2020 Wddty May 2020

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DrDouwe Rienstraaniconoclast ‘who practicesin Poe Townsend Wi extensively about the problems with the DEXA ‘Thefirstisue,hesays,isthatbonedensitycanbevasty ferentin thesameareasofthebody Studies have found thatbonedensitycan vary forinstance,byasmauchas6 percentinthespineand7 percentintinchip, “Testresultscanalsovary greatly dependingonbody size, Smaller peopl routinely registerashaving osteopenia niegrativephysician hington haswritten brosteoporosis simplybecausetheyhavesmallerbon isethe DEXA se hhastotravelfurthertogetthrough aheavierpersonishones, iteconcludesthat theyhavemorecalciumintheirbones andthusheavierbone mineral density,evenifthesmaller whieh castalightershadon. Bees personhasan identical percentageo calciumintheirbones. A study of 1,625 post-menopausal women confirmed thatlower measuresofbonemineraldensitywereseen morofteninsmaller women, 6¢Bonemineral densityis notan idealmeasure of honestrengthand doesn'tpredict fractures well 99 Theothorissucisthereferencepointsagainstwhich ceveryoneisudged Besidesa Z-score (howyoucomparcto cothersofthesameage),thosegettinga DEXA scan receive T-score, sshichcomparestheirscoretothebone mineral densityofastrapping20-year-old, Andthen thereistheissueof different models of DEXA ‘machines, which produceresultsthatcandillerbyasmnuch as 20pereentaccordingto Danish research, WithnewerDEXA seanners,"normal”bonemineral densitys calibrated byhavingresearcherstaketheskeletons ‘ofcadavers, measure thebonevolumeand:thenuschigh heattoburnoffeverythingbutthemineralashresidv. Measuringtheash,theybeleve, will provide the mineral contentoftheone. Ace hhas“undlerestimated spinaldenstyy up 103 percent DrS.P Nielsen, aresearcherat Hillerd Hospital, Denmark, summed uptheentire problem ofusinghonemineraldensityto diagnose thestate of ourbones:"Bone mineral densityisnotan ideal measurcoftrucbone znsty:itisnotan ideal measureofbone strengthitdoesnot predict facturesvell; andithasinherentproblemsof accuracy andiinear Thegreatestevidenccofthiswasalange scale Canadian study of morethan 16,000 women verS0 agnosedashavingosteopenia, which compared thei T-sconeswiththeizlikelhoodofsustaininga fracture. Ofthe 765 fracturesrecorded in thestudy, most ofthe ‘women with osteoporotic fractures were given T-scores thatregisteredthemashavingnormalbone mineral density values Inother words, the DEXA test wasbasiallyuselessin predicting which women wouldgoon toget fractures ‘Thestudy emphasized the need tolookatcinicalrisk factors ratherthanbone mineral density when diagnosing ‘osteoporosis, And the irstplacetolook,asourSpecial Report thismonthadvises(page26),isyourgut Newvidence showsthatthestrengthof yourboneshas farlesstodowith theamounofealcium youconsume and armoretodowiththestate inflammatory factors ‘nyour digestivesystem,saysCate Montana Wealsoofer information aboutbetterandmoreaccurateteststouseand thebestvitaminand pecial herbal sapplementstotake Definitely worth oningupon. ingto Dr Rienstra,rescarchshowsthat thismethod | The 48-hourtoxin kedown ye sick i thew g ‘running NEWS FAMILY HEALTH + REGULARS News Naturalremediesfor Readers letters Yoqaisthebestexeraseforchroniclow + Chronichives backpain;mobilephonesdacause brain tumors The politicsofhealth Don'trustthemainstreary media's reporting onketociots, says Rob Drugnews Sickasadog | Vee Heartbundrug Wondering what io antaclinkedto stomachcanees opividsnatreieving - painin30 percent of Practitioner ve HEATH SHOPPG ne NEWSFOCUS ? 1B . » : Noscents . Findingcancer'’s | Yesnitsimolewiththesetragrance. | Resourcesandcoming sweet spot eeskinandhaircareessentials nextmonth he distoveriesofOttoWarburgare 2 finally beingre rescar alucoseand cancer Cotton on 24 A We'reinthemoney Pharmaceuticalsaleskeepgoingup andup, anctheindustyissettohit $1:8tilioninglobalsalesby2024 HEALTHYLIVING 6 Thelast word says Bryan Hubbard Backin yourbody jandinto your andanviety Cetou youre toalleviat @E more vegetables j andlessmeat { anddairy ; couldlower your risk of | heartdisease | andhelp you : live longer $9 | Seepagets * Yourviewsare § importanttous, | Pleasecontactusat: iz | o2oseaaasss laa | INFO@WDOTY.co.UK Dita Ty Editorial Panel What Doctors Don't Tell Youissupported bysomecftheworle’s leading pioneers innutritional, environmental and alternative medicine. Eachisan authortyin hisorherfield; many havebrokennew groundand inspired newpracticesin medicine. | chemical sensitiv Dr.Jean Monro, medical director ofthe Breakspear Hospital. isan interna | tionally recognized specialistin environmen tal medicine,including | such conditionsaschronic drome, Lyme nd multiple fatig disease Fellow oftheAmerican ‘Academy of Environmen- “tal Medicineanda Board Certified USexaminer Downing, whose practice specializesin allergy,environmentand | nutrition iscurrent president ofthe British Society for Ecological | Medicineand onthe ceditorialboardof | charity Yesto Life heisabotheauthor of numerousbooks, including The Vitamin Cure forAMergies. Dr. Harald Gaier, bythe UK’smost Knowledge ablepractitionerofthe 1majoralternativemedh It’s key vitamin that has anticancer properties andi’ been linked to preventing arange F of ther cance, induding colon, bladder, prostate and colorectal ‘Butwe havete get out into thesuntotopup aur levels. Onlyasmall ‘amount of what we need comes fom food and supplements, say researchers from Zhejiang Univesity, in Hangzhou, China, Theylooked at 20 studiestha included more than 35,000 breast cancer patients, whose blood levels ofitamin D were compared with those of heathy women, ‘They estimate that women withthe lowest levels ofthe vitamin were 97 percent more likely to develop breast cancerthanthose with the highest eves. EveryadeitionalS mol/Lof vitamin intheblaod ‘was associated witha6 percent drop in breast cancer tsk 9208 7.1708-22 THERE’SNO SUCH THING ASA TYPICAL RESTING HEART RATE ‘Watches and appsthat monitor every aspectof urhealth constantly remind uso our resting heart ra. I’s seen as an important indicator of our overall health —but anew studyhas foundthaitels usnesttonothing Forone, there'snosuch thing asatypicalrestingheat rate Infact ‘canyaryfom one person toanother by as muchas70 beats per minute, sayresearchersfrom the Scripps Research Translational institute tdoesn'tendthere. Ourown hear rate can change with the seasons—ittendsto behigherin January and lower in uly—and even vary by 10 beatsor more inashort time But the biggest iferenceisseen across incviduals as the researchers cscovered when they analyzed data glazed from mist monitorsthat had been worn by over 92,000 people fr 320 days The restingrate varied by as much as 70 beats across the group, andthe researchers were at.aloss to understand why. Factorsof age, sex bodys indox (BMI) and sleep patterns together accounted forlessthan 0 percent ofthe variation. oson 200-0278 Mobile phones do cause brain tumors... term mobile pho can cause brain of tals confirmed ttuphald an eariertuling hatamanhad developed oustc neuroma, a benign imorofthe head, asadrect ofusinga Appeal in Turn said dal the scientific and concluded there was “strong evidence” that EME (electromagnetic field) frequencies fro ‘phone could cause th Wsthe secoitime an talan courth ‘mobile phones can cause cancer. A2010 ruling in favor cof anttalian worker was eats laterby the Suntry'shighest cour inthe latest ruling, the ais cour judges nated ficult to find good independent research that hadn'theen funded bythe iobile phone industry. These conflicts of interest should be highlighted rom the offset, the judges said, nd ess weightshould be a them, butit could have to do with genetics screened before usingacell 900peoplein C hone, especialyascases tod of thyroid cancer genetic yaritio: genetic disposi rsing aroundthe weremore likely to develop study has concluded andourphones could bean thyroid cancer—andlthe risk s doublethe doubledifthey were regularly uwinga cll phone th certain genetic newcasesofthyroid cancer __‘Theyaddithattheriskmay owns SNPs red everyyearinthe US, be reduced by peopletexting witharound2,180 people instead ofcaline. Rosearchersfromthe dying fromthe disease, ents 200 9008 ‘The researcherslooked at log cal profes of over ae. IMMUNE SUPPORT FOR YOUR FAMILY NEVER TASTED SO GOOD SAE x os dose vitamin C >» lemon peach immune-ade drink mix offers a refreshing ) combination of real plant based flavours with a premium blend of up to 4,000 mg. non-GMO vitamin C ( 2,000 mg. per scoop ) plus generous doses of L-lysine, Bromelain and a 94% pure green tea extract in a satisfying, thirst quenching, sugar-free drink mix. Nothing about Sufficient-C* is hard to swallow! Now you can easily obtain the effective, year-round immune support your immune system needs with the sweet, satisfying flavour you crave! oe 34 Sufficient C8 We Drink To Your to tn” Gi HIGH DOSED LEMON PEACH x MMUNE-ADE DRINK MIX‘ 4,000 MG. VITAMIN C ‘ “SROMELAIN «4% PURE & CAFFEINE FREE GREEN! ee & 250 gram dietary supplement www.pahc.co.uk @ 0345 6061 301 info@pahc.co.uk T-active healthcare i Optimism makes effects of stroke less severe Optimists who suffera stroke are mare likely to havea goad recovery. The damage caused by thestrokefslaweramangthose who maintain. f positive outlook, researchers have found, Three monthsaftera stroke, the optimists had less inflammation and betterphysical ‘mobility, say researchers from the Univesity cf Texas Health Science Center whe monitered the progress of 49 stroke surivers, They discovered that those who remained postive had lower blood levels of inflammatory markers—andinflammation ator astroke harms mental capacity and influences recovery, Other studies have seen similar benefits of positive mental atitude on other chronic health condition ‘reanseteAcatontenatontstetanfeene, Ferman nano » lll TE Aluminum could be a factor in Alzheimer's after all ‘The theory abouta inkbetween aluminum and lcheimer’s disease ust ‘won't go away—and 40 years aftr it was first proposed, researchers think ‘they have finally discovered a connection. Brantissue rom Alzheimer’s patients often has higher than narmal vel of aluninum, sayresearchers from Keele Univesity Butte metalwasn'tfound in every he researchers examined, suggesting isalso ageneticpredsposition jas some people more pile. is subgroupis morelikely to suffering ftom Alzheimer’s symptoms much ealerin ‘often ram around the ageof researches think. tic tations interfere with the way id proteins work, andthey can destroy I pathways—affecting healthy brain -when they tart malfunctioning, a process that could be triggered bythe presence of aluminum. Inan eater study the Keele researchers had discovered that aut of ‘Dbsrain samples ror Aaneimer’s patents had high concentrations of ‘aluminum that were “pathologically concerning,” Fortheirnew study, the researchers examined 83 bran tissue samples, 45 of which hadhigh levels of aluminum. its 220; 70535 09710 Zinclozenges don’t shorten the common cold (but, then, they don’t contain much zinc) Sucking zinc lozenge won’t make your cold go away any soener—but that coud be because most popular brands contain very ite zing ‘lozenge ypicaly contain litle mare than 13mg zine, an that's toolitle te have anyettect onthe common cold People who suck lozenges every day til suffer from a cold for around five days, along with therest of us. Researches from the University of Helsinklin Fnlandtested the effectiveness of zinclazenges ona group of @Bvolunteers ho had cold half were asked tosucks lozenges day for five days, andthe rest were instead given a placebo lozenge with no active ingredient. Butthere was nodifferenceinthe uration ofthe coldbetween the ‘r0ups—althoughsurprisinalythose given placebo recovered quicker afterward The resuts don't mean zinclozenges are Useless agalnstthe common co, researcher Hariemilia sai, Instead, tsuggests that manufacturers should make lozenges with higher rinccontent Anelthat dissalve more lowly on thetongue, ope 00-0 ne POLARAID* 18t demonstrated by Georges Lakhovsky and Nikola Tesla Harness the Powerful, Vital Energy Surrounding Us! PolarAid continues is fifth year to help people improve their quality of lite and we are deeply grateful for everyone's testimonial that keeps building confidence and inspire our readers: “over the years gtd many people withthe disc and my sister in particular felt the efectsin a very big way. Because “We use PolarAid for almost anything we're experiencing, Waliners ‘she is so sensitive to EMF's she had an EMF expert visit fom headaches to scratchy throats and it woke! | got er home to create a calm and sae environment. tired of sharing one PolarAd diss just purchased ‘he as avery éffcul ime going to mals since ‘nother one. My wife in particular finds Polar they are riddled with Ms. After about one hour Supportive for her eigestve system, With the ‘he leaves the mall with her brain feeling totally {ssstance ofthe Energy Centers Guide the user Scrambled, She also has difficulty traveling. The manu, she was able direc reli right on her ‘isc has literally been life changing. She does problematic gestive zone with fast effective results rot leave har home without It ane finds it Myself | fing it neful for my joints health. After a protects ner from outside forces. few days of regular recommended use on specif 2762s, discomfort went down significantly permitting {also gifted my naturopath witha dise and he ime to regain mobiity and comfort. ‘artes iin hs pocket all the mes. He happens tobe an EWF expert and his sophisticated ‘There i NO one thing or magic bullet we can take to testing equipment indicates It sone ofthe most Keep our bodies heathy It's combination of protections ‘Powerful tols for EMF protection. {you take against our everincreasing toe environment ‘The use of PolarAiddise should defwitely be cluded in our at. your He recommends all of his patients purchase a dise arsenal of wellness products. | highly recommend this product ys and keep it close at all times. With the onslaught of GS ‘as a non-toxic, non-addictive, non-expiring product, requiring no fingertips! installations we will need protection more than ever, power and having no side effects. 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But someweight study showedit won'ttranslateinto, © tainly doesn'thelp you gainwasseenacrossalthe groups, _maintaning weight or preventing weight wiethertheywere walking 10,000, gain,” said ieacresearcher Bruce Bale. Infact, people wha are walking upto 72,6000r18,000stepssixdays awook, although walking ddn'thelpthe 15,000stepsadayarestilputtingonthe ’stheconclusionof manystudies: _studentslose weight, the extra activity pounds, anew studyhas discovered. youcar*toutrun(orwalk) abaddiet the could have aposite impacto the Havingsaidthat,thestudy group __latestresearchwascarried outbyateam students’ etional wellbeing and eallstuderts enralied intheirfist from BrighamYoung University, who _overallheath, And thas tobe better yearataunversity,andfteshmen monitored 120freshmentosee‘f walking thansiting in ront ofa screen allay, 'ypicallygainupto9Ib (4ig)2s couldhelpthemkeapotthepounds. the researchers add home-cooked food isreplaced ——“Exercsealoneisnotalwaysthe _‘0he, 208,208: sees bytakeout most effective waytolose weight. f Sugarin the day, nosleepat night Notsepirg wa? tld be dour o ou dit ah sped ened i ‘and added sugarsyou're eating, Propleuhoeathe hes” —processesnads, ite bead andsods, fo BI icsience—wilfintitharderto steep tight because the bol rocessesther é Setstigge a inp, the body lass iran a akon SR he sugsinctnedcars, andthe sun opin BD cise oodsaa esto ince inthe boone fensine andor int cusessiepes esac me comparison, people eating more - fables and fruits were es ikely to Fave aad nigh’ leep. though these foods ako contin sugar, ther fiber content reduces pkesinbloodsuga / With third of acu regularly 4 \ experiencinginsomnia, new ways of improvingsleep patterns need to be explored especiallyassleeping pill come ~ ith sie-oftects, the researchers say -_— — live longer Eating moce vegetables and less meat and dlr couldlower your rskofheart disease ‘andhelpyou lve longer. Htsalltodowithaspecial class ofamino ‘acids that contain the element sulfur. These ‘are primarily foundin protein ich foods, suchas meat, dairy, nutsand soy products, ‘diet ow in these amino acksinereases longevity and healt, atleast according to animalstuies—andthe average American eats limesthe amount of sulfur artedto determine the impacto theamino ads onheathandtackedthe YOGAIS kee ‘Yooaisthebestexeriseforchronic _mavements are employed Less protein and more vegetables will help you dots and biomarkers of morethan 1,000 healthy people The average consumption cof sulfuramtino acids was two and a half ‘imeshigher than the recommended dally allowance of just 15 mo per kg (6.8mo/Ib) of body weight —and those eating the most also had the highest levels of biomarkers for heart disease Conversely, those who atelessofthe aminoacids Had fewer biclogical markers forheart disease and other chronic conditions Foods that arelow inthe acids include grains, vegetables andtruts, ener 2 m2 tobackpain, including depression and anvity Overall, egularyooa exercise THE BEST adultssutferingtromlowbackpain was hebestferreducing pain, but EXERCISEFOR ‘dseoverposive waystoeounterit, pain, espediallyamang men intheir CHRONICLOW Sse! Sicecemocstens BACKPAIN / sensssczcn ‘anégigong, where slewardfiuid ——_-Butallthreecould be promising ‘he researchers tt efectivetreatmentsand akematves lowbackpain—butwhenthe pain’s llthreeexerdseshelpedwith the topainmedication,surgeryand acute, taichilsthe better option. lowackpainitsef they reduced nerve-blockes, the standare Both havetheirbenefts,and. 3 painintensty, improved function responses rom conventional third “alternative” exercise, qigong, —anclessened the degree of disability medicine, leadresearchex young doesaswell—buttherejustaren’t caused bythe pain. Theyabohelped Parka enoughstudiesthatpreveit, say _withpsychologicalproblemsrelated_HainPac270;369-7, ied CANNACARES CANNACARES CBD Patches Aa Great Value 4x 10mg pero Pramocaes! Get 20 Patches for £35 using the Corer rere CCPATCH * 4x10mg CBD Transdermal Patches. * Each Pouch contains 4 Transdermal Patches * Each patch contains 10mg of CBD * 24 Hour Relief * Certified THC Free Natural - Doesn't affect the skin Suggested Use — Place patch on the skin and keep the patch on for 24 Hours * Waterproof * Vegan Sea info@cannacares.co.uk 020 3997 8888 | cannacares.co.uk DRUG NEWS Heartburn drug Zantaclinked tostomach cancers Theheartbum drug Zantacmayhavebeen takenoftheshelvslatelastyear, butthe tepercussionsgoon. Mocethan adzen lawsuits have bentiethatclaimthe dug causescancer,especalyofthedgesivetract Onecomplainant,Calfrnian Ronald Johnson, hasbeen taking 150 mg ofthe drug regula since 2004, He was diagnased with ‘ancerin 208, He ans more than Tether complainantsto ile damages against the rug manufacturers Boehringer ngetheim, Sanof Pfizer and GlaxoSmitaine, who taveall made versions of Zantac (rantidine, incuting over the counter remeties ‘The complaints relate to arange o gestive cancers, nding colon, rectal esophageal, stomach, blader and lier cancers Thedrug contains the cancer-causing chemical NOMA (N nitrasodimethyiamine), butthe public was not aware of thelage mounts nthe éuguntl an independent pharmacy ered outits owntests and dlscovered hata 150-m9 Zantac ill oud contain upto 3mllon nanograms (og) of NOMA, whenthe safe unperlimitisjust 96n. anlacwaslaunched in 1986, andjust two yerslater became theft drug to surpass Sibilioninsalesinone yea. vases jana an0 FDAloosens approvals process ‘The USdrug regulatory, the Foodand Drug Administration FDA) isastrackingcrug ‘pproval witless evidence, soineasing the tiskofa dangerous pharmaceutical geting contothe market ‘Arush of newand generic drugs hasbeen puttingthe regulator undec pressure to grant ‘approvals quicker. Review times havefallen ‘ramaticaly, and drugs ae bing passed with esssafety data Isa redpefor dangerous rugstoslip through theregulatonynet as researchers fom PORTAL (Program on eguiation, Therapeutics and Law) have discovered ater ferewing FDA approvals rom the 19805 ut 2018. Intheeatieryears an average of34 new drugs were approved every year, butte averagehas now rsento a1 drugs a year. ‘An even bigger jum was seen among ‘generic drugs—where a drughas passed cout ofpatent protection and chemical ‘modifications have been made toit bycther rmanufacturers—with annual approvals ‘sing rom an average of 36 from 1870~ 1984 0588 rom 2015-2018 Atypical approval20 years ago washased ‘nat east two clinical rasta demonstrate a rug’ssafety and effectiveness, but today half ‘ofdrug approvals are granted wih justone trial being completed. Thisisakoreflete in the time takento ive approval In7983, average aporoval time was nee years, but tis ad fllento lessthana yearby 2077 This fast trackapproach has resulted inmore dangerous drugs geting onto the market, Oneanalysis discovered that fast-tracked drugs were getting ane serious "lab waminga year, which highlight ite ‘threatening adverse reactions. sa 368-76 HPV vaccinesaren’tworking TeV (human paplomavisvacdneto pte agen cava cnc worn, ew st aston "he twomajr HPV acs, Cadas Se eee ee eee id eecapediioee Theseberinatnonraltes—aled ee es theoles spontaneous, vot Se See eet eee Studs vestigating the efectenes ofthe veces snd pave ocisd sly ieee teen ental becomes cancerous buona 10, sayrescrches an Newer aed Queen aires Gieeaefes feet ote thathadassesed effectiveness ofthe eee alae ined ivr cecal cranes, they hadalotested cevcalsanplserey 5 ler2ietiyiaieadet he crt esel 36 Peiieatet eee Casesofbengn anomalies ‘Viefound nse tao dary conde that HPV oc grevetshe higher grade abana et de nge sad ee eee ae patente ocheretaiie Sete ee ee cervical cance, Further praot thatthe vaccine may nat be Working camewith the news that cerca cancer rateshave ben ising dramatically amang women n theirate 20s Therehas been a4 percentincreae incasesinthe UK inthe past decade, which researches from Cancer Research Uksayis due toa dropin the at of smeartessSince2019, screening ‘ates have fallen by around 8 percent. The Hevacines were introduced in 2008, msc 200106878 ees notrelieving painin percent of cases (pio painlers have tured people into ade and estrojedwole \ communties~and now new report has eveled they dort wotkinsd percent oases Meal peopl with chroviebitating pain are being helped bythe cus, theUisleasnggainerpershavesa Despite their ineffectiveness, opioid y presapinnshare doe inh is 20 yearsinthe Uk Todsy one neigh ads requ taking them Or Cathy Stam a painepe has tod conference that opildarent efecve. They mere sop pan sara teaching the brian here shold be C troreemphasison helping people cone with emotional sues. Chronic aii often inkedto trauma, and \ presage treat chological Sistesss wrong she expla. The ore of ops ashappenedbecatse doctors darithaveenoughtimeto propery se paints and . thoes expectation ong patients thal heya qi bday anoer toot pan Fathemere doctors upping the oni dore ray be making adc of patients bis not reducing the pain Asrongerdose'stanymore eee at lowering painthanthe era over dose a ofthe powerful painkiller, anew research study has discovered Researchers fram the Central Arkansas and Minneapolis VA healthcare ystems looked atthe records of more than 50,000, \ispatients who were taking opioids and discovered thatthe 21,000 whose dose was increased werent seeing any "meaningful improvements” intheirpain, a Teargh earyS 200; 220 on? News Focus Don’t mention the Warburg: finding cancer’s sweet spot The discoveries of Otto Warburgarefinally being recognized, with newresearchaddingtohistheories ofglucoseand cancer Poat’sgoingoninthebody when we have cancer? The standard definition sthat healthycells mutate and grow rapidly. Astheabnormal cellscluster they form a tumor, which can spread toother parts ofthebody—and thisgetstreated with chemotherapy. radiotherapy or surgery Wsa description thatleavesalot unanswered Why, for instance, do cells mutatein thefirstplace? Andhowean cancer cells grow farmore quickly than hhealthycells?'The questions aren'tirivials if we could answer them, we would knowhow to preventcancerand treatit withoutdescroyingth inthe process. Severalnew theories aveemerged that couldanswer these questions —and both seesugarasplayinga key rolein the causcanddevelopmentofcancer. They buildondiscoveries madebyGerman biochemist Otto Warburgin the 1920s, Despitebeingawarded the Nobel Prize munesystem forhisresearch.thesebreakthrou have beenlargelyignoredsincethen, andthe" Warburgeffect” reduced toa footnotein cancer research, Oncologistshavelong recognized tlucoseasa marker forcancer.andlthey "use positron emission tomography PET) scans to identifyarcasin thebody thatconsumeexcessiveamounts fit, Themoreglucosebeingconsumed,the more pessimistic the prognosis, Oncologists have long recognized glucose as a marker for cancer. The more glucose being consumed, the more pessimistic the prognosis But while conventional cancertherapy recognizeshigh glucose consumption isasign of cancer ithas never accepted Warburg belie thatitisintegralto the process of cancer. However.thathas been slowiy changingwith new research focusingoncancersbiochemisteyand thesourceof tsenergy ‘Theinsulinconnection Oneot the researchersat the vanguard of the Warburgrevivalis Dr Lewis Cantley fromthe Meyer Cancer Centerat Weill Cornell Medical Schoolin New York. He's become convinced that mosteancers ied by an excessor sugarior. more precisely insulin—ahormonethe body releases tobreak down sugars from carbohydratesin our diet. Forty yearsago, DrCantley identifiedanenzyme,called PK (phosphoinositide-3 Kinase}, thathe dscribedasa master switch for cancer. Icplaysakeyroleinthebody’sinterplay between insulinand glucose alsoknown, asblood sugar). Ifthe process slows, the bodybecomes insulin resistant, and cells cannotabsorb enough glucase or their energy needs. Thisistype2 diabetes, Butifthe processinstead goesintoy cventive then eells—andespecally mutated, cancerouscells—getan abundance of glucose, which fuels theie growth and thatiscancer Isexactlyas Warburgsawthe cancer process unioldingin hislaboratory— heathy cellsfeed offoxygen,buteancerous cellsinseadfedoffsugar even though itistarlesseffcent. Hecalledit aerobic glycolysis” Intheorgthecancer cells caniedoffoxygen, too, butsomething happenstomake them prefer sugar hat“something”isarmutation that cccursearlerinthebiological process, and ithappens because of an excessof insulin, DrCantleybelieves, ThePI3K enzymeismutated moreoftenthan any other gene, and he estimatesitis responsible for80 peroent ofall cancers, indludingbreast,brainand bladder, The PI3K theoryisstilnotwidely’ accepted, hut Cantley continues researchinghishypothesis,over 30 years afterhefirst propasedlit! Don'tforgetlactate Resistanceto the theory could bebecause there'ssomethingmissing,asother rescarchersaresceingsomethingelsein The new cancer cycle mnie porter eer ; FROM ri ce ee RRR (Se L CARBS 9, shows how sugar inthe i Cancer rates have been steadily increasing over the past hundred years. Some of this can be laid at the door of environmental factors, but the increase also coincides with the rise of fast-food processing the cancer puzzle where insulin plays nopartatal Although sugarmay kickstart the cancer process another new theory suggestst'sdriven bylactate,amolecule Stopping the eae effect tually found inmmusclesthateauses Mutated, cancerous els feed of glucose, or blood athletstostifen upateraworkoutand, ECR es eel oR eta tmorescrioly, salsoasignofsepai ue oe andcongestivehear failure. Te acre ee ed Warburghadalsoscen lactate Deny clusteraroundcancercels,buthehad REUSE ee Sssumalitwasauclesbyproduct Ea eu biologicalgarbage Butnewrescarch QUE RUSSLUEM eee est tea EINIAMEMINONE of lung, breast, cervical, prostate and kidney cancer Cancer cellegiowingand spreading erie eee eee eet ‘Thelatesttotakeon thelactate STS hypothesis isaresearch team from the University ofColorada Schoolof Medicine. headed up by InigoSan- Millan.“Wediscovered that lactate is acatalystthattriggersa mechanismnin mutatedcellsnecessaryto continue the cancer formingprocess,"hesays Inexperimentshecarried out three yearsago,San-Millan fed glucose to alineofboreastcancercells,which.as expected, started to producelactate— and hat increased the activity ofthe mutatedcellsby upto Butlactate may notonly provide the el foreaneer growth, itcould alsobe the diseas’signaling system. T stherapiesthatfocusonly “onglycolysis—the metabolism of slucose—may not beelfective they arestarted toolate,once the processhas already moved intoalater phase where Jactateplasthe preeminentiole Exercise cancer away San-Millanandhisteamarealtthe So howdoesthischange thetreatment firsttosuspectlactateasthedriverof landscape? Extraordinaryasitmay ccancer,ProfessorGeorgeBrooksatthe sound, San-Millanandhisteamare University of California, Berkelesfirst—devisingaseries of personalized exercise proposedhis“Iactateshutle”theory __programsforcancerpatients. Although i1985,and ithasbeen explored by exerciseisrecognized asahealthy lifestyle other rescarcherswhosuspectlactate _choicetohelp preventehronicdisease, isakeyplayerinvariousothercancers, __nobodybeforehassuggestedit could be includingsarcomaand pinaleance:” used treat cancer. 1FSan-Millan’s program isanything like theadvice handed out aftera strenuousworkout itcouldinchude hydrating with plentyof water light stretchesand taking magnesium, He'salso researching compounds that canblocklactate rom leavingthecell “When lactateisproduced,it hastoleave theeel through a transporter. Weare yingtoblockthe transporter aswellas ctate production inside the cancer cell with diferent compounds “Ifyoublock hedoor,thelactate cannotleave,and the cancercellill burst”heexplained, DrCantley sapproach islessesoteric: eatlesssugar.on.inhisease,noneat al “Thaveavery simplerule,Ieatfruit ut don'teatanything thathassugaradded to it. And guaranteeeveryboxly wouldbe betteroffiftheyate zero sugar hesavs! He pointstoreportsfromthe World Health Organization that theaverage American consumes 126 gramsof sugara day.whichisfour timesthe recommendedamountthe body needs Iflstytosomeone’Don teat anything sweet fortwo days’ they'llookat melike, “That’simpossiblesnobody can dothat” It’svery much likean opioid addiction or anaddiction to nicotine: ‘Cancerrates have been stead increasingoverthepast hundred years Some of thiscanbe laid atthedoorot nvironmental factors such assmoking and pollutants, while the most-cited reasonissimply thatwe'relivinglonger, and cancer isadisease ofoldage. But theinerease also coincideswith the rise of fast-food processing, which usesan abundance of sugars ‘Thisrecentsurgeof intersstinhis theorycame toolate for Warburg. who dicdin 1970. Hewasconvinced to the end that had discovered the cause of mosteancers,andithat futuregenerations ‘would recognize hisdiscoveries. Asa reassurance, hehada framed quote from ‘quantum physicist MaxPlanck thet he keptabove hisdesk:"A new scientific truthdoesnottriumph by convincing itsopponentsandmakingthemseethe light,butratherbecauseitsopponents eventually die” yantbard 1 Caner 2 foro) 5 cencans 2 sinners sans, Aanses 1 The Health Directory thehealthdirectory.co.uk Find your local health food shop or alternative therapist Join our newsletter to get a free self-care ebook H. PYLORIP“ Ce ee ee ee em Teen i ee ee ee eo eS eee eee eee Seer eed Peeing eee ‘An ostimated 104-107 H. pylori colony forming units (CFU) ger ‘gram of gastric mucus can be found in infected persons. The spiral shape of H. pylor allows for penetration into the stomach lining where they are protected by the mucus Ining. While H. pyri resides in the mucus where itis presont in its motte form, mucus is constantly produced by the epithelium and shed into the stomach lumen, This ‘continuously releases planktonic H. pylori celsinto the stomach, H. pylori infections are usually harmless but are also associated witha number of gaswointestnal ciseases, suchas pepticuleer disease ‘and gastric cancer: The infection can also leed to an inflammatory response, increased secretion of gastric acid, anc type-8 gastritis, Interestingly, severity of the clinical manifestations of the infection is associated with bacterial load." Helicobacter pylori infection in humans can cause gastritis. The infeetion elicits 2 complex immune response in wihich the activation ‘of mast colls and histamine release is of particular importance, Histamine further promotes the immune response and stimulates ‘gastric acid secretion? This may further explain the role of histamine in inflammation within the digestive tract, Phatmaceutical therapoutic options for H. pylor:infection aiming ‘at complete eradicstion include various combinations of proton ump inhibtors combined with two to three diferent antibiotics ‘This complex approach has inherently high risks of side effects and non-compliance as well as intestinal microbiota damage and the development of antibiotic resistance, Therefore, there remains @ ‘therapeutic gap for persons infected by H. pylori Could a new bacterial strain be the answer? Much research has been undertaken to find novel ways of ‘capturing and reducing the bacteria within the stomach, In recent years, evidence has accumulated suggesting that H. pyleri could be eradicated from the stomach through selective intercellular interactions by some particular lactobacilus strains Tests were cariad aut on a large collection af lactobacillas stains ‘The collection was assembled from wild-type strains of diverse origin, such a2 food sourees, plans, vagetables anc human skin. Over 700 lectobacilue strains wore tested, of which, only eight wore found 10 co-aggragate with spiral forms of H. pyror. OF these eight, one showed the most beneficial results and was studied further. Roferoncos (2011) Becta lad ond degree og SPONSORED CONTENT ‘The results showed that actobocillusrevteri DSM17648 interferes with the mobility of H. pyr How does L. reuteri work DSM17648 work? The surlace structures on L. reuteri DSM17648 contains adhesion molecules that recognise and adhere to the surface structures of H pylorin the gastric mucosa. Once bound, the H. pylor will beushed from the stomach alongside the L, router by natural bowel movement. Interestingly, the aggregation activity was preserved when the cells ‘were spray dried. Itcan therafore be show that the binding is due to pectic surface molecules of the L.reutesi DSMI7&d8 cells which ae Sain specific and are resistant to such process stops" ‘These resus have again bean repeated ina smal in vivo study of 22 people which showed a significant docroaso of H. py)ori stomach ‘colonisation after lactobacills revteri DSM17648 supplementation in asymptomatic subjects with detectable H. pylon infection.” ‘A furthar study combined L. ceuter: DSM17648 in association with extract of dealycymbizinated liquorice and calcium carbonate vs triple tharepy. The study found that this combination wae successful in eradicating H. pylori in over 50% of patients and had good tolerability and compliance.’ This could be an interesting protocol for practitioners to try with their patients ‘Alternatively, using the L. reuteri DSM17648 on its own has shown benatical results even with young eniliren. What role does MANC® play in the reduction of Helicobacter Pylori? FH. pylori roleases the uraase enzyme which divides urea into ‘eerbon claxida and arnmonia in the stomach. H. pylor algo produces histamine, which increases the acidity in the stomach, Using @ process ‘called ‘protonation’, ammonia picks up a hydragen atom to produce ‘ammonium, This allows the H. pylori to use foth the ammenia and ‘ammonium a6 a shield to protect itself against the gastic acid Ammanis is alan known to make the stomach lining more soluble ‘which allows the H. pylori to burrow through more easly MANC® is 3 clean and sata form of clinopticite zeolite thet ‘absorbs and oliminates ammonium from the stomach and intestines, MANC® also binds and eliminates histamine procuees by H. pyle thereby alloviatng the associated digestive problams. This also stops Histamine being absorbed ny the body, where f would otherwise b= {fee to ciculata and cause histamine modulated symptoms in areas ‘where histamine receptors are prasent ¢., lungs, heer, ora, skin, MANC® also binds and aliminates the protective shield of ammanium which slows H, pylon to survive in the stomach, (Over 5 days, the ammonium shield can be slowly broken down, leaving the bacteria exposed to the acidic stomach conditions Gastric acid is then able to kill off the infestation and eliminate H. pylor, stopping further production of ammonium and reducing the burden on the liver created from H. pylori This also optimisas the level of acid in the stomach, ensuring that thers isnt too much acid, nor toa litle acid. Once the WANC® has bound to toxins such as ammonium, it ravels through the digesta tract where its pasead out with the bodys natural bowel mow Nouvesu Heat Le 4 Bayon Roe Unit 105, Ex, Coventry CV7 96) XN ™ Nouveau Health www.nouveauhealth.cowuk Innovations in Health ncertainty isastrange thing. Take the latest coronavirus disease, COVID-19. Wecan'thesure ‘what's going tohappen next Yes, transmission continued at anever-increasingratearound theworld. Butwasitsyiru increasingorsubsiding? Arethe new mutations goingto wipe usout.orwillthey besmoke withouta fire? Despiteallthisuncertainty, thewaythe mediareportson COVID-19isveryconsistent— certain,even. The mainstream media maintainsitsviewthatthe virusrepresentsa very real threat ‘wemust take veryseriously. Our immunesystemsareill-adapted Inthreats, we mustrelyon ‘our trusted medicstosaveour lives,and weneed avaccin. Whether theworstisover or yettocome, we mustbe united inourstandagainst this viral threatand do whatittakes to reducetransmission risk. Whatabout ketogenic iets? Obesityand obesity ated illnesses suchastype etesand coronary heart disease areamong thegreatestthreatsto our health, That's certaintyno ‘one disputes. There areno con Forteo,an injectable hormonethatstimulates ( Ittriponyou idid e OT yOUrsE theactivtyofbone building cells (osteoblastsand ‘steodasts) in thebonc mari La twoyears hewent fromaTT-score of -4.3t0-3.3,at which pointthe fractures stopped. andhretook himself offthedrug, rampingup hisown natural healing approach, He'dlearnedalotin the prececingyears «specially aboutthe relationship between gut health, mand ostenponasis. Hediscovered hichod the markersindicatingan allergyto gluten and went gluten-free. Hebegantakingalpha-hpoicacd Iyecauschistesearchshoweditto beoneo themost important supplements or osteoporosis, alongwith Winning against osteoporosis Keith McCormick was a worl Clas perth, but severe osteoporosis sdeined his active lifestyle when he was only in fis forties Asa hop, he dedicated Hn to eaning bout the undering causes of the disease Adecase ltr, be was back competing inthe ironman Thon Work Chamoinshios, and he applies tesame competitive intensity tobelping others recover rom esteoporss. “When wok ith patients, 1am fr wining his tome N-acetyleysteine (NAC), calcium. magnesium, trace mineralsand vitamins Dand K. Healso added lish oil androbiotiestohisdiet. ‘By2010,he wasback competingatan international level,placing seventh inhisage group in the Ironman “Triathlon World Championshipsin Hawaiin 2011, heplaced ninth. Today heisstilla competitiveathlete andaglobally renownedspecialistinhelping people recover from osteoporosis “When I work with patients,.am for winning this _gume,"hesays."Idon'tcarehow Ihave to winit except tonothurtthe person in the process.Idon'tintend Osteoporosis tests Abone density scanis the only test used to diagnose osteoporosis because it tells youif you have normal bone density, low bone dens (osteopenia) or osteoporosis. However, as DrEugene Zampieron wars, "A bone scan shows that osteoporosis is there, but doesn’t show the couse. You really need to get lab work done, because the lab work will determine the way the practitioner should gowith handling the case.” Dr Keith McCormick agrees. He saystwo ofthe most importanttests to have done are those for markers of bone reabsorption and bone formation, Bone resorption markers include tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) and collagen breakdown products (such as pyridinium cross‘inks,galactosy hydroxylysine and crosstinked telopeptides CTxand NTX,) FFthese markers are high, it indicates thatthe osteoclasts are ramped up, and ithe osteoclasts are proliferating, thatis a strong indicator some sort of inflammation may be involved, Atestfor PnP (total procollagen tyge 1N terminal propeptide) isthe preferred ‘marker for bone formation and an indication of how much osteoblast activitys happening Ifthat’slow, you know your body is not making bone. ‘A24 hour urine caeium test screens fr calcium loss from theblood serum. that’ high, it indicates you might havea parathyroid issue, There isa PTH testto see if the parathyroid hormones are elevated. Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is considered a cause of secondary osteoporosis because the concition promotes osteoclast activity and bone resomption* Acytokine panel blood test measures cjtekines—small proteins that immune cells use te communcate—ineluding interieukin (I) beta, 6, IL-8 and tumor necrosis actor alpha, al of which reinvolved ininflammation ane can induce damage when elevate, Dr Zampieron recommends atest forthe amino acid homocysteine, because a high serum homocysteine concentration may weaken the bone by interfering with collagen structures, ‘thereby increasing the risk of osteoporotic racture™ you are on pharmaceuticals ‘As Zampieron points out, patients who take certain pharmaceutical drugs long- term are likely candidates for osteoporosis If you're on proton pump inhibitors or 2 blocking druos, which many people take in an attempt to limit stomach acid production, it’s going to inhibit your ability to absorb amino acids and createa general ‘malabsorption of nutrients vital to bulcing and keeping bone. IF you're taking such drugs, he suggests running full nutrient profile to look at calcium, ‘manganese, magnesium, strontium, boron, zine and other nutrient eves Zampieron aso recommends testing for deficiencies in vitarnin Dand vitamin K, especially for people wh take blood thinning drugs. 1 Arann oats 2 hee 2 83 am 4 truverra. Stay CBD strong! Stay connected! During this difficult period, every little drop of help counts. Here'sasmallgesture from allofus at Truverra. Visit us at truverra.com and for every purchase of CBD with Vitamins, we'll give you 40% off! When purchasing, use the code 'CBDSTRONG’ Please also share our code with your loved ones. This Promotion applies to: Immuniol. Liposomal CBD +Vit C, Liposoral CBD +MulltVits. While stocks last. 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Buteverybody isditferent?” Gettingtothecause Osteoporosis dossn'tjusthappen.A sedentary lifestyle, obesityexcessive alcohol consumptionand protein-rich dietare commonly cited factors,and cigarette smokingincreasesthe risk of bone fractures by 15percent!Chronic psychological stressupsthe risk orosteoporosisaswell ‘Avid variety of drugsean promote boneless andinerease the risk offiacture,includin ‘theblood thinners heparinand warfarin, diuretics (so-called ‘water pills” ste immune suppressants eqclosporineand cortisone,SSRI antidepressants medruxyprogesterane (usedinbirth control), J) diabetes drugs, thyroid hhormone,chemotherapy drugvanddrugssuchas, proton pump inhibitors thatreducetheamount ‘ofacidin the stomachs Afeatureof manyof thesedrugelassesisthat theyinterfre,directty or indirect ith phosphorousandcalcium metahotism inthe bod. Butthecommmondenomins of the"causes” of osteoporosis cited aboveisthe fact that they negativelyimpact gut healthand trigger inflammatory responses that adverselyaflect the immunesystem, ‘Anything that rampsup the immune systemis going oaffect yourbones because the osteoclasts that break down bonearea form of white blood el says McCormick. “So theyareextremelycloselyrelated to yourimmune system” ‘Thebone marrowcontainstwokindsof stem cells, the*starter"cellsthat develop intoallthecellsinthe body: hematopoietic (HSCs) and mesenchymal (MSCs). MSCsbecome,amongotherthings, ‘osteoblasts the cells that builddbone, while the ‘osteoclasts thatbreak down boneare oneof thecell typesoriginatingtrom HSCs! esponse orinmost ifnotall The trouble with DEXA DEXA, or duakenergy Kray absorptiometry is 2 noninvasive test ‘tomeasure bone mineral density (BMO). The US National Osteoporosis Foundation recommendsa bone density test of the hip and spine using ‘a central DEXA machine as the gale standard test for bone strength and to diagnose osteoparasis, DEXA scanner isa machine that takes atwo-dimensional picture of a three dimensional object (your bones), Itproduces two Xray beams, one high- energy beam and the other low-energy. The machine measures the level of X-rays that pass through the bone from each beam. Based on the difference between the two beams, your doctor can calculate your bone density, based on the amount of bone mineral content divided bythe bone area, Unfortunately, DEXA results can be imprecise for a number of reasons. A ‘major problem is that with ths test, larger bone willseem to indicate ‘superior strength, but may in fact have the same density asa smaller bone This means peogle with a smaller frame stand a statistically higher risk of being misdiagnosed with a DEXA scan than someone who is large-boned. Inaddition, studies show that total body massindex (BM) impacts “precision errors” when scanning the lumbar spine, femoral neck, total hip and total body bone mineral density” Inother words, obesity affects the results of the can. This means that two people might have the exact same bone density, levels of calcium and strength in their bones, but the DEXA scanner frequently reads the bone density information differently because oftheir weight. Another serious issue with DEXA scansis technician error. An accurate BMD reading is larg dependent on the sil ofthe technologist in placing the patient in the same position fo diferent scans On top of that, measurement from different brands of DEXA machines vary and are often subject to different standards, and the accuracy of comparative \ measurements taken with cfferent instruments soften poor "The main reason why there are a lot ofercorsin DEXA scansis the way the technician sets the person up and sets up the machine,” says Dr Keith (McCormick, "And then there's aso the way the radiologist readsit. So when Ido a consult with somebody, idan’t ask forthe radiologists report. | want the bone density printout from the machine ise.” DEXA scans are recommended every year or so for people with osteoporosis to monitor the amount of change inbone density, sothe attending physician can adjust treatment accordingly. But the vagaries of DEXA scans are often easily seen when scans are compared overtime. "The reports usually about four pages and has lite pictures oni," says McCormick, “Andif Ican seethe pictures andi! can say, ‘Oh, look! They internally rotated that femur more this year then last year, that’s going to change the results. I's really easy to screw itup. There are regions of interest that we want scanned, and ifthe technician putsthe region of interest just amilimeter diferent from one scan to another, it can change the reading.” McCormick nevertheless continues to use bone density scans. "You just really have tolookat them closely. Youhave tohhope thatthe technician is good. And ifitisn't good, Lask for are-do ont.” 1 Gabitesstocol 20 42 2 JGndentom 200,15 31-9 3 MGinc ni 2008 466-24 THE BIG HEAL ‘The second decade of the twenty-first century; and wellness has become the issue of concern for the public and government alike. Mental health issues were already affecting more than one in four UK residents and thats set torisein the current health crisis of Coronavirus COVID-19. During this global pandemic, healers can offer something, positive to help those who have had their life disrupted During Healing Awareness Week (4th-10th May 2020) healers are invited to join in with The Big Heal by visiting the Healing Awareness Week website, and through the power of thought and their own conscious and positive intention, charge a virtual poo! with loving energy and healing thoughts for anyone in need of healing to tap into. This pool of healing energy will be available to help those with mental health issues or diagnosed with serious, ines, or simply anyone in need of a burst of positive healing energy. Everyone is welcome to take part in The Big Heal, during Healing Awareness Week by drawing on this reservoir of healing energy for themselves or their loved, ones, wherever they are in the world, This is social distancing at its best - a chance to receive healing energy without seeing anyone face-to-face. Anyone in need of healing support can visit the Healing ‘Awareness Week website: www. healingawarenessweek.org Go to ‘The Big Heal’ page at any time during the week. Watch the “video for people to recaive healing” and ask for healing to be sent to you, your friends, your loved ones, or wider. Through the power of intent, healing will be received in some positive way; in whatever physical, mental, emotional or spiritual way that is needed Th UK HEALERS Healing Organisations Healing Awareness Week (dth-40th May 2020) ‘Healing Awareness Week isthe initiative of a collaborative group of like-minded organisations working together under the title of the ‘Healing Forum’. The Healing Forum's four member organisations represent the majority of, registered healers in the UK, and are dedicated to promoting Healing and the benefits of balance in ody, mind and spirit. Our members’ are proud to uphold professional and ethical standards that the public can rely on. Get in touch with them through the Healing Awareness Week ages or find a therapist near you by visiting the Healing Forum members websites listed below. For more about Healing Awareness Week visit our website: www.healingawarenessweek.org or Facebook page: www, m/HealingAwarenessWé For more information about the Healing Forum: The Confederation of Healing Organisations wnww.the-cho.org.uk or call: 0300 302 0021 or email: events@the-cho.org.uk The British Alliance of Healing Associations oF call 07901 715594 or emalt secretaryforbaha@gmail com UK Healers woww.ukhealers.info or call 01803 845800 or email: admin@ukhealers.info The Spiritualists’ National Union woww.snu.ora.uk or call: 01279 816363 or email:snu@snu.org.uk Confederation of This Advertorial sponsored by Balens Insurance Brokers and UK Healers Normally, osteoblastsandosteoctasts work together tobreakdovin older. weaker bonetissue and rebuild it stronger than before. Butaas MeCormick explains.ifthere isa disruption inthe way the HSCsand MSCsdiferentiate,youcan experience increased osteoclastactivityand decreased costcoblastactivity: Thismeansthat, overtime, youhavemoreand rmorecellsbreakingdownb «cls uildingit up, result “Anything that ilesup yourimmunesystem, like gutissues,isgoingcauseimmune cells tosend ‘out what’scalled pro-inflammatory cytokines like interleukins endtumornecrosisfactonandall, these different chemical messengersrampupthe immunological response system,” saysMeCormick, “Osteoclassrespondto that inflammatory response inthegutandrampup” Becausetheyarcessentally specialized white blood ccls.osteodlastsare ally extremelysensitiveto inflammatorycytokines, Chronicinflammationin anyarcaofthebody.can stimulatethem tospeed upbone resorption! ‘Osteoporosisisalso highly related o collagen. "Yourbonesaremade up | ‘ofmineralssosteoblasts, ‘osteoclastsand collagen, ‘au Which itselfismade upofmany typesof protein, whicharein ‘turn made up of various aminoacids, says Dr \9) Eugene Zampieron,a naturopath andexpert ‘onosteoporosisfom ‘Woodbury.CT. ‘Amino acidsare thesmallestpartof the protein.and without proper Ihydrochlorieacidin thestomach youean’t digest ninoacidssuchasg_ycine, lysine thiamine, slutamineandproline.Andallof theseare very important aminoacids that build ollag ‘fyou don't have the raw materialsfor the boxy tobuild the collageninthefirst place, then youcan never rebuildit.So osteoporosisisvery mucha collagen disease: Zamapieron has successfully treated many patients with severe osteoporosis without pharmaceutical drugs andsaysitreally depends onhowdedicated apersonisto uncoveringtheunderlyingcause, looking frthethingsthat conventionaldoctorsdon't consider,and thenstickingtoa program of healing Itmight take some time and detective works, but you'vegot todoyourduedilgence”*hesays “Thad ‘one patient who bad had osteoporosisforyears She'd reand fewerand fewer n bones. The milk myth Calcium has many functions in the body, including bone development and maintenance, regulating biood pressure, and blood doting and wound healing. However, cespite the continuing insistence by the milk industry that calcium trom dairy products builds strong bones, calcium deiiencyisn0 longer considered tobe the culprit at work behind csteoporosis Studies now show that dietary calcium intakes rol asocated with fracture sk. And thee is no alncal evidence to show that increasing calcium from fod sources prevents fradtres! infad, studes show that women who dinklarge amount of mikhave higher incidence of bone actures than these who don't An hp fractures are more common in people who consume fl mote dary products and take in high eves of J calcume ( a 14205540500 2 Anifbleeath 77 3 Nur gre 9 trie mineralsand totally changedher dict, andit hhad no effect. Finally he came tome,andldidastool analysis looking for indicators of malabsorption, “Ilooked atthe foods she waseating,and sure enough shewashighly sensitiveto wheargluten and hat created almosta subclinical celiac disease. So, no matterhowmany mineralsshe would tl shecouldn'tabsorb them.Onceshe gatoifofthose inflammatory foods, heramtino acid levels went up, and now wearefinally makingsome progress Scienceisonly now heginningto make headway on thesubtleandsystemiccauses of osteoporosis. fier 20yearsof work and study. to thisday McCormick ign tsure what triguered the condition inhim, “[ think it’s usuallya combination of things," he RESOURCES says."Forme,glutenwasone major part. But! think DrKeith McCormick DC: huge partwas that I trained really hard when [ was ‘wwow.mecormicks.com inthe'76 Olympic Games. I'vebeen on seven world DrEugene Zampieron, ND: ‘www.crznaturaly.com championship teams. 'vedone five Ironmans. 'ddo_ ‘five hourbike rdeand wouldn'ttakeany nutrition ‘vith meatal “Lehinkitallcaught up with me. 1thought vas Gasser, indestructible Butthercaltyisthatlamalitlebit 2 ues 72953 vulnerable, Weallare” 3 mayochec a6 38-2 Oioncste 207; 25208 4 Epa 897,25 BS 7 * Trustpilot ae Rated Excellent: INNOVATION & EXCELLENCE 9.8 out of 10 A ‘cta | Member. | r = \ eT me N TT NT DO YOU KNOW WHY WATER SOLUBLE CBD IS DIFFERENT TO CBD OIL? a FASTER AND COST EFFECTIVE STRONGER EFFECT There is no wastage with Water (Our Water Soluble CBD gets into the | Soluble CBD. You know exactly how Boodstean cil) andefisety athe much youave ngestoe os the ll geste stom ond cn be putin oink mount oF CBD f soserbed though Gr dre into the mouth adore! theatomech Ged oles spaye rege youto hold it under the congue for 3 mutes! ak TASTES MUCH BETTER ™ ‘Whether you decide to put it directly BIOAVAILABILITY intoyourrmouth or ne dine tstes ur Weter Soluble CBD is completely beer than CHD lark our CBD fr absorbed through the gastric system, Coffee spray adds no taste to your notunder he tongue shete a iene Sides of the mouth and neuraied Wwrasnuag | ADDED cuRCUNN by the stomach or liver, never ‘BD: IMI! Both our Water Soluble spre och the bloods NER SCE TT PR sesnoveaSSed Casson ADD TO ANY DRINK AOD SPIE “het sommes a sion LE of our Water Soluble spray without We provide Water Soluble CBD Ss Curcumin to ensure it adds no ‘options for both het and cold drinks — additional flavour to your beverage. “The Canni Family’: CBD products are extremely high quality and Iwill be recommending them to many of my clients, who I feel would benefit from them.” Karen Willis Former Cheir of the Intemational College of Applied Kinesiology (UKI and registered Osteopath and Naturopath For a 25% discount: WDDTY25 Sa UTX ul Nand Things totake and do “Osteoporosis is more than a calcium deficiency,” says naturopath Eugene Zampieron. “And it'snot about what you eat. t's about what you absorb. Asfaras diet qoes, you find relly bad osteoporosis in vegetarians and really bad osteoporosis in meat eaters. There's rally no consensus as to what the best diets. t's based on the individual.” That said, here area few recommendations for preventing osteoporosis from occurring in the fist place Supplements Cnn [TIE cet tested to see how much you {7 “Suagesteddatydose:500-700ma/eay need, "Some of my patients take 7,000 mg r z day, andsome people take 1,000," says ‘Suggested dailydose:300-a00mg/day McCormick. "Test in March or April because 0 that’s at the end of winter. If you test at 50. =a {nanograms per milter, ng/mi] then take Sangesteddaiy os: 500 mg/day 1,000 mga day. you're at 20 [ng/mL], TEIN (inthe form of ka) then jack it upto 5,000 mq per day.” ‘suggested daly dose:50-30micrograms/day Herbs {INENIIE? an herb used in Chinese medicine that helps osteoblasts make new bone and downregulate the osteoclasts that destroy bone. Rehmannia may reduce blood glucose. Do not take if on diabetes medication. ‘Suggested daily dose: as atincture, use 4-12ml/day; driedherb, 10-30g/day (TREE a selective estrogen receptor modulator that has been shown to have good effects on the bone. Black “m= cohosh may not be safe for women who are pregnant, have had breast cancer or wno have endometriosis, Do not take if youare at risk for seizures, stroke, blood clots or have liver disease. Donot take ifyou are using birth contol pls, hormone replacement therapy, blood pressure medication or sedatives Suggested daily dose: 20-40 mgtabletsof extract twice/day. Not recommendedtatakeformorethansimonths HIE TESTI) a Chinese herbal remedy known as “mender of shattered bone,” is good for trauma to the bones and possibly osteoporosis. ‘Suggesteddaily dose:1mL/day Exercise Wak. Play tennis or pickleball. oo. If you ay oot, walk instead of using a cart and cary your ownbag, Take the stairs Strength training and resistance exercise are known tobe highly beneficial fr the preservation of boone and muscle mass. Use a rebounder. fyou arenot mobile, use a full body vibrating machine lke the ones NASA developed to maintain bone mass in astronauts. JU podya ~~! Get out of yourhead andintoyourbody toalleviatestress andanxiety, says — Charlotte Watts foyoufindyou ——_althoughemotionaltraumaused Embodimentexercises getsocaughtup —tobeaddressed purclyin the Thefallowingenercisesare imwhat'sgoing _realmsofthepsychological.its designed tobe playful physical oninyourhead —_nowrecognized tohave long- mindfal practicesto elpyou thatyouforgetto —_lastingelfectsonthebodyasveellas reconnect with your body thinkaboutyour —themind. Theyarefloor-based,soyoucan body?Lotsofusdo, __AsBesselvanderKolkwritesin bemorefluidiinyourmovement Butbeingawarcofyour _hisbook The Body KeepstheScore, (you don'inced tohold yourself body and thesensationsyout inthepresent moment—what ‘Weremembertraumalesswith up from theground) andeasily wordsand more withourfeelings _releaseanyhabitual tension that knownas“embodiment” or andbodies” hascreptinand become the norm ‘embodied awareness" —iscrucial fiomstresstraumaand postural formentalan physicalhealth. Mindful movement issues (suchas poorsitingot Manytherapiesthataddress —_Learningtobecomemore drivingposture,ortheway you themindandmentalhcathare _consciousofyourbodyandhow —_holdyourphone) now recognizing theneedto youteeinthehereandnow ean These movements may atseem bringembodiedawarenessinto _helptoalleviatestress,anxietyand ke youaredoing much, but they practicesanditsimportancein depression. Research suggeststhatmovedeeplyintorissuesandcreate achieving tuereaxation. ‘whenyouarelostintheanxiety _ameditativefacusinthebody Arecentstudyofeognitive of worryingthoughtsandcutolf This isespeciallyhepflforthose behavioraltherapy(CBI)—a —_fomyourinnerbodyesperience, with anxietyorthose who may eel vwidelyacceptedtalkingtherapy _youtemorelikelytoexperience "_“lockedin’ withstill meditation. foransiety panicattacks, mentald Fosteringembodiedawareness epression,catingdisordersand —-Afocusonthebreathisoften _inthiswayalsohelpswith other mental heath issues usedasananchorin mindfulness coordinationand whatisoften suggestedthatintegratingCBT —andembodiedpracticeshocause _referredtoas"grace”faperson with embodim ntpractice improveoutcomesforavarietyof the presentmomentand,formost and muscle memory—ie. they Dreathingisvery eal,holdsyou in cannotaccessth empotionaldisorders! people,isaneutral experience. arenotembodied—they may Centraltoembodiedawareness _Ausefulbreathingexerciseis -movemoreawkwardly. ftom. istheidca thatthe mind and igphragmaticbreathing.or"belly _thehigherbrain—thinkinginto bodyarenotdistinctentities but breathing" whereyoutocuson movement, ratherthan movingin integratedand interactive. Indeed, breathingintoyourbellyrather an integrated waywwiththe whole than higher upintothechest. bodyinvolved. Shallowerbreathingintothe chest tendstobeascociated with stressful ad statessuch asanxietyandean totensionin the upper body 1 sekvse 201,529 2 fetes 218 35.82 a Thyroid Health = f S : ‘= £ | >» Pee RES Tg ‘Thyroid Disorder Identify the steps needed to get you back to Cec ere seta arty Sone et Commies eis ae eu See eeu eae deficiencies, gut health, infections, anels) u taking thyroid ‘ation and still not great? —— we 7 BEYONDBALANCE DS Sun rr eRe et eS eect g ea ease i euretcont 9 EEL N el ieent ite, Exercises for embodiment @Liedowncomfortablywithyour @Placeonehandonyourbelly, legsbent,feetabouthip-widih _theotheronyourdiaphragm apartand head supported so atthelowerribs—where your thechintuckslightiyintothe ——_shouldersand wrists canbe allowanytensioninthejawand —_expresiinganynoisesthat creates throat. IFyoulretightinthelower (lly comfortable. Tuneintotbe necktosoften,andrelaxyour —_ senseofreleaseandemptyingout back placethefeetwider,turn -movementofyourbreathatyour upperbodydownthroughthe with theexhalation, inthetoesanddropthekneesin _bellystheriseon the nhale.fall —wholediaphragmarea. Allow @ Do thisbreathing exercise for towardeachother Findthefoot _ontheexhaleandanychangesin _ themovementofthebreath 5-10minuteswheneveryoucan, placementwhereyoudon'tneed breaththatthisarearenesscreates, intothefrent,sidesandbackof _orduringtimesofstresstoralease anyeflorttorestthere ‘Release yourlowerjawto thediaphragm,sighingoutor tension ‘¢Fromyourpositionontheflooryreach — particularbody areasand muscles, outeacharmoneatatimetoyawnand © Animalspandiculateallthroughout stretch,exploringthismotioo knovenas the day, which prepares them for normal apsndiculation—whereyoucontract sensingandmoving,readyingthebrain tissuesandthen consciously release and body foreflicient functioning, themtoresetthenervoussystem via the sensory motor cortexor"brain map” Thisisthe region that communicates to eMoaraedrehcherto side racingtiopposteane tQilinyervhcicbody tienen Sufi vopacboas" fom ~ ois lesoucventolwoiia tchi a oeceacere:Krrclimes| © celeckte celina JT Hipeccyoutlopeingepace aera end down fete sat Aihebcofhesal eee ‘Change thebreath pattern, so you that hasapandiculating affect. Tak idemorng cher oa ‘elend thelegsback up again, sith eet aswideapartasa yoga mat arms reachingabeve theshoulklers wherethehandscanfullydrop.Onan — inhalation letthekneesrolltooneske, headto the ther rollingoverthe sidesof the eet. <| ‘© Exalebackto center and follow this motion sidetoside,guidedby thenatueal pceof your breath and full eshalations.Uhisereatesa spin undulation, whereinhalingopens the chestasthe lungsfill,andche ‘emptyingof theexhaledecompressesback to thecenterline. ‘eatthecenterwalkthefeetbackhip-_ thearmsintheoppositeditection,away Wwidthapartandestendthearmsout _ fromthehead with palmsto theground atshoulderheight.Asyouinhale,atch _andeven further around. \\ thebacktoopenthechest(tilbone _@ Letthcheadmove upanddownas ASS. movingtoward theground).andas feels naturalandjust moveinasdeeply SP youeshalesletthebelyandchest__asfeclsappropriatefor eachbreath, top (tailbonerisesoithefloor). This movementisa strong*Fymphatic ‘*Addinthearmmovementstofollow pump” around thediaphragm,soit themotionoftheribsasyoubreathe.As gets fluids movingthereto support thewaistiiswiththeinhale,turnboth immunity. armsfromdeepintotheshouldersto _ @ Res fuly,comlortably, fora good. rolatethemtowardthehead,thumhs few mementsafierwardtoallow these + toward theground.Asthewaistmoves _effectstosettleand hecomeembedded tothe ground with theeshale,tuen intobody tissues. ourknees up to your chestand hug around the top of your chest. ‘Comingto this etal poselctsyourbody know thatyou aresafe,sothat your breathcan soften and soothe accordingly Lessroomatthechestalsobrings awarenessofthencedto breathe ntothediaphragmand belly ellaround andmassagewith thehandsinany way that fees good. Loe ‘© Lengthen out thelefleyand bend up the right.witharmsabout 45° outfiomtc hips. Onaninbalation, movetherightknecover themidline intoa wist keeping the inside 1) seetibetotonthegoe SF Eninlethekneshacktocentes foot filly on the ground. ‘® Follow this hythm on oneside, arching intothelowerbackuntilit feels organic toreach therightarmalongtheground from the shoulderasyou inhale into the ‘® Comeback tothefirstside with right foot onthe ground and interlink your hands behind your head, elbows ourto theside, Begin with thesametwisting movement Giohalingin,exhalingback) now with moreopennessthrough theside ribs, chest and armpits ‘@ Asyoutwist slide thearmsandribeaget0 therightwithoutlifting the eftarm,so you comeintoasidestretch,openingthewhole oftheleftsde ofthebody. As youexhalethe knee back tocenter sldethearmsand head backtothemiddle. ‘Back with yous feeton the ground, inhalewithonekneeout ‘otheside rolling fullyontothe ‘ter leg (sotheotherbuttock ‘ified whiletheotherleg stays tootedtotheground Exhale backtocenterandinhale while taking theotherlegout,sothe pelvis turns fullyas you moveside toside. Let thehead turnaves fromthelegcomingouttou sideand iftup throughtheheart asyoutinhaleand thelungs il #Letthelegenmingoutto the side fullylengthenand beginto moveitupand down alongthe floor, draggingratherthan ling soyou fel the resistanceupinto thehip Movingthelegfurther inoitsfullrangeof motion like ‘angel wings" with thelegs), you canturntheheadawayfrom the logasitmovesdownto thecenter ‘© Asbefore,holdthis position wheneverit feelsgood tofeel therhythm ofthe breath andalsonaticethe pandiculating effect of rwachingthrough thesidebodyinthis ay Letyourselffullyyawn andsighoutas eels ‘200d. Slowly movetotheotherside. [/ N Px ‘best Exhale back to fly relax. andduring ‘thereaching movements thatfollow:turn theheadtolookattherightland.Youcan holdand stayin this position whenever itfeelshelpfulto reatheand explorethe seosationsthere ‘© Moveto the other side.takingtimetostart with theorist soyouonlyaddinthe reach ‘whenyoulsavefived up themovementto do so, You may ind you want torush to theend, buttakeyourtime. outtotheside, andtoward thelegas itreaches ‘Feel freeto play with any other motion there thatfeels tight, through yourbody andinto sy yawningand stretching pandiculntionsthatit prompts ‘@Afierthe second sie,come back othe diaphragmatic breathingacthestarttofeelthe effectsof themovernentson bods: breathand mind, Walking, running, dancing and sport are things we take for granted when we're young. As we age, we become less flexible and aren't able to do these things as easily as when we were young. One of the reasons can be related to the fact that our body's collagen levels deplete Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It is in the skin, hair, nails, bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and connective tissue throughout the body. Collagen keeps our joints strong and healthy. At the age of 25 our collagen levels start to deplete. By the age of 40 our body's ability to produce collagen decreases by 25%, by age 60, it has decreased by over 50%, Healtharena have been the leading brand of Collagen Supplements in the UK since 2003. Flexicoll uses the most bioavailable hydrolysed collagen peptides on the market. Find out more about the reasons why collagen is so important for our health by visiting our website. Sy Healtharen 52 Healtharena Flexicoll™ Joint Supplement High Strenath Hydrolysed Collagen Drink Mix 30-day supply £28.95 PLUS f@xJ44 Full Spectrum CBD Oil 300mg worth £17.49 Use Ofer Code FEBDWD at checkout Offer expires 53" May 2020 SCAN ME appara Q To order visit www,healtharenaproducts.com or call (01670) 511066, or 07570 587540, Naturalhelp forhives Pyebeen suffering fromhivesfor neatly ayearnov. [take really strong antihistamines but they don'seem ‘tomake much differenes, an you recommend any natural remesies? Tavera FOLLOW AN ELIMINATION Dl Food allergies, sensitvitiesand intolerancesarea common cause of hives, especially in chronic cases. so work witha knowledgeable practitioner to figure out your potential triggersandl best det ‘plan_In one study,an exclusion dict avoiding preservatives, dyesand natural ymptom- provoking foodsand drinks, such astomatoes and wine led tocomplete remission inover 70 percent of chronic hivessulerers#!Some usual suspectsto watch out for include artificial food additives, salicylates (see bbox,below),alcohol, herbs shellfshand nuts hives So, ty avoiding salicylate chestnuts, zucchini (courgets) sources such 25 ‘Nuts: almonds, peanuts pistachios Fruit:avacado,banana, citrus gihersarticialcolosand fruit, grapes kisi papA}a, PERCH, fayorings aspirin, skincare Hives—a raised itchyskin rash thatcanappearanywhereon the body—alleets 15t020percentofthe populationatleast oncein their lifes. Inmost cases symptoms disappear ‘within 2¢hours,nevertoretur, But foraround athird of sufferers hives, or" urticaria asi’salso known,is persistent problem for months oreven years, Hivesisconsidered Salicylate sources: ‘according to functional ‘medicine doctor Sarah Mytill, salicylates—a group of chemicals chronicwhenattacksoccuratleast yup natuglipinnpany pineapple plum, tomato ‘orotherpesonaareters twicea week forsixweels! foods ad also synthetically tichoke, chico, containingsayicacd Theusual treatmentisoral produced—are akeycauseof cucumber, endive, spinach, water antihistamines orsteroids buts you know, thedrugsdon'talwayswork! and, especially n thecaseof steroids, theycan causeaload ofwell-known side-ctfocts Ultimately.the bestwayto treat chronichivesisto workoutiehat’s causing the candition,butthisean beextremelyhanttodo.Mosteases ofchronichivesare considered “idiopathic.”ie.havingnoknown cause? Butresearchsmounting toshow thata variety of ixable factors such as diet and nutritional deficiencies, may help to solve theppuzzleof thisdistressing skin condition. MIND YOUR MEDS Aswellasaspirn (see box, above), several medications can causehivesormake the problem worse, These include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs), “opioids, ACE inhibitorsscodeine, :morphineand oraleontraceptives! UPYOURIRON Sometwo-thirdsof patients with Se ny eee ats and restoringlevels onormaly’ supplementscanlead tocomplete — DI .S DOSEUPOND Lowlevelsof vitamin Dhave been linked to chronic hives Sand takinghigh-dose supplements ofthe ‘sunshine vitamin’ on top o standard medication Ideallysconsultwith an experienced functional medicine practitioner, who canhelp youwith thedetective workandorganize appropriatetesting. Buthere’sour guide othebestsolutionsforhives «an signifcantlyimprovesymptoms® Youcould starttaking vitamin Dsupplementsstraightaway, butthehestcourseofactionisto get your levelstested first. Home testingkitsareavailable via the Vitamin remission ofhives oratleasta dramatic Pree ee! Pena s een See ea Breer eerie eerie et nent essential mineral CHECK YOUR THYROID ADDRESS STRESS te ravens ‘optimize your thyroid function. See Pyychological stressisknown toplaya rolein numerousskin conditions, includinghivessoanythingyou cando toeasestressin your life could be beneficial for yourskin. In fact, rlaxation and hypnosis proved helpful for hivesinone studly2#Considerstres-reduction methodssuch as meditation, yoga, tai chior even just listening to relaxing music a go ees | et an ! NCTURE dosage:250-¢oOmathret suchas Lyonsleal Zine eer) and Calendul Cream scot ane fey rBalmonds Skin TRY ACUPU ‘Geentea® Salvation Balm, both ‘Suggesteddosage: choose ahigh-qualityextrac’ ' carefully formulated for ‘Thetraditional Chinese technique of acupuncture may incudingepigallocatechingatate(EcCC}and ¥ irrtate,itchyskinand | ghelpfulforhives!Tofinda qualfiedacupuncturist Yollowthelabelinstucions 1 available fro Posty wits, - aonee swwilovelulascom, GETHELPROMHEES tt | Herbalist Meylames ownerofeHerbalClnic eshhets iSeieosucaoca nei a deep ome el Usereughiyahand| SEES ore recommends the following for hives. ‘of nettle tops per mug of 0. 88ar/25.q Titoli pratense (red clover) 286-0 Fortopicaluse: boing water ‘Combine the cried hetbsin container 3 lnen/Dematl zo SEIEMIETICI TT Usethissoothing Awe inusefor's Use oneheapedtablespoanatherbsia. yee wag herbasalotion, ointment or cream. minutes ina teepot fone large mug of boing water Pe = 7 " era Drink regularly Infuse in ateapottor 15to 20 minutes, § Cintransiegy 2078; EIEISEEEE EI Useoneortwodrops roughed ured Se directly ontheskinforimmediaterclie.Butdonot @ tyaudisikethetaste, — & prinehalfamug (about 7lox/ 200 eee applyundiutedtobrokenorcenstiveskin.” saaaitteteshmnand Sljinecimesdayandrcanconcit Siersteant Forint se fonts ae omnes Nahe oops anantihistamineeffect, 8 Anema, helpingtorelieveallergies ee andinflammation,’ says %) 9: dept: James."Youcan pickyour 10 heeata. 20; ownnettlestomakeafesh Eanes tea (useglovestoavoid ‘ eee gettingstungand pick 5. ete 52623 fromarcasasfreefrom 1 ye s9 ne cera) ‘tala 5. rte-6 pollutantsas possible) oruse # 1 pee 200,55 ried herbs f you preter"See xn Tight forinsttutions Ss Septem Ceca Cee Cc) Reed are eaten errr ore Recents ered er ee el Inner calm and relaxation QUE 1-TO-1 TELEPHONE ITS with Buddhist monk Ven. Lama Shri Sadhu Dharmavira Practices and advice for finding inner peace and caln pa ee Simple down t0 earth daily exercises that can bring Some stillness and calm to your life ee ae es 2 of training as both a Zen and Tibetan Buddhist mouk, ‘and has been teaching relaxation and meditation techniques since 1969 These telephone consultations are for aaa Poe ee eet Sy a eR Between 10am and Spm, 7 days DN TE ate a eae please telephone: 01723 862 496 (calls taken between Bam - Gp, 7 days a week) Look after your immune system RRS TO BTN é 52>. FOLLOWANELIMINATION DIET a ‘The Feingold diet, which involveseliminatingall synthetic colors flavorsandd sweeteners, certain preservativesand salicylates (seepage 42), has provedefiectiveforADHD. nsomestudies” According tothe HyperactiveChilklcen’s Support Groupin the UK thisdietisagreatstartingpointfor any child with behavioral problemstofind outifwhat they eat ‘eaffdrinkiscontributingto symptoms Full detailsofthe det | €canbefoundatwwehacsg orgukand we:feingold ong. Ifthisdoesn thelp. you could trycuttingother potential problem foods from the det, such asmilk eggs, wheat.nuts, fishand soyé Ideally, work with anexperienced practitioner who can helpwith an individualized diet plan GETCHECKED FOR NUTRITIONALDEFICIENCIES bs lack of certain mineralsand otheressential nutrients—includingine, ion, magnesium 1 “andessentia ity acids —havebeen inked 1 WADHDEsoitsagoodieatogettsted Alternatives forADHD [Myeight-year-old sonhasboen diagnosed with ADHD. Trather avoid puttinghim on potent drugsipossible.Canyou suggest anyeifectiveaternativeswecouldtryé Seema The powerfulstimulant methylphenidate, better knownasRitalinisthestandard treatmentforatiention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).a Ibchavioral disorder thataffectssome 5 percentof children worldwide. But itcomes with questionablelong- term benefitsand alonglistofside-eflects, includinginsomnia, anorexia, iritabilty and supressed height.'Itsnowonderthat ‘many patentsseekalternative solutions, ‘Thegoodnewsisthatthere are several natural methods provingto ease ADHD symptoms—whichincludeinatiention, hyperactivity and impulsivity —especially ‘nutrtionalaapproaches. But bear in mind thatyou may havetodosome detective vwork,anditcould take several monthsto noticeany results ‘Here’sour guide to what works, Rranydiceomindatioctoewih | 9 Sa supplementsifaceded. Anexpeienced health Petitonercan help \ supplement plano follow, based on the results, ‘Checkout ourguideto the supplementsthat have workedin clinical trals,below. ‘ panne apropite y testsandrecommendan individusliz ay ~ OPT FOROMEGA-35 CONSIDER OTHER whonemgevsew SUPPLEMENTS RitalinforimprovingADHDsymptoms® ‘Hllnchildren whoselevelsarelow, Andlinarevewolloomegedtrkl,13,supPlementingwith on canbejustaseffetveas stimulantdrugs! ofthem reported benefitsonADHD Lee set a impulsivity,attention, visual learningand ‘(TT Takingzinc on top of regular ADHD. ‘workingmemory medication can improvesymptomscomparedto “Zinsino sw: 7inzino com)isone takingmedicationalone companyofferingnotjust high-quality Suggesteddosage:15ma/day ‘omega-Ssupplementsbutelsoahome _ [ETIEINTN Thisaminoacidsignificanttyreduced restingkittoworkoutexistingfatyacid __attentionproblemsandaggressivebchavirinboys levelsand, basedon the resuls,theright with ADHD productsanddosagestooptimizchealth. __Suagesteddosage:100mgper2.2pounds (tka ofbody ~ suggested dosage: generally supplements weiht/day,uptoamaximumofAg/ay “fotaininga9:3"ratioaicospentaencicacié PTT Supplements have proved helpful for (PN docesaherenoaed(DHO)andeamma —~apHpnchldien deficient in magnesiurn!) linolenicacd (GLA) havebeen effective clear ease onOvel/ HERNIATED DISC? )W BACK PAIN | SCIATICA | NECK PAIN C BULGE | FACE NDROME i you have an unresolved disc vrobiem or nerve pain, we are here to help you. Spinex Disc Clinic is a specialist provider of IDD Therapy and also offers Osteopathy and therapeutic massage. If pain is holding you back or your current treatment is not working, come and see what we can do for you, We offer a free 15 minute discussion or book DD Therapy is the computer-controlied spine treatment _@ Standard 45 minute new patient consult. which takes pressure off targeted spinal segments and gently *Open six days a week and evenings.* restores mobility as part of a complete programme of care. Patistivratinig: 49 ourior's stars Sp) mex |g ON MEZGY cat 0207100 4598 OR BOOK AT ORDERS. QUOTE WDDTY20 WHY CHOOSE US? + 100% PURE PRODUCTS ww + COMPETITIVE PRICES + WORLDWIDE DELIVERY \WTwN3 QUO £26.20. WTAKNBSUQUD- £1228, ‘smariugun-£17.28 awc30- £13.20 WearinD sgpatscakinabation Vien tai isscnnge + ABSOLUTE RELIABILITY Stathoetalpastpmites6icite Soe smneserdmoed out Upamiepdioebst pes, Inset palate’ eusy odfeetteetserbes Satomi the ado bsaalinnaehath toupee aslo gia ‘trom ile te lenaytsuntadim dep Reams Pape esnips hy onde Lani. id favaman. ssaedton tin Getta ews a ewespna algo Sn cede an Sate as NenseciddienisAs@, — Sigeek CSW ELISE YS Tec cnt Ces UEXOAy ) DETOXYOURHOME g cts commonlyfound inthe hhome,suchasphthalates andbisphenolA (BPA), rnisesthe rskof ADHD sobe mindful of wherethese substances mightbelurkingand what youcandoaboutthem. Leadcan befoundinoldpaint, drinking water, cosmetics, soil vintage furnitureand household dust, while BPA and phthalatesarecommonly used ‘to make plasticsand can find their wayinto food, Seeour"Healthy Home” guidesinthe March, Apriland june2019 issues or detailed information onhow toreduce exposureto these harmful contaminants. 1G SORT OUT SLEEPING P Mountingresearch suggests that sleep problems,such as snoringand sleep apnea—when breathingisreduced or even. stops for brief periods during sleep—could beacause of ADHD. Tnonestudy; 28 percent of children with abnormal breathing duringsleep also had ADHD, and oneyear after surgery torelieve arsleep problems, halfof the children no longer met thecriteri HD The take home? Investigatingand address could well haveabigimpact TRY NEUROFEEDBACK Also known.as EEG biofeedback, neurofeedback measures the electrical activity ofthe brain, and “feeds back” thatinformation to the individual sotheycan learn tocontrolit, Several studies show the therapy to beeffective for ADHD, especially for inattention and impulsivity!#andeven on parwith stimulant medications ‘Tofind aneurofeedback provider near you, visit the International Society for Neurofeedback, and Research suite, www jsnr org omens ed DOYOGA steam Yoga can havepositivecficcts on both children with, 5) corstarrwaaone ADHD ana theie parents, research shows, Sahaja yoga Do sfecaa beat radiation asafamily therapy edo improvements 1 ET ons in children’s ADHD behavior, self-esteem and | wae “ 5 aorhasehrs. 200% eon ip 207 207-2526 Pasaheuol2005 3820-6 Chin 200.65 Pojadndhaiaistsattaty ott 638 10 Mas 57 0-56 Joab achiy200; 5 35-€5 soe. 200, 1 Pais 2005.17 78078 1B Cantos, 200500 Woes caret 9, relationship quality. while parents reported feeling happieslessstressed and moreableto manage their child sbehavior!# This formof yognalsoappears toinerease gray matorin thebyain associated with ontroland compassion sustainedattention, Atay 207-26 31 1 cancel ylynae, 205 16 usm 2016 MOOT igaine isa complex condition for which sadly there surely no cure. IV Besse centration thay sufferers also zeport distuzbed v ion, sensitivity to light, sound and smells feeling sick andl vomiting, with these attacks lasting, anything between 4-72 hours! As you can social lives. ealth practitioners mainly focus on preventing altacks or treating the ‘symptoms using prescription drugs such 25 Triptans. However ded you know abot 30. 40% of migraine patients drt respond tothe firs ripian preseribed? For those who don’t respond atall, there are very few alternatives. This can be quite disheartening for sufferers, andl duc to the side effets ofthese prescription mediestions, mone snl mone Inigrainesaffeete ane naw searching for altemative, dag fre theraph Could supplements be the pain-free answer? Did you know there is clear published evidence showing Hat migraine patients frequently have reduced levels of, magnesium, riboflavin and eo-enzyme QUO? ragnesium is essential for normal [Physiological processes working in bolance with ealeium, whereby calm causes muscle contraction, and magnesium feces musee relaxation. The contraction fnd relaxation Balance does not jst relate to muscles, but also to blood vessels, where itis needed for bled pressure contol, and nerves, where itis needed for normal nerve Function, These ae all processes that are not working effectively in migraine sufferers. Many people inthe UK do not consume enough magnesium ard our let find lifestyle choias often rapid use up A lotof the available magnesium. To make ‘matters worse, calcium intake is often high, particularly wien there slot of dairy consumption, puting magnesium even more coat of balance. {A dowile-bind, plocebe-contolled shady [published in the Journal of Cephalalgia (1996) showed that patients had more than 50% reduction in migraine frequency after just 9 weeks of taking 600mg of magnesium ‘ally. They ako reported a reduction in the length of the migraines and pain intensity when they did have one Rion isin 2) plays an imputat olin energy proxtuction within the mitochondria, Scientists have been studying fits use with migraines 2s many suerer's Lack this mineral a deficiency of which has showin tostap the brain from producing energy elicienty Several studies have shown, favourable rests effeney and toler’ in using riboflavin for migceine prevention. (One small study found riboflavin t be superior to placcho fr migraine prophslaxis (prevention) in a sample of 83 adult migraineurs. A randomised, controlled trial .agine this has an enormous impact on our work, family and, published in the American Academy of neurology (1998) demonstrated that 200mg, of vitamin B2 significantly reduced migraine severity duration and! frequency after just lone month of supplementation, wth the full benefits being seem after 3 months. o-enzyme Q10 isa vitamin ike substance and is another nutrient found inlarge quantities in brain eels, where iis ised farenergy prediction and col £9 el) ‘omasunicaton. Ot natral production of corenzymve QI stats to decline after the Age of 30, which scientists argue could be & reason why migcaine in okder generations Is increasing, ‘Astudy published inthe Journal of Cephalalgia (2002) showed that supplementing with 150mg of co-enzyme Q10 provided 3 50f% reduction in the number of day’ of migeaines in 60 of patients wo supplemented with it after|ust 4 weeks of sapplementation, with full befits occurring after 5-12 weeks ‘These three key ingredients individually have shown great promise for migraine sufferers and experts recommend to take all thee together fora combined, synergistic effect. However, that's alot of capsules to take in one go and many patients end up choosing the wrong dosage! In adition, getting the optimal dosages incividul ‘Become quite expensive. Now imagine if they were all pul together in one convenient capsule at the optimal dose! Fortunately, capsules combining these thee key ingredients atthe cormect dosages used inthe independent studies are svailable, and are mich more affable! A Suitable combination capsule will povide magnesium (600mg), beflavin (400mg) and coenzyme QI0 (150mg), aswell as further vitamins, minerals and bioflavonois, delivers via 2 capsules twice a day for maximum absorption by the bad. A multi-centre, double blind, randomised find placebo-controlled study by Gaul et 1 on 130 patients published in the Journal of Headache and Pain (2015) showved a Significant etuetion in migraine days and in migeaine aura compared to placebo when tasing capsules combining the key ingredients at the right dosages Visit Nouveau Health to find out more information: wun nouveauhealth.couuk, Ni Nouveau Health I Innovations in Health Dr Andrew Dowson Surrey Headache Service: Ihave been a headache specialist for more than 20 years and currently have NHS clinics in East Kent and South London. I see private patients at the Surrey Headache Service in Guildford. Migraine affects about 139% ofthe UK population. On average sufferers have an attack ‘a month and at low frequency the mainstay of treatment is rescue medication, some find over the counter drugs suffient and others need prescription drugs. If the rote of attack rises the tse ofthe rescue drugs can become part of the problem as use more than 2 days a week tends to increase the chance of recurrence and lead to increasing numbers of attacks. Therefore at an attack a week or 2 days a week using migraine rescue preventative strategies are required. ‘There are a number of tablet prophylactic ‘drugs and for those resistant to tablets injectables and devices can be considered via specialist eles. ‘Many ak the question, is there anything | can do that does not require a prescription? Vitamin B2 400mg, Coenzyme Q10 150-300mg ‘and Magnesium 600mg all have randomised prerrmerer=ree] easier foryourliverto dots job. FH AS EARPEPE ES enjoy CULE at least 64 ounces a glass of my a8-Hour Toxin, (.9liters) of spring or filtered Takedown Juice, made with lemon or cayenne, lime water water each day, tohelpflush vegetables known to rid the uttoxins. This also helps your body of toxins. The juice recipe body absorb nutrients also calls for the addition of super green powder, a (PEACE inaction towater. Good choices incude supplement that contains ee fehetgeenTest spirulina, chlorela, wheatgrass dandelion, hibiscus, chamomile and other concentrated plant (best inthe evening because _SOUrCes of detoxifying nutrients. this herb promotes restful colle, sleep), mintand dandelion. _ caffeinated foods, regular tea, CELE T] sll, dairy products (with the TL with cayenne pepper exception of yogurt), alcohol, Assoonasyouget upinthe sweets, sweeteners (including morning. Squeezeonehaf _altifidal sweeteners), soft ofthe lemon into a cup of drinks, diet drinks, nondairy warm water, and sprinkle with coffee creamers and any cayenne pepper (for extra processed foods, detoxatying and metabolism boosting). you don't like Conscious Spaces" The science of wellbeing® 5G/WiFi/ EMF Protection Create a sanctuary from the harmful effects of EMFs with Qi-Technologies Certified EMF Protection Devices” Qi-Technologies users are reporting: ~ Feeling less affected by EMF radiation ~ Boosted energy and vitality ~ Deeper and more restorative sleep ~ Reduced feelings of stress ~ Balance of heart rate ~ Alleviation of fatigue Shop certified EMF protection devices at consciousspaces.com. Download your 5G, WiFi & EMF Protection E-Book now to find practical ways to protect yourself www.consciousspaces.com/5Gebook (+44) 01326727222 | + www,consciousspaces.com “ina doube-bind study undertaken by BION Insitute; the Qi Technolages cevce demonstrated» protective Influence agains wireless racaton. Inmany ways, the foe! plan swassimilartothe48-Hour Toxin ‘Takedown. Afierthe seven-day experimentalperiodended, alllaboratory measures showed improved detoxification capacity, and the partiipants reported that they feltbetter# Whattoeat onthedetox Fortwodys,youillreward yourbody ‘with wholesome foosand ridyour systemof wasteand toxins. The'Takedown focuseson somekey detoxification foods EET Few detoxithing clietswouk be complete ‘without artichokes, which tustedeliciouson salads, Artichoke leaveshave properties that stimulate theproductionofbile, which helps shuttle toxinsoutof theliverand, Ultimately. outofthebody: Arlichokesarealso packed with antioxidants including silymarin (knownto protecttheliver feomtoxins). a Youcan Substitute %cup ofblackheansfor animal proteinonthe ‘Takedown,aswllas putthemonsaleds Beansareatap source ‘ofuiber, wich scrubs yourdigestivetractsoit’s free “oftoxins.Theyalso providethe protein from which phase land phase 2 liver enzymesare manufactured, EEEBeetscontainan antioxidant called betanin, whichincreasesthe activity orphase 2detoxification cenzymes,accordingtoa2013 study publishedin the British Journal of Nirition, inwhiely researchers found that betanin protectstheliver—the body's main organ fordetoxfication—and helpsprewenteancer ‘of Medicinal Food found thatkimchi fights obesity.constipationand other digestiveproblems, abnormally high cholesterol levels immune disorders, poor skin and rain degeneration Asforsauerkraut,notonly doesit supplyprobioties but itismadesolely Theseinchude kale,broceoli, Brusselssprouts, cauliflowerand cabbage: Theyare excellent sources of phytochemicalsknowntoturnonour from cabbage. Cabbage contains detoxification enzymesand protect compounds known asglucosinoates, against cancer ‘hich tumonour detoification enzymesandhelptheliver according toanartilepublishedin the Journal of ‘Nation 208, alongithmany other stuisin the scentfeliterat BB Youtlenjoytwo fresh fruits daly {nd more fruitaspartofafreshly ‘made ice). Thefeuits Lrecommend for detoxification areanyofthecitrus fruits—suchas oranges lemonsand srapefruit—and berries, Citrus fruitscontain limonoids, which influencethe activtyof phase 2detoxilyingenzymes acconting toastudypublished in BMC Complemertary and Alternativ Medicine in 20108 Berries suchas blueberries, raspberries strawberries blackberries and cranberries,ate loaded with flavonoids natural phan. SEE is popularsalsaingredient hasadirect“chek (removal) eflectona numberof heavymeals including mercury andlead, bothof whicharehighlytoxictothe body and particularly hebrain [carlicand onions. Ee ‘eagiesona regula bass powerfully booststheactvityof phase 2detoxifcation enzymes, accordingtoa.2003 report publishedin Free Radical Biology and Medicine! Spinach, kale,collards lettuces and cther green lea vegetables are thought tobavesoveralbencticial properties such asantioxidantanticancer and nutrients thatincrease detoxification activity,accordingtoa Gesaeepornee __ 2016studypuilshedinthebiomedical eckinaononermes journal Peer Fruits (and veggies) Thereport mentionsthatoneof thekey detoxifyingeomponents inthese veggiesischlorophyll, which givesthesefoodstheir green color. Thispigment helps plantsabsorb light energy forusein photosynthesisand growth. and itis essential toalllifeon earth. DAE fermented toodsare included inthe planskimehiand sauerkraut, Kimchi traditional fermented Korean lish made of vegetables with avarity of casonings. Itisteemingwith probiotics. ‘The main ngredientsin kimchiare brassica vegetables. alongwithother detox foodsand spices.including gar gingerand ed pepper powder. 2014 reviewot kimchi published in the Journal arealsoagoodsource ofsolubleandinsoluble ibe? ~ \hich helpsushertoxinsout- oftheintestnal tract Fruits. ingeneralarcalsohighin aioe content, which aidsin detoxification (HEE These fvodsare"asorbent™ ‘carhohydates,mcaningthat theyrebsiliant for latching ‘ontoandclearingout toxic waste buiklupin the intestines The two grains ‘emphasize on thisplan arequinoaand steel cut oats Although technically notagrain itisreferredtoasa grain becauseitresembleserainsin appearance}, quinoa sactuallyaseed Thekernelscan eredblack, white or golden incolor.Itdoesnotcanain gluten, makingitatersficcarbifyou'e sensitive togluteninany way.anclit doesnotbelongtothe same plant family eBay Luxury food delivered to your door ‘The demands of modern life mean we're often stretched for time. To-do lists are endless but weekends are short. Our diaries burst with business meetings, charity work, friends and family commitments. Muddling along might providea short-term solution, but when endless responsibilities take over, your health and emotional wellbeing can suffer. Does meal planning, grocery shopping and cooking from scratch feel stressful? If the answer is ‘yes, The Pure Package can help They're here to offer solution to busy people who don't ‘want to compromise on health by providing a luxury, meal-delivery service with tailored programmes specially designed by Nutritionists, just for you. How does it work? You'll be offered an in-depth, personal consultation with one of The Pure Packages Nutritionists to discuss your dietary preferences. They'll consider your health goals, ‘medical conditions, occupation and exercise regime. The result? Delicious, freshly made meals, delivered directly to your door, to keep you going all day, every day. ‘Tried and tested Whether your goal is to target weight loss, training, gut health, pregnancy or specialist dictary needs, The Pure Package will jam pack your programme with wholegrain carbohydrates, lean protein, healthy fats and over ten different types of fruits and vegetables each day. By consistently following one of their programmes, customers have reported increased energy levels, mental clarity, improved skin condition and an overall feeling of wellbeing, What are the benefits? ‘The Pure Package prides itself on offering the gift of convenience with flexible, tailored packages which fit around your lifestyle. Every single meal is freshly PURE PACKAGE prepared by chefs to the highest standards using only quality ingredients. They cater to allergies, intolerances, and special diets, and portion sizes can be tweaked to ‘make sure every meal works for you. The original meal-delivery service The Pure Package has been delivering healthy, ethically sourced food to people living in London for over 16 years. Let The Pure Package take care of your nutrition, allowing ‘you to take care of everything else. As a reader of Get Well, we would like to offer you an exclusive benefit. Use code GetWelll to receive one day free with your first purchase. T&C's apply. Contact our client managers on 0207 720 3250 or email us atinfo@purepackage.com. Quote GetWellt to receive an exclusive extra day free with your purchase. Live outside of London? Balance Box is the sister company of The Pure Package, providing affordable, Nutritionist designed meals, Gelivered nationwide that are designed to boost energy levels, keep cravings at bay and support healthy weight loss. Choose from four offerings - Classic, Vegetarian, Pescatarian and Free-from boxes. To discuss which box would suit you, call our client ‘managers on 0207 720 8583 or email hello@balancebox.com. Quote GetWell20 to receive £20, off your first box. T&C's apply. 2. cups dandelion greens, kale ‘rspinach aicumber ae sleet before juicing Juice each ‘Finch (25-cm) piece of ginger yecetabie inthis order: greens, poet cucumber, parsley ginger, ‘green apple, core removed ape and lemon. tir before %lemon, peel removed eee Coconut Oil Dressing senest %tsp ground turmeric) Preptime:Sminutes Sea sat and ground pepper, to INcREDINTS taste 2 Thsp melted coconut oi DRECTIONS 2 Thsp lemon juice Place allthe ingredients in ‘dove garlic, peeled and ‘bow! and whisk vigorously minced ‘to combine, Serve with your ‘sp raw honey ‘favorite salad. +6tsp grated turmeric rot (or Quinoa Stir-fry senest ‘mecrons Preptime:1Omiutes @ Heat the olin a sauté pan er ‘over medium heat, aS, @ Addthe ginger and cook for ‘Tbsp coconut ol minute ‘tsp grated ginger root {@ Ade the carrot, pepper, bok ‘caret, sliced onthebias choy and scallion and cook for 4 red bell pepper, sliced 10S minutes ‘cup chopped bok choy (@ Add the tamari and 2 Thsp of ‘scallion, chopped filtered water and cook for2to 2Tbsplowsodiumtamari_ 3 minutes. ‘1aup (185 g) cooked quinoa © @ Add the quinoa to the sauté ‘Sea alt and ground pepper, to Panand mixto combine, taste ‘@ Season with salt and pepper andserve. Garlic Mashed Cauliflower senest ‘RECTONS Preptime:10minutes ‘@ bring a pot of waterto bol Cooktime:10mintes ‘ed the cauliflower and gatc INGREDIENTS love and cook or 8t010 minutes 2cups choppedcauliflower or uni tener. Drain thoroughly florets and place backin the pot. ‘cove garlic, peeled ‘@ Add the butterand mash ‘sp grassed butter with a potato masher untila Seasalt and pepper,totaste creamy purée has formed. 2 Thsp chopped chives ‘@ Season with stand pepper. Stirin the chives and serve warm, acne “Srtesseyatsretnar 4 Rewer Cacveeten ‘tone eaerbepty Aes rent trot vyapnchateecae tt Be spenoe24 05m fms 5 Ait, 200; rjonatene 20070595 7 bh 200 83 1 ets 2003 x 9 esi 201 79 10 iNeafer204,726-20 1M Bicanetneriten fei200-031 1 Keath, "eon Stones Beaches” souloe co Adaptedtrom Feeding YoutiesbyVaniHari(Hay House,2019) as wheal Itsan excellent souree ot B vitamins, potasiumand phytonutrients Stcelcutoats retain morenutrients than rolledoatsand other varieties. And they repackedwith detoxifying fiber. EEE Youhavethechoiceot ‘organic ree-rangechickonorwikd- caught salmon fordinner Vegetarians andveganscan opt forblackbeansor lentils. Allare high-quality, well-absorbed. proteins thatsupply keyamino acidstoelpbuild detoxification exzymesin thebody EET recommend coconut cilfordetoxitication, manly becauseit provides quick, carb-likefuel for Coconutoilisimadeup primarily ‘medium. chain riglycerides(MCTS), atypeofatthatismetabolied dilferalyfromother ft Itisless likely to bestored asfatandhasa thermogenic effec meaning hatitinereases fat burning. Jt alsohasantimicrobial propertiesandhelpsrestore guthealth IMINETT esidessupplyingessential fatsforwhole-bodyhealth, heavocado isasignificant source of glutathione, animportancdetontying substance in theliver. ED the Takedown includes J erass-or J) pescire rise | daiey yogurt sshich provides JF probiotic forgueathand intestinal detoiication. Because f itcontans protein, yoguraln CD) prmidesaminoacidsnecesry ? forcreatingphase 2 detoxifying Pumpkin seedspacka ;Punchintermsofprotein.healthy fats,arotenoidsand vitamin E Inseseach they vebeen found tohelpcontrolblood sugar A sghecancernoalize bloodpressureand proieetthehear Asourceof good fats, hase excelent for"spring cleaning’ the intestinaltractto liminate toxins Aneglected vitamin used@etades ago'to' reverse arthritis in hundfeds ofpatients' isfinally beingr@Vived byhew science. Celeste McGovern investigates epatient.whowe'l cal Alice, wasa 78-year-old woman who hadenjoyed sxcellenthealth untilsix months earlier ‘when heryoungersisterhada stroke. Rather than seeher sister cared forby strangersinahospital,she had decided tonurseherat home, which meant many tripsupand downthestairstohersister's bedroomon thesecond floor. Beingso busy, she found, herselfeatingalot of easy-to-preparecarbohytlrate foodsrather than her usual high-protein die. Aboutamonthintothistoutine, Alice first noticed painand sweliinginher joints andbegan taking8-10 aspirin abletsaday, which only ook the edge olf her discomfort. She hadalways beenableo goupand down, stairswithoutdificulty,butnow sheclimbecithe stars svippingthe banister with herleft handandpulling herselfupward step bysteporsometimescrawling, hhand-over-handand foot-over-foot.“likeananimal” Alice sisterwasimproving,ancl she wasbackon herlower-carbohytiratediet, yet shestilexperienced constant severe painin herneck, low back pain,and painful wellingof the knees, ankles, wrists,hands, clbowsand shoulder joints, Herhands, she sad, were alwaysnumb or tingling” They were swollen. and she couldnt makeafistiorthe doctor. She feltstiffevery morning forseveral hoursbefore theaspirin“tookhold.”and the stiffnessreturnedin the eveningwshenthe medication wasof no help.She was not sleeping well because ofthe pain, Thecolddamp weather madehercondition worse, shenoticed. Plus,she'dlost 16 pounds nthe past three monthsand feltshe wasbecoming progressively ‘weaker Shealmostalwaysfeltexhausted. ‘The doctor examining Alice noticed thather wrists andankleswere hottothe touch, “She seems dull ‘mentally;"heobserved in his detailed physicalexam, ‘hich included measurements ofthe rangeof motion in20jointsindicating severejoint dysfunction.” ‘Herposture wasforward-bent.Heroints ‘were swollenasin”classicrheumatoid arthritis Adaitionally, noted that herskin wasyellowish- brown, andherliver was slightly enlarged andtender ‘when palpated. Hertongue wasslightly swollen, as er hergums, Theremedy ‘Alice wasprescribed 150 mgofvitemin B3—in the form of niacinamide—tobe taken every three hours for sixdoses daily (900 mgiday) “Three weeks ateratlice’snext exam, much of her jointsvellinghadresolved,although she wasstill experiencingsomepainand stiffness. She had better bolance when shewalked,and shesat more rectly than onherfirst visit. Herjoints’rangeof motion hadalso improve measurably ‘Neary three months after starting he vitamin, the range of motioninherjointshad improved again, though her ankles were still swollen. The sedimentation rate index ofherblood—ameasure of inflammation— ‘had decreased from 1.80mm/min to 1.00mm/min and shewastaking only one aspirin aday forherpain. Inher doctor'swords,"Sheseemedtobemorealert mentally and more vigorous physical” Alice continued toimproveatsubsequentcheck-ups, andalitleoverayearaftershe started takingvitaminB3, shehad nosignsof joint painorswellingand wasfinally able towalk upstairs normally again. Entirely fee from, ‘oneand joint pain, Alicehad nottakenany aspirin or about 8 months, Her sedimentation rateindexhad improved to £0.56mm/min, The muscle strength in her hand (grip sirength, measuredin poundspersquare inch) had improved fromaninitial measurementof20t050inher righthand, and from 120 46in herlefthand—putting herback into the normal range for women her age.She had no evidence ofliverenlargementorswellingof the liveron palpation. “Inaddition totheobjectiveimprovementinall ofherjointsandin her generalhealth,therewasa striking decreaseinherapparentage’ observed. “With considerable satisfaction, she reported arenewedinterestinbeing with people,and imentertaining guests benoted. "She looked younger Alittle over ayear aftershe started taking vitamin B3, Alice had no signs ofjoint pain orswelling and was finallyabletowalk upstairs again ‘than when firstseen,appearingtobe closer to60 than HO yearsof age.” Alice’ caseisoneofhundredsrecountedin William, Kanfiman’s1949 paper: “The Common Form of foint Dysfunction” which describes, ometimesin exhaustive detal,his experience usingniacinamide,aformof vitaminB3,to treat arthritis Kaufimanwasan American medical doctorand physiology researcher who tookaspecial interest inmyitamin therapy inthe 1940sand 50s. Bis preoccupation with somethingassimpleas vitamin B3 totreataconditionasdisablingasarthritismay seers simplistic to modern doctors, but rom the perspective ofhisera, it akesperfect sense Forgottenplague Kaufman had grownup during the now-forgotten plague of deadly pellagra—considered the greatest epidemic of mtritionaldeficiency in American history. Pellagra wasatrightening newdlscaseat the time, which affected twiceasmany women asmen. Thecondition wasdiagnosed by the fourDs*:1) ddermatiisascalyrash thatoftenappearedlike acollar onthe victim’sneck andextremities,2) demestia, involving frightening mentalandemotional outbursts her doctor Why CBD Skincare Is The Next Big Thing What is CBD? You've probably heard the buzz in wellness circles about CBD - also known as cannabidiol. It's been used as a healing her for thousands of years and its natural properties are just being rediscovered. CBD ‘comes from the cannabis plant, but unlike the THC part of the plant CBD has no intoxicating qualities, This means that CBD contains all the calming properties of the plant, in a fully legal formulation. Wellness gurus use it to calm racing minds, anxieties and soothe chronic pain £34 for goml ‘This lightweight yet rich moisturiser cont -ains an extra high dose p= ‘250mg CAD optimis ed for maximum res -ulls. 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Made in small batches, every pot is vegan, cruelty free, natural and made: in Britain, Why not try the natural superpowers of CBD today? £10 off your first order with GETWELLMAAH Shop at ‘www.maahskin.com andierationality,3) darrheaand ‘other gastrointestinal complaints SirFrederick Hopkins were awarded the Nobel Prize for and finally) death, > Physiology or Medicine for their Other symptoms observed discoveries inkingberberi disease later in X-ray'studies) included toadeficencyinvitamin BL also extensive osteoporosis, mineral kkncxemasthiamine. Briberis depletion and tooth decay in more another condition with ifiase thanhalfofthepaticntsstudied as symptoms,fromswellingofthe vwellasaswollen tongue. Iamost imlpstoarailureandconfusion, ses, dental decay wasassociated that wasdramaticallyeuredby with"severegingival retraction, TheB3-arthrtisconnection: —_infusionofasinglew sepsis exposureofcementum,and Wiliam Kaufman, MD, PhD Kauriman wondered ifmany of looseningotteeth:™ DrKaulman was an earlypioneer _thesymptoms he sain patients Pelagraexpanded so rapidly inthe use of high-dose vitamin inhispractice werejustmikler therapy torreat disease His once: versionsot similardeficiencies— forgotten discoven that vitamin perhapsthey were metabolic somesortofinfectiousepidemic. 83, inthe form of riacinamide, disondersin people who for genetic Between 1906 anal 940, mote canrevesesinsofeneo and orotherreawnsrequte a than3millmAmericanshadthe AN gegst grow guatte recto -moreorte vitamins for optimal disease andatleast 10000 of neu researchhas confirmed and fubctioning them died By 1926, De Joseph Goldberger, assigned to study pellagra bythe USSurgeon General, ‘demonstrated that thedisease wastinked toa grain- based diet deprived of meat, fish,eggsand milk. Old ‘waysof preparinggrain had been abandoned for new processing.and thishad stripped thegrainsof nutrients, causingthe deficiency disease to suddenly mater Byintroducingfresh meatsmilkandevenbrewer'syeast into the det, Goldbergerdemonstrated that thedlsease could be reversed and prevented. Dramaticcure In1937, Conrad Ehehjem,abiochemistry profesor atthe University of Wisconsin- Madison, discovered that the vitamin niacin (also called vitamin B3) cured black tongueindog—the canine equivalentof ‘human pellagra. The nextyear, doctors fom Spies. Marion Blankenhorn and Clark Cooper werenamed TIME magazine's’ Men of the Year” forthe research establishing that niacinalso cured pellagrain humans. Thwasthesameyear that Kaufman graduated from the University of Michigan Medical Schoolatteralso completinghis doctorate in physiology. Kaufman ‘waswitnesstoone ofthe mostdramaticpublic health initiatives history over themext few years,as the dread pellagra was nearly wiped off the US map. After 1942, when niacin wasaded to flourand average consumption rose from I1 mgto 17 mgdai thedisease wasconsidered pretty much eradicated, and ithas since become forgotten medical history. Itwasfeesh in Kaufman's mind however. during time when doctorsconsidered nutritional deficiency asacauseof diseaseand vitamin therapy was awanl- \winningand mainstream, not pushed! tothe feingeas dangerousquackery ‘Besides thespectacularreversilofthepellagra epidemic with vitamin B3 not 10yearseartier Dutch physician Christiaan Ejkmanand English biochemist extended his ndings Hebegan usingniacinamide inlarge dosesto treathisprivate patientsin 1941, before compulsoryenrichment of refined cereal products with vitaminsandiron began in the USin 1943, Ina 1943 monograph, hestatedthatwhen niacinamide wasaciministered orally to 30patients with obviousarthritisin divided dosesamountingt0400 0 1,018 mgperday.ithad a numberof benefits including, increased joint mobility and decreased stifiness, swelling, deformityand! pain. Hewasnotaloneinheginning to experiment with vitaminsasmedicine,asother doctors were reporting similar suecessusingniacinto treat patients witha varietyof conditions In Canada, psychiatrist Abram Hoffer suspected ‘common cause of the dementia that occurtedin pellagraand thecasesof schizophrenia hewasseeing. Hereported that 80 percentof schizophrenic patients hetreated with high-dose vitamin B3intheformof niacin showed marked improvement®™ Internist William Parsonsandothersatthe Mayo following Hfoferssuggesti beginningin 1955showing that niacin significantly improved thelipia profilesof cardiac patients,lowering “pad” LDL cholesteroland serum triglycerides while raising” good HDL cholestero#Niacin—known as the"Iushing’formot vitamin B3ductoitsside-eflect ‘fred, warmand sometimesitcty skin (see box page |—wenton tobe widely used for decadesas the only cholesterol loweringremedyavailable. In 1959, Hofiertriedto shine lighton Kautman's work publishinghisowmexperience wit sixpatients whoa seen remarkable jointimprovennent while taking vitamin BS (either niacin/nicotinicacid or nincinamvide)® ‘Onecasewasa 68-year-old woman whe had experienced prolonged stress dueto the severeand lingeringillnessof her husband. 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Shestarted taking 1,000 mg of niacin per day in ttwodivided doses, and afteraboutthreemonthsshe experiencedamarked improvement both mentally and physically, Herarm pain vanished, along with the distortion inher wristsand nodeson her fingers (though she reported that the nods had swelled slightly rstbefore disappearingonebyone)."Herhandsbecame normally mobile” Hollerobserved Healso noted that her skin looked more youthful, “For the remainderof the yearand overthe nexttwo years.she continuedto be subjected to severe stressand Ht “Thiscontinued for beneficial rhythmicsequence fouryears interspersed with Butin2003,somethinghappened that brokethe patter. “Iasdrivingon myown andhadexactlythesametype of migraine Thadthe isttime, says Tony." Butthis time lost my temper I started rantingand raging—yelingexpletivesin the car. ‘Remarkably, the migraine quickly /—something that had neverhappenedt before. Usually,amigraineattackfor Tony woul besodebilitatinghe couldn't do anything oratleastacouple of hours. le vwasamazed that on thisoccasion, hewas abletocontinueasnormalandevento carry ‘onwith hisstudiesthateveningatOxford ‘where he wasa maturestudent. Tiialanderror Intrigued, Tony decide to try“ranting and raging” the nexttimehestartedto foela migraine comingon."Itwasamuch more civilized form of rantingand raging.” says Tony"Butagain,it seemed tostop the ‘migraine initstracks.” nasalbreathing."thisfrequencyisnearto thatofthe OM sound, also knovwnas'the soundof reation.” says Tony. tsalso equivalenttothesoundofthe mother’sbodyvshen the baby isinthe womb Ls comfortingand reassuring.” Tony found that he wasableto succesfully use this method in theearly slagesofa migraine to preventiteleveoy intoafull-blownattack. Promisingresults Impressed with hisfindings, Tony, who ‘wasawarded British Empire Medal thisyearfrservcestohealth charities, happened to mention themto john Sti Emeritus Professor af Physiology at Oxford University.whom ehad worked with some yearsago when Steinset upthe Dyslexia Research’ Trust. "He tolemethe method was plausible, said Fony,“anelthat should find outifitworksforotherpeople: Tony ook thisonboard and, withthe The migraine metho The method s designed to be used as. amigraine “intervention” —that is, a method tostop an attack when ‘ne strikes rather than to prevent migraines in the ist place. t's said towork best when used in the early stages ofa migraine, known as the "prodromal phase,” when sufferers experience waring signs such as inrtabity, excessive yawning, food cravings and sensitivities to light oF sound. Consult with your doctor if youare taking any medication or have underlying health conditions. How to hum Hum with your upper andl lower jaw held lightly together (not clenched), teeth touching, The ‘hum should come from the back of the throat and be 140 Hz. You can use a pitchpipe set to low C sharp toget the right sound frequency. Tryto hum with a regular rhythm throughout the exercise Theexercise @ Hum for 10 seconds © Take a deep breath in through the nose © Onthe exhale, hum again for 10 seconds © Repeat this until you have done 10 hums, taking deep breaths in through the nose after each hum © Rest for 2 minutes © Repeat the sequence of 10-second hums 10 times, followed by a 2-minute rest ‘@ Repeat the sequence one more time (so you've done three sets of 10-second hums, 0 times each set, with a 2-minute rest in between} © Restfor 10 minutes © Theentire exercise should take about 10 minutes, followed by TO minutes rest at the end UBIQUINOL putting your health first ur heart is undoubtedly the most important However, they also cause our Q10 content to decrease, which ‘organ in our bod, and therefore itis increases the risk ofa Ubiquinol deficiency (and therefore Important that we take. good care of it, also of heart failure). Research shows that a statin treatment certainly as we get older One of the ways fo can cause the Ubiquinol content in our body to decrease by keep your heart in good condition is by ensuring that as much as 25 to 50%. Older people who take cholesterol you take in enough nutients that are crucial for the Jowering medication are therefore certainly a isk of proper functioning af your heart. deficiency Jn example of such an important substances Ubiquinol [iE Ua ae aT rear {also known asthe active form of Q10), a substance Tel sei Raver Wa en ral that is naturally present in our body and plays a central role in the eneray management of our ces ~ and Do you want to keep your heart healthy and reduce the risk therefore also of our heart. _ ee 7 ‘of heart failure? Then, possibly after consultation with your doctor, you can take a nutritional supplement with Ubiquino. Beton rere ct a ur body’ cells need energy to function properly. (One ofthe things our body depends on is Ubiquinol, 2 substance that occurs naturally in all our cells This apples all the more to our heart muscle. Research has shown that the muscle tissue around our heart requires much higher concentrations of Q10 than cells in other tissues. However, the problem is that our body produces less and less Ubiquinol as we get older, which can cause an energy deficit in our heart muscle, As a Do you suspect that yo result, our heart cannot contract withthe usual force, are suffering rom a resulting in shortness of breath, chest pain and heart Ubiguinol deficiency failure. ‘or do you have heart i {allure in the family or do you take statins? Then consider | Morecver, not only does a higher age cause our taking Ubiquinol. This way you can boost your Ubiquinol level | Ubiquinal content to fll Other factors aso play arole. inno time. Your heart will not only be grateful ta you, you will For example, certain medicines can have a negative also fee! alot more energetic effect on our natural Ubiquinal production. This mainly concerns statins, These are medicines that are often prescribed to tackle high cholestero, There are many different types of Q10 supplements forsale, but it is recommended that: you look for supplements that contain Ubiquinol from the Japanese manufacturer ee Eek eet eek n ere en etd eupplement is of good quality, something that unfortunately is not always the Kaneka ery Creme ka neka i ubiquinol.com SPONSORED CONTENT. hcp ofthird-year undergradutesat Oxford University, ser abouttesting whetherhis humming technique helped with other people's migraines. Atbough itwasa'taformal clinical ‘wil, lony managedtoamasssome impressive anecdlotalevidenceshowingthat the technique ‘worked for othersin the sume wayitworked forhim,“Morethan 200 people aveteicd the humming technique, claims Tony,“andmostof them founditbenefical.” Indeed, Tonycan talkatlengthaboutmany oftheindividualshecaimstohavebelped, includingayocaloach (see box, below)andan “obstetrician, ‘Thereis.of course, the potential for the placebo effecttoplayarole—whena person's brelieFinatreatmentis responsible fran effet ratherthan the treatment itself But Tonys een oinvestigatehismethod furthes,and, ‘encouragedby Professor Sten, slookingto conduct controlled clinicaltrialin Indialater this year (see yew oxfordmigrainelabs com forupdates) Sill themethodisnatural, non-invasive, simple todoand completely free,so'Tony belivesthatifyou'reamigrainesufierer you shouldgiveitatry.Andalthough the method is designed aan intervention whena migraine hits, Tonyclaimstohavebeen migraine-freefor several yearsnowthankstohistechnique. Joanna Sound science Tony Bateson’shumming hypothesis sounded plausibleto Professor John Stein, an olectrophysiologist who has extensively stutled deep brain stimulation. “look at ostilationsin the brain and how they correspond to pain,” says Professor Stein, "t's possible to get rid of pain by taking control ofthese oscilations, for example, in the case of phantom limb pain. The hypothesis | had was that ifyou could use an acoustic signal to produce an oscillation with frequency opposite to that causing the migraine, in principle, you might be able to get id oft. ve always encouraged Tony to do a clinical trial to try to find out.” Stein points out that there isa lt of evidence showing acoustic frequencies can have effects on the brain, for example OM chanting! anc mantra meditation?” "The {question is, what that effects and how you Can adaptit for coneitions lke migraine,” he says. 1 sl 5a 208 SPST eRR DTT S 2 scope 20712027 Managing raine naturally Migraine, the third most common disease in the world and the seventh most aisabling.'can cause not just severe headaches, but ao nausea, vomiting, ‘abdominal pain and increased sensitivity to light and sound. While prescription drugs triggers andy cating lke methysergide, ng sumatriptan and them from your diet one tate coenzyme Gi) ible tot ae ean (Gea Taxina this vith a long list of side- effects, from dizziness Figure out food} TELE Certain foods ‘and drinks have been linked to migraines, especially cheese, chocolate, red wine and beer. Keep a food lary to pinpoint potential vitaminelike antioxidant may cut the number of ‘supplementing with the mineral can reduce the frequency of attacks! and drowsiness to chest raines you getin painandhigh blood hall Astandaidaed pressure. Here aresome nt ot rid tects naturatontons ettingenough ofthe can significantly reduce mineral slinkedto migraine frequeney.* igrzine, anc vi usnee ES, : Sepeaanes pare eames 1, Jayl’s story Vocal coach and music producer Jayl De Lara, 57, leamed Tony's humming method siyears ago to deal wth hs migraines, which he'd suffered from formany years. “When an attack came on, I'd feel sick, shaky, hot and cold and have a sense of euphoria that’s hard to explain,” says Jayl. “I'd often hate tole down ira darkened oom and would be wiped out fortwo to ‘three days. It was nasty.” Being singing teacher, Tony's method made “perfect sense” to Jayl. “ve worked with people with : ray T= “ante, 1982: 865 9; NUT This naturally. eae occuring ano ea cd was ast 4 Gaugeon noe, eee seflecveas methysergide in cone studys® autism, depression, multiple sclerosis ‘and chronic fatigue, and t know that singing and humming can be a powerful therapy,” he says. “it makes youtee! good,” Jayl quickly picked up Tony's humming technique, easily finding thelow Csharp note, and found that byusing it he was able to fend off his ‘migraines in the early stages af an attack He stil uses it today and has even taught itto others. “The only times it doesn't stop anattackis when | don’t do t early ‘enough, says Jyl.“'m sure people will say is mumbo jumbo. 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