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evolution ‘The Molecular Connection 1. Find the human, rhesus monkey, kangaroo, snapping turtle, bullftog, and tuna on the "Amino Acid Sequences in Cytochrome-C Proteins from 20 Different Species" chart provided and under- line their names. ¢ (2, 2. Compare the human amino acid sequence with each of these five animals by counting the number of times an amino acid in that animal's eytochrome ¢ sat fom the amino acid in that ‘same position of the human sequence. For example, the'number of differences between human and dog Write that information below: Number of amino acid differences between human and + Rhesus monkey= 3. The cladogramn diagram below shows the relationship of selected animals based on their shared anatomical features. For example, out of seven key traits, all of these animals have a dorsal nerve cord, but only humans, monkeys and kangaroos have mammary glands. CLADOGRAM BULL SNAPPING eiesus \aWeReY, TUNA FROG “TURTLE. KANGAROO MONKEY. HUMAN ae ‘ets ea ‘WGK, Raucationat Foundation and Clear Blue Sky Productions, In. All rights reserved. 60 evolution Record the total aumber of amino acid differences between humans and each animal shown below. Write your answer in the hexagon below the artow pointing to the name of that animal, CLADOGRAM BULL. SNAPPING RHESUS LWPREY TUNA FROG TURTLE KANGAROO MONKEY HUMAN 4, Does the data from the amino acid sequence generally agree with the anaiomical data that was used to make the cladogram? The data generally agrees. Por instance, Rhesus Monkcy® and homan rae one” aru acid difference and share © traits ‘out anly Nave onelrwo fairly minor duferences in structure 5. Do organisms with fewer shared anatomical traits also have more amino acid differences? Organusms with fewer shared gnatnucal traits also Nave mse amune acid difterenes. One example is Me duference bebween tyne and human, thee organisms Wave 2) asnino acid differences and only share paired appendeges and a Spina column 6. Based on the molecular data, how does the "human-monkey" relationship compare to the elduck: chicken" relationship (hich shows three amino acid differences)? » 7 polin ducle i The moleutar data indicater hat homans and monkeys are more Closely clad with oly 4 amine gud differen and ducks and deen ore ese doscly related wth 3 ayvune ocd differences 7. If the molecular data, the structural similarities, and the fossil record all support the same pattern of relationships, can we be fairly confident that the pattern is accurate? Why or why not? z (©2001 WORK Ecos Foundation and Clea Be Sky Produtos, Ts Al als eserves, 61 (ere “6 ‘Leet ‘Arozeyit wang 9 eoustos ‘meary ‘soTWERS mors poseePe) “25, sone oa on an osm menor fim ot ween AE TR FEN Oe ‘auesexiex AnzB zo ong 34671 HF eToqAs ant MAX POPAMNALOTIATLENSTAOSHL BAMA roc BUXPOPTEKA LOGI AXAANMTATORWB ISH tee at Sux fodauxscogisugcxgiisercpmgx pyeutaertaevepgzapopamxxiog AxxERDos@RTESe agprreviqavesdixsJofsiuacoarayxexszisezacgoa Uvgutawra OxxFOPAT NCO TIAABENTTASSTSC OOH EvparavitcpesprxxroperuxcogiinaessTi@eaecpan BegatcerzepespuxxToPet NN LOT AXRENGTAEMTLCTON Ev QucnervavusPuxxTOPSINXGOSIAXAGNTTAEMTLBEON EXQUTACITOVUSEMUNTOPSINVLOSIAXVENSTAMTLCSON ENG TRercaveSSXNXTORSINNIOSIAXXANGTTAENTSCTOA EvGxaavriaqagguxe 1D ysTuAGOaTABAANSTASHTLTSON SIMNLOTIAS roparMyLoarxx EREVAdTAVETGCHE PERSE OPSINATOGTANAESETLEMT EMM BMLVRTITAVITCW SESSA TOPE INAGOTTANXERETRENTZBTON agaa ToParwxroerx Vea tim ZIOGRLISFETTOGRLISFELTOCRLISHETTOGRLSSHELTOGSLISHEZIO os TUCYE RENEE OAGT RS EOS TIENEN ERostussrectesecssvertocsussrecioseessr ces <—amNPV oF oc or SEIDEES INGMEAEIC 02 ROSS SNIGLOWE D-SMOMEOOGAD NI SHONENOAS CIOW ONTNE 63 Decoding Neanderthals Movie Sheet! Name__K cass: Watch the NOVA special ‘Decoding Neanderthals” and fill in the blanks to the questions below. Pre-reading the questions will help answer as well as stay focused during the video. 1] When did Neanderthals’ begin to disappear?_40,00 © Years agp wh hrorno Sapien appeared in Corope 2] What is the expected life span of a Neanderthal? Do wears dd. 3] How long had the Neanderthals survived in and around Europe? __250,000_uypau'S 4] What are 3 features of a Neanderthal skull that makes it easy to identify? broad skull double arched prow ridge. jaw pulled forewawd check bores swept lack 5] In Neanderthal technology, what is a CORE? 3 Gi ak int that can be reshaypened and is ovgonontic. 6] What is interesting about the “pitch” used by Neanderthals? #f it wos We (rsh sunthehe material _ It represented tu frst ndustvial process used by humans 7) What is “dry Distillation”?_A. ch cals from nadwal mateniass using Neat put not liquid, 8] What is the name of the human fundamental language gene?__ Fox P2. 9] What dd scientists find out about Neanderthal Speech/Language gene?_ NeandevWruls Wave he Sone exact Gunes Home Sapier's modern Numans 10] What percent of Neanderthal DNA isin the modern day human genome? Ae ie 11] Why are the panther paws important at the Southern Spain Cave burial site? Ma + ANT hee, a AYoply oak was ued ox a foneval oiiuag 12] What do scientists think cause the extinction of the Neanderthals? _iodor 0 ae absorbed Msiy DNA and bred hem ovt of existance 3] what are LAs? Homan Leykouse Ait quis.

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