nisdmasankibatet, —palpcadsowe + ABSOLUTERELIABILTY ——siysoycruysaistinsm —— urscbspaemente egies nist kink fants eet ara aes tet ‘aniestbeenantn none ads tr bt Tetominteoeeeneoa te nakowle eye some cape ‘hudson (ets 01403 730342 eK sg Denny ‘COLLEGE OF De eli lles MEDICINE Attend a FREE Open Event CHANGE CAREER Train to become a... = Nutritionist = Acupuncturist = Naturopath "Herbalist =Homeopath = Natural Chef Full & part-time studies a (ad) Health Coach In class or online Colleges across the UK and Ireland A EL Ey 0)) | ] recently foundoutthavehigh levels ofleadand mercury froma hair analysis. 'm notexposed tothese ‘metalsthrough my joband don'thave anydental fillings. which [knowean contain mereury.Canyousuggestany natural ways to get ridofthesemetals? Tknowtheyean'thegood for me! B,viaemal Heavymetalsikelead, cadmium, mercuryandarsenicareso ubiquitous intheenvironmentthat virtually everyoneiscontaminated with them tosomedegree. Butthatdoesn't ‘mean they're nothing io worry about: allfourare confirmed orprobable carcinogensand canhavewide ranging toxiceflees, from nervous systemandhormone problems to immunological and cardiovascular damage! ‘Our bodies bave built-in detoxification system togetrid of these metas. alongwith other harmful substances,but various factors such asgenes, nutritionand lifestyle can impact how well thisystem works High exposureto heavy metalsor other pollutants, forexample.can mthesystemand i bodySability to eliminate them ‘The good newsisthereareanumber ofinatural, gentle ways to help thebody with the removal ofheavy metals, Here'saselectionof what works. overwh Y REDUCE YOUR EXPOSURE Forstarterstrytoworkout age how youcouldbeexposed toleadandmercuryand take stepstominimizefurther contamination. The mercury islikelytiom yourdiet.Fishand seafood canbe pollutedby mercu so considercuttingthese from yourdiet(youcan takean ‘omega-3 supplement toensureyoulrenotmissingouton essential fatty acids), Asforlead, this can be found in ol paint, ddrinkingwater,cosmetics, sil vintage furnitureand household dust Simply usingawaterfilter(trythe ZeroWaterju), vacuumingregulariy and nstallingan airpurifiercan help to reducclead evelsinyourhome—scc our junc 2019issuefora, ‘comprehensive guide, SWEATITOUT Anything that makes you sweat—exercse, saunas, steam baths—can help youeliminateall kinds of toxic stibstances rom thebody.includingheavy metals Indeed, mercury andlead havebeen found tobe excreted through sweat! Many detoxexperts includingeditoril panel ‘member Dr Sarah Myhil. recommend far-infrared saunasin particular, which use infrared ight wavesto heat thebody. She suggests short sessions daily, ust to the pointof sweating but start with twoaweekand build up gradually Always follow witha showerto preventthe reabsorption of any nasties, and hydrate and takeamulti-miineral supplement replace ost fluidsand minerals. ‘Health spasoften have far-infrared saunas, buta ‘more convenient option isaportable sauna for home. bs Use. available from companies such asFirzone (nee fizone.coul) and Dusherm (www.durherm.<0 | OPT FORALGAE Thepopular supplements chlorellaan spirulina, two dlifferen formsofalgae,canboth be used tohelp wth the naturaldetoxofheavymetals. Although nical trialsare lacking, animal studies show that chlorella can boost theremovalofeadmium,SleadFand mercury Pile }) spirulinahasbeen found wabsorblead from wastewater andotherliquids!"Hlowever,asthealgavitsel could be contaminated with heavy metals,make sure youchoose abigh-qualityproduct, suchas Sun Chlorella orRoyal Green Spirulina, Chal HAVE YOU DISCOVERED THE SYNERVA CBD OILS AMAZING HEALTH BENEFITS OF CBD YET? bo 088s SoCo Ron CeCe eters Ponca uni! eS aS CU SCRE Cae Oneness ats WTRUSTPILOT : Peer eset ALL OUR OILS ARE: Prac rh + Zero THC Cee eee + Organic Area coe * Full Spectrum + Grown in the Colorado, USA Sunshine 10% OFF ALL ORDERS USING CODE DOCTOR10 CBD is suggested to: Promote General Wellbeing Restore Balance Calm Anxiety Reduce Inflammation Relieve Pain we Aid Sleep T: 0161 706 0440 E: w: CHOMP ON CILANTRO Alsoknown as coriander or Chinese parsleyscilantro ”(Coriandrumsatvam)appearstoassstwiththe removal oF BHR nercuryandlead from thebody tsa populacingcedient Ef incommercaldetocsupplements (ceeds) au ittoreipes suchas soups sauces and salad. Beingdeficientin vitamins, yourmorevlneabletot ESS a, aucune eal. balanced diet that includes BeomplexvRaria plenty of protein, fiberand essential vitaminsand minerals crucial foran efficient detoxification system, so focuson catingwellSpecificfoodsanddrinksthat rmayhelp with heavy metal toxicity ndude garlic,onions tomatoes. grape uiceand =) renten 2 antes 0,58 1 COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS a $ arpa 00 200:00 Numerousproduasare alongwithcilantroleaftincture, withoutremovingany $ MERSPU. ny 72 availabletobuytohelpthe theformulawastestedinatrial essential minerals 2 so, 10-5 bodywiththeremovalof of350metafoundryworkerss# —Otherdetoxproducisworth 8 Zyradyrsate5 67-4. heavymetalsandothertoxic Taking 40-dropsofthe _tryingincludeBiorayNDF 9, xipavieanntrtes oho 85-235 substances,butonethat'sheen liquidthreetimesadayledto (Natural Detox Formula ‘eapan crane 2-40 shown toworkinscentiic|_theclearanceof aluminum, and eae stuciesis HMD (Heavy Metal be ‘Toxaprevent,made by 1 Erion erg 175209508; Detox;wxewdetoxmetals com), Nouveau Health eae 2 Jnana B70 Made upof homeopathic Goowwtoxapreventicosd, 8 tien.o0m7 0 chlorellaanditsgrowth factor from the workers bodies— 3 fsLomomer dg 2 162-7 infrared heated produ for aches, pains, detox, — sport & fitness and well being Portable Sauna Dome Far infrared heated mat ad i et leading suppliers om tale TiePreaypeo| pxureexel uikaines WA) ee 0845 680 7671 E: NATURALVET Misery guts Holisticvet Rohini Sathish shares her top natural remedies for managing inflammatory bowel disease in dags (Our German Shepherd, Hannibal, has suspected inflammatorybowel lisease. Please can you recommend somenaturalremediesthatcanhelp? TRvaemil Inflammatorybowel disease (IBD) common diagnosisindogs and cats that have suifered fromsome sortofchronicintestnal upset Ltrefers (oagroup ofconditionsthatinvolve inflammationin partoforthroughout theintestines.In mostcases, the underlyingcauseisunknown. ‘Symptomsand diagnosis Symptomsof 8D inboth dogsand cats include weightloss despitea heathy appetiteand chronic vomiting with or «without diarthea. Petstypically experiencean increascin thefrequency of bowel movements but passonlyasmallamountoffeceseach time,and they maystrain foralongtime before orafter defecating. Dogsmayhave chronicdiartheawith mucusand blood, \whilecatsmore ofien havesolid but blood-stained fees Togetaconcretediagnosisof IBD, your vetwillneed tocolletatisuesamplefmom theintestine oruscultrasoundtolook for changesintheintestinal walls But most vetsdiagnose BD based ona detailed physical esamand medicalhistory ually; petswith chronic sueslook unkemptor messy. Dogs mayhave dry orgreasyhairscatswillnot groom themsclvesanl may frequently throw uphairballs, Mostimportanths pattern whereapetisll for weeks or ‘monthsrather than justafewdaysis highiy suggestive of IBD, Conventionaltreatment Pets with mild IBD willbe treatedas ‘outpatients. butifyourpethasbledalot fromhisrectumorbecomesdehydrated, hemaybeadmittedforblood testsand fluid therapy. Antimicrobial drugs maybe usedif fecal culturesreveal siarda, salmonella histoplasmaoe campylobacterinfections ‘Anti-inflammatory drugs. especially steroids,areofien prescribed to suppresstheimmunesystem. In severe casesoF IMD, some specialist vetshavestarted prescribing powerful chemotherapy drugslike chlorambucil and cyclosporine. Whilethesemayhelp resolvethesymptoms.they canbequite dangerous themselves Because theseapproaches don’ taddressthe rootcauseofthe inflammationandhave many possible side-effects itegrativecareis preferable, Holisticapproach ISD responds welltoherbal medicine and autritionalsupport,and thereare ‘many thingsyoucando athometotry tocascHannibal’ssymptoms. Here,the focusison limitingthe inflammatory ‘processin the gastrointestinal (GI) tractby changing thegutenvironment andalsoto cure BD by fortfyingthe immunesystemandlorgansliketheliver. Ticanbetemptingtouselotsor resmediestagether butitsimportantto take tslow. Start with one supplement and slowly introdueeadditional ones, ‘oncatatime,overat east three-week intervals. Thereisno need to use every single supplementor herb liste here. WhenitcomestosoothingtheG! tract, 6 IBD responds well to herbal medicine and nutritional support 99 Diet Nutritionaltherapyisthefirststepto resolving IBD.Catsespecially may respond todietary management alone when fed high-fiberora highly dligestibledict Justfastingyour pet for24A8hours to test theGl tract may beenough to get temporary resolution of symptoms. You canalso iry feedingahypoallergenicdiet calledalimited-ingredient dietoranovel protein diet.containingaformof protein that your pethasnotbeen exposed to. ‘Check out ill’ Pet Lily’ Kitchen, James Wellbeloved and Natures Menu forsome good options, Inthe US,NuteiSean ny pala test developed! by Dr Jean Doda to identi food imtolerancesinpets,can provide some guidanceinpicking food for sensitiveanimals Similarly. the Pet ‘Wellnes Life Stress Scan available through Glacier Peaks Holistics svn alsohelpnarrove down food allergies. IntheUK,allergytestingforpetsis available through Avacta Animal Hea wavactuanimalhealth co Ifthereisno likelioodof anallergy, justfeedinghome-cooked chicken and rice canhelp. Hydrolized diets—where the protein hasbeen broken downso farastonolongertriggertheimmune system—arealso available fromyourvet th is created ip? , Boer se Water Oil and Capssuitable for Vegants,(Balm contains Beeswax). eer sat haere Member of Cannabis Trades Association and CannaPro certified. Pia oe | ee Se = cts OS 4 eta = ins refed toast SPECIAL OFFER: OFFER 1* cay CoD a npliance whenyou shop wii healthstrong. ORDER YOUR CBD TODAY or call 0333 444 5667* toca rate cal and canbe effective forthetreatmentof ‘colitis (inflammationofthecolon),one formof IBD. ‘Supplements [EEE Supplementing fiber intake ‘withbran or pslliam canhelpbulkthe feces Scope domge-aTxptecaewhest bran; -6tsppsyllium IELIELIEE Theseateacomerstoneof good guthealth and immune system fanctionastheyhelp with digestion, optimal nutritionand good bacteria inthegut. There are several good quality productsavaiableonline from companiessuchasNatr-vet, Vetriscieneeand Glacier Peak Holstics Suggesteddosage:folowlabeistrucionsif yeurpetikesyogutandisallrgtoday you ‘Onfeed-3spperdyotivecuturedyogurt (EEE standard Processmakesa Canine Enteric Support supplement that canbe helpful but must beavoided in petsthat havea sensitivity to beet porkorlamb, Suggesteddosagesfolowlabelistrucions (ELIE Clay bindsto bacterial toxins and helpstonormalize stool quality. Bentonite clay, montmorillonite dlavand eoliteclayare great supplements for diarrhea. ‘Suggested dosage:folowiabelinsttions Availbleonline,this, isobtained from iesheow'smilkandis knowin toimpreveinflammation within the Gl rset Thereisalsosteongevidence ithelpswithcheoniccoltisinhumans. ‘Suggesteddosage:folowiabelinstrucions (DESSITSSENIGISS These are great forpetswith too much gasordiarrhea. Usefungal-derived enaymesrather than those derived from pigs, and use halforaquarterofthe recommended doseonthelabel Pawgest om Glacier Peaks Holistic (avalablein the US)and Prozyme(availableinthe UK and US) areboth excellent products. Sugoested dosage: for petsunder si, give ‘tsptwiceadaywith food; forpets15S0lb, Yetsp; 50-801, tsp;over80b Tbsp (EATERIES Thisamino acid, avaiable ‘atmost health food stores, protectsthe ‘gastrointestinal mucosa Suggesteddosage:500mgtwicea day Herbs Slippery elm (Utnus rubra) protectsthe mucosallayer ofthe Mint canine biscuits ‘1% cup (175 g) setf-rising flour ‘Mree-ange egg 2 Tosp mint-infused sunflower oil (see the recipe for herb-infused oils below) tsp honey Handful finely chopped fresh garden mint @ Preheat oven to 375°F/190°C and grease an 8 x ‘Thinch (20 x 29 cm) baking sheet @ Nix together all the ingredients ina large bow toform asoft dough. Soread the mixture % inch (em) deep on the baking tray. Bake for 25-30 minutes unt just firm, © Remove from the oven and et cool. Cut into small bitesized squares. Keepinan airtight, labeled container inthe fidge for upto five days, or freeze for upto one month, Herb-infused sunflower oil seontyoneherbpernson ‘1K 02 (50g or about 1% cup) dried herb of your choice: catnip, chickweed, calendula (marigold), ‘mint, nettle, rosehip or bladderwrack 16.9 floz (500 ml) sunflower oil OFilla dy, sterlized olass jar with your chosen dried herb and cover completely withthe oil—keep pouring until you reach the sloped shoulder ofthe ia, leaving a small space forthe oilto breathe {@ Screw the id on tighty and leave the arin a warm place or indirect sunlight suchas ona sunny Windows for between four and six weeks or until the oilhas taken onthe color ofthe plant material Shake the jar vigorously every day. © Aer the cithas infused, pour it through a sieve into a terized measuring jug to strain the herb Transfer the oil toa (preferably dark) bottle © label, date and storein a cool, dry place. Use within three months. mucosa-protective properties, Suggested dosage: chooseapetsfeforula andfolowthe abelinsructons (CIEE Mint and most commonly the peppermint variety, Merthapiperitais ‘oncof the best digestiveaidsavailable and helpssootheand relaxthe digestive tract, Many drugsand over-the-counter formulations forboth humansand animalscontain mintto help with all sorts of digestive complaints including indigestion, flatulence, nausea, colitis, bloatand coc. asithasantispasmodic and calming qualitesthathelpsettethe stomach. Trymyreeipeformintbiseuits (seebox. lei) to intmducethisherbinto Hannibatsdiet Homeopathy BothNux vomicaand Arsenicumare cflective instoppingvomitingand diarrhea, ‘Suggesteddosage: ute 20

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